It sounded too good to be true, but Jake was so enthusiastic.
“It’s the most fantastic simulation. Totally real. You can touch, feel, everything! And beta testing, so it didn’t cost me a bean!”
It sounded like everything I wanted, which was to be a woman. I had been crossdressing and essentially playing at being a woman at home for years, but had hesitated at making the final transformation. It was expensive and irreversible, and according to some of the media, there were long term medical problems. Moreover the skeleton would be the same, and I was big guy, so would not be the woman I dreamed of being. For now I had my cock and balls and male hormones.
Like a lot of men, I often went as a woman in the VR simulators with dildonics, but this was something new.
“Your body just lies there, with a drip and a catheter. They stop you thrashing about, like they do in operations, but instead of just being unconscious, they stimulate your brain from the outside. Transcranial, it’s called. There’s a really big quantum computer doing the processing, so it’s not fixed scenes. You can look and walk around, and have actual conversations.”
“They got data from real women having sex and orgasms, then stimulated their brains until they said it was real. It can’t be any better!”
“Honestly, I was a woman for a week. A beautiful woman, and I had sex with lots of men! It was fucking fantastic – and I mean literally fantastic fucking. It was actually more interesting because the guys varied. Some were good but when there was someone with a small cock who didn’t last long, you started to feel it was more convincing. By the end it was as real as it could be.”
“And actually, it’s great when you’re not having sex. The other simulators just give you that, but there you have whole days as a woman 24/7. You wake up with a woman’s body, you walk around, watch TV, eat, have sex, and go to bed still as a woman. I think I’d still go for a week even without the sex!”
“I’ll be honest with you. It’s beta testing and very secret. You have to be recommended, so they only get the right people and get good reviews, before the main launch.”
“Obviously they need someone who really wants it. I mean, look at you. Six foot two – even with surgery you’re never going to be a five-foot four woman. And believe me, the dildonics are nothing compared to direct brain stimulation! You’ll really feel like you have a cunt, and proper orgasms. And when not having sex, just look at yourself in the mirror!”
“Of course, there’s the medical side. You have to be physically OK; you know…”
I did know about that. There had been cases of people dying during hyper-realistic combat games, so the advanced simulators demanded full access to medical data. I supposed that dying of multiple orgasms was possible – but what a way to go!
And Jake had more than survived! He was ecstatic, and looking forward to another go when it was released. With a fifty percent discount for life!
I went for the interview.
The company explained that because of the hyperreal nature of the simulation, there were only a limited number of body options and locations, though they were planning to do more. Everything happened in real time, including sleep, which was needed for data processing and dealing with my bodily functions including some movement of my limbs to maintain circulation. Obviously it would not be cheap, but a bit less than a week in the really swankiest hotels. Half price for me, for life!
There were a pile of legal forms and indemnities, in case I went mad or died while my body was under their care.
I was to be a high-class prostitute in a hotel. There had been a lot of homework in advance about how to behave, and some hypnolearning.
“The better you learn how to behave, the more real the sex will seem,” said the friendly agent who had begun my preparation. “However, a lot of what you will be doing will be just being feminine with a man in a way that pleases him. You are an escort, remember, not a whore.”
It was a discreet section in a private hospital. My body would effectively be looked after as they would a coma patient, with intravenous feeding and regular movement. In addition, full facilities and staff were available should something happen. I went without food for 24 hours before and had an enema.
The effects would come from a combination of 3-D images, sounds into my ears, stimulation of some nerves on my body, transcranial stimulation of my brain, and hormones passed into my bloodstream. The gloves were an advanced form of some well-known ones. There were some electrode pads on my nipples and chest, an object in my anus and something around my penis. They explained that the transcranial stimulation would make the stimulation of my genitals feel as if it was internal.
A limitation was smell and taste, which was not yet practical, if I was to retain the use of my mouth for speaking and eating. I could eat food but have to imagine innovia escort the taste! Wine would not taste, but I would get the effects in my bloodstream so was warned to be careful.
