Will pulled Cam to the ground and went to drag Henry into the store. He’d been hit in the shoulder area and wouldn’t be of any use at the moment. Will sent Steph and Vic to guard the back door. He looked up and determined there wasn’t a second floor or other access. Crawling towards the broken window, Cam trailing behind he called out,
“We ain’t here to cause trouble. We’ll leave peaceable.”
“Too late, yer trespassin'”, came the reply.
“Honest, we’re just picking up supplies. It looked empty.” Another shot hit the counter above their heads.
“We have you outnumbered. This is my town. We’re defending ourselves and you’re thieves.” Another shot scattered glass over them.
“We don’t want a fight. We’ll leave everything.” Cam looked wistfully at the guitar laying by his feet.
“Too late, you got a fight. My boys here could use some practice.” Will looked to the back of the store.
“Steph, you ok back there?”
“Yeah Will. What are we gonna do?”
“You two watch our backs. Cam and I got this.” Cam looked at Will, now even more scared. Will reached behind him and found his hand gun. He slid it across the floor to Cam.
“But I haven’t ever shot before.”
“That’s ok. I’m going to get in the corner over there. They don’t know how many of us there are and if they haven’t tried the back they ain’t too clever.” Shots were picking off various items on shelves. “See that on the side? Move it the other way. That’s the safety. Point it AWAY from us. When I give the signal, DON’T get up, just start shooting out the wondow every few seconds. Don’t matter if you hit anything. Got it?”
Cam looked at the kid, younger than him, and felt a sense that this would work out. He was just coming to terms with the idea that men were shooting at them, would kill them and now he was holding a gun. He nodded. Will quietly moved to the far corner of the shattered show window. He squeezed in behind a showcase. As he expected, he had a clear view of the street. He looked through his sight. With his hand he pointed at Cam. Cam raised his gun over the edge of the window, feeling sharp edges against his wrist. He pulled the trigger. The shock surprised him. He heard a man scream. Had he hit someone? A lucky shot? He fired again, and again. He looked over and watched Will carefully squeeze off shots. He heard men crying out. He shot twice more. Then Will changed his angle. He heard,
“Ah fuck. sumbitch got me. Alright alright, stop shooting. Motherfucker! We give up.” Will looked to the back and waved Steph and Vic out the back, sending them in a flanking move. He slowly rose keeping his rifle aimed at the street. When he heard Vic’s whistle Will carefully stepped through the broken display window. He counted three down likely dead. The leader looked like he was headed the same way. He was fading quickly. He looked up at Will through glazed eyes. “Who the fuck are you?”
Steph and Vic joined Will looking around and up as they moved along the street. Will also looked around. “There could be others coming in. We best get moving. Find a cart or something to move Henry.” He walked back to the store where Cam was helping Henry. He’d torn his tee shirt and was pressing it against the hole in Henry’s shoulder. He took off his belt to tie it around and hold it in place. When Will walked in Cam said,
“He looks ok, went straight through.” Will nodded,
“You take after your Dad, good job.” Cam looked up pleased at Will’s compliment. He helped get Henry up in a cart Vic had found and volunteered to push it along. Henry was happy to hold the guitar for Cam. Will decided, “Be safer if we go all night. It’s clear, we can follow a road. It would be safer and we need Doc Bill to see to Henry. OK?”
Everyone quickly agreed. They pushed off. After they were well clear of town they took turns with the cart, trudging along. Will walked some ways ahead listening for voices, looking deep into the night, following the stars. It was well into early morning when the saw signs of the camp. They were stopped by surprised guards. One ran back for the Doctor. Minutes later Bill and Tom came running up, various others who heard the commotion following behind. Both were asking,
“What happened?” They all looked to Will.
“We were ambushed. Henry took one through the shoulder. Cam fixed him up.” Bill looked at his son, proud but concerned that he’d been in a shootout. He looked around,
“A couple of you big guys, get him to my tent, I’ll look him over.” Then looking at Cam, “You ok son? Are you hurt?”
“No. Dad. They started shooting for no reason. Hit Henry before we know what was happening.”
Tom asked, “How did you get out, with Henry?” Will said simply,
“Cam and I laid down some fire. Steph and Vic watched our backs.” They were walking back into camp, Bill wanted to hurry to look at Henry but he asked,
“Cam? You were in the shootout?” Cam nodded, the excitement of the day starting to wash over him,
“Will gave me his gun. I just shot out the window up in the air. A distraction. Will, he took care of them.”
Will shook his head, “He was cool under pressure. Couldn’t have done it without him.” Vic was following along confirming that Cam was a cool kid. More people were out now. Word was spreading. Kelly was by Will’s side asking her own questions. Several of the younger people had gathered around Cam. Ben was proudly saying,
“Will says Cam was a hero too.”
Will took a seat by the fire to give Tom a rundown of the events. Tom was concerned,
“Do you think that makes this spot unsafe?”
“I don’t know Tom. I get the feeling anywhere would be the same. We need to keep up patrols. That fella Cam, he’s a good one. Followed orders and no panic.” Tom grinned at Will,
“Another time and place and they’d make you an officer on the battlefield. Rest up, we’ll talk more tomorrow.” From somewhere off in camp they heard kids laughing and a guitar strumming. Will left the busy 3 am campfire to return to his tent. Kelly slid in alongside him,
“So, do you want your reward for being a daring brave young man today?”
“What do you mean? And I’m tired from the long day. Tomorrow?”
“Of course love. But don’t you hear all that noise? Cam is so getting laid tonight after everyone heard you call him, what was it, ‘cool under pressure’? Coming from you that’s like a national honor or medal or something.”
“I like him. Now I trust him. And I hope he has fun tonight. Now, I really must sleep.”
Will was sleeping late, for him, so Kelly went out to get some breakfast. A bit later Sharon came out to join her. Kelly noted,
“Isn’t your tent over that way?”
“Uh huh. I spent the night congratulating Vic on a job well done. He’s older, but we both needed that.” Kelly grinned at her friend.
“For a change you got some and I didn’t. Will crashed immediately.”
“Mowin’ down bad guys is hard work.”
“I wonder how Cam did?”
