For compliance purposes, all sexually active characters in the story are over the age of 18
Tessa sat on her bed staring in disbelief at her latest birthday gift. To say she was shocked was an understatement. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it, she did. Just seeing it made her feel all kinds of ways. Yet it sent her mind and her heart into turmoil.
The past six months had been horrible and she had hoped her 19th birthday would somehow help her put all the ugliness behind her. So far it had helped, but this gift… What did it mean? Her mind swirled with memories and thoughts that she found disturbing and exhilarating at the same time. She left her bed and stood in front of the mirror as she grabbed her hairbrush. Brushing her hair helped her think and she needed a lot of brushing at this particular moment.
Tessa just let her mind wander hoping that somehow meaning would arise out of the chaos of her jumbled thoughts. Oddly enough she started thinking about her mother. Her mother as she lay dying in her hospital bed.
When Tessa was thirteen her mother, Marion, was diagnosed with mid-stage cervical cancer. Despite surgery and chemotherapy she eventually succumbed to the disease when Tessa was fourteen. To help deal with the pain and also to prepare for what she knew was her probable demise, Marion had turned to religion. She and Tessa would read from the Bible and pray together and as the end approached, In her final days Marion prayed long and hard with her daughter. She would then grab Tessa’s hand. “This is my punishment, sweetie. I don’t expect you to understand very much but I was a bad girl. I was wild before your father and I married. Promise me, promise me to be a good girl. Save yourself for the right man and stick with him.” Tearfully, Tessa had agreed.
Even at fourteen Tessa knew about the birds and bees as her dad called it, so she knew what her mom meant about being a good girl. She vowed to live up to her pledge to her mother.
Shortly after her mother’s death, she became involved in the Purity movement but had not joined it entirely, since her father refused to have anything to do with it. He said he supported her decision but thought that the whole thing was archaic and sexist. So while Tessa never attended a purity ball or had a purity ring, she did pray and pledge sexual abstinence until marriage. Her main goal was simply to save herself until marriage, to be faithful and constant to one man. As she grew older she realized what her dad meant and didn’t like many of the sexist concepts behind the Purity movement.
Because of her mother’s protracted illness Tessa missed a lot of school and had to repeat her Freshman year. Fortunately, she found a wonderful guy, Ian McAffee, who was only a few months younger than herself, his birthday was just after the cut off date to start school. Ian felt the same about abstinence as she did. He was smart, athletic, and very religious. The perfect boyfriend for her. Shortly after starting to date him, Tessa was totally in love. They were a couple from their Freshman year to the start of their Senior year. They even planned, much to her Dad’s frustration, to get married shortly after their High School Graduation. Her Dad never really liked Ian, he tolerated him but said there was something Eddie Haskall-ish about him. Of course, her dad would use some ancient TV series to describe someone.
Tessa’s father Phil was an associate professor of Film Studies at The School of Design. He was pretty popular because of his personality. Every year he had one or two female students who gave him trouble. At least that’s what he called it. They would become overly attached to him and try to get him to give them extra lessons. Phil part of it was the whole professor thing and part of it was because they thought he had connections to Hollywood. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be giving a dumpy, balding old man like him a second look.
Tessa disagreed with that assessment. Although her dad was a bit out of shape and his receding hair was turning gray, he still had a handsome face. Plus his humor made most people forget about any of his perceived physical flaws. Tessa could see why some of those girls would be attracted to him.
Once they were in their senior year, Tessa hinted to Ian that perhaps Ian and she could become a bit more physical in their relationship. Not copulation, but since they were older and planning on getting married, passionate kissing and touching would be okay. Even after four years, it was still hand-holding and chaste kisses on the cheek. Tess craved more than that. Much more. Ian laughed off her suggestions. He said she was just getting those feelings because she was getting close to the age to become a mother. He also said, with his disarming smile, he didn’t trust himself to become more passionate or else they might break that sex before marriage rule.
Tessa frustratingly went along with it because she truly loved Ian. Then in October, everything went to hell. Tessa started getting anonymous text kıbrıs escort messages that Ian was cheating on her. She refused to believe it. However, after two weeks of constant messages, she finally asked him about it. He laughed it off but there was something odd in his voice.