I was in a situation like an operating theatre, with all the tubes and wires attached to my body, and my head in a large helmet, while technicians fussed with all the connections. I had to do various things while they checked my brain response, moving fingers, arms, legs, tongue and my head a little, speaking, singing, closing my eyes and counting, thinking of different things as instructed. It took a very long time, but I did not mind. I would have been excited if it were not for the sedatives, but I was still looking forward with great anticipation. The female hormones alone were already making me feel good.
They fussed around for a while. Finally, I was told to start counting backwards.
I woke up naked in a bed in what was obviously a five-star hotel. It looked very real.
Hesitatingly, I felt myself.
Wow! Real breasts! I could feel them with my hands and feel my hands on them! Gradually moving down: no cock but a real pussy!
Climbing out of bed, my body felt different, nicer. And in the mirror, I saw a blonde with an hourglass figure! I ran my hands over my body again. Perfect breasts with perfect nipples! A narrow waist, broad hips and round ass, exactly as promised. It was delicious! Would I ever be satisfied with dressing up again?
On the other hand, perhaps it would not be as great as I thought. Maybe I would get bored. What a wonderful chance to try it out for a week! At least once in my life!
I went to the wardrobe and found various dresses, skirts and tops, all very elegant, and I was sure were a perfect fit. To be honest, I could not really feel the texture properly, but then that was a minor issue, and I supposed quite demanding in computation. But generally, I could feel weight and pressure very well.
There was a knock on the door and a voice saying “It’s the maid.”
I pulled on the dressing gown which was lying over the chair, and called for her to come in, being thrilled by my lovely voice.
In came a plain woman in a uniform.
“Welcome to your first day,” she said, “My name is Cynthia, but please remember I have limited functionality, so cannot engage in complex conversation. I am here to ensure you can present yourself and introduce you to clients. I would like to recommend this underwear with the dress on the left of the wardrobe.”
She produced a pretty lace bra and panties from a drawer. I could feel the support it gave to my breasts and felt the lace on my body (not perfect texture, but no complaints). Then a garter belt and stockings, as part of my role. So sexy!
I was already practised in female clothing, so it was no trouble. It was a delight how well it all fitted and how it showed my perfect figure!
The maid gave me some shoes and I walked around. I was familiar with high heels at home, but this was a little different, because of my new pelvis. Full marks for the simulators! Just walking around with the different balance of my body was a pleasure in itself. I looked at myself in the mirror – very sexy, I thought!
“If you are ready, I will fetch your first gentleman caller,” said the maid, and left the room.
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and a male voice asked to come in.
I arranged myself what I thought was seductively on the bed, and invited him in. It was Martin, the agent who had prepared me.
“Hello Francine,” he said. “You’re a lovely looking woman, don’t you think?”
He called me Francine, not Frank! I looked at him and at myself in the mirror. It was so real!
“That’s right,” he said. “I am not an AI bot, I am in your world in real time to finish the training. We are going to have lunch together and then sex, and I will help you, then you will do the rest of the week without me. Now remember your homework. You have to be a pleasant companion and ultimately a seductive sexual partner. How you enjoy this week depends on how you can get into the part. I get the feeling that you are going to love it!”
He escorted me to the dining room. I was shorter than him (unlike when I was Frank), and held onto his arm. I had rarely had the experience of looking up to someone, now it would be common! As instructed, I asked about him, and was interested and impressed by everything, and amused by his wit. The meal was tasteless, but it did not matter. In any case, I would only eat an elegant amount, so it was perhaps a good thing, though I of course said how delicious it was.
I was really pleased that he only made one or two corrections or suggestions.
“Your flirting is very good,” he said. “Nice combination of elegance and subtle sex. Very high class.”
I felt great!
In the hotel room he went for a piss. I knew I would not need one – who needs the realism of ipsala escort a simulated dump? But this, being realistic, is what a man would do. Meanwhile, I took off my dress and hung it up, and stood ready in my underwear.
“Very good!” he said. “You’re a natural. I think you’re going to really enjoy this week!”
I helped him undress while we kissed and caressed. (Lips good, tongue texture a bit vague, but OK.)
