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MILFs vs Zombies: Sister Rivals


Halloween Story Contest 2022 Entry – A Central’s

MILF Story


This story takes place just a couple of months after the conclusion of our heroine’s origin story, Central’s

MILF. In my regular writings about her, Nicolle Burton barely maintains her happy home life after that summer’s bizarre adventures. Please read that story to gain a complete sense of the main character.

In this story, success was more elusive. Her beloved husband was able to unravel the details of her eventful partnership with a monumentally well-endowed but otherwise thoroughly unimpressive nineteen-year-old, a partnership formed through a bounty generated by the votes and contributions of each year’s graduating class voting her the area’s highest ranked MILF, and the money she shared with the teen when she had agreed to help him fulfill the conditions of the bounty.

Her husband was perplexed and angry, so rattled after the summer events that he moved out and asked for a trial separation. Nicci hates it. She hopes for reconciliation. She begged for forgiveness and swore her husband was the only man she’d ever loved. She has also continued to offer her prodigious physical and sexual gifts to her husband. She has found it particularly shocking that while he has been happy to indulge, they haven’t yet reconciled.

Meanwhile, she’s holding down her spacious and beautiful home in an affluent neighborhood on her own, at least for now. Two of their three kids remain with her while the oldest, the one she had when she was younger than she’d prefer to admit, was off at college.

This is the story of Mischief Night, a night in the life of our (a)typical woman.


Nicolle Burton – Central’s

MILF, intelligent, bitchy, funny, obnoxious, locally famous, beautiful, and unintentionally slutty. Thirty-eight years old with the body of a twenty-eight-year-old swimsuit model or perhaps a porn star – but at only five foot three with her stunning curves, she was far too short for modeling. She loves high-end brands but genuinely doesn’t see herself like others. She thinks of herself as boring and typical – a goofy, burnt-out nerd and frazzled (not yet ex-) wife and mom. Women think of her as a confident, self-actualized leader. Men think of her as the most fuckable woman they’ve ever seen in real life. She’s tired of being a sex object all her life, tends to be antisocial, has anxiety, OCD, maybe some ADD, and self-diagnosed HDCD – Huge Dick Compulsive Disorder.

Minerva – Nicci’s older sister by five years. Technically her half-sister, they were born and raised by the same mom. She’s had a much tougher life than Nicci. She’s also hot, but not entirely on Nicci’s level, just much prettier than the average woman – with a top half that is model-esque and a bottom half that’s Rubenesque. Where Nicci looks a decade younger than her years, Minerva looks only about five years younger than calendar age. Minerva is married to Tony and has a son named Anthony. She is not very sharp, but she’s smarter than her husband or son.

The Fun Flock – Deena, Brandi, and Kaelan are Nicci’s best girlfriends. Along with her, they form the leadership group of a trendy ladies’ social media group with thousands of members focused on fun and female empowerment. Deena’s a big, unkempt, bawdy lesbian. Brandi and Kaelan are forty-something blondes. Bohemian Kaelan has many tattoos and piercings and remains moderately attractive; her kids are all off in college. She’s a classically aging, curvy MILF. Brandi has a more matronly build. She is married with no kids. She thinks she’s a hot blonde, but reality doesn’t quite match her self-perception. She is perpetually drunk or on the verge of drunkenness.

This is a comic-book-style, oversexed, fantasy romp. Sometimes, the characters can be caricatures. It is not submitted to pass as a real-life documentary but for entertainment and sexual fantasy fulfillment. I hope it succeeds. All characters are over the age of eighteen.

MILFs vs. Zombies – Sister Rivals

“Come on, Nicci, we have to do this! You have to come out with us! This will be a total blast!”

Kaelan and Brandi were sitting at Nicci’s kitchen table, pleading with their friend to join them tomorrow night.

Kaelan said, “I know you’re all depressed with Mike not around, but you can’t just sit at home and mope! Halloween is your favorite time of the year! And this escape room your sister told us muş escort about sounds like it would be a hoot!”

