This is part 2 of the Good Girl series. This story directly continues Part 1 so if you did not read part 1, I urge you to do so.
Natalia experiences what it’s like to submit to a man who continues to push her limits.
What a perfect little whore.
I led us into her bedroom which was sizable. It was about fifteen by twenty with a large king size bed against the left wall flanked by night stands on either side. Directly across from it was a black dresser resting under a wall-mounted tv. Next to the dresser was a set of double doors which led into a master bathroom. The walls of the bedroom were a darker gray and the carpet was a deep blue. It gave me the impression that in the middle of the night when the lights were off, the room would be impossible to navigate. I liked it.
I led her to the middle of the room and had her face the bed. “Kneel and wait, my pet,” I ordered while releasing her collar. I moved to the dresser and placed the box on it. I started to unpack it, setting each item down beside the other as if setting out surgical tools. I only had a few but they were more than enough to get the job done. Last came the rope which I separated as needed. I looked around the room and it seemed to not have exactly what I needed. I began to walk through the house in search of something to spark my interest. The dining room table could work to an extent but it didn’t have that appeal that I was looking for. There were no high enough areas to use for securing rope which was a little upsetting. On the way back to the bedroom, I saw her broom resting in a corner by the fridge. That would work.
I took it to the room and leaned it against the dresser. Natalia was now once again on her knees sitting back on her feet. Her knees were spread. Her back was straight. Her eyes were straight ahead looking at the bed. Her hands were resting on her thighs. Palms up. I took a deep breath and simply admired her. Breathtaking. I grabbed some coils of rope and the broom and moved behind her. I knelt down and set the items to the side. “You,” I started as I began to gently gather her hair into a ponytail, “are an amazing woman Natalia.” Her hair was soft and smelled sweet. I pulled it down so her chin rose. I leaned in and inhaled deeply before kissing the top of her head. She sighed a little in pleasure and gently pressed back against my lips. I continued to put her hair up. My fingers then slowly traced the softness of her neck and shoulders down her sides and across her lower back before trailing back up her spine.
I stood up and walked around in front of her. I raised her chin up so she looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were just as striking as ever and the fire still burned behind them though she seemed quite at ease in her posture. Waiting. Patient. Obedient. I leaned down and kissed her lips quickly, yet gently, and stood back up. I grabbed the broom and unscrewed the handle from the broom which left me with just the pole. I placed the pole on her shoulders behind her neck. “Arms out along its length. Hold the ends.” Her arms moved out beside her and she flushed them along the shaft of the handle holding it in place. I corrected her arms slightly, straightening the bend of her elbow until the moment just before they were fully locked out. “Good girl,” I told her with a gentle touch to her back between her shoulder blades.
The ropes were in small coils based on length as it made them easier to work with based on what I needed them for. I grabbed the first, about eighteen feet long and tied her left wrist to the pole. Then I wound the rope around it up the length of her arm using half hitches every six inches or so until I got to her shoulder. I left the rest of the rope to dangle while I worked on her other arm using a second coil of rope. She remained quiet but I could hear her breathing slowly increase in anticipation. I couldn’t help myself. I smiled. When I finished the other arm I tied the two ropes together, securing them quickly with a finishing knot. I double checked the ropes to ensure they weren’t too tight. I had her test them and she was restricted just as I wished. I would have preferred to have her arms secured above her to rings on the ceiling but I didn’t have that luxury at the moment. This would have to do.
“Stand up, Poppet.” I ordered. She rocked her weight back onto her feet and stood up more gracefully than I thought she would without being able to use her arms. I moved in front of her and stood so close the hair of my chest teased her nipples. “My needs are many little one and you’ll come to know them all over time. What I need right now is to find your limits. You’ve been very good for me so far. Surprising even. But I want to know how much you can take.” I used one foot to nudge hers so she spread her legs just over shoulder-width apart. I placed my hand delicately around on her neck and then trailed down her chest, over a breast, down her stomach, to her beautifully shaved pussy batman escort which was still nice and wet. My fingers quickly found her aroused clit which I began to circle as I watched her face.
Natalia moaned and closed her eyes savoring the feel of my fingers on her.
