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“I think I’d like to buy a house,” Cody said, surprising his parents. He’d stopped over their house for dinner like he did once every month or so.

Cody was twenty-six years old, four years out of college, and doing very well for himself. He had a good-paying job as a sales manager for a major soft drink and snack food distributor. He’d been recruited right out of college and had already been promoted twice. He had what he thought was the ideal job for a young single guy. He worked Monday through Friday, no weekends. He went in very early in the morning, five or six a.m., but his days were usually done by mid-afternoon, which gave him some daytime to do other things. That came in especially handy on Fridays when he could get an early jump on the weekend.

“Really?” his mother Melanie asked. “Do you think you’re ready for that?”

“Sure,” he said. “I’m making good money, I have savings in the bank, good credit, I made my final car payment last month, and the lease on my apartment is up in two months. My landlord said I could go month-to-month after that. I think the timing is right.”

“That’s a big commitment,” his father Jerry said.

“I know it is,” Cody said. “But I’m ready. I’m tired of throwing money away paying rent. I’d like to own something. Start building my empire.” He laughed. His parents laughed along with him.

“Well,” Jerry said, “Your mother and I were not much older than you when we bought our first house. It wasn’t much, an old run-down row house in the city, but it sure felt good when we moved in, didn’t it, Hon?”

Melanie looked at her husband with a relaxed smile. “Yes, it did.”

“We spent the first weekend painting, every room, before we even moved in,” Jerry said. “The place needed everything. Every weekend after that for the next two years was a project. But it was ours.”

“Hopefully I can find a place that’s not a fixer-upper,” Cody said.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you can,” Melanie said. “It’s a buyer’s market right now. Have you talked to a realtor?”

“Uh, no, I haven’t.”

“My friend Toni is a realtor,” his mom said. “Do you remember her? She was our realtor back when we bought this house. You were in middle school at the time.”

“Kind of. I think I might have met her.”

“You did. She was very helpful and brought us a bag of sandwiches the day we moved in.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that,” Cody said. “She was good-looking, I remember that too.”

“Yes. She was and still is. She was young at that time, about the same age as you are now. Young and hungry. She did a great job for us. She seems to be doing very well these days, I see her ads and signs around town and she has listings all over the place.”

“You don’t think she’d be too busy to work with a first-time buyer like me?”

“She’s a businesswoman, I don’t think she would turn down business. I see her fairly often at the Historical Society meetings and I’ve given her a few referrals over the years. I don’t think she’d turn down my son. Would you like me to call her?”

“I can call her.”

“Let me call her first, Cody. If you call her, she’s going to call me anyway.”

Melanie called Toni and left a message. Toni called back within minutes and said she’d be happy to help. Cody got on the line and they set up a meeting for Monday afternoon at three o’clock.


Cody showed up to the real estate office promptly on Monday afternoon and checked in at the front desk. The receptionist told him to have a seat and Toni would be with him shortly. Less than a minute later Toni came striding into the lobby and walked up to him with a wide smile.

The first thought that crashed into his mind was that this woman is a knockout. His mother had mentioned that Toni was in her late thirties now and had two kids in high school, but he thought she looked way too young for that. Cody was a good-looking young man–over six feet tall, slim and athletic, blond and blue, and he’d had a number of hotties for girlfriends over the years–but he hadn’t expected his realtor to be this attractive. She was raven-haired, thin, with firm breasts and a shapely rump, and she was wearing an expensive blue business suit that accentuated her assets.

“Hello, Cody?” she said, as she reached out to shake his hand and give him her business card.

He was thrown off a little, mumbled a yes.

“Nice to meet you again,” she continued. “It’s been quite a while.”

“It sure has.”

“Ready to take the plunge into home ownership?”

“I hope so. We’ll find out, I guess.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re here. Would you like a coffee, or tea, or a bottle of water?”

“No, I’m good.”

“Okay, then. Follow me.”

She led him to a small conference room behind glass walls, shut the door behind them, and they took seats at the table. Against the only wall that wasn’t glass there was a computer and a giant monitor.

“So, tell me about yourself and how you reached this point, and what kind of property you’d like to buy.”

Cody described his background, and discussed his employment record and wish list as Toni took notes. He told her what areas he would consider.

“From what you’ve told me, I think you’re qualified. Car’s paid off, no debt, decent income, money to put down. Have you talked to a lender?”

“Uh, no. You’re my first step.”

“Well, we need to get you pre-approved. Sellers want to see proof of financing when they get an offer.”

Toni looked at her watch, picked up the phone, got an outside line and punched in a number. “Hi Marilyn, glad I caught you,” she said. “Fine, how are you?…..Good. Look, I have a young client here at the office, a first time buyer. I need to get him a pre-approval letter so we can start looking at property…..He looks good on paper….Are you available?…Yes, he’s here right now, I’ll put him on.”

She handed the phone to Cody and he talked and listened for about a minute and handed the phone back to Toni.

“I’m going to go see her right now,” he said.

“Good, that’s what I was hoping for, so we can get rolling ASAP. Her office is in the bank building across the street. She’s going to need some documentation from you, pay stubs, tax returns, financials, stuff like that, and she’ll run your credit, so it might take a couple days for it to come together. But as soon as you get the letter we can get to work. Once we know your price range we can get busy looking at property.”


Two days later Cody was good to go.

Toni did her searches and emailed to Cody a dozen different properties to consider. He sifted through all of the listings, looked at all of the photos, compared all of the details, and the pros and cons of each. He was interested in a townhouse where he wouldn’t have to do any yard work, or a small single-family house on a small lot where any yard work would me minimal. He was a young single guy. He had better shit to do.

“What do you think?” Toni asked when she followed up.

“They all look good,” he said.

“Choose five or six. After you’ve seen that many they all run together.”

Good advice, he thought. He chose his top five and Toni was able to schedule four showings for Friday afternoon.


Cody showed up at Toni’s office Friday and was again knocked out by how hot she looked. She wore a tight black skirt and a sleeveless white top that wrapped her tits just right. He tried not to stare as they greeted and headed outside to her car. For the next hour or so they drove from one house to the next, and he took his time at each one, checking the properties out closely, looking in all the closets and cabinets, under sinks, taking notes, and stealing as many furtive glances at Toni as he could without getting caught.

They went back out on Saturday afternoon and saw five more. This time Toni wore white pants and a gray, crew neck, half-sleeve sweater shirt that again showed off her assets. Again, going from home to home, it was difficult to take his eyes off of her. He could faintly see the indent of the crack of her ass on the back of her pants. He couldn’t help but wonder if she liked it up there.

He was getting comfortable with her, and she with him. They shared a subtle joke or a smile here and there, and Cody liked the way she looked him right in the eyes when they spoke, and her eyes were hypnotic, like brown lasers aimed at his soul.

When they parted company that Saturday, Cody had a lot to think about. There were two houses that he really liked and could imagine living in, and he needed to decide which one he liked best and whether he was ready to make an offer. He told Toni he’d let her know the next day.

He called Toni early Sunday afternoon on her cell and told her he was ready to make an offer. She asked him if he could meet her at her office in an hour to write it up. This surprised him.

“Today? Really?” he asked. “Your office is open on Sunday?”

“The office is closed, but I have a key,” Toni said. “We don’t want to put it off if we can help it. It’s competitive out there and there are a lot of buyers right now.”

“Okay, see you then.”

When he got to the office Toni was already set up in the conference room and she stood up and waved him in.

She was dressed casually in light blue jeans and a floral V-neck top, with the V directing his eyes to the space between her breasts. She pulled out the chair to her right and he sat down beside her.

For the next half hour Toni went over the sales contract section-by-section. Since Cody was a first time buyer, she wanted to be sure he understood all of the terms and conditions. Over that time, side-by-side, hovered over the paperwork, Cody tried to concentrate but it was not easy. She would occasionally touch his arm or her leg would brush against him. He had to fight off the urge to take a peek at her cleavage as he breathed in the delicious scent of her perfume, some citrus delight.

When they were finished Toni emailed the offer to the listing agent and then walked Cody out to his car. She shook his hand, said goodbye and good luck, and told him she would let him know as soon as she heard back. Cody stared at her ass as she walked back into the office and he didn’t get in the car until the door closed behind her.

“Damn,” he said to himself, shaking his head, as he turned the ignition.

About an hour later he got a text from Toni. She said she was sorry. The house had gone under contract earlier that same afternoon. He texted her back asking if they could make an offer on his second choice. She replied, ‘Absolutely. Come by my office after work tomorrow.’

He said he would. He was already looking forward to it.


The next afternoon they met and Toni submitted the offer only to find out that the seller already had two offers under consideration. They learned the following morning that they had gone with another buyer. It was back to square one. Cody was disappointed, but not discouraged. There were more properties to look at. He wouldn’t mind spending more time with Toni.

