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Friends Take a Plunge Ch. 02


“We should run Jenga again!” Laura suggested.

“Okay, I can hop out and grab it,” I offered.

Not getting a response I decided to hop out of the spa. Putting both arms beside me, I pushed myself up and backwards out of the spa. As I stood up I realised I must have been more drunk than I thought too, as I had completely forgotten how hard I was while in the spa. I wasn’t tenting earlier when I had dropped the shorts, but now, I was at full mast and holding my underwear away from my body. On top of that my briefs were wet so they clung to all nine and a bit inches of my cock obscenely, but boundaries had already been blurred tonight and i didnt care anymore.

I scooped up the blocks from the table and carried them back to the bubbling water. I placed them down near the spa controls situated between Dani and I, about a foot back from the edge. I started the tedious and frustrating process of setting the tower up while drunk, eventually getting there after a few minutes.

“We don’t have our drinks!” Laura shouted in a mock panic.

She stood at the bottom of the spa, her tits swaying in front of all of us as she took the steps to the edge. I watched the water slide down her breasts before falling from her hard nipples. What I hadn’t realised earlier when she got into the spa was that she was wearing a thong. Due to the water it was sitting skin tight and tucked tightly between her small and bubbly cheeks. All of us watched her head towards the table and deck.

“I can’t be bothered filling any cups up, do you guys have any bottles of wine?” Laura called out.

“Yeah I think there’s a few in the bar fridge!” Dani called back.

Laura made her way over to the fridge and I couldn’t help but admire the way the light and water on her body created a soft sheen. She found a bottle and popped it before heading back our way, carrying the bottle with the neck resting between her boobs. It was a turn on and she knew it. She slowly stepped down into the water and I followed her swaying breasts with my eyes. After entering she turned to Sean and bent over, offering him a swig from the bottle while keeping it between her boobs as before. He took a quick drink before declining anymore. Laura floated back to her spot between Sean and I before putting her bottle on the edge of the spa. As she did this I felt a hand slide onto my right thigh and towards my crotch. I looked across and saw Dani giving me a devilish grin as she started to rub my cock through my underwear.

“So who wants to go first?” Laura asked us all.

“I’ll do it!” Sean offered.

“Come on over this way then,” Dani giggled out while motioning between us.

Sean slowly drifted across the 4 foot space and came to a rest near Danielle. He was noticeably closer to Dani than me which I found pretty funny. As he got to the edge he started tapping away at a few blocks. A few seconds went by before he jumped suddenly and yelped.

“Oh, sorry. I thought that was Nathan” Dani blurted out as Sean looked at her like a deer in headlights..

“Uh, no worries, aha,” Sean managed to say before pulling a block out. I was pretty sure she had just grabbed his cock.

“Give 2,” Sean read as he pointed to Dani, letting her know he had chosen her.

Sean placed the first block on top of the tower and went back to his seat. Dani huffed in false disappointment before moving towards the wine bottle that was next to Laura. As she got to the edge she propped her hands on the edge and grabbed the bottle. While doing this she had straightened her body out under the bubbling surface and we were all privy to her large jiggling ass emerging from the depths. She managed to somehow contort her neck backwards and take two sips and put the bottle down. But not before Laura gave her cheek a hard whack, followed by a quick squeeze. She chuckled while poking her tongue out at Laura and moved across to the tower. She managed to deftly pull a block before taking her seat.

“Ooh, how exciting,” Dani grinned, “boys, underwear off please!”

She turned the block to show us all that she had pulled the ‘boys strip’ block. I quickly slid my hands underwater and removed my underwear, throwing it on the edge of the spa. Sean took a few moments longer but eventually his underwear hit the spa side with a wet thump.

“Now its getting interesting!” Laura slurred.

I turned to start assessing the tower. I saw a piece I was interested in and moved closer to get a better angle to remove it from. This brought me closer to Danielle, and as if on cue I felt her delicate hand wrap around the steel bar under water. I faltered for a minute as I felt her slowly start to pump away at my dick. It felt amazing, even though the water acted as the opposite of lube, and I found myself paused as she continued to rub it for a moment.

“Alright you two, hurry it up. You’re not the only ones who want to have fun!” Laura teased.

