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Sailing His Ship


All characters are fictional and over 18. Offenseive language warning! I plan on adding more, so if you like it let me know!

The dim luminance over the room was cast by the strings of vintage bulbs, highlighting the sparking glasses upon the bar, the sparkles on the dresses, the whites of the freshly ironed shirts that matched the tablecloths, and the eyes that shone across the room. This year’s work party had everyone in attendance, hoping to discuss something other than projects, or perhaps discuss projects, pretend they had relationships beyond the workplace, or seek advancement in positions by ogling over the superiors of their departments.

A series of large white garden tents covered the landscape. Oil torches lit the pathways around them, silently letting out small crackles of oxygen sparking the flames. The air was still, with no breeze and the evening was a pleasant seventy-five degrees. Warm enough to be comfortable in the acceptable attire.

Arrangements of flowers decorated the tables surrounded by tea lights. Spreads of cheeses, crackers, and other hand foods speckled the table cloths, perfectly displayed only to be left disheveled as soon as the greedy fingers began plucking them.

Charley found himself dipping in and out of conversations…

“Reilly, I think the projections for our little pet project look quite promising…”

“Sally, so how old are the kids now?”

“Thaddeus, how’s the new design coming along?”

He would’ve skipped it, had it not been the torrent of,”we missed seeing you there,” with disappointed glares that he would face, as no one failed to come. Walking to the bar he grabbed a White Russian from the tender, and glanced over the circles of members from each department sticking to their own. There nearly had too be 150-200 employees there, many of whom he was unfamiliar with.

“Don’t look so overwhelmed, the sharks will smell it like blood in the water,” a feminine voice with a very slight rasp spike up from his left. Charley turned his head, seeing a slender 6’1″ woman, with a fitting bust, dark wavy shoulder length hair, dark eyes, highlighted with black eyeshadow and mascara and a light dusting of makeup. Her lips had a faint red lipstick, and a thin strapped black dress with flecks of silver glitter, draped over her chest, teasing the eye as it rode just between her perfectly proportioned breasts. It held to her lean stomach and her sledding hips. A slit ran along the lower portion up her thighs showing stockings that ended there. She looked like she was in her upper 20’s or lower 30’s. Charley was 27.

Charley smiled, “Good to know these are shark infested waters.”

A slight curve formed at the edge of her lip, “I suppose you may need a good captain to navigate the treacherous sea.”

“Are you applying for the position?”

“No, but I need a skipper and you may be able to fill the position. Perhaps a probationary period.”

“We’ve only just met and I’m already on probation?”

“It’s a big role, and you still need to prove yourself.”

“Ahoy then.”

They both smiled but her eyes were much more piercing than his. “To your new position,” she said, raising her glass of red wine.

“To our voyage.”

“So does my skipper have a name?”

“Charley, and yours?”


“I can’t say I’ve met a Sabine before.”

“I’m pretty sure you meant Captain Sabine…”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Good boy, ” she cocked an eyebrow slyly. Then she surprised him as she placed her right hand on the small of his back. “Hoist the sails, we can’t just isolate ourselves at this table all night.”

Charley followed her lead as she sashayed through the sea of people.

“So Charley, what department are you in?”


“Hmm. Funny I haven’t come across you before?”

“Your department?”


“Well, I’m really just a junior designer on the team.”

“Well then you’re just going to have to try harder….”

“Apparently so…”

“What’s your title in…”

“I don’t know if you can handle that information.”

“Yes, Captain Sabine.”

“I’m already seeing you’ve taken your position seriously.”

She pulled him towards a circle of partiers that he recognized as some of the upper tiers of the company.

“Sabine,” one of the women spoke through her wrinkled skin, “I was just wondering when you’d grace us with your presence.”

“Well I did have to admire the decorations a bit first.”

“Why thank you, darling. We couldn’t let our star be bored with dull sights. I was just speaking to Franklin about your fantastic strategy this year. The marketing department was in bad need of a cleanup when you first arrived. It’s no surprise it took a woman to handle it so tenaciously.” Alice said. Alice was the wife of Franklin Pechar, the owner of the company.

The 60 yr old man, turned away from his conversation, “Alice as much as I hate to suggest a man incapable of the job, saying anything but would be ridiculous given Sabine’s capable work. kusadasiescortlarim.com You continue to astound me, young lady.”

