This is a fictitious story. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real people is coincidence. Do not take any information in this story as health advice.
“I’ve finished,” said Maggie.
Harry and Joe just looked at Maggie emotionlessly so Maggie said, “The mapping of the components to robots.”
“Good,” said Joe, “Could you please prepare a presentation showing what you’ve done?”
“Um, okay,” answered Maggie.
“Morning tea time. Will you join me?” asked Harry.
“I’ll be along after I finish this,” answered Joe.
“No you won’t. You’ll find something else to do. I’ll bring you a cuppa,” said Harry.
“Thanks Harry,” said Joe.
“Maggie?” asked Harry.
“I’ll be with you shortly,” answered Maggie, so Harry went to the lunch room.
Maggie looked at Joe for a short time and then asked, “Is my work up to scratch?”
Joe looked at Maggie and asked, “Do you think your work is appropriate?”
“Yes,” answered Maggie, “I mean… Are you happy with my work?”
“Are you happy with your work?” asked Joe, “Do you want to work shorter or longer hours?”
“Yes, and… and no,” answered Maggie. She paused for a while trying to think of the appropriate question that wasn’t ambiguous. She ended up asking, “Why do you want a presentation?”
“For Harry and me to see how it fits in with the parameters of our work,” answered Joe.
“Is it to check my work?” asked Maggie.
“Does your work need checking?” asked Joe.
“No…” answered Maggie, “I’m sure it’s right.”
“Then we don’t need to check your work,” answered Joe. Joe paused his work for a while and then said, “Maggie, you are a qualified mechanical engineer and an experienced mechanic. I trust that you know what you are doing and if you are not sure then you would ask one of us for help. Is that correct?”
“Yes,” answered Maggie.
“Then please don’t let your insecurities affect your work,” said Joe.
Maggie bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if she was angry, insulted or just shocked with Joe’s reply. He had made a judgement on her character in an insensitive way. She thought about Joe being autistic, calmed down and asked, “Did you mean to insult me?”
“Oh no!” answered Joe, “I’m sorry if I did… Um…” Joe thought about what he had said and then said, “I’m sorry that my comment may have seemed… judgemental. I did not mean to offend you… I…”
“That’s okay,” interrupted Maggie, “I’m going to have a cuppa and Harry has probably made you one that is getting cold. Come on. Let’s drink.”
Maggie stood up and lifted Joe’s arm he followed her to the lunch room and they had their morning tea.
Maggie presented her work to Harry and Joe. They seemed happy with how their work would fit together. Joe was happy with the manufacturing components and Harry could see how he could form the algorithms from the parameters.
Maggie asked, “How will you service and feed the raw materials to these robots?”
“Um… according to their service and operating instructions,” answered Joe.
“How will you get around them?” asked Maggie, “and… and how do you move the inputs and outputs to and from the robots…”
“Oh dear,” said Harry.
“What?” asked Joe.
“I think that Maggie has identified yet another dimension,” answered Harry, “The dimension of physical location of the robots according to their servicing and relationships with their components and the humans that operate and service them.”
Maggie bit her lip thinking that she may have figuratively thrown a spanner in the works.
“Shit!” exclaimed Joe and then asked looking at both of them, “Are you sure?” hoping that they were wrong.
Maggie grimaced but Harry said, “Yes. We have to take that into account.
“That’s… what… the eighth dimension?”
Joe sighed and said, “So far.”
“We’ll need a bigger computer to solve this,” said Harry.
“I’ve got to buy more computers to run the robots,” said Joe, “Will that do?” he asked tentatively.
“I wish it would Joe,” answered Harry, “but each dimension adds to the required computing power exponentially.”
“What sort of computing power?” asked Joe.
“Super computer I’m afraid,” answered Harry.
Just then, Jenny arrived with some sandwiches for lunch. She saw the expression on Joe’s face and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“We need a lot more computing power,” answered Joe.
“How much?” asked Jenny.
“Supercomputer power,” answered Harry.
“Well… um… I could help out financially if you like?” asked Jenny.
“We’re looking at hundreds of millions Jenny,” answered Joe, “Not just millions.”
“Oh,” said Jenny.
Maggie inferred that Jenny had millions of dollars which Joe knew about. She looked at Harry who didn’t seem to notice.
“Well… Harry, what did you use for the wiring… stuff?” asked Jenny.
“The ANU’s supercomputer,” answered Harry.
“Well can’t you use that?” asked Jenny.
“Well…” considered Harry, “I was able to use that because it was part of my PhD. It’s çerkezköy escort in big demand. I don’t think that we could get the computing time for a private endeavour.”