I knocked the block out, albeit with some difficulty, while being pleasured by my beautiful partner. It read Erenköy travesti ‘truth or dare’ and I turned around to show everyone.

“Truth or dare. Let’s go anti clockwise, everyone gets to take a turn,” I explained, “Dani, you go first”.

“Truth or dare then hon” she pressed.

“Hmm, dare!” I replied.

“Ooh okay, being brave are we?” She mocked. “I think you should swap spots and turns after this one with Sean for the rest of the game!”

It was pretty harmless but I thought for sure she had some sort of a plan in mind. I looked at Sean who shrugged his indifference at me.

“Yeah I can do that I guess,” I responded. “You’re up next mate, and I pick truth, I’m not trusting you to not give me something abhorrent!”.

Sean thought for a moment and after his laughter stopped he asked me, “how big is your dick?”.

“Well that’s forward! It’s a bit of nine inches when I’m hard” I said. Sean seemed a little dismayed at my reply.

“Yeah bullshit! I don’t believe you!” Laura ribbed.

“I can confirm that,” Dani replied.

“Well, you’re up next Laura, and I pick Dare before you ask,” I informed her.

“Well, I dare you to..” she said, drawing it out, “show us that nine inch dick then! I doubt you are that size”.

I don’t know what possessed me, but without saying a word I started to let myself float to the surface of the spa. I looked across into Laura’s face who wasn’t intently focused on my body as my torso slowly started to lift out of the water. The angry bulbous head of my erect dick slowly started to emerge from the bubbles. This coincided with Laura’s eyes widening in surprise. I continued to lift myself up, much the way Dani had done with her ass, until my pillar of meat protruded entirely from the water. Laura was once again mesmerised with the site and her mouth slightly fell open. I could see her eyes studying the vein that ran down the side of it from the base to just before the head.

“No fucking way. That is not real!” she stammered out. “How do you even take that Dani?!”

“A lot of foreplay, and you’d be surprised what you can fit in there if you want it enough,” Dani responded with a grin.

“I don’t think that would even fit in me!” the skinny blonde blurted out.

“Yeah that’s not fair,” Sean finally said in mock defeat.

Again, I was reminded that his walls were coming down and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Alright boys, time to swap spots!” Dani commanded.

We awkwardly shuffled around one another and took our spots at opposite ends of the spa. This meant I was in line to pull another block ater Lauren’s turn and that Sean was skipped once. It seemed like Dani wanted to give me another chance of knocking it over. fter Laura. I guess Danielle wanted to give me another chance at having to skull a drink, or maybe she wanted to continue teasing Sean. She could get like that after drinking. She always liked to tease me until I was ready to tear her clothes off her out of frustration and take her where she stood.

“Well it’s my turn again I guess. Should we just keep going with truth or dare?” Laura quizzed.

“I’m happy to do what everyone else is really,” I vocalised.

“I’m struggling to be honest so I don’t care at this point,” was Sean’s response.

“Let’s do another round or so and see where things go!” Dani suggested.

After agreeing it was time for Laura to take her turn. She drifted across the spa slowly but not before stopping and throwing her arms around Sean. She started planting kisses on his lips and stopped there to make out with him for a while. She must have taken a cue from Dani earlier as her ass slowly drifted to the spa’s surface and was a foot from my face. As she was kissing him I saw Laura move her hand towards Dani and grab her wrist before dragging it under water and towards Sean’s lap. I watched him stop kissing his girlfriend, shut his eyes and throw his head back in what looked like pure bliss. Danielle was jerking him off. I was sure of it. Part of me didn’t mind but I felt the jealousy starting to burn within me. I was about to say something but my eyes locked onto Laura’s wet and floating ass and I could see her ass hole peaking out between either side of her thong. Suddenly I felt something brushing my crotch and looked down to see the long slender foot that was attached to the ass in front of me running up and down the side of my cock. I reached under the water and grabbed the other one and pulled it alongside Laura’s other foot so that my dick was sandwiched between them. The soft skin of her feet were sending tingles through my entire body. During all of this Laura had somehow prised the block free.

“I got ‘opposite swap’, but I don’t know what that means.” Laura suddenly said, breaking the spell on the spa.

“Oh, uh that means you have to swap spots with the people opposite you” Dani informed, moving her arm back into place.

