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Haley’s Visit 02 – The Suck-Off


Martin stopped the car in the Marina carpark, shifted to Park and pulled on the handbrake.

“Martin darling,” his wife said, “why are we parked way over here in the sun, when there are spaces closer to the marina?”

“Stop griping,” he joked, “the walk will do you good after that drive, besides, this spot will be in the shade by the time we get back to shore.” He indicated the large tree he had parked under, as he opened the luggage compartment.

They had taken off early from Cairns. Martin rousting the two women and hurrying them along to the car, barely giving them time for coffee or tea before they left. It was a clear sunny morning and the ocean, in view to the right through the windows, sparkled in the morning light as the sun rose.

At his suggestion, the ladies had forgone the skimpy bikinis in favor of one-piece suits. Much easier when getting ready to dive, he’d said. Bring the bikinis as well, you might need them too.

Martin grabbed the bag of dive gear and slung it over his shoulder.

“So, what’s in the bag, Martin?” Hayley asked, as they walked towards the marina.

“Fins for the three of us, dive masks, snorkels and stinger suits.”

“Don’t they have all that stuff on the boat? Hayley asked, “and… what’s a stinger suit?”

“They do have gear like that on the boat,” Susan answered, “but we find that sometimes the masks aren’t good quality and they leak, same for the snorkels. As for the stinger suits, we need them as a precaution, they protect against the little poisonous jelly fish that we sometimes get out in the water. The ones they have will be old and stretched, ours are newer and form fitting. I bought a new one for this season so you can use mine from last season — don’t worry it’s a great looking suit, you are going to look stunning in it.”

Martin thought Susan played down the stinger risk, just the right amount, no doubt the crew would talk about it, so no sense in alarming Hayley before the cruise. Irukandji jellyfish are about as big as a fingernail, but they are among the most venomous jellyfish in the world. Stings can be fatal. Best to be covered while in the water, lower risk out on the reef, but Susan and he never swim without a suit.

As they walked onto the marina, Martin said, “why don’t you two go organize coffee, I’ll get us checked in with the dive boat and drop off our gear.” He glanced at his watch, they had plenty of time before their departure.

Take away coffees in hand, they strolled towards the boat; Reef Runner was situated on one of the finger wharves and crew was ready to welcome them, as they joined the queue to board.

The crew waited for them, white shorts, blue polo shirts, blond, tanned, young, fit and smiling, showing ridiculously white teeth.

“How do they look so good, this early in the morning?” Hayley asked Susan.

“I know, right,” Susan replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

“Shoes, sandals, thongs etc. all need to be left here,” the young male crew member announced, “bare feet only on board, all shoes will be waiting here for you when we return.”

Their names were checked off and they headed up the gangway to the boat. They chose to sit on the aft upper deck in the sun and snagged three seats together.

As they motored out of the marina, the crew delivered the obligatory safety demonstration, plus a brief explanation of the planned itinerary. They would go to two dive sites, on the outer reef today. One before lunch, the other after. Morning tea would be served on the lower aft deck on the way out. The seas were calm today, so minimal swell was expected.


Martin kicked his legs, his Marez fins pushing him swiftly to the surface. There he lay flat, face down, breathing easily through his snorkel. He observed the two women below, as they easily glided around the reef. Not for the first time, he was glad he’d made the decision to invest in good quality gear, Marez fins, Oceanic Shadow masks and Oceanpro snorkels. They made for a pleasant dive experience, there is nothing worse than a leaky mask, he thought.

Hayley and Susan finally headed back to the surface; they were wearing form fitting stinger suits, by Ningaloo swimwear. A Whale Shark print suit for Susan, dark blue with light blue stripes and white spots. Hayley was wearing Susans suit from last season. The Turquoise Bay print resembled shimmering waves in swirls of light blue and white, on a dark blue background. Hayley was a size or so bigger in the breast department than Susan, so the suit was even more form hugging. They both had caused more than a few heads to turn, as they pulled on and zipped up the suits, and not just from the male passengers and crew. The two were all smiles as they surfaced and spit out their snorkels.

“Did you see the size of that big green and red fish?” Hayley exclaimed, “It was huge! Looked like it had a parrot’s beak.”

“Yep, that could have been a Stoplight Parrotfish or a wrasse, they are the same family. Plus, there were lots of Angelfish, fethiye escort Clownfish, Blue Surgeonfish, and did you spot the Manta Ray lurking on the bottom?” Susan asked.

