All characters are eighteen or over, there is some blackmail reluctance in this story, if that isn’t your ideal please read something else as I have no wish to offend anyone, it was touch and go whether this went into incest or non-consent.
My father had married again. One year after my mother died to the day; almost as if the prick had counted down the days, marking them on a fucking calendar of her death. As you may guess, we did not get along; I had found him cheating on her, while she was fighting the battle against cancer.
The fact I’d then called him out on it, while he dined with his admittedly hot-as-fuck-secretary at his company’s formal dinner, had not gone over well. Battle lines had been drawn that could never be withdrawn; all leading to a cold war of sorts – between the guy who was my biological father, and a hurt young man, who desperately needed love.
I continued to live in his house, a five-bedroom monstrosity he’d paid for out of my mother’s life insurance payout. It had been a huge policy they’d taken out to help cover their children’s future, should anything ever happen, when they’d first gotten married. A few problems later, left me as their only child, the policy forgotten in the cracks of their finances.
The big point was, half of the money went to the surviving spouse, with the other half to be divided up between their children; meaning, I gained a cool three-point-five-million-dollars, from my poor devoted mother’s death.
My father couldn’t touch my half, but he and his vile yet admittedly hot-as-fuck secretary-now-wife always had their greedy eyes on it. I was positive it was the only reason they kept me around, the fight for control of that money had raged hot for the last three years. Thankfully, my maternal grandfather was a financial lawyer, who’d didn’t lose, meaning neither did I.
Old Grandad has always been a bit of a whiz on the stock market, allowing my three-point-five-million dollars to grow exponentially, at the same time my father’s fortune waned. I had the three point five million in trust, while the profits had been reinvested. The last time I checked, I had a further ten million spread around; meaning my future was looking very rosy, indeed.
We had tried for emancipation twice, but good old Daddy had fought that ‘tooth and nail’ I had no idea why, as I hated the two-timing bastard!
My stepsister Janie; now, she was a different story. Right from the first day she moved in, she was sorry for what had happened, doing all the right things; even when I was an asshole to her, just because of who she was.
She was beautiful inside and out, unlike her sister Susan. Susan took after their mother, in that, she was a complete bitch. Their mother Melissa was thirty-eight, and no longer a secretary; she hadn’t been since the day my mother died. She had bided her time until they moved in. Afterwards, her working day became all about keeping her body beautiful. Yoga, pilates and swimming were her regimens, which had actually made it worse for me, as I practised yoga and swimming while hitting the gym, meaning we were often in the same room.
I was eighteen now, but, of course, I’d stared at her while growing up – she was stunning. The only thing wrong with her in my eyes, were the double Ds she’d made my father pay for. Her natural thirty-six D-cups had already been perfect in my young eyes – her thin waist, firm ass, and legs that seemed to go on for days; at five foot six, she could make any man dream.
Yes, I will admit to fapping my young cock into oblivion, over Melissa the bitch; the heady mixture of lust and shame, I had found to be inescapable.
I’d always been popular, that is until the sisters joined my school, and then everything changed. A mixture of Susan manipulating things, alongside my absolute and obvious hatred of them garnered them all the sympathy and support, leaving me the ostracised outcast no longer welcome.
I had even quit the football team, after no longer feeling welcome. Of course, when they had then immediately started to lose all their games, that had also been my fault. No, the only sport I had continued was swimming, I had stuck to the individual events, ‘Go Bobcats’ my ass!
That’s why I was surprised to hear Janie crying, as Susan poured scorn on her little sister.
“Just stop defending the asshole and they will leave you alone,” Susan said.
“He’s done nothing wrong, why don’t you stop telling them to pick on him,” Janie countered.
“Because the prick has more money than god, while still blaming us for living here!” Susan ranted, the same old argument, that I had ignored so often, I just walked away.
Checking back later, I asked, “What was all the crying about, Janie?”
“Oh, ignore me, I’m just feeling sorry for myself,” she said sniffing, her eyes still puffy.
We were all in the same year somehow, with the two of them, being born so close together, it barely made sense to me, I was the youngest.
“If it’s about me, just go with whatever they want you to do. Seriously, I have, what, a month sultangazi escort left and no fucks to give,” I sighed.
“You don’t mean that!” Janie said, jumping up off her bed, her firm breasts bounced distractingly, in her tight t-shirt.
