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The Elf and the Princess Pt. 01


Part One

It was a cold Autumn morning, and Aeronwen was traveling eastward, through the Unnamed Wood. She used no horse, so as to remain as stealthy as possible. It was unlikely her father’s men would come hunting this far west, but it was better not to risk it. She was headed for the hut of the alchemist Aeron (ironically, he shared her birth name), a journey that she made every three moons, made perilous by the fact that she was breaking the terms of her exile. Her father, King Elgar had made it clear in no uncertain terms that she was not to return to the province under any circumstances, barring one: that she renounce the fact that she was a girl and return to being his prince, in line for the throne. This, she could not do.

Aeronwen stole through the forest quickly and quietly until she came to a bridge covered in frost. She cursed under her breath. It would not do to stay in the open for too long, but traveling too quickly across the bridge could be perilous. She decided to compromise. Walking quickly but steadily, she made her way across, sure of foot. That is, until she heard the sound. It was a sound she knew well–a royal horn, used by her father’s hunting party. She whipped her head around, looking for the source of it. In doing so, she lost her footing and slipped, falling under the railing and down into the raging waters below. She had fainted by the time she hit the water.

When she awoke, Aeronwen did not know how many days had passed. She did not recognize her surroundings. She was in a warm hut, a fire raging in the stone fireplace. She looked down. She was shrouded in a green knit blanket on a soft bed. Her clothes had been removed–she felt rather exposed. Wrapping the blanket around her in a makeshift cloak, she stood and immediately felt lightheaded and had to sit again. With her head still swirling, the door to the hut opened and a woman stepped inside, though when she removed the hood of her cloak, Aeronwen could see that she was not human. Her eyes were a bit too large, and just slightly farther apart than normal. Her ears were long and pointed. She was unusually beautiful. Though she didn’t believe in them, she could not be mistaken in what she saw–the woman was an elf. “Oh thank goodness, you’re alive!” exclaimed the elven woman, rushing over to her side, leaving her basket by the door. “For three long days I tended to you, hoping that you were not dead. You breathed and your heart beat, but I feared your mind had already passed on.”

“Thank you,” said Aeronwen. “Did–did you take off my clothes?”

“Oh yes,” said the elf. “They were soaked through with frigid water. You are very beautiful.”

Aeronwen blushed. “Thank you.” She paused. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you an elf?”

“Oh yes,” said the elven woman. “My name is Aisling. What is yours?”


“A strange name, but befitting of a human. You have such strange round ears, may I touch them?”

“Er–yes, go ahead.”

Aisling caressed her Aeronwen’s gently with a fingertip, sending a shiver of goose bumps down her body. “I have never seen a human before, much less touched one. It is quite exciting.”

“I’ve never seen an elf before,” admitted Aeronwen.

“Would you like to touch my ears?”

“I’m alright, thank you,” said Aeronwen. This elf woman was very strange, but she had nursed her back to health, so she was grateful.

“You probably ought to take a warm bath,” said Aisling, gesturing to a porcelain tub at the edge of the room.

“Yes, a bath sounds good, thank you.” Aeronwen got unsteadily to her feet, the blanket still draped around her, and walked over to the tub. Aisling followed, and when they got to the tub she muttered a few words in an unknown tongue and held out her hand. The bath began to fill with warm water from the bottom up.

“You can cast magic?” asked Aeronwen, shocked.

“Yes, can you not? Humans are a very curious type of creature.” Aisling shook her head, as if trying to comprehend a non-magical person. She looked at Aeronwen expectantly. “Are you going to get in?”

“Er–I was waiting for you to turn around.”

“What for?” asked the elf. “I have already seen your naked body.”

“Yes, but that was in an emergency.”

“Alright,” said Aisling. “You humans are a strange bunch.” She turned away and set about preparing something in the kitchen that smelled delicious. Aeronwen dropped the blanket to the floor and stepped into the tub. The water was the perfect temperature, and as she sunk down into it her aching muscles began to relax.

She was awoken by Aisling who was covering her eyes with one hand. She hadn’t realized that she had drifted off. The elf had taken off her cloak to reveal a simple sheer Konyaaltı travesti white gown. “I was just making sure that you were not dead,” said the elf woman. “I am glad that you are not, I have grown quite fond of you.”

