Andy Wackerman was hanging out on the steps of the high school one afternoon, waiting for his mother to come pick him up, since he’d had chess club this afternoon.
Jeca (short for Jessica) Rondhealy came hurrying down the steps, and a little red leather book fell unnoticed out of the jacket she was carrying. He went over and picked it up, but she ignored his calls and quickly left. She didn’t have time for chess nerds.
Andy went back to the steps and sat down with the book. He opened the first page and read the following.
“This is Jessica Rondhealy’s personal, private property, and if you read further, you are trespassing onto her private property and will be punished for all Eternity in the the Afterlife.”
“Well, I’ll take my chances.” he thought to himself, grinning, and turned the page.
The diary was filled with the thoughts she’d had each day about different boys, and how big she guessed they were. She listed all the things she would let them do to her, and then she listed all the things she would like then to do with her.
Her most recurring fantasy was that a man would take her by the shoulders and push her to her knees, and tell her to open his pants. Se wanted him to take her head in his hands and force himself into her mouth, taking his pleasure of her and using her like a cheap whore. Once he had done that, she would be free to do whatever she wanted with her mouth, and enjoy the experience.
She also had fantasies of taking another woman and making give pleasure to the man, a surrogate for her own intercourse. She wanted a man inside her, to lose her virginity, but she was deathly afraid of the pain it had to cause the first time.
He reached the end of the book and discovered a picture of her in a yellow bikini on a beach somewhere, smiling brightly at the camera. It looked to be last summer’s photo.
His mother pulled up in the car, so he put the diary in his pocket and got in the car. They made the usual small talk on the way home, then Andy went up to his room, quoting a need to do homework on his computer. He said he wanted it out of the way for the weekend.
His mother praised his studiousness and watched him scamper up to his room with a sandwich on a plate for a snack.
Up in his room, Andy quickly fired up his computer, but not for homework. He downloaded a bunch of pictures of Jeca from her Facebook page, then went porn surfing for girls that resembled Jeca. He open his Photoshop and got to work, grinning widely as he accomplished some of his finest work. When he was done, he had three pics good enough to sell.
The first showed a girl with Jeca’s face and some guy’s cock in her ass as she looked over her shoulder. Even the hair came out perfect in that one.
The second one had a big cock in Jeca’s mouth, a close up that ended at her neck. He’d been lucky enough that she had been on a roller coaster last summer and was captured screaming, a big smile on her face and hair streaming behind her in the wind. Now, she was sucking a fatty with that same look of pleasure in her eyes, and perfect hair, with all the shadows matching perfectly. You could still even see a hint of the smile.
The third picture was the best one, he thought. It showed her standing in her Junior Prom dress, only now her tits were hanging out. It hadn’t taken much work to photoshop her date Big Bradley Johnson in his handsome blue tux into one of his many dick pic shots, where he was wagging his cock at the camera, flopping it out of his fly. He even found one where Brad was wearing blue shorts that almost matched his tux.
He made ten copies of that one, to leave laying all around school on Monday. That was the beginnings of his plans for her, but only the beginning.
He put one, just one, one his photoshopped Junior Prom pictures he had made on the sink of the boy’s bathroom before homeroom, and before the first class had ended, half the school had seen it or heard about it A second copy appeared at lunchtime in the library, and by the end of the break, the only ones in the school who hadn’t seen the pics were on the staff. One got taped to her locker, and then Jeca was being called into the principals office.
When she was shown the photograph, she was shocked. She couldn’t believe herself that it wasn’t an actual photo, even though she knew full well it hadn’t been posed. She protested her innocence mightily, but still got suspended for two weeks and sent home.
At home, her parents got a visit from the principal himself and was shown the copy of the photograph. Now, not only was Jeca suspended, she was grounded as well. Her parents took her phone and the power cord to her computer. Her iPod and TV were gone. She was banished to her room save for family meals and short trips to the bathroom. Her only source of entertainment was the family dictionary.
Up in her room, Jeca was depressed. She wasn’t the type to get angry, even though this situation was completely unfair. She just wondered how so much could go so wrong so quickly.
Her father came upstairs and knocked on her door. “Jeca, you have a phone call, and I’m going to allow it.” he told her. “It’s from Bradley, and there’s something important he has to say, and you need to hear it.” he said.
She opened the door and took the phone from her father, trying not to see the disappointment on his face. It broke her heart to know that she had let him down somehow..
“Hello?” she said.
“Hi Jeca, it’s me, Bradley. Look, there’s something I have to tell you. I know that picture today wasn’t your fault, but I have to break up with you anyway.” he said. “I’m sure you understand, but we both have our reputations to consider. I know we talked about long term plans, after college and everything, but I really can’t see any of that happening anymore, not after this. Can you?”
“I guess not.” she whispered, her face ashen.
“Look, Jeca, you’re a nice girl, and you’re very pretty.” he said. “I’m sure that in a different town, where nobody knows about this, you could meet someone like me. I’m sure of it.” said Brad.
“Please don’t do this, Brad! I love you!” she pleaded.
