Lady Divina
Prisoner 109
First Encounter
Prisoner 109
The world around him suddenly became very bright and prisoner 109 awoke startled. Feeling completely disoriented, he was not sure where he was or how he got there. He felt very, very groggy.
After a few moments, he was regaining his wits and remembering. “Damn bitches!” – it dawned on him – “they got me…”. That would explain his brain fog, it was the effect of tranquiliser dart. He was foraging in an abounded shopping mall when he was ambushed by a FemFirst patrol. Prisoner 109 was one of the few remaining groups of free males in the world dominated by females.
His eyes adjusted to the bright light, and he realised he was in a cell. Spartan cell, with just a toilet, shower cubicle and a hard bed. Truth be told, he was treated fairly well. Little did he know, that this will change very soon…..
Lady Divina, Interrogator (First Class) and high ranking official of FemFirst ruling party, had a very different awakening. Gentle chime started stirring his consciousness and pulling her from her dreams. She stretched, enjoying the suppleness of her body and touch of the satin sheets. The full clarity of her dream was behind her grasp, but she had a feeling it was one of those forbidden dreams.
She quickly mentally shook of that dream, it is not appropriate for an Interrogator to have such dreams. Or a member of FemFirst party… Yet, she missed the forbidden dreams of the old world. “How did it all start, how did we end up here?” – she mentally sighed….
Today is going to be another physically demanding day at work, she had a new prisoner to interrogate. Lady Divina took a pride in her job and avoided shortcuts. She preferred a more intimate touch when interrogating her prisoners. Of course, they have science at their disposal, but every cheap bimbo could inject TruthSay nanomachines into prisoners bloodstream (or glans, as some of the more evil sisters did….). No, she would feel that she failed if she resorts to that. Lady Divina fancied herself a bit of an old-fashioned and dedicated professional, hence her preference for physical contact.
She’d better get her muscles stretched, it will be a long day at work. Lady Divina started her yoga sequence….
Prisoner 109
Prisoner 109 was taking stock of his situation. He was still dressed in his old clothes, ragged by any standards. The problem of living as a free male was that he and his group had to avoid all contact with civilisation. He missed good old days… “How did it start; how did we end up here?” – he lamented silently.
It is hard to say when did it all started… Did it start with global warning? COVID -25? However, he knew how it ended. It ended with a limited scale nuclear war flaring in Europe, the same time another one between India and Pakistan and threat of a full scale nuclear confrontation between USA and China – an oblivion that would be the end of the civilisation.
Loud noise of doors being unlocked interrupted his thoughts. He stood up, he will not give those bitches the pleasure of looking down on him. He might have been captured, but he is still a proud male.
A woman, dressed in jumpsuit guard uniform walked in. She was completely unremarkable, with bob hair and slightly plump body. She was carrying a shock baton though and although he could have easily overwhelmed her, there was no point. He had no clue how many more they are or where he is. He decided to play the game. For now….
“Prisoner 109, here is your clothes and toiletries. Have a shower, change into clothes and be ready in an hour. Your interrogation will begin then”, guard woman said and tossed a bundle onto a floor. After that, she turned and walked out. He heard locking of the doors.
“Interrogation” – he scorned, “can not be that bad, these bitches are supposed to be softies”. That being said, he did feel some anxiety. “Well” – he steeled himself – “they have no idea with whom they are dealing with – I am a free man, far superior than any of them bitches….”
Lady Divina was drinking her vegan shake. Since the Great Reset, world was much more peaceful. She was still a kid when it happened. The world was on a brink of a nuclear holocaust that would the spell the end of the life on Earth. However, miraculously, mankind (or womankind, rather) pulled bor escort from the brink. What happened in 2027 was a miracle, at the edge of an abyss, the humankind has finally recognised the true cause of the war – toxic masculinity.
It was a time of great unrest and politicians have grudgingly agreed to give females the right to rule the world for five years, as a last attempt to avoid nuclear holocaust and to pull the world away from the fire and death. And it worked, but it came at a price…
Another chime. A reminder that she must leave her habitat soon. She needed to dress up. And no, she didn’t need to dress up in order to get attention, that was one of the things of the past -females were not dressing up to get attention anymore. The dressing up was her own choice – when she was dealing with a captured wild male, she used that as another tool in her interrogation techniques toolkit. “So predictable these males…” – she sighed. Yet, she hated to admit, dressing up in her interrogator outfit has stirred tingling in her vagina…
Prisoner 109
He enjoyed shower. Oh, how much he enjoyed hot shower! One of the little pleasures that free man couldn’t really enjoy. Their hideouts in mountains had to have low IR signature, otherwise FemFirst drones would easily detect them. FemFirst have outlawed all fossil fuels and anyone using fossil fuels was sentenced to labour and community service. Solar panels were also out of question, as they were too visible.
