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The Plan


Note – this is a work of fiction that explores fantasy, candaulism, reluctance/persuasion, wife sharing etc. It is a reworking of my first story following feedback. If those themes aren’t your thing, please don’t read on as you won’t enjoy. Thanks.

“I can’t believe it’s come to this” Maria gasped, her voice cracking and barely audible.

“If we genuinely want to save this situation, this is it, it’s the only way out” I replied, more calmly than I expected.

Maria turned to leave, paused and began to look back but something stopped her. She steadied herself, took a long breath, and left our home without another word.

We’ve been married for 10 years and in the main, we are happy.

How had it come to this? She was not just leaving our apartment for the night. She was leaving our apartment to go fuck another guy. And it was me that had orchestrated the whole thing. I took a moment to shake my head in slight disbelief.

It would be useful to set out some background. I met Maria around 15 years ago, when we were both interns at a big law firm in the city. As soon as I saw her, she blew me away. My type exactly, it was as if someone had seen into my mind and my desires, and created the perfect girl for me. Quite tall, around 5’8, with long wavy dark hair, green eyes, full lips and olive skin. She was dressed fairly conservatively, in a business suit. But as it was well fitted, you could see she was in great shape. Toned, with a firm, round ass and tits that caused the white blouse she was wearing to gape, giving a tantalizing clue as to what was underneath.

Unfortunately for me, the instant attraction wasn’t exactly reciprocated. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the worst looking guy in the world but I certainly don’t leave the impression on a room that Maria did. I’m average height and build. I do work out, but with the hours worked in the firm, and the amounts of nights out that the job expected, exercise was basically for the purpose of keeping excess weight and my bad diet at bay, as opposed to building any kind of great body.

I tried to make conversation with Maria everywhere I could. I’d anticipate where she might be, what departments she’d be working in and when she took her breaks etc. I’d then ‘accidentally’ bump into her and strike up conversation whenever I could.

The conversation was pleasant enough but I certainly wasn’t getting the impression she wanted anything to happen. I thought about asking her out on a date so many times but I knew if she said no, that would be that. So instead we carried on talking whenever I got the chance, and this allowed me to keep the daydream going, that one day she might actually date me.

Despite all of my planning, the opportunity to take things further came quite by chance, looking back. I’d had to attend an office event. It was only Wednesday but I’d already had the week from hell, having pulled an all-nighter on a deal the day before. I was pretty exhausted and really wasn’t in the mood. But I begrudgingly attended as it was expected interns should make the numbers up at these sort of evenings.

I had no idea she would be there and as I saw her standing at the bar, I cursed how tired I must have looked. I soon cursed again, as I saw she wasn’t at the bar alone. Stood next to her was Bryan, the office sleaze. They’d clearly both had a bit too much to drink. Bryan’s hand was placed at the small of her back and he was leaning in, to talk into her ear. I felt a pang of jealously and sighed heavily as I realised my week from hell may be about to get considerably worse, watching Bryan get everything I had been hoping for. I couldn’t actually believe my eyes as Bryan’s hand, slowly but surely, moved down, and he placed it gently on her full, round ass. But as quickly as it happened and in a blur, Bryan looked in complete shock as he realised he was covered in what was left of Maria’s drink. She’d thrown it right in his face, spun around and was marching in my direction, clearly seething.

Despite heading right for me at speed, she hadn’t seen me, still obviously furious at Bryan and his wandering hands. I contemplated keeping quiet but instead somewhat blurted out “Maria” as she walked past. She spun around, her eyes raging, clearly still spoiling for a fight.

“Er, are you, well… OK?” I eventually managed to say. She went to reply but then paused. Her eyes and her voice softened. “Hey Cole” she said “can we get out of here?”

Nothing happened that night, you may be disappointed to hear. I’d driven to the bar, so I offered to take her home. But instead she said she was happy to just drive around for a while. We talked and talked, and laughed. It was so much more relaxed than in the office and she opened up as to her life, her loves, what she wanted from the world. We finally got to her place and she was laughing “so are you ever going to ask me out?”