“Jeca, I loved you, too, but after seeing you like that… I’m sure you understand. All our promises are broken now.” He hung up the phone, and slowly, she let her hand drop.
“Honey, you understand now how serious this is?” her father said, standing in the doorway. “Appearances are everything in our circles, honey. There can’t be anything like this again.”
“Daddy, I didn’t do anything!” she wept, looking at him beseechingly. “I didn’t pose for that picture! Someone is out to get me!”
“That doesn’t matter.” he said grimly. ‘Not to people like these. Nothing like this can ever happen again, or you can kiss any sort of decent future goodbye! After all your mother and I have done, after everything we’ve given up, I will not have my own daughter as a hussy!” He slammed the door and left her to her tears.
About seven o’clock that night, she got another visitor. It was Andy, who had ridden his bike over to see her. Jeca’s mother let him in and showed him to the I
living room.
“Who are you?” her father asked. “Just because you got past my wife doesn’t mean you can go past me. My daughter is on strict discipline right now, and visits from school friends are right off the top of the list.”
“Well, would you deliver a message for me, please? Tell her that not everyone at school is laughing at her, and that she still has at least one friend, if she wants me.” Any said.
“What’s your name, young man?” her father asked again, in a much softer tone.
“Andrew Wackerman, sir.” Andy told him.
“Your father was the pilot, wasn’t he?” said her father, musing. “Went down some years ago?”
“Yes sir, United 232.” he said. “My father was a hero.”
“Yes, I remember.” he said. “I’m going to make an exception for you, young man. You may go visit Jeca for a few minutes. Not more than an hour, do you understand?”
“Perfectly, sir. Thank you.” Andy grinned, then went down the hallway to Jeca’s room.
He knocked, and she was very surprised to see him, but she let him in and closed the door.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, puzzled. “Aren’t you in my Geography class? Andy something?”
“I know that what happened today wasn’t your fault, Jeca, and I just want you to know that at least one person at school believes you.” he told her. “I want to try to help you, but I don’t know what to do.”
She looked ready to cry as she wordlessly nodded her thanks and shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know what anyone can do.” she said. “I never posed for that picture, but who’s ever going to believe me?”
“I believe you, Jeca.” he said, touching her hand gently. Now she really did begin to cry, silent tears coursing down her cheeks.
“You’re so sweet.” she sobbed. “I’m sorry I was always so cold to you before. Thank you for being my friend right now. I could really use a friend. Even it you are a chess nerd.” She cried even harder at that, and he put his arms around her.
“It’s true.” he said. “You didn’t make me mad with that comment, even though I think you were trying. I really am a chess nerd, but you’re still a person, and I couldn’t help but think how bad you must be hurting right now. I just wanted to come over and tell you that you don’t have to be alone. I’ll go now if you want.”
She turned to him and put her own arms about him, sobbing into his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” she cried. “You’re trying to be my friend, and I’m trying to drive you away for it!”
“It’s okay, I understand.” he said. “I was never your first choice for friend material. I was more like the last choice.”
“How can I make it up to you?” she asked, sniffling as she looked up to him. “I don’t deserve a friend as nice as you.”
“I don’t think you could make it up to me any more than I can erase a picture that everyone has already seen.” he told her. “All we can do is move forward from here.”
She threw her arms about him again and kissed his cheek, her face happy and smiling. “You forgive me?” she asked.
“I forgive you.” he smiled back. “I would like to move forward.”
“What does that mean?” she asked, and then he kissed her on the lips. Gently, it was a nice kiss, but as their faces broke apart, he saw a light in her eyes that had been greatly diminished a moment before.
“One day soon, I would like to move forward even more, but you’re grounded and suspended from school, so it might be a little hard getting to see you again.” he told her. They kissed once more, and he stood up to go.
“Come back here in twenty minutes.” she whispered to him. “Come to my window, and I’ll let you in.”
Out in the living room, he was met by her parents and invited to sit and talk for a moment.
“Hello Andy, did you have a nice visit with Jeca?” her mother asked. “We’ve never seen you in her circle of friends before. Are you new to the group?”
“I’m not in the group, Mrs. Rondhealy.” he told her frankly. “My family hasn’t had their money nearly long enough. My father still had to work for it.”
“Yes, well, he was a hero, wasn’t he?” said her father. “Can’t be a hero without lifting a finger, now could he?”
“No sir, I guess not.” Andy said.
“Normally, we wouldn’t allow Jeca to associate with anyone from a family with status such as yours…” her mother began. “But after the events of today… We would be honored to have you as a dinner guest later this week. Perhaps when it’s not a school night?”
“That would be lovely, Mrs Rondhealy.” Andy smiled. “What time should I arrive on Friday? Say about seven?”
“Seven works just fine.” said her father, smiling. “Perhaps you might ask you parents if you could stay late? Friday is our traditional family game night, and sometimes it can fixbet run until midnight or later. Especially when we have guests from outside.”
“I look forward to it, sir. I’ll see both of you then.” he said, then let her father escort him to the front door. The man stepped outside with him, and closed the front door.