She normally wore baggy clothes, not like her slutty-dressed sister. But at home, in the comfort of her own room, she often wore small, tight tops and skimpy shorts. It was for her own comfort, but damn, it turned me on like the other two sluts in the house did. She, however, meant nothing by it.
“I do. Honestly, just go with the flow, I don’t mind. I’ll be out of here soon, off to college, I go!” I said, smiling.
” They won’t pay for you Scott, so without a scholarship you’re stuck here, you know that, right?” she asked me sympathetically.
“Scholarship’s in the bag, little sis,” I laughed, as she blushed. I was never normally this nice to her; I was too much of a self-absorbed prick, but she had never once blown up at me like the others.
“Really! You got in? Way to go!” she shouted, hugging me, jumping up and down excitedly.
It was in no way her fault, that my cock took that rubbing of her firm, pert, young breasts against my chest as a green for-go. She looked so sad, when I jerked back awkwardly, hiding my rock-hard cock from her. She, instead, took it to mean I was back to being an asshole again.
“Look at his boner!” Susan cried out, having unfortunately seen the whole incident for what it was. “What kind of pervert gets hard for his sister?” she shouted, as Janie just looked on, confused.
“What sisters? I have no sisters, just two young whores following their whore mother, as she chases the money!” I growled.
I immediately regretted it; not for the flinch it caused Susan, but for the look of absolute horror on Janie’s beautiful face. I couldn’t deal with it now though, still sporting the obvious wood that had started it all. So I simply pushed by, getting myself out of the room; I grabbed my trainers, preferring a run over this drama any day.
I couldn’t get the hurt look on her face off my mind, even in the hour-long run, so I turned another corner, making it ninety minutes of torture I richly deserved.
When I got back, I went straight for a shower, before I was called into the main dining room where they all sat waiting for me.
“You have some explaining to do young man!” my father yelled.
“I’m sorry Janie, you’re the only one who doesn’t deserve my shit. I am sorry for saying anything that hurt you,” I said, completely ignoring my whining father.
“Don’t you dare ignore your father, you little pervert!” Melissa shouted.
“Oh fuck off! If you didn’t dress like a whore, I wouldn’t get you confused with one.” I growled, and they all gasped, with looks of pure shock on their faces.
“You live under my roof! You’ll –… was all I allowed him to say,
“I’ve tried to leave at least twice, so obviously I’ve no interest in either living here or even speaking to you or your new fucking family!” I shouted. “If it wasn’t for my money, you’d have shipped me out years ago, you two-timing, money-grabbing wanker! You’re about as much of a dad to me, as you were a husband to your dying wife, you pathetic excuse for a man! And as for the gold-digging whores you shipped in. Well, let’s see how long they hang around when your money runs dry!” I yelled
My outburst was met with total silence, it was the first time I had ever let my temper out, I may be eighteen, but I’d always acted with respect, even though they knew how I felt. But with swimming and the gym, my six-foot wide-shouldered, sculpted frame was imposing. The fact that I had replaced my team time, with MMA training, only added to the threat, which had always ensured that even when ostracised, I was never bullied, no one being that fucking stupid.
I walked out to their stunned silence, my room being the only place I could go, even though I was starving; I planned to leave it for thirty minutes, before heading out for a steak at the diner. I’d eaten there a lot, as my grandfather gave me an allowance, even when my own father didn’t. It was paid online with no physical footprint. The statements went to Granddad’s house and the card was electronic, only available on my phone, which he always updated to the newest, most secure iPhone.
There were thousands of unspent dollars there, as I had no use for the money, while I lived with the greedy, money-grabbing bastard that was my father. The only reason I checked on my wealth so often was the countdown. I may be eighteen, but it was another month until school ended and then I could legally walk away, with there being absolutely nothing he could do about it.
I was on my way to grab a steak, when I saw Elliot, the asshole who’d replaced me as quarterback. It didn’t seem to matter how shit he was, he still got all the girls from the jersey alone. He picked up a sad-looking Janie and my alarm bells were ringing, as he pulled off onto a nearby unused lot. By the time suluova escort I reached his pickup, she was frantically trying to get out of her door as he mauled her.
I opened the door and pulled her out, as he followed, I grabbed him by the throat, punching him repeatedly in the face. His smirk fell from his bleeding face, but the smirk being there at all cried set up, so I threw him away, literally.