Over the next week or so Toni showed him numerous houses. Several of them were in a large subdivision that she knew well, as she had canvassed the neighborhoods extensively and had had many sales over recent years. A couple of them he really liked and they went back for second showings. Over this time, multiple days of meetings and showings and car rides, their conversations became more personal, they opened up more and more, their jokes became edgier and their smiles became flirts.

Cody was checking her out every chance he got, and Toni knew it. But she was checking him out too. She thought about him sometimes throughout her days. She liked his look. His broad shoulders, his slim athletic body, his height, his beach boy hair, those baby blue eyes. He was witty too, with a good sense of humor and perfect timing with a quip. He made her laugh. That was a turn-on.

During one showing she opened the french doors and led him out onto the deck to show him the backyard, which was bordered by the woods. She leaned over the railing and pointed to the trees. He wasn’t looking at the trees.

“So, what do you think?” she asked.

“I think you have a great ass,” he blurted without thinking. He cringed as soon as he said it.

Toni’s body straightened, she stood up and turned toward him.

“I beg your pardon?” she said.

“Oh, Toni, I’m so sorry,” Cody said, with panic on his face. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

“Hmm,” she replied. Her laser eyes locked onto his.

“Please forgive me, that was out of line. I don’t know where that came from. I’m so sorry.”

Toni kept her eyes on his, didn’t say anything for a moment. Then her lips curled into a coy smile.

“Was that a Freudian Slip?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry if I offended you, I didn’t mean to, really,” he babbled.

She grinned and said, “It’s okay. I guess I should take that as a compliment.”

“Oh, yes, please do.”

Cody had the willies after that. Nervous. Goose bumps.

After the showing, Toni drove them back to her office and dropped Cody off at his car. They said awkward goodbyes and Cody got out and shut the car door gently with his head held low. He thought for sure he’d fucked up big time. As he was inserting his key into the door of his car, Toni lowered her front window on the passenger side.

“Hey, Cody,” she called.

He turned and faced her through the open window. Her eyes were burning into his.

“You have a nice ass, too,” she said.

She hit the gas and drove out of the lot and onto the road. She giggled to herself as she drove away. She couldn’t believe she’d said it, but she had. Was it because she was closing in on forty, or because her kids were nearly grown, or because her husband traveled all the time for his job and didn’t pay much attention to her anymore, or was she having a mid-life crisis, or was she just horny, she didn’t know, but something made her say it. He was a handsome young man, and he made her feel good.

Toni made Cody feel good too. He had a smile on his face as she drove away. Now they both had a pretty good idea where things were headed.


The house where Cody made his ass comment ended up being the house he bought. He didn’t mess around. It was a two-bedroom cottage on a small lot with the woods behind it. It was an older home but had been updated and well-maintained. He made a full price offer that same day because he didn’t want to risk losing out again. When the offer was accepted Toni gave him a big hug and they put their arms around each other for the first time. Cody inhaled her luscious scent as he hugged her back and felt her breasts dig into his chest.

Over the next few weeks they spoke on the phone nearly every day and saw each other often as she led him through the loan approval process, the inspection, the appraisal. She helped him make measurements and gave him decorating ideas. She found herself dressing for him, and he noticed. He made a point to compliment her and tell her how good she looked. Things were kept professional, but their inhibitions were breaking down. Toni gradually accepted and admitted to herself that she was attracted to him and even though he was much younger and her friend’s son, she wondered what it would be like to go to bed with him. If he came on to her she knew she was probably going to let it happen.

Cody had fantasized about fucking Toni too, but he was torn. He didn’t quite know how to proceed. She was much older, married and his mother’s friend. He couldn’t help feeling that he was in way over his head. He didn’t want to create a big awkward mess. And he didn’t want to get shot down if he went for it.

They closed on the house on a Friday afternoon. Toni gave Cody another big congratulatory hug, and he again savored her sweet scent and her nipples felt like rubber bullets against him.

Saturday morning Cody moved in. His apartment was rather small, so he didn’t have a massive amount to stuff to move. Two buddies with pickups helped him and they were done in two trips, and finished before noon. He was unpacking and getting the place organized that afternoon when Toni stopped by. That was when they finally crossed the line.

Cody was stacking dishes into kitchen cabinets when the doorbell rang. He went to the door and there was Toni, looking great as usual. She was wearing a white sleeveless top tucked into lightweight tan capri pants that showed off her taut calves, and sandals with a bracelet around her left ankle. He let her in and her intoxicating aroma tickled his nostrils as she came through the door.

“I brought you a house warming gift,” she said, handing him a wrapped gift and an envelope.

“Oh, you didn’t have to do this, Toni.”

“What? This is a big occasion, buying your first home. Go ahead, open.”

“Well, thank you.”

He opened the package first. It was a 5×8 inch framed watercolor painting of the front of his new house, with the address and date across the bottom.

“Oh, wow,” Cody said. “This is wonderful. How did you get this done?”

“I know a local artist, she’s great. I give her a photo and she takes it from there.”

“Well, I love it. Thank you.”

He opened the envelope. There was a card congratulating him on his new home and a generous gift card from Home Depot.

“This will come in handy,” he said. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, are you going to show me around the new homestead?”

“Sure. Not much to see and you’ve seen it all before, but follow me. Don’t blink, you might miss something.” Toni laughed.

They walked through the small house, stepping around furniture and stacked boxes. They ended up on the back deck, looking out over the lawn and into the trees.

“I’m happy for you, Cody,” Toni said. She turned to face him, looked into his eyes. “You were smart to offer full price. The sellers had backup offers in case yours fell through. This is a good investment. It’s nice. It borders the woods, has a private backyard, and this is an in-demand neighborhood. It’s a hot property.”

Cody’s eyes were locked onto hers like laser beams. “I think you’re a hot property,” he said with a rasp.

They didn’t speak for a time, they just gazed at each other. It was a moment of truth. Toni spoke first.

“Do you remember the day you made your offer on this house?” she asked.


“Do you remember what you said to me on this deck?”

“Of course. I said you have a great ass.”

“You still think so?”

“More than ever.”

Toni sighed, turned her head, looked sideways for a moment, then looked back at him. “I like yours, too,” she said. She stepped closer so they were directly facing each other. “I hope I don’t end up regretting what I’m about to do.”

She put her lips to his and there was no hesitation on either end. Their lips opened instantly and their tongues meshed in their mouths. Toni’s scent had been turning Cody on for weeks and now he was getting to taste her for the first time. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as his hands roamed her back, one settling on her rump. She held the back of his head and neck firmly and snug with her face as she plunged her tongue into his mouth.

It was a long kiss. When it ended they were both smiling. It was a kiss like neither of them had had in a long time. She was already wet. He was already hard.

Toni loosened her hold on him, lasered his eyes with hers and said, “Take me to bed.”

Cody took her hand and led her to his bedroom. Fortunately he had set up the bedroom earlier before he’d started in on the kitchen. Standing beside the bed, they kissed again, another long, tasty tongue fuck. Then Cody started unbuttoning Toni’s top as she unsnapped his jeans and unzipped his fly, careful not to scrape his erected cock. He wore no underpants, another turn-on.

He took her shirt off as his pants dropped to the floor. He removed her bra as he kissed her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. The zipper of her pants was on the side, and Toni sighed loudly as he simultaneously unzipped her and pinched his lips around her left nipple. She worked her pants and panties off as he sucked. Her nipple was swelled and hardened and felt like a rubber coated marble in his mouth. He switched tits and sucked a second marble into his mouth. Her tits were like electrodes wired to her twat.

He licked her upwards from tit to ear and buried his nose into her hair as he kissed her neck.

“Damn, you smell good,” he said.

“Good enough to eat?” she said, stroking his clean-shaven cock for the first time.

“Oh yeah.”

“Eat me,” she said with a gasp. “Then you can have me any way you want.”

He sat her on the bed, spread her legs and knelt in front of her. Her pubic hair was trimmed short and formed a crescent that seemed to point at her crotch.

“God, I’m so fucking wet,” she hissed.

“I’ve fantasized about this,” he said, looking up into the brown pools of her eyes.

“So have I,” she whispered.

She hissed again when he dove face first into her cunt. He rammed his tongue into her and then licked along her salty lips. Esat travesti She was right, her pussy was swamped. Her clit was large and swollen and glistened in front of his nose. He licked it before sucking the whole thing into his mouth.

“Yes!” she barked, “That’s it.”

She wrapped her legs around him tightly and put her hands on the sides of his head like it was a steering wheel and maneuvered his mouth all around her sweet spot, showing him how she liked it. She moaned with every poke of his tongue and suck of her clit, and Cody’s hands squeezed her ass in time with his oral action. She was in a state of physical bliss, she could not remember ever being eaten like this, and if she had, it had been a long, long time. Going down was not something her husband had had any interest in for who knows how long, but she was craving it now and this kid was giving her a major, magical dose.

