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Neighbors Ch. 25


I carefully put away the clothes I had washed and folded and began to gather the things I would need to clean my…I mean, Amber’s new car. I groaned as I realized my most prized possession – my BMW convertible – was now legally hers. And to make matters worse, I was tasked with the chore of keeping it spotless for her. It would be easy to do since I lived next door, but it meant washing and detailing it by hand probably at least once a week. I grimaced as I thought about it – knowing Amber it might be best to go over it even more often than that.

I shuffled into the living room with a bucket, some rags, and a container of soap. Amber and Sarah were engrossed in conversation on the couch. They both paused and looked up, and Sarah tried to hide a smile behind her hand. I glanced down and blushed. I had almost forgotten while busy with my chores, but I was naked except for a pair of panties that Claire had brought over Friday night – currently a lacy black bikini cut pair with white trim. And of course the chastity cage that was now a permanent fixture on my cock – well, at least for the next five or six months, I thought.

“Looking good, bank,” Amber said with a laugh. “About to go wash my car?”

It was a bit of a rhetorical question, I thought, standing there with a bucket and a bunch of rags.

“Yes Miss” I replied, shuffling my feet awkwardly. She always made me feel nervous for some reason, even on the rare occasions when she wasn’t able to find fault in my service. Her beautiful eyes regarded me calmly for another few seconds. Sarah was actively grinning now, not bothering to hide it as she looked me up and down.

“Dressed like that?” Amber finally said.

I started. Of course. Idiot. I couldn’t go outside dressed just in panties.

“Uh…no…I’m sorry…” Why was I apologizing? I looked around the room, trying to remember where I had left my clothes. I had been mostly naked all weekend and couldn’t remember exactly where they were.

“Looking for your clothes?” Amber continued, arching an eyebrow. I gulped. She was still wearing the sundress she had on when she went for a drive with the girls in her new car, and the way she was sitting with her legs curled up under her on the couch exposed her legs up to mid thigh. The top was cut low and revealing and I saw a hint of an expensive looking lacy bra underneath. It was exactly the same color as her dress. More evidence of her carefully curated wardrobe courtesy of Ms. Sutton, I thought and winced reflexively.

“Don’t worry about those silly things,” Amber said. “We took care of them for you.”

Sarah laughed and I swallowed at her choice of words.

“Uh…took…care of them?” I asked. I cursed myself immediately. I always talked like an idiot around Amber, and the fact that I was standing in front of her in these ridiculous panties didn’t help.

“Uh huh” Amber said, nodding.

“Don’t worry though – we kept the important part,” Sarah laughed, pulling her hand out from behind her and holding up my wallet.

I groaned at the sight of my personal trainer and mistress holding my wallet – I knew very well that the credit cards inside had terrifyingly high credit limits. Amber knew as well – to the dollar, I thought. Despite the fear that thought caused, I felt something else stirring – my pulse quickened and I felt my dick twitch slightly in its tight confinement. I didn’t know what was worse – the knowledge that they had control of my credit cards for hours or the realization that that fact somehow turned me on.

“We did a little light shopping this morning, bank.”

I turned to look at Amber.

“Yes Miss…uh…that’s fine…of course.”

She smiled slightly.

“Oh, so nice of you to give me permission to make a withdrawal from my own bank. Isn’t that nice of him Sarah?”

I screwed my eyes shut for a second. Fuck. That was a mistake. Amber was still calm – almost eerily calm – but I knew I had overstepped. As if she needed my permission to do anything.

Amber suddenly plucked the wallet from Sarah’s hand and gracefully got to her feet. She stalked towards me, her eyes never leaving mine. She stopped a mere six inches in front of me. Her breasts brushed against my naked chest.

“Uh oh…” Sarah breathed, taking in her friend’s posture.

“I’m…look…I didn’t mean…” I started to apologize, my words tumbling after each other faster than my brain could create a functional sentence. “I mean….”

My words were abruptly cut off. Amber raised my wallet and unceremoniously shoved it into my mouth. I made a few sounds of protest around the bitter tasting fake leather. Amber simply glared at me until I stopped trying to defend myself.

“That’s better. I swear to god you should just shut up most of the time. Your mouth just gets you into trouble.”

I swallowed and lowered my eyes. It was difficult to maintain eye contact with Amber when she was angry. Distantly, I heard Sarah try to contain a giggle.