With a collective groan we all moved to the opposite side of the spa to where we had Erenköy travestileri been sitting. I was now again against the wall with the blocks, Danielle was to my left, Sean was opposite me and Laura was on my right. This meant it was Sean’s turn to pull blocks and it took him a few minutes to realise. An awkward hush had fallen across the group as we were all coming to terms with what had just gone down and the sexual energy that the bubbling abyss was now charged with. Sean moved across towards me and I shifted to my left so he could get to the tower once again.

“Pick to drink,” he squeaked out and then pointing at me. “You’ve hardly had any since we’ve been in here”.

I looked around for the wine bottle before locating it behind Laura. Without skipping a beat I moved across so that we were both facing each other and almost cut the other two off from seeing past me. I got closer to her and felt my dick brush her stomach which led me to a stop.

“I’ll get that for you,” she offered huskily.

Laura placed one fore arm on the edge of the spa and lifted her upper body up, making a show of dragging her pale and blue tinted breasts out of the water. My cock throb as its head dragged its way down her stomach and came to rest on the fabric of her underwear. Looking back into her face I saw the corner of her mouth start to creep upwards. She didn’t need to get out of the water to reach the bottle at all, it was only six inches from the edge. After wrapping her hand around it she passed it to me and slid back into the water, once again submerging herself to her chest. I stood at the bottom of the spa and lifted most of my body out of the water, this brought my dick nearly to the surface and while doing so caused it to brush against one of her soft and voluptuous breasts. I refused to give in to the teasing and so brought the wine to my mouth to take an exaggerated mouthful. As I went for the second one I felt a hand wrap it’s way around my shaft and the unmistakable soft flesh of a boob sliding across the bottom of it. I could have stayed there for hours but thought I better hurry it up so that it wasn’t super obvious.

I quickly swigged my next mouthful and sat back down in my spot. To my surprise Sean seemed oblivious to it all. Either he was too drunk or it had been much quicker than it felt. Maybe I was more inebriated than I realised too. I looked across at Dani and she gave me a wink knowing what had gone down. These girls were planning something. They had to be.

“Let’s see what I get then,” Dani announced while turning to the game. After a moment of shuffling she freed a bit from the stack. “I got ‘pick to strip’ again!”.

Swiftly she put the piece on top and we all watched the tower sag to one side. I was almost hoping it would fall so we could move past this to whatever was going to happen next. As she took her place on her seat she raised an arm up and pointed straight at Laura who wasted no time in reaching underwater and sliding her thong off of her body and flinged it at her friend.

“Are you sure?” Sean asked her.

“Oh babe, I think we are past worrying about that now aren’t you?” she reasoned.

I noticed that the block she pulled caused the tower to lean over and leave two blocks from the same spot. I thought that the weight shift would allow the block on the opposite side of the middle piece to be easier to pry free. I turned my body slowly, as if the water in the spa was going to have an effect on the tower out of it for some reason, and quickly targeted that block. It came straight out with ease. I turned it over and nearly fainted. I had to double take as I looked at it again, knowing what was in store for me.

“You guys aren’t going to believe this, but uh, I got Santa again” I declared to the group.

Sean was the first to respond, “pass me the bottle, I’m not sitting on his lap”.

Dani removed herself from her perch and crossed the short distance to Laura who passed her the wine but not before whispering something in her ear. Dani turned to look at Sean and myself and then whispered back to her. She turned her body towards Sean and stood up, exposing her perky boobs to him. He didn’t seem to know what to do with himself and became shifty as she approached. As she neared she sunk below the surface up to her collarbone and lifted the bottle to his mouth with one hand. Sean tried to drink but his whole body jerked resulting in half the liquid to miss his mouth and fall into the water. Great. I knew I’d have to run the cleaning cycle a few times tomorrow now.

“Come on now, you’ve got to take a few more mouthfuls than that!” She demanded.

Sean repositioned himself and tried to relax, but each time Dani went to pour more into his mouth he seemed to lose concentration in what was happening. She was definitely playing with his dick. A good 30 seconds went by of this routine before Dani put the bottle beside his head and sat next to him.

“My turn!” Laura nearly shouted.

I hadn’t even thought Travesti erenköy about what that might entail. Staring into my face she shimmied, rather awkwardly, right next to me.