“Ugh,” she groaned, when unexpectedly she felt Cody’s finger slide into her asshole.

Instantly, his mouth, his butt cheek squeezes, and his ass finger were working in unison and keeping perfect time. Toni’s clit was getting a blowjob, her pussy was getting tongue-fucked and her ass was getting finger-fucked simultaneously. Her legs were like boas around his back, and she matched his movements as she pumped her groin into his face, fucking him with her turgid tool.

Her flesh was now tacky with sweat. Her nails dug into his scalp. Her ass muscles pinched around his finger as it reamed her. Her cum, deep inside, was roiling, soon to flow.

“I’m gonna come, Cody,” she cried out. “I’m gonna come big.”

She nearly screamed when she released, an orgasm like she’d never had. Her long-stored cum shot out of her, her pussy became a geyser, spraying Cody’s face and filling his mouth. Her body quaked in spasms and her legs jellified and unwrapped, and slipped from his body, and all the while her vocal cords emitted garbled mutterings of welcome, guilty pleasure.

As soon as her body quivers became minimal, Cody rose up to kiss her. He pushed her back so she was lying flat on her back. At the same time his slimy tongue entered her mouth, his cock slid into her. It was a long wet kiss. Toni hugged his cock with her cunt.

“You taste good,” he said, kissed her again, and started fucking her.

Cody’s cock was a like bloated banger ready to burst, sliding in and out of Toni in warm, slippery bliss. He slammed his meat into her, and she returned the favor, and their bodies throbbed in a synced cadence that creakily rocked the bed on its frame.

“Damn, this feels good,” he said into her ear, and sucked her lobe into his mouth. Toni clamped her cunt muscles around his cock. “That’s even better.” He squeezed her buttocks with both his hands as he pounded her.

They continued, working together, humping, clamping, squeezing. Cody rammed his finger back up her butt.

“You like my ass, don’t you?” she said, with half a breath.

“You knew that already,” he replied, and mashed his mouth against hers. Soon their tongues were fucking right along with their genitals, and their mutual groans and grunts kept time.

After a couple more minutes of mad fucking, Cody knew his cum was rising and he wasn’t going to last much longer.

Cody broke their marathon kiss and grunted, “Goddam, this is so fucking good. Here I come.”

“Good,” was the only reply breathless Toni could come up with.

“Come with me,” he said sharply. “Let’s come together.”

He put a little extra bucking in his fucking, and pried a second finger into her asshole. Then he almost wrenched his neck twisting down to take one of her nipples into his mouth, and he sucked. Toni was wheezing with every thrust.

About thirty more seconds was all it took. Cody’s body shook as he erupted, and he kept his mouth working on her tit as he downloaded multiple streams of his sperm into her. Just as his semen was about drained, his body still shivering with delight, Toni’s body shook beneath him.

“I’m coming,” she blurted, almost a shout. “I’m coming again.”

“Do it. Do it.” Cody slammed his spent penis into her a few more times to make sure.

She squawked and squirmed and let loose. Another whopper. Cody felt her heated flow surround his cock inside her and trickle down his balls on the way out. When her aftershocks had abated, he pulled out and lay beside her, and gently kissed her on her lips and chin and cheeks and neck and forehead. Then he held her close, and she held him, their sticky skin adhered, in contented silence.

Toni was lying there, with her head on Cody’s shoulder and her arm around him, thinking, Wow. Here I am, first time with this kid, and I just had two of the biggest orgasms of my life, back-to-back. And the first time we fuck, we came together. She couldn’t remember if that had happened before; she didn’t think so.

She raised her head, looked into his eyes and smiled. He smiled back. Then they both broke into subtle laughter.

“That was beautiful,” she said.

‘Yes, it was,” he said.

They nestled together in silence and thought. Cody was thinking about how much he appreciated how lucky he was, and Toni was thinking how lucky she was to be appreciated. She felt lovingly spent. Her head was on his shoulder and she gazed at her fingers as they lightly caressed his chest. Gradually her fingers feathered south, over his firm stomach, his navel, and finally to the head of his now-hardened cock, which she teased with her fingertip. Then she took it in her hand, held its girth, stroked it. Cody’s midsection squirmed with expectation. She cupped his balls in the palm of her hand and massaged them with her nimble fingers for a bit. Then she scooted down and Cody sucked air like a pissed-off cobra when she took his cock into her mouth.

Toni had no idea how good of a cocksucker she was, but she figured if she kept her lips around it and kept sucking until he came in her mouth, it would be deemed a success. It felt warm and big in her mouth. Cody sifted his fingers through her jet black hair and sighed loudly with gratification while she kneaded his nuts and sucked him in a syncopated groove that stroke-by-stroke was bringing his semen to a boil.

It didn’t take long, maybe three minutes, tops. Toni kept her jaws clamped around his cock as his body vibrated with ejaculation. His ass bucked and his cum filled her mouth in spurts and she tasted his seed before she swallowed. She had cum on her chin when she removed her mouth from his cock and sat up. Cody licked off the cum and kissed her, and tasted her oily tongue. Then he pushed her onto her stomach and got behind her and whispered dirty nothings into her ear. He told her how fucking hot she was, and how much she turned him on, and how she made him so fucking hard his cock ached, and how good she smelled and how good she tasted, and how he’d been fantasizing about her for a month, and how good she is in bed. He kissed her ear, her neck, her shoulders, and all over her back, working his way down. He finally reached her butt and gently spread her cheeks, exposing her beguiling asshole. Then he licked her rim and his tongue started its slow dance around it.

“Ooh, ooh,” Toni cooed.

It startled her at first and she tensed up and puckered. But she relaxed when she realized how good it felt. Very good. No one had ever licked her ass before. It was almost like a dream. She relaxed even more. But her dreamy state ended when Cody’s tongue dove into her asshole. Another first. It felt weird at first, but then…weird and wonderful.

Toni turned her head to the side and said, “Cody, what are you doing?”

He came up for air and said, “What do you think I’m doing? I’m licking your butt.” He stuck his index finger into her ass and wiggled it. Then he moved up behind her and said softly, “You know I think you have a great ass. What do you expect?” His dick was hard again so he rubbed it against the crack of her ass.

“Well, don’t get any big ideas, Buster.”

“It’s too late for that.”

“I don’t think so.” She couldn’t imagine Cody sticking his big dick up there.

“You don’t think so, what?”


“You said I could have you any way I want.”

He had her there. “Yeah, I guess I did,” she said. “But…How about I give you a rain check on that?”

Things had gone so well, Cody didn’t want to push the issue and screw things up. He didn’t want to force her to do something she wasn’t ready for.

“Okay,” he said. “I guess I’ll have to give your ass a pass. But I’m not finished with you.”

He put his arms around her from behind, held her breast in one hand and her crotch in the other and kissed her neck.

“We’re going for triples,” he said expectantly.

“Oh, My God,” Toni said.

Cody spread her legs and lifted her butt so she was on her knees facing away from him. He stuck his pole between her legs and entered her vagina from behind and fucked her doggy style. It took some time and plenty of pounding but they both were able to reach orgasm. Cody came first but then kept screwing her with his somewhat depleted cock until Toni shrieked and shivered and shook and came, leaving a small puddle on the bed cover.

They collapsed onto the bed. Toni was worn out, and she was sore down there, but it was a good sore, sore where she hadn’t been sore for a long time. She smiled when she thought about it: Three orgasms. Another first.


“Oh, Shit!” Toni shouted, jumping out of bed, looking for her clothes. “I gotta go.”

They had nodded off. Toni awoke and looked at her watch and freaked. They had been in bed for over three hours. She scrambled around picking up her clothing, put on her panties, her top, her bottom. Stepped into her sandals, went into the bathroom to try to straighten herself up a little.

“Sorry I have to run off,” she said excitedly when she came out of the bathroom. “I have to get home. I have two hungry kids and a husband expecting me to fix dinner.”

She stepped up close to Cody and drilled her eyes into his.

“Today was beautiful. Thank you,” she said, and kissed him. She headed for the door.

“When can we…”

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said over her shoulder as she went out the door.


Fortunately, Saturday dinners had always been casual affairs around Toni’s house, usually sandwiches and chips or take-out pizza or a bucket of chicken. Tonight it would be hot dogs.

She put two pots on the stove and took a package of hot dogs out of the fridge. She stood by her kitchen counter preparing the food, but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking of Cody as droplets of his cum oozed out of her and dripped down her thigh. She thought about how his cum was inside her body, in her pussy, in her stomach. She thought about the salty taste of it, how Cody licked some of it off of her chin. She thought about his cock and how good it felt inside her, and in her hand and mouth. She thought about his kisses and his young tongue in her mouth and her pussy and her ass. What stamina that kid has.

