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It Started At Christmas Pt. 02


I was short on plans for Christmas, as my Mum and Dad were visiting family in Australia for 6 weeks, and all I really had was an offer for Christmas Day at an elderly Aunt’s, so we decided to do Christmas at Kate’s. She’d already put in a claim for a refund on her flight, and Mum and Dad sent me a load of cash to do what I wanted for Christmas, so we decided to cut no corners and have a good one between us.

I went to mine to check everything was right. I lived in a kind of annex to a main house and the couple who lived there had been a little concerned and intrigued about my recent absence, so I explained about Kate’s injury and that I’d be supporting her over Christmas. They asked if it would be alright if their daughter, who was coming back as a surprise for Christmas, borrowed my room for the duration of her stay in return for a rent rebate, which I said was fine. So I called Kate and said I needed to tidy and stayed over the night, dining with Mike and Caroline,

I nipped stuff over to Kate’s and checked on her, then spent most of the next day tidying and putting my small collection of effects away out of sight. Then finally, I packed another small bag of bits and bobs and as I was about to leave, Mike and Caroline’s daughter arrived and thanked me for freeing up my room (her married brothers were taking the two other spare rooms) and I left them and moved into Kate’s for Christmas.

I entered full on carer mode in the week leading up to Christmas; cooking, cleaning, fetching, carrying, washing, shopping, and pretty much everything, but we had fun and managed to watch a film most nights, got out for a bite to eat a couple of days before Christmas and went to the cinema as well. Kate also spent a lot of time teaching me how to do my own make up, and come Boxing Day, I was fairly proficient.

Christmas Day we did a traditional turkey dinner, drank way too much wine and ate loads of chocolate. It was a quiet day, but we both enjoyed it and made the most of it. We shared a couple of fantasies with each other, arranged a date where we could get away for a few days in the spring, and eventually fell asleep on the sofa watching Christmas tv.

Just after Christmas, Damien came round for tea, and I cooked in Michelle mode which was nice. The parting kiss that evening lingered a little longer than it should, and Kate teased me for a couple of days, usually while she was between my legs, sucking and licking away and teasing me that she bet that Michelle wished that this was her doing this to Damien, and saying that she’d love to secretly watch me in action.

Christmas was fun and Kate started feeling a little stronger and was limping around on her cast, meaning she had a degree of independence. So, when Damien suggested a night out for Michelle, she insisted I go. I’d got myself some make up basics and Kate had promised me a dress for Christmas, so we nipped shopping in the local town. I got a classy dress which I paired with a blazer type jacket of Kate’s, and we went out locally for drinks, dinner and on to a club (remember those?). Damien was very hands on in the club, which got me going, and we frequently ended up snogging each other’s face off, which made me a frequent visitor to the Ladies to keep putting my face back on, much to the amusement of the odd girl I met in there. When Damien was at the bar, I had to fend off a couple of suitors, one who wouldn’t take no for an answer, till I went full on with my voice and whispered in his ear “I’m a bloke” which did the trick…..

It was great fun, and it seemed Damien and Michelle were filling a gap in each other’s lives. I knew I didn’t want it to last, but I was enjoying the new me while I could. Over dinner I had learned that Damien was a little wilder than anyone thought. He went to parties where pretty much anything goes, playing with multiple partners and generally living a much wilder life than I ever could have imagined. With hindsight, I got the feeling he was testing me to see how wild I was, but we will come to that later.

As we left the club, we found a dark spot near the station and I gave Damien a quick BJ (he’d been excited all night) before we walked back to Kate’s. We sneaked in as quietly as we could and Damien lifted my dress and took me on the living room floor, again vigorously, and in a first for me, making me cum in my panties without touching myself. After cleaning ourselves up, Damien took the second bedroom and I slept with Kate….. after our first sexual activity since her accident (a quick 69) when I slipped into bed next to her and she stirred from her light sleep.

The next morning, horny as anything, I spooned up to Kate and having touched her and felt her wetness, and checked she wanted to, I slid inside her and we gently coupled for the first time in a while. It was a wholesome and romantic interlude, and when it finished she rolled over and kissed me, saying thank you and beginning to cry. “Andy called while you were out and finished things yesterday. All Cihangir travesti the time apart has meant we’ve just grown apart. Right thing to do for both of us, but thanks for making me feel wanted.” I hugged her tighter, and we stayed there for most of the morning (trips to the kitchen for coffee aside).

