It was my first time in the Highlands of Scotland and I’d signed up to go on a hike despite my fitness being questionable at best. The guide said it was pretty easy going though so I put on my newly purchased gear and went to join the group. There was about 7 of us, 4 women and 3 guys. The rest of the group all looked like they would be running up the trails just for fun but I was more interested in getting some good pictures from the peak. The guide, Callum, grinned at me when he saw what I was wearing and came over to talk to me.
“I know what you have on is keeping you warm just now but once we get moving you’re going to be cooking, laddie,” he said to me in his thick Scottish accent.
“I uh, don’t do well with the cold,” I replied. He just laughed.
“And ye came tae the Highlands? Here, you’ve got plenty of room in yer pack, I’ll help ye. Ye need to be layered that way you can easily add and remove layers when we stop or get going.”
“Thanks, I’m used to just throwing my camera in my bag and taking short hikes.”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re no the first to be told you need all this crap.”
Callum got my gear down to about half of what I actually needed and put the excess gear in the van we’d driven up in. Another man was dropped off in the parking area and greeted Callum, he was to be our secondary guide.
“So, are we all ready to go?” said the second man. The rest of the group all enthusiastically said yes.
“You takin point, Dave?” said Callum.
“Aye, have a novice do we?” replied the other man.
The group all turned and looked at me.
“He’ll be fine but that lot look like they’re going to be a bit much for even you,” said Callum.
“Nae worries, right, let’s go!” said Dave and they set off.
I hated admitting he was right but the others marched ahead and it wasn’t long before they were pulling away from me and Callum. He was okay about it and told me to go at my own pace and not to worry about them. We chatted as we walked on a relatively flat section of the trail.
“So, what’s your story, Mr. Marcus? I don’t usually see tourists up here by themselves. Just curious is all,” he said with a smile.
“Promise you won’t laugh?” I replied.
“No, but I’ll not be cruel about anything,” he said, laughing.
“Catfish. That’s why I’m here alone.”
“I came from Nebraska to meet a woman. We’d talked on the phone and exchanged pictures and all that but she lived in a small village and said she could only get dial up so we couldn’t do facetime or anything. When I got here, she turned out to be 15 years older than she said she was. The age thing might not have bothered me if she told me but she was a lot different than she made herself out to be and the pictures she sent me were of her married daughter she never even told me about. I spent all this money to get here, I didn’t want to just go home,” I said.
“Oh that’s not something I’ll laugh at pal, that’s pretty messed up.”
“Yea, my friends tried to tell me even the remote places get satellite internet these days but I was just blind I guess.”
“You not find any good lookin’ American lassies? You’re a good-looking young lad.”
“I’m terrible with women, I get so shy and can barely hold a conversation.”
“You’re doing fine holding a conversation with me.”
“You’re a guy though. I don’t know, I just get so nervous.”
“Well yer secret’s safe with me. Hard enough dating these days when you have women like that to mess with yer heid.”
I heard a radio squelch and Callum had me stop as he took it out his pocket.
“This is Callum,” he said.
“Callum, it’s Helen at base camp two. You have a storm headed your way, Dave said he’s almost at the second point so he’s going to take them down that way but are you close?” said the woman on the radio.
“No, I’m a wee bit behind him. I think I’m close to Shepherd’s peak. My friend here’s not a fitness nut like the group Dave took so we’ve been taking it nice and easy.”
“Well I’d suggest picking up the pace. Call me if you need picked up but get to shelter. Helen, out.”
“Don’t take that personally mah friend, I like a nice relaxing pace and refuse to push anyone. We are going to get shelter though, put your waterproofs on and we’ll be heading a different direction,” he said to me.
I looked in my bag but to my horror I’d put the waterproofs with the stuff Callum said I’d not need.
“Shit, I left them with my other stuff. I forgot to put them back in,” I said.
“Well, not to worry but we’ll have to move.”
We picked up and started moving at a more serious pace. Callum checked on me every few minutes but I did my best to keep up. When the rain hit, the trail we’d taken became pretty slick and I was having trouble. I asked him for a second to catch my breath.
“I’m so sorry, I know it’s pouring but my lungs are on fire,” I said to him.
“It’s okay, I just want to get us out of this,” he replied.