Charley felt a tingle in his stomach as it occurred too him that he had just become the company of the President of Marketing. He looked dumbfounded her way with his mouth slightly agape.

Looking at him teasingly, she picked up his jaw, “Darling, you must not let your lower chin fall off and be swept away in the current. He swallowed hard as she did so…”

“And be so kind to introduce your company for the evening, won’t you Sabine,” Alice chimed in.

Sabine wrapping her arm around his back and pulling him forward, “This is Charley, one of the promising young junior designers.”

“You’re lucky to have found the guidance and interest of one of the best, Charley. So how long have you worked for us?” Franklin asked.

“About 4 months now, and so far I’ve enjoyed the opportunity.”

Sabine chimed in, “and I’d say we are quite lucky to have him. I see a rising star in our midst.” She glanced at him and smiled.

“Well, we must be, if you believe so. Such a pleasure meeting you, Charley,” Alice extended her hand to shake his.

“The pleasure is mine,” he replied.

Sabine leaned into his ear and whispered, “yes it is.”

“We should probably make our rounds, don’t want to keep this interesting young man from everyone”

“I look forward to seeing more from you Charley,” Franklin also shook his hand.

Sabine’s right hand then took Charlie’s and she intertwined her long fingers around his. “Shall we set sail?”

“Ahoy Captain.”

“I could get used to this,” she chuckled.

A man from across the room standing over the crackers waved, “Sabine!”

She pulled her skipper to the flagging man. “Walter, I see you took the opportunity for the hunt,” she laughed.

“Can you blame me? I’m not a man of missed opportunities, the prospects definitely look good,” he replied, pulling a young busty blonde in a short shiny bluish green dress up to him. Walter looked in his mid forties, black hair with streaks of gray, a clean shaven face, and somewhere between a slight dad bod and a pretty fit man. “Looks like you aren’t missing them either!” He chuckled then looked at Charley, “Which is astounding, as I thought Sabine was a cold, ice queen of sorts that had sworn to celibacy, or just liked showing men a general sense of disdain.”

Charley’s eyes widened, and Sabine shot Walter a glare, “Completely understandable given the ‘men’ I’m forced to be surrounded by.” Turning to Charley with a glint in her eye, “Walter here is one of the head marketing executives on my team. What he lacks in appeal, he makes up for behind a desk,” she cast a look Walter’s way.

“Seriously though, watch out for her. Whatever strange kick she’s on, playing nice and sweet, she’s probably doing so to feed you to her pet snake or something….Oh, how rude, this is Jenny.” The blonde who had remained quiet the whole time smiled, tilting her head and offering her hand to Charley.

“Hi, so nice to meet you.”

Sabine smiled warmly towards her, “Jenny, so what do you do?”

“Oh, I’m just a secretary for one of the ‘R’ and ‘D’ department executives,” she replied, somewhat intimidated by Sabine.

“Wonderful. Executives often take to much credit for work that someone else arranges and drives. A good secretary is a cornerstone of productivity.”

Jenny, slightly surprised, smiled, “Thank you. I really appreciate that.” She slapped Walter on the arm, “See, at least someone can be eloquent around here.”

Sabine laughed, “if you were expecting that, in such company, you may find a long journey waiting for that discovery! Oh, well,” she chuckled, “Charley and I have a date with the bartender, which he so valiantly offered to assist me to…”

“Good luck, oh white knight…”

She pulled Charley away somewhat forcefully as he stuttered out, “it was nice meeting you both…”

The wind blew and there, the bartender awaited their order.

“I’d say the night is young enough, and I’m hardly tipsy. My friend here would like another White Russian, but make it a double pour, and I’d like the red you poured me last, but just give me the bottle.” The bartenders eyes got a little wide, but then she passed him a card, face down. He glanced, he smiled, then uncorked the bottle and handed it to her before retreating to make the White Russian.

“You seem to get whatever you say around here.”

“Or what I want. Let’s be frank, I just unloaded this company of a mess and pushed up our net earnings to a level that isn’t even questionable. As I told you before, these are shark infested waters, and you’ll never know who smells your blood. And you my friend, you are just some pencil fish floating in the ocean facing a current of wounded life.”

She looked intently at him, taking a swig from the bottle and placed her long index finger against his chest dragging it down along his stomach until she stopped just above kuşadası eve gelen escort the waistline of his trousers, “I think you should follow me.”