“Last I saw that blonde Dawson girl was checking his tonsils.”
“Cheryl will be devastated.”
“I think Cam may be too advanced for her. I still think Ben’s a good match.” Kelly was staring off watching various people come out to join the new day.
“You ever wonder if this will work?”
“What do you mean?”
“This, creating a new place. Or will we be fighting off strangers forever? What if our men don’t come back one day?”
“You sure do have a negative streak. Hey I hear some of the younger people are going down to the river, swimming today. You gonna go?”
“I doubt Will would want to. And we’re going to have meetings on security and planning. Responsibilities and such.”
“We’re lucky to have you serious people here.” They sat drinking coffee as the camp came alive. Kelly pointed in the distance,
“Isn’t that Cam sneaking back to his family tent?”
“Why I do believe it might be. Interesting.” A short while later they were joined by Melanie Dawson. She seemed about to burst with news. Sharon looked at her and decided not to tease. She already knew the news as she looked at the blue eyed girl, blonde hair disheveled, clothes hastily arranged. “Go ahead, but not too loud.”
In a conspiratorial whisper, Mel leaned in and told them, “I did it! Last night with Cam. He’s amazing. Strong and sure of himself.”
“It was amazing. He’s, oh, so amazing.” Kelly supressed a grin. Instead she fed the girl’s dream come true.
“Truly, Will said he was cool as can be. Most guys would have peed themselves with bullets flying.” Mel beamed. Kelly was trying to remember, probably 18. Jeez this camp will be teeming with babies soon. “I’m happy for you. Catching a good one is a thrill.”
“Oh! I don’t mean to compare. Your Will is really amazing. Cam was telling me how Will saved them all from sure death and all.” Kelly had a tear in her eye.
“Speaking of, I better go wake Mr. Hero.” As Kelly got up to leave, Sharon leaned towards Mel,
“More like, go fuck Mr. Hero.” Mel blushed and covered her face. “You did well. I was hoping to snag Cam myself. All’s fair and better for you.” Melanie rocked on her chair, happy with life.
Kelly found a groggy Will starting to wake up, “Get up sleepy head, there’s a meeting.”
“Oh, yes. I should have been up long ago.”
“You deserved a little more rest. No one would deny that to you.” Kelly noticed the tent in Will’s shorts. “And no one would deny a little reward for my hero.” Kelly lay on the ground next to Will. She began kissing her way up from his thigh, her hand snaking into his shorts finding his morning wood. When she squeezed his cock, Will lay back and smiled,
“If you insist.”
“I insist.” Kelly pulled his shorts down and looked at the now familiar sight, straight firm, rounded head. She put her teeth on the head turning it into a smile for Will, then let his head and a couple inches into her mouth. Will moved his hips at the warm feeling taking him in, the hand caressing and rolling his balls, the wet warm lips moving up and down. He lifted his hips, she allowed a little more into her mouth. There was a certain depth to which Kelly was comfortable. Will didn’t mind. Whatever Kelly did, everything Kelly did felt perfect to him. Her mouth was soothing and exciting, he felt himself reacting. Tingling, feelings moving through his body, his muscles tensing and relaxing, all beginning to focus, everything moving to one spot, his balls contracting, letting out a breath, and…. blessed release, cum flowing from his throbbing cock. Kelly swallowing, letting him cum, in volume, then less and finally a few tiny spurts. She sucked at his sensitive head, not a drop lost. She kissed the tip, then sat up, beaming at her lover, her husband. “Good morning Love.”
“I promise, one day soon we’ll spend a full day together, just us, in bed.”
“Then let’s settle on a town site, build a home and make a bed. Then I will have you all day.”
“That’s a plan I support.”
When they were properly dressed they joined the other members of the leadership group. Tom called the meeting to order.
“OK, the first bit of business. Our group at large by acclamation would like to declare our appreciation to William Stevenson for valor and…”
“I decline.”
“Decline? I’m not sure you can. We’re honoring you.”
“I decline, unless the, whatever it is, includes Vic, Steph, Henry and Cam. If they didn’t all do their part, I couldn’t do mine. All or nothing.”
Tom looked at the others. No one offered any resistance. “OK then, the proclamation will include everyone who acted bravely under fire.”
“Accepted with thanks.”
They moved on to larger topics. Pros and cons of the present site. Will’s opinion was that no place can be completely safe, so if this location was good for farming and water and trees for building, it was as good as any other. Others expressed concern that continued wandering would cause some to break off. Hal said,
“People are tired. They want to settle and begin some semblence of a normal life. Raise families, start families.” Kelly looked over to the doctor. She would speak to him later. They all nodded. A vote was taken with no nay votes. Tom again,
“OK, it’s determined that we will present the opinion that this will be our permanent location to a meeting of the full group. Do we have any suggestions for a town name? We can always ask for ideas from the group, but some options may help. They all promised to think through the day. “We will discuss committees with the full group. Looking for people with building and planning experience. Safety committees”, Here he looked at Will, “and others for setting up a town.”
Kelly offered, “I think we should recommend that for the first six months Tom will be Mayor, Will as sheriff, Bill medical of course, and I will work with a few people I’ve run into to set up a school. That gets us going, then we see who emerges.” There was nodding all around.
Tom, “Honestly, I’m not sure I qualify for the position.” Kelly countered,
“Oh come on Tom, you’ve shown leadership ability. People trust you. We need continuity to get started. Even if you spend your six months identifying your replacement, it’ll give us a chance.” He nodded in acceptance. As the meeting was breaking up Kelly announced, “And now I understand that the young folk have planned a bit of a celebration day themselves, down at the river. I think I still qualify as a young person, so I’m heading down there. I imagine there will be things going on that some parents may not want to know about. Which reminds me, Doc, got a moment?”
Kelly walked off with Bill,
“How can I help you Kelly?”
“It’s practicality. I’m sure you’ve observed what we have here. A growing number of young people, just meeting, getting to know each other.”
“I see what you’re getting at.”
“I think we need to do a couple of things. For one, birth control. And, um, that includes your boys, expecially Cam.”
“I’m a Dad, but also a family practitioner. He went out with condoms last night.”
“Good. I imagine it’s kind of awkward.”
