One Good Ass Deserves Another pt 1
TS-Mistress and I take turns making love to each other’s derrière
My Gurl can be described as a tall glass of water, with muscular heft. Of Amazon persuasion, if you please. Her appearance and attitude deftly spans the stark definition of “boy” versus “girl.” Soft, deep curves, with large feet and hands.
A beautiful wide podunk crowned by a dark hairy asshole. Thicc shaved legs, but bushy pits and balls. The thrill is mine when sucking her cock all the way to her copious nest of pubic essence. I look further up to the gorgeous mass of crimson locks adorning her head. You can imagine the type – coppery red when bunched, carrot orange in thin wisps. I’m looking up because she’s in her typical statuesque pose waiting impatiently to be served as only a Queen should.
My nose is then buried between her cheeks, tongue sliding slowly from the back of her balls to the tippy-top of her mile-long crack. And, what a crack it is, surrounded by two round globes of brilliant alabaster perfection. I break my thoughts and return to the task at hand. Speaking of hand, my left one takes hold of her modest length but impressively wide lady-cock.
I bend it backwards, and pull it through her legs as much as I can without discomforting her, then, a little more. Its bulbous head is red from blood and desire. My right hand softly caresses the underside of her pendulous balls. That always drives me crazy when it’s done to me with the lightest of touches, and judging by her moans, it has the same effect upon her.
My tongue then pauses its traverse up along her butt cleft. I turn my attention to her tip. My tongue extends outwards and lightly makes contact. I swirl it around her tip, just before I engulf her entirety. It’s a lot easier to take all of it from the back, where it’s shorter, than in the front. I’m not one for gagging. After holding still with her pistol fully holstered in my mouth, I delicately graze my pursed lips from her balls back to the tip. After several swipes I reach the head and again pause, and repeat. She really likes the way I treat her meat. She silently tells me this by bending forward and opening her legs. My fingers delicately trace her boys to further enhance the tingling sensation. Her balls react by forming raised islands of goosebumps.
I slowwwly lick her from the tip, down the shaft till I get to where it meets her nut sac. I then wiggle my tongue side to side, before reaching the bottom of her balls. This elicits her giggling. My tongue follows the raised sexy seam that melds them together to form the sac, and dances halfway up along her crack, until I come upon her tasty asshole. I repeat my earlier gesture of swirling my tongue all about the outside of her hole’s side walls. I relish the beauty of feeling her every crinkle. To her surprise I quickly stab my spear-like tongue fully within her portal. She quietly yelps and flinches. If only I could see the scowl on her face lasering towards me. Alas, I would, but not for the pair of large caramel-colored orbs which obscure. I’ll just have to see it with my imagination.
This little game of tease düziçi escort that I play upon her is almost the only measure of self-determination I am permitted. All other times of passion it is she that directs the traffic. I like it this way – she tells me what she likes me to do to please her, and I do it. Leaves little room for doubt.
“Quit teasin me’, little Billy, and suck already!’,” she bellows with genuine frustration.
“Ummm… keep doing that, and tighten your lips more,” she insists (see what I mean?)
“Yah, like that… my pet,” she coos while effortlessly reasserting the initiative, “make love to my cock like I know you can,” and I, of course, instantly comply. My lips are now bearing down on her length, “Uh huh, that way, bitch-boy”, her slander signifies a satisfying servicing.
I dance my tongue about her pee hole while picking up speed. When I commit to a full bob, she issues more muffled moans. Without warning, she abruptly yanks her fuck-stick from my mouth. She must be getting uncomfortably hard from my good work, and needs to straighten out her junk.
Her smooth, powerful pole is proudly prominent, and pointed directly at my mouth. That’s where it wants, no insists, upon entering, ready or not. With that she spins around to face me. She cackles when she sees my look of shock from whipping her dick across my right cheek. It’s just another gesture of her domain over me. I can’t help it! I’ll do anything for her love-club, and she knows it, and uses me well.
I return to my falating duties before incurring any more of her tricks. Both my hands are wrapped around her length, and I twist them in opposite directions for maximum stimulation, meanwhile attending to her cock head with my mouth and tongue. I look deep into her eyes trying to gauge her reaction. Those same eyes have become lidded, showing me another sign of satisfaction. I make the rookie mistake of speeding up too soon, and her eyes fully open in scorn
“Better not make me cum too soon… I’ve got other plans for you.”
“Yes, my dear,” I happily reply.
This best is yet to come, and won’t it be fine. I wait for further instruction, and receive it in the form of a nod downwards. This means I am to assume an all fours position, thereby presenting my ass for her musing. I do just that while not breaking eye contact. She always insists on my perpetual focus upon her. It shows my obedience and that I’m paying her proper homage. Tall enough to easily clear my back, she gestures to me to walk through her legs. Half-way through she clamps my torso between her thighs and holds me in place. I preemptively grimace at what awaits me – SMACK, and DOUBLE SMACK – my ass must now be as red as her hair! It feels sore enough to be. She hits hard, then follows up with a wiggle of her hips to bitch-slap me with her dangling balls and pistol whipping cock.
After a few more hand paddles, she relents, and sensually rubs my buttocks to ease the discomfort she has wrought. My ass goes from convalescing to electrified in seconds. I love it when she bends herself forward and traces a finger lightly up and down my bum crack, then dips lower to do the same with my balls and taint. She rarely addresses my edirne escort dick directly in these sessions, though. It’s all about her this time.