Damien had left about 09:30, promising to call, and Kate and I had a short stroll, meeting the terms of her physio requirements, to the end of street cafe and back. Coffee and cake and a chat always cheers me up and it seemed to have the same effect on Kate, and we sat there nattering and talking through her situation for a good 90 minutes (or 3 coffees and 2 cakes each)!

We then gently strolled home and put on a dvd and curled up on the sofa. Damien called Kate that evening and they had a long chat while I rustled up a late supper which we ate from our laps. “Damien invited us to a NYE party.” she said “well when I say us, me and Michelle…. Think he quite likes her!”

“Haha. Well he’s a fun guy and Michelle certainly enjoys hanging out with him. Are we going?” I asked.

“Sure, though we need to think of costumes… it’s Fancy Dress.”

Kate still having a plaster boot on made options for her difficult. We decided on pirate as we could repurpose her crutch. The world was very much my oyster and we went through various ideas before Kate suggested just going to the costume shop and seeing what they had in my size, which I did. I tried on half the shop I think, with half a dozen costumes fitting me. There was a policewoman, a nurse and a French maid, a 60s style outfit, a Marilyn Monroe dress and what was loosely described as a Madonna outfit, which was basically a strappy frilly dress with some fingerless gloves.

I put a couple aside for an hour while I nipped round town to see if I could get bits to accompany one of my choices, and returned an hour later taking the costume I’d plumped for and the pirate costume for Kate, as well as the maid costume, as I though Kate and I could both have some fun with that one.

New Years Eve was the next day and we found ourselves going through the routine we had done a few times recently. Bath, shave and make up, this time with me doing my own. Soon enough, we were ready and the pirate and Marilyn headed to the party. I thought the dress just looked sexy and classy, and I completed the look with blonde Marilyn wig, some basic fashion jewellery including some dangly clip on earrings and some rings that fit me, matching strapless bra, thong and suspender belt picked up in M&S, and natural colour stockings along with a pair of white peep toe heels I’d picked up in the Evans sale. I’m not sure my parents intended the Christmas money to be spent that way!

Given the taxi situation on New Years Eve, I’d volunteered to drive, so having got Kate in the car, I leaped in the driver seat and promptly stalled the car three times. Driving in high heels isn’t easy!

We had to keep up appearances, and given there was no parking I’d have to park about 300 yards away from the party, so I dropped Kate close by then parked up and meandered back, difficult in the 4 inch heels and it was cold as well. I passed a few revellers who wolf whistled and a group of lads who were somewhat more lecherous, but I revelled in the enjoyment of being out and about on my own for the first time.

On arrival at the party, things were in full swing with about 20 people there, dancing and talking. Kate was in a chair resting up, and Seema from work, who I’d met both in male mode and at the Christmas dinner, whizzed me for a dance (bless her, she didn’t have a clue who I really was) and before long my feet were killing me so I went and sat with Kate.

Damien joined us a while later and the conspiratorial chuckles started. It was fun that no one recognised me, and there were 4 people from work there, 1 from a different department who I barely knew. As the night went on, I had the odd joke grope on the bum from both male and female guests, and before we knew it, midnight came around. Kisses from all, male and female, and a whisper in my ear from Damien to “meet me in the kitchen in ten”, which I of course did. There was a utility room off the kitchen and he whisked me into it, blocking the door with a wedge and saying “don’t want to spoil your makeup… quickie?”

So skirt up, thong to one side, and condom on and I was taken much more quickly than previously over the washer dryer. It felt so naughty, but great fun, Damien was more vigorous than the time before, and I had to fight to not moan, but he came in his condom, gave me a lovely hug and a quick kiss, and I sneaked out into the kitchen while Damien stayed in cover. I made myself a soft drink, reapplied my loopy and went and sat with Kate. He reappeared ten minutes later with everyone seemingly none the wiser and the party carried on.

