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The Game


This is just a story about three Las Vegas couples that get together to enjoy themselves over the weekend, without spending a lot of money.

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Meet the people

These are just three ordinary couples, who are longtime residents of Las Vegas, who get together once a month to play cards. Living in Las Vegas, most residents don’t go to the strip to play cards, they do it at home. This arrangement saves them money, it helps them avoid the weekend traffic around the resort corridor (The Strip) and lets them unwind after the work week. This group of friends is composed of three couples.

The first couple is Jan (35) and Bob (42). Bob is a tall man at 6’3″ tall, 195 pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Jan is 5’6″ tall, 138 pounds, black shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and wears a 32-C cup bra.

The second couple is Barb (25) and Doug (30). Doug is 5’11, 175 pounds, brown hair, and brown eyes. Barb is 5’4″, 128 pounds, long blonde hair, and green eyes, and wears a 28-B bra cup.

The third couple is Debbie (35) and Carl (32). Carl stands 6′, 185 pounds, brown hair, and brown eyes. Debbie is 5’5″, 130 pounds, red hair, brown eyes, and wears a 30-C bra.

All the women are striking in their own way and looked really sexy when dressed or in a tight pair of shorts of jeans. Tonight, they were all wearing panties, bra, a summer dress, and heels. All the Men were considered handsome, and they all wore sneakers, T-Shirts, Shorts and Boxers.

The Game being played is Texas Hold-me

Each person is dealt two cards face down and, on the table, and the flop which is three cards face up in the center of the table. Then each player has a chance to bet on their hand using their two cards, the three on the table, and the two yet to come to make a five-card poker hand, or fold. After the betting round, the next card is dealt face up on the table, and this card is called the turn, and another chance to bet or fold is given to the players. The final card, the river, is dealt face up next to the other four and each player must make the best hand possible. Each player in this local game starts with $50 in chips and the ante is $5 each hand.

The situation

As is the case in most of the Country today, Pot is legal in Nevada, and they indulge every time they get together. Each time a different player brings a strain he likes the most for the others to try. This time it was Barbs turn to bring some and she brought a strain called “Horndog”. So, they drank, passed the pipe, and played cards. Everything was going along fabulously as they won and lost, trading chips back and forth, that is except for Barb who was losing badly.

“Can I borrow some chips from hubby here,” asked Barb?

Bob spoke up, “You know the group rules we have, no borrowing from hubby or anyone else in the game.”

“But I don’t want to quit yet, I’m having too much fun,” Barb said.

Now, no one knew if it was the mood, the drink, or the weed that sparked the next part of this conversation, but Bob took the temperature of everyone at the table.

“Should we give Barb a chance to get back in the game,” Bob asked?

Jan, Bobs wife said, “We’re all adults here and if you want, I have an idea.”

Carl, Debbie’s husband spoke up, “We’re between hands so let’s take a break, pass the pipe around again, and listen to what Jan has come up with.”

They all agreed evi olan gaziantep escort and passed the pipe around the table for two more rounds, then Carl said; “Let’s hear what Jan has to say.”

Jan stepped up with her idea.

“If you want to continue in the game without money, you should sell your clothes, but with a few rules. First, you can’t sell them to your spouse, second you must sell them to the top chip holder, and if that is your spouse then you sell them to the next highest chip holder. Third you must buy your clothes back, no giving them back after the person has lost again.”

Carl asked; “At what dollar amount would the girls sell them?”

Carl’s wife Debbie objected; “Hey, shouldn’t the guys be able to sell theirs also if they need to?”

Doug, Barbs husband asked; “Shouldn’t we be sure how many articles each person is wearing?”

Bob agreed; “Yes, we should make sure. How many people have more than three on right now, not counting shoes?”

No one had more than three, so Bob continued.

“And how many have less than three articles of clothing on?”

Again no one answered that question either.

Jan jumped back in with her assessment.

