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I was taking an unexpected day off mid week. I had been in an electrician apprenticeship for nearly two years and finally, I was at a point that was really kicking it. I had been paying mom & dad rent for the last 6 months, and had just recently received my second bonus. The owner was also giving me a few days off as a way of saying thanks during this intense wave of heat.

I had been chilling in my room over the garage, binging on Netflix, when I saw an odd car pull into the drive. Out hopped a young man I had never seen before, but he walked up the drive like he’d been here before, and in he walked. I was more interested in the show than that guy, figuring it was someone from my step-step-sister’s classes. I was right, but not at all in the way I had pictured.

My step-step-sister is Arielle Wilder, and unlike myself, she had chosen to go to our local university and major in Art. When we would argue she would point out that she was engaged & her fiancé was quite well off, so it wasn’t like she would ever have a care, and to that point, Arielle was completely correct.

So it was a real shock when I started for the kitchen. I literally froze in my tracks when I heard them.

“Ohh, Arielle – ahh – damn girl…ahh.., you’re good at that . . . .”

The voice was definitely the young man. I stood perfectly still and heard some faint, wet smacking sounds, followed by a soft laugh.

“That’s ’cause I really like doing this,” I heard my step-sister whisper. “I’ve been wondering about your cock since the first day of class.”

The door to Arielle’s room was slightly ajar, so I was able to creep forward. There was no douct as to what was going on, as she made ‘slurp-slurp’ noises. Even so, what I saw shocked and startled me.

The guy was sitting in her armchair. He was naked, his legs spread wide. His shorts and underwear were tossed loosely on the floor. And there, on her knees before him, clad in tight little jogging shorts and a skimpy halter, was my step-step-sister, sliding her full-lipped mouth up and down this dude’s stiff cock.

I was stunned, yet there she was, happily gobbling his rod, moaning softly and making wet slurping sounds as she rolled her head, pulling on his dick with her mouth. Her hands ran up and down his legs, cradled his balls, squeezed and stroked his shaft.

Arielle didn’t just suck cock; Arielle Wilder made a serious production of it! She made these sexy little murmurs, like a kid does when eating ice cream, polished her lips up down the sides of his cock, and stared up at his face while gently chewing the head of his dick with her lips. I had only seen blowjobs like this in really good porn, and before I knew it, I had the phone out and was filming.

Unknown dude moaned and sighed, holding my step-sister’s head in his hands as she bobbed up and down. Arielle’s short blonde locks, cut in a bob bounced behind her head as she mouth-fucked this dud’s dick like it was the last one she’d ever get. Her slender body swayed and undulated, moaning and sighing around dude’s slick shaft. It was pretty damn obvious to me that she really enjoyed giving head. I couldn’t believe how hot Arielle looked with a dick in her mouth.

No wonder her fiancé always has a smile on his face, I thought.

Arielle slid her mouth off Dude’s glistening rod, smiled up at him as she tickled the tip with her tongue. “Having fun, baby?” she asked him. The were both caught perfectly inframe, and there was no doubt by this dude’s skin-tone he was NOT her fiance.

Dude just stared back, sighing as my step-sister jacked him, her fist making wet smacking sounds. “Oh, fuck, this is incredible,” he said breathlessly.

Arielle, one year younger than me but still looking like the little cheerleader she had been in high school, giggled. She masturbated Dude faster and faster, lapping at the shiny, wet head. “Mmm, I wanna make you cum, please? Can I make your dick squirt?”

He gave her a rapturous look. “Can I do it in your mouth?” he asked.

My heart leapt. Oh, shit! Yeah, come on, Arielle!

My step-sister giggled and licked Dude’s cock. “Of course you can,” she said sweetly. “I like it that way.”

Dude groaned at my step-sister’s sexy words, and I almost did, too. He pulled her mouth back toward his penis. “Oh, fuck, Arielle, suck my cock . . . oh, God, suck it and make me cum . . . .”

“Mmm,” responded my step-sister, stuffing my friend’s dick back in her mouth and sucking hard. She pumped up and down hard and fast, making Dude tremble with pleasure.