At about 2:00 after another hour or so of dancing and generally being the life and soul of the party, flashing Cihangir travestileri my stocking tops to all and sundry and enjoying hands on my bottom from men and women alike (so far removed from normal me it’s untrue) my feet couldn’t take any more, and I took my leave, offering to drop Kate home on my way (keeping up appearances). Kisses again all round, and an invite to another (dinner) party in a months time from one of Damien’s friends… Michelle had a better social life than I did.

Kate was in a cheeky, drink-fuelled tease mode all the way home, sliding her hand up my dress while I drove and teasing the front of my panties, and she had picked up from her vantage point that Damien and I had disappeared at roughly the same time. Cards on the table I told her what had happened at the Christmas party, when we had gone out and in the utility room, and she just laughed. I told her I could get used to this open relationship mullarky, and she said let’s have some fun (being just out of a relationship that lasted since her first term at Uni, I think she was ready to let her hair down).

She leant me a nightgown and we enjoyed a girlie sleepover, after a little bit of oral fun both ways, before I eased her onto all fours and gave her a slightly more vigorous session than we’d managed since the injury. This was followed by another gentle lovemaking session in the morning…. I was looking forward to her cast being removed!

We talked about the next few days and what they held. Kate had an appointment to have a look at her ankle, so I took her to that and she had the cast replaced with a strong bandage, which meant she could be more active and we could work on strengthening her legs by walking around. We decided to tell people at work we were dating, so I could effectively move in and help her with the commute, shopping and everything else. Her housemate Lisa was cool with this, but it did mean that Michelle had to disappear when Lisa was around, as Lisa worked with us as well, and I didn’t want this growing arms and legs.

Before we knew it it was Bank Holiday Monday and we were back at work the next day. Clothes were ironed, bags packed and an early night was taken, as Michelle the Christmas tv went back in the closet for a while. But for how long….?


The answer was three weeks. Lisa had started seeing a guy who worked in her home town and she planned a trip a few weeks into the new year. Kate suggested we have a girls night out, and we planned drinks and a trip to the club I’d visited with Damien over Christmas.

Flush with my rent rebate, I went and got myself a new dress and some new underwear and tights, as the dress was, shall we say, short!

So Friday after work we rushed back, and started to get ready. Kate couldn’t risk heels at this point but she was cast free and was OK walking on her bad foot. She was 5’4″ tall whereas I, in my 3 inch black heels, touched 6’2″. I’d lost a bit of weight since Christmas and was feeling really good about myself. We attracted a fair bit of attention in the two bars we visited, and I think we bought 1 drink all night, but this was nothing compared to the attention we got in the club.

Two girls on their own tend to get attention, but when one is over 6 feet tall and almost a foot taller than her friend, we’ll you can guess. Drinks kept coming and we were constantly being dragged off for dances, and when one pair of suitors really wouldn’t take no for an answer, Kate reached in and snogged me, and jaws dropped while we escaped to the Ladies.

After a call of nature, much much harder in tights than it had been in stockings, and refreshing our make up, we made our way to the bar… and bumped into 4 guys from work. I nearly crapped my pants, and Kate did all the talking after accepting drinks. They asked where “I” was, and were told I’d gone home for the weekend, and then started asking what this “I” did, and Kate told them I worked in retail. Fortunately, they were more than 3 sheets to the wind, and never put two and two together. They were quite hands on with both of us, both sat at the table we found and on the dance floor, but never went too far. Theydid try to get an invite back to Kate’s but we managed to fob that off by saying we were staying at mine, and that I had 2 flat mates who would be in bed. Kissing them goodnight, we jumped in a cab, and once round the corner started laughing out loud, much to the amusement of our cab driver.

We were properly buzzing when we got home, and had a nightcap. Kate didn’t wait till the bedroom that night and slid up my dress and pulled down my tights before straddling me on the sofa. She had really got into having sex with me while fully dressed and made up, and I teased her afterwards, but she told that male me always came through in our lovemaking no matter how girlie I looked.