“I’m alive,” said Aeronwen. “Thank you again for saving me.”

“Of course,” said Aisling. “I could not have done anything else. The food is ready if you would like to eat it. I imagine you are quite hungry after sleeping for three days without eating.”

“I am,” said Aeronwen, “Thank you.”

Aisling drained the water from the tub with her magic and dried Aeronwen off using the same means, all while covering her eyes. “I suppose you would like something to wear,” she mused, turning around to look for suitable clothing. She retrieved a gown identical to the one she was wearing and offered it to her with her eyes closed. Aeronwen put on the gown gratefully and said. “Okay, you can open your eyes.” The gown was rather more sheer than she preferred, her breasts were quite visible, but she figured that since the elf woman had already seen her naked it would have to do.

The women ate in silence for a while. The meal Aisling had prepared was quite good, it seemed to be some sort of lentil and vegetable stew. As she ate, Aeronwen found herself staring at the elf woman. She was almost certainly the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Aeronwen averted her gaze, not wanting to stare for too long. Then, suddenly she remembered why she had been traveling through the woods in the first place. “My medecine!” she cried. “Aisling, I need my medicine. I’m sorry but I have to leave.”

Aisling looked disappointed. “I fear you may not yet be well enough to travel, Aeronwen.”

“I know, but I have to risk it. You don’t understand, this medicine keeps me myself. Without it I would grow despondent, perhaps even try to take my own life.”

“What does the medecine do? Perhaps I can create a spell to take its place while you are still recovering.”

“It–well, it made me grow breasts and become femenine. Without it I will begin to look like a man again, as I was born a boy.”

“I see, that is why you have both a penis and breasts.”

“Yes, that’s why. Do you think you can make a spell for me?”

Aisling considered it. “I think I will have a spell made for you by bedtime if I set to it immediately.”

“Oh thank you, Aisling, I would be so grateful.”

The elf smiled. “It would be my pleasure.”

She set to work at her desk, writing furious notes with a quill. While she waited, Aeronwen lay in Aisling’s bed with the blanket over her, and soon she was asleep once again. She awoke to the elf woman caressing her face, which she thought seemed rather familiar. “I have completed the spell,” she said. “I think it will be quite to your liking.” Aeronwen sat up. “The spell,” she continued, “is permanent.”

Aeronwen’s face lit up. “Thank you, Aisling, you don’t know how much of a gift this is to me.” No more furtive trips into her father’s province, no more anxiety that the alchemist wouldn’t have the necessary ingredients. This was it–she was going to be set for the rest of her life. With tears in her eyes, Aeronwen embraced the elf woman, and she embraced Aeronwen back. They stayed like this for almost half a minute. It was Aeronwen who broke the embrace. Tears were streaming freely down her face.

“Have I made you sad?” Aisling asked, a worried look on her face.

“No. You’ve made me very, very happy. Will you cast the spell?”

With only a few words and a simple hand gesture, the spell was cast. Aeronwen felt no different, but somehow she knew that it had worked.

The two were silent for some time.

“I am growing tired,” said Aisling.

“Me too,” said Aeronwen.

“Perhaps we should sleep.”

“I can sleep on the floor if you’d like.”

“Nonsense. We shall sleep together.” And so they did. The blanket was made for one, so they had to lie rather close, but they did not touch. They faced eachother as they fell asleep.

The next morning Aeronwen awoke to find Aisling gone. She looked about the room for her and found her in the bath, her full breasts above the water. She averted her eyes, blushing. “Good morning,” said Aisling cheerily.

“Good morning, Aisling” said Aeronwen.

“Why are you not looking at me when you speak?” asked Aisling curiously.

“Because you’re naked.”

“Oh,” she said. “Does that embarrass you?”

“Yes,” said Aeronwen.

“You do not have to look at me then,” said the elf woman. After a pause she asked “Are you embarrassed because you think I am beautiful?”

“No. I mean you are very beautiful. It’s just that nudity is somewhat embarrassing Konyaaltıi travestileri for humans.”

“I think that you are very beautiful too,” said Aisling, a smile in her voice.

“Thank you,” said Aeronwen, smiling. There was something quite endearing about the elf woman’s bluntness.