“I understand people. Even my sons. You think Ben too?”
“Oh sure. He’s no younger than my husband.” Bill nodded. Tipobet “We’ll still need to prepare for child birth out here. You’ll need assistants. And I want to ask you about something, personal.”
“Of course.” Bill had to remind himself that this formidable young lady was still short of 20 herself. They talked, then Kelly went to find Will. She found him wandering north of town, not really on patrol, but taking in the surrounding area. Kelly asked what he was up to.
“I’m thinking, if we take wood from that tree line first it would give us an open field all around the town. Easier to watch.”
“Will, I love you, but you really need to relax sometimes. I’m going down to the swimming hole by the river. Why don’t you come with me, be a kid for a change. And lots of cute girls to look at. Look!”
“You go on ahead. I’ll get there in a bit. Have fun.” Kelly shook her head. He was 17, almost 18 now but going on 40. Kelly turned and worked her way down a path to what they called the swimming hole. A place where the river had cut out a section creating a pool of water perfect for swimming and play. Kelly found Sharon sitting on a rock watching over the area.
“Why aren’t you down there?”
“Well Kel, it seems I’m an old lady now. So I have guard duty of a sort. Keep out kids who are too young and older pervs. You going down?”
“I was thinking I would. How’s it going?”
“So far ok. I imagine some couples will be slipping off and some shirts and shorts might too.”
“You regulating that too?”
“Noooo, above my pay grade. I told the parents where my responsibility stops. It’s like college spring break down there. Bring on the wet tee shirt contest.”
“Will had volunteered to judge.”
“Hah. Where is tall, strong and fearless?”
“Up on the north side, making us safe for democracy or something. I told him to come down and check out some tits.”
“Doesn’t he get enough with you, you got a nice pair?” Kelly shook her chest.
“Sure does, but he deserves to see some more.”
“I’ll give him a show.”
“Except it wouldn’t stop there. No deal.”
“Bummer.” Kelly nudged Sharon and pointed. Sure enough there was now some more skin on display than some of the older folk may have approved of. As it started getting closer to a full-fledged skinny dipping party Kelly said,
“I think I’m going down, you?” Sharon considered. Then,
“Fuck it. Some of these kids need to see some big ol’ tits. They walked down towards the river. As they got to the edge some of the swimmers dropped their bodies below the water line. “Hey we’re not your moms.” Kelly pulled her shirt over her head, enjoying the warm spring sun on her breasts.
“How’s the water?” One of the guys, probably her age boldy answered,
“It’s great, but no pants either.” Kelly slid down her shorts and stood at the edge,
“Never seen one before Kev?” The others laughed. Kelly dove in followed by Sharon. They swam and floated, unconcerned that the 15 or so other kids could see their bodies. Looking around Kelly had to admit that it wasn’t a bad looking crowd. To Sharon she said,
“Hotter group than at school.”
“Definitely a few that are fuckable.”
“Careful, some jailbait.”
“We have a jail?”
“Good point.”
It was a perfect afternoon. Young people enjoying some freedom, some security, the feeling of being young and carefree, if only for a few hours. Sharon admitted,
“Much more innocent than Woodstock.” Kelly nodded. They eventually swam to shore, standing to dry off in the sun then almost reluctantly dressing. On the way up the hill they passed a couple of older women. One complained,
“Fine examples you are. Letting them all lay around naked.” Sharon looked at her, shook her head.
“Something wrong with a little fun? It’s tough enough every other day.”
That night at the general meeting there was slightly less than unanimous approval for all decisions. Tom asked any dissenters to express their opinions.
“We don’t claim to have all the answers.” The woman from the swimming hole rose to speak. “The committee recognizes, Maggie Weems.”
“I don’t know how we can put some of these people in positions of authority. Why just this afternoon I saw that Kelly frolicking naked in the river with a bunch of our children.” Tom looked at Kelly who rose to answer.
“Yes I was swimming. Yes I was naked. As were most of the others there.” There were murmurs from the crowd. “It was all innocent. There were no children. I’m 19 myself.” Her straight forward answer seemed to satisfy most. Mrs. Weems, was not finished,
“Did that man you live with know about this?” Kelly was now trying to control her anger. Will sat impassive.
“That man”, pointing at Will, “is my husband. And yes I told him I’d be joining the swimming group.”
“You husband? Legally?” Will started to get up, Tom put a hand on his leg. Tom responded,
“Recorded and witnessed by me personally and several others. As legal as anything else we do.” Maggie sat down somewhat satisfied that she’d made her point. Another hand went up. Tom again, “The committee recognizes Peter Jenkins.”
“It seems to me the committee and proposed town board are dominated by just a few families. You’ve got that young lady Maggie talked about, then there’s her, um, husband. He’s just a kid and he’s walking around with a rifle all the time. I hear tell he’s already killed a good number of men. Do we want a confirmed killer among us?” Will looked at Tom and shrugged. Then he got up,
“Mr. Jemkins, I’d be more than happy to go out into those hills on my own. My wife desires the company of all you folk.” Tom jumped up,
“Hold on here. There are at least a dozen of us here still walking the earth because of Will’s calm and skill. I know not everyone likes having guns around, but these aren’t regular times.” Henry Wilson raised his hand that wasn’t in a sling. Tom pointed to him,
“We were just walking around that empty town and looking in the pawn shop for supplies, like all of us done dozens of times since…and some sumbitch shot me through my shoulder. Shot out the window and could have killed any of us.” Vic let out a quick,
“Yep, all true.”
“It takes the right person to respond the right way. Some gang comes through here you’ll be happy he’s got your back.” Henry made a point of pointing towards Will with his injured arm.
Tom tried getting things back on track. “Our proposal is to have this group serve as town board for six months, then we will hold elections.There will be plenty of leadership positions on committees. We’re not forcing anyone to stay. If the vote of the whole group is to start here then that’s what we’ll do.”
They moved on to other issues. Questions on land ownership, building rights, schools, on into the night. They discussed several suggestions for the town name. New Eden was the choice.
Will leaned to Kelly, “Ain’t that kinda biblical?”
“Yes, but it gives comfort to some.”