“Pleasure is just part of the multitude of things I want to give you. Another, is knowledge. Knowledge of yourself and what you’re capable of. I know you enjoy pain as well,” I said, giving her clit a firm slap from my open hand. Her body jolted from the sudden impact, her knees threatening to give but she caught herself. She regarded me with hard yet pleading eyes. She looked incredibly sexy as slowly bit her lower lip while staring at me. “Let’s see how much you can take. I’m going to use various tools on you, each one building on the other. Some will be fun, some will be painful. For me, they will all be pleasurable. For you, I think you’ll find you enjoy it more than you think. It’s time to just relax. Let go of yourself. Give yourself to me fully and trust that I will see you through and raise you to new heights of self-awareness and pleasure just as we did before. You will have bruises. You will have marks. They will all be from me. However, I will never HURT you. I will never betray your trust. Do you understand?”
She continued to meet my eyes and I could feel her thinking of everything. Her shoulders even twitched as she briefly tested her bounds. If she had any discomfort either physically or emotionally, she didn’t show it. If anything, I could feel an almost giddy sense of excitement from her. She smirked a little and nodded.
I leaned in and kissed her on the lips and again on her forehead tenderly. I was going to enjoy what was to come. Maybe a little too much. “Good girl.” My fingers trailed down her body between her beautiful mounds and down around her navel before traveling up again. I took my time admiring her body still. She was so incredibly sexy I never wanted to take my hands off of her.
“To start, I’ll use my hands. I know you like your ass slapped, but how much can you take? Where else do you enjoy being slapped?”
Her eyes twinkled as she said, “Let’s find out.”
It was my time to smile. There was a crack of sound as my open hand landed hard across her cheek. She gasped in surprise at the slap and her upper body twisted a little to the side. She went to hold her cheek with her hands but they were still bound so her movements seemed awkward. Her cheek turned red. Her nipples hardened.
“You forgot to say ‘Sir’ little one.” She nodded and I caressed her cheek. “It is sexy as hell to slap you. I can’t deny that.”
She took a deep breath, composed herself and nodded. “Don’t hold back, Sir. Whatever you want to do to me, I’m yours. I’ve never had anyone test my limits before so I don’t know what I’m capable of but I do know I’m capable of being to you whatever you need. Help me find my limits. Use me. Abuse me. Whatever you need. I can take it. One way or the other I’ll find a way to take it.” She looked me straight in my eyes, “I trust you. Completely.”
I. Trust. You. Three words when strung together from her to me sent my heart and thoughts into a state of intense desire and peace. Her offer was not one to take lightly. Her literal life was in my hands. Her physical and mental well-being was now my responsibility. She was offering herself to me fully.
I moved to her, kissed her forehead, and then placed the blindfold back over her eyes. “Let’s get started.”
I quickly went and grabbed my phone and set it up off to the side to record video of everything. It would be amazing to watch later on both for myself and for her. She would be able to see how well she did…or where she needs to improve.
I walked behind her and let my hands slide across the skin of her lower back once more. “I have a feeling now matter how many times I say this, you’ll still doubt me on some level but you are breathtaking. It will be a bit of a shame and an immense pleasure to mark up your flawless body. I look forward to every strike that is about to happen to you. With the blindfold, you won’t know where or what is coming.”
I took a step back and readied for my first slap. I didn’t hold back. I started easy, a slap on her ass which I know she took very well so there was no need to start with little power. I slapped her ass so hard my hand stung from the impact. The impact sounded through the room and it brought her up on her toes a little, a gasp escaping her lips. As she was recovering, I landed a second slap on her other ass cheek just as hard as the first. She started to move forward and away but I grabbed the bar and held her in place. It took no time at all for the redness to spread on her ass and the white marks of my fingers outlined in red appeared.
“Don’t move.” I commanded her. “That was nearly everything I had with my hands. I can tell your ass and your will can take it harder. But power isn’t the only thing we’re here battalgazi escort to test. Sometimes, repetition is key.” I slapped her ass again in the same spot. My hand stung from the impacts. Her ass was on fire after the first impact and the second more than intensified that sensation. I laid my hands on her ass and began to rub and soothe it. Then I slapped them again as hard as the first two times only this time two inches lower toward the lower part of her butt. This brought her up to the tips of her toes and a loud gasp and a small cry of pain followed. But she did not give up. She did not back down or ask for a moment.
