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The Landscaper Ch. 02


In the first chapter, Leonardo, officially a landscaper, met Lilian, a DC high society middle aged, attractive woman. He started doing a handyman job at her house. They ended up having sex. She was so impressed by his performance, that she offered to recommend his ‘services’ to her friends.


I called Lilian to tell her my next 2 free days would start in 48 hours.

She laughed, “Thank you for notifying me in advance. I’ll be ready… sorry, I meant to say the area of your next project will be ready for you.”

I smirked, “I must have lost my favorite Speedo. In case I have time after I am done, may I use your jacuzzi without it?”

“Leo, as I told you before, you are welcome to use it naked. However, if you suddenly become too shy, I’ll let you borrow one of my low-cut sheer panties… Jokes aside, I talked to my friends about your prowess and abilities in the bed department. You’ll be surprised how many enthusiastic calls I got. I was astonished to find out so many of them were having plumbing issues… Anyway, when you’re here, you’ll start with the work, then you’ll do me, and before you leave, I’ll show you 2 pictures of each of 3 different women. You’ll select one of the ladies. I’ll give you some background data on her, and the best way to contact her. Agree?”

“I am willing to give it a try, but the truth is I like YOU, and would enjoy the opportunity to taste your delicious body again.”

Lilian hesitated, “I wish I could see your face when you said it. Was it a compliment to keep up the money and new VIP personnel I promised, or it was a genuine wish.”

“Lady, I appreciate your business, your money, and the new contacts you plan to send my way, but you offered me all of that before I said it. Seriously, forget your hierarchy in the high society in DC. Your body is perfect and when we were one-on-one, your behavior was pleasant and passionate, just the way I like it.”

She whispered, “Leo, you have no idea how wonderful it is to hear a genuine compliment. I hope you won’t forget me once you’ve met the other women…”

“Lilian dear, I wouldn’t worry about it. I love steaks. Every now and then trying something else is not a bad idea, but I’ll always return to eat the steak I like.”

She smirked, ‘So now I am a piece of meat?”

“Ma’am, are you into silly jokes, or you are trying to provoke me?”

“I wonder how you’d behave once challenged.”

“Next time I am at your house, try me. But don’t be surprised if you end up on my lap, and spanked like a little brat!”

“Promises, promises…”

I giggled, “See you in 2 days.” I hung up, and thought about our conversation: Lilian was interested; I was sure of it. Was she into role play or B There is something I’d like to work on at home.”

She jumped off the bed, “Leo, please, I didn’t mean to offend you. I was just joking. Please come to bed.”

“Lady, are you sure? I’d hate to impose on you…”

“Leo, I want you to fuck me, please!…”

“Now you sound better. Take off your thingy. I want to see the merchandise!”

She removed her baby doll and, with a crying voice, mumbled, “Why are you suddenly so rough with me?”

“Because you are too spoiled.”

She tried her best to smile through her tears, “So punish me, but don’t leave. I want to feel your body…”

I sat down on the large bed and pointed to my lap.

Lilian came closer, “Do you want me to sit on you?”

“No, I want you to lay on my lap, face down, and be slapped like a naughty girl.”

“But sir, I am not a little child.”

I stood up and was on the way out when she called me back, Sahabet “Leo, I’ll do what you want. Please stay.”

I went back, sat on the bed, and looked sternly into her eyes without saying a word. She didn’t know it, but I was testing her to see how she’d behave under pressure. She might send me away and find somebody else to do the job, but I gambled she’d cave in. Wouldn’t it be nice to subdue her? Knowing her high status among the who-and-who in DC added to my wish to show her who’s boss.

“On my lap. Now.” Her face was flushed as she slowly lay on my lap.

“I intend to spank your cute butt 5 times. You will not make a noise except for counting each blow and say you’re sorry. After the last one, I expect you to thank me for reprimanding you. Clear?”

She whispered, “Yes, sir.”

Without further due, I hit her right cheek with an open palm. She gasped and a small cry escaped her lips.

“Lady, I see you don’t take me seriously. Didn’t I tell you no sound? Now instead of 5 total, it will be 10. And this time, you better remember what I said.”

She didn’t answer. I slapped her again. She clutched her lips and no sound came out. Two seconds later I heard her whisper, “I am sorry.”

