I was nineteen and preparing for the college phase of my life. I almost never willingly got up early for studying or exercise, but going to sleep early was worth it for a morning masturbation. I’d still never had a boyfriend, and had only been lightly kissed on the lips once for a dare. My lack of experience with boys in that way never bothered me while I was in high school. I guess I didn’t worry about it because I believed I would find someone eventually.
I was using erotica for my sexual experiences at the time. My arousal naturally steered me toward stories of girls who had boyfriends or husbands but would play around with other men at the same time. Initially I was disgusted, or at least I told myself I had to be because I knew what my parents would think. Yet I kept returning to these stories. Eventually it led to stories of white couples being dominated by black men. It was a kind of secret excitement I enjoyed, walking around in public with this image of being an innocent white girl, but at home I was masturbating to fantasies of a big black cock ruining me.
That morning I was naked in bed, the sun’s light hardly a whisper through the window. My legs were spread and my hips were raised as I worked on brining myself to climax. My eyes were closed tight as I imagined in as much detail as possible a big black cock being offered to my little white pussy. One finger readied me to be stretched. I wanted it so bad. Two fingers. “ah, ah, ah, mmm..” My moans were breaking up the silence of my room. I could feel how tight I was and that fueled my fantasy of hearing my black lover praise me. I would proudly wrap my white teen pussy around his black cock, constricting his python, conveying my desire for his cum. I would do all of this while my submissive white husband watched. I was rubbing my clit like crazy. My orgasm was coming fast!
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and before I could answer, it started to open. I had half succeeded in covering myself. “Sarah? OH! Oooohh, were you masturbating?” She spoke in that tone like I was in trouble. My sister and I were close, so once I realized it was her and not one of my parents, I relaxed and dropped my cover.
“Oh hush. Get in here and close the door.” I stood up and went to my closet to grab the day’s clothes. The cool air against my wet mound and thighs was a reminder of the orgasm that I’d just been robbed of. “Damn it, Chloe, you could’ve waited for an answer before barging in. Now I’ve got blue balls.” We both laughed at that. “So what’s up?”
“Sorry! I assumed you’d be asleep like you normally are at this hour. I just wanted to catch you before the day started and see if my big sister would give me a ride to school.” Chloe was eighteen, but she was still a senior in high school, and our parents had only promised each of us a car when we had graduated.
“Of course I will.” We haven’t always agreed on things, but we’ve always been able to prioritize treating each other with love. Honestly, I would have driven her to school every day if she had asked. There’s never a dull moment with her. I couldn’t have asked for a better sister. “I feel like we haven’t gone out for anything fun in a while. Wanna do something after school?” I had my towel wrapped around me as I moved to the bedroom door.
“Yes! Let’s get mom and dad in on it too. We can go out to eat, or maybe see a movie, or both!” My little sister happily skipped out of my room.
I took a little longer in the shower that morning. That detachable shower head was the best.
As we drove to school, Chloe brought up the topic of boys. “You really never felt anything for any boys? Even if I haven’t always acted on the feelings, I think it’s hard not to have crushes.”
“Hmm, well I could think some were cute enough or whatever, but I definitely never had any real feelings for them. And if that was the case, I didn’t see the point in pretending we could have a real relationship. I don’t know how to explain it except to say I can see high school is just not the time or place to be looking for that. I’m more open to that now that I’m going to college.”
“Sarah, I’m honestly so glad you’re that way. You know Aaron broke up with me over summer break. I thought I’d be devastated, and I guess I was for a little bit, but following your example has made things a lot easier. Thank you.”
“Oh my goodness, gonna make me all emotional over here.” We shared a laugh. “I’m happy to set a good example for you. Just focus on your life and let the boy stuff happen whenever it may. There’s no need to rush to anything.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Boys are so much trouble anyway! As long as I don’t end up a forty-year-old virgin, I think I’m okay with not chasing anything. I’m just saying it would be nice if it happened sooner rather than later.”
I chuckled at that, sharing in the feeling. “Yeah, I’m with you on that one.”
