Warning – this has someone being drugged and gangbanged. It includes magic, gender change, and non-con sex.
I was at a party at someone’s house, but that wasn’t too unusual. I was Stephen Baker, 26 years old with a very good paying job, and not bad looking, if I must say so myself. I didn’t do badly with the ladies, but when I found someone I wanted, I didn’t like to not get her. So I was talking to a cute blonde, Andrea, maybe 5’2″ with a cute shape, but maybe only b cup boobs. I decided I wanted her.
We flirted, but she seemed a bit reticent, so I figured I needed to do something to make sure I got her. I had something that I slipped into her drink. She drank it and I could see her beginning to get woozy.
“I don’t feel well.”
“Maybe you need to rest a bit. Let me help you.”
I helped her into a bedroom, though she seemed a bit nonplussed by that. I had signaled to a friend as I took her there. I planned to have my fun, but if others wanted her after, that was fine with me. I wasn’t greedy, nor did I ever expect to see her again. I laid her down on the bed and she was pretty much out of it. I sat her up long enough to take off her blouse and bra.
Her tits were not large, but nicely shaped and I spent a few minutes touching them before leaning down to suck on them and bite them, though not too hard. I just wanted to leave hickeys, not break the skin. I gave them a good working over, before reaching down to unzip her skirt. I managed to lift her hips enough to pull off her skirt and panties.
I spread her legs to see a cute little pussy with a neatly trimmed bush. I started to fondle her and she moaned and I could feel her getting wet down there. That was good. I wanted her wet when I fucked her. Again, I didn’t want to damage her, just to enjoy using her body. I stuck a finger in her and she felt very tight, even though she was wet.
I made sure all her clothes were neatly piled in an adjacent chair. Then I took off my own clothes. I played with her boobs and pussy a bit more before ranging over her. I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, maybe as much for irony as anything else. She was pretty much out of it and certainly not consenting but I wanted it to appear as consensual as possible.
I got the head of my cock to her opening and eased it inside her. As I got all the way in, all of a sudden I felt disoriented. Everything seemed to be spinning. As it settled down, I was still quite out of it, but now instead of being over a girl and having my prick in her, it felt like I was on my back. I felt tits that I don’t have shifting on my chest.
I felt a dick, but instead of being in a girl, it felt like I had a pussy and the dick was inside me. To the extent that my mind was working, I figured that I must somehow be hallucinating. I felt the cock going in and out of me. In spite of myself and even if I was hallucinating, I began to fuck it back. I felt hands playing with my nipples and boobs. This was some hallucination.
I felt pleasure rising up through my body and it began to roll over me like a tidal wave. I felt my cunt tighten up on the prick inside it and I had an orgasm like nothing I’d ever felt. The member inside me began to twitch as it was as deep in me as it could get. Then I felt it cumming as the person over me moaned. At that point, I’d been moaning pretty good too.
He stayed there as his wang emptied itself in my love tunnel. After a minute or two, he kissed me delicately on the lips and got off, pulling his cock out of my hungry slit. I couldn’t really move and still felt quite out of it as I heard clothes rustling. He leaned over and gave me another little kiss and patted me on the head.
“I always wondered what it would feel like from this side. Quite different, but still very nice. Well, Andrea, I’ll see you tomorrow. I hope you have a pleasant night.”
I heard the door open and close. A few minutes later, I heard the door again and in my befuddled mind wondered if he was back. Shortly after, I felt another dick entering me, and though it was hard to tell, didn’t feel the same. I felt my boobs being manhandled, not the sweet touching that I’d felt before. This had to be the longest and most explicit hallucination ever.
It didn’t take long before I felt that prick cum inside me. The person pinched my tits hard then got off. Before long, there was yet another cock entering me. It all felt good, yet none of it made any sense. I knew I was a man, and had no pussy or breasts for any of this to be happening to. I felt one dick after another in me until I passed out.
I woke up still groggy the next morning, but not as out of it as I’d been the night before. I was lying on my back naked and a guy was sticking his cock in me. As he got it in, he started to fuck me and play with my tits. How could I still be having these hallucinations this many hours later, especially when I felt more clear headed?
