My wife and I met when she was 12 and I, 15. By the time I was 16 and she was 13, I knew I loved her and that I wanted her as my wife. We both belonged to very good strong Christian families and we had very good guiding parents. Before my future wife turned 18 we had kissed 3 times. We dated as most normal kids do but no hanky, panky, went on. After Connie was 18 we did begin to explore sex just a bit.
I ask her to marry me on her 20th birthday and she accepted. We told her parents first and then mine. I don’t think anyone was surprised. We were engaged a little over a year before we were married in a small service at her parents home. Bud my best friend stood up with me as my best man and Jeanie with her as her maid-of- honor. My wife is the sexiest most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
Not just my opinion. Everyone I know who knows her agrees. Even Bud says so and he has a different opinion about everything else. Bud and I talk about everything in detail. We share everything. In fact he has offered to share his wife with me. Bud was married to Sheri three years before Connie and I got married.
Sheri is very pretty and built. And Bud is much more than slightly proud of her. Bud was not her one and only. In fact he probably wasn’t her 25th and only. And he is very proud of that fact. Bud says openly in front of her that he wants others to know how great a fuck his wife really is. Crazy as that sounds, after he explains his reasoning it does make sense.
We have talked about every aspect of my wife’s body. Every inch. Bud knows everything about Connie’s body because I have told him about it. He knows the shape and set of her nipples and her breasts. How her body responds to every caress given to her to ignite the fires between her thighs. He knows everything I can tell him about her. We just share everything.
I have seen Sheri naked several times. I have fondled her breasts and nipples. I have fingered her vagina. She has cum on my fingers and my tongue, but never on my penis. I could never cheat on Connie. Connie knows Bud and I share everything. And she has know from the start that Bud wanted to share Sheri with me. And she knows I have messed around with Sheri. She knows I share things about her with Bud. We have talked about it.
Sheri’s gerze escort tits are larger than Connie’s but they sag slightly. That is because of not wearing a bra most of her life. Connie’s breasts stand up perfectly. I have never seen her not wearing a bra. Sometimes I do think it would be sexy to see her without one.
We had been married over 6 years when my wife began to ask more questions about my relationship with Bud. And maybe even more importantly about his wife Sheri. Like how many times I have seen her naked, and just how much messing I had done with her. I answered her as honestly as I could.
“David, do or did you desire sex with her?”
Now how do I answer that one? It is very hard to suck an attractive woman’s tits and finger her and not desire her. I admitted to that.
“David if I was a different woman than the one, I am? Would you share me with Bud?”
That one is also very hard to answer too.
“I am not sure. I might yes. I sometimes think I would love for him to know how sexy you are.”
“So, you would let him fuck me?”
“It does excite me some. Yes.”
“Would you like me to let him?”
“I didn’t say that. But I sometimes feel it only fair if her sees you nude as I have Sheri.”
“So. you feel he should see me naked?”
“Yes, probably.”
“If I would do that will only once, do it?”
“Probably not, no. I was with Sheri several times.”
“But you didn’t fuck her. Did you?”
“No, I did not, but she offered it to me.”
“So, I need to offer it to him?”
“Yes, but he might take you up on it.”
“I’d need to be ready to do it?”
“If you offer yes, you’d need to be ready. Could you really do that?”
“She did it for you so ya, I think so? Do you think I should?”
As we talked more openly about it, I became more and more excited about the idea. And I soon realized I was very interested in sharing my wife. But maybe not with just Bud. I knew he has shared Sheri with several men. And he has told me there is nothing as exciting as watching her fuck black men. Bud has a friend who is not a good person. This guy found Sheri very sexy and he told Bud how sexy she is. He excited Sheri. Bud asks if he excited her enough to want him in bed? She admitted that giresun escort he did.
Bud ask if he would like to have Sheri for the night? So, Bud sent her home with him. Bud laughs about it, because once he got Sheri there and she was nude, he invited friends in, and he shared her with them. Bud doesn’t even know or care how many guys fucked Sheri. I am not even sure if she really knows or cares. She loved it.
I do know that Bud has sent her home with the guy several times now and they have fucked her several times and she loves it. So, I could not even think that maybe that was on my mind that Connie would do that too? Could I even think about my wife being given to him too? Could I think about him taking my wife to share her with them too?
I could see her naked for them going crazy as they used her sexually. I began to encourage her to consider being open to Bud.
It got more and more exciting for her I could tell. She began to drop little hints that she might really let me share her with Bud. And then Bud ask if she could go to dinner with him. She told me he had ask her.
“Sweetheart, I think getting to know him better is a great idea.”
“So you think I should go?”
“Yes, I do. It is the chance to know my best friend better.”
“David it could be my chance to know Bud as you want me to. He has told me he would love to see me naked.”
“He wants to take you back to his house after dinner?”
“Yes, he says Sheri is gone for the night.”
“Has he ask you to spend the night?”
“He has hinted he wants me to. Are you okay if I do?”
“I will plan on seeing you in the morning. But I want you to do what you want. And not just he wants you to do.”
She looked beautiful when Bud picked her up at 6pm for their dinner date. We chatted for several minutes before they turned to go. As he turned he mouthed to me and ask if I was sure? I just nodded and he smiled.
They went to the Tango Club, which is where he took Sheri to meet her black lover. It was nearly 10pm when his text came in.
“David, they are on the dance floor. She likes him. He is very smooth. She has never been around anyone like him. I have encouraged her to dance with him. He wants her. More later.”
I waited for girne escort him to get back to me. Then it came in.
“Dave we are going to my house soon. They are still on the dance floor. He has ask her to come to his place tomorrow. Think she’s agreed. His hands have been all over her. He told me it is all set up to happen tomorrow night. If you don’t want it to happen, you need to let me know. She has agreed to be mine when we get back to my house. He has told her that Sheri is his lover and that you want her to do so too. He is coming back to my house with us.”
Several hours passed when I got another text.
“Thanks for sharing her with me. She is beautiful and a good lover. Maxwell is back with your wife now. She is fucking him as we speak right now. She loves his cock.”
I fell asleep soon after. It was 6pm when the text woke me.
“Too late to stop it now. They left here about 4pm. He said it would start as soon as he got her back to his house. So, it began a while ago. He had an event scheduled for her. Connie has been with several others by now. Maxwell wants her atleast twice a week from now on he says she is perfect for what he wants.”
So, my prim proper one man wife was now rapidly becoming a whore for black cocks. My nothing could ever happen to her wife, was everything she could become with other men now. And she was very rapidly becoming even more. I cannot begin to admit how proud I was that she was going to become what she was about to. Bud said that Maxwell had her with 12 other blacks right now and he had been told that she was with number 10 at this minute. Nine of them had enjoyed her and the tenth was doing so now.
Bud, Maxwell, and ten others had bare cock up inside my wife and others waited to do so. He soon forwarded video of my beautiful nude wife with several of her lovers. She looked beautiful.
“Maxwell wants to know if he can have her? Tell me yes and I will pass it on. He wants to take her to a club, put her on stage and then let them have her? It will be huge. Maybe 50 or 60 guys will have her.”
My brain ran off the rails and into the gutters. I said yes! And he hung up. A week passed before my wife returned home.
“David, I had no idea sex could be as good and exciting as it is.”
“You had fun?”
“I have no idea who or how many men have had me, but I enjoyed every one of them. And worse yet how many men have watched others fuck me. I can not tell you how exciting sex has become. I love black cocks and enjoy everything that it does to me.”
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