The next morning Michael awoke at 8:00 am. Remaining in bed for a while, he reflected on the events of the previous day, somewhat in disbelief. Had it all been some fabulous dream? It was beyond anything he would have thought possible. Sure, hooking up with a woman like Leigh was not out of the ordinary for him, and fucking a hot little vixen like Kaylee wouldn’t have been completely out of the question either, but both of them, on the same day, and a mother and daughter to boot?
He recalled the different encounters, each erotic scene vividly playing out in his mind’s eye. The quickie blow job that Kaylee gave him before he met her mom for dinner, the wild, hungry love making with Leigh, and the even wilder session after that with her daughter, fucking her in the shower and then fucking her in the ass.
Michael would be in Kauai for almost three more weeks, and they would be here for almost the same amount of time, so who knew what else might occur. That worried him a bit. Kaylee didn’t seem to give a shit about him having sex with both of them. She even claimed that she was happy that Michael was screwing her mom, and he believed her. There was something wild about this chick, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. She was sexually liberated in a way most women weren’t, even women who tried to believe they were. And she had a kinky side to her as well. He could just picture her masturbating in an adjacent room while he fucked her mother.
Leigh on the other hand wasn’t anywhere near that open minded. She would go absolutely ballistic if she found out Michael was fucking her daughter. Kaylee said herself that her mom was a bit over protective, and he was certain that if she found out that her forty-five year old
ex-boyfriend was also having an affair with her twenty-one year old daughter she’d be close to homicidal.
Just as he could envision Kaylee frigging herself while he and her mom did it, he could also picture Leigh busting in while he was plowing her daughter from behind, plunging a knife in his back a dozen times. Michael shivered, the thought sending a chill up his spine. He usually believed that with women a man was better off being honest from the get go, but in this particular situation there was no way that Leigh could ever find out about Kaylee and him.
Eventually he got out of bed, abandoning his retrospection in favour of action. He promptly showered and shaved, then went down for breakfast, more than a little trepidatious about dining with the two women at the same time. When he arrived at the restaurant Leigh wasn’t there yet, so he grabbed a table, ordering a coffee. A few minutes later she entered, Kaylee absent.
“Good morning!” Leigh greeted him, smiling warmly.
She looked beautiful, her red hair pouring over her shoulders and down her back. She was wearing a pretty, v-neck white sun dress that came to just above her knees, showing off her sexy legs, her feet bedecked in a pair of fancy, decorated flip flops. A portion of her cleavage was visible where the neckline of her dress plunged downward, Michael unable to resist taking a quick peek as he stood up.
“Good morning Leigh,” he replied, holding her chair for her.
“Wow, such a gentlemen,” she answered, giving him a peck on the cheek before sitting down.
“Would you like a coffee?”
“That would be awesome!”
He took the carafe that the waitress had left on the table and poured Leigh a cup, passing it across the table to her. Her fingers lingered against his for a moment as she took it from his hand.
“Thank you.”
Michael nodded, looking over her shoulder for a second. Still no Kaylee.
“I thought your daughter was going to join us this morning?”
“So did I, but that’s Kaylee for you.”
“How so?”
“Oh I don’t know, she’s just so unreliable, unpredictable.”
Michael observed Leigh impassively, aiming to seem interested, but not overly so. She continued.
“I mean, she was disappointed that she couldn’t come to dinner with us last night, but yet this morning when I mentioned meeting you for breakfast she just rolled over and mumbled something about being too tired and having a late night.” Leigh shook her head. “She was probably fooling around. God, I hope she wasn’t with those two guys from the pool.”
Michael glanced down at the table for a second, a faint smile briefly on his lips then vanishing. Unfortunately it was there long enough for Leigh to notice.
“What was that?” she said, glaring at him.
“What?” Michael answered, looking up immediately, no longer smiling.
“That look.”
“What look?”
“That grin, that smirk.”
“Shit Leigh, I wasn’t smirking.”
“Yes, you were.”
Michael had no desire to engage in a back and forth with her, remembering all too well the rows they had had years ago. He simply stared back, expressionless.
“You think Kaylee’s a slut, don’t you?” Leigh stated bluntly.
“What? Of course not. What the fuck is the matter with you?”
She looked at him for several seconds, scanning his face for any hint of what he was really thinking. All she saw was annoyance and a bit of anger, pornolar which is exactly what Michael was feeling. He didn’t have to pretend that. After a while she relented. Her expression softened, a chastened look on her face.