My dick was throbbing by this point. Wow my artsy-fartsy step-step-sister gave a mean blowjob! None of the girls I knew sucked cock as hungrily and eagerly as my own step-sister. I was suddenly jealous of my friend; I wished I was getting sucked like that! I was so totally turned on that I started to undo my shorts, with the intention of beating off while watching my step-sister suck cock, so thankful for the video feature to an Iphone

I zoomed in close, my cock throbbing as I watched Arielle bobbing happily on my best friend’s dick. I could hear the squishy, wet sounds her mouth made, her little moans and whimpers, and Dude’s appreciative sighs. I couldn’t believe what I had been lucky enough to stumble upon!

Finally, Dude’s body tensed, and he let out this strangled sort of cry. I stared in awe at my step-sister’s face, watching her pump up and down. “Oh, shit! Oh, fuck-Arielle!” he cried.

My step-sister slurped her wet mouth from Dude’s dick, staring up at him and hissing through her teeth. She jacked his cock so fast with her hand that it was a blur. “Come on, baby, shoot your load,” she demanded heatedly. “Give it to me! Gimme that hot cum!”

“Oh, fuck! Oh, God, I’m cumming!” he cried out, pushing his hips out, making his dick brush against my step-sister’s lips.

Arielle moaned. “Oh, yeah!” she panted, and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue. She slowed her strokes on my best friend’s twitching dick, rubbing the head against her tongue, breathing hotly on his cock. And then made a high pitch girl-scream with his release, slapping his hands to the chair arms and arching his back.

Thick spurts of milky white cum spurted from his cock, splashing onto my step-sister’s tongue. Arielle moaned as she felt and tasted it, squeezing Dude’s flowing dick tightly and making his cum spill out all over her tongue and in her mouth. I was pleased, knowing I had the whole thing on film.

My step-sister kept stroking and tugging on Dude’s cock, getting all of his cum to pool on her tongue. A little of the thick fluid overflowed her tongue and dripped down her chin, glistening wetly. She licked the oozing head, grinning up at my friend, obviously proud of her accomplishment. I watched the sperm on her tongue as it shimmered in the sunlight. Slowly, my step-sister tilted her head back, letting Dude get a good look as his cum slid along Arielle’s tongue toward the back of her mouth.

“Oh, shit,” he groaned, shuddering, watching wide-eyed.

Arielle laughed softly at his reaction. Then she slid her lips around Dude’s cock head, making him tremble and gasp as she sucked kartal travesti on it to get every last little bit. He bucked, shaking in pleasure.

Arielle finally eased back, slipping her mouth off his spent dick, keeping her lips closed. I could tell she was rolling his sperm around in her mouth, like she was tasting fine wine. She smiled, tenderly stroking and petting Dude’s wilted dick. Then she took a deep breath, looked up to my friend, and swallowed loudly. She sighed in satisfaction, licked her lips in an exaggerated way.

“Ah! All gone!” she said, and giggled again.

Dude laughed, panting. “Arielle . . . oh, shit . . . .”

I switched off the camera as Arielle leaned forward, kissing Dude’s dick one last time. I stared in disbelief at my step-sister. She let him cum in her mouth, I thought. And she fucking swallowed his juice! Holy shit! My step-sister swallows cum!

I slowly moved back, my heart pounding at what I had seen. Silently, I made my way to the house. I headed up to my room, downloaded the six minutes of footage from my camera to my computer. I watched the scene of my step-sister sucking cock and swallowing cum as I beat off over and over.


The next day, I thought what an edge I had over Arielle Wilder. No longer would I have to endure her sanctimonious attitude. I had incriminating evidence that she had given some random dude a blowjob. Arielle was engaged to Johnathan Roberts, a local power-broker-lawyer and the wedding was only a few months away. I knew my step-sister would not want anything to get in the way of that; That guy was nothing but Money & Power. No way would my step-sister let anything get in the way of her marriage!


As I sat on my bed on the second-to-last bonus day off, I heard Arielle come in from class. I was up in my room as she came in, and heard her in her room as she stripped off her clothes and took a shower. Mom and Dad wouldn’t be home for another few hours. My heart pumped as I realized my plan was about to be realized.

I waited for several minutes after the shower stopped, then got up from my computer and poked my head out into the hall. “Hey, Arielle?” I called toward her closed bedroom door.

“Yeah,” she responded, sounding a little annoyed.

“Hey, you wanna see something really cool?” I asked.

There was a long pause. “Not right now, Bruce,” she said.