I walked over and grabbed a half inch thick crop which had a thick leather tongue on one end and a feather tickler on the other. This one was not cheap and shouldn’t break under even the hardest hits. Keyword…shouldn’t. I guess we’ll put that to the test as well.
Natalia’s ass was an angry red, a stark contrast to the rest of her body. I walked around to stand in front of her being careful to make a sound. Her breathing was labored as she endured the stinging pain emanating from the skin of her ass. I brought the tickler to slide across one nipple. The second it touched her skin Natalia jolted backward expecting pain to follow but she quickly stopped and relaxed after huffing out a breath. “Sir, you are cruel,” she said now enjoying the soft feel of the feathers on her skin now circling her large breasts.
“For every pain,” I said, reaching down and using my fingers to split the lips of her pussy and brush over her clit, “There will also be pleasure, little one. I may be cruel, but I will never be unfair.” I circled her clit faster while teasing the hard nub of her nipple with the feather. As her breathing got faster and she started to hold her breath about to cum, I stopped and slapped the other breast hard which brought out a loud groan, from the pain or me stopping before she could cum I couldn’t be sure. Her body then quivered and shook as her orgasm rolled through her anyway. Her knees looked like they were about to buckle from the intensity of it so I steadied her with my hands. As the quakes subsided and she got her body back under control she stood strong once again. “That was…incredibly sexy…to say the least little one.”
“It was a strong one, Sir.”
I leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear, “It makes me happy that you came when you weren’t given permission. Your punishment will not be gentle.”
Her mouth smiled on one side, “Are you teasing me with a good time, Sir?”
I chuckled, “Your fire is something fierce. I think this good time you speak of will be more fun for me than for you. Don’t move.” I walked quickly to find my pants and jerked the belt from them. I held the buckle and belt-end together, leaving the rest doubled up and dangling by my side as I walked back. As I walked back in her head turned her ear in my direction as she heard me coming. Without stopping and gaining a good stance, I simply raised my arm back with the belt in hand and whipped it as hard as I could into the meatiest portion of her ass. The belt may or may not have whistled a little before impact from the speed and intensity of it splitting the air but the crack the hard leather made against her skin was something we’ll both remember forever.
The pain that reverberated through her body was enough to prevent any sound from escaping her mouth for a split second before she screamed, nearly falling to the floor as her knees buckled. I was ready for it and caught her holding her up as she struggled to stay vertical. “Jesus fucking Christ!!!” she yelled. She then gritted her teeth as she took in a breath trying to regain control of her body while also trying to absorb the pain.
I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. I didn’t pull the belt at all. I could have hit her a little harder, but she mostly took the full power of what I could give her with the leather belt and she took it better than I thought she would considering she didn’t know her limits. She was strong.
“Good girl. Fight through it. It’s just pain. You own it, it doesn’t own you.”
Natalia took a deep breath and set her feet again. Though a little shaky, she stood up. She was no longer smiling, but I could feel the fire still burning within. “That. Was. Hard.”
“And yet, here you stand. I’m proud of you little one,” I said, stroking her cheek. I trailed my fingers down the front of her body letting her feel them glide softly across her skin. “Let’s continue. We know your ass is remarkable in many ways. It looks amazing, feels amazing, and can take a beating. I’m not done with your ass, but I’ll let you enjoy that burning sting for a minute before I make it worse.” I nudged her feet further apart to expose her thighs more where I slid my hands across their supple thickness.
With both arms between her thighs, I placed my hands firmly on her ass and pulled her pussy to my face. I gave her one hard lick against her bayburt escort clit and then stood up again. I kissed my pet’s lips so she could taste herself off of mine. “Fucking delicious, Poppet.”
