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Mom in Need


I sat hunched over my laptop, scrolling out of boredom. I was nineteen years old and was in the engineering program at Irvine. Now though, it was summer break. A couple of my friends were on a trip to Argentina. I didn’t go because I had promised Sofia, who was now my ex-girlfriend, to do something with her this summer.

Unfortunately, we had a painful breakup a week ago. And it was one of the worst ways we could have been separated. Sofia had found my taboo porn on my phone, and I had tried my best to explain they were just fantasies. She accused me of being sick, asking why I kept flirting with older women when I had her. She made a big deal out of it even if I had never cheated on her. We had to part ways, and now I was on my own in the midst of summer.

I didn’t blame myself for the taboo porn. I lived alone with my young, gorgeous mother. She was forty-one, and my father had died in a car accident when I was two years old. Mom had taken care of me by herself, raising me till I could stand on my own feet. She wasn’t only strong and optimistic, but she was also beautiful and well-endowed in every way possible. She was a fitness model and a personal trainer. Women flocked to her because of her beautiful looks. Despite being forty-one, she hardly looked a day over thirty, and it always surprised her clients when they found out about her age.

I clicked on her IG page. With lustrous, dark blonde hair streaming down her back, she wore a push-up bra that made her bust look even more impressive than it already was. She had a subtle four-pack, showcasing how fit and toned she was. Her skin was flawless and smooth, and she wore a pair of skin-tight leggings that hugged her curves perfectly. She had it all, and it sometimes felt like torture when I continuously dreamed about her, wishing we weren’t related, so I could make a move on her.

She was currently at the gym training one of her clients. I went there too. I was more into boxing but did various strength training exercises as well. At the moment, I didn’t have anyone to spar with since my friends were on the trip of their lives. I knew it would be a boring summer, and I regretted that I had been too nice to Sofia.

I was certain Sofia had just overreacted. We’d even watched porn together before, but she’d insisted that content mattered. I said that they were just actors and that it wasn’t actual incest, but she accused me of fantasizing about my mother instead of her. She knew my mother was beautiful. Despite her age, she stole all the attention from Sofia whenever we’d gone out together. But she was still my mother and to do something with her was unthinkable to me… yet.

Since I didn’t have anyone to take care of me sexually, a week had passed and it felt like it was time. I wasn’t sure what to look at yet, but my mind started drifting toward my mother as it always did. I scrolled through her IG page and clicked on a training clip where she was wearing pink leggings and a matching bra. While being bent at the waist, she lifted a kettlebell. I popped wood instantly as I ogled at her heart-shaped ass. I reached inside my underwear and curled my fingers around my hard shaft. I felt a thrill unlike any other, a shiver running down my back. There had been times when I had sex or jerked off, and Mom had slipped into my mind, but I had never directly touched myself while watching her. As I discovered this novel sensation, it felt unbelievably good, making it impossible to stop.

I kept scrolling through her photos, finding one where she wore a skimpy push-up bra. The garment lifted her breasts perfectly, making me want to bury my face right into her alluring cleavage. She had a subtle tan since she loved being outside. It was like the icing on the cake, and it made me want her even more.

I quickly unzipped my shorts and let them fall to my ankles. I stroked myself some more, wondering whether I should go all the way, climaxing while looking directly at my mother. After all these years, I had always wanted to but refrained from the forbidden temptation. It felt like it was time, especially now that I was single and all by myself.

I found a couple of more photos where she did the side split, flashing me her gorgeous center as she leaned back. I ran my hand up and down, feeling the precum oozing from the slit. I pictured her nude. I imagined she lay on her back with her legs spread, biting her lower lip and looking me in the eyes.

“Hmm, my son, push it in your mommy,” she said in her sweet, husky voice.

I rubbed the head along her slit. Beads of her honey clung to her folds. My cock punctured the droplets, and I spread them around the shaft before pushing into her depths. Her sweet walls hugged every inch of my shaft as I sank into her.

While fantasizing about her, I rose to my feet and aimed my erection right at the screen, pointing at her center. The orgasm was building suddenly as I curled my toes. Sweat ran down the sides of my head, and my heart thumped like mad. I questioned whether I was ürgüp escort taking it too far, but it felt too damn good to resist.

I leaned back and was just about to climax. But then my phone rang, making me jump. I took a step back, but my foot caught the shorts that were currently around my ankles. I quickly got a hold of the wall before I would fall face-first onto the floor.