As jealousy and doubt began to plague her mind she had to quell the impulse to stalk him. However, when a text came in that said if she wanted proof of his infidelity, hurry to Ian’s car which was parked in the Cotter’s Field. This field was near the high school. It was the former site of Cotter’s Department store. Several years ago the store had been bought by a chain which promptly closed it. The abandoned building had been bulldozed and the land cleared for a shopping mall. The investors in the planned mall lost their money in the big recession. For over a decade, the ownership was tied up in court so the land overgrew and became a well-known parking spot. Ian and Tessa had gone there a few times at Tessa’s suggestion. She thought perhaps Ian would be inspired to do more than kiss her cheek but no all they did was listen to the radio and hold hands.
Tessa drove up to Cotter’s field. There were ten cars parked inside the field a bit back from the road. She thought perhaps this was a joke when she spotted Ian’s car. It was far away from the other cars and half hidden by bushes. Although there was a similar Highlander parked on the other side of the field Tessa recognized the scratch down the driver’s side. Although she felt like a creepy stalker, she just had to know! Tessa made her way to Ian’s car to look inside. Although the windows were fogged up the back window had been left open a crack to let in the fresh air. Even a few steps away she could hear grunting and moaning.
She peered through the crack and what she saw almost made her faint. A short, skinny guy wearing glasses was naked and kneeling on the back seat of the car. He was driving a rather impressive penis into someone’s anus. This anus was attached to a body had had muscular, hairy legs and a broad-muscled back. A male body without any doubt. This was confirmed when the ass getting stuffed shifted enough that Tessa saw a large erect penis poke against the car seat.
The skinny guy turned his head slightly enough for Tessa to recognize Cyril Simmons, the President of both the Coders Club and the AV Club.
“Yesss, deeper baby! You’re gonna make me cum soon, you little bitch!” moaned the person on the receiving end of that surprisingly large member. Upon hearing that voice, her beloved Ian’s voice, Tessa swayed and a torrent of vomit sprayed against the side of Ian’s car. And then she just lost it. She started kicking his car, screaming and cursing. Although her mind was blank exactly how she found it or when she grabbed it, she began pounding on his car with a rock. Tessa had just succeeded in cracking the back driver-side window when sirens and flashing lights roared up behind her.
And she was arrested! An ambitious young prosecutor wanted to charge her with a hate crime. Fortunately, the attorney her Dad hired was able to quash that and get her released to parental custody. The judge was a bit sympathetic to the situation once Tessa had pled her case. Ultimately her Dad had to pay for damages to Ian’s car and she had to do 200 hours of Community Service.
While she was at the police station she had gotten a text from Ian, which she read once she had gotten her phone back after her release.
“Hey babe, I guess I owe you an explanation. It was my Dad’s idea to date you. He knew that I was gay and is old-fashioned. He was afraid it would hurt my chances to play college ball and eventually go pro so he said I needed camouflage. That is a girl who was very pretty but wouldn’t press me on being intimate. I like you very much as a person but I never loved you, or desired you. Although my Dad wanted it, I don’t think I would have ever been able to go through with marrying you. I just found the idea of being intimate with you to be, well, disgusting. Sorry.”
And that was as much of an apology as Tessa ever got from her wonderful boyfriend of four years.
On the ride home from the police station Tessa saw that videos had already started to appear on social media from all the damned phones of the other couples at Cotter’s field. Many of them had stopped their trysts to film Tessa’s meltdown on their phones. They showed her cursing and ranting homophobic insults. The worst of all was when she was being cuffed, she was sobbing and screaming “Arrest them! They’re fucking faggots!” Yeah, that got a lot of play. She didn’t even mean any of the slurs she said, it just poured out of her in rage at Ian.
So instead of being seen as a sweet virginal girl who was cheated on by her long-time boyfriend with another guy she was labeled as the Homophobic Ho. Tessa had gone from being a popular girl, the quarterback’s girlfriend, to being pretty much shunned. Members of Rainbow Pride, an LGBTQ club at her high school went out of kırıkkale escort their way to target her. They put up posters of the Homophomic Ho and whispered nasty things to her in the hallway. Some of them even went to the point of finding out where she was picking up trash on the highway and driving by to dump bags of garbage on her. They only stopped that humiliation because they were arrested for littering and assaulting an officer when a bag of trash burst open on a correction officer overseeing Tessa’s crew.