“Can you hire it?” asked Jenny.
Joe looked at Harry and Harry answered, “I don’t know but I’ll ask my mentor Professor Nickolas Green, but I don’t like our chances. As I said, the supercomputer is in big demand.”
“I would appreciate if you’d do that Harry,” said Joe.
“Wait a moment,” said Jenny, “I think that it would be beneficial if Professor Green meet you in person, Joe. He might then strive a little harder to find out.”
“Good idea,” said Joe, “Harry, could you invite Professor Green to join us for dinner? My shout.”
“I can do that Joe,” answered Harry, “but I… I won’t join you.”
“You have to Harry,” said Jenny, “you have more influence over the professor than anyone here.”
“I’m,” hesitated Harry, “I’m not comfortable in restaurants.”
“It’s all right Harry,” said Joe, “It’ll just be the four of us and the professor.”
Harry bit his lip and said, “But there’ll be others at the restaurant. I… I don’t know how to interact with them.”
“We’ll get a private room Harry,” said Joe, “That fancy restaurant had private rooms. We’ll get one of those. We’ll talk to the waiter on your behalf.”
Harry looked at each person in the room. He said, “Your success depends on this doesn’t it?”
Joe answered, “Not if you don’t feel comfortable Harry. I’ll not make you do anything that you don’t want to do, but, wouldn’t it be nice to catch up with Professor Green?”
“Yes it would,” answered Harry, “I should overcome my fears and do this, shouldn’t I?”
“Harry, not one of us wants you to feel uncomfortable. Isn’t that right?” said Jenny as she sought confirmation from Joe and Maggie, who both nodded in agreement, “However, it would help Joe.”
“What do I wear,” asked Harry.
“What you wore to Dan’s memorial would be very suitable,” answered Jenny, “I, on the other hand, intend to dress to the nines. What about you Maggie?”
“Shit yeah,” answered Maggie, “I’ve been in these overalls all week so getting dressed up will be a nice change.”
Jenny and Maggie looked at Joe who said, “Well I suppose I’ll wear a suit. You’re lucky you’re getting out of that Harry.”
Harry laughed and said, “I think that I would feel more comfortable in what I wore to Dan’s memorial thank you very much,” They all laughed at Harry’s joke.
Professor Green agreed to meet them at the restaurant on a Friday evening. Joe wore a suit. Jenny and Maggie wore very nice evening gowns and Harry wore smart casual.
Harry introduced the professor all round and the professor insisted that they call him Nicolas.
Harry sat next to the professor, Maggie sat next to Harry and Joe. Jenny sat between Joe and the professor.
They ordered their food and wine. They exchanged small talk until the professor said, “So, I hear that you want to hire some supercomputer time?”
“That’s right?” answered Joe.
“What for?” asked Nickolas.
“To do some eight or nine dimensional topology,” answered Harry.
“Is this for some more post graduate study?” asked Nickolas.
“Not really,” answered Harry, “It’s too help the automatic building of E-trips.”
“E-trips,” said Nickolas, “They’re the things that you did your practical implementation of multi-dimensional topography PhD on aren’t they?”
“Yes,” answered Harry.
“Well it’s good to see that you are using your thesis for more practical applications,” said Nickolas, “Is there another paper in this?”
“I hadn’t planned on it,” answered Harry.
“However,” interrupted Jenny, “That could be a possibility. The ANU would be the first to use Harry’s theory.”
“Second to Harry if I may,” said Nickolas.
“Yes of course,” replied Jenny with a smile, “I stand corrected. However, this would be a major use of Harry’s thesis.”
“I see,” said Nickolas, “So you propose that the ANU, and those involved, would get kudos for being involved in this, second, implementation.”
“Yes,” answered Jenny, “And the mentor of the gifted student who solved an EIGHTH dimensional PRACTICAL topological problem, would be highly honoured, I’m sure.”
“Yes, he, or she, would,” replied Nickolas with a laugh, “but there are many other mentors who seek the same for other theories.”
“It’s not a theory of its proven to work, is it?” asked Jenny.
Nicolas laughed again and said, “One, or two, practical solutions doesn’t prove a theory.”
“Oh,” said Jenny and appeared to be a little flustered, “I guess I don’t fully understand the intricacies of academia,” Again, Nicolas laughed.
Maggie was astounded. Jenny was flirting with Nickolas and he was almost going for it. She wondered how Joe felt and when she looked at Joe, she realised that he was well and truly aware of what was going on.
Nicolas said, “As much as I’d love the honour, I think that I need something more to convince the board cevizli escort to hand over the supercomputer’s time.”
“So it’s not for the want of trying?” asked Jenny.