She hooked her finger on a belt loop and began leading him forcefully through the clusters of people to a dark corner of the garden, out of sight and nestled between the bushes.

She pulled him into her, leaning into his ear, and her large hand unforgivingly grabbed his bulge at the base squeezing his balls and cock, until he let out a gasp of both pain and pleasure, “Mmm, does my little pencil fish like that?” she squeezed harder. “See, I like you Charley, I like that you just let me pull your strings and make you legs dance through this party however I wanted them to..”. Her fingers let go of his hardening dick and now just held his below the balls pulling hard, “and I think you like being my little puppet, don’t you?”

Charley could only mutter an “oh god,” in response to the pressure she was putting on his sack. With her other hand she traced his lips with her finger, then pulling a little more. “Oh fuck!” He muttered as she covered his mouth with her hand. With her hand holding his sack, she extended her middle finger, so it grazed and rubbed his perineum and traced over his tight little hole making it pucker. “So maybe if you’re a good boy, and follow my lead for the rest of this party, I’ll make you a very happy boy. Do you think you could be my good little pencil fish?” She nibbled at his ear lobe, and pressed her finger upward causing him to moan into her hand still covering his mouth.

“Mhmm.” Holy fuck, Charley thought, wondering how he’d found himself here. He felt helpless to her touch, like such a controllable yuppy under this woman’s spell. Why would she be so into him. At 5’8″ he was shorter than her, kind of lean and not muscular. He was by no means a pretty femboy or anything, nor was he unattractive, but this woman was a tall slender goddess that caught eyes from anyone in her vicinity.

“Charley, I don’t need a big strong, boisterous man, or some cocky chauvinistic dickwad, I need a boy who can let me take what I want, when I want it. And given the dumb look on your face right now, I think you are just that boy.”

It felt weird admitting to himself, that he could be that kind of boy. She did, literally have him by the balls, and though he was intimidated and kinda of frightened at how she just seemed to own him, he was also quite turned on by it.

“Yes Captain.”

“Mmm, that’s what I wanted to hear,” she released his aching balls, then gave him a kiss and a firm squeeze on his asscheek. “Come with me,” we still have to linger a bit longer before I can take you away from this.”

He followed her back in to the commotion. A hand slapped his back, “Charley, where have you been hiding.”

It was Derrick, his boss.

“Oh, just bouncing around, taking in the scene.”

“Ah, I figured you’d be hiding in the corner with the other grunts.”

Charley felt a hand on the small of his back, “How rude am I? This is Sabine.”

Derrick smirked and looked Sabine up and down with hungry eyes, posturing himself to try to look attractive. Derrick was a large man, muscular, probably an athlete in his younger days, and tended to exude an “alpha male” kind of attitude. “Well this is quite a divine sight. What’s a beautiful woman doing wasting her time with the underlings of the company, when you could be raising your status with…”

Sabine cut him off, “That’s not how I see it at all. I’m completely avoiding wasting my time on the underlings of the company. So often mid-level management seems to exaggerate it’s importance and I simply don’t have time for that. Aren’t you one of the supervisors of a design team?”

Derrick was taken aback and slightly flustered by her response. Shifting to a more professional tone and straightening his tie, he stuttered back, “Uh, yes, uh, yeah I’m my design team’s lead.”

” I thought so. Perhaps this is a good chance to work out some kinks we’ve been having in our marketing plan. I’ll set a meeting with Matthew, to discuss some changes I’d like to see, for Monday, say, 10 AM. I think you’d find it in your best interest to come with an open mind about enabling your team versus stifling it. Thank you, Derrick.”

She led Charley away, who was completely impressed and amazed at how she had just put his boss in his place.

Matthew was the Director of the Design department, and Charley knew that would have Derrick shaking in his shoes. Derrick had no idea who the woman who had just taken him down a peg, but inwardly was terrified of what that meant. Derrick would feel so stupid treating her like he did most women, now that he realized she was higher on the food chain than he was.

“That was amazing, and hot…and so many things”

“You are a doll, aren’t you?” She replied giving him a hard slap on the ass. He looked around to see if anyone noticed. ” I think we should get out of here. The night kuşadası genç escort will grow way too stale if we stay here.”

“Is that an invitation?”

“I’m pretty sure it was more of a demand… but sure, take it as an invitation.”