Someone asked about a church. Tom anwered, “We haven’t come across a preacher yet. If anyone wants to lead Sunday prayers, that would be perfectly ok.”
Mrs. Weems added, “Might bring some morality before we become New Gomorrah.” Kelly saw Sharon cover a smile.
With everything settled. The group broke up. If nothing else they could now look forward to a future sleeping in something more secure than a tent. There was much excited chatter, some muttering of complaints, but general good cheer. When they had settled into their tent Kelly asked Will,
“Do you think I was wrong today?” He thought a moment.
“Not really.”
“You don’t mind me being nude with all those other kids?”
“It’s natural. Too many rules and all got us to this place. Ain’t no harm in kids, what was that word she used, frolikin’?”
“Yep. Just means fooling around, having fun. She was making it seem like we were all having sex and stuff. This wasn’t like Woodstock.”
“Then no harm done.”
“Why didn’t you come down.”
“I got to wandering and I picked up some trails. Could be from people here going up in the hills, but you never know. Didn’t see anyone.”
“Want to get naked now?”
“And frolick?”
“Mmm.” Kelly didn’t have to ask twice. She got in Will’s favorite position, sitting herself on his cock and dangling her tits over him as she rotated her hips. Just when Will was timing her right and catching a nipple between his lips she’d start bouncing on him, her ass cheeks shaking, her tits wiggling and teasing him. Then he’d wrap his arm around her and pull her close sucking a nipple well into his mouth holding her in place as his bucked his hips driving up into Kelly. When his forceful thrusts got her worked up enough she ground her clit onto him and sent herself into her special place, shaking her head and feeling her tits in Will’s strong hands, pinching her nipples and setting off rockets in her head. And on special nights like tonight she was rewarded with the feeling of Will tensing and sending his cum up into her as she came along with him. She fell onto him, pleased and tired and having only one more question.
“Will, do you want to have children?” He tilted his head to the side to see her face. To be sure she was serious.
“You think I’m old enough to be someone’s father?”
“New times.”
“You don’t want to be young and carefree?”
“We have many cares out here. The kids around here act like I’m “mom” already. I’m serious.”
“I thought you couldn’t for awhile.”
“I talked to Doctor Bill. He said removing it from my arm is no big deal.”
“You really want to have a baby? With me?”
“Of course with you, silly man.”
“Will it be safe?”
“Not AS safe as before, but I trust the Doctor and it doesn’t have to be right away and by then everything will be more organized.”
“Me, a father.”
“You’ll be a great Dad.” Will kissed Kelly then held her by his side. So much to consider. Her leg was across him, his flaccid cock trapped beneath her soft skin as they drifted off to sleep.
Work began on laying out the town. A main street for the essentials, then smaller streets stretching out in a grid to accomodate house lots. The plan was to get simple homes up for everyone by winter. Lots were drawn for order. The board volunteered to go last figuring they could sleep in the town hall. It was a busy time in New Eden. Teams had gone out and found random horses that had somehow been shielded from the effects of the attack. This allowed men to travel further afield in a search for livestock. The wagon was used to bring in gas generators. Carl’s team was working on repairing the fried electronics. They thought they could have something going by autumn. New travellers continued wandering in. No one had any idea how many survivors there were. There were also the random gangs that the towns security force were able to scare off. The town, with it’s many young people was a tempting target, but there was strength in numbers.
Still, anything was possible.
It was the second week of June when Ben came stumbling into town. He’d been savagely beaten. He was barely understood as he tried through tears to explain. His first sentence got people scrambling. “Th-they got Cheryl. I tried to stop them, be brave like Cam but there was 3, or maybe 4 and they hit me and kicked me and they took Cheryl.”
His father came running up. “Get him in my tent, I’ll see to his injuries.” Hal had joined them,
“They got my Cheryl? Who? Where were you?”
“North of town, in the woods. We weren’t doing anything, honest. Maybe kissing?”
Will had joined them, he sent Vic to get Steph. Hal said he was going. Will put up his hand,
“You’ll slow me down. I want Tom, Vic, Steph and Cam.” Bill looked up,
“He’s done good with his target practice. I trust him.”
I could come if someone gets hurt, or…”
“No, you’re too valuable to risk. There are a lot of people here.” A distraught Hal said,
“Find my girl, please.” Will looked at him. Nodded.
Unfortunately the horses were not available, not that Will was particularly good on a horse. He preferred to track on foot anyway. His team was gathered and heading north within minutes. Kelly was rounding up everyone she could find to man their outer defenses, just in case. As she was walking through the tents she saw Peter Jenkins. She almost walked by, then stopped,
“This is why we have men like my husband.” He turned away and went into his tent.
Ben had given them all the info he had. Which path they’d taken, what they were doing. Mostly pleas to Hal that they weren’t doing anything.
“Honest sir, I kept my hands to myself, just kissing.” He would look from Hal to his father who nodded. Hal assured him,
“It’s ok Ben, Cheryl is old enough to know her mind. You’re a good kid. Looks like you gave them a hell of a fight.” Ben was near tears again.
“I tried.” He was more sure there were four. An older man grabbed Cheryl and two of them beat him. He remembered three at first because the one kind of held back until they yelled at him. “He wasn’t no more than my age.”
Will took the team on the indicated route, then remembering signs he’d seen previously he led them up along the ridges. He moved fast and expected the rest would keep up. After two hours he let everyone catch up, “I think they’re still moving. That can be good.”
Tom nodded in understanding. “So we just need to move faster then them.” Over the next hour Will was well out in front. Like a bloodhound catching a scent he pushed through undergrowth, noting broken limbs and disturbed pine straw. He stopped when he heard voices. Peering over a downed tree trunk he spotted three men and a young woman who was attempting to scream through a cloth tied across her mouth. She was thrashing and and trying to fight them off as the older man, Will guessed in his 50s, pulled at her clothes.