“Andy, I’m going to trust you with a secret.” he said. Andy paid close attention to the man, a very respectful look on his face. “On Friday, my daughter will be initiated into a close family ritual, and I’m trusting you not to divulge anything. I strongly suspect this will be your own initiation, as well. You ARE a virgin, I take it?”
Andy nodded, and the man grinned. “Not after Friday, you won’t be. Are you starting to understand what Game Night entails?”
“Yes, sir, very much, and thank you for trusting me with your daughter.” Andy replied. “And in all fairness to her, I don’t believe the events of today were her fault.”
“Of course they were not her fault!” said her father strongly. “Jessica is a fine young lady, and she would NEVER have posed for that photograph. Obviously, I have an enemy somewhere, trying to destroy me and my family, and I vow to find out who it is!”
He struggled to contain his anger, and forgot himself enough to speak aloud under his breath, such was his wrath. “No, not here, not the place, not the time, and not the target.” he muttered, then looked up at Andy.
“Young man, Andy, I’m more than trusting you with my daughter; I’m GIVING her to you on Friday. Do you understand what that means? She’s going to be yours to command forever. She will bear your children.” he said. “She’ll obey every order you command; she’ll fulfill your every fantasy. I’m giving her to you as a wife.”
Andy swallowed hard and looked at him. “You understand I’m a Junior in High School? I still have another whole year before I graduate, and then there’s college.”
“Of course there is still all of that, young man, but you’ll find that a lot of college choices open to you now that you had no dream of yesterday.” her father said. “My son-in-law isn’t going to be a graduate of some state college. You’ll have your pick of the Ivy schools.”
“Why me?” Andy asked. “Just because I came over here to see Jeca today?” Andy asked.
The man took a breath and let it out carefully, looking at Andy. “It’s more than that.” he said finally. “You’ll treat her kindly. You don’t have the status I’d hoped for her, but all that is gone now anyway. Being what she is… You will be kinder for her than others I could choose.”
“Yes sir.” Andy said. He chose his next words with care. “I’m not in love with Jeca. But I like her very much, even though she has never treated me or my friends with much kindness. I can see that she has great potential, and she is utterly loyal to those who command her respect.”
“Great potential.” her father snorted. “Yes, she has the potential to become most anything, with the right guidance. Another reason I chose you, Andy. I can see you providing the proper direction.”
“Well, thank you sir, and good night.” Andy said, shaking hands. “I’ll see you at Friday, seven, and I’ll have permission to stay late. My mother may call you sometime this week to confirm everything.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” he said, then went back inside.
“Game night, Roger?” asked Jeca’s mother as the boy went down the sidewalk on his bike. “Do you think she’s ready for that yet?”
“She’s eighteen years old, and you saw that picture. Do you really think we’ll be able to make a better match than this?” he replied. “At least his mother doesn’t work anymore.”
“Yes, I would imagine they got a pretty good settlement.” said Wendy. “Although Bradly was perfect!”
`“No sense crying over spilled milk.” he said. “That one was ready to curdle the moment she hesitated to lift her shirt for him that time. It’s my fault for not showing her what she could could become sooner, I guess.”
“There’s no going back from that, and you know it. Bradley had no business exploring with her yet, and he knew it! Only our years of parenting prevented that disaster!” Wendy protested.
“Well, it’s time she learned the truth.” Roger said flatly, ending the discussion. “She will be playing the Game on Friday with that young man, and that’s the end of it.”
Jeca crept noiselessly back to her room. She knew what the Game was, even though she had never been allowed out of her room while her parents were playing it, no matter who came over to play with them.
She put her robe on over her sleeping clothes, a long T-shirt and a pair of white panties, and waited for Andy to come back. His kiss had awakened something inside her, something that writhed and stirred in the pit of her belly. Suddenly, she was looking forward to Friday.
Bradley’s kisses hadn’t ever done anything like this to her. Bradley’s kisses had disgusted her. She could still feel the revulsion at the mere memory of it. And that time he had tried taking her shirt off? Jeca’s skin began to crawl as she remembered.
Much more pleasant to remember the feel of Andy’s lips on her’s. Even the brush of his arm on her breast. It had been completely accidental; she doubted Andy even knew it happened.
But Jeca knew it happened. She could still feel the tingle in her nipples, the tingle connected to that ball of heat. She could feel how moist she was down there just thinking about it. She lay there for a really long time, enjoying these feelings as she thought about it.
Before she knew it, a light tap on her window caught her attention, so she went over and let Andy in. She held a finger to her lips, indicating silence, so he nodded and entered her room silently.
“I thought of a way to make it up to you.” she whispered with a naughty smile. “I didn’t think of it until you kissed me.”
“What do you have in mind?” he smiled back. “Does it involve more kissing?”
She giggled quietly. “You naughty boy! Yes, it involves more kissing!”
“I thought so.” he smiled. “I can’t stay long enough to kiss you properly, Jeca. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait. We both are.”
She looked at him, surprised, then nodded. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking, asking you to come back here.” she said. “I just figured that since I’m in so much trouble already, I might as well do something naughty to earn my punishment.”
