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Southern Comforts (Pt. 03)



The Decision

Alex was a bundle of tingling nerves and more butterflies—hundreds of them; swarms, even. Her earlier nervousness and dread were both swallowed up by a new excitement, one she could have never dreamt or expected when she got on a plane that morning.

It felt a bit like Seattle all over again, but now she was an adult, someone able to make her own decisions and choices. Daddy had put aside his own grief, years before, and focused on her needs when she needed him the most. Now, she had a chance to focus on him, to make his vacation the best that it could be.

“Daddy?” She called his name through the bathroom door as she checked herself one last time in the mirror. The pane of reflective glass was so large she could see literally every inch of herself as she turned this way and that. “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready!”

Alex peeked through the cracked door. He was wearing his swim trunks, sitting on the bed, facing her—it was his suggestion that they go out on the beach in suits first. “I’ve never worn anything like this before, Daddy. Promise you won’t laugh.”

“I won’t laugh, sweetie,” he said, raising a hand. “Scout’s Honor.”

“Like you were ever a Scout,” she said, sticking out her tongue at him.

“Fine, fine,” he said, waving a hand. “We’re burning daylight, Lexi.”

Taking a breath, Alex stepped back and opened the door. She wore a black bikini, straps tied up behind her neck; the triangle-shaped bits of fabric covered most of the swell of her breasts, both top and bottom, but still left more visible than she might’ve wanted otherwise. The V-shaped fabric between her legs and curling up to cover her backside was small enough to the point where Alex felt exposed, but not uncomfortably so. All the same, she still felt practically naked in her mind. She’d never worn a suit so revealing before, but that was the point of a place like the Pleasure Palace, wasn’t it?

She felt as if she’d walked into the bathroom and was leaving it a different person, that something had transformed her into someone else. Alex didn’t know where her new streak of bravery had come from, but she hoped it was here to stay.

Daddy was staring at her, eyes gone a little wide. His mouth went slack, jaw dropping opening in shock. Then he covered it with one hand, unable to speak.

“So…” Alex opened her arms, giving a small pirouette on her toes. “What do you think?”

“My God,” he finally said. Daddy had to clear his throat twice before speaking. “You’re going to be turning heads all over that beach.”

Alex smiled and felt a happy flush warm her cheeks. “You think so?”

“Trust me,” he said.

“Well, come on, then!” She reached out, grabbed Daddy’s hand and started to pull him to his feet. But he surprised her by pulling back and shaking his head.

“Just…give me a minute, baby.”

“Hm?” Alex stared. “What’s wrong, Daddy?”

“Nothing, honey, I promise,” he said. “You just surprised me, that’s all.” Daddy was leaning over in his seat, but his attempt at subterfuge backfired when she looked at him more closely and felt her eyes go wide.

“Daddy… Do you…is that—”

“Yes, Lexi, it is.” He rested one arm across his lap, but that only made his hard-on more obvious. “I just…wasn’t as ready to see you like this as I thought I was.”

“Ohhhhh.” Alex’s new mood kept surprising her. She supposed that she should’ve been disturbed by Daddy’s reaction to her body, but… “Well, it makes sense.” She went down to her knees in front of him, looking up at his face. “You’ve been looking forward to this trip for so long. It’s no surprise that you’re excited.”

Daddy’s surprised eyes look turned wild for a second when she went to her knees, but after recovering, he nodded. “Yes. Yes, baby, I suppose that makes sense. And—” He swallowed, clearing his throat “—this isn’t a resort like other nudist resorts, sweetie. People tend to be uninhibited—they can, and sometimes do, act out however they want in public: on the beach, in the pools, wherever.”

“You mean like sex.” The pictures and videos she’d seen flashed back into her mind: couples on the beach stripped completely bare, fucking with abandon, hands everywhere, tongues and mouths and so much more.

“Yes, honey. So seeing men walk around erect wouldn’t normally be encouraged, but…” He spread his hands. “That can be the norm here. It’s why women can go wherever they like, but men have to have a woman with them or get invited to places.”

A thought occurred to her. “Daddy?”

“Yes, what is it?”

