Peggy and I left for the airport, she was very excited and kept looking at me. I was excited just sitting in a fancy limo. Who was Peggy and why a limo. We arrived at the airport, entered a private gate, and rode up to a private plane. I look at her bewildered.
“Pete, are you ready to go to LA?”
“I was going to go home and get my stuff.”
“Is there anything there so important?”
“I have all my computers, clothing.”
“They will be replaced tomorrow.”
Peggy made a call and then handed me the phone. The woman on the other end asked me for my sizes in clothing, and what kind of computers I had. She asked me dozens of questions about my belongings. Then she thanked me and hung up.
“Peggy what is going on?”
“I’ll tell you on the plane, okay?”
“Peggy is that the plane?”
“That’s a Falcon TX, it is huge.”
“It has been refitted for my business trips, it can hold up to six passengers, a desk, and a private quarter. It has two bathrooms, one server, pilot and copilot. The bed is a king size.”
“Why so big.” I joked.
“Honestly, I stay on board it when I travel, I hate hotels. And occasionally for pleasure.”
“You every hold business meeting on board.”
“Don’t be a smart ass, of course I do.”
The car stopped, and Peggy got out, I looked at the plane and she smiled. “Ready for some fun?”
We walked up and she was met by the pilot, they talked business and I walked into the plane, everything was gold and white. I was startled when a woman asked if I would like a drink. I stood looking at her.
“No way is Peggy a twin.”
“I am April her sister.”
“I could use a shot.”
She laughed and got me a shot of whiskey. “Will this do, Mr. Stepp?”
“April I’m Pete.”
“No way, you’re my nieces ex?”
“That’s me.”
She hugged me and told me she never thought she would ever meet me. “Pete I am so sorry, Jamie has hurt this family, you must hate us.”
“If he did, I wouldn’t be sleeping with him.”
“April, so happy to see you, how did you get this flight?”
“Your plane isn’t hard to notice, and I asked to take the flight with you, so we could spend some time together.”
“How much time?”
“Two weeks.”
They hugged, “April that is wonderful. I’m so excited.”
“But I would be in the way of you and Pete, which is very interesting how you are sleeping with ex your son-in-law.”
“Well, it only took a drink or two and things happened, we have become very close overnight.”
“Let’s get ready for the flight and I will see if your too busy to talk.”
I sat across from Peggy in this big comfortable chair. She smiled at me as she removed her shoes and stockings.
“Anything else you like me to remove?”
“You could keep going.”
Peggy smiled as she pulled off her panties and tossed them at me. I smelled them.
“Why mom, your panties are wet.”
“I may never have dry ones with you around.”
We took off and I looked out the window. “Wow, I’ve never been in a plane before.”
“Pete, tell me about this business you wanted to start?”
“Then close your legs so I can look at you.”
She smiled and crossed her legs, she called April in. “April, could we have some refreshments and then join us with us you will want to hear this.”
April returned with a tray of goodies, and beer. I took a beer and three candy bars.
April sat next to her sister. “April makes yourself comfortable, this may take some time.”
April looked at Peggy’s clothing and smiled, she removed her shoes, stocking and her panties.
“There you comfortable April?”
“Pete doesn’t look to comfortable.”
“Pete, why don’t you remove you shoes, socks, and pants?”
“Excuse me?”
They both smiled and put their legs over the chairs, they now had their pussies wide open in front of me.
I remove my clothing fast, April sat up and looked at my cock.
“Jamie left you, and you have that as a package?”
“Pete, please relax and tell us your story.”
My cock was so hard, and they were so hot.
“Sorry.” I started to explain as they crossed their legs so they could hear my plan. It took an hour after answering questions.
“April, what do you think?”
“I’m in, I’ll help.”
“You now have two financers Pete.”
“April, you don’t even know me?”
“Pete, I just needed to see that cock, I’m sold. May I touch it?”
April sat in front of me and smiled. “The head it’s so big and your girth so wide. Peggy, does it fit?”
“It feel like a glove when he enters me.”
“Pete, may I try?”
“Up to you Pete, I don’t own you.”
April took my hand and led me to the back of the plane. She removed the rest of her clothing.
I climbed on the bed, and we kissed, she was a great kisser. I entered her and she smiled. Her legs were wrapped around me.
“Take me hard young lover.”
I was in and out of April fast, I was too excited. I sucked on her breast; they were identical to Peggy’s.
“April, I hate to do this, but I’m cumming.”
“Don’t sıhhiye escort worry Pete, I have enjoyed this little encounter, you have the most amazing cock.”