We got moving again and the trail only got worse. The rain turhal escort was pretty heavy by that point and to make things worse, I tripped on a rock I didn’t see and went sprawling down a small embankment. I landed in the mud and was soaked right through by the time I stopped bouncing over the heather and rocks. The rain washed the mud off my face pretty quickly but as Callum came down to help me up, I tried to stand and yelled out in pain.
“Where are you hurt?” he said to me.
“I… I think I twisted my back and my knee,” I replied.
“Give me your pack.”
It hurt even getting that off. Callum managed to stuff my pack into his then picked me up out of the mud like I was nothing. He put his arm around me and helped me get to the trail then after looking at my knee he just picked me up, put me over his shoulder and began marching ahead. My back and knee were in agony but there was nothing I could do.
“I know this isn’t the most dignified way my friend but we need to get out of this rain. We’re not too far but I don’t see you walking on that knee,” he said as he powered on.
I don’t know how much longer we took but we got to a small cottage stuck in the middle nowhere. He pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door then took me inside. He sat me down on a bench then closed and locked the door then quickly set about building a fire. Once it was lit he turned his attention to me.
“Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this but even with all that mud on you that knee looks pretty bad. I’m going to run a hot bath but I’ll probably need to cut those fancy trousers off ye,” he said.
“Okay,” was all I could reply.
He took off his jacket and put it over a chair then picked me up again and took me through to a small kitchen area. He set me down in one of the chairs and opened a cabinet and flipped a switch then left the room. I soon heard water running and he came back to the kitchen. He had his radio out again.
“Base three, come in base three,” he said.
“Ba.. thr.. repe.. rep…” was all that came back through static.
“Fuck. Oh, the booster didn’t come up!” he said. He flipped the switch a few more times then tried his radio again.
“Base three, come in base three,” he repeated.
“Your signal isn’t great Callum but we read you. Are you at the mansion?” replied the radio person.
“Aye but I’m going to need rescue. Trail 3 will be a river by now and I have an injured man. His knee and back are pretty bad.”
“Rescue has grounded all flights, storm is worse than they thought. Can you treat him until it passes or is he losing blood?”
“No, thankfully he’s not bleeding but he can’t walk.”
“Well, supplies and medical gear were checked last week, let me know if he gets worse. We’ll let you know when we can fly.”
“Thanks Jim, Callum out.”
Callum left to check the water then came back to see me.
“Right, let’s get you out of those wet clothes and into a hot bath. I have some pain medication for you too. You’re still going to hurt but this stuff will help,” he said.
“Okay,” was all I could muster again.
Callum got my boots off then took off the rest of my clothes except my pants. He put a towel over my shoulders then got a small syringe full of painkillers and stuck me in the arm. He tried a few times but there was no way he could get my pants off without causing me agony and instead got scissors from the medical bag. He cut my pants off leaving me in just my boxers and his face told me everything. I looked and my knee was swollen and was already starting to bruise.
“The painkillers will be helping bring the swelling down but we need to get you into the water.”
He didn’t wait for my approval, he just picked me up and walked me into the bathroom. The water was pretty hot but it felt amazing and my shivering soon went away. Callum changed into dry clothes and came back to check on me but by then the drugs he’d given me had me floating and I just smiled at him.
“Good, I see my wee cocktail is working its magic. It’s the closest to morphine I’m allowed to administer but your knee is pretty bad. It’ll help with the swelling but I can look at it once I have you dry. I’ll massage your back, I’m sure that’s just a sprain,” he said.
I mostly listened to what he said. I couldn’t help looking at him though. He was really well built. When I’d seen him in clothes, he just looked bulky like you’d expect a soldier to look like but his arms looked like he could lift a car and his chest was like a barrel, so broad and muscular. I’d guess at maybe early 40’s but he was very handsome and only had one or two flecks of grey in his dark hair.
I don’t know why, I’ll blame the drugs I suppose but looking at him got me excited. I considered myself pretty straight, I’d experimented in college but I liked women. But there I was, drooling at a beast of a man and getting a hard cock at the sight of him in a tight t-shirt. He pulled me out of the water like I weighed nothing tuşba escort and wrapped me in a towel and sat me in a chair by the fire. He either didn’t notice or didn’t care that I was hard and instead got some more bottles of medicine from the bag. He knelt in front of me and I felt my cock twitch, the thought of him opening my legs and sucking me entered my head but that was not his intention. He looked at my knee then got a syringe ready.