“Maybe being a prisoner is not too bad…” – he thought as he reached for the fresh smelling clothes- “what da fuuuuuck!!!”. He stared at the provided underwear. It took a few seconds to process – it was a jockstrap, leaving his bottom fully exposed! Still not truly accepting what he was seeing he felt the fabric, it was a rich organic cotton and it felt nice.
It took him a minute to make up his mind, to accept a mild humiliation of wearing a jockstrap or to play a rebel immediately. No, he will play his cards later, he decided, and he put on the jockstrap. It actually felt good, He liked the feeling of air over his naked bottom, while his cock and balls were comfortably engulfed in clean cotton. Resigned to accepting this small humiliation, he put the rest of the outfit, a black vest, and a black tight fitting tracksuit pants.
Lady Divina looked into the mirror. She was pleased with what she saw. She saw a natural beauty, six foot tall, perfectly shaped – breasts C size and hips in proportion. Lady Divina was supple, yet muscular. She had not an ounce of fat above what was required for her to be a prime example of a beautiful strong female.
Interrogator was wearing black stockings, bringing attention to her perfect long legs. Her shapely calves extended to strong thighs and ended in well-rounded bottom. She turned around and approvingly looked at it. She clenched her buttocks and the muscles responded in the most pleasing way.
Looking up, she approved of her breasts, perfectly shaped. And the nipples – that was one of her strong points. Lady Divina had remarkable nipples, large – like little raspberries and yet super sensitive. They have made many sisters jealous. Lady Divina sometimes liked to squeeze them, hard to the point of drifting in between pleasure and pain.
Snapping out of her reverie, she put on a very tight-fitting latex top that further emphasised her breasts and latex G-string. She did that, while giving her clit a light and glancing touch. It responded eagerly. “Let’s be honest” – she thought – “I love my job….”. Latex felt great on her already slightly wet pussy. She also put a pair of black high heel boots, which add few inches to her height. She stood tall, strong and slightly menacing. Putting a cloak over her latex clad body, she was ready.
Prisoner 109 and Divina
Lady Divina was waiting in the interrogation chamber. The room was white with no windows and the door was thick, thus providing good sound proofing. At first look, it was empty, but for an antique and lavishly decorated red armchair (for her) and a padded bench opposite. However, there was a number of eyehooks in the walls and on the floors. Some of the white walls have built in closets. That is where Lady Divina kept her tools of trade.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening doors. Two guards brought in prisoner 109. “He is handsome” – she admitted to bornova escort herself, maybe she can take him overnight as a companion sometimes. High ranking officials of FemFirst had some privileges over other sisters – one of them is keeping a companion that was not a Tamale.
Vast majority of males since Great Reset were Tame Males – or how everyone called them – Tamales. All males on birth were given anti-violence vaccine, which made them efficient, violence proof – but ultimately boring. “Well, well, what do we have here” – Lady Divina spoke to the prisoner 109 while evaluating her captive.
Prisoner 109 was stunned, in front of him was a creature of otherworldly beauty. Within the drab and sterile world of “civilisation” and haggard world of rebel enclaves, he has never seen such a strong and beautiful female. He collected his thought – he will not give her a pleasure of admitting that she looks stunning. After all, FemFirst are enemies! But, it has been long time and… mortified, he noticed that his cock is betraying his feigned ignorance.
Divina has also noticed growing bulge in his tracksuit. She allowed herself a hint of a smile. Promising – she said to herself.
“Prisoner 109, you are here for the interrogation. I suggest that you recognise the vulnerability of your situation and revel the hideout of your group. That will save me some time and spare you some pain” – Interrogator First Class said in an unemotional, formal voice. Her thoughts, however, were very different. “Please do not easily give up” – she silently implored him, as that would mean that she will not have fun with him. Yes, she could always pretend that she wants more information, but the hidden cameras were always recording.
The cameras were there for two reasons, one for the review of the session and the second as a safeguard. FemFirst liked to portray themselves as human and considerate as opposed to violence prone and reckless wild males. The safeguard in this case was the detection of blood. If the interrogation becomes too rough and the interrogator draws blood, AI in camera would trigger an alarm and the interrogation session will stop. Such interruptions were considered as a failure on the behalf of an interrogator. It became a matter of pride between interrogators to be able to push as close to drawing blood but stopping short of it.
Prisoner 109 looked like he was to do anything that this beautiful female wanted from him and Divina’s heart skipped a beat. Then Prisoner 109 gathered his wits, straighten up, looked her into eyes and said “Fuck you bitch! I will tell you nothing!”. That was the music to her ears! Inwardly, she sighted a sight of relief – the game is on!
“Very well, so be it. Guards you may leave, but fit the collar first”, she said.
Before prisoner 109 figured out what is happening a black leather collar with a small metal box was snapped around his neck. He tried to remove it, but it would not give. “What is this! What have you done bitch?!”.
