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Shift of Paradigm Pt. 03


Shift of Paradigm Chapter 5 – Consequences

When I awoke on Saturday afternoon, I looked at the beautiful faces of two of my new wives. On one side, snuggled against me, was my daughter Linda. On the other side was Rebecca, Mary Beth’s daughter and Linda’s best friend. I wondered where was the fourth of our quadrangle marriage? I hoped that she would make an appearance soon.

The sun was streaming through the slats of the wood Venetian blinds. The room was beautifully decorated. Egyptian cotton sheets soothed my skin. The temperature was perfect. I luxuriated. Life was wonderful.

I was married! Not just one spouse, but three. I knew that there was no official legality to our group marriage, but one day soon that was going to change and I was in the right profession to help see it through. I was already thinking of legal strategies to break down those doors. Archimedes said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

The success of gay marriage in the courts had provided the fulcrum. Following the path pioneered by Gay Rights, we were going to lever those doors open wider with the same kind of lawsuits. Bust them right open, wider than most anticipated. There was a deep irony in the fact that the few people who did anticipate exactly what I wanted to do, were the opponents of gay marriage.

Their objection was based on the fact that once the old, one man one woman barrier was removed, there was then no logical restraint on any kind of marriage. They had been ridiculed and laughed at, portrayed as absurd religionist, reactionaries. The truth is that their argument was exactly correct and I was going to use their very words to do the very thing to which they most objected.

In the meantime, in this state, I could legally marry Mary Beth. Rebecca and Linda could marry also. Only half way to the goal, but it was the best we would be able to do for the moment. It would be so much fun to have a double wedding!

My future legal wife walked into the bedroom. She was covered in that same sexy robe she had worn on my last visit. In spite of my fatigue and overall soreness, my motor started running. It was only idling now, but it would take only a little pressure on the pedal to get me up to high revs. And those two young hardbodies on either side of me? Pure jet fuel.

The effects of the gathering were still with me. It was something I had never experienced before. I felt like I was full of sexual energy. Not bubbling over, just right there at the surface, like everything would hold equilibrium as long as nothing was disturbed.

I once saw a water glass overfilled with water. The surface tension allowed the water to pile up just a bit higher than the rim of the glass. It was all good as long as you did nothing to add any more stress.

Mary Beth entered. I looked at her and felt disturbance, a creaking on the surface tension of my sexual stasis.

“I had cook prepare us something. You should get out of bed and come eat. And Lover, from the look in your eyes, if I don’t get you out of that bed now, I never will.”

“And that would be bad, how?”

“Oh Baby, don’t push my buttons. I would love nothing better than to fuck your brains out, but we are in no condition to start up with that. Food first. But if you don’t stop giving me that look, I might throw you on the dining room table and take you while the staff watches. Maybe when I am done, I’ll let them have a turn with you.”

“I repeat my earlier question.” We both laughed. One of us wasn’t really joking. Umm, which one of us was it?

I crawled out of bed dragging the girls with me. We had to get up and get going. We ate, talked, ate, talked some more, ate some more. We had been famished and the food helped revive our energy.

I was being served our late lunch by a beautiful girl. She was wearing a very revealing, very sexy maid’s uniform. Her olive skin and large brown eyes were putting pressure on my pedal. My motor was starting to purr. Her outfit was designed to give me flashes of all her assets. They were tempting me to take advantage.

As she bent over to fill my plate. The skirt rode up allowing a peek at a smooth shaved pussy. Varoom. I reached my hand in between her legs and started slowly traveling north. When I reached the top, I cupped her sex and inserted a finger into an already well lubricated hole.

“Is this one of the staff you were going to let have a turn?”

Mary Beth laughed at me out loud. “Bitch, you have got it BAD! We can’t start again now. I am too beat up from last night. But you can come back and play with my toys anytime.”

The tension in my libido eased just a bit. Not much, just enough. Was this to be my new permanent state?

Linda spoke up and turned to Mary Beth, “Did you know she was going to be like this when we were planning to recruit her?”

