“Do you like them?”
She’d kept a straight face while saying it, and there’d been no unusual intonation in her voice, but despite all of that, I knew that she wasn’t referring to the earrings that were in her hand. That was because she was holding them close to her breasts. Dangling them in the middle of the valley that was her impressive cleavage, so that I would have to look where she wanted me to. Margaret, my Mother-in-law, likes to play games with me, and I’m always a willing participant. It’s what we sometimes do when we’re together. It brightens up our day. Just a bit of harmless fun!
The pretence was that I would be commenting on the earrings, but really it was her breasts. I’d admired them countless times before, but I was still eager to do so again. There are some things you never tire of looking at. For example, a painting by Claude Monet or the Taj Mahal. And of course, my Mother-in-law’s tits are one of them.
They’re melons, ripe juicy ones. It’s a miracle that her bra is strong enough to contain those heavy globes. And having seen the outline of her nipples through bikini tops, I know that her twin peaks are topped with impressive teats. Plump nipples that are ideal for sucking on. Like her big tits? No, I love them!
When I said, “They’re the best that I’ve ever seen,” I’d meant it.
That made her smile. It was warm and radiant, with a hint of mischief. Seeing it was exciting me as much as admiring her breasts had. I was now thinking of what to say next to keep the flirting going.
“What are you two doing?”
It was Sally, she’d suddenly entered the room. That had unsettled me, but not my Mother-in-law, because after turning to face her, she calmly said, “I was showing Richard my new earrings.”
She then handed them to her Daughter, who, after only a cursory glance at them, handed them back.
“They’re OK, but not as nice as your pearl ones.”
We’ve never talked about what we do. No discussion about what the rules should be. It’s just evolved over the three years that I’ve known her. We seem to know instinctively how far we can take it. Being careful when Sally is with us, and more daring when there’s nobody to observe us. However, over the last few weeks there’s been a change. It’s happening more often, and with more intensity. I can’t say that I don’t like it, but it has made me think. Has it gone beyond innocent flirting?
We were in the kitchen. I was sitting at the table with Margaret, and Sally was at the sink doing the dishes. My Mother-in-law was holding a banana, about to eat it. A perfectly natural thing to do. However, there was more to it than just that. It was what she was doing with it.
She was holding it at one end. When the fingers of her other hand curled around the top of it, I knew what was coming next. After glancing over at her Daughter, to make sure that her back was still towards us, she continued. I was right. She was slowly and sensually moving her hand along its full length. I gulped. It was as if she’d stroked my erect cock. Then she quickly peeled it, because she was eager to get it into her mouth. But when just the tip of it was in, she stopped.
After taking it out, she said, “I do like a nice banana.”
That got my heart beating faster, because I understood the hidden meaning behind it. She might indeed like a nice banana, but it was cock that she was talking about!
“Sally, you should buy bigger ones. I need more than this to fill me up.”
While continuing with the dishes, Sally gave her Mother a quick OK. I looked at the banana again. She was right. Not much longer than five inches, and slim. It would need a cock bigger than that to satisfy my Mother-in-law.
It was back in her mouth, and this time more of it. However, she was making no attempt to bite into it. Then she suddenly bobbed her head, taking all of it in. I had to close my eyes because it was too much for me. When, after only a few seconds, I opened them again, she was eating it. And thankfully, without any more sexual innuendos.
“I enjoyed that.”
She had, not just the eating of it though, but also the erotic show that she’d put on for me.
What she’d done with the banana had got me
thinking. It was more than our usual flirting and done without any subtlety. Crude rather than sophisticated. Not my Mother-in-law’s usual style. However, I’ll have to admit that it had excited me, but I wasn’t sure that I’d liked her doing it. And the big mystery was why had she done it?
That evening, while I was in bed with Sally, she told me something about her Mother, and that gave me some insight into her earlier behaviour.
“My Mother is having some problems.”
Before I could ask what those problems were she was telling me more.
“It’s Peter.”
I jumped in with, “He’s cheating on her!”
She shook her head, so it wasn’t that.
“He’s not …”
I was surprised, Sally struggling over what to say was unusual. It rarely happens. However, when she started again, she was OK.
“He’s zonguldak escort not satisfying her in the bedroom.”
“Is he satisfying her in any of the other rooms in their house?”
It was a flippant question, done to introduce a bit of humour into a difficult subject. Her icy stare told me that it had been a miserable failure.
“And so you should be. This is serious. Sex has always been important to my Mother, and it still is. If things don’t change then it could be the end of her relationship with Peter.”
That was a sobering thought. I like him, as everybody does. I’d always regarded them as the perfect couple. Him, kind and jovial. A successful businessman. And her, a vivacious beauty. Both of them doting on each other.
They met ten years ago, shortly after her divorce. It had been an unhappy marriage that had lasted longer than it should have. However, one good thing had come out of it. That was Sally. And she, like me, would be very upset if her Mother was to split up with Peter.
“Do you think their age difference has anything to do with it?”
She didn’t need to think about it. I got her answer straight away.
I’d have to agree with her. Peter was sixty seven and Margaret was only fifty one. A not insignificant age difference. Understandably, because he was nearly seventy, his sex drive was diminished, while hers, because she was only middle-aged, was still quite high. Not an ideal combination.
“Has he tried Viagra?”
“No, because it’s not that he can’t get it up, it’s just that he doesn’t want to. My Mother goes to bed eager for sex, but he’s not interested, preferring to read for a while before going to sleep.”
Because I was only twenty five, I couldn’t imagine a time, no matter how old I was or how good the book was, when I’d want to read rather than fuck.
“And because she is sexually frustrated, she’s often in a bad mood. Picking fights with him over trivial things.”