As he came in me and fikirtepe escort got off, another man got on me and started to fuck me. I felt totally bewildered and just lay there in shock until he came in me as well. He smiled at me and pinched my nipples as he finished. I looked around and the first man had gone and mercifully there didn’t seem to be any other men in the room.
“You’re a real sweet slut. It was great fucking you last night, but even better to get you again this morning. If you hang around, I’m sure there’s a few other guys who’d like to do you again.”
He grabbed his clothes and left. I sat up in bed, and indeed seemed to have boobs and a vagina. I had cum crusted all around my nether regions. There were women’s clothes sitting in a chair adjacent. I realized those were the clothes I’d taken off the girl last night. I quickly put them on before I had any other visitors.
I looked in the mirror and saw a disheveled version of Andrea, the woman from last night. I saw a purse that I recognized as hers, grabbed it and quickly left. I got outside and heard a phone ringing in the purse. I pulled it out and caller ID said the call was from Stephen Baker. How could I be calling myself and why did I appear to be Andrea. I answered the phone.
“Good morning, Andrea. I hope you slept well.”
“Who are you and what the fuck is going on?”
“As the old phrase goes, you are hoist by your own petard.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You drugged me and took me to a room to fuck me without my consent, and then to leave me to be fucked by others after.”
“That’s not…”
“That’s exactly what you did and intended. What you failed to realize was that the woman you drugged was a witch who cast a spell to protect herself from that sort of thing.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Impossible? What body do you seem to be inhabiting right now? Our souls switched bodies, so you got to be the woman who was gangbanged.”
“How could that even happen?”
“Very old magic. And something tells me that Andrea isn’t the first woman you’ve pulled that shit on.”
“I don’t usually…”
“If the woman puts out, you don’t need to, but if she won’t, you have no compunctions about doing that.”
“So you’ve taught me a lesson, and now you’re going to change me back?”
“I’m not sure you’ve learned your lesson yet, so you can wait till I think you have.”
“But I can’t be a woman.”
“But you are a woman, and you are Andrea, and Andrea has to go to work in a little while, so you’d best go back to Andrea’s place, clean up, change clothes and go to work.”
“Why should I do that?”
“Because if you screw up Andrea’s life, you’ll stay Andrea until you straighten it out again.”
“But as Stephen, I have a job too.”
“I have enough of Stephen’s memories and you have enough of Andrea’s for us each to cope until I’m ready to change us back.”
“But don’t you want to be a woman?”
“I’m kind of enjoying the change. So get your cute little ass moving before you get fired.”
I turned and walked down the street a little ways until I came to one particular car. I don’t know why I stopped, but I reached in the purse and there was a car key, I hit a button and the car beeped and unlocked. I got in the car and began to drive. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but drove until I came to some apartments.
I stopped by one and went to the door. I had another key which unlocked that door and I went in and closed and locked the door behind me. There was a very attractive brunette there, nice figure, shoulder length hair and easily c cup boobs. She looked at me and seemed a little surprised and shook her head and had a cynical smile.
“Girl, you look like something the cat wouldn’t even drag in.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I expected you back here last night, but…”
She paused, looked hard at me and laughed. “You tried to rape a witch, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t really…”
“Andrea told me about her protective spell, and like a fool, you triggered it.”
“So you know she’s a witch and that she cast a spell.”
“Yes. After all, I’m a witch too.”
“Can you undo her spell?”
“Two things, first she’s a far more powerful witch than me. Second if I undid it without her permission, she probably turn me into a toad and leave me in the middle if the highway.”
At that point an image of Andrea appeared on the television set. “I’d never do that to my best friend. But I might turn you into a raven and make you my familiar.”
“I think I’d almost rather be a flat toad.”
The image on tv spoke again. “Andrea, be nice to Megan. Otherwise she may give you warts in painful places.” At that the image faded from the set.
“You’re damned lucky.”
“A lot of witches would have fried your ass for what you did. Andrea just turned the tables on you.”
“I… think I need to clean up.”
“Do something with that hair, girl, then get your butt to work.”
I went in one bedroom, which obviously turned fındıkzade escort out to be Andrea’s. I took off all the clothes and got in the shower and tried to wash away the funk of a night of being gangbanged. I dried off, and at first wasn’t sure what to do, but let my unconscious mind, or perhaps Andrea’s mind, fix my hair and makeup. I dressed and left for work without seeing Megan again.
