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The Family Mansion Rewrite Pt. 21


The Family Mansion 21: Sunday Family Dinner

By Charlie Flemming

Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming

The recording’s video was cut mere seconds before the door to the living room flung open and in stepped Aunt Andrea and her three triplets, Rebecca, Taylor, and Alison.

Andrea Geil was beautiful. Her red hair shimmered in the dim light of the living room. She was wearing one of her Sunday dresses that she wore exclusively for going to church. This one was green and flowed low almost to the ground if not for Andrea’s high-heeled shoes. They covered her legs completely, which were as curvy and sexy as the rest of her body, but she usually kept it covered up feeling that after having triplets out of wedlock she owed it to the lord to never have sex again. Even with that ideal, and clothes that weren’t particularly flattering, she was still flirted with constantly by members of the opposite sex. But one could tell just by looking her in any clothes, no matter how unflattering, that she covered up a very shapely and beautiful body.

Even in her frumpy dress, for example, it still gripped her sexy belly and her large breasts, FFs, even bigger than Liz’s EEs, pushed the front of the dress out and exposed her glorious cleavage to the world. And her green eyes, which were so radiant they practically glowed in the dark, were so captivating most straight or bisexual men couldn’t look away from her once they noticed how beautiful her eyes were.

Even though Andrea was visually stunning, she’d stayed celibate for nearly twenty years by basically steering every conversation she was into talking about her faith. Everything she wanted to talk about seemed to be “Jesus” this and “The Bible” that and when she mentioned celibacy that made most men turn and walk away.

Sometimes the men of her church would come up and talk to her but they usually learned the other major flaw that came with being Andrea Geil, she seemed to be incredibly dumb. This wasn’t exactly true, Andrea definitely wasn’t stupid, but when it came to any kind of common sense, Andrea was more than a bit scatterbrained. Andrea didn’t have that particular problem anymore as she had switched to an all-women church just outside of the city.

As for Andrea’s daughters, whom she loved more than anything in the world, they were all just as beautiful as their mother. They were identical-looking but they dyed their hair different colors, (Nathan assumed just so others could tell them apart more easily), Rebecca dyed her hair black, Taylor dyed her hair blonde, and Alison had green hair and as far as Nathan could remember, that’s always been their hair colors. He actually couldn’t remember what their natural hair color was.

Outside of their hair colors, the triplets all had matching green eyes, just as spellbinding as their mother’s, beautiful, pouty lips, perfectly pointed noses, but as to whether their bodies were as sexy as Andrea’s, no one really knew because Andrea was so concerned about her daughter’s own chastity that she basically made them dress up like nuns when they went out. Though they could leave their heads uncovered, the clothes they wore were more humble than the Amish.

Personality-wise, Rebecca was talkative and Nathan thought she was more or less like Erika when they got together as she seemed to like to be the center of attention, however, when Erika would get competitive and try to take center stage, Rebecca didn’t put up a fight about it and would back down politely. She seemed like a very smart person to Nathan, but he never really talked to her that much.

Taylor was less talkative and more reserved than her sister Rebecca but seemed to love to laugh and watch movies. Again, Nathan didn’t really know her that well though.

And no one really knew about Alison, she was so shy Nathan didn’t think he’d heard more than three words come past her lips.

Truthfully, none of the Slope family really knew Andrea’s triplets that well, Andrea seemed to keep them under lock and key most of the time, and when they did come out they spent more time whispering among themselves and didn’t seem to care much for socializing. Even Rebecca, who liked to talk, wouldn’t give much away in terms of what her or her sister’s interests were or what they spent most of their time doing. Mostly, she seemed to like to just share the knowledge she’d picked up.

And as they came into the room, Brooke, Liz, Nathan, Bri, Erika, and Lexi all glanced at each other, a pained expression on all of their faces, no one really sure what to do. They were currently in their living room with some very obvious puddles of drying cum all over the couch and rug, everything smelling of sex, and they were just seconds from getting caught watching what was essentially a pornographic film starring the people sitting in that room.

