Sam’s head spun as he woke up. His mouth felt so dry. He forced his eyes open and immediately took a sharp intake of breath. Above him was a pink canopy. As he blinked, he noticed his long lashes.
He tried to sit up and realised his hand were tied to the bed. He looked down at his body and got his second shock. He saw he was wearing, what he assumed was a dress. He couldn’t see much past his huge breast.
His head slumped down, and he licked his lips. He tasted lipstick. He didn’t remember getting dressed like this. He had gone to his local last night after he had been chatting to a man on the Sissy Chasers website. It dawned on him he must have had something slipped into his drink at the pub.
“Ahh, you’re awake, good.”
He craned his head to see where the voice was coming from.
“Don’t try to sit up you can’t. I will explain everything. Here, take a sip of water. “
Sam gulped the water from the bottle that was offered to his lips.
“Where am I? What…..”
He stopped. That wasn’t his voice. It was a much higher tone. It was a woman’s voice.
“Yes, we have done some vocal work on you Samantha. Or do you prefer you site name? Sissy Boy Samantha.”
“Who the hell are you and what the hell have you done to me.” Roared Sam. Although it sounded nowhere near as forceful in the high pitched squeaky voice he now had. it sounded like a small child having a hissy fit.
“We have made your dreams come true. We read your blogs, saying how you want to be an owned sissy. Well, that’s about to come true. “
“I’ll fucking ki..AHHHHHH.”
Pain exploded in his skull.
When the tears had cleared from his eyes, he saw the man dangling a tiny remote control from his index finger.
“Good sissies don’t swear at their betters. All that nasty testosterone will be all gone soon Sammy girl. Until then, bad girls get zappies.”
The man smiled.
“Now say sorry master.”
Sam wanted to say go fuck yourself, but he had enough gerze escort sense not to.
“I’m sorry I swore master. Please tell me what has happened.”
“Good girl. My colleagues and I specialise in training and selling sissies like you. At first, we used to kidnap normal guys. The problem was we had to break them thoroughly. They didn’t fetch as much at auction like that. They were almost zombies. The hypnosis and torture does that you know.”
“Please let me go. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Too late for that. I shall continue. Any more interruptions and I press the button. We now kidnap sissy girls like you. It doesn’t take much for you true sissies to accept your fate. Many actually enjoy it. Do you understand?”
Sam thought he must be careful.
“Yes master.”
“Good. You’re a quick learner. We took you 3 months ago.”
Sam started to hyperventilate.
“If it helps all the people you knew think you are dead. Your car was found empty at the foot of a cliff at Dover. A note was found in your house. So don’t stress. Sam’s life is over. There is only Samantha now.”
Sam started to cry.
“Good, the hormones are well into your system. Just the reaction a sissy should have.”
“Hormones? M…master?”
“We have tightened your vocal cords. Given you D cup implants. You will never need to shave again as we have given you laser hair removal treatment. Your basic makeup is now tattooed on. Oh, and you have a slow-release hormone implant as well as your obedience implant.”
Sam felt the room swim. This couldn’t be happening. He had fantasies about being a sissy and serving men. He had even lived out that fantasy a few times. That was on his terms though. This was real life. Now he was stuck looking like a woman. How could he live like this? How could he escape?
The man walked out of Sam’s eyeline and returned with an IPAD. He pointed the screen at Sam. Sam saw what he looked like. He was beautiful. giresun escort His makeup was perfect. His red lips were full and inviting. His long hair was curled and dyed a flaming red. Below his bulging breasts he could see the dress flared out due to the fluffy petticoats beneath the hem.
Despite himself, Sam started to get hard. Then he felt it. His cock was caged. It was hurting a little.
As if reading his mind, the man said.
“That cage is locked on permanently. With the hormone treatments it will probably fall off one day when your cock and balls shrink so far it has nothing to hide.”
He chuckled as he said that. Then touched a switch on the bed post. Sam heard a whine and felt his legs being raised. As they rose, they widened, and he slipped down the bed.
He saw the hem of his white flowered dress fall back to reveal his white lace petticoat. Then that fell back to show his tightly gartered nylons. The motor stopped and Sam saw he was wearing a black Panty Corselette.
“We’ll take it from here.”
Sam heard a feminine voice say. He saw a middle aged, but pretty blond woman and a tall rugged looking man had entered the room.
“I’m your femininity instructor. Don’t ever think we are equals. There are men, women and sissies. Sissies are the lowest order of life. You call every woman mistress and every man master. Understand?”
“Yes mistress.”
She unfastened the crotch of his Panty Corselette. Sam saw his tiny cock caged in a pick chastity device.
“With that tiny thing you had no choice in being a sissy, did you?”
Sam felt her lubricated finger enter him. He squirmed.
“if you don’t stay still I’m going to let Rocky here go in dry.”
Oh my goodness. Sam thought. The large man was going to fuck him.
She nodded at Rocky. Rocky dropped his trousers. Rocky lowered Sam down a few inches to get him to the right height. When the motor stopped he felt the bulbous head of girne escort Rocky’s cock outside his slippery hole. He had only ever used vibrators on himself. He had never had a real cock in him.
Mistress started to taunt him.
“You wanted this. Now you will get the full experience of a lady’s lifestyle. You may end up married. If you do will have to perform wifely duties. Consider this practice.”
As she said this, Rocky slid in. He was a lot larger and warmer than Sam’s toys.
“Ahhhh. Please no.”
“Oh yes, Sissy Sammy. Get used to this. This is your life now.” Said the woman.
He felt the huge cock slide in and out slowly. He breathed deep to cope with the pain. I felt like he had a hot poker strecthing him.
He saw his vintage gartered nylon hose, white stiletto heels framing Rocky’s face. He could taste his lipstick and smell his perfume as he started to perspire.
“Yes Samantha. This is your life now. Being used for a real man’s pleasure. Looking pretty, smelling sweet. Vintage lingerie, petticoats, frilly silky underwear. Stuff that real women won’t wear in the 21st century. This is your life now. A man’s object of desire.”
Rocky had quickend his pace now and was staring hard into Sam’s eyes. Sam couldn’t look away. Rocky’s eyes scared him Such dominance. Sam felt weak. He wanted to please Rocky. He wanted him to like him. How could he hve ever thought he was a real man. No, he deserved this.
The pain had gone now and the sight of his pretty heels twitching at every thrust Rocky made, was helping to build up into Sam’s first hands free orgasm of his life.
He imagined what it would be like to be permanently dressed in frilly, feminine, vintage women’s lingerie. Waiting for his husband to come home and throw him on the bed. To see his silky nyloned legs high and wide, while his husband drove himself into him every night. To be stretched tight for his husband’s pleasure every day. Sam cried and gasped wide eyed and came.
Rocky smiled as he built up to a fast pistoning speed and erupted inside her.
Sam was dazed. He didn’t know where this was leading to. What he did know, He was now no longer sissy boy Samantha. He was now Sissy Girl Samantha. He could never think of himself as a man again.
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