After an hour in line, they called my number. The airport Lost I noticed her bra was missing. Both her blouse and her skirt showed what looked like cum stains, and there were what looked like love bites all over her neck and her shoulders. She smiled at me.
“Just sign here, please,” said the clerk.
I signed the form, acknowledging receipt of my lost item.
When I hugged Cindy, I couldn’t help noticing she reeked of sex. I felt angry and betrayed at her obvious infidelity. Confusingly, I also felt arousal. Obviously after I’d left her out of my sight, some bastard (or bastards?) had noticed her unattended and had merrily taken their liberties. My dick sprang to attention as I imagined him… them?… molesting her.
I needed to reclaim my wife. Badly.
I was too horny to wait for the long commute home. I led my wife to the PamAir Executive Lounge. Fortunately, as a frequent work flyer, I have access to a private suite in whatever airport I go to. There at Heathrow, the suites included their own beds and even their own minibars. I had everything I needed for a reunion with my Lost-and-Found Wife.
“So, you got lost!” I said, pushing Cindy down on the bed. “And it looks like I’m not the first one who ‘Found’ you!”
Cindy spread her legs willingly, revealing that someone had ‘found’ her panties, too. You know what they say: ‘Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers.’
“You naughty little slut!” I said. “I guess whoever did this to you wasn’t big on using condoms!”
Cindy’s pussy was a total wreck. Her labia Beşiktaş travesti was an angry red, abused and swollen. Whoever did it to her must have had an elephant cock, because her pussy was stretched like I’d never seen it before. And there was cum absolutely EVERYWHERE. Dried up flaky cum on her thighs and in her pubic hair. And inside her pussy itself, there was copious cum leaking and oozing everywhere.
“Did you get fucked by a whole football team?!” I demanded.
Cindy shook her head no.
“But it was definitely more than one guy, right?”
She shook her hair no again.
“What?! All this from just ONE guy??”
Cindy nodded.
“He must have had a HUGE cock!”
Cindy blushed and flashed that cute smile she always flashes when she’s embarrassed.
“Was it huge like in those videos we watch?”
Cindy nodded.
I swallowed hard.
“Was it…… BLACK like in those videos?”
Cindy nodded again and flashed another shy smile.
“So I lose you for just one day, and you end up thoroughly fucked by some huge-cock black guy,” I summarize.
Cindy bit her lip and nodded affirmative.
“What a nasty, filthy little tramp you are!”
Cindy shrugged, defenseless.
“A dirty little whore like you needs a LOT of punishment!”
I had a signature punishment whenever my wife was really naughty. I would go down on her, teasing her until her clit would swell up with arousal, and then I would BITE her clit savagely.
This time as I went down on her, Beşiktaş travestiileri I was overwhelmed by the smell of her lover’s potent babyjuice.
She started moaning right away, writhing in ecstacy. Her lover must have been some kind of sex god, there was so much cum still oozing out of my Cindy. I would have been repulsed by the taste of it, except I loved Cindy so much that somehow that made it alright. A big glob of black DNA oozed out as Cindy pressed her thighs against my cheeks. I swallowed it greedily.
I started to think about contraception. Cindy had always made me use a rubber, even on our honeymoon. I had never once been inside her raw, much less shot my cum inside. And now here her pussy was, flooded with some black stranger’s seed. Cindy was NOT on the pill, and she had a family history of extreme female fertility.
The thought that my wife might be black-pregnant should have caused me alarm.
Instead it made me even hornier.
I pulled away for a second to speak. “You let some hung black stranger pump your womb full of cum!” I accused. “You’re probably pregnant by him! Filthy slut!”
Cindy whimpered.
I dove back in and started devouring her with abandon. My earlier teasing had got her all hot and bothered, now her clit was swollen and ready for some punishment. I expertly caught it between my front teeth and started nibbling. Cindy arched her back and started wailing. She was cumming, hard. I wondered if she had cum on that black guy’s big fat cock. I wondered travesti Beşiktaş if she had cum knowing he was probably getting her pregnant with a black baby. I sank my teeth down hard, eliciting a yelp of heavenly agony from my wife. She squeezed her thighs like she was trying to crush my face, her entire body tensing up with both ecstacy and torment. Finally her orgasm tapered off, and I relaxed my jaw, letting her poor abused clit retreat back into its sheath.
We cuddled and held each other closely.
“I forgive you,” I said. “You’ve had your punishment. Well, it’s my fault too. I’m the one who forgot you on the airplane.”
Cindy sniffed and burrowed her face into my shoulder.
“I guess we’ll have to confront the consequences of what happened,” I said.
I put a hand on Cindy’s belly. In my mind’s eye, I was visualizing my rival’s black sperm surrounding Cindy’s defenseless egg. It’s bizarre: I actually WANTED her to be pregnant by another man. Pregnant by a black man, a total stranger with a huge black cock. I wanted to watch her belly swell up, knowing some anonymous black thug put her in that condition. Strangest of all, I wanted to raise that thug’s baby, a baby that would look absolutely nothing like me, a baby all my friends and family would know was put in my wife by some big-cock black menace.
I stroked Cindy’s hair as she fell asleep in my arms, contented to be back with me.
Sure enough, Cindy was pregnant. We never did find out who had put her in that condition, but whoever he was, he was definitely very black, because Cindy gave birth to a lovely, healthy black baby nine months later.
We’re both so happy with our new baby, we’re planning some more vacations together. If I “accidentally” lose Cindy on the plane a few more times, maybe another happy accident will occur.
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