Andrea took a whiff of the air, “Something reeks,” She said, “It smells…familiar,” Andrea mentioned a yenimahalle escort moment later but having sworn off men for so long, more or less, she wasn’t sure what it was and just shrugged it off. Then she saw the room, “It’s a mess in here.” She said, still not realizing anything was out of the ordinary.

“We heard something strange on the way up the stairs,” Rebecca stated.

Liz cringed, she knew she was talking about the sexual sounds coming from the video, she blushed as she remembered the sounds were her moaning in ecstasy as Brooke fucked her last night with her huge strap-on dildo, “Um, that was…” she started to say but couldn’t come up with a good excuse.

Brooke cut in, “It was an art film I made.” She explained, “I just wanted to show the family, you know?”

“Sounds, um, interesting,” Andrea said, “Maybe we can all watch it later.” Though she actually didn’t want that, most artistic films just went over her head. She glanced around at the messy room again, “I’m surprised it’s so dirty, this is definitely not the way I would leave my living room if I was having company. As it says in the Bible-“

Liz stood from her chair with haste as she interrupted her sister, “Well, I said it was for this evening. Hence the ‘dinner’ part of Sunday Family Dinner. We were just about to clean.” She explained this quickly, mostly she just didn’t want Andrea to start quoting scripture at her and her family. Liz wasn’t against religion or anything, but she also knew it wasn’t right for her and wanted her children to make their own decisions in regard to their faith. “If you want, you can help us. I didn’t know you were going to be here so early.”

“Hmph,” Andrea grunted at her sister, “I said we would be here after church and now it’s after church.” Andrea glanced around the room, not suspicious of anything, only concerned about the mess, “I’ll help at least, I’m sure the girls can decide for themselves what they want to do.”

Andrea’s girls all glanced at each other for only a second then Rebecca turned back and said, “Sure, we’ll help. Though I can’t imagine what you spilled all over the carpet and couch. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it looks like someone was spraying something white from out of a hose.”

The triplets giggled inappropriately as everyone else but Andrea looked awkward for a moment. Then Liz got up, announced she was going to get cleaning supplies, and rushed out of the room. While she was gone, Andrea commented again about how the room stunk and opened some of the windows that looked back into the pool area and beyond that to the giant track behind it.

Liz came back with rags, the carpet shampooer, and some disinfectant in spray bottles and everyone got to work over the sound of Andrea talking about what the Bible had to say about cleanliness.

Everyone helped clean in silence, outside of Andrea’s annoying religious ramblings, but the Slopes and Bri were all too distracted by their own thoughts to listen to a word she was saying (and didn’t want to anyway).

Bri felt like her whole body was buzzing, slightly. Even as she got on her hands and knees to clean a giant cum stain from the day before, she started humming happily to herself before realizing she was doing so, reminding herself that she should be ashamed about everything she’d done, along with worried about Liz and her kids but she just couldn’t help it. Watching that video didn’t faze her, she was just so sexually satisfied after fucking Nathan that she just felt good. She kept glancing at Nate as they cleaned wondering if she could get him alone again while everyone else was distracted, but decided it probably wouldn’t be right for the maid to leave everyone else to clean so she could fuck the boss’s son. The thought of fucking Nathan again made Bri go starry-eyed for a second as she imagined his huge cock thrusting into her tight pussy. She bit her lip and hoped Liz wasn’t really going to send him away at the end of the day.

Brooke was spraying down cum-stains on the couch and scrubbing them with a towel, horny as hell but knew there wasn’t going to be a chance to do anything with anyone. God, she thought, I’m such an incest-slut, this shit just turns me on. She gleaned at her mother who was staying away from the main mess and instead of straightening furniture on the other side of the room, Even in that frumpy outfit she looks so beautiful. I wish no one else was around so I could go and grab her, push my face into her black hair, kiss her perfect lips, suck those massive tits with not even a hint of age, god, why does Mom have such a perfect body? I want to eat her pussy, I want her to fuck my ass with my strap on dildo, I want to-

Brooke then realized she was ogling her mother and the stain had been cleaned for several minutes. She moved on and tried to shake off her horny thoughts, knowing that her only goal that day was to convince her mother to change her mind yeşilköy escort and let them stay the summer. Brooke knew if she was sent to Aunt Andrea’s house, with her super-weird triplets, her fun would definitely be over, Still, with Nathan there… She let her mind wander as she moved onto another stain.