I left her briefly to get a five foot piece of half inch thick rope that was laying on the dresser and returned. I stood behind her and admired the significant marking left by the belt lashing. It was a single straight inch and a half thick raised area that was light pink edged by a more angry red. I brushed it with my fingers which caused her to hiss slightly before stopping herself. I asked, “Stings, does it?”
“Yes Sir.”
I took the rope and wrapped one end around my hand until about two feet remained dandling by my side. I considered my next target before proceeding. I wound my arm back and let her right thigh receive its first mark. The rope itself was thick, but had a little bit of softness to it so I made sure to put some speed behind it to compensate. The impact was more muffled than the leather had been and Natalia visibly jolted, but only barely. The outside area of the thighs are usually the least sensitive much like the fronts. I laid a lashing to her opposite thigh with even less response from her as if she expected it. The fronts of her thighs came next with similar reactions, barely any at all. She was smiling and I couldn’t help but smile at her. She was enjoying it as much as I was. When I got to the back of her thighs, she reacted a little more as I increased the intensity a little and it was obviously a little more sensitive for her. Natalia, the precious little submissive she was, simply let out a hiss followed by a small moan. I hit the same spot again on both thighs and only moans followed. I aimed carefully and the rope snapped harshly against the upper inner left thigh not two inches from your pussy lips. I saw her thighs tighten and relax and a small gasp escaped her.
“I can tell you like that,” I said as I hit the same spot again, getting another moan from her. I hit it a third time and a fourth each drawing out louder moans and yelps as the pain intensified.
I took aim and did the same to the other side, twice as many, ensuring to spread them out a little further so the redness and stinging wasn’t as concentrated in one spot. I kept each of them sharp, consistent…a steady barrage of thwacks against her sensitive skin. Her little yelps, cries, and moans were once again a sexy symphony to my ears. After the last one, I reached down and felt her sex with my fingers finding her dripping wet. She still stood on strong unwavering legs as she endured. I walked around before her and raised up her mask to look her in the eyes. She squinted before meeting my gaze. I leisurely toyed with her pussy lips and grazed her clit. “You’re doing great, Poppet. I can feel how much you love this light pain.” I brought my wet fingers to my mouth and licked them off, drawing out a low moan from her.
“I need to cum, Sir. Please let me cum. I need it.”
“Why should I?”
She took a second to consider her words, “Because I’m your adorable submissive little Natalia who deserves it.”
I laughed. It’s true, adorable is how I would sometimes describe her. “Yet you form your words in a way you think I want to hear versus telling me exactly what you are or why you deserve it.”
Her eyebrows furrowed at that. I dropped the blindfold back over her eyes and walked to retrieve the thick crop with the large leather tongue on it. I enjoyed the heft. Now let’s see which is stronger, my tool or my pet. I moved up behind her and placed a delicate kiss at the base of the back of her neck and then took a large step back. She shivered from my kiss and I saw goosebumps flood across her shoulders and back.
“You see, Natalia, while you are an adorable submissive little one, that is no reason for me to let you cum nor a reason for why you need it. You’re not wrong in how adorable you are but adorable little ones don’t need to cum like you do. They won’t don’t get as wet as you do from submission and pain.” I took the crop in hand and prepared my next strikes to emphasize my words. “You’re,” the first hit hard on her right shoulder blade. “A,” the next hit the left shoulder blade. “Needy,” middle back. “Little,” Upper slightly off-center back. “Whore,” lower off-center back. “And pain, like submission, makes you drip from your sexy,” A very hard thwack to her left shoulder blade which caused her to yelp in surprise. “Fucking,” another hard strike to her other shoulder blade. “CUNT,” I said loudder putting everything I had into the last strike to the center of her back. The sound of her cry at the last strike almost drowned out the loud snap made by the crop as it shattered.
She rocked forward a little, took a step away from me and bent forward at the waist until her upper body rested on the bed. Low groans and moans came from her lips. “P…Pum…Pumpernickle…” she whispered through labored breaths.
My ears perked up and I dropped the broken crop. I moved to the side of the bed close to her and pulled the mask from her eyes. She had tears in them and she was breathing heavily. Her back was various shades of red now, the area of the last blow showing a stark contrast compared to the others. “Poppet, talk to me,” I said, caressing her jaw line.
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