“I don’t know, you guys. Halloween is two days away, and I’ve still got to get all the candy bars ready and make sure the kids are set with their costumes and everything….” Nicci trailed off as she thought about the new escape room Minerva had told her about. It sounded fun, but she had learned long ago to view everything her sister said with healthy skepticism. Her sister had always been resentful of her.

Minerva had always believed she got more attention from her parents, got asked out by better guys, had a better marriage, was better looking, thinner, prettier, more popular, more successful, richer…you name it. She wasn’t wrong about any of it, however – until recently. Nicci sighed as she thought about the present state of her relationship. Otherwise, Minerva’s perspective had been entirely accurate. Nothing she did was quite as good as her younger sister, nor was she as explosively attractive to the opposite sex. Then again, few were.

They both had more than their fair share of T I mean, I think you will…from what I hear anyway.”

“He’s not my ex! Anyway, tell me about it again,” Nicci had said. “What is it? Anthony started an adult escape room? Like one with different themes and puzzles and shit like that? He doesn’t seem to have the wherewithal to develop a creative business concept like that.”

“Yeah, so you know what escape rooms are, right? This one has a zombie theme for Halloween! For adults only – adult women only, to be precise. It’s like a bachelorette party type of thing, like with those male strippers, the Chippendales. Or I think he said ‘the Dancing Bear’? I might have that wrong, but that’s what he told me.”

“Okay…male strippers? I have no idea what ‘Dancing Bear’ is.”

“It’s BYOB,” Minerva had continued, “drinking encouraged throughout. Adult themes, big girls only, super fun. And zombies! You love zombies!”

“I did love the ‘Walking Dead’ for a while, until Negan and all that shit anyway,” Nicci had said, “and puzzles…and drinking with the girls…male strippers could be fun…maybe I could use a little ‘anything goes’ zombie apocalypse…I don’t know. What’s ‘Little Ant’ have to do with it?”

“Oh, he hates when you call him that,” Minerva had cackled. “You know my son Anthony, my lovable loser. He was supposed to go to Rutgers or even TCNJ, but he couldn’t get his ass in gear and didn’t have the grades or the drive. So, he’s going to community college to get his shit together. Anyway, he’s in some kind of business program, and participating in a business is a part of his studies. I’m so proud!”

Nicci never quite saw where the pride was coming from, other than pure maternal kind. She didn’t see him as a lovable loser – more like an unlikable layabout. “Because he’s doing an escape room?”

“Because he’s not sitting around the house reading old horror comics, jacking off and pissing his life away. It’s the first thing he’s ever done where it seems like he’s really motivated!”

Nicci took a drag on her ubiquitous e-cig and said, “It can’t all be his idea, though, right? I mean, no offense, Minnie, but he’s as dumb as a box of rocks.” Of course, she knew exactly where her nephew got his lack of brains. Her sister had always been low-functioning, and her husband, Tony, was just a hair above a mouth-breather. They’d met in a bar back when Tony used to play the drums for some shitty cover bands. His mediocre drumming had been the only thing she could ever remember him doing that was anything other than pedestrian. Nicci wouldn’t have given a guy like that the time of day, and her sister had married him.

“Why are you always such a bitch about my son?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean!”

“Okay, fine. Well, it probably doesn’t help that ever since his eighteenth birthday, he’s looked like I was a princess cut of filet mignon.”

“Nicci, EVERY man does that with you!”

“But, I’m his AUNT!”

“You’ve been giving him shit about being dumb since he was a kid, though. What about that?”

“All right, fine. So, I’ve been a bitch. But that’s what I do to every guy, right?”

“Yeah, no, I know. I get it. You’re not wrong. It’s just all the time. Anyway, you’re correct, though, as usual. So, whatever. It wasn’t his idea. It was one of a bunch of business ideas his professor suggested. He just really liked this particular nazilli escort one.