I laughed as well, “what makes you think I want us to go out?” I managed, as cooly as possible. “Oh please” safranbolu escort she smiled. “Well? Do you?” Of course I did. We set a date to see each other that Friday night.

I’d love to say I remember any details about the restaurant or the bars that we went to that night, the quality of the food or the conversation. But truthfully, I don’t. What I do remember though, like it was yesterday, is what happened when we got back to my apartment.

We’d been kissing passionately in the cab on the way home and this carried on as we bundled through my door. Kissing hard, tounges deep in each other’s mouths, hands desperately groping, pulling frantically at clothes.

Then she stopped, lightly pushed me back and moved to sit on the couch. She was sat facing me, and I instantly moved forward to kiss her again. But she held her hand up for me to stop. Then she smiled, bit her lower lip and slowly started to unbutton her blouse. I was mesmerized. One button after the other, gradually becoming undone. I’d dreamt about seeing this beautiful girl naked for months, and now it was actually happening. Here she was, on my couch, slowly undressing, button by button.

Her smile grew as she could see how captivated I was. Given her body, I can’t have been the first to react like this to what I was seeing. As she got to the last button she leaned back and took off her blouse completely. My eyes widened. Her stomach was flat and toned. Her breasts were heaving in a black, silk bra. I thought I was looking at perfection but then she got a more serious look on her face, moved her hands behind her back and unclipped her bra. She tossed the bra to the floor and leaned back slightly, her arms by her sides, with the confidence of a woman who knew that she was seriously hot. She stared at me. Now I knew I was looking at perfection.

At this point it may be helpful for me to explain something – I am unashamedly a tits guy. I’ve always been obsessed with tits and Maria’s, to me, were perfect. Soft, natural, more than a handful (easily a C or a D cup). Full but pert, with fairly large nipples hardening by the moment. Over the years Maria’s tits have naturally changed with time and childbirth, but they still take my breath away. But right there, on my couch in my old apartment, I knew I’d never see a better body up close and personal like this, in my life.

I snapped out of the daze I was in and moved toward her. I was desperate to feel her, to taste her. I crouched down toward her, kissing her urgently again. I moved her hands from down by her side to above her head. Holding her hands there with one hand, I moved down her body, kissing her neck, her chest, before not being able to wait any longer and taking her left nipple in my mouth, licking and sucking wildly.

My tongue swirled round her areola and I moved my free hand down to her right breast, stroking and pinching her nipple. Her head swung back and she cried out as her tits were being both licked and groped with an urgency that took her by surprise. I’d later learn that she loved nothing more than having her tits played with. Her nipples were super sensitive and, as we’d later happily explore, she’d even be able to cum just from my slowly licking and gently pinching her nipples.

Whilst I could have stayed there all night, I released her hands from above her head and moved further down her body. Putting both hands on her tits now, I slid my tongue over her stomach, slowly kissing her toned, flat body.

Reluctantly, my hands moved down, away from her breasts to her legs. Whilst still kissing her stomach I pushed her skirt up so that it moved up around her hips, like a belt. I then moved back, placed my hands on the inside of her knees and gently pushed her legs apart.

Her matching black panties were clearly, utterly drenched. I moved her legs back closer together and she lifted her ass up slightly so that I could pull her panties down over her long, smooth legs, and finally off, over her high heels. I stared at her gorgeous, neatly trimmed pussy and moved my hand towards her sex.

I slowly touched her and we both gasped. For her, it was the touch, like sending a shockwave through her body. For me, it was simply the shock at how wet she was. Wait, wet doesn’t cover it. She was soaked.

I wasted no more time, pulled my hand away and buried my face in her pussy. At first I just wanted to just wildly lick and taste her, but I regained my composure, and more calmly repositioned myself to focus on her clit, making slow but sure circular motions with my tongue, then switching to move my tongue up and down.

