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The Vasectomy Ch. 06


SUMMARY: This is a complete work of fiction. This is Chapter Six of this series. Danielle is quite addicted to her father by now. She is right-out trying to seduce him to keep doing things with her. And this leads to something she has always wanted to try. Something kinky…

All characters in this story are 18 or older.

DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. Any character resemblances to real life personae are strictly coincidental. Copying, re-posting, storing (whether digitally or in print form) or redistribution of this material is prohibited.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story has seven chapters. I decided to upload Chapter 6 very shortly after Chapter 5, since Chapter 5 was such a short one. After this, there is only one more chapter! If you don’t already see Chapter 07, it will be posted soon! I hope you have enjoyed this series!


Chapter Six.

My dad had sex with me. Holy shit, my daddy fucked me! It had been two weeks, and I still couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every night as I tried to fall asleep, the entire scene replayed in my head over and over. I masturbated several times, but it just wasn’t the same. Not by a mile. The orgasm I had while my father had his cock in me was like none I had ever experienced. And I knew I was completely addicted.

The trouble was, he was being his usual back-offish self about the whole thing. In the heat of the moment, he didn’t seem to have any protest. But afterwards, he always seemed to go back to being all prim and proper. I was reluctant to bring it up because I was afraid he would try to force me to stop talking about it altogether. Didn’t he realize how addicted to him I was?

I reached a point where I couldn’t stand it anymore. It had been over two weeks and my body craved the attention it got last time. Deep down, I knew it was my father’s cock that I craved. One way or another. It was Sunday, so we pretty much had the whole day free. After taking a shower that morning, I decided I wanted to dress for the occasion.

Digging through my dresser, I found what I was after. It was a black, body-hugging shirt that doubled as a dress. It was long enough that it covered my ass, but only just. In most settings, the shirt called for pants to be worn along with it, but today was special. It had long black sleeves and a huge opening in the front that made a sort of U shape, uncovering the inner thirds of my boobs. Snugging it over my bosom, I adjusted it and shifted my breasts until I was happy with how much cleavage was on display. My two melons almost touched in the middle, and the bottom of the U was pointed just slightly, which showed a subtle hint of the lower curves of my tits as well. Checking myself out in the mirror afterwards, I smiled. If this dress didn’t get my daddy rock hard, I didn’t know what would.

Not bothering to put on any panties, I made my way into the kitchen where I found my dad busily making lunch. He was wearing light blue, faded jeans and a white t-shirt. I decided that was an incredibly sexy look on him. His biceps were nicely on display as he worked over the counter. There was a pot simmering on the stove right next to him and whatever he was cooking smelled delicious.

“Hi daddy,” I said softly from behind him.

“Hey there,” he said without looking at me. He was chopping up an onion.

Pursing my lips together, I stared at my father’s back. Well, his butt, really. I wanted him to see my outfit. He finished chopping the onion and I watched as he scooped it up and dropped the pile into the pot on the stove. He stirred whatever it was and then put the lid on it before stepping to the sink and washing his hands.

I decided to try to start a conversation. Maybe that would get him to turn around. “I’ve been thinking,” I said.

My dad turned off the faucet and quickly dried his hands on a towel sitting on the counter. Then he finally turned to look at me. And froze. For a second, I thought his jaw was going to drop. His eyes certainly did as he unmistakably checked out my bosom with all that cleavage on display. Just for him. I almost smiled, but managed to hold it in. If he thought I was messing with him, he would probably demand that I go change.

Before he had a chance to say anything, I shifted, purposely pushing my tits together, and then said again, “I’ve been thinking.”

His eyes paused, still staring at my chest, before he lifted them to meet mine. He swallowed and then asked, “About what?”

Shrugging, I looked away from him, making sure to flutter my eyelashes as I said, “I dunno. Just stuff.”

He didn’t say anything for a few seconds and when I glanced at his face, he was staring at my tits again. Perfect. He saw me looking so he turned his head away. Then he went back to the pot on the stove and took the lid off, giving it a stir. I decided he was just doing that to avoid staring at me.

“Is that all you wanted to say?” he asked, without turning.

I stepped closer to him. Then I said simply, “No.”

My dad put the lid back on the pot, turning the heat down so it could simmer, and then slowly turned around to face talas escort me. His eyes betrayed him again and he looked right down into my cleavage. I watched his nostrils flare slightly and then he swallowed once more before finally looking at my face. I stared at him intently, hoping he would read what I wanted to ask by my expression alone. He swallowed once more and then he said, “I think I know where this is going.”