She guided his movement through rocky conversations of drunkenness, chauvinism in the work place, posturing and all the other treacherous waters, steering him clear of it, directly to her car. He felt slightly toasty, and she seemed so calculated.

“We can leave your car here. It’s actually a tradition amongst employees. I can give you a ride home, but I’d like to swing by my place first.”

“I’ll follow your lead,” he chuckled.

“You better.”

The next few moments felt like a blur. Enter the car, watch he sights from the window. She took a curve, her hand grabbed his thigh and squeezed. His heart increased. His cock hardened

Seeing the bulge forming in his pants, she continued caressing his thigh, making sure it stayed this way. The car pulled into her driveway. Charley was floored by the size of the house.

“Wow, your place is huge.”

“One of the perks, I guess. You should come in…”

He unbuckled, got out, turned his back trying to tuck his tenting pants to be less obvious and followed her in through the door.

As they stepped in, she shut the door, turned around and pushed him against it, taking his wrists and lifting them up and holding them above his head, against the cold metal entry. With a seductive grin she looked him up and down and her lips then met his. Her tongue snaked through his mouth invading him, pumping itself in and out of his throat. Her one hand kept his right hand pinned to the door, and the other ran down his arm, his neck, his chest, his stomach and paused at his waist. Her fingers carefully undid his belt, button, and fly. The gravity took care of the rest as his pants fell to the floor. She glanced down at his hard cock straining against his boxer briefs.

She traced her finger along the fabric, tracing his shaft, then circling his cockhead. “Mmm, someone seems to like this….”

“Oh god,” he moaned, “yes.”

She let go of his other wrist and quickly grabbed the base of his sack, pulling hard, squeezing his balls. He winced, and groaned. While holding his nuts she lowered the waistband so the head of dick peaked over it. Precum was forming at the slit.

“Someone is getting a little wet.”


She traced her finger over the slit and brought it to her mouth, licking the precum off her finger. “You taste good.”

Again she leaned in and kissed him, plummeting into his mouth with her tongue. He could taste his wetness on her, the saltiness mixing in their mouths. Pulling away, she pulled harder on his balls, and slapped them, causing him to jump slightly, as she squeezed his shaft and slid her hand upward until she was squeezing the head of his cock, making more precum dribble from the slit of his mushroom. Wiping her finger over it she scooped the precum from his cock. This time she shoved her finger in his mouth.

“You like that baby. You like tasting how horny I make you. Tasting yourself like a good little slut.”

Charley had never tasted his own cum, and expected to be disgusted by the taste, but in the moment, he actually liked it, lost in his daze by the wildly erotic women feeding it to him. He sucked it off her fingers that slowly pulled out of his mouth and smeared across his lips and down his chin.

“Good boy.”

Grabbing him by the shaft, she pulled him along with her as she turned to go further in from the entryway.

“Come with me.”

He followed her down the hall, through a large kitchen that opened up into a huge living room with vaulted ceilings. She led him to a closed door which she opened. The room was dimly lit with a king size bed in the center. Pulling him to the edge of it, she sat on the end.


He threw off his jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt quickly, then lowered his underwear, with throbbing dick bouncing as he stepped out of them.

“Mmm, that’s it baby. Turn around for me,” she grabbed his hips, rotating him so he was facing away. “What a cute little fuzzy ass.” She slapped it hard. Then she squeezed the cheeks firmly. His cock jumped in anticipation. She stood up behind him, unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. Taking a scarf from behind her on the bed, she tied it over his eyes, blindfolding him. Wrapping her arms around him and pressing against him from behind. Her fingers flicked over his nipples, then began circling around then until the were erect and hard. She licked her fingers and pinched at them as he moaned. One hand lowered, running down the center of his stomach, over his trimmed pubic hair and down to his cock. She squeezed the shaft again, drawing upwards, this time precum ran out and a long string of goo dribbled from his cock. Again she gave his balls a firm slap, a gasp darting out his lips. Scooping it, she shoved it in his open mouth, dragging it’s flavor across his tongue.

“You like eating your cum for me, don’t you. Your hard little cock can’t help but spew out its excitement for me, can it?”

Charley felt awkward, having never thought as himself as little. His 7″ cock seemed to have been satisfying enough for his past lovers. Despite being ashamed at her words, his dick jumped to her touch.

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