She put the dogs on to boil and opened two cans of chili and spooned them into the other pot to simmer. Then she went into her bedroom, hampered her clothes and got into the shower. She wanted to wash off any smell of sex before her husband or her kids had a chance to get a whiff of it.

She shampooed her hair and scrubbed herself clean inside and out, all the while thinking about her afternoon with Cody and how incredible it had been. In her wildest dream, it could not have gone better. But how could she go on seeing him?


Toni went to bed that night thinking about Cody, and as soon as she woke up on Sunday morning she started thinking about him again. The enormity of what had happened between them Saturday afternoon was starting to sink in. Sex with Cody had been something completely new to her. It had been incredible, exciting, daring, beautiful, gentle, physical, electric all rolled into one. She’d never had climaxes like that. It made her smile when she thought about his young body on top of her. She had never felt so loose and so totally, completely fucked. She wanted more. She felt as if she’d discovered uranium or struck gold.

But it scared the hell out of her. How the hell could she pull it off? A husband. Two kids. A secret lover. Cheating. The risk. The guilt. What if people found out? Her life could turn into a shit storm in a split second.

On Sunday afternoon her husband was out playing golf and her kids were off to God-knows-where doing God-knows-what, when she gave Cody a call.

“Hi,” she said when he answered.

“Toni!” he said enthusiastically. “I was hoping you would call.”

“I told you I would. I just had to find the right time.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. Yesterday was amazing. I miss you already.”

Toni didn’t say anything right away. She hadn’t really planned out what she was going to say, and wasn’t sure how to say it.

“You still there?”

“I’m here. Look, Cody…”

“Uh oh, this doesn’t sound good.”

“It’s just, Cody, yesterday was beautiful. It was magical. But I don’t think we can have an affair.”

“I think we’re already having one.”

“I mean, I don’t know how I can keep seeing you, even though I’d like to. This is our secret, a big secret. But I can’t keep coming over to your house. I’ve sold a lot of houses in your neighborhood, and I’ve farmed it extensively for years, and many people know me, residents and realtors alike, and if somebody noticed me coming over to your place, rumors would get started, believe me. And you can’t come to my house, I have a family. And I don’t want to be shacking up at some No-Tell Motel either, being seen at one of those places would be worse. I’ve been a realtor in this area for a long time and many people know me.”

“We’ll have to be discreet. We can figure this out.”

“I don’t know how.”

“I know! Slip your husband a mickey and I’ll slip over late at night.”

Toni laughed. “That might work once. But we’d need to slip mickeys to two teenagers, too.”

“Or we could meet somewhere private and you can lie down on the backseat of my car and I’ll cover you with a blanket, and drive us right into my garage and close the door. Nobody will see you coming or going.”

“You’re too much,” she said, still laughing.

“Or I could kidnap you. No, never mind, that would never work. I’d have to come up with a ransom demand and then give you back. And I wouldn’t know how much to ask for anyway because you are priceless.”

Toni didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “You are too cute. No wonder I’m attracted to you.”

Cody noticed she used the present tense and not the past, and thought that was a good sign.

“Toni, look. Our time yesterday afternoon was beautiful, right?”


“That’s how I feel, it was the best I’ve ever had. We’ve been flirting for weeks and finally we let it happen. And it was magic. You and me together are magic. How can you let us be one-and-done?”

She knew he was right, their afternoon together had been miraculous, and a watershed for both of them. He wanted her and she wanted him. But she had a lot more to lose.

“Give me some time, Cody, okay?”

Cody said sure, no problem, and they ended the call. But he had no idea whether ‘some time’ would be a week, a month, or forever.


The next day Cody wrote her a thank-you card and sent it to her via the U.S. mail. The card read:

Dear Toni,

Thank you for the gifts and for all of your help throughout my house buying process. I love my new home, and because of your guidance I was able to successfully purchase it. You were magnificent from day one all the way through til last Saturday. Especially last Saturday.


P.S. This card will self-destruct in five seconds.

He mailed it to her office.


Toni recognized the handwriting on the envelope when she received the card later that week. She laughed when she read the card, and when it didn’t self-destruct she tacked it onto the bulletin board beside her desk. And the post*********** seemed to fit the situation. Having a relationship with Cody seemed like mission impossible.

A few days later she was listening to some voice mails on her cell phone. The first two were non-urgent messages, but the third one got her attention and gave her a scary chill. It was Cody’s mother, asking Toni to call her back.

‘Aw shit’, Toni said to herself, fearing the worst. She was afraid that Melanie had found out about her fling with Cody and wanted to give her a piece of her mind. How did his mother find out? She took a deep breath and called back.

“Hi Melanie. It’s Toni.”

“Oh, hi Toni. Thanks for getting back to me. I‘ve been on the phone constantly so I’m glad you caught me between calls.”

“What’s up?”

“It’s about Cody.”

Oh no, here it comes, Toni thought.

“I wanted to invite you to a little housewarming party we’re throwing for him next Saturday,” Melanie said. “I know it’s short notice, it was kind of impromptu and there wasn’t time to send invitations. Nothing major, just family and some close friends. And his realtor, of course. I know how much he appreciates all that you’ve done for him. I know you’re busy, but I hope you can stop by. There will be plenty of food and drink. And of course your husband is welcome, too.”

“That sounds nice Melanie. I have to work of course, but I’ll certainly try to make it.”

“It’s scheduled from four-to-seven p.m., but I’m sure the youngsters will keep it going much later than that.”

‘What to do?’ Toni asked herself, after they’d ended the call.

Toni knew she should go. If she didn’t, and Cody knew she’d been invited, it might appear like she was blowing him off, and he didn’t deserve that. But if she did attend she’d have to be extra careful not to emit any affectionate vibes that others might pick up on. And as far as bringing her husband, yeah right. Forget that. He’d hate going to it anyway.

She would go to the party, but she would arrive late and not stay too long. She would put on her real estate agent hat, introduce herself to everyone and hand out business cards. Who knows, she might even pick up some new business.


When Saturday rolled around, Toni had a busy afternoon so she arrived at the housewarming party fashionably late. She thought that was best. She figured if she arrived when the party was in full swing and Cody was occupied with his other guests, there would be less chance that either of them would send out some subliminal signal that would let the others know they’d been intimate.

She’d already given him a housewarming gift, but she brought a bottle of wine with her anyway. She planned to have one drink, mingle some, and then split. And basically, that’s what she did. But as soon as she laid eyes on Cody, and his eyes bored directly into hers, it all came crashing back: His body, his kisses, his smell, his touch, his taste, the orgasms. She knew she wanted him again.

She had a glass of wine and Cody introduced her to everyone and told them all what a great real estate agent she was. His parents and sister were there and several people recognized her from her ads and signs around town. She gave out cards and picked up a couple leads that looked promising. Someone poured her a second glass of wine, but she only took a couple sips before she said she had to go. Her family was waiting on dinner and she had to pick it up on the way home. Cody said he’d walk her out to her car.

“I want to kiss you, but I know I can’t,” Cody said, once they were comfortably away from the house.

“Please don’t. We don’t know who may be watching.”

“I think about you constantly.”

“I think about you too.”

“When can I see you again?”

“I don’t know.”

“We have to figure something out, Toni.”

“I know.”

They arrived at her car. Toni fumbled with her keys and unlocked the door. She turned and looked up at him.

“God, you turn me on,” he said. “What do I have to do to go on seeing you, buy another house?”

Even in the dusk, Cody saw those eyes burning into his.

“Don’t make me put a blanket in the backseat of my car,” he added.

Toni laughed. “No don’t do that. Not yet, anyway.”

She took both of his hands in hers and they squeezed. With their fingers and eyes locked, Cody felt a surge of adrenaline course through him. Toni felt it too. The magic.

“I’ll call you this week,” she said.

She broke their clasp, opened her car door, got in, started the engine, and drove away. Cody had just given her a naughty idea.


She called him three days later.

“Hi Cody,” she said. “How are you doing?”

“Okay. Better now that I’m talking to you. How are you?”

“I’m good. I just got a new listing. Would you like to see it?”

“You want to show me your new listing?”

“Yep. It’s a beautiful home, right on the fairway on the golf course. It’s a hot property, it won’t last long. The owners live out-of-state. It’s furnished, and it’s vacant. And I could block us out some time for us to see it. If you catch Esat travestileri my drift.”

Cody caught her drift. Toni gave him the address and they would meet there Thursday afternoon at three o’clock. They’d have the place to themselves for two hours.


Toni arrived at the property well ahead of time. Her usual routine preparing for a showing was to open all of the blinds to let in as much natural light as possible, and turn on every light and lamp and ceiling fan in the house. Sometimes she’d even turn on the oven and put a saucer of vanilla extract in there to get the house smelling sweet and homey like there were cookies baking.