“You want to do something naughty?” he grinned. “Well, maybe I’ll let you give me one kiss before I go.”
She grinned back and stepped close to him, putting her arms around his waist. She closed her eyes in anticipation, but he put his hands on her shoulders.
“Oh- what?” she whispered. Her eyes widened in surprise. She’d dreamed this many times, but never thought it could be real.
“Get on your knees, Jeca.” he told her quietly. “I want you to kiss me down there.”
Her heart was pounding excitedly in her chest, but the butterflies in her stomach belied her nervousness as she knelt before him. He moved her hands from around his waist to his belt buckle.
She began to open his pants all on her own, and suddenly the butterflies were gone. He had told her what he wanted and set her hands in motion. She could let herself want this now, and she found that she really DID want this. Her eyes lit up with eagerness as she pulled his jeans and boxers down together and saw her very first cock in her life.
He was already hard with anticipation, and the feeling of her hot wet mouth on him was the best thing he’d ever experienced. He wasn’t sure he was ever going to be satisfied with his hand after this, not ever again.
Her inexperience was more than made up for by her willingness, and his own inexperience guaranteed that this was going to be a short encounter. Within three minutes, he was spurting into her mouth, and she was able to hold it in her mouth until he was finished, then she swallowed it. Better than making a mess, right?
When Andy had gone back out the window, she fell into her bed and lay there with a dreamy expression on her face. She savored the taste of him still in her mouth, and remembered the feel of his lips on hers as he had kissed her goodnight.
She could feel the warm flow of love suffusing her heart, and she never wanted this moment to end. She remembered Bradley telling her it was over, and she was almost glad of it, in her secret heart.
Andy, with his glasses and nerdy haircut? Or Bradley, with his wavy golden locks, and wide shoulders, and his Corvette? Somehow, her priorities had changed, and now she remembered Andy making all his friends laugh at their lunch table in the corner.
There had been mirth and joy in that sound, she remembered, as compared to the tinny laughter of her friends, laced with scorn and malice. She could see Bradley pointing his finger in scorn at Andy standing up in front of the whole school to accept a math award.
She felt deep shame for all her past actions, and remembered Andy looking down at her with kindness in his eyes as she sucked him. She vowed to suck him every day if he would keep looking at her like that.
The next day at school, Bradley was seen threatening Andy in the locker room after gym, but nobody heard what was said when questioned by the school officials.
Later that day, Andy was found in the same bathroom the picture had first been found in yesterday. He was a bit beat up; bruised and his face bloodied a bit, and everyone knew that Bradley had done it, but there was no proof.
Andy knew better than to accuse. It was his word against the other boy’s with no witnesses, so the matter was dropped.
Bradley seemed to have gotten it out of his system, because on Wednesday, after the game, he was seen in the company of Beth Winslow, the head cheerleader and new popularity queen, now that Jeca had been deposed.
Thursday, they announced that they were going steady at lunchtime and Bradley publicly warned every male in school that Beth was under his protection now, implying that what happened to Jeca had BEST not happen to Beth.
Friday morning, Beth found Andy’s other doctored photos of Jeca in her locker and gleefully shared them around with her friends, who had formerly been Jeca’s friends.
Melissa had been closest to Jeca before, and she narrowed her eyes at Beth when the other photos were brought out. “Where did you get these again, Beth?” she asked.
Beth saw the look of suspicion on the other girl’s face. “They were just in my locker this morning, I swear! I don’t know how they got there!” she protested.
“Uh-huh.” Melissa said, gathering the small pile of photos up. “Come on. We’re going to the Principal’s office.” she said.
“What?” Beth asked, startled. “No, why?”
“Because you made these photos, that’s why.” Melissa said, getting up. “I notice you managed to get her boyfriend pretty quickly.”
“That’s ridiculous!” Beth protested, following along helplessly as they walked briskly toward the office. “Why would I possibly do such a thing?”
Melissa didn’t bother answering; they were outside the Principal’s office. She strode right in without knocking and threw the pictures down on his desk.
“Look what Beth happened to “find” in her locker this morning, Mr. Albert.” she said, pointing an accusing finger in the other girl’s face.
He picked them up and looked, then dropped them in horror. “Oh dear.” he muttered, wiping his forehead with his white handkerchief. He looked at Beth, who was ready to cry. “Is this true? These were in your locker?”
“Yes sir.” she admitted. ‘But honestly, I don’t know how they got there!”
“Yes, and yesterday, Jessica didn’t know how these photos were taken. Perhaps these two mysteries are linked?” he pointed out. She looked at him helplessly and shook her head.
“Yes, that’s exactly the explanation Jessica presented me with fixbet giriş yesterday.” said Mr. Albert sadly. “Well, her punishment should fit you, as well. Two weeks suspended, and I trust that nothing like this will plague us further?”
Beth nodded, crying silently, as Mr. Albert picked up the phone to call her parents.
That evening, when he got home, his mother immediately started fussing over him. She knew where he was going for the night, and she knew exactly who this girl’s parents were. She was determined that NOTHING was going to screw this opportunity for him, least of all himself.