“OK then, it appears we all have three articles of clothing to sell if needed. I suggest that since the women look good in only footwear and then men look weird in just shoes that the Men take off the shoes and women keep their heels.”

They all agreed, and the Ken took off their shoes and sat back down. Then Barb asked a question.

“How much will we get for our clothing?”

Jan stated back to her.

“That’s the interesting and fun part. We started with $50 so we could get $5 for each piece of clothing, and it must be from the outside in. Dress first, then bra, then panties. If you win you can buy the clothes back and if you don’t, you remain naked.”

Beings that was one third of the total buy in at the beginning, they all agreed.

Debbie told Barb, “Don’t feel bad, I’m not far behind you. I’ll be selling my clothes before long.”

Jan announced, “Bob is the top chip holder so if you want to sell to stay in the game, he is your buyer.”

Barb stood and took off all three pieces of clothing and handed them to Bob. Her husband Doug asked her; “Why sell them all at once?”

Barn said, “Don’t be silly, why should I stand and out on a show after each hand. This way ai can continue to play three hands after I’m out.”

Doug was a little nervous about her being naked, she had not been naked in front of anybody but him since they married, and how she sat without a stitch at a poker table. Jan noticed his apprehension and addressed it.

“Don’t worry honey, we’re all adults here and besides I won’t be the only naked player here.”

They passed the pipe one more time around the table to ease any apprehension and continued the game. They played two more hands and Debbie stood, stripped her clothes, gave them to Bob and sat back down. One more hand and Carl, Debbie’s husband did the same. Three out of six players sold their clothes to continue in the game.

Barb won one hand hut it was a small pot, so she just held onto the money as Carl’s chip count was getting low, but one win and he would be OK. Jan announced to the group:

OK, now I’m getting low, and I can’t sell gaziantep evi olan escort them to Bob, so Carl my only option as far as chips go.”

Carl acknowledged he was.

“Well, that’s $15 to Jan”.

She stripped off her clothes and sat back down. Bob and Carl were the only two at the table with clothes on and enjoyed eyeing the three naked women. Then Barb had a question.

“What happens if we lose and don’t have the money to buy our clothes back?”

Jan being the one who floated this idea in the first place felt obligated to answer.

“If that is the case, you go home without them and get them back tomorrow. But if you feel you can’t do that, I have another idea.”

She left the table and went into the other room and came back a few minutes later with 18 index cards in her hand. She passed out three to each player and they had all three had the players name written on them and each had a different body part. One had Mouth and $5 written on it, one had genital and $10 written on it, and one had ass and $15 written on it. Barb asked her another question.

“What are these for, and what are the dollar amounts for?”

If you can’t bring yourself to leave her naked, you can sell sex with those body parts to buy your clothes back to go home”, Jan explained.

By now everyone was pretty much stoned, and they realized why this strain of weed was called “Horndog”, as it made them all horny and took away their inhibitions. Then Debbie did some math with a bad idea behind it.

“That means you can sell all three and have $15 to lay on and $15 to buy your clothes with.”

Normally this would have sent shock waves through their small group, but in their condition, it didn’t even spark a doubt of what could happen. The next hand Jan won and bought back her clothes from Carl, but just laid them on the floor at her feet. Barb, Doug, and Debbie all sold their “Mouth” card for an additional $5. Bob bought Barbs and Debbie’s, and Jan bought Doug’s. By the time this round was over, they were selling their “Genital” cards. Then Carl had a bad run of luck and ended up naked selling his “Mouth” and Genital Card to Jan. Then Bob made an announcement to the group.

“Only Jan and I are left with money and clothes, and each of you are going to have to honor the sex cards before getting your clothes back.”

Debbie asked, “Do we get to chose who we have sex with?”

Jan answered, “The person holding your card decides who you have to earn your clothes with.”