“Christ,” I said and my hand flew to my heart. I looked at the screen. “Mom,” I read and saw a photo of her on the beach. “Great timing.”

I pulled my shorts up, plopped down and answered her. “Hi,” I said, trying to catch my breath.

“Are you out jogging?” she asked flirtatiously.

“Uhm, sort of,” I said and scratched my neck.

“I wish I could jog, but I had a little whoopsie daisy at the gym,” she said.

“I hope it’s nothing too bad?” I said. Since she called, I knew it was something. It was a bit difficult to figure out if something was wrong or not since Mom was always optimistic no matter what. It was one of her magical traits next to her flawless beauty.

“I rolled my ankle, so hopefully it should heal by itself,” she said.

My heart sank. It could have been worse, but I couldn’t stand seeing her hurt in any way shape or form. I had strong feelings for her. Despite my lust for her, she was the best mother in the world.

But after puberty, our quality time had gone down as I started going out with girls, but we still found time for each other now and then. “Do you need help?” I asked and wanted to reach out to her immediately.

“You’re a good boy,” she said, and I could easily imagine her smile. “I was just about to ask. I’m having some difficulties walking, and I’m not sure if I can push the gas pedal either. Do you mind taking an Uber here and driving me to the doctor?”

“Mom, I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

“Thank you so much,” she sighed in relief. “I can explain more when you get here. Love you.”

“Love you too,” I said and hung up the phone.

Not wasting any time, I took an Uber there. The last time she’d gotten injured was more than a decade ago if I remembered correctly and that was a pulled muscle. I was glad it happened now at summer break, so I had time to be there for her. It felt like my duty after everything she’d done for me.

I arrived at the gym. I spotted her sitting outside on a bench. She chatted with one of her stunning friends who looked as hot as Mom. All of my mother’s friends were MILFs and bombshells, but there was no question that Mom was the biggest head-turner of them all.

“There he is,” Mom said, flashing a smile so her dimples deepened.

“Gosh, you’re quick,” Mia, her friend, said.

“I didn’t want to leave my mother hanging for long,” I said. “How bad is it? Can you walk?”

“Sort of,” Mom said. “I’m limping a little though.”

“Well, you look surprisingly happy,” I told her, searching her gaze.

“I’m not happy over spraining my ankle. Although I’m happy to see my son,” Mom said and extended her hand to me. “Make your mom proud and show me how strong you are.”

I took her hands and lifted her to her feet. “Proud?”

“Proud,” she confirmed. She wore a pair of skin-tight leggings that showed her buttocks and the gorgeous crack and also a sports top that revealed her natural cleavage.

She took a step, and I noticed how she limped. I curled my arm around her back and under her arm, letting her use me as a crutch. “Is that better?” I asked her.

“Way better,” she said, smiling at me. She was close to me, so I felt her heavenly breath. I also picked up the scent of her citrus shampoo.

“Who helped you with the shower?” I asked.

She jerked her head at her friend. “She was my assistant today and helped me with everything.”

Mia winked at us. “You’ll have your hands full in the coming weeks.”

I didn’t mind. I would love to spend more quality time with Mom. She was wearing a top that was cropped, and I kept my arm around her warm flesh as I helped her to the car. Mom said goodbye to Mia and gave her a hug. “You’ve been a lifesaver,” Mom told her.

Mia’s expression softened, understanding the depth of Mom’s words. “Hey, that’s what friends are for. We stick together through thick and thin.”

“Love you,” Mom said and waved.

Mia kissed her hand and blew it to her. Gosh, Mom’s friends always had to be so sexy. Mom knocked on my forehead. “Tyler, let me get the keys.”

“Sorry,” I said and let go of her.

“Were you checking her out?” she asked with a grin.

“Impossible not to,” I admitted.

Mom chuckled, nudging me playfully. “Well, I don’t blame you. She’s quite the catch.”

And so are you, Mom, I thought to myself.

She fumbled in her purse and handed me the keys. “You’ll be my driver for now.”

I opened for her first and helped her inside. Then I took the driver’s seat and sat down. She pressed her lips to my cheek, which made a red color appear. “Thank you… Why are you blushing?”

