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Stan Morpet better known as number 13, player for the Detroit Mustangs, a minor league gridiron player. But in recent years Stan Morpet had got too old to play grid iron and had turned his life to the movie industry where he produced low budget b-grade splatter flicks at a LA based studio called Acme Productions. Stan Morpet was the kind of guy who had gone through life with a gift for the gab, and was highly popular at School with the ladies. This popularity had continued while he played for the Detroit Mustang’s. The only problem was that two season’s into playing for the Detroit Mustang’s Stan had a run in with the law in a very twisted episode involving sex with an underage girl, Stan Morpet to this day still knows in his mind and his heart that he would of been the number one draft pick for the NFL that year if he had not been arrested. Following his arrest something inside of him had died and he was not able to play gridiron like he used to be able too. He had spent the next 3 years in a drunken twig light zone moving from city to city, from coast to coast until he had landed the job at Acme Productions.

Acme Productions would turn out maybe 10 movies a year, all of which in turn where produced my Stan Morpet under the alias Sandra Petmor. In all the magazine’s that would do interviews with the pictures there where photo’s of a fictitious lady that none of the media had ever met, this was the face of Sandra Petmor. This left Stan free to go and play golf and spend his time thinking about all the what ifs and onlys that existed in his life.

He was 49 and he was going to be 50 in less than a week, he had no kids, no wife, and hadn’t been in a long-term relationship in so many years. He was also getting to a point where he could barely recall the last time that he had had sex. While on the set of movies he would often come across very sexy young actress’s who where wanting to make it big in Hollywood. But all the ones that he ended up with on his set had normally all ready gone through your basic casting couch scenario. What makes this story worse is that Stan Morpet’s family had died some years before, his only memory of his family was being left with erzurum escort his fathers yacht “SunDowner”, which Stan had made is home down on the wharf in.

At least he had a new movie starting production the next day called “Twisted Sister”, all though he had not yet read the screenplay for it. However he had been assured by his boss at Acme that “Twisted Sister” would more than immortalize Sandra Pretor’s name in the movie industry, it would be a ground breaking project to work on full of many new ideas.

That night Stan Morpet had done what he done every night since moving to LA from Detroit, he had headed down to get dinner before heading off to Murphey’s for a couple of Buds. Murphey’s was Stan’s home away from home, it was quiet enough but noisy enough just to let Stan fade away into the background while had some quiet beers. There was also a big screen TV at Murphey’s so that he could always enjoy a spot of watching an NFL game if it happened to come on. The best thing about Murphey’s was even though Stan Morpet was a regular no one seemed to ask him what his life story was or get nosey and ask to many questions. Stan Morpet was just another guy at Murphey’s who had come down to get away from all the troubles in the world by getting a quiet beer.

As Stan looked at the froth in his beer glass his mind wandered off to a wonderful land thinking about the what if’s and the maybe’s of being given a second chance to dazzle on the grid iron field. Stan was soon snapped back to reality when someone started up a conversation with him, a traveling salesman had sat down beside Stan and was now trying to speak to him. Stan was amazed, who did this guy think he was, with his top hat, black gasses, black leather shoes that where obviously made of the finest Italian leather all though this man’s accent hinted at a Bavarian heritage. For some reason though this man had enough golden words to actually bring Stan out of his shell long enough for Stan to actually buy him a beer. The man in return gave Stan his card and said if he ever wanted any more information to get in touch with him. Stan had no idea what the man was on about and esat escort put the card into his pocket, before he put the card in his pocket and headed home.

The next day on the set of “Twisted Sister” everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Only half the actors who where meant to be there showed up, there was also a massive power cut that wiped out any possibility of shooting that morning and also to top that off Stan himself was yet to set his eyes on the screenplay. Stan decided to cut his losses that day and leave early, hoping that tomorrow would bring him a very better fortune indeed.

Back on board the “SunDowner” Stan found the card that the man had given him the night before. It simply was a shiny red card on the front with bold white letters across it forming the word “YUTOPIA!”.

Stan had never heard of YUTOPIA! And thought that it sounded like a brothel of some description. Maybe that’s what he needed though was to go out and pay for some sex, after all it had been a long time since Stan had last had sex. Remembering what the man had actually said the night before about ringing for more information Stan flicked the card over simply to find just what he wanted, the phone number to ring. There was no more info written on the back of the card which was striking Stan that maybe this company was more illicit than he had previously anticipated upon.

555-1892 was quickly punched into the keypad on Stan’s phone and to the happy voices in his head it was a real number and it was in fact ringing just the way it was meant to ring. The Bavarian man answered the phone and explained to Stan that if he required any further information then he would have to make an appointment that would cost $500 an hour. Stan thought this sounded like a high price to pay for sex, but thought with a high price to pay probably meant that he would also be getting high quality in return. So he booked the first available appointment, then got off the phone to get ready to go and have the sex of his lifetime.

When Stan arrived for his appointment at Yutopia! With the Bavarian man he found a room that looked allot like the room a Psychiatrist esenler escort might use. The Bavarian man required the $500 up front and Stan paid. But at this stage Stan was perplexed, he didn’t know if in fact the man was a Psychiatrist or if Yutopia! was a brothel or had he just paid this man $500 for sex with him. The words that came out of the Bavarian’s mouthed where of the same golden style from the night before. Stan was informed that Yutopia! provided a body swap service for people who may want to escape there boring realities for something a little more unique. Stan didn’t believe the man at all, and asked for his money back. But the Bavarian man didn’t give Stan a refund at all, instead he somehow managed to calm Stan down to the point where he was sitting in the body swap machine waiting for his experience to begin.

Stan was swapped into a new body, the body of a Britney Spears look a like who also was a cheerleader for the LA RAIDERS. Dressed in knee high black PVC boots, with black fishnets, up too the black cheerleading leotard that all the LA Raider cheerleaders are wearing this season, with her one white pompom and her one black pompon Stan found himself once again on the filed of a grid iron game. For the next hour Stan enjoyed cheering all the boys on in there game against the San Francisco 49ers. It was a very good game of gridiron with the LA Raiders finally winning, at the moment they won though Stan’s time had expired and he found himself sitting in the office of Yutopia! where the Bavarian man had a huge smile on his face indeed.

The Bavarian man was kind enough to explain a couple more things to Stan about the Yutopia! body swap experience free of charge. That he could lease the body for more than an hour if he chose too, although in return of course people would be using his body, there for there might be things that people do in his own body that might alter or change his own life when he returns to his body. The other catch was that Stan would always be changed into Breanna the girl that looks like Britney Spears and is a cheerleader for the LA Raiders. Normally at Yutopia! you can change in to whoever you want, but for some reason in Stan’s case his soul was in capable of making the transition to any other life forms on the planet. But Stan didn’t really mind having to be Breanna at all, in fact he liked it so much that he booked a double appointment for the same time the following day.

The End

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