This time she did none of those things. She kept the blinds closed and the lights off. She pulled a large, thick quilt out of a closet and used it to cover the queen bed in the master bedroom. She’d wash the quilt later, because she was pretty sure they were going to funk it up. But this way she wouldn’t have to change the bed linens.

Cody showed up right on time. He pulled his car into the driveway and parked behind Toni’s sedan. He rang the bell.

“Come in,” Toni shouted, and opened the door for him.

Toni closed the door and locked it as soon as he was inside. “Finally,” she said, and fell into his arms. They kissed like long-lost lovers, which in a way, they were.

Their mouths meshed and their lips locked and their tongues tangoed and their hands roamed and their arms clenched. Their bodies molded as one, as naturally as ever, picking up where they’d left off on that Saturday afternoon several weeks before.

“I’ve been going nuts for two days thinking about holding you again,” Cody said.

“We’re going to do a lot more than that,” Toni said, taking his hand. “Come on.” She led him to the master bedroom and they stood beside the bed. She starting undressing him as they kissed.

His pants came off, then his shirt. Toni pushed him back so he was sitting on the bed. She stood between his legs with her bosom close to his face.

“Unbutton me,” she said softly, and he obliged, from the top down.

She draped her blouse on the back of a chair and took off her bra. Cody couldn’t resist her tits so he pulled her closer and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He nibbled on it and Toni felt a shiver go through her body. Once it was hard and supple she gave him a taste of the other one.

“God, I’ve missed you,” she cooed.

“I’ve missed you too. You have no idea.”

“First, I want to suck your cock. I want you to come in my mouth.”

She knelt between his legs. His dick was already pointing at the ceiling and bursting at the seams, more than ready. Cody let out a breathy groan when it entered her mouth.

She held his ass as she sucked him. His groin wavered with expectant pleasure. Her forefinger slipped into his ass.

“Ooh, aah,” he fizzled, after receiving the jolt.

His butt bucked like a bronc. His dick in her mouth, her finger up his ass, the sensation was like a power surge, multiplying the tingle of every nerve ending in his uncontrollable crotch. His body quivered but Toni’s mouth stayed wrapped around his cock like it was a seven inch bolt welded to her lips.

He came like a flash flood. Sooner than he’d hoped, but he couldn’t help himself. Normally he liked to pace himself, hold back, pleasure his partner, but not this time. She had taken control of him, and his penis.

It was a thick, major load, multiple ropes propelled into her mouth, and Toni sucked up every drop. She’d be going home with his semen in her belly again.

“Move up,” she said.

She stood, kicked off her sandals and peeled off her pants and undies. Cody scooted back so he was lying flat on his back in the center of the queen bed. Naked Toni straddled his legs, her pussy wet with anticipation and her nipples hard as nuggets, and crept slowly all the way up his body on her knees. She rubbed her slick pussy all over his semi-flaccid cock for a moment, then continued northward. She latched her hands onto the headboard and placed her pussy on his mouth. As soon as his tongue entered her she knew the magic was back.

She smelled delicious to Cody, like a salty marsh and citrus fruit. He figured she misted her crotch for him.

With her knees on either side of his head and her hands on the headboard, Toni could maneuver her sex any way she wanted. She made sure to dig her clit into his mouth. Cody’s hands were clenching her buttocks as he sucked her, licked her, tasted her, tongue-fucked her. He knew what she liked.

“That’s it, Honey,” she said, while grinding her mound into his face.

Cody’s lips and tongue were in overdrive while her twisty torso sat on his face, and before long he again felt the familiar achy, happy fatigue in his jaws. He inched a finger into her asshole.

“Ooh,” she said with bated breath. “There you go again with the ass.”

She was excited, ready to unleash. She slung her crotch into his face, fucking his mouth. Her clit was between his lips and felt as big as a ripe okra. The finger in her asshole was digging in, right in time.

“Oh fuck,” she half-screamed.

She came like she had on that long-lost Saturday afternoon in Cody’s bed. In droves. Her cum flowed into Cody’s open mouth, over his cheeks, down his chin.

Her body was like pudding. She collapsed beside him. They kissed. She tasted her own cum in his mouth. He was hard again. He flipped her onto her back, got on top and fucked the shit out of her. He came first but kept pounding his cock into her until Toni succumbed and let loose again beneath him.

“You think we’re safe?” Cody asked.

They were lying together, nestled in a cocoon of post-coitus warmth.

“Safe?” Toni asked.

“Yeah, safe. From getting caught.”

“I think so. The owners are far away, and all showing requests go through me.”

“So there’s no one else around with a key? A relative, or a contractor, or a housekeeper?”



Toni rolled up onto her elbow and looked at him. Her eyes were like beacons glaring into his.

“Are you scared?” She gave him a kittenish smile.

“No, not if you think it’s cool. I trust you. I think I’d do whatever I had to do to be with you.” He kissed her.

Toni knew that what they were doing wouldn’t align very well with the Realtors’ Code of Ethics. But she thought she could control the situation and no harm would be done.

“Look,” she said. “I want to be with you, too. Maybe this isn’t the dream scenario, but we’re not hurting anybody, and considering our circumstances it beats the shit out of some sleazy motel.”

Cody nodded. “You got that right.”

“Good. I’m glad we agree.” They kissed. “Now get your ass out of here so I can straighten things up.”


Their affair was now the real deal. Over the coming months Toni would schedule showings, and Cody would meet her at one of her hot properties. ‘Hot Property’ was their code term for ‘vacant’.

A week later they had one more tryst at the golf course house before it went under contract. After that, several times a month Toni would call Cody and they would rendezvous at a hot property, some of which weren’t so hot.

One was a townhouse that was vacant, but unfurnished and kind of dreary. It stayed on the market for a while. Fortunately there was a vanity in the master bath, so that’s where they fucked. Cody would lift Toni’s ass up onto the counter by the sink and fuck her standing up. That’s where Toni cashed in Cody’s rain check and he stuck his dick up her ass for the first time. They met at that house a few times because it took a while to sell.

There was another home out on the cusp of the suburbs, in horse country. The house was on a large tract, maybe ten acres, with outbuildings. They fucked in the hayloft of the barn. They went there a second time, which happened to be Toni’s birthday. Cody had learned her birthday from her company’s newsletter, which he received in his email each month. They had just finished an amazing category-five sixty-nine when he gave her a gift. It was a yellow gold ankle bracelet with her birthstone attached.

“Oh My God,” she said. “You shouldn’t have done this.”

“Why not?”

“It’s unnecessary.”

“Why can’t I give you something for your birthday? You gave me very nice housewarming gifts. Don’t you like it?”

“What? I love it.”

“Good, I thought you would. I’ve noticed you wear different ankle bracelets, so I thought I’d get you one to make you think of us. And I thought your husband probably wouldn’t notice if you added a new one to your collection.”

“Oh, he’d never know, believe me.”

She looped it around her left ankle, where she already had one on, and latched it. And then there were two. The gift-giving led to some more heavy petting which evolved into some more fucking which resulted in another orgasm for each, which made Toni late getting home to fix supper. Her husband was away on business, as we was much of the time, and the kids were cranky, but she made up some excuse and covered her ass pretty well.

They managed to get away for a night together once. There was a real estate conference at a resort about two hours away by car. Toni attended, but they stayed at a different hotel. She blew off most of the meetings, and blew Cody instead. They stayed in a different hotel so she wouldn’t run into any people she knew. She and Cody had drinks together, had dinner together, had sex, slept together, had sex, woke up together, had sex, had breakfast together, had more sex, and didn’t check out until they had to, at eleven a.m. The ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign was hanging on the doorknob for quite a while.

Toni was a strong listing agent. She routinely had fifteen or more active listings at any given time. Some were high-end, some were dumps, some were building lots, but usually one or two were vacant. So, month after month they had trysts at Toni’s vacant listings.

There was a duplex, town homes, a farm, mansions, a bungalow, a condo, you name it. They fucked in all of them. And the sex was always off the charts.

Except once. They were screwing in a mundane efficiency unit near the college. Cody was poking Toni pretty good but he could tell she was distracted, she wasn’t as into it, as fervent, as she usually was. Her mind was definitely somewhere else. He pulled his pecker out of her.

“What’s the matter?” he said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s nothing, really. Just thinking about family bullshit that you shouldn’t have to worry about.”

Cody held her as she told him how hectic her home life had become of late. Without giving out too much information, she let him know that there was some crisis with her husband, some crisis with her son, and a crisis between her husband and son.