Biting my lip to keep from smiling, I rolled my eyes at him. I was standing just a foot and a half away from him. As I stared at his eyes, I swear he was straining to keep his from drooping down and checking out my bosom again. And that thought made my pussy start to get warm.

“Is that so bad?” I asked.

He shook his head slightly and then stepped around me, pointedly not looking at my breasts. As he walked past me, he said, “We can’t keep doing those things, Danielle.”

Turning, I watched him head toward the hallway. “You always say that,” I called after him.

“And I always mean it,” he called back without turning.

I went after him, following him into the living room. When I rounded the corner, he was bent over to grab the remote off the table in front of the couch. He was just turning toward the couch when I said, “And yet…” He stopped, tilting his head toward me. His eyes zeroed in on my boobs. Breathing in deep, I finished my thought, “…we always end up doing it anyway.”

His eyes flicked up to mine and he said softly, “That’s because you always pressure me.” Then he turned and sat down on the couch with a sigh. As soon as he was situated, he asked, “Why is this so important to you anyway?”

Frowning at him, I lifted my arms and crossed them under my breasts. His eyes twitched, glancing at them and then back up to my face. I pretended not to notice as I said, “It’s not about it being ‘important’, daddy.”

“What is it, then?” he asked, furrowing his brows. He was still looking at me, and I could tell his eyes kept wanting to wander down. I lifted my arms a bit, making my boobs push up a little higher. He looked away from me, at the tv that wasn’t even on.

“I’m addicted,” I said softly.

“To what?” he asked, looking back at my face.

I took a step into the living room, toward him. His eyes followed me. He was clearly having difficulty not letting them look lower. When I was a few feet in front of him, I looked down at his face and whispered, “To you.”

“Oh,” he said, clamping his mouth shut and swallowing. I held his gaze for a long time. Half a minute went by. It felt like we were in a staring contest. Slowly, I leaned forward, knowing full well what that would do to my tits. My cleavage was only two feet from his face.

Finally, his eyes shifted down and from his angle, I knew he would have a nice view right down my shirt. I realized I was breathing heavily, and it wasn’t just part of the act. I was aroused. Slowly pulling my arms apart, I let go of my tits and was rewarded with my father inhaling sharply through his nose. He still hadn’t pulled his eyes away from my chest.

“I want to have sex again,” I whispered seductively.

That broke through his enchantment. With a shake of his head, my father wrenched his eyes away from my bosom and then growled my name, “Danielle.” It was a warning and I knew it.

Pouting, I said, “Please, daddy?”

“No,” he said immediately and without looking at me.

I wasn’t ready to take no for an answer, though. Taking a step closer, I knelt in front of him on the floor, until my chest was even with his knees. “Fine,” I said. When he looked across his legs at me, I knew he was staring at my face and my tits at the same time. Then I asked gently, “Then can I at least… play with you a little?”

He gasped and then hissed, “For fuck’s sake!” I had just slid my hand along his leg to his cock and started rubbing it.

“What’s wrong with us… playing?” I asked, slowly running my fingers up and down the warm bulge in his pants. I couldn’t tell if he was hard or not.

Shaking his head at me, he whispered, “It’s just… not right.”

Still pouting, I continued rubbing my father’s penis through his jeans. He shifted slightly on the couch. Then I said, “Look at me, daddy.”

He lifted his eyes until they locked onto mine. I smiled at him while my hand continued to caress his penis. Every few seconds, his gaze dropped down, glancing at my hand rubbing his cock. Which, I might add, was rapidly getting hard.

“Answer this honestly,” I said. He nodded at me, so I asked, “Do you really think there’s something wrong… with this?” I nodded toward where my hand was rubbing his cock.

He sighed and, instead of answering, he closed his eyes. I kept rubbing him, feeling his cock stiffen beneath my caressing fingers. Finally, he spoke softly, “I don’t know.”

“Does this feel good?” I asked, just as softly.

“Of course it feels good,” he answered, his eyes fluttering open. Then he shifted his hips and I felt his cock slide a little inside his jeans.

I went on, relentless, “Don’t you think your body tarsus escort would warn you if you weren’t supposed to do it?” My hand started moving a little faster. Then I added, “You know, like make it… not feel good, or something?”