She sat up and asked me if she could suck it for a minute.
“Yes, I would like that.”
She took my cock into her mouth, and she slowly sucked on it. Then a hand was under me, and I looked to see Peggy fingering my cum out of April.
We laid on the bed and Peggy smiled, “Pete did you have a good time?”
“Of course, I did. April is a fun lover.”
We laid in the bed for a while longer, then April got up and showered. “I have to get to work, I don’t want to get fired by the owner of the plane.” She reached across and kissed me. “Thank you.”
“Peggy, you are twins, no wonder you had twins.”
“April and I were never trouble; Jamie has been since high school.”
“How about Jade?”
“Jade is a genius in the computer field. That is why I am so interested in your idea. You could do great things and help my family.”
“I can think of one good thing.” I rolled her on her back and started to kiss her. My fingers were inside her pussy, and I moved my lips to her nipples. She was giggling as I rubbed her g-spot, “Pete stop, and put that beast inside me, we will be landing soon.” I rolled on top and entered her.
“Oh, I could get used to this.”
We made love and April was watching us. “You two are so sweet together.”
“We’re landing soon, best get ready.” We showered and dressed, then took our seats for the landing.
April sat on my lap and kissed me. “Pete, I hope you enjoy the family now. We all liked you from Peggy telling us about you, I of course like you a lot better, after meeting you.”
“Oh, April you just enjoyed having sex with him.” Peggy laughed.
“Not true, I think he has a great vision for his life, I hope to be a part of his dream.”
“Pete we’re landing hold me tight, I hate to fly into Peggy’s lap.”
We landed and I was holding April breasts. “Talk about me, he is all man he went straight to my breasts instead of my waist.” She giggled as she leaned over and kissed me.
“I have things to do I’ll see you later at the house, I’m so excited to spend time with you Peggy.”
“Same here April, it’s been too long.”
April got up and cleaned up around us and then disappeared. Peggy looked at me.
“You ready to start your new life?”
“I think so, it sure is starting out fun.”
“Good lets go home.”
We depart the plane and people watch Peggy get off many waves and say hello Judge. I had a lot to learn.
We got off the plane and I just stopped dead, in front of me is Bentley GTC V8, Convertible.
“This is yours?”
“Yes.” She tosses me the keys. “Peggy, I drive a 1973 Camry, I can’t drive something like this?”
“You, better. It’s yours.”
I ran around and opened her door; she got in and I ran to the other door and got in. She tells me how to start it, and then I drive off.
“Peggy, this is so much, I can’t take something like this.”
“Pete, drive and enjoy, I would like to just look around.”
“Peggy, this may be none of my business, but are you rich?”
“Pete, I run a business worldwide. So, I guess I am. Left on the highway and I’ll take a nap. The GPS will tell you where to go.”
She was smiling. I was trying not to look at her legs as the wing blew up her skirt.”
The GPS had me take a right then a left. Peggy’s skirt was high enough I could see her black panties. She was smiling. I put my hand down on her panties, they were soaked.
“Pete, the highway becomes straight in a minute, floor this thing I think you will enjoy the power behind her.”
“I would love to see what this car could do; my Camry did 65 top speed.”
I pulled her skirt down. “Wow you smell good.” She looked at me and smiled, then she put on a large hat and scooped down with a smile.
“Hit it Pete, I’m ready.”
I hit ninety-five, then one hundred and five, I flew past two motorcycle cops. I slowed down and pulled over. A few minutes later they caught up to me. Peggy was hiding her face and laughing.
A large policeman comes to my window and smiles.
“Sir, thank you for pulling over, do you know how fast you were going?”
“A little over a hundred.”
“I clocked you at one twenty-two, may I see your license and registration?”
He looked and his face changed, Peggy was hiding hers.
“Terry, I need an assist for a body search on a female passenger for drugs.”
“Jim Richard you wouldn’t dare.”
“I wouldn’t but my partner would.”
His partner knocks on the other window. Peggy sits up, looks out the window and takes off her hat.
“Judge? Jimmy that wasn’t funny. Judge how are you?”
“I’m fine but I need help this young man kidnapped me.”
“I what?”
Peggy and Jimmy burst out laughing as Peggy got out and hugged the two of them.”
“Pete come meet my brother and his partner.”
“No thanks, I’m starting to think I know where Jamie got her craziness from.”
“Peter şırnak escort Stepp you’re not funny, come meet her uncle.”