“Now, at ALL times, on your BEST behavior!” she said for the hundredth time. He smiled patiently with her and let her fuss. It was a small price to ease her worry. “And don’t forget to smile! It’s your best feature, when you let it touch your eyes.”
Ever since his father died, Andy was his mother’s sole focus in life, making sure he had the best of everything she could afford, which wasn’t much, despite the airline settlement. Bad investments and market advice from his father’s early retired broker had seen to that.
Now it was six thirty, and he had half an hour to go three blocks to her house. His mother obviously had something to tell him, but it had taken her all afternoon to work up the courage. Now it was almost too late, so she sat him on the couch and bit the bullet.
“Andy, your father was almost in the circle of people you’re going to be spending the evening with.” she began. He didn’t have to become a pilot; flying was the first love of his life. I was only a close second.”
“I know, Mom.” he replied. “Grandpa up in Maine told me when I was six that I could move up there and live with him, but that I would have to leave you behind.”
“He did? I didn’t know that.” his mother said, surprised. “You should have gone. Everything in your life would be so much easier right now.”
“I know how those people are, Mother.” Andy said. “And things are only easy for them because they don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves. I stayed here because I love you, Mom.”
“I’m glad you understand.” she cried, hugging him. “I’m not worried about you anymore. My son has grown into a fine and decent man.”
He felt a little guilty about making the photos and ruining Jeca’s life, but that house of cards had crumbled at the slightest touch. He could only hope that he’d covered his tracks well enough.
Beth was the third best computer student in the school, and doctoring those photos was well within the scope of her abilities. He’d deleted all the photos and files out of his own computer, and was considering changing out the hard drives in case anyone ever wanted to do a deep search of his system.
He got to Jeca’s house in his mother’s car; she wouldn’t hear of him riding his bike over in his best new slacks and formal jacket. She wanted him to wear a tie, but he put his foot down on that.
“If it were anywhere other than a private residence, I would totally wear it, Mother, but I’m not wearing a tie to someone’s house!” he had told her.
When he was admitted through the front door, he was glad of the decision. Mr. Rondhealy was wearing the exact same jacket/slacks combo that Andy was, except in navy blue instead of charcoal black, and no tie. He shook Andy’s hand and showed him into the living room, where the T.V was hidden under a throw blanket.
All four sat on the wooden kitchen table chairs that had been placed around a card table, set up in the middle of the room.
Mr. Rondhealy dealt out a hand of cards. “The Game is draw poker, and we’ll be playing partners.” he said. “Since it’s partners, the couple may combine their hands. The couple with the best hand gets to each give one command to the losing couple.” He looked at his daughter and Andy. “Do you understand the rules of the Game?”
“Yes sir, I believe you explained sufficiently the other night.” Andy grinned.
He turned his gaze on his daughter. “You know what’s expected of you tonight, Jessica?”
She blushed and gave Andy a quick glance. “Yes sir. I snuck out of my room and peeked at you and Mom playing the Game with Mr. and Mrs…” she looked at her mother, who shook her head with tight lips. “Yes sir, I know what’s expected of me.”
“Good. Are you ready to play?” he asked, more gently. She looked at Andy again, longer this time, then nodded, a slow smile spreading over her face.
“Yes sir, I’m ready to play.” she said softly.
The two couples compared their cards, swapping with each other, then Andy and Mr. Rondhealy grinned and showed their cards. Andy and Jeca managed to come up with three Jacks, but the parents had a full house.
“I’ll go first.” Mr Rondhealy said, grinning with relish. “Andy, take Jeca over in front of the television, then take off her blouse and bra. Fondle her breasts and get her nipples hard. Take your time with it; I have a feeling that Jeca is going to enjoy this. Her mother has very sensitive nipples, and bet her daughter does as well.”
“And you’ve been wanting to get an eye full of her tits since she was fourteen!” laughed her mother. “Well, I want to see what Andy brought to the party! After he has had his fill of feeling your tits, Jeca, you will strip Andy of all his clothes and use your hands to bring him to full erection.”
Jeca knew that this is what was expected of her, but that still didn’t relieve her heart of the trepidation she felt as Andy led her over to the television.
Fortunately, all she had to do was stand there while Andy disrobed her, but when his hands went onto her bare breasts and began caressing them, it was all she could do to stay on her feet. Involuntary moans soon started escaping her lips as she got turned on.
“Okay, slut, your turn.” laughed her mother a moment later. “You know what to do.”
Jeca smiled at Andy, acting like her parents weren’t even in the room, looking into his eyes the whole time her nimble fingers were undoing the fastenings of his shirt and pants. In no time at all, his clothes were heaped in a pile off to the side, and her hands were both gliding up and down his seven inches.
“Nice.” murmured her mother appreciatively. “Jeca, you lucky bitch! He’s got a perfect cock!”
“He does?” Jeca asked, looking at it. “Well, I’m glad you think so. I don’t have anything to compare it to, except for the times Bradley waved his disgusting little thing at me.”