They played a few more hands between Bob and Jan and the bets were going high. Eventually, Bob had won all Jan’s money, but according to the rules he couldn’t buy her clothes, and he didn’t want the men’s clothes, so the game ended there with him owning all the clothes of the women except Jan, All the women’s sex cards for “Mouth” and “genital” except for Jan, and Jan held the “Mouth” and Genital” sex cards for two of the naked men. Bob went to the closet and brought back an oversized comforter and laid it out on the floor in the living room, assembled everyone to sit down on it, and passed the pipe and filled the drink glasses. As they passed the pipe around, Barb had an objection to the rules.

“Wait a minute, this is not fair to Jan. Bob is going to fuck Debbie and me in the mouth and pussy, but Jan holding the gaziantep evi olan escort bayan genital cards on the two Men can’t do the same? Then to get our clothes back, each of us four will have to offer our asses and Bob will enjoy them. But poor Jan can’t fuck the guys in the ass, or can she?”

Jan left the room and came back with a nine-inch strap-on dick in her hand.

“I certainly can fuck their asses and will.”

“And can Bob fuck six holes in one night? What happens if he’s spent, we can’t earn our clothes back, Barb asked?”

Bob explained, “No one said all these cards have to be used tonight, as long as everyone can be trusted to honor their bets.”

Jan came up with another solution and shared it with the crowd.

“The rules were, I couldn’t sell my clothes or sex cards to my husband during the game. The Game is over and if I can convince him to trade, we can exchange cards with each other. Now I like women just as much as men, so I want to trade for some female activity, and that way we don’t have to worry about him passing out or being spent.” This caused Bob to explore that idea.

“Which woman would you want, and which holes would you want?”

I would like to have Barb to play with, but I would also want to direct some of the guys to fuck who I chose.”

“And what would you be willing to trade for it, Jan?”

“I don’t have much except for men’s clothes and sex cards, so what would you want Bob?”

I’ll give you Barbs Mouth and Genital cards, and Debbie’s mouth card.”

“And what do I give you in return?”

“You make out a separate card with the words 24-hour whore on it, and I take your clothes. That means you are mine to do with as I wish for the next 24 hours without objection. But you can’t ignore the male asses you hold cards for, you must do them first, or you can have another woman do them for you.”

“That sounds fair. Does anybody have any objections to this arrangement, Jan asked?”

Nobody objected and they made the trade. As they exchanged the cards and her clothes, Bob told her that she had to suck each cock until it was hard and lick every pussy until it was dripping. Jan started with Bob and then moved on to Carl then Doug. Then she took care of Debbie and Barb to prime the night. As she was licking Barb, Bob entered her pussy from behind and showed no mercy, making a slapping noise everyone could hear. He unloaded inside her bowels as she finished making Barb as wet as could be. When she left Barb, Bob put his cock in Barbs mouth for her to suck him clean from Jan’s ass.

This orgy scenario excited Bob so much it didn’t take long for him to get hard again, and he pushed her legs to her shoulders and entered Barbs asshole. Meanwhile Jan was using Doug’s ass and he was grunting and whining like the anal virgin he was. Jan had him on all fours and put Debbie in the floor below him to suck his cock to completion. Bob looked around as he was using Barb and he saw Carl sucking his cum out of Jan’s sloppy ass, and Debbie sucking Doug from beneath getting him close as Jan continued to analyze him. Carl had straddled Doug and had his cock in Jan’s mouth as she continued to Fuck Doug.

By the time an hour had passed, everyone in the group either sucked, licked, fucked or analyzed one and other spouses. Jan having made the 24-hour whore deal, at 3am she had to drive each couple home while she was naked wearing a clit vibrator, with Bob next to her watching and enjoying her trying to drive while orgasming. After they returned home Bob had his spouse anther two times before they both fell asleep. They woke the next day around noontime and Bob reminded her she was still on her 24-hour clock and took full advantage of it.

It didn’t take long for them to schedule their next poker night.

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