“I think you’d really wanna see this,” I said, grinning to myself. My dick was already hard, bulging in my shorts. “It’s about Johnathan.”

There was another pause, then her door jerked open. My step-sister wore a tight little half-top around her perky A-cups and her hair was wet and slicked back. She leaned out, looking at me. “What do you mean?” she asked.

I smiled, looking at those full, luscious lips of hers, seeing in my mind the image of her gulping down Dude’s cum. “Come on. It’s really cool,” I said, and ducked back in my room.

I heard Arielle sigh as I sat back down before my computer. A moment later, she padded into my room, adjusting a pair of tiny white hot pants around her 35-inch hips. She came up behind me.

“Okay, what—”

“You’re gonna love this,” I said, and clicked the mouse. Instantly, a window opened on my computer monitor, and the image of Arielle sucking and slurping and pulling on Dude’s dick filled the screen.

Arielle didn’t say anything, didn’t make a sound. I tilted my head, looking up at her. Her face was blushed deeply, cheeks so red and eyes so wide with instant embarrassment and mortification. Her mouth gaped.

“Wh-what the fuck?” she stammered at last, and slapped her hand over her mouth.

I chuckled, watching the footage I had already memorized. “DAY-amn, Arielle,” I said. “You give really good head. I especially like how you made him shoot in your mouth so he can see it. Do you always swallow?”

Arielle let out a strangled cry, trembling. She pushed back from my chair, just staring in shock as she watched herself sucking my friend’s dick. I fast-forwarded to the climax.

“This is my favorite part,” I said, as the video showed Arielle aiming Dude’s cum-spurting dick toward her tongue. Too bad there wasn’t any sound.

“Oh, shit!” gasped my step-sister, trembling. She stared at me, her brown eyes wide. “Y-you . . . watched?” she asked in disbelief.

I laughed. “Hottest blowjob I ever seen,” I said. “Damn, Arielle, you should do porn! ‘Course, Johnathan probably wouldn’t like that too much, would he?”

My step-sister shuddered, then ground her teeth. Shock turned to angry acceptance as she glared at me. “What do you want?”

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling, pretending to think. “Hmm,” I said. “Maybe I’ll make you clean my room,” I said. “Or wash all my clothes. Oh! You could write my papers for me!”

Arielle folded her arms, cocked her head as she stared at me expectantly. “You asshole,” she seethed.

I chuckled, then stopped the video and swiveled around in my chair until I faced my step-sister. I enjoyed the feeling of control I had over her. “I made copies, too,” I said. “I know a couple message boards that I could post it on. ‘Arielle the Cocksucker.'”

Arielle breathed out through her nose, huffing, her cheeks glowing with embarrassment and rage. She knew I had her, and she hated it. “What . . . do you . . . want?” she forced out.

I chuckled and casually settled my hand in my lap. My cock was hard and poking up against my shorts. It was pretty obvious to my step-sister. I smirked. “I want what Dude got.”

Arielle stared at me, her blue eyes flying open wide, a look of disgust and revulsion crossing her face. “What!” she cried.

I kept smiling. “I wonder how long it would take Johnathan to dump you if he saw you sucking off another guy?” I asked rhetorically. “Man, I bet he’d be really pissed—”

“Whoa! Whoa!” shouted my step-sister, giving me a shocked look. “No way! No fucking way! Look, Bruce, I’ll do your fucking laundry, and clean your pig-sty room, but there’s no fucking way in hell I’m gonna suck off my own brother!”

I just stared at my step-sister smugly, crossing my arms. “I want a blowjob,” I said calmly.

My step-sister huffed, looking away. “No. That’s sick, Bruce. That’s fucking sick.”

I shrugged. “Fine. I’ll just email the video to Johnathan, and—”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” shrieked Arielle, lurching forward. But I intercepted her hands as she tried to grab my mouse. I may have been three years younger than my step-sister, but I was sixty pounds heavier and a hell of a lot stronger thanks to my weight-training classes. I grabbed her wrists, stared at her face.

“It’s your choice, Arielle,” I said. “Your mouth, or your marriage.”

My step-sister glared at me hatefully, her face red. She looked down at my lap for a moment, clearly seeing the huge bulge of my cock in my shorts. Slowly, she lifted her eyes. “You’re a disgusting, twisted, evil pervert, you know that?”