Alex considered making an offer to him—she nearly spoke it aloud, then hesitated. She was brave, but not that brave. Not yet. “Are you okay to go out? We can walk on the beach and turn heads.” She grinned and stood up, running her hands down her bare belly before offering one to him. “I’m ‘Mrs. Cantrell now. You can show me off, and nobody can niğde escort touch me but you.” Alex realized how that sounded as soon as she opened her mouth, and went hot again. “Sorry, Daddy.”

Daddy groaned and took a deep breath. “Stop with the double-entendre, Lexi. You’re a pretty girl, but I’m a man like all the others and I haven’t had sex long enough for you to affect me like you wouldn’t believe.”

That made Alex laugh. “Sorry! Sorry, Daddy, I’ll be good. I promise.”

In several more minutes, Daddy had recovered enough to stand up without showing off a tent in his swim trunks. They grabbed a pair of towels but left their door keys and other things, closing the door as they left.

“How do we get back in?” she asked.

“Numeric keypad,” he said, showing it to her. “The code’s different for every guest, since sometimes there’s nowhere to stow a key when you go out. See?”

“Ohhhhh.” Alex giggled again. “Right. I didn’t think about that.”

Daddy offered his hand, and Alex took it, looping her arm around his as they walked towards the beach. She had a tall, handsome man to walk with, the man she loved more than anyone else in the world. Alex felt better right then than she ever had, like the tropical sea air was affecting her somehow.

She saw her first nude resort guest by the time they reached the beach, an older man walking back up the long walk to the hotel, holding onto a towel draped over his neck. He was so tan that the sun had turned him to a deep, almost crimson-bronze. He was a bit heavy-set and wrinkled in the way of older men, with thick grey curls on his head, neck and shoulders, all the way down his back.

“Be careful not to stare,” Daddy said, gently tugging her arm.

Alex turned away, resting her head on his shoulder. “Sorry, Daddy,” she whispered. Then, she frowned. “Do I have to call you by your first name, too?”

“Don’t you dare,” Daddy said, giving her a gentle poke to her bare ribs, followed by a soft kiss to her head. “I was good enough to be your Daddy this morning, and I’m good enough for it now. Nobody’ll take that away from me.”

Alex felt an illicit thrill in her belly, one that left a surprising tingling in her nipples of all places. “Good,” she said, hugging his arm a little tighter. “I didn’t want to lose that, no matter what.”

Daddy gave her a small, enigmatic smile. “Good. Neither did I.”

The beach was a long strip of bright, white sand that stretched out towards the endless blue of the horizon. People were scattered about: sunning themselves, playing games like volleyball, sitting in the surf or swimming in the water that was so clear it was hard to believe that it wasn’t some oversized pool. There were people dancing around a set of speakers playing music.

The hotel grounds along that part of the beach had several pools of various sizes, an open-air bar, people walking about talking, smiling, otherwise appearing to have a good time. There were more women than men, but all of them, of every color and shade, seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was infectious; Daddy appeared to be relaxed and smiling, and even Alex was feeling the frivolity in the air.

She’d expected to see more nude people, but everyone around was wearing some kind of swimwear, except for the hotel staff, who wore comfortable but functional uniforms: white shirts, tan shorts, comfortable sandals or shoes. It was a very small disappointment for Alex, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it—mostly because what some people were wearing was hard to call clothing at all.

It was also impossible to miss the looks she was getting. Her choice of swimwear wasn’t even the most scandalous thing she saw people wearing—that award went to a trio of women who wore was seemed like dyed spandex strings that stretched from neck to nipples, down between their legs and up their backs again. It barely qualified as swimwear at all. But Alex saw that she was getting some attention. They were mostly men who gave her long, appreciative looks, even a couple of whistles. It made her go hot again, but she felt…maybe flattered, or maybe something else. She had a flash of a thought, imagining herself wearing nothing at all. That was sort of the point of a place like this, but it made her heart beat a little faster.

Up ahead, she saw a small collection of trees with thick, green branches were growing right out of the sand. A wooden sign hung from one of them, where someone had painted in a pretty script NUDE BEACH AHEAD. CLOTHES NOT PERMITTED BEYOND THIS POINT. Alex could see the shapes of people behind the green foliage, and hear the sounds of laughter and more music.

“The point of no return,” she murmured.

“You sure you’re up for it already?” Daddy asked, sounding surprised.

“Ohhhh… I might be…but I don’t know.” She stepped from one foot to the other, back and forth, like a sprinter getting ready for a run. “I’ve niksar escort never felt like this before. It’s kind of exciting.”