My dad’s breathing was coming in shorter breaths. But he shook his head and said, “That’s some twisted logic.”

A smirk made its way onto my lips, but I didn’t say anything. I was still rubbing his cock and he hadn’t made me stop. That was a good sign. Lifting my other hand to his crotch, I slowly started pulling down his zipper. Still no protest. I unbuttoned his jeans and then started tugging at them until he finally relented and lifted his ass off the couch so I could pull them down.

Ten seconds later, I managed to get my dad out of his jeans completely. When I brought my head back to his lap, I smiled at the large, twitching erection that was staring at me. Licking my lips, I said softly, “I just want a little taste, daddy.”

The words sounded naughty in my own ears, but he didn’t protest. So I went down on him. The second my lips came in contact with the head of his cock, my dad started moaning. Applying a little pressure, I let it gently part my lips and I felt it slowly filling my mouth. His cock tasted salty, which I loved. Flicking my tongue across the tip, my dad’s moans grew louder. Then I carefully tickled my way down the head while pushing my lips further down his shaft, until the tip of my tongue danced along the little indentation of skin where the tip met the staff.

“Fuck,” he whispered, moaning. He shifted his butt on the couch and I felt his cock starting to twitch in my mouth.

“Mmmmm,” I purred around his shaft and then started lifting my head a few inches. With my tongue splayed out, I went down again, letting it glide along the underside of his cock. Up and down, I quickly worked myself into a rhythm. His moans told me he was enjoying it thoroughly. And I was too, for that matter. My pussy was throbbing with pleasure that I needed to attend to soon.

For the next ten minutes, I ravished my father’s cock. It was near dripping with saliva, which only told me how incredibly worked up I was. Up and down, I blew him. My tongue started venturing out, sweeping along the sides. I twisted my head at an angle, going down and feeling the tip of his dick dig into my cheek, poking it out. I twisted it the other way as I sped up my movement. My head bobbing faster and faster, I heard my daddy’s breathing get shallower and shallower. His cock was twitching more frequently, too. It felt like it had its own heartbeat. Deeper I took him, until the tip tickled my uvula, nearly making me gag. I didn’t care. I went at it with more vigor, placing both hands on his thighs for leverage. Faster. I heard myself moaning around his shaft as my own pleasure heightened. My clit was tingling like mad. I desperately needed to touch it. But not yet.

I had something else I wanted to do first.

As soon as I felt my dad’s hands grab hold of mine and squeeze, I knew he was close. As much as I wanted him to cum in my mouth, I forced myself to disengage. Pulling my head up, I kept my lips clamped shut until his penis slipped past my lips and sprang free, bouncing wildly. He gasped when I did that and his hands gripped even tighter, like he was about to have an orgasm. I stared at his twitching cock, willing it to stave off the urgent climax that I knew was trying to work its way up the shaft. Maybe I had taken the blowjob too far. I honestly would not have minded if he came right then, but he managed to hold on (bless his heart).

With a stupid grin filling my face, I pushed myself up. He let go of my hands and opened his eyes, staring up at me. He probably thought I was going to try to fuck him. Reaching down my body, I grabbed the hem of my dress and started rolling it up my body. When my pussy was visible, his eyes focused on it and went wide. Then he licked his lips and for a second, I thought about climbing my way up his body and straddling his face so he could eat me out. The thought of creaming daddy’s face again made me even wetter. But no. That wasn’t what I wanted, either.

When I got my dress rolled up to my tits, I shimmied it left and right and tugged it up and over them, then finally off. Tossing it aside, I grinned down at my dad’s face. He was openly staring at my tits like a good boy. The thought made my grin widen. Then, squatting down, I leaned closer to his crotch once more. When I was close enough, I reached down and took hold of my breasts, pulling them apart from each other. Pushing my chest toward his cock, I let my jugs surround it.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked urgently.

Without looking at his face, I whispered, “Something I’ve always wanted to try.” When I applied inward pressure, my boobs squeezed around my father’s cock, making it disappear from view.

“Jesus, Danielle,” he breathed hotly.

Then I started to fuck my dad with my tits. Up and down I made my body move, mainly just by leaning forward and back from my waist. I felt his penis sliding taşköprü escort between them. It caught on my skin a little from the friction. Pausing, I frowned down between my cleavage. I could see just the tip of his cock nestled in between my melons. They looked even bigger when surrounding him like this. Finally, I reached out and took hold of his hands, bringing them up to my breasts. “Hold these,” I said. When I took my own hands away, my father held his there, still squeezing them together.