“No it’s not,” answered Nickolas, “It’s the justification of that computer’s time. It IS in very big demand.
“We’ll need something like a thesis or paper to get the board to even consider it.”
“I see,” said Jenny, “Euchred.”
Nickolas laughed again and said, “What about it Harry, another, paper?”
“The problem is, professor,” answered Harry (it was still hard for Harry to call his mentor by his given name), “A paper on this level would divulge Joe’s IP. I don’t think it’s fair to do that to Joe.”
“I see,” said Nickolas, “We need a different tack.
“How many of these, ‘implementations’, are you going to do?”
“One,” said Harry, “unless we find more dimensions but that will just be refining the process.”
“Why Nickolas?” asked Jenny, “What do you have in that ingenious mind if yours?”
“Ingenious?” asked Nickolas with apparent humility.
“Well… I apologise if I’ve offended you,” said Jenny with a smile, “What do you have in that brilliant mind?”
“I’m afraid ‘brilliant’ should be attributed to Harry,” laughed Nickolas, “I’m just a mentor and I help prise that brilliance out if my students.”
“Doesn’t the ANU form companies?” considered Jenny.
“Yes,” answered Nickolas.
“A company that might just apply practical solutions using multidimensional topology?” asked Jenny.
“Yes,” said Nickolas who was impressed with how quickly Jenny picked up on the situation, “As long as the company brings in money or breaks even, the board would be open to that.”
“I image that a cutting edge company doing that sort of work would be highly regarded within academia,” suggested Jenny, “And, having a small company, possibly in this city, would be a good place to start.”
“That’s right,” said Nickolas, “That company could call on experts, present company included, to form a crack team to do such implementations.”
“Who?” asked Joe.
“Well… um…” hesitated Nickolas, “Harry is the obvious expert in this field. There’s no one in the world who knows about these things more than Harry.”
“I can’t run a company,” said Harry.
“You don’t have to,” assured Nickolas, “The ANU would run the company and that company would call upon your expertise to analyse the topology.”
“For whom?” asked Harry.
“For any company that wants to use your thesis ideas,” answered Nickolas.
“But I…” hesitated Harry, “I only want to do it for Joe.”
“It’s alright Harry,” said Joe, “No one’s going to force you to do work for that company.”
“No of course not,” said Jenny looking at Nickolas, “You will NOT make anyone do anything that they don’t want to do. Is that clear?”
Nickolas bowed his head and said, “Of course not. As you wish.”
Maggie was astounded. Jenny just dominated Nickolas and he complied, ‘does she know that she’s doing it?’ she thought.
“Let’s think this through,” said Jenny, “The ANU forms a company. Harry and Maggie help Joe’s company do its automation business, using Harry’s knowledge and the ANU supercomputer. If, and I stress, if, other organisations want to use the company for their purpose, then it MAY call upon Harry and others to help. Harry, of course, has the option to not help.”
“Harry will be pressured by the ANU to help,” interrupted Joe, “No. I’ll not have that.”
“But Joe,” said Harry, “We need the supercomputer to implement your automation.”
“Harry,” said Joe, “I’m not going to let then hassle you on my behalf.”
“That’s absolutely right,” said Jenny.
“Thank you,” said Harry, “You’re both very good friends.”
“There’s the possibility that no other organisation will think of, or want to use Harry’s process,” suggested Nickolas.
“We’ll not let Harry be hassled,” said Jenny very firmly.
“Of course,” said Nickolas, “A company for a one off solution is not likely.”
‘There it is again!’ thought Maggie, ‘He likes being dominated.’
“The ANU has patents doesn’t it?” asked Jenny.
“Yes,” answered Nickolas.
“And Harry’s method is the first of its kind, isn’t it?” asked Jenny.
“Yes,” answered Nickolas, “Harry’s the only person in the world who knows how to do this.”
“But others can learn, can’t they?” asked Jenny.
“Um… some really, really smart people could learn I suppose,” answered Nickolas.
“Then why don’t you propose that the ANU and Harry take out a patent on the process?” suggested Jenny, “That way, the ANU, as well as Harry, get paid a royalty if someone uses that process, such as Joe.”
“I… I guess so,” answered Nickolas and then more enthusiastically, “In fact that might work.
“The ANU would be happy to receive royalties for a patent. We could use Joe’s implementation to prove that the process works. A patent that’s proven to work is much more valuable, and more importantly, is likely to be approved cide escort by the board.
“Um… but we need to write a patent?”
“There must be millions of examples in the patent office. We’ll just use that as an example,” suggested Jenny.
“Yes, but, Harry is the only person who knows how it works,” said Nickolas, looking at Harry.