Then not long after, after months of successful subterfuge copulating in properties Toni had listed for sale, they were caught in the act. The house was an old brick colonial owned by a couple that had moved out and were getting a divorce. There was a micro video camera installed in a picture frame over the bed in the master bedroom that Toni didn’t know about. She figured the guy must be a kinky pervert to have had it there in the first place, but it didn’t matter, she was busted.

Not busted in the legal sense, but it was bad enough. The homeowner confronted her first via email, and attached a juicy, edited clip. There they were, in X-rated full color: Getting naked, in bed, Cody’s head between her thighs, hers between his, his cock inside her three different ways, pounding away. Thankfully there was no audio. She panicked and tried to call him repeatedly, but he wouldn’t pick up. He wanted to make her squirm, and she did. Soon the shit hit the fan.

The guy filed a complaint. He soon withdrew it at the behest of his estranged, pissed-off wife, whom he didn’t want to piss off any more than she already was, and for the most part it never became public. But enough damage had been done. Her broker knew the story of course, which meant that a number of colleagues and others in the business found out through the grapevine, as well as her family. It was embarrassing to say the least, and Toni’s relationship with Cody ended overnight without even a kiss goodbye. Her hubby was pissed, her kids were ashamed, and Toni was reprimanded. She didn’t lose her license since the complaint was withdrawn, but she lost her listings. And even though she was a heavy hitter, her broker let her go. She signed on with another, smaller broker, and would have to spend a good bit of time and money to rebrand herself. It was almost like starting over. And her sex life went from ecstatic fulfillment to shamed nonexistence.

Cody was despondent. He had treasured his time with this woman he knew he could never have, but now it was gone in a flash. Toni was dealing with a major dumpster fire in her life, and it was clear that they were in the past. He was depressed, and felt sad for her. He missed her, he couldn’t believe how much he missed her. His pain was physical, it was in his gut. He couldn’t eat. Is this love?, he wondered.

Around that time, Cody had been offered a promotion in his company. It came with a nice boost in pay, but would require him to relocate to a city halfway across the country. It would be temporary, perhaps a year or so, time enough to get a new market up and running, to train new managers and staff, after which he would return home. At first he didn’t consider it, with a new house and a hot lover, but after the shit storm he decided to accept it. Maybe a complete change was the way to go.

He rented his house to his younger sister Paige, a registered nurse, who would share it with a friend. He knew he could trust his sister, and she knew he’d be back in a year. It was the ideal scenario. He packed up his shit, loaded the car and took off, left his house in his sister’s capable hands. The company set him up in an Extended Stay hotel. The move was seamless. The suite was very nice, much better than he was accustomed to. He went to work, worked long hours, tried to forget.

A year turned into a year-and-a-half. It took a little longer than expected, but Cody got the new market off the ground, up and running smoothly. The company was pleased with his performance.



Cody had returned home to a bigger paycheck and increased responsibilities. He moved back into his house and into the master bedroom. His sister moved over to the guestroom and would be staying with him while she looked for her own place.

On a Friday afternoon after work, Cody stopped at a shopping center to browse around the bookstore. He was in serious need of some new reading material. He was sifting through the mystery section when he saw a familiar face over by the travel books. It was Toni, with a young lady.

His heart skipped a beat. Maybe quite a few. He got goosebumps. She looked fabulous to him. Thinner maybe, but gorgeous to his eyes. He almost teared up. He felt a tingle in his loins. He watched them for a couple minutes while working up the courage to approach.

“Toni?” he said softly from behind.

She spun around to face him. Her eyes showed surprise, then apprehension, then acceptance, all in a second or two.

“Cody.” She said it with a nervous lightness. “How are you?”

“I’m okay. How about you?”

“I’m doing alright. I heard you moved away.”

“I did. But that job’s over. I’m back.”

“Oh, this is my daughter, Brynn,” she said. “Honey, this is Cody, a customer of mine.”

“Nice to meet you, Brynn,” he said, and reached out to shake her hand.

Brynn looked surprised, and her facial expression was less than friendly, but she shook his hand. Then she turned to her mother, held up three books that she’d set aside and said, “Mom, I think I have what I need.”

Toni dug into her purse and handed her a one-hundred dollar bill.

“Can I keep the change?”

Toni gave her a here-we-go-again smile. “Sure.”

“Ooh, thanks,” Brynn said, and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. “See ya.” She sped off to get to the check out.

“Easy come, easy go,” Toni said with a smile. “She’s going to Europe to study this summer. She’s so excited.”

“Wow, sounds like a great opportunity.”

“It is. I hope she can…make the most of it.”

“I’ll bet she will.”

Cody gazed at her. She had a tired smile, but her eyes were full of zest. Those eyes, oh God, those eyes. Seeing through him, into him, touching him, changing him. Their history together flashed through his brain in a second like a bolt of lightning. Right there, standing in the travel section of the Barnes & Noble, he knew.

“It’s so good to see you,” he said. “I think about you all the time.”

She looked into his eyes. Eyes on fire. Her mind was doing its own nostalgic rundown. She didn’t say anything right away. Then: “I think about you, too.”

They gazed at each other for a silent moment.

“I’m back in my house. My sister lived there while I was gone, took care of the place. I stayed in a hotel for eighteen months, so it was great to get back home.”

“I’m sure it was,” she said. “It’s a nice place.”

“Yep, it is. It’s still a hot property.”

That made her smile, and her eyeballs did their thing. Cody grinned.

“Say,” he said. “Do you have to run off? Would you like to get a a cup of coffee, or a tea, or something?”

Toni glanced at her watch, even though she had nowhere to be. “Okay. Sure.”

There was a cafe at the front of the store. They got coffees and found a table by the window. They sat across from each other, face to face. They sipped their coffees and made small talk for a while, becoming comfortable together again, making more and more eye contact, reconnecting. They talked about trivial things at first. Her new office, improvements he was making to his house, his promotion, her new condo. But then Toni shifted the conversation in the inevitable direction.

“It is nice to see you again, Cody. Sorry if I seemed a little detached when I first saw you. I was just surprised I think, caught off-guard. And awkward, with my daughter present. She went through a lot when…well, you know. We all went through a lot.”

Cody nodded. He knew she’d had it much worse than he. Toni was shaking her head, thinking. When she next spoke she led their conversation into a zone that would elevate their unexpected reunion to a new level of intimacy and trust. Her eyes cut into his like razors.

“The last several months when we were seeing each other, I was going through hell at home. I looked so forward to my times with you. Those times with you were my only escape. But at home things kept getting worse, snowballing out of control.”

“How so?”

“God, I don’t know where to start.”

“Start anywhere you want. I’m listening.”

She sighed, looked down at her empty cup. “I think I need something stronger than coffee if I’m going to tell you this story.”

Coffee turned into cocktails. There was a chain restaurant on an island across the parking lot. They walked over and got a booth in the lounge. It was Happy Hour.The server brought them two vodka martinis.

“To seeing you again,” Cody said, raising his glass.

“To seeing you again,” Toni echoed, and they each took a sip. “So. Where was I?”

“You didn’t know where to start.”

“Oh, right. Okay, here goes. I guess I’ll start here.” She took a deep breath. “My daughter that you met a little while ago…”


“Yes, Brynn. Well, she used to be my son.”

Her statement hung in the air above the table like smog. Seemed almost visible. Cody’s eyes expanded to large, round saucers. He was speechless. He didn’t know what to say so he waited, hoping she’d continue. She did.

“I have two children. First I had a daughter, Shelley. Then I had a son, Bryan. Now I have two daughters. When I look at Bry-, uh Brynn, I still see my little boy.”

She took another hit from her martini. She dabbed her eyes with a cocktail napkin. Cody was phlegmatic.

“Anyway, his change, or her change, was coming to a head at that time. Bryan was always a little on the feminine side, which my husband…uh, ex-husband, we are now divorced…could never accept. He was smaller than most of the other boys, and his older sister babied him when he was young. Our house was a mixed-up mess.”

“I’m so sorry, Toni. I had no idea.”

“How could you? Anyway, my husband couldn’t accept it. There were some ugly scenes, believe me, and some mean, nasty things were said. He belittled Bryan, made him feel like shit. Every day was another disaster waiting to happen. My son wants to become a woman, my husband is ashamed of his son, my daughter now hates her father for treating Bryan the way he did, and I’m in the center ring trying to keep the circus together.”

“Wow. How did you keep it together?”

“Not very well, I’m afraid, because then…”

“Then what?”

Toni bore her wide, liquid eyes into his. Touching his forearm she said, “It’s nice to talk to you again. I’d forgotten how easy you are to talk to. I guess I needed to verbalize some things. It’s been bottled Travesti esat up for so long. There are so few people I feel I can talk to.”

“Let it out.” Her touch gave him a welcome chill.

“Then,” she continued, “In the midst of all that, I find out my husband is cheating on me.”