We had a little lie in on Saturday, as we were a bit hungover, and realised we had nothing for dinner when we eventually Travesti cihangir got up, so Kate suggested we go down the local for tea, and so that’s what we did. When back we talked seriously about things for the first time. We had to decide where our next roles in the company would be, as we changed jobs after 12 months on the graduate scheme, so September would be the date of change. I was wanted in another role in head office (I was an accountant) whereas Kate was interested in a European procurement role based in Spain. We decided to keep things on the open relationship, fun while it lasts, basis and to let me explore the Michelle side of things, and that should Kate meet anyone, she had free rein to play as well (all other play was to be safe though). On that note, we decided I should give the month’s notice on my flat and move in permanently, so I resolved to let Mike and Caroline know after work on Monday.

After a couple more drinks in the pub, we were shattered and an early night followed, though not after I reminded Kate of proper male me by taking the lead in bed. My slightly dominant side was so different to Michelle’s more submissive demeanour, and Kate chuckled as we went to sleep in each other’s arms.

After a relaxing Sunday, we went into work on Monday and the morning was quite busy with meetings. At lunch we went to the canteen as usual. There were a dozen or so of us on the grad scheme, and we ate together most days. The guys we had bumped into were talking about Kate’s tall mate and how much fun she was, and I was making up bits of what I’d got up to on my weekend away. Kate emailed me that afternoon saying they really didn’t have a clue and that Rob, one of the 4, was trying to get Kate to sort a night out. The thought scared me somewhat!

Work was very much back to normal, and I was busy all afternoon, before heading to see Mike and Caroline to give them the news of me moving out. When I got in the house (my annex was accessible through the hallway) I shouted hi, and the voice that greeted me was their daughter who was still around. She told me they’d been held up at work (they ran their own business) but wouldn’t be long, and asked me if I wanted a cuppa.

She was a few years younger than me (20) and was called Beth I discovered. She was currently on a year out travelling and had decided to spend a couple of months at home before hitting Europe and working as a travel rep on one of the Spanish islands. She thanked me again for letting her use the annex and explained she had moved into the main house now her brothers had disappeared.

When she nipped to the loo, I went to the annex just to grab a couple of things, and found an empty M&S stocking packet on the chest of drawers next to the tv. No doubt about it, these were my original purchases, and I felt myself go bright red and panic set in.

Checking in the mirror that I’d returned to normal, I went back into the main house to carry on with my cuppa. I said nothing and we carried on chatting, before Beth said “Your girlfriend wears stocking does she? Not many girls of our age do! Sorry, I found the pack as it had slipped under the bed, but didn’t want to throw it away so left it on the side.”

Sensing an “out” I said “Yes, Kate wears stockings occasionally and it must have slipped there when she came round.” But I could feel myself reddening.

“Don’t worry” Beth said, “nothing to be embarrassed about, stockings are way sexier and you’re a grown man, so if she’s been wearing stockings for you, good for you. If that’s what it was….” She looked at me above her cup of tea with a knowing look at that point.

Fuelled with the confidence of Michelle’s outings, And knowing I was effectively moving out, I sighed and looked at her and said “You’re right, they’re mine” and started explaining, only to be interrupted by a key in the door and a cheery hi from Caroline, who apologised for being late.

“It’s alright Mum, we’ve been getting to know each other and I’ve been a good hostess. I’ll leave you to it, and we can finish getting to know each other another time can’t we?”

I nodded and said “sure, sounds like a plan.”

“Will you eat with us?” said Caroline, and never turning down a free meal, I of course said yes and quickly called Kate to tell her.

So I sat and had a nice meal with Mike and Caroline, and Beth, and explained the situation. They were sad, but happy for me, and we agreed on one month’s notice, but I told them if they needed the room just to let me know any I’d move everything out before. They were lovely people, and had really kept an eye out for me in my first couple of months down South.

After dinner, I excused myself to pack a few things away and Beth offered to give me a hand as she was bored. As we packed she probed me on the stockings, but was somewhat surprised when I told her the extent of what I did in terms of dressing (I left out the Damien bit). “I’ll have to come on a night out with you and Kate” she said, as we zipped up a second hold all to go with the two boxes of books I’d put together. “I’ll suggest it to Kate” I laughed, and we exchanged email addresses before she helped me to the car with the bags and boxes. I hugged her goodbye, thanks Mike and Caroline and arranged to come back whenever they needed me.

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