“Ain’t had young pussy like this since yer momma a long time ago. I’m going then you’re next Sammy. Lose yer cherry finally. You can go third if ya want Mark, unless Lucas comes back and claims oldest son rights. Ya hear. Tipobet Giriş Now hold her down whiles I get my cock out.” Will could hear Cheryl crying and shaking her head. She let out a loud moan of grief when she saw the old man’s cock waving at her. “It’s a bigun girlie. Make taking Sammy’s little pecker easier. I’ve a mind to remove that gag and let you really show how much you’re likin’ Chet Parker’s cock. Nice titties you got, you a virgin?” He pulled down the gag, Cheryl gasped for air,
“Y-yes, I am, please please don’t, oh my god, ooooh noo.” Lucas was pinning her arms, Sammy watched. Chet groped at her breasts. Will tried to get an angle. The old man was hovering over Cheryl, he couldn’t risk the shot. His team hadn’t caught up, but if he was to save her from Chet’s cock he had to move. Ben had said three, then four. He looked around. Fuck it, he had to move, Chet was pressing himself onto Cheryl. “Pllleeeeeeease noooo.” Will stepped over the log and into the clearing.
“Get off her. I’ll put a bullet through your head.” Sammy and Mark looked up. They were close enough that Will had all three covered.
Chet complained, “Oh for fucks sake, can’t a man get some pussy without interference?” Will heard a click from his right.
“Hold it there boy. You may shoot at someone, I will blow a hole through your skull from here.” The fourth, Lucas. Will had failed.
“Oh thank heavens someone in this family has been paying attention. Lucas, keep him covered. I may want to ask our guest some questions, then he will go fifth, haha. Now, everyone, hold her in place while I fuck this little bitch. Oh jeez this cunt is tight.” Those were Chet Parker’s last words. From off to the right there was a single shot that sent him flying from atop Cheryl. She screamed and tried to cover her naked body. Will dropped to the ground as a second shot from behind took Lucas. Ahead of him he saw Vic step from the woods covering Sammy and Mark. Will retrieved his rifle. He turned to see Steph coming up behind. Tom further back catching his breath.
“Where’s Cam?” From off to the right, Cam stepped into the clearing holding his gun out. He asked,
“Is…he dead?” Tom went around to check. He nodded. Cheryl sat on the ground trying to cover herself. Will took charge,
“You, Sammy is it?” The kid nodded. How old are you?
“17 sir.” Will looked him up and down.
“OK strip.”
“You gonna kill me?”
“I’ve a mind to. Give your clothes to the girl. You can leave on yer underpants.”
“Ain’t got no underpants.”
“Then you’ll be naked.” Tom was standing by Will now.
“Will, we can’t just kill these two. The other’s were justified. He was trying to rape Cheryl and the other had a gun on you. These two…”
“Were helping.”
“I say we bring them back and show everyone we can do justice.”
“Suppose yer right.” The men turned as Cheryl dressed as best she could, holding the pants up.
“You ready Cheryl?” Tom now in control.
“Y-yes. It was horrible. He smelled and his..thing.. was fat and pushing in and..” Tom thought a moment, then walked over to talk quietly to Cheryl.
“He didn’t get all the way in did he?” That was Tom’s guess by what he saw.
“No. He was having trouble, cause..” Tom put an arm around her shoulder. She flinched at first then leaned against him.
“Then you’re still a virgin. No one will say different.”
“Who, shot him off me?”
“I believe it was Cam.”
“Really?” Steph and Vic tied up Mark. They let Sammy walk along muttering,
“My cock ain’t so small.”
Will decided, “Leave these two for the animals. We need to get back. If you want to bury your kin you can come back tomorrow with a guard and dig the holes yerself.”
They began the long walk back to town. People had finally started referring to it as ‘the town’ rather than ‘the camp’. It was feeling like home. When they came within view the cry went out, people came running. The girls giggled and pointed at naked Sammy, Doc Bill came running to take charge of Cheryl. Hal and Pauline, hurried to see their daughter. Cheryl assured them she was ok. “They got there just in time. He was going to, but he didn’t get a chance.” Hal turned and shook Will by the shoulders.
“You did it, again!”
“No sir, I found them, but I messed up. Was one more who got the drop on me.”
“Then who?”
“Well it was all the men done a good job, but Cam there, he saved Cheryl.” Cam stood to the side, Melanie Dawson holding his arm and looking at him with a mix of adoration and lust. Cam sensed that they wanted to hear from him.
“We, we spread out, semi-circle like Will showed us and I happened to be in that spot. Any if us would have done it.”
Hal walked over and shook the young man’s hand. “But you did it and I can’t thank you enough. Pauline and I and Cheryl, we’re in your debt.”
“No sir, I was just doing my job, protecting ours.” He looked at Will who nodded. It was his motto that he passed on to the men who worked security. “Um, how’s Ben?”
His father looked at him with pride, and caution. “Ben’s fine, all patched up. So you shot a man?”
“Yes Dad. I had to he was trying to…”
“I understand. Good work son. Now let me go tend to the young lady.”
When Bill had determined that Cheryl had no serious injuries, he asked if she wanted him to check her further. She looked at him and shook her head. “He never got inside, just pushing, trying. Tom says I’m still a virgin.”
“Yes, that would be the case. Still, I could have one of the women I’ve been training in nursing take a look at you. You could have abrasions or other injuries we should treat.” Cheryl nodded and Ben asked the woman assisting him to check Cheryl. When she had been cleared she asked Bill,
“Can I see Ben?”
“You want to see him? He told me and everyone that you were only kissing a little.” Cheryl smiled shyly.
“He was a gentleman. Maybe too much of a gentleman. But I feel so bad that he was beaten up because of me.”
“He should be resting in our cabin. I gave him something to help sleep. He’s ok. May I say one thing?”
“Yes Doctor?”
“As a father, I think you’re a cute couple.” Cheryl smiled.
“Thank you.”
Kelly walked with Will out past the end of town. They found themselves on the rock overlooking the swimming hole. It was empty, everyone was in town in the late afternoon listening to stories of Cheryl’s rescue. Will was feeling particularly down. Kelly tried,
“You led a team, the mission was successful.”
“I done fucked up.”
“You’re not perfect. No one is. You had to make a snap decision.”
“I should have taken out the 4th person first.”
“Then Cheryl would have been raped and scarred for life.”
“That’s why I stepped in. Stalling for time. Still.”
“Still, your trained team did what you’d worked on. And it all worked out.”