Grabbing a butt cheek in each hand, she pushes me almost the rest of the way through her legs. I’m again held still. She widens my crack by dividing my cheeks. My little boy asshole is fully exposed for her viewing pleasure. I can almost hear her drooling over it, and depositing her spittle point-blank on my twitching gape. She licks her finger, and intentionally pops it out against her cheek to make sure I hear it, “Let’s take a closer look at that gorgeous azz,” she peels my globes apart, and says, “Oh! Yes, It’s a beauty, alright. Just look at that fine vertical slotted pucker! It looks more like a pussy, a boy-pussy. I’m gonna enjoy having my way with it.” Shivers migrate from the top of my head down to my lower head in anticipation.
Suddenly I feel a wet thin poke. I hum from the pleasure of having it probed. I return my gaze at her by looking behind me. She has such beautiful full breasts. Each is crowned with a half-dollar sized dark areola. I equate them to a scrumptious double scoop parfait – vanilla bean with chocolate areolas and gum drop cherry nipples. Yummy! I want to reach back and latch onto them with my lips, but she wouldn’t grant the privilege even if I begged. Instead, I see her raise a hand and strike my hairy left butt cheek, then right. I wince with each swat. What I can’t see are the red welts forming on my backside. She grins maliciously at my discomfort.
“Awe, is the little twinky feeling hurt when I rightfully smack your bottom?,” I play along by silently nodding with a rueful frown, “Well, I could keep smacking it, OR… I could make it all better and fuck it. Would my twinky like that better?,” my frown turns upside down as I excitedly nod yes, with pleading eyes to make doubly sure my response is taken as adequately pathetic.
Without further ado she takes position behind me. I can hear her knees make contact with the carpeted floor. I bend myself forward and lower my head. She roughly lifts my butt in the air, and my knees are separated to the extreme. Next, she splits my cheeks open with her thumbs. My boi-puss is fully revealed for her exploitation. I feel her fore fingers caress the sides of my sac until she fully surrounds it. Her thumbs are deep within my crack. I feel a pressing on the outer walls of my nether portal. Her flattened tongue covers my hole.
My shaft is grasped tightly. Her other hand begins to rub up and down, and pleasures my engorged cock head. I’m about to unconsciously moan just as My Love gives my dick a painful tug, obviously intending to break my revery. It’s very effective. She delivers another smack on the bottom of my bottom. Ouch!
When I look back to her, my head on the floor, I see her impressive turgid meat being positioned at my mid-butt schism. I mewl when I feel the wonderful tactile sensation of her mushroom pressed up against my asshole. Here comes the best part. Reward comes with her member traverses through my tight tunnel. I will never get tired of witnessing her closed-eyed bliss when her sausage forcibly breaches my hole, and continues to slip edremit escort deeper inside.
“Ummm, that feels so good, baby. Make love to my asshole with your love stick. Please,!” I plead.
Abruptly her pelvis slams into my butt, balls and taint. I see a grimace of malice on her face, “How ’bout that, lady-cum slut? You like it when I ram my bigger clit-stick into your freakin’ rectum? Here’s some more even if you don’t!”
Ahhh! The next pump feels rougher. It causes my hardened neglected cock to rock to and fro like a metronome on steroids. Then it starts to feel really good. She takes my huffs and the bowing of my head as a prompt to accelerate. The onslaught is unmerciful. Just like I crave it. Her gasps become shorter and shallow as she fights to maintain wind, “Fuck… that fuckin’ asshole of yours is so fucking tight! I gotta’ get deeper. Impossibly she speeds up even more.
I feel the top of my lower back being mounted by hefty thighs. I also can see the shadow of her form reciprocating wildly into me. My eyes close and hands brace forward of my head against the floor. I’m trying to hold on for dear life, but, still loving my body being thrust by her desperate crashes. It’s making my butt and belly ripple.
“You like my gurl-cock, baby?,” the desperation in her voice palpable, “Tell me how much you want it going in and out of your sweet boy-hole.”
“I want it! So bad”
“How do you want it, pet? Soft and slow, or hard and fast,?” she slows way down as she gives me the full length of her baton.
“Give to me hard! Want you slamming your big dick inside me! Again and again. Give it to me, my baby! Show your daddy who’s boss.”
“Fuuuck, your sweet nothings gonna make cum deep inside yer guts. That’s what momma’s gonna do. Take my gurl cock and love it!,” she shrieks that last sentiment while ramming to the hilt of her scabbard.
I instinctively flip myself onto my back, but maintain her insertion, so I can see her body shake with orgasm, “Yeah, baby! You’re gonna cum in your little gimp, aren’t you? Don’t hold back, and let me have it. I need that cum up my bum!,” she breaks her grimace enough to sport a muted smile at my salacious rhyme, “Ummm, I can feel your dick growing inside my ass the closer you get.”
As a last measure to precipitate her orgasm, I do a modified sit-up while painfully spreading my legs to get nearer to her. It’s enough to allow me to reach around her gorgeous padded pillows. I squeeze them hard with my palms, my fingers barely reach her butt split. The trigger is cocked, hammer up, safety off.
Her head raises toward the ceiling, and her mouth is wide open, “Ahhh!… Coming. Here it cums. Take it all, baby!,” and I do.
Hot sticky fluid inundates my rectum like a tsunami. My body jerks from its power. As she winds down off her high, I detect leakage oozing out, then the latent waft of sweat, musk and my used asshole. She collapses upon me from exhaustion. We both remain static while we fight for fresh air to feed our spent musculature. We temporarily fall under the effects of sleep.
When my eyes open again, I see a blurry image of a face over mine, with a tongue buried in my oral cavity. I brandish my wet pink sword as a countermeasure. Suddenly we yield to loving passion and contact each other merely with our lips. She lightly bites my bottom one, then moves up to sit on her curled legs. A bright and devious smile lights up her face. I know exactly what’s the impetus for this: It’s MY turn!
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