“You embarrassed me in front of my friend, çiftlikköy escort little bank. You had to go and get a big attitude and run your mouth, and embarrass me in front of Sarah.”

I swallowed again, and made a slight groan of protest. I found myself staring down the front of her dress. Her breasts were heaving slightly with each breath and I felt my penis attempt to swell, despite the way she was dressing me down. Or maybe because of that. It was so hard to tell these days.

“If you have a problem with me taking your wallet…” Amber ignored how I was frantically nodding my head side to side in negation “…then we’ll just have to make it so I don’t have to take your wallet any more. Makes sense?”

I wasn’t sure what she meant, but I still stopped shaking my head and instead began nodding up and down with the same intensity. I was picturing her foot smashing into my balls again and again the other day – I was still sore from that punishment – and realizing that her knees were just inches away from my testicles.

Amber gazed into my eyes for another second before nodding herself.

“Good. I’m glad we’re in agreement. So sometime this week, whenever is convenient for me, I’m going to send you a text and we are going to meet at your bank.”

She paused and waited, looking at me expectantly. I realized she was waiting for confirmation, so I nodded quickly, still not sure where she was going.

“And we are going to add me to one of your credit cards.”

I froze.

“Oh…” I heard Sarah say quietly.

Amber was still looking at me expectantly. I didn’t know what to do. I had paid her so much over the last few weeks – including signing over my BMW. I didn’t know what else she needed or how far this could go…my thoughts were spiraling away from me. But at the same time I couldn’t look away from her beautiful features, and I inhaled her scent and found I was nearly quivering with excitement. My penis was aching deeply as it sought to erect in its prison.

Amber broke her intense gaze and glanced down at my panties, as if she could tell I was perversely excited even as I shivered in fear. At least, I was reasonably certain it was fear…

She looked back up, a slight smile on her lips that looked triumphant.

“I’d think about the next thing you do very carefully, little bank,” she said in a near whisper. “If it isn’t a nod yes…things could get quite…intense for you.”

I groaned involuntarily. With her name on one of my cards, she could get her own physical copy mailed to her. She could essentially drain my money from me whenever she felt like it – I wouldn’t have to be involved in any way. She wouldn’t have to request sends from Venmo or physically take cash from me any more – it would be completely on her terms at any time. And due to my strong financial standing, those credit limits were approaching six figures…

I thought I saw Amber shift her weight slightly – was she preparing to slam her knee into my crotch? I quickly decided there wasn’t any other option for me at this point, and nodded twice, quickly.

“Oh fuck…” Sarah said breathily from the couch.

Amber smiled broadly.

‘ “Good bank. I knew you’d see it my way.”

She patted me on the cheek.

“We’ll get me added to one of your cards, and that way I’ll have my own piece of plastic and won’t have to bother with taking yours any more.”

I nodded, feeling my heart pound.

“And I’m sure it goes without saying that it’s your job to keep the balance paid off on the card, correct?”

I nodded again automatically. I felt blood pounding in my ears, and winced as I felt the same painful pounding in my compressed penis.

“I mean, imagine my embarrassment if I go to buy something and I have to hear that I’ve hit the credit limit.”

“It IS so embarrassing when that happens” Sarah contributed, as she chuckled and shifted slightly on the couch.

“Exactly.” Amber nodded. She glanced down and I felt my cage twitch under her gaze. She looked up with an even bigger smile.

“Now, if I remove that wallet are you going to run your mouth and get yourself into trouble again?”

I shook my head.

Satisfied, Amber plucked the walled from my clenched teeth. I winced at the renewed acrid taste as saliva flooded my mouth. Amber practically skipped back to the couch and flung herself down next to her friend. I tried to calm my breathing and noticed Sarah had her phone out. There was also a small white bag on the couch next to her. Sarah showed Amber the screen and they both burst out laughing. Was she recording the whole thing? I panicked for a second before I realized she wasn’t holding her phone the right way to record a video – and Amber would have been blocking her view during that interaction anyways. I opened my mouth to ask what they were looking at and then immediately thought better of it.

Amber noticed me open my mouth and then snap it shut and nodded approvingly.

“Would you like çınarcık escort to know what we’re looking at, bank?”

Hesitantly, I nodded. Sarah flipped her phone around, showing me the screen.