Boyfriends… it’s not like I couldn’t have had one. There was certainly plenty Bahçeşehir travesti of interest. I know I’m attractive, and I have a good sense of humor, and I’m always making good grades. But the thought of a boyfriend was strange to my young mind. I had built up a kind of ego that told me I enjoyed being the untouched attractive girl who simply had no interest in immature boys. In reality, I was just too scared and insecure to bring myself to talk to any boys. I had already started working on shedding that ego so I could have a real chance at a healthy relationship as an adult.
* * * * *
I had graduated high school with a clear vision of what I wanted for my future. I always had a talent in art, and that exploded when I dabbled in 3D art. If there was freedom in drawing, I didn’t know what to call 3D art, but it brought me pure joy. This is what I would do for my life. It was harder work than I thought trying to find the right college. Sure there were many that would support my goals, but to find that perfect one was not easy. My parents insisted that the closer to home I would be, the better. If they had their way entirely, I would just continue living with them through college. I thought maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
Taking a break from the college hunting, I pulled my car into a drive-thru. “Hello and welcome to Fast Food! What can we get started for you?” I wondered if he looked as good as his voice sounded.
“Hi, I’d like a number four, please. Make it a medium with Root Beer. That’ll be all.”
“Alllright, we’ll have your total at the window.”
I thought to myself, “Sarah, are you dumb? Stop getting excited over a voice at the fast food place.” But as I finished the thought, I was right back to being excited. As I pulled up to the window, he was there smiling and that’s where my eyes first went. Then I looked up to his blue eyes and we locked for a moment. He was perfect.
“Your total is $7.43. How are you today?” He asked with all the warm welcome one could muster. Had I lost my mind? I felt a sense of belonging… in a drive-thru…
“Hm? Oh, uh..” I looked down and began to fumble through my belongings. “I’m good, thank you. Do you take card?” I subtly shook my head. I felt like an idiot.
“What’s your name?” My heart skipped. Is this normal drive-thru dialogue? When I looked back up, he was leaning onto his arms, his head cocked. All I could sense from him was a genuine interest. I worked to slow my heart rate.
“I’m Sarah.” I finally found my debit card and offered it to him.
“Sarah. I like that name.” He reached to grab my card and definitely purposefully touched my hand, and I was totally okay with it. With how busy I’d been, I hadn’t masturbated in at least a few weeks, so his touch was electric. “Sarah, what do you do?” He had my card, but just held it as he gave me his full attention.
Someone who works at a fast food place had just asked me what I do, and somehow I was worried he wouldn’t be impressed. He was oozing confidence. “I’m not working right now, but I have a passion in 3D art and I’m looking at my options for college.” I noticed his skin tone, pale like mine. A fantasy of what our kids might look like flashed through my mind.
“So you’re recently out of high school then?” I nodded. “That’s exciting! Personally, I’m not planning on going to college. See, I’m a computer programmer. Been learning since I was in middle school thanks to the internet.” He moved back to swipe my card, then moved to hand my card back. “You know, Sarah, I’m working on a mobile app right now and I could use some of that 3D artist expertise. Maybe we could partner up?” Did he just want my help for his app or was that the smoothest line I’d ever heard? I hoped it was both.
As I reached out and took back my card, I said, “Oh, well, I haven’t had any schooling for it specifically, and I’m sure you’re looking for someone with experience. I should let you find someone more capable.” Someone handed him my food, and he then handed the bag to me.
“Are you sure?” I swear he was giving me puppy eyes.
In my brain, I knew exactly what I had to do. Over and over I repeated in my head, “Just tell him you would love to do that. Don’t let this go. ACCEPT HIS OFFER!” So obviously I replied with, “Yeah, thank you for the offer though! I hope your app is a success.” At the time I thought I was keeping it under control, but when I think back, he probably saw the conflict in my face.
“That’s too bad. I hope you have a wonderful day, Sarah, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.” He held his smile, just as warm and genuine as before he knew me. I smiled as if to say ‘you too’ but in reality, I felt defeated and didn’t know what to say.