“You’re probably feeling pretty good right now but this injection will bring the swelling down some more. It doesn’t look like anything is broken but once I get this in you we’ll get you on the table and I’ll see to your back,” he said to me.
“Thank you,” I replied.
I didn’t feel the needle in my knee but a few seconds after the injection it felt cooler and the pain began to dissipate a little. He left and came back a few minutes later then sat me on the counter and helped me take my boxers off. I somehow managed to not expose myself but it didn’t matter. Once he’d set up a little dry station with my clothes in front of the fire, he picked me up again and took me to the massage table he’d set up in the other room and laid me down on it. The cabin was nice and warm by that point, he took the towel off me and had me laying face down on the bench completely naked.
“Sorry, had to get your knee pretty numb before I could get you on here. Your back doesn’t feel too bad, I’ll give you a nice rub down and you’ll be fine,” he said to me.
I had to adjust myself a little because of my erection but once I felt his strong hands on my back I was in heaven. He kneaded and rubbed my back until I was practically purring.
“Feel better?” he said to me.
“Yes, yes I do. You’ve done that before,” I replied.
“Oh, once or twice. I’m a trained medic, certified massage therapist and part time guide.”
“Sorry you’re stuck here with me.”
“No need to apologize. This storm was not on the forecast but we have supplies here to be comfortable for a week so we’re okay. Let me see if I can get some relief to that knee too, you okay to flip over?”
“I uh..” I said but he’d already turned me over.
“Ah, don’t worry about that. At least you’re not a tiny boy eh!” he said with a laugh.
He put a towel over me and began to rub the muscles on my thighs, seeing how close to my knee he could get. When I winced in pain he stopped.
“I think I’ve got that as good as I can get it. Let me put a brace on it then we can relax, okay?”
“Yes,” I replied.
Callum opened my legs a little to fit the knee brace on me, it kept it pretty rigid but it’s what I needed. He gave me a warm robe to put on then carried me to the lounge area where the fire was still burning. He’d been throwing logs on it every now and then but it felt really good. He made us some food and I must have dozed off as it was getting dark when I woke up. Callum was folding the now dry clothes.
“These are dry but caked in mud. I’ll make sure rescue brings some clothes for you. How you feeling?” he said.
“Little better, thank you. My back feels great and my knee is down to a dull throb.”
“Good. Rescue said it’ll be morning before they can get up here. They had a serious crash on the road just south of here so it has kept them busy. I told them we’re warm and dry so we’re not too bothered if we have to wait longer.”
“Well, I can’t thank you enough for taking care of me.”
“You’re welcome. I know it is going to be embarrassing but let me know when you need to pee, you’ll not be walking anywhere I’m afraid but I can help you.”
“I should probably go now so I’m not waking you up later.”
My nap had helped my erection go away but when he picked me up again, I felt it harden and when he sat me down on the toilet it was sticking straight up. Callum looked at me and smiled.
“So, shower stall? I’ll hold you up and you can pee where you like or I stand you at the door for a minute and the cold air will get rid of that,” he said with a laugh.
“I.. I think shower stall. I’m sorry,” I said, feeling my face go red.
“I think it’s the medicine, don’t worry about it.”
I managed to pee despite my boner and I sprayed the shower to clean my mess. I dried off again then Callum carried me to the bedroom. There was only one queen sized bed but it looked comfortable. I’m not sure how it happened but after Callum got the sheets pulled back for me to get in, he looked at me in a way that said he wanted me and we kissed. It was very brief but it felt electric and my cock was back to full on throbbing. He looked at me as he held me up and just said ‘are you sure’, I just nodded and let him sit me on the bed.
