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Tribal Hunt Pt.02


Chapter 5: The Only Fertile Man

Anarungu woke up at dawn feeling more refreshed than ever. Despite facing hardships and fatigue, the past few days had been the best of his life. He avenged his father’s death, killed a lynx, became the new Chief, and, most importantly, had an incredible night with his new wife—his own mother.

The first rays of dawn illuminated his wounded arm. Gnelsey cut him to safeguard her womb from her own son’s seed.

The cut was carefully treated with a healing ointment. It seemed the wound was treated while he slept.

Upon waking up, Anarungu could hear singing and water splashing outside.

He got out of bed, threw on his feather cloak, and left the hut. His mother was playing in the water, murmuring to herself. Her hands moved through the water as if cradling a newborn baby in a bundle. Anarungu approached, catching the familiar tune of a lullaby that Gnelsey had sung to him as a child. When she noticed him coming closer, she fell silent.

“You were such a beautiful little baby when I gave birth to you. A little birdy. But your father thought you were weak. He believed I cheated on him and gave birth to a weak Blood Bird child. Can you believe it?” She smiled, wiping away tears and washing them away with water. “But I didn’t care. I was the happiest woman in the village because I finally became a mother and had the most beautiful son in the whole world. My Anarungu, my small birdy.”

He moved closer, and she lowered the newborn into the river once again. Submerged in the water, she extended her arms to the sides, watching the make-believe infant disappear.

“And now, my lovely child, the light of my life, has dared to… can’t even say it… dared to enter my sacred womb,” she ran a wet hand between her legs and touched her pubic hair. “You dare to take on the role of my husband and make a baby with me, your old Mother. How dare you, Anarungu?”

“Fate made the decision for us, Mama. We have to accept the new rules.”

“No! I won’t accept it! Never! There’s a curse of infertility hanging over our tribe. Now that the son-chief is married to his own mother, I see it as a sign. Our tribe is in danger of dying out. Maybe it truly is fate. I hope you enjoyed yesterday because it was the last time we will ever do that.”

He wanted to tell her about the berries, about the curse of Naragasa, and the fact that all the men of the tribe were now unable to have children. All but him.

She had to let him fuck her and put a baby inside her.

But maybe it was even better if she didn’t know.

He should let her continue to think that the curse has consumed the entire tribe. When the time is right – she’ll get a pleasant surprise.

“You cut me yesterday,” he said.

“It’s a small price to pay for our salvation. One day, when you come to your senses and realize what a mistake you’re making towards your poor old mother – you’ll thank me. “She turned around, pointing her chest towards the water and continuing to hum old songs, dipping back in time. “Now, please leave me. It’s still hard to look at you and to hear your voice after what we did yesterday. My heart aches, it’s hard to breathe.”

In the evening, the bodies of all who were killed in the hunt were brought to the ceremonial brazier. The first to find the bodies of Peacock and Scar was Tatar’Atu (An was not surprised). Tat spent a long time soothing and comforting Scar’s mother while Scar’s father, too old to participate in the hunt, watched silently and probably enviously.

After the Elder’s speech, the bodies were gathered together and set on fire. Anarungu watched as the fire devoured the bodies of his two lifelong friends.

“Goodbye Peacock. Goodbye Scar.”

He tilted his head, saying farewell to his friends. It was hard to think he would never see them again.

Meanwhile, Tat silently consoled Scar’s mother, standing opposite. She cried into his manly shoulder while Tat himself gently stroked her back and short black hair.

“Perhaps you would have been happier if I had died in the Great Tribal Hunt?” Anarungu ran his hand over his mother’s back. The evening had turned cold and she was wearing a light cloak.

“Don’t say that. It would have broken my heart and I would have died of grief,” she ran her hand over his shoulder, touching the scar. “But I’m not entirely happy with you being chief either.” She sighed and added softly. “My nestling.”

He smiled. She finally sounded like his mother again. There was something incredibly exhilarating about being the only fertile male in the village, and the future mother of your children could be your own Mother.

“Can I kiss you, Mama?” he asked tenderly.

She loved the way he said the word “Mama.” Just as she had yesterday when he’d furiously tried to fill her with his seed. Gnelsey never got rid of the thought that maybe her son had actually been sent to her by the spirits on her pleas to restore fertility to the tribe.

No, that would be too wrong.

“Yes, you yıldırım escort can, sweetie,” she said quietly, warmed by his words.