“Don’t! Leave it now, Scott!” Janie screamed, as other cars pulled in, people started getting out of their trucks, but as many pedestrians also streamed in to see what was happening. Janie was frantically pushing me away from the idiot, still lying on the ground, screaming assault.
“You assaulted her, asshole!” I shouted, as his buddies rushed in to help him.
Someone must have called the police though, as they pulled in, preventing the beating they deserved; even if they thought it would be the other way around.
When the officer asked what was going on, it all became clear as Janie went silent, backing up neither of our stories. The few of his teammates that tried, were immediately shot down by the pedestrians, who’d arrived before or at the same time as them, proving their stories to be false. This left us in limbo.
I was simmering, fucking furious! She had helped the family frame me!
My father collected us from the station, and as soon as he got us in the car, he started telling me how fucked I was, and that I should just pay Elliot off before a lawsuit took away all of my money.
Fucking asshole didn’t even know the law, I sat silently seething, ignoring them all.
“Of course, if subpoenaed, we would have to testify how violent you are towards us,” my smarmy prick of a father snivelled.
“Good for you dad, I’d get right on that if I were you!” I said, smiling.
“I mean it!” he said, as firmly as he could get without a blue pill, that is.
“You kind of jumped the gun, setting your trap a little early,” I laughed.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked me warily.
“Well until I’m twenty-one, the money is tied up in a trust fund, so they can sue all they want, as I’ve got fuck all to give,” I laughed loudly, as his face comically dropped.
“Oh, before you ask, the other money is tied up until I’m three months over eighteen, you dumb shit! I doubt you’d remember, but you really should have looked that up, as it’s still one month away! You’re about as much of a mastermind as you are a father, the only thing you got right, was using Janie as the victim, because I certainly wouldn’t have saved anyone else here!” I finished by walking away, as we’d reached home, I went to my room and slammed the door, hey, I’m human!
Janie crept in crying, “I’m sorry, but they said, they’d throw me out if I didn’t do it!” she said sobbing.
“Save the tears, you’re the Same as the rest of them, now fuck off!” I growled as she left whimpering. “You’ll be raped next time! As I will never help you again!” I shouted after her, still furious.
I’d bet good money that asshole had gone further than they’d agreed, so he was due a good fucking beating for touching her!
Nobody spoke to me for a week after that. They all stayed away from me, both at home, as well as at school; terrified of a beating, no doubt.
I was home alone, or so I thought, when Susan, my five-foot-six, athletically built stepsister-Penthouse pet appeared.
“Going through my drawers?” she sneered.
“Hardly, your drawers need swinging doors the amount of traffic they see,” I said laughing, as she turned red, then purple, her face contorted in anger.
“Why have you always hated me, but not Janie?” she asked, “she set you up, just like the rest of us!” she yelled.
This was fucking gold dust, as the case was still hanging in the balance, and I’d clicked voice record on my iPhone as soon as she appeared.
“How did you get her to agree to do it? she’s not the same as the rest of you,” I sneered a little, as taunting her went a long way.
“She was forced into it, same as me by your father! I even had to let Elliot see my tits to get him to do it!” she said. “And no, before you argue, I’m as much a virgin as she is!”
“Well, not in the mind, obviously, if you’d sell your sisters cherry for cash!” I shouted back.
“Oh fuck off! I told him he was allowed to feel a tit, nothing else!” she yelled defiantly.
“Then why was she clawing at the door, as he climbed all over her!” I shouted, furious now, at the thought of his hands all over her.
“He wasn’t even supposed to start until you reached the diner! It was all supposed to happen in the car park there!” she was crying so hard now, I almost believed her.
“You’re just trying to get me to attack him again!” I yelled at her.
“Am Not!” she screamed, “but you wouldn’t do that for me, would you?” she asked, as tears fell from her eyes. Damn, she was a fine actress.
“No, I’d video it, though! As I’ve heard you’re a screamer just like your whore mother!” I yelled.
She slapped me then, sungurlu escort as we both stared at each other. I started laughing at her, which just made her angrier, so I had to hold her hands, to stop her from hitting me again.
“I’m going to fucking destroy you! I’ll say you raped me!” she screamed.
“Good luck with that! You’re loud and clear on tape.” I said smugly, holding up my phone. She went pale as a ghost. “This will help clear up more than just the bogus case; blackmail is a federal offence, hell I won’t even have to move out! As you will all be living on Uncle Sam’s dime soon enough,” I laughed, as I walked away to my room.