I slowly pulled his sweatpants down like I was unwrapping a gift and I gasped a little when his semi-hard cock sprung out. I licked my lips in anticipation and once he’d stepped out of his pants I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck him. I looked up at him, almost seeking his approval and tüyap escort I got that from his groans and his head leaning back in pleasure. He was bigger than me by a couple of inches. I had to guess about 9 inches and thick but I could barely keep him in my mouth when he was fully hard. I focused on the tip, peeling his foreskin back to lick the beautiful mushroom head of his cock and he almost growled in pleasure as I flicked my tongue on his hole, licking the pre-cum that had started to leak from him. When his breathing got heavier, he had me stop and laid me back onto the bed. He pulled his shirt off and towered over me then took my cock into his mouth and started sucking. I groaned in pleasure as he worked my cock, it felt amazing and I knew I wouldn’t last.
“Ca… Callum, I’m going to…” was all I managed to say.
He looked up at me without slowing down with his mouth. I had never felt anything so intense but he kept sucking as I erupted, shuddering as my orgasm burned through me and sprayed my hot seed down his throat. I hadn’t felt him at first but when my climax started to slow down, I felt that he had two fingers in my ass and it felt good. What I hoped for came next, he got off the bed and came back with his massage oil and was rubbing a generous coating on his cock. He gently opened my legs and fingered some oil into my ass too then looked down at me again.
“Do you want this, Marcus?” he said to me.
“I do,” I replied.
He put a pillow under my lower back then placed the tip of his cock at my hole. I remember thinking how his monster cock was going to fit in me but he took it slow and let me get used to him before pushing deeper. I’d never felt so full. When I felt his balls resting against me I was breathing hard and it felt amazing. He began to thrust, nice and slow at first then he built up a nice pace. I closed my eyes as he fucked me. When he began to groan I looked up at him, I felt so powerless and used and I loved it. I was something for him to get pleasure, a hole for his beautiful cock to work and I even felt my own cock getting hard again. I felt him increase his pace then he pushed deep into me and groaned as he came, spraying his seed deep into my guts. I felt the warmth of his seed spread inside me as it filled me, he stayed up to the hilt until he was spent then he slowly pulled out.
He got up off me and came back with a damp towel to clean me up then got into the bed with me and laid down.
“I’ve not done that for a while,” he said quietly.
“What, had sex?” I asked.
“No, with a man I mean.”
“Oh. I messed around with a friend in college but just oral. I really liked that though.”
“I hope you don’t feel I took advantage of you.”
“No, I’m just glad I got to be alone with you so this could happen,” I said with a smile.
“I’m not really into kissing, that one was okay but I prefer kissing women.”
“Yea, me too.”
We dozed off for a while as we listened to the storm battering against the building. I’m not sure what time it was when we woke but Callum was pressed against my back, reaching over to stroke my cock. He was gently kissing my neck and I could feel his hardness pressing against me. I wanted him inside me again, I saw the oil on the bedside table and grabbed it and handed it to him. He coated his cock again and slipped inside me with ease and was soon holding my waist as his cock pushed in and out of me. He lasted longer that time, right before he came in me again I felt my own cock erupt and it almost made me dizzy. I’d never cum without touching my cock before and I cried out in pleasure as Callum continued fucking me. When he came again he was slamming into me and this time we just fell asleep together as his cock softened then slipped out of me.
When I woke again it was light and I was alone in the bed. My asshole was throbbing a little but I smiled as I remembered the twice I had been fucked that night. Callum came through with coffee for us both and sat on the edge of the bed.
“The weather is finally starting to clear but we still have a few more hours. Do you want one more time and then we can have a nice shower together?” he said.
“I think I’d like that,” I replied.
We drank our coffee then he positioned me at the edge of the bed and held my legs as he pushed into me again. He was taking his time and I could only gaze up at him as his powerful cock used me once more. I was soon hard again and we both had a sheen of sweat on our bodies as he fucked me. When he got close, he stroked my cock and when I started to spray my own cum over my belly, he pushed in deep and came inside me. We gazed at each other as we caught our breath then he gently took the brace off my knee and carried me to the shower. I was thankful for the little stool in there, he sat me down and washed us both off and when he was rinsing off I surprised him and sucked him into my mouth again.
“Oh I don’t think I can get hard again after this morning, 3 times in 12 hours is a lot for me,” he said, smiling at me.
We had no sooner dried off and were sitting in front of the smoldering fire when the door opened. A woman stepped through and quickly closed it again then she pulled her hood down. She was very beautiful, dark brown hair that was a mess from the hood and piercing blue eyes. She had a bag of clothes for both of us.
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