“Yes. The whole time you and me were having our affair, he was having an affair of his own. And it had started long before ours. And he got her pregnant.”

“Oh my God.”

“Oh my God is right. Some chick in his office. Twenty-three years old.”

“Holy shit.”

“Holy shit is right. And not long after I found out about that, you and me got caught.”

She drained her drink, so he finished his. They ordered another round.

Toni went on to tell Cody about the angst and anger in her family. Dad had a baby on the way with another woman, who was just a few years older than his daughter. Mom was caught on video in bed with a guy only a few years older than that girl. Divorce was inevitable. Bryan was working on becoming Brynn. Shelley was ashamed of the whole shebang, went off to college and never looked back. She’d spent the last year trying to smooth things over with her kids. Regaining their trust and helping Bryan transition to Brynn.

Cocktails turned into dinner. They ordered appetizers to share.

“So, that’s my sordid tale. It hasn’t been pretty, but I’m coping, hopefully coming out of it. Now it’s your turn. What has your life been like since I last saw you?”

“Not too interesting,” he said. “Work, mostly. Lots of hours opening up a new market. We interviewed hundreds of people for all kinds of positions: managers, drivers, salespeople, office and warehouse help. The company offered me the position back when we were still seeing each other, but I didn’t seriously consider taking it. I was seeing you and I had a new house and I didn’t want to leave either one.”

Toni watched him as he took a sip of water. There was a hint of a smile on her face.

“But then, when all of the sudden I wasn’t seeing you anymore, I reconsidered. I took the job. It was hard going cold turkey. I was sad and I missed you like crazy. I figured the change of scenery would be good for me. I got lost in work.”

“Are you seeing anyone?”


“Hard to believe some lucky gal hasn’t scooped you up.”

“I dated a girl for a few months while I was away. But I was working all the time so it didn’t work out. It didn’t feel right, anyway.”

“What didn’t feel right about it?”

“I think…” Cody hesitated, took another sip. “There was no spark. I guess that once you’ve felt that magic, you don’t want to settle for less.”

There was a long silence as they gazed at each other.

“So. Are you seeing anyone?” he asked.

Toni shook her head, didn’t say anything. She felt a wave of emotion move up through her body. There were butterflies flitting in her stomach, a tightness in her chest, a hitch in her breath. It occurred to her that she hadn’t had a conversation like this with someone in a long time. Not since she’d talked to Cody so long ago, lying in his arms.

Cody was having similar thoughts. He put his left hand on top of Toni’s right hand, which was toying with the stem of her glass. She meshed her fingers into his.

“Toni,” he said. “Why don’t we start over?”

“Start over?”

“Yeah, start over. Isn’t this nice, having dinner together, talking, out in public, like a normal couple?”

“Yes. It is,” she said. She was thinking that the last time they had a conversation, they were naked in bed.

“So let’s try again. Start over. See what happens.”

“You want to start over? With me? An older, divorced woman with screwed-up kids?”

“Hey look, every family is screwed up, one way or another. And it looks to me like you are doing all you can to make things right. The bottom line is, hardly a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you. I want to be with you. Wouldn’t it be nice to get that magic back?”

She had to admit to herself, it would. It had been so long since she’d felt good. Back then, with him. She leaned closer to him, spoke softly.

“Look, if we are going to do this, start seeing each other again, it has to be above board, all out in the open. No sneaking around. Everybody will know. Your family, our friends, my kids, everybody.”

“I can start right away,” Cody said. He gazed into her eyes for a long, frozen moment.

“Let’s get out of here,” she said.

They both got their wallets out to pay at the same time.

“I’ll get this,” he said.

“No, let me,” she said. “You’re an old customer. I can write it off.”

Cody walked Toni to her car, which was just one row over from his. Standing by the driver-side door, she looked up into his eyes.

“Cody,” she said. “On second thought, I don’t think we should start over.”

This shocked him. What had gone wrong during a forty-yard walk across the parking lot?

“What? Huh?” he garbled.

“I don’t want to start over. Let’s just pick up right where we left off.”

“You talked me into it.”

They kissed for the first time in nearly two years. It was deep and long and wet, a deep sea diver. Their tongues danced as their bodies made music, their groins plastered together.

She followed him to his house. She parked her car right out front.


Once inside, they made a beeline for his bedroom. Cody shut the door behind them and clutched her into an urgent embrace. They savagely undressed each other as they kissed with a passion neither had felt since that fateful day they’d been caught, their last time together. It all came back in a flash. The smell, the taste, the touch.

They fell into bed naked and their bodies molded together as naturally as they had before. When Toni felt Cody’s kisses on her neck, chills ran over her arms and upper body, and when he licked her breasts and sucked a nipple into his mouth, she got a shiver all over, and was getting used to the pleasure all over again. Her crotch bucked like a mad bull when his tongue dug into her vagina, and she knew the magic was still there, as powerful as ever. She placed her hands on either side of his head and pumped his face. It only took about thirty seconds before she came. Two years worth of bottled-up love gushed out of her, onto his face, into his mouth, and as her body quivered with delight, she knew intrinsically that this would become a habit and she was already hooked.

Cody moved atop her, his face shiny with her liquid love. His dick slipped right into her pussy with slick finesse. He jabbed his cummy tongue into her mouth and a finger into her asshole. His tongue fucked her mouth while his cock fucked her cunt and his finger fucked her ass. They groaned and grunted with every lunge.

They didn’t unlock their lips until Cody let out a gator-like growl which signaled that his army of spermatozoa had been deployed. He banged her harder and his torso spasmed as he ejaculated, but even after he was depleted, he did not slow down.

“Come again, come again,” he said into her ear as he kept pounding her front and reaming her rear.

“I love the way you fuck me,” she said, and squeezed him tight, swung her sex back and forth over his, finding the friction she needed. She said it two more times, each with a little less breath. And then she came again, another quivery smash hit.

When her body slowed and settled, she nestled into Cody, kissed his shoulder, caressed his chest and stomach with her fingertips, kissed his chin. She admitted to herself that she felt good, for the first time in a long time. And she admitted to herself that they were not just fucking. They were making love. But she didn’t mention it.

Cody had his arm around her, her sweaty body flush with his, and was enjoying her gentle affections. Her head on his shoulder, her lips on his face. He watched her left hand as it traced over his nipples, saw that she no longer wore a wedding band. That made him feel good. Back when they were having their affair, her wedding ring had frustrated him because it reminded him that she was never going to be his woman. Fling, yes; relationship, no. But it also turned him on, motivated him. He wanted to be the best lover she’d ever had. But he didn’t mention it.

Toni was sucking Cody’s cock when there was a sudden noise at the front of the house. Someone was barging through the front door.

“What was that?” she whispered excitedly when she took the dick out of her mouth.

“It’s, okay, that’s my sister. She’s staying here until she moves into her new place next month.”

“Oh,” she said. “What’s her name again?”


“Right. Paige.”

She went back to work on Cody’s penis, and didn’t stop until she had a mouthful of his cum. Then they slept.


They woke up in the early morning face-to-face with big smiles on their faces. Sunlight was just starting to fill the room through the slatted blinds.

“Good morning,” Toni said.

“Good morning,” Cody said.

They both laughed. There was a palpable ease in the air, in their space. They kissed.

“Do you realize this is only the second time we’ve slept together. And woke up together?” she said.

“I do. And isn’t it great? And we can lie here together as long as we want. It feels so fucking good. No more secret, risky, nervous, two-hour windows of time, no more feeling guilty or afraid.”

“Make love to me.”

They kissed, and Cody did all the things he knew would push all her buttons and check all her boxes and drive her to the edge. Then he got on top and fucked her. It was a sublime way to start their day, and somewhat noisy to boot. They let it all loose, their bodies slapping, their groans and moans, their sexy, dirty talk. Never giving a thought to Cody’s sister in the bedroom just down the hall.


“You’ve nearly ravaged my body in a single night.” Toni said. “I hope I can still stand up.”

“If you can’t, and we stay in bed, it will only get worse.”

Toni laughed, and jumped out of bed. “What do you have to eat around here? Any eggs in the house?”

“Yep. Remember, a woman has been living here so the kitchen is in good shape.”

“Alright, I’m cooking breakfast.”

She used the bathroom and brushed and took a quick shower, and then put on her panties. She looked in the closet.

“Can I borrow one of your shirts?” she asked Cody, who was still in bed.

“Sure,” he said. “But it will cost you.”

“Can I take it out in trade?”


“Okay, good, then price is no object.” She took a long-sleeved cotton shirt off of a hanger and put it on. It covered her ass with a few inches to spare. “Get your shower, Honey, and bring your appetite.”

In the kitchen, Toni found what she needed. She put the coffee on first. There were nearly a dozen eggs, wheat bread, red potatoes, some cooked ham and a few other things that would work just fine. She got a big bowl out of a cabinet and started cracking eggs.