“Enough.” said Mr. Rondhealy, clearing his throat. “Don’t bother getting dressed, kids, once clothing is off, it stays off for the rest of the evening.” He dealt out another round of cards, so Jeca followed Andy back and took her seat.
This time, Andy and Jeca had the best hand, a flush, and Andy looked at the older woman delightedly. She shivered a little at his look, wondering what perversions were running through his dirty little mind.
“Mrs. Rondhealy, I’m going to be wanting oral pleasure of your daughter, and I want her to be good at it. Please take your husband over to the television and show Jeca how to properly suck a man off.” Andy said. Mr. Rondhealy looked at the young man approvingly as his wife led him away.
“I’ve never done this before, but I’ll try my best.” she said, looking first up at her husband, and then over at the two youngster’s still seated at the card table.
Andy was watching, but Jeca showed great interest, noted her mother. She didn’t look dismayed at this concept at all; quite the opposite. Mrs. Rondhealy pulled her husband’s pants and boxers down together, and his cock was closer to her face right now than it had ever been in the twenty three years of the marriage.
She felt his hand stroke the back of her head, caressing her hair and urging her face closer and closer. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth when it brushed her lips, feeling more excitement in her belly than she had in her twenty three years of marriage, too.
Game night had NEVER been like this before, Mr. Rondhealy thought to himself. Why had he never thought of this perversion before?
He looked down at his wife and caught her eye. Far from looking out of sorts at being forced into this terrible act; she looked quite contented sucking on his member. Was that happiness in her eyes? It couldn’t be, but her mouth was moving up and down on his length of her own volition. His hand on her head had only been necessary to get her to begin; she was sucking and slurping hungrily now.
He could feel the familiar rushing inside, and was helpless to speak any warning. Her mouth flooded with his seed, overflowing her mouth and dripping onto her best blouse.
“You didn’t hate that at all, did you, Mother?” Jeca laughed, seeing the look on the woman’s face as she got up, wiping her chin with one hand.
“No, I didn’t hate it at all.” she said, looking at her husband. “A little messy, but if he ever orders me to do that again…”
“You’ll swallow it next time.” Andy told her. “That’s what you’ll do.”
“Yes sir.” Mrs. Rondhealy said, blushing a little. “I don’t hate that idea, either.”
“Mom…” Jeca breathed. “Wow! It seems like you liked doing that. Maybe I won’t hate it either.” She looked at Andy and smiled a little, shyly.
Jeca looked over at her father and smiled. “I think I’ll be having Andy return the favor, Dad. Mom, get naked and get on the couch.”
Mrs Rondhealy smiled and began stripping, walking over to the sofa.
“No, Mom, on your hands and knees. Point your butt out into the living room, so Andy can see exactly what Dad is doing.” Jeca said, smiling. Her mother gaped at her, but she obeyed.
“I had no idea you were such a naughty girl, Jessica.” her mother said, getting into position. “Ohh, I feel SOO dirty!” she giggled, sticking her ass out.
“You’re not the only one who feels dirty right now.” said her father, getting onto his knees behind his wife. “But honey, your pussy smells delicious! How come we weren’t doing this years ago?”
“OH MY GOD!” she shrieked, feeling her husband’s tongue lick up her slid and back down. “Roger, don’t you dare stop that!”
He circled her clit twice, then licked roughly over it hard, and had to wrap his arms around her thighs to hold her still. She started bucking her hips back into his mouth, biting the couch cushions in order to not wake the neighborhood with her screams.
Roger knew it was a good thing that he had cum fifteen minutes ago, because doing this to his wife was rapidly inflating his cock with passion once again. He could tell that she was getting very near to climax, so he quickly stood up and looked over at his daughter.
“Go to your room, honey. Bring Andy with you.” he said. “This is as far as you need to see us go, both of you. Have a good time tonight, and remember, Andy, she belongs to you now.”
“If you throw her away like a cheap toy when you’re done, I’ll kill you. Make her cum before you do, every time for the rest of her life, and everything I have will be yours.”
“I understand perfectly, sir.” Andy smiled, taking Jeca’s hand and leading her to the hallway. “Come on, my pet.”
“Andy, my Daddy gave me to you.” she said, once they were alone in her room with the door closed. “This is the second time he has done this. Last time was on my thirteenth birthday. He gave me to Bradley, but there was a ceremony with it that we didn’t do this time.”
She looked at him, then down at her near nudity. All she was wearing was her white panties, so she took them off.
“Last time, we were both fully clothed, but I want to do it naked for you.” she told him, since you’re naked, too.” She looked up into his eyes and said, “I pledge my heart, mind, and soul to your causes. I pledge my body to your pleasure. I pledge my womb to your children.” she said solemnly.
“If you accept, put your hands on my head.” she told him. “You can say something, too, if you want, fixbet güncel giriş but you don’t have to. Bradley didn’t.”
He put both hands on her head gently and looked into her eyes. “I pledge you my heart, mind and soul in your defense.” he told her. “I pledge my body for your pleasure and protection. I pledge that you will carry my seed first of all women.” he said. “I just made that up, but I mean every word of it.
