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Scared Sister Pt. 01: Astraphobia

Female Ejaculation

[This is my first story posted on Literotica, but I have many more planned. Many of my stories, including this one, will be Brother-Sister incest stories, often with a romantic component. However, I do have plans for stories with non-incest storylines, but all have a non-traditional component.

Thank you for your interest in my works. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Standard Disclaimer: All of my stories, including this one, are purely works of fiction, and any similarities to real world persons or events are purely coincidental. All characters involved in any sexual content are 18 years of age or older at the time such content occurs.]

“Nathan, I’m scared. Can I sleep with you tonight?”

The words my younger sister, Nicole, had been saying to me since she was four years old were a welcome sound I hadn’t heard in over four years.


The first time she had asked to sleep in my bed with me, I was thirteen years old. Our parents had gone out for the night, and it was pouring down rain. Until that point, Nicole had always sought comfort in our parents’ bed whenever there was a thunderstorm going on. The thunder always scared her, so she would hop out of bed at the first thunderclap and scamper to our parents’ bedroom and ask to sleep with them. But that night it was just the two of us. I reluctantly agreed, allowing her to snuggle into my chest and hold me tightly until she fell asleep. Ever since then, I had been her go-to person for comfort easing her fears.

Where we live, thunderstorms happen year-round, most frequently in spring and summer, but the occasional fall and winter storms do happen each year. And so, three to five times a month from April to September, and once or twice a month the rest of the year, I found myself being awakened by a little gremlin wanting to snuggle into my bed.

At first, I found it annoying, but after a few years I actually began to enjoy her company on such nights. It was never anything inappropriate, but I had grown to enjoy being the protective older brother.

When she was little, my parents thought it was cute, me comforting my baby sister. Plus, it meant they didn’t have to share their bed with her anymore. But when this continued, even after I had started college, they expressed their concerns to me.

I had been accepted to a university that was less than an hour drive from our house, so I (or rather my parents) decided that I should commute to school and stay at home to save money. Since they were paying for my college expenses, and letting me live in the house rent-free, I couldn’t really argue. However. After my first semester was over, my parents took me aside and told me that they were worried that, even though she was only nine at the time, since I had just turned eighteen, me sharing my bed with my sister might start to be inappropriate. I assured them that nothing like that would happen, that I liked being the protective brother, but that if it started to get awkward, I’d put an end to it.

For the next few years, nothing much changed. That was, until the summer after I graduated college. I was twenty-two at the time, and Nicole was a couple months away from her fourteenth birthday. I had been looking for a job nearby, and my bachelor’s degree in computer programming hadn’t paid off as well as I’d hoped in that aspect. I had received a few offers from jobs about an hour away, but I was intent on finding a job within driving distance of home for a few reasons:

First, my parents agreed to let me keep living there, provided I started paying rent once I got a job. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about other expenses, like food.

Secondly, I never really liked major changes, and moving out of my parents’ house felt like a daunting task.

But most of all, I didn’t want to leave Nicole alone with just our parents. They weren’t bad parents, in fact, they were great parents, but they could be annoyingly strict at times.

However, I eventually got a job offer that I couldn’t refuse. It was a well-paying job in the IT department in the office building of a corporation that designed parts for airplanes and such. I knew enough about computers to be able to diagnose and fix just about any issue anyone had, so it was a perfect job… with one exception: it was in a city over an hour drive away.

I spent the next two weeks debating my options, but in the end it was too good to pass up. I convinced one of my friends from college to get an apartment with me in the city where my job was. By the beginning of the third week of July, we had moved into our new apartment with a third roommate with whom we would eventually become good friends. Nicole and I wouldn’t share a bed again, at least not for the next four years.


The next four years were a strain on my family’s relationships. At first, I only visited home a few times a year, for birthday parties, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and New Years Eve. But when the Covid-24 pandemic hit, I was forced to stay at my apartment. solhan escort My job was an “essential” job, so I kept going to work, being as safe as I could. After the government issued lock down was over, I still only saw them once or twice a year, and I always managed to avoid staying at my parents’ house when there was a thunderstorm coming.

Nicole and I kept in touch, talking once or twice a week, even through the quarantine, so it wasn’t like we grew apart.