I laughed. “Yeah, ain’t it cool?” I pushed her away and leaned back in my chair. “So what’s it gonna be?”

Arielle backed off, started pacing. She stared at the floor, lips trembling. She was kartal travestileri getting nervous and frightened now, her anger fading. She was beginning to realize she actually stood a good chance of screwing up her impending marriage. And to save it, she had given her own brother a blowjob. Her eyes started swelling and getting watery. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” she whispered.

“Hey, I’m not the one who cheated on my fiancé with some half-ass college loser. Is he an art major too? I said meaningfully.

Arielle shuddered, covering her mouth and looking away from me. “Oh, God,” she lamented. She made little choking sounds as she cried, and turned toward my door.

“I figure you got about two hours to make up your mind,” I said, making her stop. For a long moment, she just stood there, back to me, crying softly. Then she left. I heard her bedroom door slam a second later.

I turned back to my computer. Guess I could get back to Binging on Netflix, I thought.


I was actually starting to get a little anxious as the end of the second hour drew closer. My step-sister hadn’t come out of her room, and I heard her moving things around. I wondered if she was packing. Was she really just going to let me ruin her life? Jesus Christ, all I wanted was to get my dick sucked!

I decided that, if I saw Arielle coming down the stairs with a suitcase, that I was gonna give in and erase the video and the two back-up copies I had saved to my email accounts. Maybe I’m an asshole kid brother, but I still have a heart.

I was in my room, playing Escape From Tarkov, and doing pretty well, when I heard my step-sister walking up behind me, bare feet whispering across the carpet. I looked up as she came around the back of my small oveseat/ouch and sat down beside me. She looked forlorn, eyes cast down. They were still a little red, but she wasn’t crying anymore. She didn’t say anything, and didn’t look at me as she fidgeted, picking at her nails.

After I exited my successful raid, I wordlessly stared at her, wondering what she was going to do or say. Unbeknownst to her, I had long ago installed several pinhole cameras, two of which covered this little couch. Very handy for dates. But wow was it ever about to pay off now.

After a few moments, she started to lift up, scooting to the edge of the couch. Arielle hesitated, breathing through her mouth, her cheeks starting to blush. Then swiftly, as if she wanted to act before she could stop herself, she slid down to her knees on the floor in front of me.

I stared at her, my heart pounding. Holy shit! She’s gonna do it! Arielle Wilder’s gonna suck my dick!

My erection sprang back to life faster than you could say ‘blowjob.’ My step-sister swept her bob back, though she hardly needed to, and sta for a moment, nibbling her lower lip. She didn’t look to my face; she just stared at my shorts as my dick snaked beneath them, growing and growing. One of her pencil-thin eyebrows flickered a moment as she stared at my bulge.

Tentatively, my step-sister settled her hands on my bare, muscular legs, just above my knees. I was patient, watching my step-sister’s pretty face, in particular her luscious, soft pink lips. My cock twitched inside my shorts. I wished I had worn a looser pair.

Setting her teeth, Arielle moved her hands up to the button of my shorts, tugging at it. I leaned back on the couch, my hands to my sides. I shuddered with anticipation as my step-sister pulled down my zipper. “Lift your hips,” she whispered, almost to herself.

I did so eagerly, and Arielle pulled my shorts down, all the way down, slipping them off my feet. I wasn’t wearing underwear, and my fully erect cock jutted out, so hard it hovered over my abdomen. My step-sister’s eyes widened as she saw it, and let out a faint, impressed gasp.

I smiled. The four girls I had been with had all reacted that way. I’ve got a really good-sized dick, long and thick. My balls are pretty heavy, and I keep them shaved. I trimmed my pubes, too, ever since one of my girlfriends told me she would only go down on me if I did that. Not that she sucked cock like my step-sister, of course.

I chuckled as Arielle just stared at my throbbing penis. Her soft lips parted, suddenly moist, and she breathed in.

Didn’t think your little brother had such a big dick, huh, Arielle? Bet sucking me off doesn’t seem so bad now!

Arielle shifted, lifting up on her knees as she moved closer between my legs. She brought up her hands and gingerly touched my dick. I trembled at the contact. Arielle seemed encouraged, and tilted my cock up with her fingertips. She looked like she was inspecting my cock as she tilted her head this way and that. Her expression was inscrutable. Her eyes and cheeks glowed.