It was the interface that they used to communicate with the chastity cage that was locked around my penis. I shuddered at the sight of the app. I knew that with a touch of a button they could shock my balls or penis, or cause me to become a human statue, or even put me in dog mode where I had to crawl on hand and foot. It was too far for me to make out what was on the screen within the app.

“You’re really something else, bank,” Amber said as she casually leaned back and ran her arms along the back of the couch. “The more we control you, the more we take from you…the more we humiliate and embarrass you…the more turned on and desperate you get.”

Sarah popped up and took a couple of steps towards me. I could see a graph of some kind on the screen.

“This is a chart of your arousal level,” Sarah said, pointing at the screen. “I did some reading in the app last night, and basically it measures blood flow to your…” She wrinkled her nose and made air quotes with her free hand “penis…”

Amber laughed while I cringed slightly.

“…just like a smart watch. There’s also some pressure sensors in the cage too. Anyways, this base line here is when you were doing chores in your little panties.”

She indicated the far left of the graph, where the line bounced near the bottom of the Y axis.

“Here is where you started talking to Amber and I.”

Her finger traced the line as it rose in a bumpy but predictable path towards the middle of the Y axis.

“And finally…” She pointed to the right of the graph. I blushed as I saw a clear spike max out the chart – hitting the top of the Y axis. Sarah grinned at me.

“This one spot is exactly where Amber told you to add her to your credit card.”

Amber chuckled and shook her head.

“Predictable, bank. Very predictable.”

Sarah grinned at me.

“I’ve used some pretty advanced sensors in school – physiology of exercise class mostly – but this data is just SO clean. It’s brilliant.”

I felt my face burn. This damned cage left me with absolutely no sense of privacy. I was reduced to a series of data points that Amber or Claire or Sarah could read any time they wanted. I suddenly worried what they might do with this data they were collecting on my innermost thoughts…I snapped out of this reverie and realized that Sarah was speaking.

“…Yes that’s true, I suppose this was much more about him paying you, which we know excites him tremendously. Not so much about him being embarrassed.”

Amber had a thoughtful look on her face.

“Yes, but he WAS wearing his little lacy panties, which has to be humiliating.”

I realized they were discussing me as if I wasn’t there. Unfortunately the painful swelling in the cage didn’t seem to be diminishing.

Sarah glanced down at my panties and shrugged.

“True. Hmm…” She suddenly looked up and snapped her fingers. “Maybe…what we got for him will help us figure it out?”

I looked between the two of them, confused. Amber shrugged – her arms were still stretched out on the couch and the shrug did intriguing things to her cleavage. I looked over at Sarah, who was wearing her typical yoga pants – dark green this time – and a tightly fit athletic shirt. Her fiery red hair seemed to practically burn as she spun excitedly to the white bag I noticed earlier on the couch.

“You see Chris…” Sarah said, clutching the bag to her chest. “We did a little shopping with your card this morning…” I grimaced and nodded.

“Yes Mistress” I said, unsure how this would potentially embarrass me.

“It’s almost beach season, so…we thought we would help each other find some cute swimsuits.” Sarah rummaged through the bag and pulled something out and tossed the bag behind her on the couch. She was holding two pieces of fabric – a bikini. She held the top up to her chest, stretching it across her small breasts.

“What do you think?”

I gulped. It was a striking yellow bikini top – with small cups and doubled straps across the back. I thought it would look fantastic on her muscular torso.

“I think that would look amazing on you, mistress” I said truthfully.

She dropped the top and pressed the bottoms pressed against her front.

“What about these? Do you think they’re too small?”

She smiled at me and tossed her hair. I gulped again. They were a bikini cut – not a thong – but they were super skimpy regardless. I knew I was blushing furiously.

“Uh…they look fantastic.”

She nodded happily and reached for the bag. She fished out another swimsuit.

“We picked this out for Amber…”

She held up a ridiculously tiny white bikini. It was a true thong – the white bottoms had thin black edging around the hips, and that detail was picked up in the top, which had absolutely çorlu escort minuscule triangles of fabric. I knew that Amber’s voluptuous body would strain that poor bikini to the limit. I winced as I felt the chastity cage bite down hard on my straining cock.

Amber stood up and plucked the top from Sarah and modeled it for me, holding it against her chest.

“I don’t know…I mean, it’s white…don’t you think it will get just absolutely transparent when it gets wet?”