Then I did a slow striptease, starting with the stockings and last of all my panties, thrusting my pussy forward.
“Nice,” he said. “Sometimes do it from the top, with stockings and heels on, of course.”
I held and kissed his cock for a while.
“Missionary would be best for the first trial of the vagina,” he said. So I lay back and opened myself invitingly.
“Excellent!” came the response.
I could feel my pussy getting wet, which was superb. Not something I had anticipated but really good.
As he slowly entered me, I could feel every inch, and the pleasant weight of his body.
“Is that good for you?” he asked. “Or do we need some adjustment?”
“Perfect!” I answered happily as he started to thrust.
I had a real cunt being really fucked! I knew it was just signals to my brain, and some hormones in my bloodstream, but just gave myself up to it. Not like a dildo in my ass. I had two holes now, and this was the real thing, more pleasurable than I hoped.
“Oh my god this is so good!” I said.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, pumping away.
I was completely a woman at last!
Finally, he was grunting and thrusting really hard and I could feel my own excitement rising. Then I could feel him pulsing and waves of high pleasure were going through me. No male orgasm had ever been like this!
I was making some sounds, and holding him so hard.
In a while, he kissed me and pulled out.
“I gather the orgasm works OK,” he said with a smile. “Nice response, by the way. Show you enjoy it so the man knows it. Remember you are supposed to be here to please him, and act that way. It just happens that you enjoy your job!”
“I think you are suitably calibrated, so have a good week. You don’t need condoms, of course, but to be realistic some men might want to use them for anal. They are in the bedside drawer. We are rather proud of our sphincter simulation. It will be your first time unless you get a repeat gentleman, which might happen – we keep you guessing. So it will be a little difficult to start, and you must apply lube, which is also in the drawer.”
“Once I am gone, remember you are a lady so have to wipe and get fresh underwear for your next client.”
“There’s one more thing I have to try out, and that is your pain sensation. Excuse me.”
He slapped me across the face.
“Ow, that hurt!”
“Good, it seems about right. It would be no good if you couldn’t feel pain. In the real world you sometimes get hurt accidentally, so if you bang into the furniture it will feel like it would.”
I thanked him, and lay back luxuriously for a while. Was I really going to have a week like this?
Yes I did!
My first ‘client’ was going to have afternoon tea, so the maid told me, and gave me a smart suit with a skirt at mid-thigh. He was a fairly pleasant man named Charles in his forties, who was used to hiring an escort. He told me he was on business, but always liked to have some pleasure with it, and I had been highly recommended. It was wonderful how he treated me like a lady as we ate together and relaxed afterwards.
“Just cross your legs would you, to show them off,” he said, and I complied. It was so much easier with this woman’s body to have one knee on top and my lovely legs together.
“Great!” he said. “Every man in the room is envying me!”
I must have smiled in satisfaction.
“And I can see you know it,” he added cheerfully.
He was also a gentleman in the bedroom. This was not just a woman being fucked, this was how it felt to be a lady. Kissing my nipples was both touching and exciting, something that I had never had before. His utter appreciation of my body meant that I appreciated it as well. To be a beautiful woman was wonderful. To be a beautiful woman so treated by a man was exquisite beyond words.
He didn’t fuck me – he made love to me, and when we came together, I couldn’t have been happier. It was not just a role when I thanked him, I was genuinely grateful, even though I knew it was unreal. It was more than sex. The whole thing was a better experience than I could possibly have imagined.
When he had gone, I cleaned myself up and repaired my makeup, then looked out of the window to the rainy street. I knew this was a live feed rather than simulated. Real in its dreariness.
There was an old-fashioned TV where I could stream a few female friendly channels but not get internet, so I didn’t get distracted with the real world and start thinking like Frank. I watched it iskenderun escort until the maid came to get me ready. She told me to shower wearing a cap, and do my makeup. She combed my hair, which felt quite real, but in a limited way, like the texture of clothes. She sprayed me with something, presumably expensive perfume, so I imagined it.