However, once Ian was outed and then embraced being gay he became even more popular. He avoided Tessa from then on. Because it made him more popular Ian even reveled in being the victim of her crime and regaled his admirers of accounts having suffered years of her homophobic rants. However, this was total bullshit. As her father had figured out early on, Ian was a phony! He cheated on her and became a hero while she became a villain.
All through her ordeal, her dad was a rock and her staunchest supporter. Other than a rueful shake of her head with the comment, “I told you I didn’t like that boy. I’d take a baseball bat to him if I didn’t think I’d end up in the slammer for life.”
As a consequence of her shunned state, she spent much more time at home than she since before starting high school. She knew she could sulk and scream and feel depressed but in the end that would change nothing. Or she could make the best of it and enjoy her dad’s company. That was not hard to do. It was as if they returned to the days when she was younger and spent lots of time together right after her mom died. They played games and watched movies together. Cuddling with her Dad while watching some old cartoon movie made all her cares seem tiny.
Tessa skipped her Prom because the event would have been torture. Not only would she have had to undergo insults and derision, but she would also have had to endure the sight of Ian and Cyril attending the event as a couple. Although she didn’t have any proof she believed that Cyril, probably at Ian’s behest, had been the one who had texted her messages about Ian’s infidelity.
Instead of going to the prom, Tessa watched the horror films Carrie and Prom Night with her dad. She had a good time picturing the carnage being wrought as if it were upon her tormentors and, most especially Ian.
For her 19th birthday, her dad was not going to allow her to just sit at home. He made her get dressed up and took her out to a very nice restaurant. He even let her have a couple of glasses of wine and one mixed drink. She was feeling really good and happy when they returned home. Not quite drunk but well on the way.
Her dad said, “I left you a special present on your bed. Why don’t you put it on and come cuddle with me for a bit? We can watch a few movies.”
On Tessa’s bed was a small white box a little bigger than her hand. She opened the box expecting jewelry but instead saw frilly red. At first, she thought this was just the lining of the box but when she pulled it out she saw that it was one of two pieces of clothing inside the box, a top and a bottom. Very sexy lingerie. For a moment she stared at it and then thought why not.
After Tessa had brushed her dark hair brown hair to a shimmer, she looked at herself in the mirror to see how the outfit fit and looked on her. Tessa was just over five feet so Ian had towered over her. Her dad knew her size very well so it fit just perfectly. Although there wasn’t that much of it to fit. The top curved deeply with the lacy top border arcing just over the top curves of her orange-sized breasts while the nearly transparent red veil hung from just above her nipples to stop at just above the bottoms swells of her boobs. The panties were a wrap-around fastened by a string tie on her right thigh. She tied it and the top string border snugly molded to her hips and waist but the sheer panties themselves were airy and loose. It was as though a fine red mist barely obscured her front and back. Tessa could see her bush, lips, and buttocks although tinted a soft red. She did think that the red color complimented her dark brown hair and creamy skin tone. Overall she thought she looked sexy as hell!
She felt sexy in the outfit, so much so that her nipples hardened before her eyes, although she had to wonder why her Dad had given her this. Why did he want to see her in it? The thought that he wanted something forbidden, something taboo crossed her mind. Tessa was shocked by the stab of desire that accompanied that thought.
However, she dismissed that thought. No, no of course not. He was her Dad. He couldn’t think that way. Could he? Fear and a sudden compulsion to find out warred within her. In the back of her mind, she knew that had she been fully sober she would never have considered showing him but she also remembered modeling her dresses for him when she was little. That had been fun! This could be fun too. Without really making a conscious decision to do so Tessa walked toward her Dad’s kırklareli escort room.
Her dad was sitting on his bed with the covers over his lap. He was dressed in a t-shirt and in his hand was a small glass of champagne which he sipped as he looked at Tessa. On his nightstand was an ice bucket with a small bottle of champagne. Tessa’s heart skipped that he was going all out for her birthday. He truly was a wonderful father! This was confirmed by his next words.