Aeronwen got out of bed and stretched, her back cracking as she did so. From the corner of her eye she saw Aisling stretch as well. “I think it is time for me to get out of the bath,” she said. Aeronwen heard the water displace as the elf woman stood. She muttered a spell, and then another. “Would you bring me my gown, Aeronwen?” she asked. “It is next to you on the bed.”

“Sure,” said Aeronwen, picking up the soft white gown and bringing it over to the elf woman, looking at the floor. Aisling took it and put it on, and Aeronwen looked at her once again. She had to stop herself from looking at the elf woman’s elegant soft curves.

“Do you think you have the strength to gather firewood with me?” asked Aisling.

“Maybe,” said Aeronwen. “Perhaps if I gather the kindling. Do you have another cloak?”

“No, but yours is dry.” She gestured to a stack of folded clothes on a chair.

“I suppose I should probably put my own clothes back on.”

“If you wish,” said Aisling, “But I find you very beautiful in my gown.”

Aeronwen blushed again. “Okay, perhaps I’ll keep wearing it.”

She put on her cloak and her boots, and the elf woman put hers on as well. They left the hut, and Aeronwen found herself in a beautiful forest. Quite unlike the grim pines of the Nameless Woods, she was surrounded by oaks with bright orange leaves that twirled in the breeze. “Where are we?” she asked, amazed.

“It is called Hudol Wood.”

“It’s breathtaking,” said Aeronwen. “I must have been washed quite far down the river.” Then she asked “Are there more of your kind here?”

“No,” said Aisling, “We are far and few between.”

“You must get lonely then.”

“I was lonely,” she said, “Until you washed up on the riverbank. You have made me quite happy, Aeronwen.”

“You’ve made me quite happy too, Aisling,” she said, and she found that she meant it.

They began gathering firewood from the deadfall around the river, Aisling taking the larger branches and Aeronwen taking twigs and smaller branches. Before long they were both laden with firewood, and they returned to the hut together. They stacked the wood by the fireplace and Aisling added some larger logs to the embers to build the fire up again. Before long, it was quite warm again inside the hut. The women took off their coats and boots. Aeronwen sat at the table and Aisling set about making breakfast for the two of them. This time she fried mushrooms in a cast iron skillet, seasoning them with various fresh herbs she had gathered. By the time she brought them to the table Aeronwen was ravenously hungry, and she quickly cleaned her plate.

After breakfast, Aisling offered to play the harp for Aeronwen, and she agreed. She sat cross legged on the floor in front of the elf as she played, entranced by the beautiful music.

When Aisling grew tired of playing, the two reclined in bed together so that Aeronwen could rest. They lay in silence for a while, until Aisling broke it with a question. “Aeronwen?” she asked. “May I kiss you?”

For a moment Aeronwen didn’t know what to say. Then, softly, she said “Yes.”

Aisling leaned over, her lips parted, and locked them with Aeronwen’s. They were soft and supple, and Aeronwen felt a rush of butterflies in her stomach. Aisling kissed her gently and passionately, resting a hand on Aeronwen’s hip. After a little while, the elf woman explored with her tongue, and Aeronwen brought her own tongue out to meet hers. They caressed eachother’s waists tenderly as they kissed, and before long Aeronwen felt herself growing erect. Embarrassed, she shifted her legs to try to hide it.

Aisling broke from the kiss and looked down. “Are you trying to hide your erection?” she asked.

Aeronwen blushed. “Yes.”

“Why? Are you embarrassed?”

“A little bit.” That was an understatement.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, I am aroused too.” she said, and resumed kissing Aeronwen.

When they finally tired of kissing, they lay on the bed facing eachother, holding hands. Before long, Aeronwen was asleep.

When she awoke it was dark. Aisling’s hand was still in hers, and the elf woman was asleep herself. Gingerly, so as not to wake her, Aeronwen let go of her hand and got up. She wanted to take a bath. Then realizing that she needed the elf woman’s magic to do so, she tried to wake her. “Aisling,” she whispered. there was no response. She Travesti konyaaltı placed a hand gently on her waist.

At this, Aisling awoke. “Yes, Aeronwen?”

“Would you fill up the bath for me?”

“Of course.” She sat up and got out of bed, walking over to the tub with Aeronwen. She cast her spell, and the water began to fill the tub. She returned to the bed and covered her eyes.