I spanked her bottom several more times, alternating between her cheeks, hearing her low voice, “Leo, I am sorry.” However, during the last 3 slaps, I noted her legs spread slightly, and her tone of voice changed to a more seductive one.

Before the last one, I inserted my forefinger between her thighs and felt she was drenched. I hit her harder this time. She slowly stood up, gazed at me with big a smile, and said, “Leo, thank you for reprimanding me, but I am N O T sorry… Will you fuck me now, please? You made me hornier than before…”

I laughed, “I knew you were a bitch from the first moment I laid my eyes on you. But I admit, I wasn’t aware of you being such a HORNY bitch, and how sexy you were…”

“Am I sexy enough for you to lose your mind and do whatever your wildest fantasy is?”

“Lilian, do you really want your body ravaged?”

“Yes! I mentioned to you a dream I had earlier, but last night I had a more perverted dream. With a devilish smile you tied my hands above my head, spread my legs, and raped me. When you were done, you drank Martini on the rocks, and then called a friend of yours to join us. I begged you not to do it but you ignored my pleas. Your friend was also a rugged big guy. Together you guys fucked me and made me suck you and swallow your seed. The whole ordeal lasted forever. I was having status orgasmic throughout the encounter. I woke up and had to masturbate for another hour to have some relief.” She paused and glanced at me.

I said, “You may be in a powerful dominant position among the Elites of DC, but deep down, you crave to be dominated and perhaps even abused by somebody you trust.”

She grinned, “I agree with you. Is there anything you can do about it?”

I pointed my finger at the couch in the living room, “Go to the couch, kneel before it, and lean your head on the seat.”

She walked to the couch, swaying her hips seductively. When she assumed the position, I followed her, removed my clothes, and knelt behind her. I pulled her right hand back and placed it on my pole.

She grasped it and blurted surprisingly, “It’s hard already. You are as aroused as me…”

“Woman, you are right. The combination of hearing your dream, finding out you get wet by spanking, and watching your fantastic naked body – What did you expect?”

Next, I removed her palm from my cock and directed her to pinch her nipple. At the same time, I shoved my erect prick all the way to her cervix. Sahabet Giriş With no foreplay, I began plowing her cunt savagely, while my left hand massaged her clitoris. Her orgasm started shortly after. It began with involuntary convulsions and incoherent screams, and was followed by her body losing its tone, turning into a ragdoll.

Every now and then a cry came out of her mouth. I ignored everything and continued pounding her body violently and incessantly. At one point I heard her mutter, “Oh, god… I caaan’t taake it anymoore. Youu are kiiling meee.”

I whispered in her ear, “Shut up, and take it like the slut you are!”

Suddenly, her body ‘woke up’ – It began countering my strokes, and I heard her mumble, “Yes, I aam a sluut! Fuuck mee haarder!”

Geez, the lady was insatiable!

I increased the pace of my strokes for another minute before growling like a wounded animal and dumping my load into her womb. When I was done, I lay on the carpet to catch my breath, and watched her continue leaning on the couch for another 10 minutes.

Eventually, her head turned back to me. She smiled, “Leo, you are a wild animal. I wonder if any woman will be able to tame you. But sex with you is a straight road to heaven. I know for sure my girlfriends will get their money’s worth. Wait here, I’ll go to the other room and bring you the photos I promised.”

She returned 10 minutes later wearing a long robe with several pictures in her hand, “Look at these 3 ladies. Each one has a close up photo of her face and another one in a swimsuit. Choose one lady, and I’ll tell you a little about her.”

I stared at the photos, knowing quite well everybody’s picture would emphasize one’s good side while trying to hide deficiencies. But all 6 photos were of good quality and displayed attractive middle aged women with good bodies.

“To tell you the truth, all 3 are appealing. I wish I knew more about their character in order to choose the right one.”

Lilian chuckled, “I thought so myself. However, you’ll have to select one now. If everything goes well with her, you’ll have an opportunity to meet the others too.

I went with the red-headed lady, and Lilian told me her story, “Her name is Jill. She is 42 and the wife of an ambassador to one of the countries in South America. She married at 21 and, in the beginning, was happy in her marriage. Five years ago, her husband started spending more time than before in the health club. She noticed him dress differently and frequently complained he was too tired for sex. She got suspicious and hired a private detective to follow him. In short, her husband was seeing another… guy. She was devastated, but divorcing him would mean she’d lose her status in our society, so she elected to close her eyes, and let go. She hated her husband for putting her in that situation but decided to have her own private life. It took her 5 years to actually take matters into her own hands. Still interested?”