Her soft moans and the taste of her pussy were already getting me over the edge and by this point, my dick was straining in my suit pants. With my tongue hard at work I moved my right hand to her inner thigh, and started to slowly trace my finger along, from the top of her thigh to her dripping wet pussy. After teasing sakarya escort her like this for a while, I stopped my hand at her pussy and kept it there. I pushed one finger inside her, which increased the volume of the now constant moans. I worked my finger inside her, deeper and faster, whilst slowing increasing the speed and pressure of my tongue on her clit. As my hand moved faster and faster, my hand would smack against her pussy, her wet juices slapping loudly. It was the sexiest noise, rivalled only by the sounds coming out of her mouth “Oh.. my God…”

I looked up at her and she had both hands on her tits, rubbing and pulling at her hard nipples. I could actually feel her pussy contracting around my finger as she cried out…

“Oh… I’m gonna.. cu….”

Her body seemed to pause for a second, like time stood still. And then it happened. A low, guttural moan and her body twitched and bucked as she uncontrollably orgasmed.

I’ve never known a body to react quite like Maria’s does when she comes, and it has always amazed me. There is no faking or hiding her orgasm. It is a full body experience. Her neck and chest reddens, her nipples harden, her pussy tightens and her whole body convulses wildly. I carried on licking and finger fucking her whilst she rode through the last moments of the orgasm but soon after she pulled my head back, before collapsing back herself.

As she leaned back I stood up, wiped my mouth and looked at her. She was laughing, her tits jiggling with the movement. “Wow. Well that was unexpected Cole, you’re very good at that, if you didn’t know.” Then there was a pause. “I guess it’s only fair that it’s my turn.”

She stood up, shuffling a little as she re-arranged her skirt, then unzipped it and took it off. “Hang on” she laughed “how am I completely naked and you’re still fully clothed?”

She stepped forward and began to unbutton my shirt. As she undid the last button she opened it wide then moved on to my belt buckle, easily opening it with one deft movement.

As I took off my shirt she slowly moved onto her knees, her beautiful green eyes looking up at me. She ran her hand over my hard dick and smiled, then undid my pants, and pulled them down. I clumsily tried to get them from around my ankles which got a slight laugh. She was holding on to the waistband of my boxers now, ever so slightly licking her lips.

For the first time that night I felt a pang of nerves. This dream girl, with a body to die for was now kneeling in front of me, her face level with my dick, about to spring it free from my boxers. Now I’m by no means an insecure guy. I know what I have and am pretty content with it, but I know I’m not the biggest guy in the world. Girls had often said I have a ‘nice’ cock which, whilst an OK compliment, isn’t exactly how a guy would like his dick to be described. I’m cut, and just over 5 inches long. My cock’s best feature would probably be its girth – it is quick thick, with a big head. But after seeing how ridiculously perfect she was, I just didn’t want to disappoint.

Before I had a chance to dwell on this any further, Maria had pulled down my boxers and, unsurprisingly given how hard she had got me, my dick sprang back up and almost hit her in the face. She laughed again “someone’s keen” she smiled.

She took hold of the base of my dick and moved her head towards the tip. She looked up at me, and slowly licked the head, swirling her tongue around the top of my cock as I had done with her pussy moments before.

Then she released her grip and moved her head down, sticking her tongue out fully, licking all the way up my shaft, like she was licking up dripping ice cream from the side of a cone. She repeated this slowly, looking up at me the whole time. She took hold of my dick again, flicked her long hair back and moved further down. I almost lost my footing as she took my balls in her mouth, gently sucking as her hand moved up and down my shaft, getting faster and faster.

She moved up, away from my balls and returned her mouth to the tip of my dick. She licked a few more times and then without warning plunged her mouth completely over my cock. Her full lips wrapped around my girth, she moved further down, fully taking me in her mouth and her throat. She cupped my balls with her hand and I could feel I was going to cum, but desperately tried to hold off. Then she moved her hand from my balls to my shaft, and held my dick at the base as she sucked harder and faster, her mouth hitting her fingers then moving back up. I couldn’t control myself any longer and she must have sensed this. She stopped sucking, leaned back and continued to jerk me off, faster and faster.

As she looked up at me she said words I’ll never forget, “So, where do you want to cum, Cole?” I could hardly speak, but I managed to stutter, “your tits.”