She uşak escort had kissed me there several times before, but earlier, I had jerked off to her which I suddenly remembered, especially as I grew harder by having her next to me. “Nothing,” I said and pushed the start button. “Mind telling me how it happened?”

“I was doing box jumps and felt something strange in my thigh. Then I fell off and landed right on my ankle,” she said, and it weighed her voice down.

“Accidents happen,” I told her and drove her to the doctor.

“They sure do,” she said. “Although I wished they didn’t.”

“But you’re still smiling though,” I told her, and it infected me. Optimism was as attractive as good looks.

“There’s always an opportunity,” she said. “Since you’re here for the summer, I just see it as an opportunity to spend some quality time with you, which has been lacking for the past years.”

We exchanged glances. She had talked about it before, how she missed spending time with me. Ever since puberty, I had been a bit more outgoing, but we still found time for each other now and then. “You’re right,” I said.

When we arrived at the doctor, she gave us plenty of advice that consisted of stretching, ice baths, anti-inflammatory ointment, massaging and also relaxation. I carefully listened to every word, making sure my mother would have a speedy recovery. I realized I had to be there for her for literally everything, giving her massages, helping her undress and helping her take a bath.

When we arrived home, I helped her with some stretching exercises, and I also cooked dinner for her. When it was time for dessert, she said, “Tyler… Can we have some ice cream before you massage my leg?”

“Sure,” I told her. “Which one?”

“Strawberry buttermilk,” she said. “Let’s share a pint.”

I grabbed the pint and two bowls, filled it up and handed it to her. She shook the dark blonde hair from her face, so it cascaded down her shoulders. Her spoon melted through the cream, and she raised it to her lips, sucking on her spoon with a smack. In my dreams, it was my hard shaft she was enjoying, but I tried to tone it down with those forbidden dreams even if it was difficult.

She spilled some on her neck which quickly trickled down her cleavage, triggering forbidden scenes there I came over her gorgeous breasts and let it trickle down her tanned flesh. I shook those images out of my head and handed her a napkin.

“I get a bit too excited whenever I eat ice cream,” she said and dabbed it to her chest.

“You and your love for ice cream.”

She playfully rolled her eyes and tried to clean up the mess on her chest. “Hey, life’s too short to skip dessert, right?”

“Especially when it’s as good as this.”

“I probably have to take my top off,” she said. She pushed the bowl aside and pulled the sports top over her head. Her big boobs caught the edge of the fabric and resisted as she continued to pull the top higher. I watched her tits, mesmerized by the incoming titty drop. Finally, she pulled the top clear and her tits deliciously dropped into place, jiggling and swaying as they found equilibrium inside her bra.

I was stunned as I came face to face with her marvelous breasts, imagining how they would look without their confines. She took another napkin and cleaned her cleavage, making her boobs jiggle with the briefest touch. I clenched my hands, dreaming that I squeezed them. She looked incredible with only a bra on, showing off her toned stomach, health and beauty.

She glanced at me, and I believed she caught me checking her out, but I hoped it wasn’t the case. “Did I miss a spot?” she asked me and waggled her eyebrows.

She practically invited me to search her boobs, giving me a free pass. I probably looked at them more than what was considered necessary. “They look clean to me.”

“Great… I’m dying for a massage by the way,” she said, kicking me under the table.

“What do you have a strong son for?” I said, rising to my feet. “Let me just clean the table.”

“I wish I could help,” she said.

Going behind her, I gave her a brief shoulder massage. “You deserve some rest too.”

After I’d cleaned the table, I helped her up from her seat and guided her to the sofa. We sat inside as it started getting slightly cooler. It felt a bit more intimate, helping her walk while she only wore a bra and leggings. She sat down and found the ointment she’d gotten from her doctor. I sat down next to her and checked out her ankle. It was swollen, and I felt bad for her while she lay there.

“You’re unbelievably positive,” I said. “I’m not sure if I would be able to smile like that.”

“Not even if I were on my knees for you?” she asked with a wink.

“I think I’ll take that back,” I said. I wasn’t sure if she realized there was a sexual connotation there. If she would be on her knees and sucking me then it would be a dream come true.

She grimaced and touched her upper thigh. It üsküdar escort was currently covered by leggings, and it made me wonder if she wanted me to massage her there too. “What’s going on?” I asked her and thought she was just injured on her ankle and not her thigh.