“So I have to sit on your lap hey?” She asked with a childish grin.

“I guess so, the rules are the rules.” was all I could come up with.

Looking across to Sean I noticed he was staring straight at Dani and his breathing had increased. I guess she was really trying to get him off and I felt the pang of jealousy wash across me again. Immediately after, I was rewarded with the sight of Laura’s two large boobs blocking my vision as she positioned herself to sit on my lap. I wanted nothing else but to take one of her hard rosy nipples into my mouth right then and there.

She moved slightly to my right before turning her back to me and reaching back with her hand. I felt it wrap around my cock just below the head and slightly angle it to the side. Suddenly it hit me, she was going to sit on it. Before I could offer any assistance she poked the head between her soft folds and ran it up and down a few times. I looked back to Sean and he had zero idea of what was going on in front of him as he was engrossed with the teasing he was going through. Laura pushed down with her ass and I felt the head of my cock strain against her tight entrance. The water wasn’t making things easy as it seemed to add more friction.

Finally after she readjusted I felt the head of my member suddenly become enveloped by a warm and slippery sensation that sent chills from my dick to my balls and all the way up my neck. She quickly smashed her hand to her mouth as a whisper of a moan escaped her. She was sitting near my right thigh and started to gently gyrate her hips, letting the first inch or so of my penis move around inside of her. d her warm insides. I was lost in bliss and only bought back by Laura’s soft whisper.

“I need to be.. Umm. closer. I can’t.. I can’t reach the tower silly.”

I tried to shuffle across but found it difficult to do so with the weight of another person on top of my lap. Without considering the repercussions I lifted my hips to shift us across closer to the edge. This only caused my dick to slide further inside of Laura and for her head to hit my chest while she tried to breathe through it. She leant her mouth up to my ear and sucked on my earlobe before adding,

“Holy fuck, youre incredible. I didn’t think you’d be so cheeky!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t really think.” I hoarsely replied.

“The only thing you should be sorry about is not putting the rest of it in me!” she confided.

As she reached for the tower I saw her falter with another whimper as my cock slipped back out a little. She reached for the tower with wobbly arms and I raised a hand to support her stomach. Instead all I managed to grab was a handful of boob which my large hand couldn’t even engulf. This was very different to playing with Dani’s, I could comfortably fit her an entire tit into my palm.

“I got a block, guys!” Laura tried to call out.

We both turned to see Dani and Sean now staring at us as her arm was furiously pumping away in his lap. Fearing he had been caught Sean pulled away from Danielle at an almost ridiculous speed.

“It’s okay mate, I don’t mind as long as you don’t,” I said while lifting Laura’s large boob out of the water in my hand.

“Oh, well I don’t know, this is all going a bit fast.” He replied.

“It’s okay baby, just let the good feelings wash over you, besides I got make a rule, and my rule is that the boys have to play sitting on the edge of the pool!” Laura tried to reason while showing a pick to drink piece.

Laura slid off the tip of my cock and I felt the cold water rush around it. The difference between the warm place the first third of it was to the now cold water was startling. Trying to keep the fun going I immediately lifted myself to the edge and slid across a few feet so Sean could access the tower. My dick was red and hard and all nine inches stood proudly to attention. Laura looked back to me and made her way back to her side of the hot tub, but not before giving my dick a squeeze.

“Babe!” Sean blurted.

“Oh stop it, it’s not like we don’t know that Dani has been playing with you all night!” She curtly answered.

Sean huffed but didn’t give any more fight. I guess he knew he’d been caught out. He took his turn quickly and got yet another pick to strip. Dani being the only person left decided to hop out of the water and give us a show as he peeled her underwear down across her copious ass. It clung to her cheeks before finally freeing itself from between them which made the jiggle obscenely.

“Time to take my turn then I guess,” she said to me while moving close.

I pushed myself a bit further back from the edge in the hopes of what might happen. Dani placed her knees either side of the tower and arched her back, pushing her ass towards me. I ran my wet hands over the soft flesh and lightly squeezed each cheek.

“I might need you to reposition hon,” she informed me while gesturing I should turn to face her ass.

As soon as I had assumed the position Dani thrust herself downward onto my meat. With a quick and deliberate movement my entire length disappeared inside of her.

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