He slowly leaned down and kissed her soft lips, which were sweeter than any berries or fruit, tastier than anything. At that moment he was ready to sacrifice the whole world for her.

“I love you, Mama,” he said when their lips were finally parted.

She smiled, engulfing his saliva, but did not reciprocate. Gnelsey lowered her eyes, yesterday’s horrible mistake flashed before her eyes again.

Someone patted him on the shoulder. It was Tat.

“May I see you for a moment, Chief?”

Anarungu stepped away from his mother and approached him. His friend looked nervous.

“I never thanked you for letting me win the Great Hunt, Tat,” said Anarungu, but Tatar’Atu didn’t seem to listen.

“Whatever. There’s something I have to tell you. I saw one of Blue Lynx’s men on the night of the Great Hunt. He’s been prowling our lands, searching for prey. Didn’t they have an agreement with your father not to enter our territory? It’s a problem, Anarungu. If they start invading our lands…”

“They must have learned about my father’s death.” An adjusted his chieftain’s crown. “He warned me this might happen one day. Blue Lynx can’t be trusted. It’s a tribe of snakes and horrible slaughters.”

“You have to deal with it as the new Chief. I know it’s hard, but you have to make some sort of decision. We trust you, An.”

He bowed and returned to the roaster, hugging Scar’s mother again.

“Right. It’s much easier when someone else has to make the decision for you.” Anarungu returned to Gnelsey.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, looking into his worried face.

“Nothing. It’s just the smell of burning bodies. I hate it.”

“I thought you would have gotten used to it by now.”

“Apparently not.” He put his arm around her shoulders, smelling her hair. He didn’t care about anything, didn’t care about any danger as long as his beloved wife and mother was by his side.

There was something romantic about this evening despite the fact that right in front of them the bodies of his dead friends were being burned.

“Let’s go back to the hut, honey. It’s time for bed.” She took him by the hand and led along. The other villagers parted, bidding farewell to their chieftain.

Finally, the two of them were alone in the chief’s shack. Gnelsey showed him her knife.

“Tonight, we will spend the night as mother and son and just get a good night’s sleep,” said Anarungu.

“That’s what I wanted to hear. But I’ll still keep my knife with me, if you don’t mind. I’ll keep it with me even if you do.” Gnelsey smiled, getting ready for bed.

He admired her gorgeous body as his mother removed her cloak. Her black dreadlock curls cascaded over her strong, tan back, revealing the traces of a long and fulfilling life—burns, signs of aging, small cuts, and other marks. Her hips were gracefully shaped, leading to a well-defined and firm ass. Those were flawless hips, with the potential of bringing many children into the world, but, oddly, she had only given birth to him.

Even after all these years, she remained the best woman in the tribe, the true wife of the chief.

They went to sleep side by side, and Anarungu gently placed his hand on her stomach. “I wish I could put my child in this belly. Why does the idea of knocking up my Mother make me so crazy?”

“Don’t you dare do anything stupid, nestling. Don’t make mother bird angry,” she whispered.

“I just want to feel the warmth of your body, mother.” He ran his hand over her skin, feeling her warmth. “You never wanted more children?”

“Childbirth is too painful. Men, you will never understand it. Giving birth to you was terribly painful, Anarungu. I didn’t want any more children after that horrible night when you were born, and before the curse descended on our tribe. And then it was too late. Honestly, I was glad I didn’t have to go through labor anymore. I was grateful to have just you, my baby.”

“I’m sorry that my coming into the world has brought you so much pain, Mama,” he kissed her cheek.

She barely held back a chuckle, grinning through all her teeth. “Don’t be silly, it’s not your fault. Childbirth is a woman’s plight. Our sacred mother’s womb produces offspring into this world. “She made a deep sigh. “And you dared to enter my sacred mother’s womb yesterday. You entered the hole that gave birth to you. It’s just…repugnant.”

“You invited me inside, don’t you remember? I couldn’t say no.”

“You could! And you had to say no! You had a choice, but I didn’t. Did you really want to take your father’s place when you watched us make love?”

He nodded.

“I always told him not to do it while you were around, but he was blinded by his love for me. I knew it would affect you badly. Children shouldn’t have to see their parents doing it.”

“You were never as loud with him as you were with me yesterday.”

Gnelsey yıldızeli escort fell silent, looking up at the ceiling of the hut.