“Michael, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Maybe I was projecting.”
He remained silent and she went on.
“It’s just that, well, she’s so wild, fuck maybe wilder than I was at her age.”
“Is that even possible?” he commented, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
He was trying to make a joke, but all the while he knew that what she said was probably true.
“It’s not funny. You know, I caught her once sucking off two guys. I mean right there in our living room. She’s so promiscuous.”
Leigh looked at Michael with a mixture of helplessness and disappointment.
“Jeez Leigh, you shouldn’t be telling me this,” he answered sincerely.
“Oh god Michael, I’m sorry, you’re right, it’s just that I worry about her, you know. I don’t want her to ruin her life like I did.”
“OK, maybe not ruined. I just don’t want her to get knocked up by some asshole and then marrying the son of a bitch.”
After this statement she was silent for a spell, quietly drinking her coffee, Michael mulling over her words.
What have I gotten myself into? he wondered.
An attractive Hawaiian waitress came by to take their order. When the conversation started up again they moved off of the previous topic, instead chatting about Kauai, the weather, and even breakfast, which turned out to be quite good. At one point Leigh became a bit melancholy.
“You know, I always regretted dumping you,” she said.
“Well, it was kind of a mutual dumping.”
“Whatever it was, I wish things had turned out differently.”
“You know, we probably just weren’t right for each other at the time.”
“I suppose so. And then I ended up with that prick, and the rest is history.”
Leigh sounded bitter, miserable for a few seconds, but then suddenly she was glowing again, as if a cloud had crossed over her and then evaporated. She laughed airily, grinning at Michael.
“God, I’m such a buzzkill, aren’t I?”
“Of course not. I’m enjoying myself,” he answered, attempting to make her feel at ease.
He was too successful. Michael had been resting his hands on the table. Leigh reached across, gently taking each in her own. She smiled again, but this time her look was different. It was softer, hopeful.
“You know, maybe we could rekindle our relationship.”
Michael was at a crossroads. Yesterday had been amazing, and making love to Leigh had been spectacular, but he wasn’t interested in a serious relationship with her. Even ignoring their past history, the current situation being what it was, there was no way in hell he was going to be “rekindling” anything. He decided to be partly honest with her, removing his hands from hers before speaking.
“Leigh, it’s been great seeing you. Last night was fantastic, and I would be glad to hang out with you a little while we’re here, but it’s only fair to let you know that any relationship we have now has to be strictly casual.”
The smile left Leigh’s face, her bitterness re-emerging.
“Hmm…sure, fine,” she said, looking away at nothing in particular.
“Leigh, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
She continued avoiding eye contact. At first she seemed upset, but after averting his gaze for several seconds she turned back to him, her face changing once more, a mischievous twinkle in her green eyes.
“Yeah casual, I guess that’s probably for the best. But we could still have some fun, right?”
She placed her right hand on top of his left, her fingers brushing seductively across his wrist. This time he didn’t pull away.
“Sure,” Michael replied.
“You said that last night was fantastic, and I agree. I think we should go back to your room and have a little more of that.”
“You mean right now?”
He was taken aback, although that didn’t stop an erection from beginning in his boxers.
“Yeah, right now,” she said leaning forward, her voice a whisper. “Look, here’s the deal. Maybe I came on a bit too strong with the whole relationship thing, but last night was the best sex I’ve had in…fuck I don’t know, maybe twenty years. Since I woke up at 6:00 am this morning all I’ve been thinking about is getting that cock back inside me, so yeah, right now.”
Leigh stood up, still holding his hand. Michael rose clumsily from the table, almost spilling the remnants of his second cup of coffee. He hurriedly paid the bill, charging it to his room, then they both hustled to his suite, barely inside before Leigh had her tongue crammed in his mouth, almost down his throat.
He tore off her sexy sundress, unzipping her from behind and slipping it down her shoulders. Her tits were braless. Michael took a puffy nipple in his mouth, feverishly sucking on it while Leigh fumbled with his fly, eventually freeing his now rock hard cock. Dropping to her knees she proceeded to blow him, expertly using her mouth in a way that only she could, every now and then brushing xhamster her flaming tresses away from her face, making it easier for her to keep his prick between here lips, and for Michael to view the action.