Daddy smiled, turning and resting his hands on her shoulders. “This was your idea, sweetheart. Tell me what you want to do.”

Alex could see more sand, the fluttering movement of surf. She could see people on the other side some distance away: pale ones, tan ones, dark-skinned ones. Some were sunning themselves on the sand or splashing in the water; she saw boats further out from the shore, people dancing and moving around on the deck. It felt like looking into another world.

“I…” Alex took a breath. “Can we…maybe just stay in this side for a little longer?”

“Of course!” Daddy gave a little laugh, bent down, and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. It was quick, seemingly chaste, but it cut Alex off and felt hot enough to burn her. “The rest isn’t going anywhere, I promise. C’mon.” Taking her arm, Daddy started to lead her the way back. Alex still got looks from the other hotel clientele as they walked, but she thought that Daddy liked staring the men down, like he was challenging them—she’s mine and you can’t have her, his look seemed to say.

There was plenty to do on the beach, but Lexi thought lying under the afternoon sun sounded nice. Spreading her towel out in the sand, she stretched out atop it and rested her chin on her arms, closing her eyes as she soaked in the heat of the sand and the sun overhead. Try as she might to relax, that warning sign kept coming back to her mind, taunting her, telling her what was waiting for her.

“I’ll be right back,” Daddy said.

Alex nodded and kept her eyes closed, listening as he walked away. She could picture him stepping to the tree line, peeling his swim trunks off and grinning at her before he stepped past the barrier and vanished. Even when he returned a few moments later with a beach chair and an umbrella, Alex was struggling with the mental image of Daddy wearing nothing but an inviting smile, tempting her to something she’d never known she might want.

Imagining her father naked wasn’t something Alex ever thought to do before, but now she couldn’t get it out of her head. No matter how she tried, Alex just couldn’t get the nude beach out of her mind. It made for a very strong distraction, to say the least.

She lasted for an hour, baking in the heat, squirming atop her towel. Daddy put his head back and napped the whole time, looking completely comfortable and peaceful, ignorant of the argument going on in his daughter’s head.

Finally, she made a decision. “Daddy?” She gave his shoulder a faint shake, already having collected her towel and her thoughts. “Can we go back now?”

“Oh, Lexi.” He seemed surprised at falling asleep, stretching out his shoulders before standing up. “It is a bit late, isn’t it? Let’s go.” He took her hand and started up the beach against towards their bungalow hut.

Alex had plenty of time to think about what she was going to do or say even before they reached their room again. She was still processing everything she’d seen, everything she was feeling, weighing it all against her desire to give her Daddy the vacation that he deserved. There were risks, of course, but they were alone in a foreign country, where nobody knew or recognized them, and Alex was feeling daring. She’d squeezed herself into a small, restrictive box for most of her life—here was a chance to cut loose, to be as wild as she could be. What harm could there be?

There was an open-air shower on the outside of their little bungalow which they used to wash their feet clean. Daddy let them inside, and Alex couldn’t help but feel that he looked a little disappointed by how their first outing had ended. That was enough to make up her mind.


He took a seat on the bed again. “Yes, baby?”

“I’ve been thinking. About you and this trip.”

“Go ahead.”

Alex bit her lower lip, feeling herself hesitate, but then she pushed through to the finish—this was his trip; she was here for him. “I want to try something. That time on the beach was nice, but…that’s not why we’re here.”

Daddy seemed to consider that. “Alright, Lexi. Why are we here?”

“For this.” Before she could stop herself, Alex slipped her thumbs under the strings of her top and pulled them over her head. Then, she unfastened the knots at her hips and pulled her bikini bottom off, stripping herself right to her skin before balling up the fabric and throwing it at him.

Daddy, his eyes gone wild again, managed to catch her suit without dropping it. He was staring at her, mouth open, stunned into silence.

“I’m not allowed to have that back until you say so,” she said, pointing at him. “Or any of my other clothes. They’re all yours now. I can’t have them back until my Daddy says.” Alex could feel the adrenaline rushing under her skin, and crossed her arms nilüfer escort to stop her hands from trembling, fighting the immediate urge to cover herself. Going against that instinct was hard, but she didn’t want to give into shame now.