I stepped out and walked over, James hugged me, “I am so sorry what my bitch of a niece did to you. Also, sorry Peggy put you through this. What are you up to sis? Oh, Pete forgive me this is Terry my partner.”
Terry gave me a hug, “Wow you are a strong woman.”
“Terry is a kick boxer; she trains us little cops, so we don’t get killed.”
“Oh, stop teasing your nephew.” Terry smiled. She smelled so good for a motorcycle cop.
“So why are you out here speeding Judge.”
“Your sister is coming home for two weeks; I want you to come also.”
“You could have just called.”
“No way, I wanted you to meet Pete and scare him a little.”
“I almost pissed myself when I passed the two of you.”
“As fast as you were going, I’m surprised you saw us.” Terry said.
“Pete has a sense for pretty women.”
“I wish that were true, I married your daughter.”
“She may be a bitch, but she is a gorgeous bitch.” Peggy said with a little anger in her voice.
“Yes, she sure is pretty.”
“Hell, Pete wait until you meet Jade, she has it all, beauty brains, hot body.”
“Don’t talk about your niece like that you pig.” Peggy laughed.
“She does, Pete. Jade and I are very close, she is a doll.”
“Hey, we have to go we have a high-speed coming our way, two cars on him.
Going ninety.” Jimmy laughed at me, kissed Peggy and shook my hand. Terry waved as she put her helmet on. When she lifted her leg to get on the bike my cock jumped to attention. She must have seen it. She smiled as she sat down.
They told us to wait, they turned on their lights and sure enough this car went by us like a bat out of hell.
“Those bikes can move fast.”
“We have to go you stained the front of your pants when we watched Terry get on her bike.”
“That was so hot to watch.”
We got back in, and Peggy pulled out my cock and went down on me. “Don’t drive yet I would hate to bite this off on a bump.”
She sucked me fast and I’m watching cars go by us. Then I closed my eyes as I came. Peggy smiled and told me to go when I was ready.
“Wow thank you.”
I pulled back into traffic with ease and listened to this voice telling me to take a left, a left then a right, then a left. “You have reached your destination.”
“Drive up to that gate, it will open then just drive to the house.”
I drive down this long, beautiful drive, then in front of me is a mansion.
“Peggy, this is your house?”
“Ours now.”
I stop and look around, it is beautiful.
“Peggy, your brother called you Judge?”
“I’m a Judge for the county. I do it for political reasons.”
“I’m a conservative, is that going to be an issue between us?”
“Not at all, the only thing I want between us is your body and water, follow me.”
“We enter this large entry way and walk straight through it. I was in awe of the marble and gold. She took me into a room, it was an indoor pool, shaped like a Judges gavel.
“To your right is the hot tub, to the left is a sitting area. The center is for swimming.”
She stripped and dove in. I just laughed and undressed. “Pete, before you jump in, behind you is a bar, could you bring two beers.”
I grabbed them and dove in. I handed her one and we swam to the sitting area. We sat next to each other and just relaxed. I drank my beer looking at the sky.
“Kind of foggy looking?”
“It’s call pollution, great LA air.”
Peggy turned and sat on my lap and hugged me. Her head on my shoulder.
“The hair on your chest tickles my nipples.”
Let’s enjoy some time relaxing before the troops come. Then we can talk and have some fun.”
We swam around and she looked at me and smiled. “Follow me, Pete.”
We swam over to the hammer side with a table and built in chairs, it was very cool looking. She climbed up to the table and turned with her legs spread.
“Wow, can I just sit here and look at you like this all day?”
“I would rather you dig in and let’s have some fun.”
“Wow, you ask a lot, I hate to mess up such a beautiful thing.”
She splashed me and laughed. I held her cheeks as I started licking her silver lined lips, she hasn’t trimmed lately, and I love it. I moved up on the table after licking her to an orgasm. I put two fingers into her and sucked on her nipples. She was bouncing on the table laughing.
“Pete, I am going to cum like I haven’t in a long time. Pete, here I cum, rub harder.”
“She lifted her waste higher as she squirted out into the pool. I looked at what was happening. I moved my face to her pussy to enjoy her orgasm. I lick up the draining cum she watched me and was smiling. I once again moved up on her. I entered her and Peggy smiled and moaned as I slid in and out of her.
We made love and Peggy screamed my name as she came, I kept going and smiled as I came in her. I held her tight. And she jumped when her brother and partner started söke escort clapping.
“Jimmy, I’m naked.”
“Your hot sister and wow Pete you sure can pound her deep.”
“Jimmy, do you mind?”
“No, I may join you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
His partner watched him get undressed and smiled.