Lexi was feeling really bad as she cleaned. She knew it was at least partly about being hungover from all the wine last night, but it was mostly because of the video. What she saw herself doing didn’t really bother her, Though I did make out with Erika, She considered, that was weird. Why do I keep doing stuff like that? And with Erika? I mean, I’ve never had a problem with her personally but I’ve always hated how she treats Nathan. She just shrugged it off though. The incest part didn’t really bother her, not after how long she’d fantasized being with her twin brother, but now it seemed like everyone was lusting after him and she was just getting left behind, I mean, she thought, I put in all the work, but now everyone else is benefiting from the rewards. She sighed, that thought only making her feel worse than before, and part of her felt that loving her brother was just a lost cause. Maybe I should just move on? She looked at her brother, and her heart swooned as she thought about how handsome he was, NO! She thought, Not yet anyway. I didn’t think I even had a chance before, now I do, and I’m not giving up without a fight! Lexi doubled her efforts as she cleaned.

Erika was cleaning in the corner so she didn’t have to look at anyone. She actually wasn’t cleaning anything but was instead just periodically pushing things around on a small table they kept trinkets on. She was actually feeling more embarrassed than anyone else after watching that video, except for perhaps Nathan. It wasn’t even about what anyone else had been doing, though she felt the incestuous stuff was a bit fucked up, she just couldn’t believe how she had been acting on that recording.

It wasn’t just making out with Lexi, she thought as she shuffled the things on the table around once again, I mean, she is pretty…except I’m not a lesbian. Whatever, it’s not like I even remember it anyway…though in the shower this morning…no that was just something stupid. She brushed it off and concentrated on what was really bothering her, I’ve never seen myself like that before. I’m always the one in control. But there, it was like I was some kind of sex fiend, willing to do anything for anyone. I looked totally out of control. And I’ve always been in control of everything that ever happens to me, always. And yet… Erika pictured what she saw in the video. She was perfectly content slobbering like a slut all over her brother’s big dick, I don’t think I’ve ever seen myself so happy before.

Erika shook her head and tried to shake the thought of it away reminding herself, I’m not a slut, I’m the head cheerleader for Christ’s sake. She decided to never do anything like that ever again, no matter how captivating it looked. But then thought if that meant giving up on her brother before thinking, I’m just trying to make Nathan my boyfriend because it’s to prove that I’m in control. If he’s mine then he’ll give up on all those other women because of how perfect I am. And then he’ll be completely in my pocket… Though something she didn’t realize was that she was just denying her true feelings and trying to convince herself that it was all a power thing instead of admitting to herself that she had feelings for her brother.

Erika tried to concentrate on rearranging the table in front of her again and not think about anything for a moment.

Liz was avoiding everyone else by staying on the other side of the room where there really wasn’t any mess, though once everyone else was done, she went over everything else with the carpet shampooer. Though she barely noticed doing anything, she was spending so much time with her own thoughts, starting with a talk with her Sex Demon.

“What the fuck?” She imagined herself saying to her Sex Demon which looked like her with varying degrees of Satan thrown in as well. “How could you let that all happen?”

“How could I not? Last night, your offspring wanted to suck and fuck and cum. I just gave them what they wanted.” The Demon laughed, “And you got what you wanted to. But we both know you still want more!”

“And that’s why I’m sending them all away. All of them. I’m going to fix my broken marriage, and I’m going to get rid of you!”

She banished her libido to the back of her brain and felt like she was thinking clearly for a moment. The room stopped smelling like sex and now had the scent of cleaning supplies which really helped Liz to stop picturing what had happened there the night before, and didn’t want to admit that it turned her on greatly to know that there was practically an orgy in that room before.

That reminded Liz, Nathan fucked Brooke yeşilyurt escort last night, true, only in the ass… That made her feel a little better but only slightly, it wasn’t that much better than actually fucking his sister after all, but there’s no way they can be sent away together. I know that Andrea runs a tight ship but Brooke is such a sneaky fox sometimes, there’s no way I can trust her to be alone with Nathan anymore than…well than I can trust myself with him.