Daddy licked his lips several times, like his mouth had gone dry. It reminded her of his short kiss on the beach—it hadn’t seemed like an intimate kiss, but Alex wasn’t sure he’d ever kissed her that way before. “Are you sure?” Daddy said. His voice was soft, yet he seemed tense somehow. “I need to know that you’re okay with…with something like this.”

“Yes, Daddy. I’m sure. This is your trip, and this is why you come here. Right?” After he nodded, Alex uncrossed her arms, but didn’t know what to do with her hands. Unless… “Here.” She stepped up to him, going down into her knees. When she slid her fingers into the waistband of his trunks, he didn’t fight her, but let her pull them off, take her suit with his, and toss them in the direction of their bags.

Daddy’s cock was hard—a long shaft of sun-kissed flesh, straining inside its own skin; the wide head was thick and swollen. It made her breath go soft for a moment, seeing it up close, so close that she could have kissed it, or taken it in her mouth.

Now why did that image come to mind? Just the thought of it made her pussy ache.

Alex took a breath, looking up at Daddy again. She didn’t want him to think she was upset, so she smiled. “It’s okay if you react that way to me, Daddy,” she said. “I don’t mind. I promise.”

Daddy coughed, and his voice came out as a rough, grating croak. “You d-don’t, baby?”

She shook her head. “Mm-mm. You can’t help your body reacting this way. Don’t try to hide it, Daddy—it’ll be more comfortable for you if you don’t, and I don’t mind getting used to it.”

Daddy’s face had gone red himself, but he didn’t seem out of breath. He reached down, cupping her face with his hands. “Thank you, baby. This is all very sweet of you. Is this because of what we talked about earlier?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Alex stood up again, slowly. She felt vulnerable in front of him, naked and weak. But, at the same time, this was something she could’ve had with him years ago, a chance to be comfortable in her own skin, just like he always seemed to be. That chance was stolen from her, and knowing that irked her to no end. “I want us to have what we never had the chance to have. I want to be comfortable with you like this.” She laced her fingers together to keep from fidgeting. Her body ached, and she felt a familiar craving in-between her legs. Alex blamed that on her discomfort and the now-unwanted urge to cover herself, but if she didn’t handle that, the urge would only get worse.

“Daddy?” She didn’t mean to whisper, but that’s how it came out.

“Yes, baby?”

“I need to…go use the restroom. But can we talk more when I get back? About this? Like this?”

Daddy smiled. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight, urging her down to kiss her head; his chest brushed across her nipples, making the ache grow stronger. “Of course, Lexi. As much as you want. I’ll stay right here until you get back, I promise.”

Alex smiled, bending down to kiss his cheek. He turned his head towards the caress. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said before stepping off to the bathroom. “I just need a few minutes, please.”

The commode was in a small, private room closed off from the rest of the bathroom. Alex handled her business quickly, but the ache between her legs only got stronger. She closed her eyes tight, squeezing her thighs together, trembling all over.

Daddy’s cock was on her mind, and she couldn’t rid herself of that image no matter how hard she tried. In fact she didn’t want to try all that hard—Alex wasn’t a virgin, by some miracle, so she knew what a cock should look like, but Daddy’s was impossible to forget. Without knowing why she wanted it, Alex imagined going onto her knees in front of him again, curling her fingers around his swollen shaft, opening her mouth wide, and with a deep, husky Ahhhh, she would—

That’s when she heard a soft thump of a sound, something that broke her concentration. Alex blinked, pushing up to her feet. She eased the door open on silent hinges, looking around the bathroom. Golden sunlight still flowed into the space through shaded windows and the open shutters overhead. She spied the shape of a white pillow in the bathroom doorway, which had knocked the door open, setting it ajar. The rush and hiss of the sea filled the space with its noise, as always. But there was another noise: a dark, growling sound, accompanied by a soft, wet, squishing sound.

Carefully stepping up to the narrow gap of the door, Alex peeked through and saw Daddy lying on the bed. He’d tossed several of the pillows aside to make room, one of which had knocked the bathroom door ajar. He was on his back, his eyes closed as if he was resting, but his hands were between his legs, stroking his thick cock, causing the soft, wet repetitive sounds she’d heard earlier.

“God,” Daddy said, his voice a husky whisper, “you’re so good…so good…so fucking good, baby girl. Ride Daddy, Lexi… Ride Daddy’s cock. Mmmmm…”

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