“Honey, we’ll be back after two weeks.. so you guys will need to behave yourselves..” my mom said, then she shut the door, pulling her trunk behing her.
I had a few guy friends, and we knew each other since we were little. (and i’ve got a crush on one of them — Ronald) Our parents loved to travel together. That summer holiday, they all went to Miami together. We kids were left alone at my house. The first week was crazy. We invited friends to come over and we watched movies all night. We had a few slumber parties and went clubbing. On the last day of the first week, all of my guy friends were drunk. Since i was the only girl there, i didnt drink much, because i was scared that something would happen.
“Hey Britney.. wanna fuck?.. *hiccup*..” said Ronald, sleepily. I was shocked. I was shocked that he would say something like that.. I was speechless. The only thing that i heard was a little voice saying in my head.. “Go on.. you’d love it.. you have a crush on that guy… give it a try… just tell him u wanna have sex with him..”
“Maybe you should go to bed.. you’re drunk babe..” I purred, blushing like crazy. At that moment, the only thing i wanna do was to remove my clothes and kiss him…
“No.. no… we do bolu escort it… we will do it.. right guys?.. ” he moaned.. pointing at the other guys. Ok, i have to admit that, all of my guy friends were really cute.. plus they were all hotties and single.. as far as i know.. they were still haven’t Done It yet.. (we were all 15-16 at the time) The others nodded.. they came over to my both sides and start removing their clothes.. Obviously, they were drunk.
“Guys.. guys… ” i was trying to stop them. but my heart was throbbing like crazy. That little head was speaking to me again.. “remove your clothes too.. go on… do it..”
I was still nervous, when suddenly someone pulled my skirt off. I gasped, and stared, it was Ronald. He rested his head at my thighs and started to say things like, “your legs are so soft… mmm….” I looked at the other guys, they were all naked. i was really surprised then. I looked at their dicks.. they were.. large.. and looked great to suck on. god.. they were making me horny. I decided at last. I removed my tank top and bra. Ronald was naked too. THey all went hyper. The four of them picked me up and brang me upstairs to my room. they dropped me on my bed and started massaging bolvadin escort my nipples. Three of them sucked on my tits and licked my nipples. it felt so gooddd..
“oh my godd… o my god.. mmm….” i went. Obviously they heard me.. ’cause they started to kiss my waist and my legs harder and hyper-er.. After half an hour of sucking and licking and kissing, we felt asleepp.
At about 3am in the morning, i found myself on my bed, hugging Ronald. THe others have somehow managed to return to their rooms.. Only me and Ronald was left there. I looked at him for a long long time. Suddenly, he peeked at me and hugged me. His dick was touching my cunt.. i grabbed his balls and kiss him in the forehead. He sat up and told me to lie down flat, and spread my legs.
“I can’t believe this… this is crazy… but can i fuck you?” he looked at me desparately.
” yeaaa.. i mean, yes… u can fuck me.. ” i purred, i kissed him again.
He put his dick inside my cunt and started to move back and forth. I was screaming like crazy.. After that, he grabbed my tits and started to massage my nipples. I did a blow job for him.. and licked his balls.. He touched my clit and started bomonti escort to licked it.. he sucked on them and smacked his lips.. i was thrilled. I felt his tongue inside my body.. it felt so good. it tickled and hurt a bit. He sucked my cunt for a long time and started to kiss all over my body.. He turned me over and stucked his dick inside my ass. it felt really good.. he lied on top of me and started to kiss my neck, with his dick still in my ass. His moved his dick furiously and i moaned loudly.
“o shit… OH MY GOD… o dear… o yeh babe… o yessssssss~~~” i screamed…
All of a sudden, i chest was fulled of warm, white cum.. Ronald licked my chest and my navel.. WE kissed and i came… He sucked my cum and licked it clean for me….
After that, we took a bath together and kissed again inside the bath tub. WE felt asleep on my bed naked..
The next morning, my other guys friends were shocked to see themselves naked. THey bursted into my room, and found Ronald and me naked, kissing passionately.
“what the hell.. dont tell me you guys fucked?!!” said one of my friends.
“WEll,, anything could happen.” I gazed at Ronald and kcontinued to kiss.
Our parents came back a few days later. Of course, we didnt tell them anything. i mean, they’ll probably die of shock (:
And guess what’s happeniong now? 5 years after that incident, i was still with Ronald. HE’S MY BOYFRIEND. and yaa, i get to fuck with him all the timee..
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