We all got a case of the giggles. Rebecca chimed in, “I don’t know about you all, but I was damn sure hoping so.”

That gaziantep minyon escort bayan did not help the giggles one little bit.

We finally finished, broke the party up and got dressed to leave. I just wanted to go home and go back to sleep. But I did not look forward to being alone in my big bed. There had been no other permanent resident there since I kicked Bernard to the curb long ago. I was used to that, or so I thought. But now I wanted someone warm and loving to be beside me.

Of course, Mary Beth and Rebecca were staying at their house. I offered to drop Linda at her apartment.

“Oh no, Momma. I’m coming home with you. I am moving back in, if you will let me. I want to spend time with my newest wife.”

I could scarcely breathe. My baby was coming back to me. She was coming home! I loved her so much. I had loved and admired her as my daughter. Now, she was also my wife and a whole new dimension was being added to the depth of our relationship. My heart leaped that she would be with me every day.

We stopped by her place to pick up her car. Also, enough of her things to get by for a few days until she could start moving back in. She was on a month to month lease and all of the furniture was rented, so leaving would not be difficult. The apartment had mostly been for show. Linda had not wanted to reveal to me, or anyone else outside of the Society, her marriage to the Simmons women. In reality, she had been living in Mary Beth’s house, along with Rebecca.

I had not been this happy in a long time. We arrived home and emptied the cars. As we brought everything in, I told Linda that she could have her old room and she could put her things there.

“No, Momma. I am sleeping in the marriage bed. Your last spouse, Daddy, slept there and now I am your woman, your wife. I am claiming my right to that place. We are going to sleep there, make love there, fuck there. That’s where we are going to share bois, boys, and all of the women we seduce.

It is also where we will bring Daddy when it is time for him to breed me. I want him to fuck me pregnant in the bed of his former marriage, while his former wife watches. The fact that he will only get it once a year or so, and that his only role is sperm donor, will haunt him the other 364 days. He needs to be tortured by knowing what he could have had every night of his life, if he hadn’t screwed up. He could have been putting his cock in his daughter’s tight pussy as well as his wife’s. He could have been filling me with his cum, all he wanted.”

Damn! Who was this take-no-prisoners woman? She was my little girl who went from take it easy to take charge. She had grown so much as a person since she had moved out. I should have seen it before now, but there it was. In my befuddlement I went all Mr. Spock, asking dry logical questions like some teen schoolboy who didn’t know how to handle the embarrassment of his lesson on sex in health class.

“Do many of the women in the Society choose to breed with their biological fathers?” I asked her. What the fuck kind of question was that?

“Yes, in fact almost all, if it is possible. There are some exceptions to that of course. If the father is not available for breeding, they will usually choose another close male relative. Normally a brother is first choice, then a Grandfather, spreading out to Uncle, cousins and the like. They are trying to keep the bloodlines as close as possible.”

Spock to Kirk: “Why is that? Isn’t there a greater chance of birth defects?”

“Not as much as people usually assume. And also the feminine energy of the Goddess has a healing quality that somehow fixes any genetic problems before they occur. As far as I know, there have been no birth defects of a child born of incest under the power of Goddess.”

Spock to Dr. McCoy: “So why are close physical bloodlines important?” I swear if Scotty shows up, I’m leaving.

“The physical and the spiritual are connected. Although every woman has access to the power of the feminine energy of the Earth, it can be strengthened or conserved. That usually happens when power is passed between mother and daughter through incest. The sexual act between them creates a stronger spiritual bond than is common in a non-incestuous relationship. The power is passed, conserved in that bloodline, strengthening that line. The descendants become increasingly more powerful, therefore they are able to draw upon more of the feminine power and use it to a greater degree.

When creating a child, it is of course necessary for masculine energy of the male to be blended with the feminine energy of the female. Because the daughter is partly created by the same masculine energy, it smoothly integrates with her contribution to the child and does not dilute the feminine energy to any appreciable degree.