However, just over four years after moving out of my parents house, I was forced to move back. My job had started laying people off, and I was one of the first to go. Around the same time, both my roommates decided to move into their own apartments with their significant others.

By the end of August that year, I had all my stuff moved back into my old room in my parents’ house. Despite having lived there since my sophomore year in high school, the house felt enormous compared to my apartment. The main floor of the house was a simple design consisting of the Living Room, with stairs leading up, a Dining Room, Kitchen, and the Master Bedroom. The L-Shape staircase in the living room led up to the upper floor with a bathroom straight ahead and my bedroom to the left, and Nicole’s to the right.

The first couple weeks after moving back were busy: I found a job at a nearby warehouse (which paid well but wasn’t really what I wanted to do), and Nicole’s eighteenth birthday was the following weekend.

At her birthday party, which was just a simple gathering of some of her friends and our nearby family, I realized that she had truly grown into a beautiful woman.

I was lounging by our parents’ in-ground pool in my swim trunks, watching her and her friends horsing around in the water. I hadn’t seen her in a swimsuit in years, so it was a shock just how much she had changed. She was wearing a red two-piece bikini that barely covered her now coconut sized breasts. Her light-brown hair was tide up in a ponytail. Her pink cheeks accented her cute round face, and her perky pink lips. Her green eyes shimmered in the sunlight and her peach skin seemed to glisten as the water rolled off it.

“See something you like?” Nicole teased as she floated over to the side of the pool nearest me.

“Nah,” I replied, “Just my baby sister splashing in the water.”

“Obviously you like something you’re looking at,” she glanced at my crotch. Without realizing it, my dick had begun to tent pole my swim suit. I felt my cheeks turn hot as I sat up in a futile attempt to hide my erection.

“That’s not, I mean, I just…”

Nicole giggled at my embarrassment, then splashed me, “Since when have you been such a perv?”

The first splash of cold water did little to ease my hard on.

“Oh, that’s it,” I said, standing up with a grin, “You’ll regret taking on your big brother,” I jumped into the pool and began chasing Nicole around. We’d done this often when she was younger, she’d splash me to get me into the pool, then I’d chase her, always letting her “slip through my grasp”. The last times we’d done this, was less than a year before I’d moved away, on her thirteenth birthday. Back then, she was just starting to come into her womanhood.

This time, as I wrapped my arms around her to “catch” her, even though my arms were just loose enough she could have broken away easily, she stopped and turned to face me. Staring into my eyes, she said, “Oh no. You’ve finally caught me. What are you going to do to me now?” the way she said it, staring into my eyes, smiling… if she hadn’t been my sister, I’d think she was goading me into kissing her. Despite the cold water, my erection started to return. Being so close to such a beautiful, nearly naked woman… It should have felt wrong because she was my sister. It DID feel wrong because she was my sister. But my dick didn’t know that. Or rather it didn’t care. I swallowed, my heart pounding in my chest.

Fortunately, Nicole had other plans:

“Just kidding!” she yelled childishly, leaping backwards, breaking through my faltering grasp and back stroking across the pool. Everyone laughed, even me, and she and her friends got back to splashing each other, playing around in the water.

I got out, and got a towel to dry off before I went back into the house. As I started to leave the poolside, I turned to take one more look at my sister in her swimsuit. I don’t know why I did. Or rather, I didn’t know then. But as I did, she looked at me and smiled. Or was it a wink? I couldn’t really tell.


The rest of the week went by relatively normally. I got into the routine of getting up early, around 5, being at work by 6:30, getting off at 3, and being home by 3:45.

Our parents both worked 9-5 jobs in town, so they were both usually still asleep when I woke up, and got home around 5:30 or 6.

Nicole was a freshman at the same University I’d gone to, so she was also commuting, as I had. She was usually home by 6 or 7. Sometimes we hung sorgun escort out and watched a movie or a few episodes of a TV show together after she got home, other days we’d just do our own thing. But by 9 pm I was always in bed.