“You don’t have to look away, if you don’t want to,” said Aeronwen.

“I am glad,” said Aisling, uncovering her eyes. “I quite like looking at you naked.”

Aeronwen blushed. Then, facing the elf woman she drew the gown up and over her head. Her penis was small and flaccid. Her breasts were small but perky. She felt beautiful, standing there in the firelight, and the elf woman seemed to think so too. They stayed like this for a moment, just looking at eachother, before Aeronwen turned away and stepped into the bath.

When she finished washing herself, Aeronwen got out of the bath. Aisling came over to dry her with her magic. Aeronwen kissed her tenderly when she was done, and Aisling pulled her close without breaking the kiss, running her hands along her soft, bare back. They pulled apart, and Aeronwen put on her gown.

“Let us go to bed,” said Aisling, leading the other woman by the hand. Aeronwen followed, and the two of them cuddled close under the blanket, facing eachother. The elf woman kissed her, placing her hand on the side of Aeronwen’s chest, close to her right breast. She felt her heart quicken. The elf woman asked “May I kiss your neck?” and Aeronwen nodded. Aisling pushed her long blonde hair out of the way and brushed her lips softly against Aeronwen’s neck. “Your skin is very soft,” she said before brushing her lips against the other woman’s skin once more. Then she sucked gently on her neck, eliciting a quiet gasp of pleasure from Aeronwen. Her penis grew erect once again, little zaps of arousal coursing through the tip.

The elf woman grabbed Aeronwen by the hip and pulled her closer. Her penis was pressed against Aisling’s thigh. Aisling locked lips with her once again. They kissed for many minutes.

“Lie flat on your back so that I can sit on top of you,” said the elf woman. Aeronwen obliged, pushing her hair out of her face as she did so. Aisling hiked up her gown and straddled the other woman. Her vagina rested on Aeronwens penis, and she felt the elf woman’s wetness seeping through her thin gown. The pressure against her made a wave of pleasure flow through her stomach. Aisling leaned down and kissed her once again, their tongues dancing between their mouths. Then, she turned her attention back to Aeronwen’s neck, sucking softly and kissing.

“May I touch your breasts?” Aisling whispered.

“Yes,” whispered Aeronwen.

The elf woman sat up, her weight rested once again on Aeronwen’s penis. She could feel wetness of her own soaking her gown. Aisling started with a gentle caress of her right breast. It felt heavenly. With both hands, the elf woman pinched Aeronwen’s nipples through the gown–they grew hard instantly. Aisling played with her nipples, and giggled. “I quite like touching your breasts, Aeronwen. Though they are small they are very beautiful.”

Aeronwen smiled. She knew the elf woman didn’t mean any offense by this. “I like it too. May I touch yours?”

“Of course,” smiled Aisling.

Aeronwen reached up and cupped Aisling’s breasts, feeling the weight of them in her hands. The elf woman’s nipples were large and stiff. She ran her thumbs across them.

“My clit is throbbing with pleasure. May I rub it against your penis?” asked Aisling.

Aeronwen nodded, a smile breaking out across her face. The elf woman thrust her hips forward and they both moaned softly. The feeling was unlike anything she had felt before. Waves of pleasure passed through her stomach as Aisling ground slowly against her, slipping freely back and forth in her wetness. “Oh Aisling,” she said, half moaning the words. Aisling leaned down and buried her face in Aeronwens neck, her chest resting against the other woman’s, still grinding. Aeronwen embraced her tightly, the pleasure building in her stomach and the head of her penis.

Aisling ground against her faster now, moaning into her neck. A few moments of this was all Aeronwen could take–she moaned softly at first, then louder. “Aisling, don’t stop,” she said breathlessly. She came hard all over herself, soaking the gown with clear cum. The elf woman slowed but did not stop until Aeronwen’s orgasm was finished. They lay there for a moment, just breathing.

“You should rest, my dear, you are still recovering,” said Aisling at last.

“That tired me out,” said Aeronwen. “I think I’ll sleep deeply tonight.”

“Good,” said the elf woman. She rolled off of Aeronwen. “I shall clean us up.” Aisling muttered a word and their gowns were dry and clean again. She cuddled up behind Aeronwen, pulling the blanket over both of them, before cupping her right breast in her hand. In moments, Aeronwen was asleep.

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