“First of all women?” she asked quietly. “I had hoped to have you exclusively.”
“Well, that was my ego talking.” he laughed. “I doubt I could find anyone prettier than you for my second wife anyway, and that’s the only thing that could turn my head from you.”
“There’s lots of women more beautiful than me.” she said, her face falling.
“Are there?” he asked, looking at her. “Truly? I can’t see it. My eyes must be blinded by love.”
“No doubt they are.” she said dryly. “They say that your first has that effect.”
“If that’s the case, then, you may pick out my second.” he said magnanimously. She looked up at him, startled.
“Me?” she asked. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I want you to pick out a girl from school do this with me. She will be the second and under you, but both of you will be under me.” he told her.
“Yes sir.” she said. He took his hands off her head, and let her get up. “I can find someone.”
“I want to touch your breasts again.” he said softly. “I saw how much you liked it before.”
“I did like it.” she smiled, stepping into his arms. She could feel his hardness pressing into her belly, and he moved her over to the bed, laying her down upon it.
She opened her legs to either side of him as he lay on top of her, then he moved his hands down onto her knees and pushed them apart, spreading her open. He got up onto his knees and took himself in hand, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her labia.
He looked deep into her eyes and saw the welcoming acceptance as he pushed into her. He saw the brief flash of pain as he entered her. He saw the pleasure bloom as he began thrusting his whole length in and out of the tightest and softest grip he’d never conceived of.
He remembered her father’s words, and held back as he stroked back and forth inside her. He watched her face contort, and smiled to himself the power his cock had inside her.
Seeing how helpless she was while he fucked her enabled his staying power until she shuddered under him, unable to hold back the floodtide within her. It was much too good to last, however, and soon enough he was pumping his seed into her. They stayed like that until he grew hard inside her again, unwilling to leave the warmest home for his cock he had ever found.
He spent the whole weekend at her house, and found that both her parents accepted him into their home as if he’d always lived there, and if there was any resentment that he wasn’t of proper status, they never allowed him to know it.
Sunday night, Andy went home to his mother, and gave her a glowing report of his weekend. No mention of any of the sex was made; he told his mother the time had been spent playing games on her computer and watching movies with her family.
Monday morning, he went to school, but Beth went over to Jeca’s house in tears. Bradley had broken up with her as well, over the very pictures that had gotten Jeca in trouble. She poured out the whole sordid story.
A plan clicked in Jeca’s head that Beth would make the perfect second for Andy. She was every bit as pretty as Jeca herself was, and they both had something in common. She told Beth about how much Andy had comforted her in the last few days, but held off telling her about any of the sex.
“It sounds to me like he’s your new boyfriend.” Beth said, digesting what she had just heard. “You two obviously like each other.”
“I don’t think Andy would be satisfied with just one wife.” she said, blushing. “In fact, he’s told me that very thing.”
“He wants two wives?” Beth whispered. Hey eyes got a faraway look as she thought about it, then shook her head. “What is he, Mormon?”
“No, I think he’s just horny.” Jeca giggled. Beth giggled with her, and just like that, they were now friends.
“You did it with him, didn’t you?” Beth said. “You can tell me; I promise it’s a secret.”
“We did it sixteen times over the weekend.” she admitted with a nervous smile. “That’s not all, either. We used our mouths on each other.”
“You didn’t!” Beth exclaimed, then giggled again. “How was it?”
“It’s the best thing I ever felt, when he did it to me.” Jeca told her new friend. “And doing it to him is almost as good. Even swallowing his stuff!”
“You swallowed it?” Beth asked weakly. “Isn’t that gross?”
“I thought for sure it would be, but the more I do it, the more I like it.” Jeca said, blushing. “Does that make me… bad?” she asked. “I feel like it does, but I don’t care. I like being bad that way.”
“You want to hear one of my secrets?” Beth asked, hesitantly. “I know one of yours, and it would make us even.”
“Tell me.” Jeca said, in a conspiratorial whisper.
“My last boyfriend before Bradley, Billy Jackson?” Beth said. “He put his hands under my shirt when we were making out one night in his car, and I didn’t stop him until he started going south!” Beth looked at her. “If you’re bad, then I’m bad, too. If his mother hadn’t broken us up with the next day, I would have done a lot more with him.”
“Yeah, I like it when Andy plays with mine, too.” Jeca agreed, smiling. “The naughty feeling is every bit as good as the feelings I get from Andy’s touches.”
The two girls were hanging out all day, talking and giggling, and didn’t notice the time going by until the doorbell rang and it was Andy, home from school.
Except he hadn’t gone home; he went over Jeca’s house, and found Beth there as well. Jeca let him in, and he smiled at Beth as he sat on the couch right next to her.
“Shouldn’t you be sitting with Jeca?” Beth asked him. Andy grinned at her.
“Jeca doesn’t mind.” he said. “Do you Jeca?”
“No, Master, I approve of this.” she answered, smiling.
“Jeca, are you serious right now?” Beth asked, shocked. “After everything we talked about today?”