“His friends were the ones that had the idea to do it for Halloween and make it adult-themed. My husband and I wanted to support them, so we fronted some money, and now Tony is helping Ant and his friends get it going. They’re feeling their way through it, and we all thought you and your friends would be perfect for a test run. Not only that, Nic, but if you were to come and post about it on the Fun Flock, think about how much business they could get. Come on; it’ll be so fun!”

She had to admit it did sound like fun. Something different, at the very least. She’d bullshitted her way through a team-building escape room at work once, but an adult one, with her besties? Plus, Minnie had made her feel like shit about the way she’d treated her nephew. She needed to support this. She looked at Kaely and Brandi’s eager faces. She could no longer think of any good reason not to go. “Fine,” she smiled, “I’m in. Let’s party!”

Nicci put her iPhone in the middle of the table, called Minerva, and put her on speaker. When her sister answered, the first thing Nicci said was, “What are we wearing, and where are we meeting?”

Hoots and hollers followed for the next five seconds on both ends of the line. Minerva waved her son over, and he stood next to his mom, eavesdropping on the call.

She winked at her son and said to Nicci through the phone’s speaker, “You have to come in costume, and of course, it has to be something sexy. Even Deena needs a sexy costume; bring her too because we need at least five. Bring whatever you want to drink. It’s BYOB, but I think they’re breaking the rules anyway with some shots because it’s just us.” She looked at her son; he nodded eagerly and gave the thumbs up. “No need to meet anywhere; the escape room sends a limo to make it easy for the customers to drink and let loose. Oh, and bring cash. I guess bring a grand. It’s $250 each, but I think they’re comping mine since it’s almost a family business at this point. So, a thousand covers you four.”

“$250 per? Cash?” Nicci was shocked. “Seriously?”

“They have so many expenses – like the limo, the whole control room, speakers, costumes, props; there’s been so much shit to do to get the facility decorated and ready. It hasn’t been cheap!”

Nicci’s friends looked at her hopefully to indicate they had no problem with their share. “Fine, we’re doing it. Hell, maybe I’ll pay for us all, and I can find a way to write it off as a business investment.”

“Thank you so much, Nic! That means so much!”

“You really sound excited about this, sis.”

“Oh,” Minerva said, grinning at her excited son, “you have no idea…we can’t wait! Don’t forget; we’re pregaming together in the limo – if not before! Pick you up at seven sharp!”

Minerva tapped the screen with her index finger and ended the call. She looked up at her eager son and gave him a devious smile. “Well, there you go, honey. You got your wish, ‘Little Ant.’ Bitchy Aunt Nicci’s in! Now, don’t make me regret it.”


Nicci and her friends went back and forth over drinks for nearly an hour after the phone call, trying to decide precisely what constituted a ‘sexy’ costume. Deena was sure it meant something super risqué, while Kaelan and Brandi were thinking more like almost any woman-centric costume they could find on the shelves at Spirit Halloween. Nicci was inclined to dress as she might for a ladies’ night out, just with some whiskers drawn on their faces and a dot on their noses, calling themselves cats or something like that.

They decided on a quick road trip to Spirit to check out their options. Two days before Halloween, they were open late, and the place was packed with last-minute shoppers. It had also been picked over pretty well.

They all decided to try for a group theme but also agreed that they didn’t want it to make anyone feel weird. While Nicci or Kaely might have looked sexy as a scantily clad cavegirl, Deena pointed out that she would not. They all agreed, and the point was also made that Kaely would have looked particularly good as a scantily clad cavegirl.

The four women were their usual loud centers of attention in the crowded store, and as usual, they didn’t care a bit.

After they had fully canvassed the store and hammed it up in everything they could find, Nicci found herself at the front of the checkout nevşehir escort line with four sets of red-horned headbands, four devil’s-tail waistbands, and four pitchforks. They would all be little devils. What could be easier or more appropriate?