Hayley could hardly contain her excitement, “I did see it and a green turtle. Oh, this is great, thank you both so much for bringing me out here!”

Martin heard a voice and looked back at the boat. “Well, all good things have to come to an end I suppose, they are calling us back to the boat.”

Reluctantly the three made their way, slowly back to the boat, Hayley hung back, watching the other two, well Martin in particular, she admired the strong, easy strokes he made, to propel himself through the water, the Ningaloo Tiger Shark patterned, stinger suit he wore, was as form fitting as Susan’s, she noted. It left little to the imagination actually, and the pattern made him look like … well, a Tiger Shark, as he swam along. She hadn’t failed to notice the outline of his cock, in his speedos, as he changed into the suit. I’d just love to have that thing filling my mouth, she thought. But how to achieve that, with Susan’s knowledge, and hopefully, blessing. A germ of an idea was starting to form, as she kicked to catch up with the others.

As they reached the boat, crew hands were there to take fins, as they slipped them off before climbing the boarding ladder. Hayley was last up the ladder. Martin observed that it did seem that there were more than enough willing hands available, to help her board the vessel. The crew provided a tub of fresh water, so they could wash their gear and not have it mixed up with the boats’ gear.

Back in their seats, dressed in warm clothing, they sipped beers on the trip back to Port. The bar having opened, now all the diving was done.

Susan yawned, “I don’t know about you two, but I’m exhausted, I could do with a nanna nap.”

‘It’s all this fresh air and sunshine, that does it,” Martin remarked, “How do you feel Hayley?”

“Oh, I’m a bit tired, I’ve had such a fantastic day. I’m sure I’ll perk up after a shower, back at the resort, what was the name of the resort again?”

“One of our favorite places in Port Douglas,” Martin confirmed, “Villa San Michelle, it’s like a Mediterranean Villa in the middle of town. I booked a suite with two bedrooms and a spa bath.”

“You’ll love it Hayley,” said Susan, it’s right in the middle of town close to restaurants and shops.”

“Ooo, shops, maybe we could indulge in a bit of retail therapy later,” Hayley suggested. A spa bath too, hmm, that could be interesting, she thought.


Martin sipped on his beer; he was in the habit of sampling the local brew, available in places he visited. Today’s pick was Pitchfork Betty’s Pale Ale, by Hemingway’s. Brewed right here in Port Douglas on the wharf.

They were seated on the terrace of the Salsa Bar and Grill, having showered, changed for dinner and taken a leisurely stroll through the town. They were lucky to snag a table, as they had not thought to book ahead, but fortunately, Martin recognized an old riding buddy, who was working front of house. He managed to find them a table. “We always have a spare or two up our sleeves,” he’d explained as he led them to their table, “especially for an old friend and two lovely ladies. Can’t understand what they see in you though Marty. Hey, do you still have that old Norton? A Commando, wasn’t it?”

‘Sure do, still going strong, though it takes a bit to start these days, manual kick start and all.” Martin confirmed.

“Okay, well here’s your table,” he held chairs out for the ladies leaving Martin to look after himself, “I’ll get someone to bring you water and take your orders. Let’s catch up for a ride soon Marty, okay?”

“Sure thing, Dylan, and thanks again.”

Martin looked out over the harbor, the sun had set but there was still some twilight left. He took another swig of the beer, thought about the nice 220g black angus eye fillet, he had decided to order. Maybe with some bacon dusted potatoes… As he watched a small boat motored out of the harbor, its white running light and green starboard lights winking as it passed behind the forest of yacht masts. I wonder where they are off to, he thought, perhaps an evening of fishing…

“What do you think Martin?” Susan asked.

“About what?” he asked.

“About our order, where were you?” Susan asked.

“Sorry, I was a million miles away, what were you discussing?” He had tuned out of the discussion and hadn’t listened to Hayley and Susan discussing their orders.

“Well, I can’t decide between the linguini pepperoncino with Tiger prawns or the seafood curry,”

“I was thinking the same thing, I can’t decide either.” Hayley added.

“So, why don’t you both order one of each and swap around halfway, that way you both get to sample both dishes.”

“That’s a great idea, thanks Martin. What are you having?” Hayley asked.

“The black angus eye fillet, for me, with a side of bacon dusted fikirtepe escort potatoes.”

“Great, you’ll have all the major food groups covered,” said Susan sarcastically, “meat, potatoes and beer.”