“I could have been killed.”
“I’ve never heard you voice than concern.”
“I was never planning on being a father before.”
“Ahh. It’ll always be dangerous out here. Each day is a chance. Can I do something to lift your spirits?”
“I’m going to take off my shirt. And my shorts. And I’m going to walk down this hill naked and get into that water. You may join me if you like.” Will sat and watched as his love took off her shirt, jiggled her breasts at him. He never would get tired of her jiggly breasts. Then Kelly pushed down her shorts and underwear, standing in the late afternoon sun. She turned to show him her ass and made a show of walking seductively to the water. She dove in and as she came up out of the water she was pleased to see her man casually walking down the hill, his cock beginning to bob before him. Will too dove in and when he came back to the surface he picked up Kelly, she wrapped her legs around him and laughed as Will made noises with his mouth on her breasts. They frolicked and then did more than frolic. Kelly felt something hard poking at her and reached down to aid in finding its target. She gasped as she felt Will sink into her. She kept her legs around him, her arms around his neck as he held her by her ass and bounced her on his rod. Her tempting tits bouncing at the perfect position for his mouth. Will moved about, Kelly bouyant in the water. He came with a rush and let her down to stand.
“Let’s get to shore so all this pond water can run out of my whoo-haa.” Will lifted Kelly and carried her on his shoulders, then settled on the grass next to him. They lay back to let the warm sun dry them. Kelly lay at an angle her head on Will’s chest. His hand was tickling her leg where the thigh met her privates. He let his fingers tiptoe through the hair she now kept cut tight. Kelly sighed,
“You know, I’ll get fat?”
“I’ve seen pregnant women before.”
“Not naked ones.”
“True. More to kiss. Do we have to stop sex?” Kelly tilted her head,
“If there are no problems, not for a good long time. You know, my tits will get bigger?”
“OK, that settles it, let’s start.”
“Careful what you ask for. Instead of these nice young titties sticking up here, I might have big ol’ saggy funbags.”
“Fun bags, ha. Never heard that.” Will lay there imagining Kelly with a big belly and giant tits. Then he turned to her, “We have company.” A short whistle.
“You don’t seem concerned.”
“The signal. One of ours.” Moments later Cam’s voice,
“There they are. Mind if we join you?” It was Cam and Mel. She said in a loud whisper,
“They’re naked, should we leave?”
“Nah, let’s get naked too. It’s a beautiful day and you’re my beautiful girl.” Kelly looked up at Cam who was clearly checking out her parts.
“You can join us but we can’t be the only naked ones.” Cam quickly started removing his clothes. He was naked before Melanie had her shirt off. Kelly noted that he had a very nice body, slim and fit. She also saw why Mel was glowing to her and Sharon after her first time. Melanie gave in to the inevitable and bared herself to everyone. She sat quickly and cuddled close to Cam. Will hadn’t made a move, but Kelly caught him sneaking a peak. Will’s wasn’t moving, but then they’d just finished. Cam’s was betraying his observing of the available female flesh. He gave into need and began kissing Melanie, his cock sticking straight up and his hands wandered her body.
Mel reminded him, “Cam, we’re not alone.” Kelly assured her,
“Pretend we’re not here. Will and I just finished doing it in the lake. It’s ok.” Encouraged, Cam was now holding Mel’s breast bringing it to his mouth. Her hand tentatively wrapped around his cock. She seemed reluctant to do much more.
“Mel you heard Kelly, like no one’s here. I need you.”
“I can’t while someone is watching.” Kelly nudged Will.
“I think we should go. They need privacy.” Glancing over Will saw what was happening. Without thinking anything of it, he stood giving Mel a perfect view of his cock hanging limply. She quickly lowered her eyes and began moving her hand on Cam. Kelly and Will grabbed their clothes and said goodbye. When they got a short ways off they dressed and Kelly listened,
“I’d say they didn’t wait long.” That night Kelly happened to see Mel on the street. She raised he eyebrows and gave her a thumbs up. Mel smiled and returned the gesture.
Two days later the community gathered to decide on the fate of Mark and Sammy Parker. Some were calling for execution, others for banishment. Cheryl bravely sat before the town and explained what had happened. Ben then gave what information he knew. Will and the others team members also testified. Tom, serving as mayor and judge for the moment summarized for the town.
“Rape is as serious as murder. We can’t have that. For these crimes, in these times, execution is a reasonable penalty. We don’t have prisons or a penal system. On the other hand we may take into consideration their ages. Samuel is 17, Mark is 19. Certainly old enough to pay the ultimate penalty for their crimes. However young enough to have been under the influence of their father and older brother who died while committing their crimes. Does anyone have anything else to add?”
Mark raised his hand. “May I speak, on our behalf?” Tom looked around and seeing no one wanting to stop him, granted Mark the floor.
“People of New Eden. What we did with my family to that girl and the boy, was wrong and there’s no excuse or defense. I am ready to accept any penalty, even death. But please, I beg, spare my brother Sammy. He’s the last of us. He’s a kind-hearted boy and didn’t want no part of any of it. My Pa was mean to him because he wasn’t as hard as Lucas, or even me, though I weren’t much like them. Please, I beg mercy for my brother.”
Tom stood up. “Well spoken. We will take your words into consideration.” Anyone else? Cheryl raised her hand. Tom looked over surprised. He’d thought she had gone above and beyond standing in front of everyone recalling her ordeal. “Go ahead Cheryl. Your words carry the most weight here.”
Cheryl looked at her parents. Hal almost in shock, Pauline in tears throughout. “I would also like to ask mercy for Samuel. He didn’t hurt me or Ben.” She looked over at Ben who nodded. “He seemed as frightened as me almost.” There was a bit of applause from the crowd for her brave, generous words. Tom rose again,
“Thank you very much Cheryl. If there’s no one else, and seeing as how we don’t have an official court of law we will convene a committee of the town board and seven additional citizens to discuss their fate. We would also like to ask Cheryl and Ben to be available for questions if they are up to it.”