“Jimmy, you are insane, I’m your partner.”
“Well, now you know what I look like naked, join us.”
“Are you thinking you’re screwing me Jimmy?”
“Pete, do you mind?”
“I’m not sure what to say other than I will try to do what Peggy wants.”
“It’s okay Pete he wouldn’t dare, but he sure does have a nice cock like you.”
Jimmy entered his sister Terry, and I moved away surprised I sat in a chair. I’m completely naked, watching Jimmy have sex with Peggy.
“Pete, would you like to go enjoy some loving ourselves?”
I took her hand and walked into the house.
“Terry you’re in uniform, you sure you can do this?”
She took her belt off and it fell to the floor, I walked to her and undid her blouse, then her vest. What was behind the vest had me taking a deep breath, she smiled.
“Not what you expected?”
“Terry, your abs are as tight as mine, your breasts are firm but so soft, you’re beautiful.
She pulled off her pants and then folded them and her blouse and placed them on a chair.
“Don’t move.”
I pulled down her panties, she was a red head. I entered her and she held on to the arms of the chair. I moved slowly, she felt so good. Her muscles turned me on even more.
She orgasmed and stood up.
“That was very nice Pete, why were you so gentle?”
“I am so amazed at the look of your body, so muscular, yet so womanly. I couldn’t rush, you were to much fun making love to.
Terry smiled and lifted me over her shoulder. She tossed me on the bed and took my limp cock into her mouth. The excitement gave me new life, she then sucked my balls. I couldn’t believe a woman I didn’t even know, or one that could break every bone in my body was sucking my balls. She looked at me smiling now.
“You were such a gentleman, now let me show you who I can really be.”
She mounted my cock. “Pete, this is a gorgeous cock.”
She mounted my refreshed cock; she stood and changed her mind she then moved above my face and lowered her pussy. She started riding my small nose, I stuck out my tongue and oh I thought I would come. She tasted and smelled so good.
She continued until she came, then she let go of my hair and move back to my cock. She mounted me again and lowered down slowly “Pete, you feel so good, I hope you don’t mind I take it slow now.”
“I would be pleased if you did.”
She kissed me, “wow we taste good.”
She slowly rotated on my cock. “Pete, I’m going to sit up, I hope you enjoy this.”
She was moving back and forth on me, our pubic were skin to skin, well hair. I reached up and held her nice breast.
“Pete, do you like my breast?
“Terry, there isn’t anything on your body I don’t like. You are a goddess, a cut out piece of marble, the artist took his time to get you right. Then found he went beyond perfection.”
“Shit.” She came again and pressed her breast into me as she kissed me.
“Roll over and make love to me Pete, I am enjoying this ride as long as I can.”
We rolled over and I started to laugh, “I wonder what it would feel like having sex on your Police Bike.” She sat up and smiled.
“Do you do anal?”
“Never have.” She stood up and dragged me outside.
“The judge has a private road, sit on my bike, I will mount you, let’s see how it goes.”
I sat and she got on, she slid me into her ass, then started her bike.
“Shit, Terry you do that again I’ll cum.”
“Hold on stud, here we go.” She buried me in her ass, we started the ride, I held her breast and she flew down the road, she came several times, I was soaked. We turned and she slammed the gas and off we went she held on and bounced on me. The air blowing and the bumps she was like a water fountain now. I held tight as I came in her ass. She turned again and we just rode slowly.
“Pete was that good for you?”
“I will never forget this.”
“Pete enter my pussy, god you’re still hard.”
I held my cock, and she lowered down. She then took off across the grass, it was so bumpy Terry was screaming out as she came, I was holding on for my life, but her bouncing on my cock had me warm and ready.
I came again and Terry came hard. She dumped her bike laughing as she came.
She climbed to me.
“Are you okay? she asked giggling.
“I would do it again, I don’t know how to explain the feeling of you shaking and bouncing on me as we hit all those bumps.”
She climbed on me, and we got into heavy kissing. Peggy and Jimmy saw her dump her bike, they ran to us to be sure we were okay.
Terry just laid on me.
“Hi Partner, are you okay?”
“I’m perfect, Pete how are you?”
“I’m ready for another ride.”
“Not on this bike, how do I write this up Terry?”
“Just say I was avoiding a large beast on the road.”
“So, Jimmy, do you like seeing your partner naked?”
“I have dreamed of seeing you naked, and my dreams cheated me.”
“Come make love to me right here, Pete thank you.”
Jimmy got down and they started making love, I have no idea how she could she was so limp.
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