“Well, if she is unhappily married, and the main issue is sex, I’ll be happy to try. Hopefully, she won’t burden me too much with emotional bursts.”

“She won’t. I have known Jill for many years, and we’ve been good friends. She never showed any sign her marriage was less than perfect. Only now, when I presented the opportunity, she confided with me about her husband’s behavior.”

“Do you have any idea what will be my ‘official reason’ to visit her house?”

“Jill told me 2 bulbs in her hard-to-reach lamp, as well as a shower head, need to be replaced.”

“Unless these are not standard, the work shouldn’t take more than half an hour, or an hour and a half including driving to a store and buying Sahabet Güncel Giriş the right parts.”

“Let’s say it will take you 2 hours. How much will you be charging a regular customer?”

“I don’t do these kinds of work for others except for family members. I am a landscaper, remember? I assume a handyman would charge $200 plus parts.”

“I’ll tell her that the full service will cost her $500, and if she is unhappy with your performance, she’ll pay you $200. I’ll call her later today, and text you her contact number, if she agrees to the terms.”

I was ready to leave. When I was by the door, Lilian asked, “When can you be here again?”

“Tomorrow I am free. I can work on the plumbing of the jacuzzi. It functioned well last time we used it, but I noticed a red light blinking and a small leak near the far wall. By the way, the other plumbing jobs on the second floor are too much for one person. The malfunctioning tubes are in the wall or buried in the floor. both need drilling and may take longer time, so I’ll talk to one of my employees and we’ll do it another time.”

She gave me a long mysterious look and then asked sweetly, “Leo, I am hesitant as to who I let inside my house. Will you show me pictures of your trusted employees, and let ME choose the one who will join you?”

I winked at her, “Lilian dear, am I right to feel one of us has naughty thoughts?”

“Leo, I trust you. And yes, if the conditions are right, I may consider a threesome.”

I laughed, “Did you always have such a heightened sexual appetite, or is it my fault?”

She giggled, “Since I turned 20, I had wild sexual dreams but they remained fantasies and used during masturbation. Since you invaded my life… and body, I feel young again. With you, I have a chance to enjoy things I missed when I was younger. As long as it’s safe, and I mean no STDs, no talks about it with others, and whoever else you select to join us is not a murderer – I’d be happy to give it a try.”

I looked at her, “Lilian, you amaze me. You are smart and look terrific. Everybody who sees you would guess you are a noble, prude, middle aged, married woman, whose mind is wrapped around charities and nonsensical chats. Yet you are vibrant, sexy, and much more open to experimenting with sex than anybody could guess. Who would think you’d be into B&D, three way, and other deviant ideas?”

“Well honey, this is a lesson to you: Don’t ever judge a person by his or her appearance. In fact, often we find out important things very late…”

I smiled, “Sleep tight and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Three hours later I got a text from Lilian, ‘Jill inquired a lot about you and… about us. I told her everything, including you spanking me. She would love to meet you, provided INITIALLY, you’d be nice. Later? Who knows. My gut feeling is she is as hungry as me, but start slow. Her cellphone number is…’

I called Jill later in the evening. She had a pleasant voice, “Hello, who is it?”

“Ma’am, my name is Leonardo, or Leo for short. I am a handyman and was asked by Lilian to call you about fixing stuff in your house.”

“Leo, nice to hear from you so soon. By the way, according to Lilian, you are more than a HANDYman. You know how to use other parts too.”

“Lady, Touché!”

She giggled, “Sir, Lilian and I are like sisters. We know each other’s secrets. If you are really as trustworthy and good as she says, your future is secure. Let me know in advance when you’ll be able to fix me… I meant to fix the issues in my house.”

“Tomorrow I work at Lilian’s and my next free day is 2 weeks from now. However, Saturday morning I can stop by if it’s convenient for you.”

“Saturday at 10 am is perfect. And I forgot to mention – My jacuzzi is more sophisticated than Lilian’s. It’s a new model and was installed a week ago. I want to be sure there are no problems, so we should test it together. I doubt a swimsuit will be needed…”

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