Martin ignored the sarcasm, “yep and I’ll need to get my fruit fix too, so let’s choose a wine,”

Martin perused the wine list which provided a detailed description of the various attributes of the individual wines: hints of pomegranate and lemon, cranberry and fig. Really? he thought, as he looked down the list, all the fruit flavors, except for the one the wine was made with. Amazing!

“Okay, since you two are having seafood and I’m having meat, what about a Rosé?”


“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Martin asked Susan, from the doorway to their bedroom.

“Sure, it will be fine,” Susan replied absently, barely glancing up from her book. “You two can have some time together, Hayley told me she needed some more kissing practice, so it’s the ideal opportunity. I’ll join you when I get to the end of this chapter,” she finished.

Martin turned, shrugged and headed to the bathroom, he had already stripped and put speedos on.

Hayley had said she was going to take advantage of the spa bath as they walked back to Villa San Michelle. “You two can join me too. It’ll be relaxing, after the day’s swimming and diving.”

Martin was all for it too, “yeah, I could do with a nice relaxing soak in a spa pool, and the one in the room is big enough for all of us. The only thing though, is that the hot water and bath soaps can deteriorate swim gear elastic.”

“That’s okay, I’ll take my chances on that, there’s not much elastic in my suit anyway,” Hayley said, thinking of the tiny silver bikini, she had worn the day before.

“You two can go ahead,” Susan had said, “I’m going to change into my nightie and read my book for a while.”

“Alright Hayley,” Martin warned, “I hope you’re decent, I’m coming in.”

“As decent as I’ll ever be,” replied Hayley, which is decidedly indecent really, she thought.

Martin walked into the bathroom, to be confronted with a wall of bubbles. “What the…” he started.

From somewhere behind the bubbles there came a happy giggle. “I think I put a bit too much soapy stuff in the spa,” Hayley called, from the spa bath.

“You think?” Martin said. The entire room was full of bubbles. He walked closer to where he remembered the spa bath was, following the sound of the spa jets.

“Look on the bright side,” Hayley said, “you won’t need your swimmers on, I won’t be able to see you, and I’m completely covered in bubbles so you can’t see me either, well not much of me,” she added over the hum of the spa jets. “Come on, get in, I won’t bite.”

Martin walked carefully forward, ’til he literally bumped into the spa bath. He could just make out Hayley’s shape through the bubbles. She was right, he decided, can’t see a thing in here, so he dropped his speedos and stepped into the water. He leaned back allowing the swirling water to massage his body, he felt Hayley’s presence as she moved closer to him. He felt the press of her breast against his arm, her knee touched his. Her arms were splayed over the rim of the bath and her hand gently caressed his shoulder.

“See, I told you this would be fun, and now we can practice kissing,” she said as she turned his head towards her and pressed her soft pillowy lips against his.

And, if I keep my arms up here, I can resist the temptation to grab his cock and cram it into my mouth, she told herself, stick with the plan.

Martin returned the kiss enthusiastically. He was really enjoying these sessions, this was a bit different though, he and his wife’s best friend, naked in a spa, kissing. It was all he could do to stop from just grabbing her and shoving… STOP THAT, he told himself. Wife’s best friend, kissing – sanctioned, anything else not sanctioned. But I’d love an excuse to just reach over and tweak those cute little nipples!

Susan closed her book and listened. She had not heard any noise for a while. Maybe I should just go check on them, not that she didn’t trust them, but… her sexy best friend, and her husband together in a spa pool, almost naked, what could possibly go wrong? she thought. She heard voices, as she approached the bathroom.

Hayley had lied, she did bite, but it was a gentle love nip of Martins bottom lip. “So anyway…,” Hayley said, as she released Martin from the lip-lock she had on him and looked him in the eye, “I’m a much better cock sucker than Susan.”

Martin stared back in amazement, where did that come from? He thought about Susan’s skills. “Doubt it,” he replied, and just for good measure he said, “well, I’m a better pussy licker than Susan.”

This brought a laugh from Hayley. “Hmm, don’t think so mate,” she said.

Just then Susan walked into the bathroom. “What the… why is the room full of bubbles and what were you just laughing at?”

“My fault, I put way too much fındıkzade escort of the spa soap in the water, as soon as I turned on the jets it went berserk with bubbles.”

