So, yesterday, Mom revealed things from her past. I went to bed, drained and happy.
I got up the next morning, with typical morning wood and decided to bring it down to breakfast and see what happens.
As I expected my mom was in the kitchen having coffee. She was wearing a little camisole top and shorts. Sexy but simple. I said good morning as I walked into the room. She said good morning, then looked up, took one look at me and just said, “Nope. Not gonna happen. Deal with that yourself if you must.”
I got some coffee and sat down, figuring it would subside on its own.
“Glad you decided to stay.” She said, “Save that for later, ok?”
That was a much better prospect, I nodded my agreement.
“I think we need to have a discussion about what this is” she said, gesturing a big circle encompassing me and her, “and what’s going to happen, ok?”
“Yeah, I think that makes sense.” I agreed.
“First, and most importantly, no one knows about my past, and we keep it that way. No one. That includes your fuckbuddy down the street.” She said, a little teasing at the end, and a wave of her hand in the direction of Mrs. Johnson’s house. “I know it’ll be tempting, especially with your hot hard dick in her mouth, but you need to be careful. She knows I know about you and her so she’s going to expect to hear what happened after we left. Have you thought about that? Don’t see her without having antalya travesti a story to tell her.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely going to want to know.” I agreed. How about I tell her you were really mad for a day, but I calmed you down, and that I eventually got you to agree that I can still fuck her, but maybe not every day and that I shouldn’t be such a manslut.”
“That sounds good and you’re right, you shouldn’t be a manslut.” Mom said, slipping in Mom mode a little, “And if she’s the maneater I’m starting to think she is, she may be about done with you, anyway.”
“Whoa, that was harsh!” I replied, thinking maybe my mom was at least a little jealous of Mrs. J when it came to me.
“Next topic, we’re going to go slow. Real slow. This isn’t going to be an all day, every day fuck fest. You got that? I’m still your mom, not your fuck toy. I’m not going to service you every time your dick gets hard.” She said, really directly, but not angrily. “I know what it’s like to be horny all the time, I was your age, I remember what it was like to fuck like rabbits all day. Trust me, going slow will be much better.”
“Ok. Not going to be easy but I guess you’re right.” I agreed, not that I thought had any choice in the matter.
“You can still go down the street and get your rocks off there, but I think you’ll find that letting the desire build, and letting you izmir travesti balls recharge, will be much more satisfying. I think I made my expertise in these matters clear last night.” she said.
She was definitely not being unreasonable about anything.
“This all sounds good to me. But what can we do?” I asked.
“Good question, I don’t have a specific answer. It’s not there’s a sex with my son playbook. Like I said, I want to go slow. So, I guess I’d say we can do pretty much everything, but not all at once. Is there something you want to do first?”
My mind reeled at the idea of that. “Oh my god. Mom, what kind a question is that. You only get to do one thing with your hot as fuck pornstar mom, what’s it going to be?”
“Sounds kind of hot to me.” She replied with a laugh. “But you know it’s not like it’s your last time. It’s just what do you want to do next. I have all sorts of ideas if you want me to decide.”
“I think that might be better for now” I said with some relief.
“Ok, that works for me.” she said. “We’re going to go on a first date this evening. That way you can let the desire build all day. But I want you to be able to control yourself tonight and letting your balls churn all day will not be helpful. So…”
She stood up and then told me to stand up. She leaned up against me, rubbed her tits against my chest, nuzzled her lips against my neck, and up to my ear. She nibbled on my ear, ran her hands all over my body, ending up fondling my shaft with one hand and cradling my balls with the other and she started whispering slowly in my ear. “Close your eyes. Tonight, you’re going to come all over me, just imagine it. Teasing my lips with the tips of your cock and then shoving it down my throat and pumping my belly full of your seed. Imagine pulling your hard cock from my mouth, leaving me gasping for air as your come spills out of my mouth and down onto my tits. Imagine stuffing that cock deep into my warm, wet, waiting pussy, all the way in on one powerful thrust, making me cum uncontrollably all over your beautiful cock. Imagine pounding me to orgasm after orgasm until my entire body shakes and you finally succumb to the pleasure and cum again, shooting another massive load deep inside my tight, tight pussy. Do it. Do it, Joe. Come for me, come for me. Come for me, now.”
And I did. Right there at the kitchen table. In my shorts, her hands still rubbing me through the fabric, her lips on my ear. I came hard. Easily 15 huge blasts. I had no control over it at all. The cum soaked my clothes and ran down my leg, leaving a massive puddle on the floor. I stood there, my chest pounding, my knees shaking.
She stepped back, looked down at the mess, smiled, gave me a peck on the cheek, “That should cool you down for a bit. And we’re going on a first date tonight. I’m serious. Make some plans to impress your date. Do a good job and who knows, you might get lucky.” She said with a wink and walked out of the room, leaving me breathless.
Stay tuned for the evening.
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