Andrea worked as a barista at a coffee shop. Even though I’d never done that sort of work before, I let the unconscious guide me through, learning as I went. Most of the time it went pretty smoothly, though I had a few guys hit up on me — as though I needed that. Shit, it was bad enough being a girl, without dealing with guys, as well.
As a guy, I tended to flirt with women a lot. In some ways, I knew their lines better than they did, and knew better lines than most of them. I had one guy really pushing me for a date. I had no intention of going on any dates with any guys. I just wanted to hang on until the real Andrea let me be Stephen again, though I had no idea when that might be.
As my shift was ending, I saw Stephen, my old self, come in, get a latte and take a seat at a table in the corner. After I was finished, I cleaned up, took off the company apron, and walked over to the table where he was sitting. Yes it felt weird as shit thinking of that person as ‘he’ and myself as a ‘she’ but that seemed to be where we were.
“Hello, Andrea. How was your work day?”
“I’ve had better.”
“Please, sit down.”
“So how much longer are you going to keep me this way?”
“It’s been less than 24 hours. You still have no idea what it’s like to be a woman in our society.”
“Fuck. I already know more than I ever wanted.”
“And you’ve learned what sex is like for a woman, though you were doped up for the first ten and only really knew what was going on for the last two.”
I looked around. I was afraid that one of the other patrons overheard what was being said. No one seemed to notice us though. I looked back at him with what was obviously a concerned expression. He smiled and shook his head, then reached out and patted my hand. That wasn’t wholly reassuring, since I didn’t think I wanted any contact.
“None of them can hear us. I made sure of that.”
“More magic, I guess.”
“Why have magic if you don’t use it.”
“How do you know how many men fucked me?”
“More magic. I put a spell which let me monitor what happened.”
“Why didn’t you just stop what they did?”
“And spoil your fun? You signaled the others that they could fuck me after you were done. You just never thought it would be you getting fucked.”
“I really am sorry.”
“Regret means nothing. The only thing that matters is changed behavior. I’m not sure you’re ready to change your actions.”
“I want to.”
“That’s a start, but only a start.”
“So, what now? You just keep me like this, torturing me until you’ve had your jollies?”
“You think being a woman is torture?”
“It sure as shit isn’t what I want.”
“And I didn’t want to be gangbanged.”
“But you weren’t. I was.”
“If I hadn’t done this, I would have been.”
“Aren’t you concerned about what I may do with your body?”
“If you mess it up, I’ll leave you in it.”
“Don’t you want to go back to being a woman?”
“I’m enjoying a walk on the wild side.”
“I wish I was.”
“Do you have any dinner plans? I’d love to buy you dinner.”
“You just want to fuck me.”
“The difference, Andrea dear, is that I’m not going to drug you or coerce you. If you’re willing to make love, that’s great. If not, you can sleep alone.”
“If I let you fuck me, will you change me back?”
“You think one night of sex will get me to undo this?”
“I can hope.”
“You can just go home and sleep alone. I’ll wager I can find a woman who is willing to do what you won’t”
“Some skank or slut, I suppose.”
“It might be far worse. It might be a nice girl who wants a serious relationship.”
“You could be changed back to someone with a woman who expects you to marry her, and maybe even is pregnant with your baby.”
“Shit. I’m not going to get pregnant from what happened last night, am I?”
“That would be a delicious punishment. Let you go through nine months of pregnancy and childbirth before changing back.”
“Fuck, no. I need to get a morning after pill.”
“Relax, you have an IUD, along with some magic to protect you from that.”
“You swear?”
“Far too often. But yes, that’s true.”
“You said something about dinner?”
“It’s probably too soon. You need to go home and think about things and sleep alone for a while.”
“While you go out and sleep with other women?”
“Yes. No. I don’t know.”
“There’s nothing preventing you from sleeping with women.”
“Lesbian sex?”
“Can fulya escort be quite pleasant, speaking from experience.”
“You mentioned something about dinner.” I was almost hesitant to say that, but I wanted her happy if the emotional cost to me wasn’t too high.
“I got the feeling you weren’t interested.”
“I don’t think I want more than dinner — at least not for now.”