My step-sister closed her eyes a moment, gathering her courage. She took a deep breath, and slowly wrapped both her hands around my shaft. I moaned, my dick pulsing in her grip. A thick bubble of pre-cum oozed from the slit at the tip.

Then, suddenly, Arielle opened her eyes, staring at my cock once more, and breathed out hotly. It was too late to turn back now, and Arielle knew it. With a sudden move, my step-sister leaned forward, lowering her head, and slid my needy dick into her mouth.

I moaned in bliss, feeling the incredible heat of my step-sister’s mouth, the soft but firm wet caresses of her swirling tongue, the tugging motions of her cheeks as she pulled me in. She breathed out through her nose, slid her hands down to the base of my thick cock, massaging my swollen balls as she took about half of my penis. Her lips were stretched by my dick (a hell of a lot more stretched than they had been around Dude’s), and her brow furrowed.

For a long moment, Arielle just sucked, tasting the flesh of my cock and the fluid that seeped onto her tongue. She worked her jaw, gently munching my sausage, massaging the underside of my shaft with her tongue. I sighed in pleasure, writhing under my step-sister. She had to know how good she was at sucking dick. I had never felt anything as hot and caressing and just downright incredibly pleasurable as my own step-sister’s mouth.

Finally, Arielle started gliding her smooth, soft lips up and down my penis, submerging me again and again in her mouth. She slowly increased the strength of her suction as her fingers fluttered around my dick and stroked my balls. I gasped, digging my fingers into the couch cushions as the sensations intensified. Arielle’s mouth made soft, sexy sucking and slurping noises as she gobbled my cock.

Increasingly, as my step-sister’s blowjob continued, she seemed to get more comfortable with the idea, and feel, of her brother’s penis throbbing in her mouth. She became encouraged, and tried to take more and more of my length. I groaned aloud as I felt the entrance of her throat flutter against the head of my cock, like a second little mouth. But Arielle gagged and pulled back.

“Oh, God, Arielle,” I moaned, tentatively bringing up my hands and threading my fingers through her soft, fragrant hair. “It’s even better than I thought it would be.”

“Mmm,” moaned travesti kartal my step-sister, pumping her mouth up and down. She squirmed a little, shifting her legs, arching her back as she sucked me. It was like she was offering herself to some invisible man behind her, wanting to get fucked. I admired the fine shape of my step-sister’s tight ass, fully outlined by her tight shorts.

Oh, man, how good would it feel to fuck that ass? I wondered, the thought making my dick twitch in Arielle’s mouth, giving her a spurt of pre-cum across her tongue.

My step-sister moaned again and kicked her blowjob up a notch, sucking harder and deeper, louder and wetter. I loved hearing the sound of her breathing through her nose as she worked hard for her reward. The feel of her bouncing head in my hands was an unbelievable turn-on. None of the girls who sucked me before let me put my hands on their heads. But my step-sister seemed to be turned on by it.

Arielle made muffled, eager whimpering sounds as I pushed back with my hips, feeling my orgasm build. She knew I was getting close, and the idea of my impending orgasm obviously aroused her. Her brow furrowed and her cheeks darkened a little. Arielle whimpered in anticipation around my dick, wanting to make me cum in her mouth. She fucking wanted it!

My step-sister tensed suddenly, shuddering, moaning around my cock. She rolled her hips, and her lips, dripping and shiny, parted around my dick as she panted heatedly and shuddered. The aroma of an aroused pussy filled the air, and my step-sister winced, jerking a little, breathing hotly on my cock. “Oh, fuck!” she gasped. Then, with a moan, she resumed sucking me with animalistic desperation.

Holy shit! I thought with sudden realization. My step-sister got off while sucking my dick! She’s really fucking turned on by blowing me!

“Oh, damn,” I moaned, massaging my step-sister’s scalp. “Oh, God! Hmmmm . . . .”

The startling realization that my step-sister had cum while sucking my dick triggered my own orgasm, and I arched my back, driving my cock into Arielle’s mouth. I gripped her head, gasping, panting, making little choking sounds as I exploded like a freaking volcano.

Arielle moaned as my semen jetted into her mouth. She jerked back until just the spurting head of my cock was between her shiny wet lips, and sucked hard, making faint little grunting noises as my thick, creamy load filled her mouth. Her tongue rubbed firmly against the underside of my cock head, and her hands stroked up and down my shaft, lightly squeezing my balls, coaxing out every drop of my salty seed.