It was the Thursday after Nicole’s birthday party, and a thunderstorm was passing through. I’d thought she would have gotten over her fear of thunder by now. But apparently, I was wrong. At the first clap of thunder, I heard her door across the hall open. I didn’t hear her footsteps as I had when she was younger, but my door slowly opened.

“Nathan, I’m scared. Can I sleep with you tonight?”

Nicole stood in my doorway, as she always had, waiting for an invitation. She was wearing the light pink t-shirt she usually slept in, and a pair of light blue nylon panties, and nothing else. While her chest was fully covered, the outline of her breasts was visible, even in the darkness illuminated only by the glow of my alarm clock which read 9:47 pm.

I smiled, but had to at least try to maintain the façade that I didn’t want to sleep in the same bed as my sexy baby sister, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I doubt Mom and Dad would approve, either.”

She looked genuinely surprised, and a little hurt, at my reluctance, “Please, Nathan, you know how scary these storms are for me. Besides, you get up for work before Mom and Dad. I’ll go back to my bedroom when you do, and they’ll never know. Please.”

Well, I tried.

“Fine,” I feigned exasperation, “Just this once.”

Even in the dark, I could see the smile on Nicole’s face as she quietly, but quickly tiptoed over to the side of my bed, and crawled under the covers with me.

Unlike when she was little, having my baby sister snuggle up to my chest now felt very intimate. I was wearing only a pair of sweat pants, no underwear or shirt, so when she nuzzled her face into my neck, pressed her very womanly chest against mine, and draped her leg over mine as I lay on my back, my cock began to stand at attention.

She laid her head on my right arm, which was around her, protectively, and her right arm rested gently against my chest. We were in the same position we had always been when she would sleep in my bed. Me protecting her, her snuggling close. But now, it felt more like laying in bed with a lover, despite knowing full well she was my sister.

I looked down at her cute face, and she looked up to meet my gaze.

“Thank you, Nathan,” she said, as she always had, “You’re the best big brother ever,” then laid her head back down and closed her eyes.

I closed mine too, expecting, hoping that she would fall asleep soon. However, just before I fell asleep myself, I felt her readjusting her legs. She slid closer, one leg under my right leg, one leg over it. And her crotch was pressed right against the side of my leg. I tried to remain still, to pretend I was asleep. But when she began to grind her panty-clad pussy against my leg, my cock stood once again at full mast, tent poling my sweat pants.

I felt Nicole’s hand slide down my chest and gently start caressing my erection over top of my pants. She whispered into my ear, “I knew it was me you were looking at in the pool last weekend.”

I gasped as she wrapped her hand around my shaft with only the fabric of my sweats between her hand and my cock. She began stroking it gently as she continued grinding into my leg.

“Nicole,” I said quietly, turning onto my side so my member slipped from her grasp, “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

She kissed my cheek gently, smiling, “Doing what? I’m just snuggling tight into my big brother’s protective arms to help me ignore the thunder.”

She pressed her chest tight against mine, again nuzzling my neck. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Our legs entwined, and our crotches made contact, her panty-clad pussy against my sweats-covered hard-on.

“As long as that’s all it is,” I said, my heart pounding in my chest, “I suppose its fine.”

“That’s all it is,” Nicole lied with a smile, pushing her hips tight against mine. She kissed my neck sensually, and my hips responded by pushing back against hers.

Eventually, we settled into a comfortable rhythm. Our chests were pressed tight together, her face was buried in the crook of my neck, and our groins were pushing back and forth against each other. First, her pussy would push hard against my erection, pushing my hips back. Then I’d push forward, feeling her pussy lips trying to envelop my cock through our clothes. Then she’d push again.

We lay there for what felt like hours, continuing our slow, sexual see-saw, back and forth, enjoying every moment. Tiny, quiet moans and gasps filled the room, as we lay enraptured in our enjoyment of each other. Several times, Nicole would lean back, close her eyes, and moan louder. When she did, I could feel her pussy spasming, and her body tremble, then settle down, and begin rocking against me again. Eventually, after who suadiye escort knows how long, I could feel my own orgasm building. As I did, I began pushing longer and harder against my baby sister’s sex, moaning louder with each push.