“I don’t ever want to push you into something you don’t want.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Go home, clean up and put on something nice — maybe that green dress and some heels.”
“You’d know what clothes are there.”
“And what I think you’d look good in.”
“Where? What time?”
“I’ll pick you up in an hour at your place.”
“My place.”
“You are Andrea, for now, so Andrea’s place is your place.”
He got up from the table, and I did likewise. He grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a quick, sweet little kiss. I was shocked, but he smiled and let go of me. It felt weird as hell being kissed by a guy, but it wasn’t exactly gay. I turned around to leave and he gave me a little pat on the ass. For someone who supposedly didn’t want to push the boundaries, he seemed to be doing exactly that.
I scooted out of there, went to my car and drove home — well to what now served as home. I didn’t see Megan when I arrived, so I just went in and showered. In some ways I felt strange washing the body I was in. Sure I was used to touching breasts and pussies, but not when I could feel the touching in my own body.
I was in such a hurry when I showered in the morning that I didn’t really notice, but I certainly did now. As I washed my breasts, they tingled and the nipples got much harder. I saw the hickeys on them, some of which I left there as Stephen last night, and some left by the other men who used me after that. It’s hard still to think of this body as me, but it is until Andrea forgives me.
At any rate, I spent far more time washing my boobs than it took to get them clean. I moaned from my own ministrations and could feel an orgasm building. I moved down to my nether regions and it got even stronger. I had one hand stroking my tits while the other hand played with my pleasure lips. I ran my finger down the labia a few times before it started to slip inside.
I had to lean back against the shower wall as I fingered myself, only to find my knees getting weaker. I slid down to sit as my digit plumbed the depths of my love tunnel. I could feel my clit peeking out of hiding and played with it with my thumb as I moved my finger in and out of my cunt. My other hand was still busy with my breasts and before long I had an orgasm which was far beyond anything I’d ever felt.
I had two fingers in my pussy, which grabbed them tight as I climbed new heights of ecstasy. I was crying and moaning as it all washed over me. I cried both from the sheer pleasure of it all and because I didn’t want to enjoy sex as a woman this much. I told myself that I was Stephen, a man, and that this was just some punishment I had to endure. It sure as fuck didn’t feel like punishment though.
I sat there crying until I came down from my endorphin high. I finally pulled my fingers from my quim and unsteadily got back to my feet. I rinsed off and then grabbed a towel to dry myself. I let my Andrea side do my hair and makeup again, and found myself made up really sexier than I might have liked. Was my Andrea side preparing for a hot date? Did part of me want to get fucked by Stephen?
I came into my bedroom and found myself getting a lacy and sexy bra and panties and putting them on. Who was really in control now, me or Andrea? I went to the closet and found the green dress Stephen mentioned earlier. It was low cut and fit very snugly. It showed all my curves, and it was obvious I had some curves. It didn’t go much past my ass. I’d have to be very careful sitting. I came out of the bedroom to find Stephen and Megan there.
“Damn, looks like this girl is ready for a hot date.”
Stephen looked me over and smiled. “You look beautiful, my dear.”
Megan looked at me, then at Stephen. “Makes me wish I was going on this date.”
“Well, Meg, you could join us.”
“I don’t want to cramp your style.”
“Seriously, you think I wouldn’t enjoy a threesome?”
I think I blushed all the way to my toes. Stephen gave Megan a passionate kiss, before coming over to envelop me. He kissed me and began to stroke my back and my ass. I could feel his cock getting hard as he pressed up against me, and I could feel my pussy getting wet too. What the hell was I getting myself into?
Stephen put an arm around both Megan and I as he walked us to his car — the car that had been mine only a day before. I crawled in the back seat of Stephen’s BMW 8 Gran Coupe. For some reason, I felt uneasy about getting in the front passenger seat with three of us. Instead of getting in the front, Megan got in beside me, which was a surprise.
“Damn, girl, I want to eat you up.”
As Stephen, having a woman hot for me would have been wonderful. It happened occasionally, though not enough. As Andrea, I wasn’t sure how I should feel. Megan began to kiss me, and after a brief pause, I eagerly kissed her back. As Stephen I’d have loved this and it felt like I liked it as Andrea too. She put her hand on my leg and ran it almost to my pussy before she stopped, pulled back and looked at me.
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