“It sure did,” said Susan coming further into the room. So, what were you laughing at? Wait, don’t tell me, wait ’til I get in the water.” She pulled her nighty over her head and settled down in the water, naked, nothing that Hayley and Martin hadn’t seen before, she reasoned. “Well, this is cozy,” she said settling back against the spa rim which was surprisingly comfortable, “and Hayley, I see you have decided to go sans swimsuit.” Although she was sitting low in the water, it was evident from the lack of a neck strap, that Hayley was without a bikini top and probably without a bikini bottom too. “What about you Martin?” She felt under the water, confirming that indeed Martin was also sans speedos, and, that he was hard as a rock down there. “Ahh, I see you decided the hot water wasn’t good for the elastic in Speedos too.”

“It was all innocent Susan,” Hayley began, “there were so many bubbles that we couldn’t see each other and I suggested Martin should ‘go commando’ as it were.”

“Okay, so what were you two talking and laughing about?”

Martin decided to answer, “Hayley made an outrageous claim, that she knows can’t be verified, so I made a counterclaim, and she thought it was funny.”

“I don’t know about that,” said Hayley sitting up indignantly, ’til she realized her breasts were now out of the water and she sat back, “I think its easily verified,” she pouted.

Susan, curious, now fixed her gaze on Hayley. “What is?”

“That I’m a much better cock sucker than you are, Susan,” Hayley said defiantly.

“And I said I am a much better pussy licker than you are, darling,” said Martin, “although I have absolutely no idea, whether I am or not, and from Hayley’s laughter, I fear I may have bitten off more than I can chew.” He looked at the amused look on his wife’s face. “So to speak,” he added grinning.

“Well, I can clear this all up for both of you right now,” Susan said as she looked at her friend. “No, you are not!” she told her emphatically, “and you,” she said, looking at her husband’s smirking face, “are most definitely not!”

Hayley placed a perfectly manicured finger to her chin and spoke. “You seem very sure about that Suz’ and I’d love to take your word for it; but, that wouldn’t be fair would it? So, however are we to decide who is best I wonder… I know!” she exclaimed, “we’ll have a Suck-Off.”

If that’s anything like a Kiss-Off, this is going to be great! thought Martin, his cock twitched at the prospect.

“Oh, and I suppose we would have to follow that up with a Lick-Off, would we?” asked Susan, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Hayley paused as if thinking. “Well, I can’t think of a better way to prove who’s the better pussy licker, can you?”

“Hey, don’t I get a say in any of this?” asked Matin sitting up and looking at the two women.

“No, you don’t,” they both replied in unison. The women continued to discuss the process.

“Okay,” said Hayley, “Suck-Off first, same as the Kiss-Off, ninety seconds each contestant, Martin has to decide who’s best at the end.”

It did seem, thought Susan, that Hayley had already given this a lot of thought. She thought of calling the whole thing off; but, no. There was a challenge and challengers had to be vanquished and she had no doubt who would win this round. As for the lick-off, she did know Martin was very, very good but she was better, she believed.

“Alright but first we need to talk about the rules,” she informed her.

“Rules?” Hayley asked. What rules could there be? she thought.

Martin started to get out of the tub, “wait, where are you going?” Susan asked.

“I’m going to shower these bubbles off and get a drink,” he said, “I think I’m gonna need it. Plus, my fingers are starting to wrinkle from the soap and bubbles in here. I’ll leave you two to discuss the ‘rules’.” He made air quotes, then picked up his speedos and went to the other bathroom to shower. His erection, which had not calmed down much, leading the way. As he went, he spoke to his cock, “don’t worry buddy, looks like you are gonna get a workout this evening. Just as soon as those two, work out the so-called ‘rules’.” Trust Susan to have to have rules, she does like to overthink these things, he thought.

The girls watched him go, Hayley especially observing his wonderful looking cock, and shaved balls she observed happily. I do love a man that shaves down there, she thought, can’t wait to get those in my mouth!

Susan came into the ensuite bathroom, just as Martin was toweling dry. “Who were you talking to, before?” she asked.

“I was just talking to myself, it was nothing,” he said hanging up his towel. “Now, did we come up with some rules for the suck off?”

Susan laughed. “Well, I hope you enjoyed the conversation. Yes, we did come up with some rules. Firstly, the time limit is ninety seconds, we’ll time it with your watch. Secondly, it’s lips and mouth only, no hands or fingers on the cock or the balls, and no touching the bum, each contestant can use hands only on your thighs for support. The judge can’t use hands either; so, hands behind your head Martin.”

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