“Seems like you have nothing to say, Mama. Don’t listen to what your mind tells you, listen to what your body tells you. And I know your body liked what we did yesterday.” He slowly lowered his hand, fumbling for the warm maternal birth hole beneath her belt.

“NO! It only matters what my mind tells me, Anarungu.” As she spoke he rose and knelt between Gnelsey’s legs. “And my mind tells me that you are my son and we can’t…uugghhh,” she squeaked when his tongue touched her labia. “What are you doing?”

“I want to show my love for the tender mother’s hole that gave birth to me even through pain and suffering.” He tenderly kissed her pussy again; he used his tongue, driving it along her sweet pink cheeks. His lips were kissing and licking it, savoring the taste of her sweet pussy. “Mmmm… I love the taste of you, Mama. The taste of my birthplace.”

“Ughhh, no, ooff. Don’t do that. Don’t… ughhh say that. Please stop. Don’t, Anarungu. My little nestling. Don’t make me use the knife again.”

“You still refuse to listen to your body? You taste so good, Mama.” He spread her legs, continuing to enjoy her birth hole, his birthplace. She mooed, putting her hands on his head and trying to muster the strength to tell him no.

“Gosh, Anarungu… Ughh….I’m begging you to stop. You said we were going to spend this evening as mother and son.”

“We are.” He removed his belt and pulled himself up, ending up on top of her. Anarungu slowly touched her pussy with his purple hot tip. “Oooh, Mama. I love your sacred birth hole so much.”

“Oooh, no, Anarungu. Not again… Never.”

He wanted to push further, to enter all the way in like yesterday, but suddenly felt a sharp blade on his neck.

“I said No! Why can’t you just understand it? Is it so hard? Yesterday I did what the tribe demanded of me. We miraculously avoided having you knock me up and I’m not going to do it again! Now put your cock away. RIGHT NOW!”

“Or what? You’re going to kill me?” he grinned, but at that moment a sharp blade swept across his chest, splitting the skin. He jumped back.

“Ouch! You know I could easily take that knife from you, don’t you?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she carefully licked the blood off the knife and wiped it against the cloth. “I’m a dangerous woman. You don’t want to mess with me, dear. Now, lie down, and we’ll spend the night like a genuine mother and son. No, we will spend it like a loving mother and son. I’ll tend to your wound in the morning.”

She used her motherly tone and patted the bed beside her. Reluctantly, but Anarungu complied. Taking the knife away from her would only make her angrier.

He lay down, turning his back and making sure there was a certain distance separating them. The wound on his chest ached, but he didn’t let it show, thankfully, the wound wasn’t too deep, and the bleeding had ceased.

He flinched when something touched his skin, but it was her lips. Gnelsey kissed his shoulder, then his back, wrapping her other arm around him and snuggling up behind her son.

“If you only knew how my heart bleeds when I have to do this. No mother should harm her child,” she murmured, running warm fingers over the wound on his chest. “It hurts far more than a small knife wound, believe me, my nestling. I hope you understand. I’m doing this for the greater good. You need to live with your urges without involving me in them.”

He remained silent, and she started singing the lullabies that once comforted him in childhood. Her hand gently stroked his head and soon he was fast asleep despite the wound. There was only one thought going through his head. “I’m going to do it anyway.”


The following days passed in a similar and peaceful manner. Gnelsey did not allow him to touch her, so there were no new cuts on his body. Anarungu performed his duties as Chief, wandering around the tribe in chief’s cloak and crown and making odd decisions with the Elder. Like what the village should eat on a particular day or whether more huts should be built for the winter.

“How do you like my new look?” his mother fixed her hair. Instead of dreadlocks, she now had gorgeous long dark curls.

“You look stunning, Mama.” He rapturously examined her new hair while she smiled. “As always.”

“You make a good chief, my nestling.” Gnelsey kissed his lips in a sort of thank you and headed towards the river with the bucket. Anarungu felt the warmth of her kiss and watched her breasts shake.

“My chief?” said the Elder, coming closer. A tiny old man was peering out from Anarungu’s shoulder. “I need to discuss with you something.”

“Yes, what is it again? Something regarding food?”

“No, my chief. It is regarding Gnelsey. Some men feel, shall we say…” The Elder hesitated a little. “They think you should transfer your breeding rights to another man.”

“What?” yozgat escort Anarungu turned angrily. “Why is that?”