It is analogous to the old system of royalty in Europe. Royals could only marry other royals. It kept all of the power in the nizip escort bayan ‘family’, so to speak. Take for example the Hapsburgs. That family produced kings of Bohemia, England, Germany, Croatia, Ireland, Portugal as well as Spain and its colonial empire. There were also some of the Dutch and Italian countries thrown in the mix. The throne of the Holy Roman Empire was continuously occupied by the Habsburgs between 1438 and 1740.

The ‘royals’ did not want a ‘commoner’ to enter the bloodline because that would dilute the power of the family. It would inject a non-royal into the mix. “Wild’ masculine energy, that is, from outside of the bloodline, acts much like a ‘commoner’ would. Now, what happens with the energy of Goddess is not exactly the same as royal families and physical thrones. But it serves as a good illustration of the principle of conservation of power in bloodlines.

Like I said, sometimes there are exceptions. Mrs. Barth has three daughter of pure northern European descent, blond, blue eyed, Aryan. But they have decided that the future of America is not with the white race. They believe that white people will come to be at a disadvantage as they become a minority. So she has made sure that her daughters are black bred.

There are now a total of twelve female biracial children from twelve different black males. The ‘wild’ masculine energy has diluted the feminine in the children to some extent, but Mrs. Barth’s bloodline is very strong, so they think the present disadvantage is outweighed by the future advantage of multi-ethnicity. Others are doing similar things with Hispanic and Asian. The Society always thinks long term. It has never been about race or ethnicity. It is always about gender.”

Wow. I had married my daughter, but I had not married a girl. This was a smart, powerful, determined, mature woman. She had thought through what she wanted and she wanted to be married to me. She had also chosen to be married to Mary Beth and Rebecca. The emphasis is that she deliberately chose what happened. She controlled her life.

She had fallen in love with Rebecca first, which was natural because they grew up together as BFFs. They were like sisters and I suppose that is what they became. It wasn’t very far to love. It also wasn’t far to love with Mary Beth. She has always been like a second mother, with a deep love for both of our daughters. After she and Rebecca were married, it was an easy path for Linda to join them.

And now me. Our current living arrangements left our four way marriage split in two. We were going to have to fix that, but there was time. I realized that there were going to be a lot of details to be worked out in this new arrangement.

But that could wait. What was immediate concern was recuperation. Food, sleep and no sex. Yeah, right. That overfull water glass was likely not to leave me alone. It was going to cause trouble sooner or later. But Friday night had taken a lot of energy out of us and we had not yet gotten it all back.

That night, despite fatigue, I couldn’t sleep. Mary Beth and Rebecca were at their house. I was in my marriage bed with my daughter/wife. I should have been content, but I couldn’t stop thinking. I had to find a way to sort out my feelings.

The Society was about power and dominance. It was about taking control. Maybe through hidden means. Maybe through overt action. But however you wanted to slice it, changing society through laws and public acceptance of all manner of items on the agenda, including incestuous marriage, required power. There was no other way to accomplish the task. Making it happen required control.

Presidents and high ranking politicians may personally be nice people, but they had to be, at least to some extent, ruthless in the exercise of power. Their enemies were going to be just as hard nosed, and survival depended on being able to meet that threat with power.

Some our most beloved Presidents had done so when necessary. I thought of Lincoln who had members of the Maryland State Legislature illegally arrested in order to prevent that state from voting for succession. The 1863 division of Virginia is Constitutionally unjustifiable unless one accepts certain legal fictions. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all of the slaves. It left those in Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri in their chains. Does that make Lincoln bad? No, just ruthless in the exercise of power in order to achieve his goals.

My experience with Mary Beth in the limo was about power exchange. It was OK, because sometimes I had fun with that. At different times, I had both given and taken with various lovers. She knew about that aspect of my life. So that time Mary Beth took. Next time she would give. But whatever we did in that regard was done in the context of love. So I could give up all control because I had absolute faith in Mary Beth’s love for me.

It wasn’t my natural inclination except as play. A temporary role used for fun. nurdağı escort bayan But power exchange relationships were not the place where I really lived. On a personal level, I could visit there with those I trusted. But, I never had my mail forwarded to that address. It was a difficult place for me to stay.