She smiled, took me into her throat again and as I was ready to explode, she leaned back. She placed one arm underneath her breasts to try and move them toward my dick and, with the other hand, jerked me furiously. I swear I almost blacked out as I could feel the cum building and rising in my balls and my dick. I came hard, the first shot of cum flying over her shoulder. I replaced her hand with mine and aimed my rock hard shaft lower down her body, and load after load of cum covered her beautiful tits. I felt a little dazed and unsteady on my feet, and I collapsed down into the couch. She moved in next to me, and kissed me. I knew right then this was the girl I was going to marry.

At that point you could never have convinced me that I’d even think about sharing her. But life can work out strangely sometimes.


Looking back it is difficult to pinpoint a time where my curiosity changed, and the thought of sharing Maria went from something that would never occur to me (and in fact something that I would have reacted angrily to) to something that aroused my interest and finally, to becoming something that actively turned me on.

If I had to choose a specific turning point, it would have to be an evening spent with a friend of mine, Eddie. But to get there, we have to go back one step further, to another memorable night with Maria.

Our sex life has always been good, but it had perhaps diminished a little, a few years after the birth of our daughter. As any parent knows all too well, suddenly life gets in the way and the bed becomes more known as the place to desperately catch up on sleep, or where you get kicked in the head by a toddler, than the place where you spend your time having great carefree sex.

One weekend our daughter was with my wife’s parents and, somewhat out of the blue, my wife raised how things had slowed down a little, in the sex department.

“I’ve been reading a few things, you know, just silly things in magazines, about spicing things up?” She gave a little laugh. “It said you should play out a fantasy for your partner- do you have any? Although before you say anything there’s absolutely no way I’m getting one of my girlfiends to join us.” I genuinely laughed and her comment eased the slight tension the subject had naturally brought. Incidentally, whilst she had one or two particularly hot friends, the thought of her and one of her friends together, had never really crossed my mind.

There was one fantasy however that was easily top of my list, and that I’d never mentioned to her. I thought it was now or never. “I’ve always wanted to film you. Well, film us I suppose. You just look so sexy, it would be amazing to watch it back.”

“Oh really?” she said. She seemed a little surprised but also intrigued. It definitely wasn’t an idea that was going to be rejected out of hand. “Well I’m not promising anything but maybe your little fantasy will come true. Not right now though,” she quickly added. “I’m definitely getting my hair and make-up done before that happens.” With that she laughed again. I didn’t say anything but I was really excited. I’d wanted to film her for a long time but the opportunity to bring it up just never really arrived.

That night we headed to our favorite Italian restaurant, Don Gio’s to celebrate our weekend of freedom. We ate great food and drank too much wine, and as the night wore on, Maria seemed to be getting hornier and hornier. As we left, she was kissing me, passionately like when we first met. “I want you to fuck me” she meant to whisper but it came out quite loudly. “Here?” I laughed “How much did you drink tonight?” But she kissed me again and started moving her hands down over my crotch. At that exact moment, our taxi pulled up, which seemed to sober her up a little. We got inside the taxi, in the back seat together and she started to make conversation with the cab driver. As she did so, she quite obviously placed her hand on my cock, and slowly started rubbing up and down. Outside of my jeans of course, but still, I couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into my wife. The smirk from the taxi driver immediately answered my question as to whether or not he could see what was happening.

We got home and after paying for the cab, hurried inside. Maria immediately kicked off her shoes and headed for the stairs. “You coming?” She asked as she unzipped herself out of the gorgeous black dress she’d been wearing. I fumbled with my shoes much less gracefully, and followed her upstairs.

We kissed again as we got into the bedroom, before she dropped to her knees, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down so that they, and my boxers were round my ankles. She then took me in her mouth hungrily, no delicate action or seduction, just sloppily sucking as much as she could, only stopping to take a breath, when she’d replace her mouth with her hand. I pulled her onto her feet and kissed her again, before easing her down onto the bed. I kicked out of my jeans and boxers and pulled off my shirt, when she asked “aren’t you forgetting something?”

I was genuinely confused, what was there to forget? She must have seen my confusion and quickly said “why aren’t you filming this?” I’d somehow forgotten our conversation earlier or at least, had just assumed that it wouldn’t be something I’d be getting to do so quickly.

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