I licked my lips. I suddenly couldn’t picture anything else.

Amber twisted her torso, looking down at her breasts.

“I mean, what if I get out of the pool, just innocently minding my own business, and suddenly every single guy there is staring at me, because I wasn’t thinking and I got this thin white fabric all wet, and suddenly they can see absolutely everything?”

She smirked at me and batted her eyelashes. I let out an involuntary groan and pressed my hands against my crotch, trying to will my erection to go down. It was becoming increasingly painful by the second.

“Wouldn’t it be just so bad and…wrong…of me to make all of those cocks get swollen and hard in their little swim suits…completely without meaning too of course…” She looked me directly in the eye and licked her lips slowly, winking at the same time.

“Oh god…stop!” I almost shouted, bending over. The pain was almost unbearable.

“Ok that’s enough” Sarah said, nearly doubled over herself with laughter. “Just because you have enormous boobs and a perfect ass doesn’t mean you have to rub it in…” She cupped her own small breasts and gave a theatrical sigh. Amber laughed and pulled her dress away from her chest a few inches and glancing down. She shrugged.

“It’s true I guess. Genetic lottery. But hey…”

She quickly reached over and put her hand on Sarah’s right breast and gave it a quick squeeze. Sarah flashed her smile and made no move to remove her friend’s hand from her chest. Amber winked at me and continued.

“…nothing at all wrong with small breasts. They’re so perky and cute. Lots of guys like them small. Right, bank?”

I suddenly found that my mouth was dry, focusing on Amber’s hand remaining on Sarah’s shirt, cupping her small boob. I nodded.

“See?” Amber said, finally removing her hand from her friend. She glanced down at my panties. “It’s not the same with cocks. Girls with small boobs are hot. But nobody – I mean not a single person – prefers a small dick.”

I groaned and closed my eyes. I heard Sarah laugh and when I opened my eyes she was looking at her phone.

“Damn…another spike on the arousal meter. That’s incredible. It’s like the more you emasculate him the more he gets turned on.”

Amber nodded.

“Yeah. Poor little bank. Doesn’t have a chance around us.”

“He’s at a seven right now…why don’t we show him what we got for him?” Sarah suggested. “I’m sort of curious what the reaction is going to be.”

Amber nodded and grabbed the white bag.

“We got something for you while we were shopping with your wallet, bank. Isn’t that nice of us?”

I nodded.

“Um…yes…thank you Miss” I said. The pain in my crotch was slowly receding.

“We were thinking that with all of the car washing you’re going to be doing – I mean, there’s my new BMW and…apparently you decided you wanted to wash Justin’s car too.”

Sarah nearly choked on her laughter.

“What? Why in god’s name is he washing your boyfriend’s car as well?”

Amber simply shrugged.

“No idea. Justin just said that bank was going to wash his car, as well as take care of the kitchen and bathroom in his apartment.” She wrinkled her nose. “I mean, it’s like four guys over there, so I imagine it’s going to be quite a chore keeping it clean.”

My face reddened. I had temporarily forgotten that I had agreed to wash Justin’s car hurriedly when he shut me out of the house, and how he had sort of bullied me into kitchen and bathroom duty while I was at his place. Sarah was shaking her head in disbelief.

“How in god’s name is he going to have time for all of this?”

Amber shrugged again.

“I’m not sure. I’m ok with it, for now, as long as it doesn’t interfere with his work here. In fact, I think it’s kind of cute that he wants to help out my current boytoy. Just like a proper little maid.”

Sarah chuckled.

“Well, he’s already wearing panties, so it’s not a very far step.”

Amber shot her a grin.

“Exactly. Which is why I think he’ll love our little gift.”

She pulled something out of the bag and held it up to my crotch. It was small and white.

“As I was saying, you’ll be doing a lot of car washing. And it’s silly to wash a car in your clothes. So we got you a nice bathing suit to wear.”

I stared down at the suit. They were plainly women’s bikini bottoms. They were white, with small red cherries dotting the fabric. The material itself was slightly sheer – not see-through by any means, but not completely thick and solid like men’s swim trunks would be. There was a small ruffle of fabric around the hips, which were cut quite high, and around the back.

“No…no please…” I found I was saying, under my breath. Amber ignored me and cocked her head to get a different angle as she pressed them firmly against me.

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