She whisked, she added stuff, she stirred, mixed in more stuff, whisked some more and when the skillet was ready, dumped it all in. She sliced the potatoes thin and fried those in another pan, and was loading the toaster with bread slices when Paige came into the kitchen. She stood there observing for a minute before Toni noticed.

Toni wiped her hands on a towel, and said, “Oh, hi. Paige, right? I’m Toni.” She held out her hand to shake.

Paige shook her hand with a look of disbelief on her face. “Yes, I remember. We met at the party after Cody bought this place. You were his realtor.”

“That’s right. Nice to see you again. I hope you’re hungry. Cody told me to go for it, so I did. It’s just about ready. Have a seat.”

“No no, let me help you,” Paige said, and got three plates out of the cupboard.

Cody walked into the kitchen just as they were putting the food on the table. They all sat down and dug in.

“Damn, these eggs are delicious,” Cody said.

Paige agreed. “Yes they are. What all is in them, is this some secret recipe of yours, Toni?”

“No, I just used what you had in the kitchen. Salsa, onion, hot sauce, cheddar cheese, salt and pepper, chopped up a few slices of ham. Glad you like it.”

They ate until it was all gone. Cody stood up and said he would clean up and the girls could relax.

“Congratulations, big brother,” Paige said to Cody, with a kiss on his cheek. She refilled her cup.

While he cleared the table, Toni and Paige took their coffees onto the deck out back.


“What did you mean when you said congratulations to Cody?”

They were sitting in the morning sun looking out over the cozy backyard, rimmed by pine trees.

Paige looked at Toni quizzically. “I was referring to you,” she said. “Are you guys like a couple, now?”

“Uh, yes, it’s looking that way.”

“Good. I’m pretty close to my brother and he’s told me a lot of things, confided in me, and I know how much he cares about you. I’m happy for both of you.”

‘Well, thank you. I’m glad you approve. That makes me feel good. Hopefully your parents will be okay with it. I’ve known them for years, I’d hate to upset them.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. My mother might overreact at first, but she’ll come around. And Dad will just roll with it, nothing fazes him. Bottom line is they want their kids to be happy. And you make Cody happy.”

“Thank you for saying that. He makes me happy, too.”

The door opened behind them and Cody came out with the coffee pot in his hand. “More coffee?” he said. “Or I can whip up some Bloody Marys.”

“I’ll have to stick with coffee,” Toni said. “I have an open house this afternoon.”

“Oh,” Cody said. “Is it your listing?”


“Is it vacant?” His deadpan facial expression slowly morphed into a shit-eating grin.

Toni slowly shook her head and her mouth twisted into a shy little smile. “You’re a naughty boy, Cody.”

“Better not go there,” Paige chimed in, laughing.

They were relieved they wouldn’t have to.


Before Toni left, Cody told her he was going to take her out to dinner that night. He said he was going to take her to a very popular local restaurant where they were likely to be seen by people they knew. He was going to show her off.

“Ooh, The Golden Stein. Fancy-schmancy. I’m impressed.”

Toni gave him directions to her condo, and kissed him goodbye.

Cody arrived at her place that evening, and was stunned when she opened the door. She was drop-dead gorgeous. She wore a low-cut, lightweight sleeveless black dress that came down to just above her knees. It matched her hair and showed off her toned shoulders and arms and slim waist, with a hint of cleavage. They kissed briefly, and he got a whiff of her heady zest.

“My God, Toni, you look fucking incredible.”

“Do you like my dress?” she asked, posing like a runway model. “I went shopping after the open house.”

“You look sexy as hell. You wear something like this, it just makes me want to rip it off of you.”

“That will have to wait, big fella,” she said.

“And what’s this?” He fondled the gold chain around her neck, which was attached to the birthstone he’d given her on the ankle bracelet.

“Oh, I put the stone on a longer chain. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Good. I thought more people would see it this way. And I want people to see it. I want everyone to know who I’m fucking.” They kissed again, this time it was a deep-dish, took a little time.

“This is a nice place you have. How long have you lived here?” Cody asked.

“About a year. When we sold the house, my half was enough to pay cash for this place. It’s a nice complex, with good amenities and the fees are reasonable. And resales have always been good here, in case I wanted to sell.”

“It’s a hot property, is what you’re saying.”

Toni burned her smiling eyes at him. “Something like that.”

She showed him around the place. The balcony with a direct view of a man-made lake. The small kitchen. Her home office. A guest bedroom in case one of her kids came to visit. And then the master bedroom.

“And this is my boudoir. I hope this is where we’ll be sleeping tonight.”

“Your wish is my command.”

It was a plushly-decorated room. The curtains, the linens, the rug, were all thick and rich and color-coordinated. Antique nightstands, a dainty bureau. It was definitely a woman’s bedroom, a woman with sophisticated taste. It looked like a photo out of a home decor magazine.

“We better get going before I tear your dress off and throw you across that bed,” Cody said.


The restaurant was in an old late-Victorian mansion, built in the 1880’s. It originally was an inn with the guestrooms upstairs on the second and third floors, and the restaurant and pub on the first. Nowadays it was just a restaurant and the upstairs was devoted to office and storage space on the top floor, and rooms for private parties on the second.

They arrived at the restaurant at around seven. Prime time. They had a drink in the bar while they waited for a table, and Toni said hello to a couple she had once sold a house to. After about twenty minutes they were called.

They drew eyes like flies when the hostess led them to their table. Toni looked so sharp in her black dress, Cody knew that was bound to happen. They were seated on the left side near a large fireplace. Their waiter arrived promptly and they ordered martinis, and told him they’d like to wait a bit before ordering. They were going to take their time tonight.

They tried to look around without looking like they were looking around, which was hard to do. Toni recognized several familiar faces, but couldn’t place them. Cody waved to a guy who was manager of a grocery store his company serviced. When the drinks came Cody made a toast.

“To the most beautiful woman in the room, and my good fortune to be the one lucky enough to be with her,” he said. They tapped their glasses and drank.

“Get used to it,” Toni said softly.

They relaxed, sipping their drinks as they talked enthusiastically about all the things they could do together, everything from going to the zoo or the theater, to taking exotic vacations. They could do whatever they wanted now. Together.

They were just finishing their drinks when the waiter arrived with fresh ones.

“Compliments of the couple in the far corner,” he said, gesturing in that direction.

They turned, craned their necks and looked that way. Back in the far corner near the entrance to the kitchen, and half-hidden by a potted plant, were an older couple smiling at them and giving them a friendly wave.

“Uh oh,” Toni said under her breath, smiling and waving back.

“Must have been Paige,” Cody said, smiling and waving back.

The free drinks were courtesy of Cody’s parents.

“Thank You,” he pantomimed to his Mom and Dad.

They sipped their new drinks. Toni was nervous.

“You think Paige tipped them off?”

“Of course. She’s looking out for her us.”

“Really? You sure? And why do I feel so anxious? I’ve known your parents for so long.”

Cody took her hand in his. “Toni, it’s cool, believe me. They sent us drinks. That’s their way of saying they approve, they wouldn’t have come here if they didn’t. Paige did us a big favor.”

A little later Cody’s parents stopped by their table on their way out.

“Thanks for the drinks,” Cody said.

“You’re welcome,” Jerry said.

Melanie said, “I was wondering if something would happen between you two. And Toni, I must say. I’ve always known you were an excellent real estate agent. And your work with the historical society is well-documented. But I especially like your taste in young men.” She winked at her, then turned to Cody and said, “Congratulations, Honey,” and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “The four of us should have dinner sometime.”

Toni and Cody said they’d love to, then they said their goodbyes.

“Well, that’s a relief,” Toni said.

“Yep. We cleared our first hurdle. Now comes the hard part.”

“What’s the hard part?”

“As a younger, less mature, totally-smitten man, I have to do everything possible to keep my beautiful, sexy, more mature lover satisfied.”

“Oh, that’s the easy part.”

“Is it?”

“Yeah. This is the hard part,” she said, as she rubbed his cock with her foot under the table.

They shared smiles as Cody rubbed her foot between his legs. Then they enjoyed their dinners immensely, both totally at ease and absorbed with each other.


Back at Toni’s condo, they were undressing in the bedroom.

“We’re setting a new record,” Toni said. “We are going to sleep in the same bed and wake up together for the second night in a row.”

“I’m hoping we can set a new record tomorrow night and every night after that.” He pulled her into his arms.

“Sounds like a plan,” she said softly and they kissed.

Cody pulled her dress off over her head. He tossed the dress onto a chair and tossed Toni onto the bed. He took his time, kissing her body all over, down one side and up the other. He licked her thighs, squeezed her ass and ate her pussy until she exploded with a scream. Then he mounted her and put his hard part back to work.


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