I was just about to ring Grandad with the good news when she burst in trying to grab my phone. I shrugged her off and she fell onto the bed, crying. I had zero sympathy for her, she’d done all she could since she had gotten here to ostracise me. I hated her, second only to my father, oh, and her whore mother, hey, I had a list, so sue me.
“It’s all on the cloud, safe and secure, idiot,” I laughed, as she cried. “I really should be thanking you. You’ve handed me the proof I’ve needed, to get back at you all! But federal black mail? Fuck me! That’s above and beyond, as far as I’m concerned, sister dearest!”.
“Please, I’ll do anything, don’t send me to jail!” she wailed. She was on her knees now before me, affording me an amazing view of her tits down her top. She noticed and shut up, as I smiled.
“Nice tits, they’ll make you popular inside!” I laughed. “Now, get out!”
I was still running sound and video recording, as they were always on in my room to allow me to see what happens when I’m not around. You wouldn’t believe the searches Dad and Melissa have done, of my room, all looking for a hidden fortune, no doubt. So you see, as I hadn’t switched it off yet, sweet little Susan had just corroborated her own confession. It really didn’t get any better than that!
“Look, Scott, really – …”
I interrupted her then, “Don’t let the door, hit your sweet ass on the way out, I’ve an important call to make. My lawyers are going to love you, Suzy!” she fucking hated that name.
“Scott! This is serious!” she was crying hard now, but her eyes still had a calculating look to them.
“Phone out!” I snapped, laughing as she panicked. “Think I’d fall for that? You fucking idiot, a beautiful sexy idiot, but you’re vile, so it doesn’t count!” I laughed, as she winced. “Now, seriously, fuck off, or I’ll call the cops, before my lawyer.”.
She gulped, finally realising I was serious and that she was fucked! Blackmail was a big deal, she could seriously do jail time.
“Scott…” she whined.
“Out!” I snapped.
“Please just listen a – …” she tried again.
“Get out this instant!” I growled I was getting hard now, looking down her top, and I couldn’t decide if I wanted to wank to the view, or make the call setting the whole thing in motion. It was one hell of a dilemma to have.
She turned her phone off, then unbuttoned her top, my breathing grew more ragged the further down she got, until her shirt hung free, showing me her glorious firm tits, sitting proudly, caged in a black lace bra.
“There must be something I can do…” she asked, trailing off seductively.
My hands reached down; one caressed her face, and the other slid down her chest, dipping into the bra and feeling her left breast. It was so firm, yet soft, and as I cupped it, we both inhaled our eyes met, mine went firm, and as I saw she thought she had control, I gripped her breast firmly, then rubbed her nipple between my thumb and index finger. She gasped at that, as I regained the upper hand; my eyes flashing at the control I now had over this beautiful, but vile, human being.
I pulled her nipple and she whimpered, my left hand sliding down her face with two fingers running along her mouth. I pressed harder and she opened her mouth, accepting my fingers begrudgingly passed her lips. She scowled at me, as I turned her face upwards using my fingers in her mouth alone.
She was now completely under my control.
“Take off your bra,” I ordered huskily,
“N-n-no!” she stuttered.
“Now!” I growled.
Fuck me, if she didn’t reach back and unclip her bra, I had her facing the high-definition camera, this was fucking-gold-dust-wank-material, right here! That’s when it hit me, I’d never need to wank again, I owned her perfect-ten-of-an-ass now: I could send her to jail, or she could take me to heaven – the choice was very simply hers! I could see the Oh shit! Moment, when she realised it, she squirmed trying to get up and run out of my room.
I simply let her go, standing back up and allowing her to stand up on her own, as she reached for her bra.
I smiled. “It’s your choice, after all,” I said, “but don’t let me keep you, I’ve got a call to make,” I grinned.
She was stuck fighting the urge to leave, but she dropped back down to her knees, and as I raised an eyebrow, she crawled towards me.
I unzipped my shorts, watching as she fought internally. As I moved to zip them back up, her hands darted forward, gently pulling my cock out. She winced back, as it firmed up the moment she gripped it, going from semi- to rock-hard in seconds. She gulped, as she looked at it. She then slowly started to stroke my cock, holding it loosely in her right hand; her eyes never leaving mine.
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