I reached one hand down between my legs and started fingering myself. Pleasure exploded in my crotch. And, as expected, a deluge of fluid poured out of me, immediately coating my fingers. Quickly lifting my hand back to my chest, I shoved it down inside my cleavage, painting the inner swells of my breasts with my own pussy juice. Several times in a row, I repeated this, until my tits were nice and lubricated. Then I started moving again, leaning forward then back. I felt my dad’s cock gliding without friction between the soft mountains of flesh that were my tits. His moans started up again.

Every minute or so, I added more juice to my breasts, to keep it greased. Daddy held onto my tits for me the entire time while I continued to fuck him with my cleavage. His breathing was getting shallower and shallower.

“Jesus, Danielle,” he whispered, repeating the same thing he said a few minutes ago.

My clit was tingling so urgently, I finally gave in and started diddling myself. That made me start moaning, too. My other hand continued to relubricate the channel of flesh that my father’s cock was gliding along. The whole thing was wildly erotic for me. The only problem was, my neck was staring to ache. And my back. Plus… I wanted to try this in a different position.

“Daddy?” I whispered to him, without slowing my up and down motion. His cock continued to plunge along my cleavage, the tip popping out every thrust, then disappearing into my flesh once more.

“Huh?” he grunted.

Biting my lip, I looked up at him, slowing my movement. He stared back at me and raised an eyebrow. Then I asked him, “Will you do this to me in my bed?”

“Ok,” he said, without hesitating. That made me smile.

Pushing myself up, his penis slid out the bottom of my cleavage and bounced back and forth a few times before coming to a stop, pointing directly at my tits. I stood and stretched my back. Then, with a grin, I reached down and took his hand, helping him to his feet. He followed me to my room and, as soon as I got past the door, I let go of his hand and ran to my bed, jumping on it and flopping onto my back. For a brief moment, I felt a little embarrassed about being completely naked, but I was so worked up, it barely registered. Scooting across the sheets, I propped my head up with three pillows. When I looked over at my dad, he was staring at my breasts with lust. That made me squirm as I waited.

My father stepped up to the side of my bed, still gazing at my naked body with a hungry look in his eyes. I shivered, squirming in bed as he climbed onto it. My eyes were riveted on his cock, which was taut and had a slight sheen to it. The tip looked damp. He got up on his knees as he shambled toward me. My pussy was tingling like mad. This whole scene was crazy erotic to me.

When he reached my feet, I stared at him, waiting for him to climb onto me and bury his cock in my cleavage once more. To my surprise, instead of moving right to it, he grabbed my feet and pulled them apart, spreading my legs. Then, almost before I could react, my dad leaned forward and lowered his head between my legs toward my crotch. I hadn’t been expecting it, but as soon as I saw what he was doing, I started moaning.

Daddy’s lips connected with my pussy and sparks erupted. His mouth was opening and closing around my mound immediately, his tongue flitting out and lapping at my lips. Within seconds, he was full-on eating me out. And it was heaven. I felt my juice oozing from my opening, which he promptly started lapping with his tongue. I squirmed, feeling my arousal skyrocket. Expertly, he explored my vagina, licking and lapping his way up and down, flicking his tongue against my clitoris, slurping his way back down to my opening.

Suddenly, an urgent tingle erupted in the middle of my clit. My dad seemed to sense it because his tongue was there, flicking back and forth across it. He sucked in, pulling my clit between his lips and clamping down on it. Then his tongue was swatting the end of it, up and down, side to side. The tingle grew stronger and I felt my butt lift from the bed. My hands were clenched into fists and I stopped breathing.

Just then, my dad’s face shot up out of my crotch. He was gasping for air. Opening my eyes, I stared down at him and saw that his cheeks, chin and lips were glistening with juice. He sucked in several shallow breaths, sounding like he had just broken the surface of a pool after being under for too long. His eyes zeroed in on my breasts and then, with a growl, daddy started clambering his way up my body. When his face neared my chest, he dove in between my breasts, nestling his cheeks into my thick cleavage. I cried out in pleasure. He wasn’t even touching my nipples, yet the excitement of the whole thing was driving me insane. Not to mention the fact that my clitoris was still tingling like mad, an orgasm seething just beneath the surface.

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