I trembled, feeling intense pleasure, and smacked my hands to the cushions, letting out loud groans. I thrashed as my step-sister just kept sucking me, prolonging my orgasm. I stared down at her, saw that some of my juice had smeared around her lips, making them sticky and glossy. Arielle eased back, gulping loudly, breathing on the head of my dick as my semen slid down her throat to her belly.

“Oh-h, fuck!” I cried. Never, ever, had a girl let me shoot in her mouth. But here was my own step-sister, swallowing every ounce of sperm my balls had to give! Talk about hot!

Arielle let my dick flop to my abdomen, and moved down, mouthing and licking my deflated balls as I recovered. I panted deeply, seeing stars as I stared up at the ceiling. I had never cum so hard in my life. I had never felt so satisfied.

Now that’s what I call a fucking blowjob!

My step-sister dragged her wet tongue back up my shaft, licked around the head a little, then eased back on the floor, breathing in and out. She smacked and licked her lips, regarding my spent dick. I noticed a thin, glistening trail of sperm that had leaked from the corner of her mouth and run down and under her chin. She didn’t seem to realize it was there.

“You know,” she said with a heavy breath, finally looking up at my face. She gave me a little smile. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

I stared at her, awestruck and blissful. “That was fucking incredible,” I gasped. I noticed how erect her nipples were, so long and hard that they almost tore through the fabric of her tight top.

Arielle rolled her eyes, but she smiled. She had to know that my comment was high praise indeed. She smacked her lips, swallowed again, still tasting cum. She studied my face a moment. “Okay, here’s the deal,” she said. “Once a week, until the wedding. That’s fourteen blowjobs. Deal?”

I stared at her, trying to hide how surprised and stunned I was at her offer. I was ready to fork over the video after just one heavenly blowjob. But . . . fourteen? Hell, yeah!

“Uh, s-sure,” I said. I gave her what must have been a goofy grin. “Deal.”

Arielle chuckled, shaking her head. She leaned back forward, kissed my cock, then my balls, and pushed herself to her feet. She looked down at me. “Better clean up and put your shorts back on, little brother,” she said. “Mom and Dad are gonna be home soon.”

I watched after her as she stepped around the couch toward the door. “Uh, Arielle?”

She stopped and glanced back over her shoulder, her chin glistening with cum. “What.”

“Um . . . you got some on your chin,” I said.

Arielle frowned, touched her chin, then laughed softly. She wiped up the cum with her finger, sucked it clean. “See you later, little brother,” she said coyly, then left.

I sighed heavily. “Oh, man,” I moaned.

I couldn’t wait for my next blowjob.


Tuesdays became ‘Blowjob Day.’ That was the day I was always home from my classes by three. Arielle attacked my cock enthusiastically each time, and commented about how my size turned her on. Sometimes, she’d really make it last, keeping me from coming for almost an hour before letting me blast off in her mouth. She’d take every drop down her throat, sometimes letting me see her cum-filled mouth before swallowing.

Arielle sucked me everywhere: in the den, living room, kitchen, my room, her room, and several times in the back yard. I realized that my sexy, cock-addicted step-sister was an exhibitionist as she stripped down under the sun and slurped happily on my throbbing tool while fingering herself.

The last time my step-sister sucked me off was outdoors, in fact. She let me give her a facial, which I had all but begged her to let me do. Then, without bothering to wipe the cum from her face, Arielle spread her legs as she straddled my chest and masturbated before my eyes. I stared in intense arousal as Arielle finger-fucked her shaved cunt and rubbed her clit in tight little circles until she came. She even let me kiss and lick her dripping cunt a little bit afterward. Then she sucked me off one last time, swallowing my load when it spurted in her mouth. Only then did she get up and look for a towel to wipe her sperm-glazed face and neck.

Arielle made sure I erased the blowjob video from my computer, and I went even further, deleting the copies I had saved to my email. Arielle appreciated my honesty, and kissed me on the cheek.

Four days later, she walked down the aisle and got married to her fiancé, becoming Mrs. Johnathan Robert’s. I captured pictures of my stunning step-sister in her wedding dress, using my digital camera.

My digital camera that still held a six-minute video of Arielle sucking off some dude Never can tell when it might come in handy


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