The chosen group retired to the town hall where they debated the fates of the young men. When they returned Tom announced,
“We have reached a decision that we feel with be satisfactory to most of the community. First Mark Parker. For your crimes in participating in the abduction of one of our citizens and the beating of another, we find you guilty.” There was a collective gasp. Would they be witnessing their first execution? “In light of your actions, but with the information provided by Cheryl and Ben we sentence you to one Tipobet Güncel Giriş year hard labor.” There was a general ‘OOOOOH’. For the period of one year you will work morning until night helping to build homes and other businesses. You will be locked in a secure room at night and provided three nourishing meals and medical care as needed. If at the end of one year you have proven yourself rehabilitated you will be given the option of leaving New Eden forever, or joining our community as a full member. Do you understand?”
Mark was sobbing, but nodded his head. “I understand. And thank you all. I will do my best to prove myself worthy. And Sammy?”
Tom continued, “Samuel Parker, known as Sammy. Given the testimony of those affected by your family’s actions and taking into account the plea from your brother, but more importantly the plea for clemency from Cheryl, we find you guilty”, there was a collected gasp. Tom raised his hand for silence. “However, the decision is for there to be no punishment. You are on parole for a period of one year. Behave, and at the end of the year you may leave with your brother or stay as a member of our community. You will be provided a place to live and will be enrolled in our school. We will ask within the community for a family who will take you in.” Sammy, seeming a bit bewildered by the whole thing and not understanding exactly what had happened said simply,
“Thank you sir. I’m sorry Cheryl. And Ben. I’ll be good. Promise. Um, uh, would it be ok if I stayed with my brother, for now?”
Tom looked around the board. Doctor Bill stood up and suggested, “I think that might be good for the boy for now. This is a lot.”
Tom smiled, “I think we’ll take that as an expert medical opinion. So be it. This court of the people of New Eden is now adjourned.”
There was general agreement that the situation was well handled. Will and Tom got with Hal. Will asked,
“There’s not going to be trouble from you over this? These two being in town and your girl?” Hal shook his head.
“No, I’ve talked to Cheryl. This was from her heart today. Those who did harm already got justice, we didn’t need these two lives weighing on our souls. You did well here.” Tom and Will were satisfied. They went along to see to a room for Mark and Sammy. The people of the town seemed happier that they showed mercy.
Spirits remained high through the summer. Building moved along. There were no more incidents of marauding groups and the electronics team had managed to get a battery operated radio working. Someone or other had monitored the radio for days on end carefully going up and down the dial until one day there was a faint broadcast. From somewhere in the midwest, reporting devastation throughout the center of the country and reports of a community gathering in West Virginia. Carl reported, “It’s something. There are others out there. If we can get a short wave working we could communicate. We’re learning all the time.”
Kelly and their closest friends celebrated Will’s birthday in early August. As expected he said he wanted no gifts and really there wasn’t much to share. Kelly had gone into an abandoned town and found some clothes for Will, and a couple of books she thought he would enjoy with her. Then after the party when they returned to their tent, Will had insisted they be the last to have a building and prefered not to share the town hall, Kelly asked him if he was ready for some silly fun.
“And what would that be?”
“Well, we’ve done about everything I could think of so a regular old fuck would be boring.”
“So what’s left? You said you didn’t want…”
“I still don’t. Nothing’s ever going up my ass again.”
“Well there’s one thing guys in college used to like. It’s stupid really and I already suck your cock but, I dunno, it’s a guy thing, so for you birthday I thought maybe for fun.”
“What?” Will was ready for fun if it meant some kind of sex fun with Kelly.
“OK, I’m going to suck and wank on your cock.”
“Uh huh?”
“And when you feel like you’re going to blow, you take it out and shoot your stuff all over my face and tits.”
“That was fun, in college?”
“For the guys. I thought it was kinda gross and would have just as well swallowed it.” Kelly always thought it interesting how Will had no concern about her previous life and her sexual activity. He shrugged it off as ‘before’.
“Maybe I’ll see the fun in it after. I’m up for anything.”
“OK, get your pants off and stand there.” When Will was all set and Kelly naked she knelt in front of him, “like I’m worshipping you.” She took his cock in her two hands and began stroking it. When she put his cock deep in her mouth she looked up at Will with adoring eyes. As she leaned back she let his cock slide along her tongue, then flicked the end of it. Sucking and twisting, licking and worshipping, on she went taking him deep then scratching his ass with her nails as she pulled him closer, almost to her gag point. Will looked down saw most of his cock hidden and touched Kelly’s head in appreciation. As she felt him begin to tremble slightly, felt his cock thickening she told him to put his hands on his hips. “I got this.” She leaned back, looked up, opened her mouth with tongue extended and began jerking Will for all she was worth. When he said, ‘oh’, she aimed his cock and took the first shot across her nose. The second she aimed lower and was rewarded with cum shooting and dripping on her tits. When there was just a bit oozing out she rubbed his cock across her face, sucked at the tip and licked cum off her lips. Will looked down at her.
“That felt great, you look silly, I guess it was kind of fun.”
“Do you feel dominant and powerful?”
“Not really. I feel like I have the best wife ever. Now can we clean you and get to some regular fucking?”
“Better yet”, Kelly suggested as she got down on all fours, wiggling her butt in the air, “doggie style. I wanna FEEL it birthday boy.” Will looked at her tits hanging, her butt teasing, her cum splattered face smiling, tongue out, licking at his mess. His cock quickly grew. His need quickly built, she was so fucking sexy and enticing. Will got behind Kelly and squeezed her ass, reached around and shook her tits in his hands, then lined up his cock, rubbed it on her wet slit, poked it into the slick opening and drove it home.
“Ah fuck, that’s it fuck me hard, fuck me like you mean it.” Will enjoyed how his cock easily slid straight in. Kelly wanted him as much as he wanted her. They made love often. They played and teased and caressed. That was all good on other days. Today his grateful wife was giving him her body for his pleasure. When Will was sure he had the angle right, when moving his hips let him slide all the way out, then straight and deep, he started going faster and faster, his ass clenching as his legs propelled him, Kelly could only let out short sharp sounds with each deep thrust. She let her head hang, letting the feel of his hard cock taking her again and again drive her forward, then she moved back to receive him again. She grimaced the few times he hit bottom, but took it for him. He now had stamina and need and want all together. On and on he went feeling her pussy clenching at him, formed to him, trying to hold him as he moved in and out. When he was ready he pushed deep, held her with his arm and jammed in working himself to the point of, ‘rrrrrrrrrnnnnnnghh’, releasing his cum in the deepest reaches, holding Kelly to satisfy himself. Then spent, he fell to the side, sweating, gasping, deep breaths. Smiling.