“SHHH”, She said, giggling quietly, and put a hand over my mouth. She began to move her crotch quick and hard against my bulge, and I sped up as well. Soon, the intensity was overwhelming, and I looked into Nicole’s eyes. She was smiling bigger than I’d ever seen. With one final push my climax burst forth into my pants. Wave after wave of warm white streams covered my crotch, some even soaking through the fabric.

As my orgasm faded, I could hear Nicole still giggling softly. My mind began to fade as sleep overcame me. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Nicole whispering in my ear, “Thanks, Nathan. You’re the best big brother.”


The alarm on my phone went off at 4:55, like usual for a workday. Nicole sat up sleepily as I got out of bed.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“It’s time for me to get ready for work,” I replied, kissing her on the forehead.

“Already?” she asked, groggily.

“Come on, Nikki,” I said, using her kid name for the first time in years, “I’ll help you back to your own room.”

“Okay, Nate,” she replied as I half-carried her across the hall, “Thank you for keeping me safe.”

“Always,” I replied softly.

I laid her down on her bed and covered her up. As I turned to leave, Nicole held my hand, as if she were trying to stop me.

“Nathan,” she paused, and her words began to slur, “I… looove youuu.”

And like that she was asleep again.

“I love you, too, sis,” I replied, kissing her cheek.

I left her room, closed the door, showered, got dressed, went down to the kitchen and grabbed a banana from the bunch we always had hanging on one of those metal banana holders, and headed out to my car.

Of the four vehicles we had, my car was the oldest. It was an old Buick sedan from about thirty years ago, which our grandparents had given me when I turned sixteen. My mom drove a minivan that my parents had bought new when they found out they were pregnant with my sister. My dad drove a Blue Ford Mustang that he had bought used when his old pickup truck started to give out. Finally, Nicole’s car was the newest of them, a Green Ford Focus ST given to her as a gift from our parents when she started college earlier that year. It was a few years old, but still in great shape. Mom and Dad kept their vehicles in the garage, so Nicole and I had to keep ours in the driveway.

It was a brisk morning, the sun was still not up yet, but the rain had passed. A heavy dew covered the grass, and the smell of wet ground hung heavy in the air. As I started my car and pulled out of the driveway, my mind raced back to the previous night. The events of our “snuggling” replayed over and over my whole drive to work, but as I pulled into the parking lot, I forced myself to start focusing on work. The day seemed to drag on and on forever. I had this sense of anticipation. Minutes felt like hours. Hours felt like days, so when 3:00 finally came, I was ready to go.

I didn’t know why I was in such a hurry. It was as if I were expecting something to happen when I got home, but I knew that nothing would. Nicole wouldn’t be home for another few hours, and even so, the events of the previous night were just a one-time occurrence. Right? I had told her that it was just this once. So even if there were another storm tonight, which wasn’t on the forecast, she wouldn’t be coming to my room. And even if she did, was I actually looking forward to… a repeat performance? Wanting it?

I arrived home at 3:39, well before I normally did. I parked in my usual spot in the driveway, leaving enough room that my parents could pull in around my car, and Nicole would park on the other side of the driveway. I went inside, made myself a turkey, ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, turned on the TV in the living room as I sat down on the couch, and searched our various streaming services for something interesting to watch. Once I’d settled on something, I sat back and started to eat. About forty minutes later, I heard a car door close outside.

The garage door hadn’t opened, so it wasn’t one of my parents coming home early. Which left Nicole. Why was she home so early?

The front door opened, and my sister half-skipped into the house. Without a word, she made her way into the living room, tossed her bookbag next to the stairs, sat down next to me on the couch, and leaned over onto my shoulder and closed her eyes.

“You’re home early,” I said matter-of-factly.

“It’s Friday,” She replied without opening her eyes, “My last class of the day is boring, and we weren’t going to be doing anything important, so I turned my report in before class and told my professor I had an emergency at home I had to attend to.”

“What’s the emergency?” I asked, feigning obliviousness.

Nikki opened her eyes and glared up at me. I smiled back, looking into her eyes.

“I just wanted to get home before Mom and Dad,” she said, smiling. She pulled my arm over to her and hugged it like a pillow, nuzzling into my shoulder. Her cheeks turned light pink as she said, “Thank you for last night.”

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