“I don’t know how to write a patent,” said Harry.
“It can’t be that hard,” said Jenny, “There are millions of them and many are written by morons.”
“But I, don’t know how to write a patent,” said Harry with obvious unease.
“Don’t worry Harry,” said Jenny, “We’ll help you. All you need to do is tell us about the topological process and we’ll do the rest.”
“Are you sure Jenny?” asked Harry.
“Of course Harry,” answered Jenny, “And I’m sure all of us here will help, won’t we?” Everyone agreed and Harry seemed more comfortable with the proposal.
‘Holy fuck!’ thought Maggie, ‘She’s dominating us all. Oh, she’s so good at this.’
“So that plan of action is agreed?” asked Jenny.
“I think it seems to be the best option at the moment,” answered Nickolas.
“I agree,” said Jenny, “There will be less demand on Harry; Joe will get his automation; the university, and Harry, will get royalties from the patent and you will get recognition for such a brilliant plan.”
“I feel that the patent option is the best for all and the one that the board is likely to accept,” confirmed Nickolas.
“Good. Then that’s settled,” said Jenny with a smile, “Now we can enjoy the evening.”
Their dinner arrived and it was enjoyed by all. Maggie kept watching Nickolas and noticed that he was always deferring to Jenny. It was subtle, but he deferred. She was dominating him and he loved it. Maggie wondered if she was imagining things.
After enjoying their dinner, they went outside into the cool night air. Jenny and Joe were convincing Harry that he could get a taxi home and Joe would pay for it. Maggie approached Nickolas who was looking at the stars.
“I guess there is more light pollution where you live?” asked Maggie.
“Yes,” answered Nickolas, “The view of the stars here is quite impressive.”
Maggie wondered if she should breach the subject of Jenny dominating Nickolas, and more importantly, if he enjoyed it. She said, “Jenny’s a lovely lady, isn’t she?”
“Yes,” answered Nickolas, wondering where this conversation was leading.
“She has a strong personality,” said Maggie.
“I suppose so,” replied Nickolas.
“She certainly dominated the discussion tonight,” said Maggie.
“Um… well… at first she did but then I feel that everyone contributed to the night’s jollity after the plan of attack was established,” replied Nickolas.
“Yes,” agreed Maggie, “but I’m sure that you enjoyed Jenny taking control.”
“Well,” answered Nickolas, “It was certainly pleasant to find a solution that suited everyone.”
“Oh yes,” said Maggie, “There’s that as well, but I think that you liked being dominated.”
Nickolas looked at Maggie. He took a furtive glance at Jenny and then looked sideways at Maggie. Was that fear she saw in his eyes? Afraid of being exposed? She still wasn’t sure but it wouldn’t hurt to pry a little further. She said, “I want to be just like her, but I’m new to that sort of thing.”
“What sort of thing?” asked Nickolas nervously.
“Dominating,” answered Maggie, “but I need someone to help me get started.”
“Um…” hesitated Nickolas, “What sort of help?”
“Someone who would be willing to be submissive, to me,” answered Maggie.
Nickolas looked around to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. Maggie turned slightly to look over her shoulder at Jenny and the others. As she did so, she brushed Nickolas’s crotch. She noticed that he had a semi erection and said, “I feel, that you are a bit excited about the idea.”
Nickolas gasped slightly. He was certainly excited about the idea but how did Maggie know that he was interested in being submissive. He said, “I’m inexperienced,” hoping that Maggie would take the initiative.
“I see,” said Maggie with a smile, “Then maybe we could help each other? It would be a first for both of us.”
Nickolas again, looked around to see if they were conversing in privacy. Maggie also looked over her shoulder and grabbed Nickolas’s crotch. She squeezed a handful of Nickolas’s genitals. She felt his penis harden as well as his testicles being squashed. She immediately released her grip. It only took a fraction of a second but she knew that he liked it.
Maggie didn’t squeeze Nickolas’s genitals for long enough for him to buckle because of the pain, but he did feel his semi erection get a little bit harder. She said, “Are you staying in the hotel tomorrow night? If so, maybe we could catch up and help each other.”
“I planned to go back home tomorrow,” answered Nickolas.
“Oh that’s a pity,” said Maggie with a look of disappointment, “Why don’t you stay another night and tomorrow you could have a tour of Joe’s factory where he builds the E-trips?”
“I…” hesitated Nickolas, “I… suppose I could do that.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” said Maggie with a wink, “I could come to your hotel room and we could help each other enjoy… a bit of… S… and… M?” Maggie raised her eyebrows when she emphasised the ‘S… and… M’.
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