“Wow, Kel, thanks.”
“Mmm, I feel almost guilty saying that was a gift for you. I feel sooooo fucked, Love. I may be sore tomorrow, but definitely worth it.”
“Sorry if I hurt you.”
“Nothing bad. All’s fair in love and fucking.”
It was bound to happen. Later that week, there was the first announced pregnancy. It wasn’t someone Kelly knew well, but most people gathered to congratulate the couple, who also asked Mayor Tom to wed them. A week later, to Kelly’s surprise it was Sharon.
“Sharon, don’t you know how this works by now?”
“Maybe I got so used to being treated like mom by you kids.”
“So who’s the lucky guy?”
“Um, could be any of three?” Now Sharon was trying to act embarrassed.
“You slut!”
“Honestly I don’t care. It’s not like I want to marry any of them. Two have offered. I’m going to do this on my own.”
“And with all of us.” Sharon hugged her best friend.
“Of course. Oh and have you seen the glow on Cheryl?”
“Oh jeez, she is too?”
“Noooo, but I’m prettty sure she and Ben have gotten past, “Honestly only kissing.” Kelly laughed at Sharon’s imitation of Ben.
“Well I’m happy that all didn’t ruin it for her.”
“Cam taking him out before he could do the deed helped. Speaking of which how is Sammy doing?”
“He’s not much for school, he’s way behind for his age, but I see him out working with his brother and he seems to get along with others his age. I think he’ll be ok.”
“He seems like a nice kid. Guess he got lucky.”
“Very. Will says he would have started picking them off if the father wasn’t on Cheryl.” They turned to other topics. The general high spirits of the town, new people who had joined them and the prospect of having some electricity from generators. By September there was power. Limited and for specific uses only. They had also gotten a short wave to work and had been in contact with a village in Russia of all places. The two communities agreed on a peace pact between them, assuring each other that the past leaders had done enough damage. Efforts to raise people in the old US had limited success. There were people out there. Few and far between but they were gathering. Discussions with towns people who knew more of such things estimated that there might be millions across America. But that was taking a good sized city and spreading it across a continent. And from what they were hearing, the midwest, ‘where the nuke silos were’, per Tom, was a wasteland. The best chances apparently were mountainous regions and people who were randomly in the mountains like many in New Eden.
The other news of note was the arrival of a minister. The Reverand, as he was called, arrived bible in hand and a bedroll on his back. He claimed to have been walking the land looking for a place to settle. He met with the town leaders, explaining that he was what some might call a forward thinking man.
“We’ve all seen what the old ways brought us. There was a lot of sin, but also a lot called sin, that was only human nature. I would preach the word, but less of that fire and brimstone and more the love thy neighbor. He offered to present non-denominational services and work with those of different faiths to satisfy their needs. There was general approval and land was set aside for a church with a small cabin in back for the Reverand to live.
Will was having a conversation with one of the work crews. Normally he wasn’t involved in building questions, but this was of his personal interest.
“You understand this must be completed by the 26th?
“Yes Will. The team is due back Wednesday and everything will be ready.”
“And it will all be set-up?”
“Yep, no worries, this is special for you.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your good work.” Will went off to complete his usual rounds, thinking about Kelly’s birthday next week. He hoped that everything would be ready.”
On the 26th he woke Kelly, anxious to get the day started. “Oh love, don’t I get to sleep late on my birthday?” Will kissed her and tickled her and generally made it impossible to sleep. “Mmm, for my birthday, will the sexiest man I know make love to me?”
“I was thinking we could go down to the swimming hole. Get refreshed and enjoy this late summery weather. It’ll be too cold soon.”
“I could be convinced.” Will proceeded to convince Kelly, showering her with kisses, teasing and touching the spots that made her squirm and squeal. “OK OK I’m convinced. Let’s go.” They slipped out of their tent and were soon at the river, wading nude in the calm waters. As they had done previously Will held Kelly in the water and let her feel his cock slip into her, holding her in an embrace as they remained joined, spinning in the water. When Will had given Kelly his cum, they splashed and floated. As they made their way towards shore they were met by a small crowd being led down the hill by Sharon.
“I told you they’d be here.” And look, in her birthday suit!” Kelly was now waist deep, her bouncing breasts on display for her neighbors.
She cried, “Sharon! And oh my god the Reverand’s here too, ahh.” She meant to cover herself then realized she would need to get out sooner or later. The Reverand looked on,
“Remember, Eve was naked in the original Eden. It was only a sin when they noticed their naked bodies. Rejoice in your youth.”
Then as Will stood behind Kelly the group broke into “Happy Birthday”, then all applauded as Kelly and Will emerged from the water to dress. From there Will led them back into town and down the main street. They stopped in front of a small plain building. Will held out his arm,
“My present, and a present from the townfolk, to you. Please lead us inside.” Kelly looked around at everyone, then opened the door. She saw a short hallway with four rooms. The sign in the entrance said, “Welcome to the New Eden School”. As Kelly opened the doors she found fully stocked classrooms and in the back a library of books. Her tears of joy showed her appreciation. She said to Will,
“This is perfect. It’s so much more that I could have hoped for.” Will hugged his wife,
“You do deserve it. So do the children.”
“Ours too.” Will looked at Kelly, trying to determine if he understood correctly. “I was waiting to tell you on my birthday. Bill confirmed the other day with a test. He estimates mid-May.” Now the hugs intensified and the kisses ignored the watching crowd. Will turned to their friends,
“I’m going to be a father. And you’re all the people I’d want to share that news with. I guess I better get to building our place.”
Kelly whispered to Will, “It’s my birthday, let’s go back and have some private time.” The citizens of New Eden separated to allow Kelly and Will to pass through on the way to their tent.
Life finds a way to survive and prosper.
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