The boy at the counter recognized Nicci immediately. He was excited and flustered. Nicci rolled her eyes and tried to ignore him. “I voted for you this year,” he said to her excitedly. “So thrilling to meet you in the flesh, Mrs. Burton.”

Nicci looked around uncomfortably.

“Is this what you’re going to be this year?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. “It’s perfect. Perfect! The devil is our school mascot, and you’re the school’s number one MILF!”

Nicci looked at the ceiling for a second for strength. “Just ring me up, please. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She knew exactly what he was talking about, of course. She just didn’t want to be reminded of it every time she left her house.

The boy looked confused. “You don’t know? About the voting every year and everything…?”

She slapped her gold AmEx down on the counter and pretended to get a phone call. Holding her phone up to her ear to fake a conversation and avoid having the whole thing explained to her again by some horny fanboy, she said, “Kaely can you finish this up for me? I have to take this,” and left the store.

“I fucking knew it!” Minerva laughed and shook her head as her sister and friends piled into the limo to join her on Mischief Night. “Have I not told you for the last twenty years that devil horns, cat whiskers, and things like that aren’t ‘real’ costumes?

Nicci laughed back. “You have. But do I listen? You look great, though!”

“Actually? Like you’re surprised? Fuck you!”

Deena wore jeans and a sweater. Kaelan wore yoga pants, a Lucky Brand hoodie, and a pair of high-top Chuck Taylors. Brandi wore something completely untrendy and incongruently classy from Chico’s. They also sported light makeup and their cop-out, red-devil accessories.

Nicci was wearing a brand-new pair of Prada penny loafers with no socks, jeans that made her ass look big and round but also showed the tone of her slim legs, and a cute, fitted sweater with the collar and tail of a dress shirt built-in for effect. She had spent time tonight on her hair and makeup for a change, and her long blonde hair cascaded down her back in eye-catching beach waves. 34D – 26 – 38 and one hundred and fifteen pounds. She looked like a movie star being paid to look casual.

Minerva, conversely, was wearing an actual sexy costume. Her hair was swept up in a sexy cascade of brunette waves on top of her head. Her expertly applied makeup made her face look sexy and vibrant. She wore a tight corset that created a big pillowy shelf of flesh and dense cleavage and showed her taut belly. Smartly, she finished the look with a long peasant skirt to help de-emphasize her lower half so she could accentuate the upper. A massive pair of earrings with feathers dangled from her ears. She looked hot.

Nicci was in a great mood and was already tipsy, having taken her sister up on her pregaming suggestion. She was more than ready to let go of all the stress she’d been dealing with, have some wild fun with her friends, and had no plans to let her sister draw her into a catfight. “The gypsy look has always worked for you. You know I love it. You look awesome tonight!”

“Well, thanks,” Minerva said, softening, “and don’t you worry,” she patted her sister’s leg, “I think there might be some other costume stuff at the escape room anyway.”

The ladies all shrugged pleasantly at her comment while Nicci poured a glass of wine each. They all toasted to an exciting and unpredictable night together when the pouring was done, saying, “Here’s to Mischief Night!” They talked excitedly about a lot of nothing while the limo transported them to the escape room at the far end of an abandoned, old outlet mall at the edge of town with no lights, signs, or decorations.


The five women got out of the limo skeptically, and the second the door closed, it drove off in a sudden rush of rumbling gravel, leaving them there holding their handbags, wine glasses, pitchforks, and a few bottles of wine.

“You’re sure this is the right place?” Kaely asked. There were no signs anywhere, just a light on behind the door. The rest of the complex was pitch black. The cool autumn night was breezy, and clouds drifted slowly across a half moon, providing the only visibility outside the unkempt building.

“It doesn’t look like much, does it,” Minerva observed warily. “This is the first time I’ve seen it at night. Kind of creepy,” she chuckled. “This is it, in any case. Let’s just go in.”

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