The Society also involved my relationship with my daughter. The source of the Society’s power was acquired through tapping into the feminine power of the Earth through lesbian sex. The highest form of which was incest. It drew the most power. But what was the relationship between the power driven nature of the Society and the love driven relationship between Mother and Daughter?

I loved my daughter. I loved the physical relationship we shared. Yes, the sex, the incestuous lovemaking. There was something about breaking the barrier that fed my soul. It was as if a spiritual entity had entered me and deposited nourishment. I felt complete with her when we melded together. There was nothing else like it. Our relationship was not power based. And truly, it was different than any relationship I had with any other person. It was even different than my relationship with my other two wives.

It was not in any way based on what drove the Society. There was no hint of that at all. Mary Beth and I could play at it, but there was no actual reality to it. We loved each other. An excursion into the dark side titillated, but only temporarily. With Linda, it was not possible for me to go there even for a moment.

Because we were mother and daughter, the unreproducible quality of that marriage made every other relationship something outside of this one. Nothing, not even my marriage to my other wives could penetrate into the depth of the essence of this one. Whatever I played with others, however I used power to control people in order to bring change, none of that could come here.

I had loved her all of my life. There is something unique in the quality of love between mother and child. Something even finer between mother and daughter. Maybe it was because she was not only half me, but we had the addition of shared femininity.

I contemplated these things as she slept beside me. I ran my hand across her skin. I found it amazing how wonderful it felt to caress her. I suppose that somehow caressing another person was intended to make them feel better, but it caused a deep contentment in my own soul.

I leaned over and kissed her back. I dragged my tongue across her skin up to her neck. I nuzzled. I was making love to my daughter as much as if we were creating orgasms. This was just as fully love as that might be. Just to be near her, to feel my whole body pressed against her.

It was hard to believe that this was really happening. I remembered when, just a short time ago, I could not have conceived of sleeping with my daughter. Incest was evil, forbidden. Now it came to be the most beautiful thing in the world.

She stirred coming up out of slumber as I stroked her. Such beauty. Such elegance. She was a woman to be admired; smart, competent, competitive. She rolled around to face me. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. She responded sleepily. Lips parted, tongues strolled together, delight chased away sleep.

“Hi, Momma. I love you. Is everything OK?”

“I don’t know, Baby. I am trying to sort it all out and sometimes it get confusing, then overwhelming. I don’t know what’s the right thing to do. Life used to be a lot simpler. Now there is the Society. It’s everywhere. It has my three wives, my job, and my future all wrapped up. It’s into everything. And I’m a little scared of it.

I’ve had lesbian group sex in front of maybe hundreds of people? Not just with other women, but with my daughter? Lesbian incest? I’m waiting for the pitchforks and torches at the front door.

But I know that this is right. If I have ever been right about anything in my life, I’m right about this. I love you like no other. Being with you fulfills me in ways I would have never believed anyone could. What we have is beyond my wildest imagination. I just don’t want anything to mess with it. I don’t want any of what is out there to get in here.”

“It’s going to be alright, Momma. Everything will work out. Nothing can break us apart. Nothing can destroy our love. You are my mother. I am your daughter. That’s indestructible.”

She pulled my head down for a kiss. Surface tension shattered, the water spilled over. I lightly stroked my daughter’s sex. She responded by caressing my breasts and bringing her lips to my nipple. Suction applied and tongue stroked. Heaven.

I wanted more. I wanted to give her the gift of my love through physical pleasure. We kissed and caressed and stroked. I couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted to consume my daughter, to become one entity, to merge with her until no one could tell us apart. I slid down the bed and parting her legs, let my body between them. I kissed her smooth thighs. Tasting her was better than tasting anything I had ever had in a five star restaurant. My daughter was delicious.

As my licking and caresses traveled north, the intensity of the stimulation I was giving was driving her higher. It was also driving me higher. The satisfaction of pleasing my daughter was the best aphrodisiac I could have. I poured my heart into hands and mouth and gave it to her as my gift.

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