She sighed and realized that she never told her husband about the dinner plans for the evening. Liz texted James that they were having Sunday Family Dinner again, but she wasn’t surprised or even upset when he texted back a minute later that he was going to have to stay another night. She didn’t text him again after that.

Nathan was just as embarrassed about everything as Erika was. He felt he had really fucked everything up this time and was basically on the same page as his mother was, It’s good that I’m being sent away, and I’m glad it was Brooke and not me who fucked Mom last night, as fucked up as that is anyway. I mean, she’s hot as all fuck but she’s still my fucking mother…

He was bitter, wished he wasn’t always fucking things up all the time, and just hoped that things would get better before they got any worse.

Almost as soon as they were done with cleaning the living room and everything looked basically how it did before, Jenna arrived with her daughters.

“What the hell?” Liz said, surprised as Jenna came into the room, “Don’t you guys text?”

“What’s it matter, we just go around your unfinished wall anyway.” Jenna said, her emphasis on “unfinished” made it obvious to everyone that Jenna was judging Liz about having an incomplete wall in front of her mansion. “I suppose any thief could just waltz right in if they pleased.”

“Well, James wanted the wall.” Liz said, not really wanting to get into it with her eldest sister right then, “I think he overestimated what was in the budget, he just kept saying how he wanted the ‘construction workers to pay for it,’ for some reason. You know how he gets when he’s upset.”

“I guess I would if he were ever around.” Jenna said, her voice filled with contempt for her sister’s seemingly carefree lifestyle, “It seems your man spends more time away from you than with you.”

Jenna was 40, two years older than Liz, but she looked almost ten years younger than that due to a combination of good genes and staying in shape by being constantly busy. She was the same height as Liz but always looked taller because she always wore extra-high-heel shoes because she thought it made her look more professional. Much like her sisters and daughters, she was breathtaking to look at, she had straight, blonde hair and captivating, blue eyes. Her tits were just as big as Liz’s as well and Jenna wore an EE-sized bra, just like Liz.

Currently, Jenna was wearing a very business-like, skirt-suit. The vest was open aside from the bottom two buttons to give her boobs some breathing room. Underneath she wore a thin, white, collared shirt which was just see-through enough that one could make out her red bra underneath. The skirt was medium length and hugged her shapely, sexy hips, and underneath that her long, beautiful legs were covered in dark pantyhose.

Nathan had always found his Aunt Jenna to be beautiful. This was true of his entire family, really, but with Aunt Jenna he allowed himself to fantasize about her in his masturbation sessions. This was mostly because, unlike with his mother or sisters, he didn’t feel guilty about doing so. Since Jenna was always mean to his mother, this felt like a sort of revenge making her the object of some of his sexual fantasies. But because of this, he tended to look at her differently, more lustfully, than he did anyone else there at that time. This was something Jenna picked up on though she never let it known to him that she did.

Accompanying Jenna was her three daughters, April, Vanessa, and Karen. April was the oldest, 21, and was usually dressed professionally like her mother. Unlike her mother, she had red hair and green eyes but was just as beautiful. She worked as an intern at the same office as her mother and seemed to want nothing more than to follow in Jenna’s footsteps, at least as far as Nathan could tell.

Next was Vanessa, who was 20, and Nathan didn’t really know much about her except she mostly went off by herself at family gatherings to read books, and he had heard a rumor from Lexi once that Jenna once caught her smoking pot, but Nathan didn’t know anything about that. She was wearing loose-fitting clothes that seemed to be slightly too big on her. She had blonde hair and looked more like her mother than Jenna’s other two daughters, but seemed very different from Jenna in a lot of ways. She seemed nice, for one thing.

Last was Karen, who was 18, and was the only other person, other than Lexi, who Nathan really enjoyed the company of and felt that they were friends. She was really into video games and so was Nathan, but no one else in the family really cared for them. She had dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes and a very sexy body, but she didn’t show it off. She was wearing tighter clothes than Vanessa but still casual and looked comfortable.

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