I had my food in my lap already, but he held my gaze for a moment longer. Finally I looked ahead and started to drive away. I felt a loss as I pulled away from him. What was I feeling? Regret? Suddenly Bahçeşehir travestiileri my life flashed before my eyes. Up to this point, my life was on rails, and it was set up to stay that way. It was safe, secure, certain, the easy way. In that moment, I became overwhelmed with emotion. Suddenly I feared living this normal life. Suddenly I was uncomfortable with everything I knew. And in my mind there was a hope that it didn’t have to be so boring, and that hope was behind me at the drive-thru window. This was my existential crisis moment, and the real me burst forth out of my shell like water released by the breaking of a dam. Sure it was risky, but I wanted my life to be different. I wanted my life to be an adventure.
A car honking at me brought me back to reality. The light was green. I made a uturn at the intersection. It wasn’t too late. I made my way back to the parking lot of Fast Food. This decision would remain the most important moment of my entire life. I pulled out a pen and paper and wrote down my name and number. I checked the mirror. My eyes were red from the tears. “Oh well,” I thought. As I entered the Fast Food lobby, he was there at the register helping someone. When he looked over at me, his face lit up and he smiled. “Sarah!” I felt myself turn red as he brought attention to me, but it made me smile too. The customer walked away and I approached.
Noticing my eyes, he gently asked, “Are you okay?” When he asked me that, I knew it was right. I couldn’t know what the future would hold, but I knew I wanted to try a future with him in it.
“I’m actually better than I’ve ever been. I thought about your offer. I hope we can still partner up.” I gave him the paper.
“I’m happy you came back. I have a good feeling about this.”
“Me too.” I was beaming with joy that I had fought to changed the course of my life toward something I genuinely wanted for myself instead of what my parents wanted for me.
* * * * *
Neither of us had even bothered with pretending like we weren’t interested in the other. Those first months were just a bunch of flirting and having fun. We had talked openly about our attraction to each other and agreed to let things progress naturally. I guess both of us were like-minded in that before we had met, neither of us were actively seeking a relationship, so why rush one?
He wasn’t just a programmer. He was an incredibly talented programmer. And despite my initial doubts, I did pretty good work too. I loved being trusted with his vision. He would come to me with a rough description of an idea he had for the visuals, and I would interpret to the best of my ability in my 3D art. He had been working on his project for years before meeting me, so I got to go back over all the art he had done himself and remake them. Though he was an amateur artist, his imagination was awe-inspiring, greater even than mine. Now I would be his tool for putting that imagination out in the world in all its glory.
I still went to college for a time, and I definitely don’t regret that. It helped to hone my talent. The sure sign that I could be proud of my art was the reception to the app when he released it the next year. I hadn’t spent much time with video games, but he had grown up playing video games, and I’m told his mobile game was one of the greatest that had ever been made. People were blown away that just two people had been involved in something that was such high quality. Everyone loved his storytelling, and my art was highly praised.
On the day he released the app, he asked me if I would officially be his girlfriend. I didn’t have to think about that one since we were already so close. I threw my arms around him and we embraced in a hug as more than friends, and we shared our first kiss.
* * * * *
I was twenty-one now and my boyfriend was twenty-two. His app had brought in enough money that we could’ve retired. I had no idea that potential existed in what I thought was a simplistic product, that being mobile games. When we met, I was the upper class girl and he was the lower to middle class boy, and now my boyfriend was bringing in more money than my entire family. My parents weren’t so happy when I stopped going to college, but they weren’t going to disown me or anything so dramatic. My little sister was supportive as always. I had established myself as a top talent in the 3D artist industry. I had offers and deals coming in all the time. My boyfriend too was constantly busy with work from others, not to mention his next personal project.
I had finally moved out of my parent’s house and into a place with my boyfriend. I would miss my daily interactions with my parents and sister, but I wanted the privacy. We still lived in the area though, so it’s not like it was the end of all communication. In fact, it became a regular thing to have my parents and sister visiting whenever they felt like it. My boyfriend was always welcoming. One travesti Bahçeşehir time when my sister was visiting, she pulled me to the side and asked, “So have you two gotten it on yet? Hmmm?” She moved her eyebrows up and down. I couldn’t contain my laughter. Yep, that was my little sister alright, and I’d have it no other way.