“Well, aren’t you the most beautiful little girl on the planet!”
Tessa blushed. “Why did you get this for me, Dad? It’s a bit risque for a birthday gift. I’m pretty embarrassed to have you see me like this.” This was mostly true, although part of her was thrilled to show off how sexy she felt and looked.
“Well, then jump under the covers. Remember I used to give you baths so I’ve seen you naked plenty of times. Although I guess your upper story has had a couple of additions and the lawn has grown a bit since I guess.”
Tessa giggled at that as she slid underneath the covers and pulled them up to her neck.
“I bought that earlier this year for your wedding night. Remember you and Ian were supposed to be getting married in two months. No use in letting it go to waste even if that’s not going to happen. I thought it would make your birthday special, to allow you to see just how beautiful and sexy a woman you are, even if Ian didn’t appreciate that.”
Her Dad slipped his arm around her and held her around her waist. She moved a bit closer until their legs were touching. She rested her head on his shoulder. And he reached for the remote as he kissed the top of her head. A tingle went through her as the naked portion of her breast briefly touched his chest as he bent over. On the nightstand on her side of the bed was a full glass of champagne. Tessa picked it up and said “To me!” with a giggle.
Phil toasted with her. “I thought for your special day we’d watch some special movies if that’s okay?”
“Sure, Daddy.”
Alan used the remote to bring up the USB drive as the main device. There were several files but without names just numbers. When the video started Tessa did find it a bit strange that there weren’t any opening credits. It showed a middle-aged man and a girl in her twenties sitting on a sofa and talking about the wrestling show they were watching. From the dialogue, it soon became apparent that they were father and daughter. They were both dressed in sweats. The father claimed that he had been quite the wrestler back in college. His daughter insisted he show her some moves. They pushed aside the coffee table and he said he would teach her some techniques that he said made him a champion back in college. Well, he tried to anyway. He was long out of practice and she kept getting the better of him. Tessa sipped her champagne and smiled at the antics of the man trying to impress his daughter. She wondered where her dad had gotten this comedy.
Finally “champion wrestler” dad claimed that he hurt his shoulder and had to stop. The daughter then insisted on massaging him to get rid of his shoulder pain. He reluctantly agreed.
He laid on a massage table fully clothed but his daughter laughed and said she needed him to get undressed and gave him a towel to cover himself. She left the room so he could get ready. The scene cut to the daughter coming into the room wearing a very small bikini which on even her relatively small and slender frame was pretty revealing.
Something tickled Tessa’s mind and she wondered if this was a comedy… or something else.
The dad was laying face down and nude except for a towel across his buttocks. The daughter gave the dad a long lingering massage. Tessa didn’t know if it was cold in the room or if something else was going on because the daughter’s nipples were visible through her bikini. Tessa was a bit uncomfortable by the film but her Dad seemed to enjoy it. Because the father was a handsome man and the massage was sensuous, Tessa’s nipples soon matched those of the daughter in the video.
When the daughter told the father to turn over so she could do his front the father balked. The daughter insisted and he turned over reluctantly. Although it was hidden beneath the towel, Tess saw that the father was partially aroused. As the daughter massaged his shoulders and chest the towel rose as the father became ever more erect. Tessa gulped down the rest of her drink. Phil noticed this and quickly refilled her glass.
When the daughter noticed her father’s erection she laughed and whipped the towel away. “Looks like you have another stiff muscle that needs to be massaged, Daddy.” Her small hand wrapped around the huge member and began stroking. Tessa was flabbergasted by this but her dad seemed unfazed. As the daughter stroked the father’s penis Tessa slurped half of her just-poured glass. Her head was spinning a bit when she sat the glass back down.
The girl smiled as she stroked her dad and kissed the crown of his penis, then she licked it. With a big grin at her father’s shocked face, she took it into her mouth. After a few minutes of sucking him, she untied the top of her bikini and then then her bottom ties. She climbed onto the table and slid her vagina right onto her father’s hard erect penis! The father and daughter began having sex!
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