As gifted as Kaylee was with her lips and tongue, when it came to giving head Leigh certainly held her own. She took her time, alternating between gentle, tender ministrations and wild, animalistic attacks. He was barely able to contain his arousal, not wishing to cum too quickly. After letting her blow him for a few minutes, he pulled her to her feet, kissing her again, her lips burning against his. Picking her up in his arms he carried Leigh to the bedroom, flinging her onto the mattress.
“Fuck, who do you think you are, a caveman?” she said, laughing.
Michael stood beside the bed, dropping his pants and boxers to the floor, then peeling off his shirt, tossing it there as well. He walked towards the bed, an angry cock bobbing in front of him.
“Oh fuck, put that thing inside of me,” Leigh murmured, spreading her legs.
“Not until I eat your pussy.”
“Oh fuck yeah,” she replied, her lips sneering lustfully.
Michael climbed onto the mattress. Grasping Leigh’s right foot in his hand he brought it to his mouth, sucking on each of her toes, one at a time.
“Fuck that feels so nice…”
He took her left foot next, lovingly painting her tiny digitis with his tongue, then gently lowered it to the bed. He began kissing his way from her ankles, his lips caressing her calves, then her inner thighs, darting from one to the other on his way to her silky centre.
“Oh god Michael, fuck you were always so good at that.”
When he got to her mouthwatering cunt he paused briefly, admiring her tidy, flaming red pubes, before moving his lips back to her opening, his tongue teasing her swollen lips. Soon he was eating her in earnest, penetrating her slit, sliding from the bottom of her gash up to her clit, sustaining a deliberate, steady pressure.
“Yes lover, eat me, fucking eat me,” Leigh huffed, her fingers tangled in his hair.
Michael continued to lick and suck her tender, juicy little bud. Leigh’s hunger grew as she neared the precipice. Claw like fingers dug into his temples, her hips rising and falling on the bed. He moved his left hand to her pussy, slipping index and middle fingers between her lips and into her squelching, hot box, hitting her g-spot as his tongue zipped across her clit.
Leigh lost all control as she came, her hands clamped onto his wrist, yanking his fingers harder into her snatch, not wanting to let them leave. Her tits were heaving, the nipples rock hard. Perspiration inundated her entire face, her red hair flowing around her head and on the pillow beneath her.
Michael did as he was told, extending Leigh’s orgasm for several more seconds. Eventually she pushed his hand away from her pussy, but only to make room for something else.
Michael moved his head away from her sex, shifting his body above hers, simultaneously manoeuvring his erection into her velvety channel. She wasn’t quite as tight as her daughter, but wonderful nonetheless. He moved his lips to hers, his cock temporarily motionless. When they stopped kissing he propped himself up on his forearms, looking down into Leigh’s pretty eyes, tears welling up as she gazed back at him.
“Michael, you always make me feel so good when we fuck.”
He smiled down at her, eager to begin. Shortly he would cum, but if somehow he could bring her to climax again, then so much the better. Beginning circumspectly, he soon picked up speed, a few minutes later joyfully demolishing her. They moved in tandem, lower bodies joined as one, sometimes their mouths together, her lips melting into his.
He felt an orgasm building. Furiously slamming his raging member into her, he tried his damndest to cum, and to get Leigh off at the same time. Leaning down they kissed, his lips crushing hers. Clutching one of her tits in his hand he squeezed tightly, eliciting a groan. Thrusting harder and harder, faster and faster, he crammed his dick as far into her pussy as he could possibly go.
“Oh my god, fuck I’m cumming, cum for me Michael, FUCKING COME FOR ME!” she screeched.
He didn’t know if it was her words, or her actions, but the warm, rapturous sensation of his climax surged across his entire body as his seed issued from his cock, burst after burst filling Leigh’s contracting kitty. Finally when he was done, Michael rolled off of her, lying flat on his back, both lovers spent.
The ceiling fan above circled listlessly, around and around, a faint cooling current of air emanating from its blades, blowing across his body. He followed its hypnotic path, thinking about what had just happened. Sex with Leigh was so good, unbelievable in fact. It was as good as it had ever been twenty plus years ago, maybe better, each of them older and wiser, at least when it came to sex.
Why couldn’t that be japon porno enough for him he wondered? Why was he still obsessed with her daughter? Even at this moment in the afterglow of banging Leigh, he was contemplating his next encounter with Kaylee.