“Well, my chief, it’s because she is your mother,” the Elder said, lowering his head shamefully. “I myself remember the times when Gnelsey carried you in her arms and rejoiced that she was able to produce such a beautiful and strong boy. She was so happy at that time… So how can you engage in breeding, my chief? It’s just doesn’t seem right. Gnelsey is no longer young; her time is running out, so some men…”

“Didn’t I claim my breeding rights on my mother when I became tribe chief, Elder?”

“You did, chief. But…”

“Then don’t you dare bring it up again!”

In the evening, Gnelsey conducted the customary ceremony of worshipping the spirits, seeking their benevolence to restore fertility to their tribe. Many women mourned for their men who had not returned from the Great Hunt. Peacock and Scar’s mothers, driven by the hope that the spirits would bless them with more children, joined in the solemnity.

His mother looked stunning in her dress with new hair, yet fatigued and seemingly resigned. She likely believed her days of motherhood were numbered now that her new chief was her own son.

Gnelsey closed her eyes, channeling the collective energy of the women around her.

“Let our Blood Bird tribe flourish once more, let the life force flow through our veins, and let the curse be lifted. We offer our unity, our love, and our faith. Hear us, spirits, and grant us the gift of new life.”

“I would grant you a new life, Mama, if you would only let me.” Anarungu sighed, sitting in the chief’s chair. “There are plenty of women in the village, but for some reason, I want to make a baby with my own mother. What is wrong with me?”

The ritual was ending when someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was a concerned Tatar’Atu, holding something in his hands that Anarungu couldn’t see in time.

“I have something to show you, chief,” Tatar’Atu quickly vanished between the huts, concealing what he held.

Anarungu approached, Tat was holding a rolled-up bundle. There was movement inside of it.

“What is it? A child?”

“Not really. I found it in the woods not far from where the Great Hunt happened. I didn’t know what to do, so I brought it with me.”

A small grey lynx lay in the bundle, curiously looking around.

“A lynx? Why did you bring it to the camp?”

“It’s not like I could let it die, An! It’s him by the way. My mother is deaf and blind, but even she is starting to notice things already. I can’t keep him with me.” Tatar’Atu handed over the bundle. “You’re the chief now. Take it; take it for yourself, please.”

“Are you out of your mind? What am I supposed to do with it?”

“I don’t know! You have to make that decision. I can’t bring myself to kill it, I’ve tried, but I just can’t. He has grown so much lately. I don’t know what to do. He’s like a real baby. You have to make this decision; you’re the chief. Please, An.”

Anarungu gently cradled the lynx in his arms like a child. “Do you want me to kill it?” The lynx gently bit An’s finger, and he pulled his hand away. “Ouch”

“I don’t. But I’ll accept whatever decision you make. I trust my new Chief.”

“I already have so many problems, and now you’re here adding to them. What am I going to do with you?” He glanced at the lynx, staring at him with its green eyes in a mysterious way.


“In your hands, what’s that?” asked Gnelsey once he was at home.

“It’s a gift from the spirits,” he held out the roll, showing her the animal. Anarungu tried not to look at her breasts so as not to distract himself. “I found it in the jungle, I wanted to kill him but I thought it was a message from the spirits, Mother. Could this be the answer to your prayers?”

“Is it a lynx?!” Gnelsey recoiled in fear. “Why did you bring it here? Do you realize how many members of the Blood Bird tribe have lost their lives because of lynxes? This includes both children and women.”

“This lynx has done no harm. Tribe spirits sent it to me. Don’t you think it’s a message that I can have an offspring?”

“A message?” Gnelsey twisted her head. “What are you even talking about, Anarungu? It’s just a lynx. It’s not a message. Get rid of it.”

“No!” He clutched the lynx tighter against his chest. “It will live with me, with us. If I can’t have real children, then I’ll have him.”

“Sweetheart, I appreciate your kindness, but sooner or later, he will grow up.” Gnelsey stepped closer, cautiously examining the beast and stroking Anarungu’s hair with her free hand. “And then, it will turn into a wild creature.”

“So I’ll deal with him when he becomes one.”

“Fine. As you wish.” Gnelsey stepped back, ending the conversation. “But don’t you say I didn’t warn you.”


Over the next few days, all Anarungu did was take care of the little lynx.

“I’m going to name you Peacock, in honor of my good friend.”

Anarungu introduced Peacock to the tribe. While few accepted this course of action, most considered it just another quirk of the new chief, similar to his unconventional relationship with own mother. Chief Anarungu might have hit his head hard after the Great Hunt, but Anarungu didn’t care what the village thought about him.

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