“It’s something with my thighs,” she said. “I’m not sure what, but if you remember I told you that when I jumped on the box, I felt something there as well.”

“I do remember,” I told her.

“We can take that later,” she said. “I think it’s just something with my muscles.”

“You’re the boss,” I said and filled my hands with the ointment and started applying light pressure on her ankle and foot, rubbing it in. “Is that alright?”

She nodded and threw her head back, so her dark blonde hair spilled all over her. “That’s perfect,” she said, sighing in relief. “A bit harder,” she said with a moan.

“Like that?”

“Oh, yeah.”

As I kept applying pressure, I played a film in my head. I fucked her, making her moan and begging for it harder. I couldn’t resist the temptation of the forbidden film especially as she kept moaning while I touched her. She opened her eyes on occasion, giving me a seductive look.

“You’re so strong,” she said.

I eased the tension in her muscles as I applied gentle pressure. “Well, you’ve certainly passed that strength on to me. I’m just returning the favor.”

“You know how to flatter your mom,” she said, and she smiled even brighter.

“Your skin truly is baby smooth,” I said and flattered her some more, amazed by her flesh as I kept exploring it. My cock hardened as I did something for her. It was mainly her moaning that got to me, and the way it triggered sexual dreams where I lay on top of her. I lost focus now and then and tried to tell myself to stop, but it proved difficult especially as she kept moaning, her beautiful rack rising and sinking.

I desperately tried to keep my focus on her ankle as my cock kept thickening. If I rose, I knew she would spot the growing bulge. I glanced at my mother, who sat with her back against the couch and her feet on the cushions. With her legs slightly spread, I could see the center of her forbidden region that was sadly hidden behind her garments. I also caught a scent that I clearly recognized. To my baffling surprise, she was becoming aroused, and I noticed that her nipples were poking against her bra.

“You aren’t growing tired?” she asked with a grin.

“Nope,” I told her. “I can do this all day long.”

“It’s been more than half an hour,” she said. “The doctor said fifteen minutes two times a day.”

“Why didn’t you stop me?” I asked her and confronted her with a look.

“Because it felt so good,” she said, caressing my thigh. “Why aren’t you stopping?”

“I want you to feel good,” I said and we exchanged glances. She took my hand, holding onto it dearly. “That’s fine, Tyler. You can rest now.”

I let go of her leg. “What about your thigh?”

“I hope it will be fine,” she said. “If it hurts there too, do you think you can help massage me there?”

“Of course,” I said. It was dangerously close to her forbidden area, but I wanted to go there anyway, especially if she needed it.

“Can you help me to my feet so I can give you a thank you hug?”

“It’s not necessary,” I said and internally panicked as my bulge was obvious.

“I insist,” she said and cut me off.

“Fine, you win,” I said and shifted, praying she wouldn’t spot my erection.

I rose and was slightly bent at the waist, hiding my package as well as possible. I lifted her to her feet, and she pushed herself against my crotch. Hopefully, I could blame it on my belt as she locked her arms around my neck.

“You’re the best son in the world,” she said.

“You’re exaggerating,” I told her.

She broke the hug to look me in the eyes. Her sapphire eyes were like rare stones, and it was impossible not to be hypnotized by them. “I’m not,” she said. “Trust me, you’ve no idea how many of my friends have asked for parental advice, and you don’t know how many horror stories I’ve heard.”

“I think you’re just a good role model,” I admitted. “You have yourself to thank. You’ve always been there for me, and I want to be there for you.”

She embraced me again, not being able to resist. She lingered in my arms for a little. It was slightly awkward on my end. One part of me wanted her flesh so close to me, the other prayed she wouldn’t notice my boner that kept throbbing against her love hole.

She broke the hug but made eye contact. “Will you help me up to my bedroom later?”

“Of course,” I told her. “Just ping me. I’ll go up in the meantime.”

“Okay,” she said and sat back down. “I’ll call my friend in the meantime. She’s been texting me like mad.”


My mother pinged me. Can you come down for a sec?

I quickly logged off. The game became unimportant when I saw that she needed my help. It was currently 11 PM, which was the usual time she went to bed. I descended the stairs, and she sat upright on the couch with her legs on the cushions.

“I’m growing sleepy,” she said. “I probably need help up the stairs.”

“Sure thing,” I said and took her hand and helped her to her feet. “Do you feel any better from the foot massage?”

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