Lady Divina pressed a button. The prisoner 109 was suddenly frozen – the metal box was a neural paralyzer. It completely makes a prisoner unmoveable, while retaining his senses.
“This little device is to make sure you do not have some ideas about escaping” – Lady Divina said while circling her pray. “You will notice that, while you can not move, you can still feel everything” – at that moment, she ran her finger over his lips. He felt her touch and it was strangely sensual. Yet, he couldn’t move. Then her fingers slipped under his vest and found a nipple, giving it a pinch. He felt it and it was, not what he expected, it was slightly arousing. The pressure increased and pain started taking over the pleasure, he wanted to scream but he couldn’t move. The pinch increase even more and it was becoming unbearable and then it suddenly stopped. At that moment, Lady Divina disabled the neural paralyzer and he got control over his body just in time to let a scream escape.
Responsive nipples, she will have to remember that… Lady Divina looked him deeply into his eyes – “Do we have understanding here, prisoner 109?”. With fresh feeling of being incapacitated and subjected to pain at her whim, he just nodded.
“You shall address me with Lady Divina or I will take over your body again. Do you understand that” – in truth, she didn’t like neural paralyzer. Too crude – bostancı escort Lady Divina preferred old fashioned techniques.
“Yes” – he will wait when the times is right. He can not fight this devilish collar.
“Yes what?”, she snapped, with finger hovering over paralyzer button.
“Yes, Lady Divina” – good he is fast learner.
As for the first session, Lady Divina has already made up her mind. It will be soft implements. Two different type of floggers and maybe a singletail whip, depends on his stubbornness. She wanted to break him in softly. Floggers will not deliver blows that are unbearable (not immediately, she corrected herself – allowing a cruel smile), but prolonged and repeated application of flogger will tenderise a skin until it is red and infinitively more sensitive. After that, a light blow with a single tail or even a scratch with her long nail, should produce immediate and satisfying results.
Interrogation Session 1
Prisoner 109
Prisoner 109 was back in his cell. He was a bit sore, especially his nipples and butt, but nothing worth mentioning. He has seen much worse, sometimes during the rough sex session with desperate strippers in enclaves. The Great Reset and hunger have driven many to desperation and pretty girls in cruel world had nothing else to offer but their bodies.
He discarded those thoughts quickly, those strippers were fun, but this Interrogator Lady Divina was something else. Completely different league. As hard as it was to him to admit it, but he actually enjoyed the interrogation session. He didn’t betray any of his friends, and he was proud of it.
To be honest, the session was not too hard. Was Lady Divina playing with him? Or was she just not at her best that night?
It started with floggers. She demanded respect, but for Prisoner 109, that is something to be earned. So, he was rebellious – damn if he will show respect to any of those FemFirst bitches. They ruined his world of drinks, easy girls and living without consequences….
Yeah, it started with floggers. They were very soft and entirely bearable – he pretended more than he was experiencing any serious pain. Lady Divina either went very soft on him, or she didn’t fully master that tool of her trade. Either way, it was almost pleasant.
As he was relaxing in warm feeling that flogging induced, he was reminded that FemFirst bitches can indeed be cruel. Lady Divina pulled a vicious single tail rubber whip. Now, that was an instrument of torture to fear! Luckily for him, she didn’t go too hard – at moments, he felt that she will push him over the edge and that he will cry for mercy – but it never happened. He wasn’t sure if he was glad or sad about it…
Divina was back in her apartment. It was quite sedated here, with a pleasant low key music playing in the background. Prisoner 109 was showing promise – he was tougher even than she anticipated. “Well, there is no time limit to this” – she can play with him as much as he wants…
That being said, there was a small feeling of failure. Her carefully crafted plan of using floggers with increasing force never materialised. That wild male was strong – he didn’t even flinch under her flogger! There was a trace of impact when she made him kneel in front of her, kissing her feet. That made his bottom and genitals exposed and she did have some success with floggers, however, it didn’t last long.
“Maybe I made mistake to stop” – she thought – “that was definitively getting some grunts from the prisoner. Oh, well – no rush, she can always try that again. This wild male was definitely worth her attention – and she had all the time in this world. Damn, he was even mocking her, with his defiance. In order to save her face, Divina had reached for the ultimate weapon that she had at her disposal – fearsome rubber whip.
She put him in a bend over position, secured his wrists and ankles and started working on his bottom with the rubber whip. Finally, she could see responses – curled toes, ragged breathing and most importantly, beautiful criss cross marks were starting to appear on his bottom.
He was not begging for mercy. That man was strong, many tamales would confess anything the moment they saw that rubber whip.
But, Divina was getting tired – she was the one that couldn’t carry on. She stopped the session and before having him taken away – she made him lick her pussy, which was by then sopping wet.
Guards came and took him away. This was the first session, yet she felt uneasy – she didn’t break him and she didn’t get all satisfaction in doing it. “Round 1 to you, boy” – she thought – “but next one will be mine….”
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