It was all too good. He was living out a fantasy, fucking two drop-dead gorgeous women at the same time, with the added dangerous twist of them being mother and daughter. He had to admit he was loving it, and would keep it going for as long as he could, but in the back of his mind he knew he was playing with fire. Was it the potential peril that made it so exciting?
After a couple of minutes Michael turned his head towards Leigh. She was lying on her side, breathing softly, her right breast flopping towards the mattress, her left flush with it. The large brown areolae were dotted with tiny bumps, her nipples still erect. Her right arm was resting across her body, her hand close to his. She brushed aside a few fiery curls partially obscuring her face, both of her captivating green eyes coming into view. He had a sense that she had been watching him for a while.
“What are you thinking?” she asked quietly.
He hated that question, and especially now. He couldn’t tell her everything that he was thinking, but he didn’t like lying, partly because he wasn’t very good at it. He would tell her the truth, but not the whole truth. After all, he wasn’t under oath.
“I was thinking how beautiful you are.”
Her eyes lit up, a smile forming on her mouth. She touched her hand against his chest while rubbing her right foot against his shin.
“You’re beautiful too,” she replied lovingly, too lovingly.
“Fuck Leigh, you are one hell of a lay. Damn girl, I could screw you all day,” he said irreverently, not wishing for Leigh to fall in love with him.
“Hmm, yeah thanks,” she said, a bit disappointed at the shift in his attitude.
“And your tits, fuck, they’re awesome. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll…”
He had leaned towards her, intending to suck on her right nipple, when something across the room caught his eye. It was some kind of yellow fabric draped on a chair. He didn’t have any yellow apparel.
“That’s weird,” he said.
“What’s weird?”
Leigh surveyed in the general direction that his eyes were cast, but she didn’t see what he had. He quickly realized that it was Kaylee’s bikini top. The colour must have drained from his face, Leigh instantly noticing.
“Michael, Are you okay?”
What the fuck?
He could have sworn that she had taken it with her when she left, balled up in her hand. And now it was on a chair here in his bedroom. She must have dropped it their before leaving, and he just didn’t notice.
“Michael, what’s wrong?”
He had to say something. Lying wasn’t a strong suit for him, but it would have to be now, he had no other choice.
“Oh shit, sorry Leigh, I just saw the time. I’ve got an appointment.”
He started getting up from the bed.
“An appointment?”
“Yeah, I’ve got to see a dentist.”
“A dentist?” she said skeptically.
“It’s a sore tooth, nothing really bad but it’s been bothering me all week. Thought someone should look at it.”
“That’s too bad. How come you never mentioned it?”
He smiled, trying to act casual, self deprecating. Inside he was desperate to get her out of the room as soon as possible.
“Jeez Leigh, I didn’t want to seem like a baby,” he laughed.
“Okay tough guy. I can drive you if you want,” she said cheerfully.
“No!” he replied abruptly, “No, it’s fine, I’ll meet you later, okay?”
Michael smiled again, his expression softening as he affectionately touched her cheek.
“Yeah sure, that would be nice,” Leigh said, sounding pleased.
“Um, I’m gonna get a quick shower, but do you want to freshen up first before you leave?”
He nodded towards the bathroom, indicating that he wanted her to get going now. She seemed a bit put off by his rushing her out.
“Uhh…yeah, thanks,” she agreed, but not too happy to be getting the heave ho.
Leigh walked into the bathroom, closing the door. When Michael heard the water running he immediately snatched up Kaylee’s bikini top, jamming it into a dresser drawer under several pairs of his underwear. A few minutes later Leigh came out, her dress back on, her hair less disheveled. He walked her to the door.
“So, you’ll call me later?” she asked, stepping into the hallway.
“Yes, for sure, I’ll call you tonight.”
He moved towards her, briefly kissing her goodbye. Michael watched her walk towards the elevator, waving back when she turned to wave at him, beaming at her as if she was the only woman in the world. When she was gone he went back into the suite, locking the door behind him.
“Holy fuck,” he mumbled out loud.
Of course Michael didn’t go to a dentist, the whole sore tooth thing being a complete fabrication, but he did leave the resort, driving around the island for a few hours, stopping at few places, exploring, and just getting his mind straight. Kauai was enchanting, so green and lush almost every where you went. He got some shave ice at Old Kaloa Town, then strolled around aimlessly for maybe an hour, after which he ventured up to Waimea Canyon. Hiking a short trail, a sense of tranquility enveloped him, and for the first time in two days he was truly relaxed.
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