In the evening, it was as Jake had mentioned. A man who was less than a gentleman, but wanted to show me off in the dining room, then order me about in the bedroom. I sucked his small cock, and then he fucked me brutally for a short time, calling me a bitch and whore. He looked surprised at my orgasm, but then pleased as I told him how wonderful he was to make me come.
It would not have been so enjoyable had it been real, but it was strangely satisfying as part of the experience of being a woman, and a desirable one.
At night I cleaned my teeth and took off my makeup. Then put on a baby doll nightdress and admired myself before lying down. The clock showed 11.59 when I went unconscious.
And woke up the next day in full makeup at 10 a.m., thinking I had had a wonderful dream. Then finding I was still in it, and it was almost real!
Three more gentlemen enjoyed my company including my first ass fuck as a woman. As he pushed in, it hurt enough for me to say “Ow!” and for him to say “Sorry!” but then I relaxed and enjoyed it as my virtual man seemed to do. And it was great to receive his praise and thanks afterwards. I said I hoped to see him again, of course.
I had to tell someone, so I told the maid. It was true, she had limited functionality, but I described the things I had done and how I felt and she said things like “very good, madam.” She told me when to shower and what to wear, but was otherwise not good company. Sometimes there would be no man for one of the sessions, as would happen in real life, so I watched TV or walked around the hotel. Once or twice I detected what I thought was a glitch as I moved from one room to another.
I wondered how far the simulation stretched, so was going out of the door when I was politely stopped by the doorman, who said that “Service staff are expected to remain within the confines of the hotel”! It was obvious, really. Just simulate enough to look out of the door.
I tried fingering my pussy. It was a bit pleasant, but that wasn’t the point of the simulation, and I knew I could never come unless a man did. Fortunately, that was often enough.
Big men, small men. Big cocks, small cocks. Polite men, sneering men. All well-dressed of course, and rich enough to afford me. I sucked off a couple, but they mainly wanted to fuck me. Three of them were able to fuck me twice in the time allotted.
I was naked or fully dressed. Most often in underwear or a see-through nightdress. A couple of times the maid told me to wear no panties, and to keep my stockings and shoes on.
The sex was only part of the pleasure. My beautiful clothes on my beautiful body. I just loved parading around or sitting in the coffee lounge with what seemed like appreciative or envious looks. I think the disapproving ones were a brilliant addition. Some people would obviously know or guess my profession.
I was sorry at the end of the week when I went to bed just before midnight. I had tried staying up but it did not matter where I was, at midnight I went unconscious and woke up in bed next day. So it was better to snuggle down and replay the day in my head. A day as a woman in every way!
I woke up naked in a bed in what was obviously a five-star hotel. It looked very real.
Hesitatingly, I felt myself.
Wow! Real breasts! I could feel them with my hands and feel my hands on them! Gradually moving down, no cock but a real pussy!
Climbing out of bed, my body felt different, nicer. And in the mirror, I saw a blonde with an hourglass figure! I ran my hands over my body again. Perfect breasts with perfect nipples! A narrow waist, broad hips and round ass, exactly as promised. It was delicious! And oddly familiar. As if I had been here before. Déjà vu.
It was what I had been meant to be. The woman I really was! That was why it seemed so right. A beautiful sexual being, to excite and satisfy men! It was going to be great.
I went to the wardrobe and found various dresses, skirts and tops, all very elegant, and I was sure were a perfect fit. To be honest, I could not really feel the texture properly, but then that was a minor issue, and I supposed quite demanding in computation. But generally, I could feel weight and pressure very well.
There was a knock on the door and a voice saying “It’s the maid.”
I pulled on the dressing gown which was lying over the chair, and called for her to come in, being thrilled by my lovely voice.
In came a plain woman in a uniform.
“Welcome to your first day,” she said, “My name is Cynthia, but please remember I have limited functionality, so cannot engage in complex conversation. I am here to ensure you can present yourself and introduce you to clients. I would like to recommend this underwear with the dress on the left.”
It really felt as if I had been through this before. I vaguely remembered fucking lots of men. Could the simulation give memories?
“I’ve done this before,” I said.
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