“I’m totally serious, Beth.” Jeca said. “He asked me to choose a second wife for him, and I choose you. He told me that his only criteria was that she be prettier than me, and that’s you.”
“Andy?” Beth asked, looking at him. He nodded, smiling at her.
“Oh yes, it would be my great honor to wed you as well.” he said.
Beth took a deep breath, then looked at Jeca one last time, searching for the truth. She bit her lip, then slid off the couch and knelt in front of Andy.
“I pledge you my heart, mind and soul.” she said, and Jeca urged Andy to his feet. He stood up and smiled down into Beth’s face, meeting her uncertain look with his confident gaze. Her next words were stronger.
“I pledge unto you my body for your pleasure and my womb for your seed.” she said. “I pledge unto you my loyal service to your dreams.”
He put his hands on her head lovingly and said, “I pledge unto you my honor in your defense, my love on your behalf, and my seed to your heirs.”
He stood her up and kissed her tenderly on the lips, then began unbuttoning her blouse.
She moaned into his kiss, but she didn’t stop his hands from taking her top off. She didn’t stop him as he unclipped her bra one handed, either. He freely roamed both hands over her naked breasts as they kissed, and then he was urging her to kneel before him again.
“I don’t understand.” she said softly, looking up at him. “Do you want this of me, as well as from Jeca? Can you not choose between us?”
“Choose?” he asked, touching her face with her fingers. “I choose you both.”
“Jeca, come kneel beside her. Show her what to do.”
“Yes sir.” Jeca said quietly, then came over and knelt next to Beth, who looked a little shocked, but wasn’t moving away.
Astounded, Beth watched as Jeca took the flaccid penis in her mouth and sucked it into a cock. She began bobbing her sucking mouth up and down on his length, then Andy took it away from her.
Andy stepped in front of Beth and touched her face again, looking back down at her. He took himself in hand, then brushed it over the brunette’s cheeks and nose.
“You’re allowed to like this.” he told her. “It’s okay to want it.”
“What if I don’t want it?” she whispered, a tear slipping from her eye. ‘Are you still going to make me do it?”
He took it right away and smiled down at her.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” he told her, then helped her to her feet again. “If you don’t want any of this, I’m sorry. You can go home, and I promise, I won’t stop being your friend.”
She got back down on her knees and smiled at him. “Thank you, Andy. I just needed to know that.” she said. “I don’t mind sucking it, if that’s what you want.”
“Is it something that YOU want?” he asked her kindly, looking down into her eyes again.
“I pledge unto you my body for your pleasure. My mouth, my pussy, and my ass.” she said. “I’ll say it again naked, if you want.”
“Did you promise all this for Bradley?” Andy asked.
“Most of it, no.” she admitted. “I just promised my loyalty, but then he told me it was over today and that all our promises were broken.”
Andy put his hands on her head, looking deep into her eyes.
“I pledge my heart and my eternal love unto you. And unto you, Jessica. My two wives have my eternal love.”
Jeca and Beth looked at each other for a long moment, then Andy put a hand on each of their heads. He moved their faces together, and the two kissed.
It was tentative and hesitant at first, but as Andy took his hand away, the kiss intensified and grew more passionate. They shared a long look after, seeing new things in each other’s eyes that had never been there before.
They looked up Andy, who was smiling down at them both, then he pushed his hard cock between their faces.
“Together.” he said, and the two girls smiled at each other and set to work pleasuring him with their mouths, each taking a side for their kisses, then taking turns sucking on him.
“What the hell is this?” roared Mr. Rondhealy. Nobody had heard his car enter the driveway or his entry into the house, but he could plainly hear the activity going on in his daughter’s room.
He had expected debauchery, and he was okay with some of that, but to find Beth in here, half naked on her knees and servicing Andy beside his daughter…
“Jessica isn’t enough for you? I told you what would happen if you hurt her…” His voice got deadly quiet and waited for Andy to speak.
“Sir, my mother is home alone right now, lonely and vulnerable. She hasn’t felt the touch of a man’s love since my father died. Before you judge me too harshly, I suggest you take your wife over there and seduce them both. You will see why three is not a crowd if two of them are beautiful women.”
“Your mother…” Mr. Rondhealy mused, his anger tempering. “Young man, how long have you been planning this?”
“I never planned this at all.” he said truthfully.
It was true. He hadn’t planned on getting Jeca so easily; he thought he was going to have to blackmail her into this. Now, he realized how fragile his position truly would be if found out.
“I can just see logical next steps is all. This seems obvious, sir.” Andy said. He could only hope the man went for it, because otherwise, he was a dead man.
Roger blinked a few times, trying to wrap his mind around these new concepts, but everything seemed to click into place, and the only warning flags in his mind was his concern for others. That part of him was used to being ignored, and a slow smile spread.
“Very well, young man, enjoy yourself. My home is yours for the time. I will return shortly.” he said. “Come on, honey, let’s go get his mother and introduce her to the family.”
“Yes sir.” Jeca’s mother smiled. She rather liked this new young man.
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