The perfect affair only lasted four months. While it lasted, it was fantastic. I was on a temporary assignment in a place I had been before. I had flirted with this woman before and on a night out had even kissed her a little. That was a previous trip to this particular place. I was now back and had hoped things would progress farther than they had. We were both married and both in love with our spouses. Sex between my wife and I was non-existent, and had apparently slowed down more than she liked in her marriage. I was set up in a fully furnished apartment.
The first time she came over was very nerve wracking for both of us. We were both middle aged and while she was concerned about having had a few children, I was concerned about performance since it had been over a year and a half since I last had sex. Both of our fears were completely unfounded! She had by far the sexiest body of any woman I had ever been with, even as she was in her late forties. She had an unbelievable body! She assured me my fears were unfounded. ByCasino Where I was worried about prematurely ejaculating, I didn’t, and even managed to hold off until she had her orgasm.
Having had some incredible sex, I was hoping to sleep well that night. Unfortunately I didn’t sleep at all for feeling guilty.
I’ve know this woman for over two years and have always found her very sexy, and incredibly appealing. As self-serving as it may sound, I began to rationalize my infidelity to not having sex with my wife. Besides, at the outset my lover and I decided this was going to be nothing more than sex only.
At first, the visits to the apartment were a little infrequent, for fear of being caught, and a work schedule that was not conducive for getting together. Every time we got together was incredible. Having sex on a somewhat normal schedule made me feel alive again. Also, exploring her body was beyond explanation. We both felt so comfortable with the other person, it made the sex incredible. We would By Casino have fantastic orgasms, and sometimes she would have more than one. More than once, we would be so in tune with each other that we would orgasm simultaneously.
I have no idea how many times we actually got together. There were times when we did get together there was no sex, but it didn’t mean I enjoyed those visits any less than those where we did have sex. Any time we spent together was awesome.
Not that she ever asked to be, but I did my level best to spoil her every chance I could. I knew money was tight at her house and I wanted to make my place an oasis for her, and money wasn’t an issue for me. When I knew she would be coming over, I would have a nice expensive bottle of wine waiting. There was also a funded trip to Victoria’s Secret, as well as a trip I made to try and find something I thought she would like. Not surprisingly, we both found things we both liked on and off of her.
I can’t begin to imagine how hard it was By Casino Giriş for her. I really had nobody to answer to for my time. Phone calls with my wife, were all I had to cover, and missed calls or excuses for not being able to talk were easily passed off. She on the other hand, had a husband and grown child at home. I’m sure it was nerve wracking to say the least to have to leave your lovers apartment and head home like nothing happened.
The affair is coming to an end as I have to leave since my contract is up. I have a couple more opportunities to spend time with my lover, and when I think about it coming to an end, it hurts my heart. As much as we agreed it would be a sex only affair, I definitely developed feelings for this woman. I will always be grateful to her for making me feel like a man again. She helped awaken a part of me that was asleep for way too long. For that, and the fact that she was an incredible lover, I will never forget her. I want to thank her for being such a warm, giving, and loving woman. She will always be in my heart. Wherever I go, be it at home or on assignment, every night I will go out, and face whichever direction points me to her. I will blow her a kiss, and wish her sweet dreams and tell her I love you.
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