“Nope! But don’t you worry, when we finally do, I’ll be sure to tell you all about it.” I giggled. Chloe wanted me to take that first dangerous step and help her be ready for when her time comes.
* * * * *
For the first time in what felt like forever, we had a period of about two weeks coming up where our schedules were free. My boyfriend suggested we take a vacation, and I couldn’t have agreed more. But while I was thinking it would be to another state, my boyfriend surprised me with tickets to the Caribbean. We left as soon as we could, and thankfully the trip was short.
We checked in to the hotel early in the day and made our way to the room. Our room was as incredible as you might expect of a high quality hotel in the Caribbean. The view of those blue waters and being surrounded by the greens of the landscape was beautiful beyond words. It was a surreal experience.
Later at dinner, we sat at our table overlooking the beach. The sun was soon to set and I experienced another surreal moment as I looked out ove the water. My boyfriend took my hand which caused me to look at him. Then he melted my heart.
“I love you, Sarah. I’ve loved you since we first met in that drive-thru. I’ll always love you. I’m in no rush to be married, but you’re the one for me. I can be your boyfriend or husband or whatever, but as long as we’re together, I’ll be happy. You mean the world to me.”
So it probably won’t surprise you that when we got back to our room, I took my boyfriend in my embrace and whispered, “Make love to me.” I knew this man was the one. With his love, I was ready to form the incredible emotional bond that sex creates.
I started to kiss him as passionately as I could manage, and he returned that passion. He ran his fingers through my hair and held the back of my head as we made each other aware of our desires with our mouths. He moved his hands down my back to my butt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up to wrap my legs around his waist. We kept making out as he walked us over to the bed.
We stopped kissing as he started to lay me down on the bed. I loved the feeling of his body over mine. My hands were exploring him as he moved in and started to kiss and nibble on my neck, then my ear. I swear I felt a sudden flood of wetness in my panties at that moment. My body tingled just from his lips and tongue on my ear lobe. I giggled a little from the sensitivity of it, like a pleasurable tickle. He moved his lips to mine again, this time it was more slow, gentle, like communicating tender love instead of passionate desire.
He broke away and looked into my eyes. I nodded my approval for him to continue. He took off his shirt, revealing a beautifully defined torso. My man was gorgeous. He helped me sit up and I removed my shirt. We both could see a brief hesitation from me to remove my bra, but I pushed through it. No man had seen my naked body. My breasts were now fully exposed to my boyfriend. I felt a little embarrassed at how erect my nipples were, but as if sensing this, my boyfriend pushed for me to lay back down and kissed me some more. When he pulled away again, he maintained eye contact as he moved back down the bed so his head was just above my waist. He was giving my breasts a moment of rest out of the spotlight, and giving me the moment I needed to build up to what we both knew was coming.
He started to plant little kisses and over my stomach. I laid my head back and squeezed and pulled at my nipples. This was his plan and I was all in. I wouldn’t have to be nervous about what was coming if I didn’t look. I could more fully enjoy myself. I kept my eyes shut as I continued to stimulating my breasts as I felt his kisses move up and closer to their target. His hands moved across my ribs as if trying to memorize their every detail. I loved it. I wanted him to know all of me.
As his head neared my chest, one of his hands moved to my my own. His hand stopped my hand’s movement and held it there for a moment, as if to say he’d be taking over now. He gently moved my hand to the side, then brought his own hand to my breast. As his fingers first lightly brushed my breast and nipple, I moaned. This was the first man to touch me in this way. “Do you like them?”
“They’re literally perfect.” I loved the feeling of his big hand taking my breast in its grip. Then I felt a tongue slide over my nipple and my body jerked as I moaned, my legs closed around him and my toes curled. This only encouraged him. He continued to lick and suck, and even tested out biting my nipple. He moved to the other breast and did the same. My breasts were no longer only mine.
My nipples had become more sensitive than I’d previously experienced in solo play, so I brought my hands to his face and pulled him up for a kiss. My nipples mashed in to his chest and slid against his skin, causing me to moan through our kissing. He ended the kiss and said, “I want to taste you.”
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