That was more bad news from her. I’d have to say that the future doesn’t bode well for the two of them.
The next day, while driving to work, I thought about Margaret. And that made me realise something. The difficulty she was having with Peter must be the reason for her recent behaviour towards me. The outrageous flirting was giving her some sexual satisfaction. It was a poor substitute for a good hard fucking, but she was doing it because it was better than nothing. I felt sorry for her.
When I saw Margaret again, it was a week after I’d had that upsetting conversation with her Daughter. From how she was, both in appearance and demeanour, you wouldn’t suspect that there was anything in her life that was troubling her. But I knew differently. She was putting on a brave face and doing a good job of it.
It was only supposed to be a flying visit, but when Sally suggested that she stay over, she readily agreed to it.
Our evening meal wasn’t anything special, but we all enjoyed it. After we’d eaten, I went into the living room with Margaret, and Sally went out to buy tomorrow’s food.
We were watching a romcom on Netflix. My Mother-in-law was enjoying it, but it wasn’t my cup of tea. I was preferring to look at her, and because all her attention was on the movie, she was unaware of what I was doing.
She’d definitely made an effort with her appearance. Her stylish blouse showed just the right amount of cleavage. Enough to get any man excited, but appropriate for her age. Her matching skirt was short, showing off her long slender legs. Sally would look good in it, but not as good as her Mother was looking now.
“I have something for you.”
I looked up, she was smiling. Obviously amused because she’d caught me staring at her legs. To hide my embarrassment, I smiled back.
“It’s moist.”
That got my attention, and more so when she uncrossed her legs.
“It was Peter’s favourite. It used to be that he couldn’t get enough of it, but now he’s not interested.”
Was that ‘something’ she was talking about her pussy? Surely not. But my cock was convinced that it was, because it was expanding at an alarming rate.
“Peter doesn’t want it, so you can have it.”
She then moved her legs, opening them so wide, that I could almost see her panties. My mouth was now dry, and my heart rate was through the roof. All I could think about was what she was offering me, her sweet pussy, and the wonderful things I wanted to do to it. Then I thought about Sally, not about cheating on her with her Mother, but whether we had enough time to fuck before she returned. We might have, and that was enough to go ahead with it.
“You should taste it, I’m sure you’ll like it.”
I had no doubt that I would, but going down on her was for another day, when we had more time. I didn’t want minutes with my head between her legs, I wanted hours.
When she stood up, I did as well. And when she left the room I followed her. Surprisingly, into the kitchen rather istanbul travesti than one of the bedrooms. But I was OK with that. I’ve had the Daughter on the kitchen table, now It was her Mother’s turn!
“Close your eyes.”
I did. Knowing that when she asked me to open them, her panties would be off, and she would be bending over the table. My cock was twitching in anticipation of where it would soon be. Deep up my Mother-in-law’s pussy.
“You can open them now.”
When I did, my jaw dropped. Her panties weren’t off, and she wasn’t bending over the kitchen table. Instead, she was standing in front of me with a plate of homemade biscuits. And the look on her face said it all. I’ve fooled you.
At first, I was angry, and that was understandable. Who wouldn’t be when you get biscuits instead of pussy? But I did my best to hide it. However, it wasn’t long before I saw the funny side of it. And I must say that she was right, they were moist!
When Sally returned, we were watching the movie while munching on her Mother’s delicious biscuits. As nice as that was, I’d rather be munching on my Mother-in-law’s pussy.
Sally hadn’t just returned with food, she’d also bought four bottles of red wine. By the time we went to bed we’d finished all of them. Margaret and I were tipsy, but Sally, who wasn’t normally a big drinker, was in a right state. Unable to walk. However, with some difficulty, both of us together managed to get her up the stairs and into the bedroom. That’s when my Mother-in-law left us to go to her room. Her parting words, over her shoulder when she was at the door, shocked me, but they made Sally giggle almost uncontrollably.
“When you’re fucking will you please keep the noise down.”
But were we going to fuck? We were young, both of us only twenty five years old, and we were full of alcohol, so of course the answer was yes.
Despite being so drunk that she couldn’t walk, she had no difficulty unzipping me and getting my cock out. I returned the favour by quickly removing her panties. And that was all that needed to be done before we could start.
We’d had no foreplay, but none was required. My cock was already rock-hard and her pussy was soaking wet. This was going to be a sprint rather than a marathon. My swollen member slid into her with ease. I only stopped when I had no more to give her.
With some of the words slurred, she shouted out, “My cunt loves your big cock.”
It was loud enough for her Mother to hear, and I could tell that she knew that. It was as if she was taunting her. Letting her know what she was missing. That wasn’t right. Then I remembered what Margaret had done to me earlier on. The incident with the biscuits. Two could play that game!
“What do you want me to do?” I asked.
She told me, but it wasn’t good enough.
“Say it again, but this time louder.”
“Fuck me hard, and don’t stop until I come.”
That was deafening. Was my Mother-in-law now covering her head with a pillow because she didn’t want to hear us having sex? I hope so.
I was giving Sally what she’d asked for. As hard a fuck as I could manage. And she was as wild and as animated as a woman can ever be when she has a cock deep up her pussy. But it wasn’t just her that was enjoying it, I was as well. And I was now more sympathetic towards Margaret. I didn’t want her to be hating what she was hearing, I wanted her to embrace it. I wanted her to be rubbing her clit, keeping in step with us, so that when we climaxed, she would as well.
“Fuuuuuuck, I’m going to come!”
After the next stroke she did. Two more got me a nice climax. When it started, I grunted. I thought it was never going to end. When it eventually did, I was exhausted.
I was still on top of her when she started snoring. That’s Sally, she can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.
The next day was Sunday, so we all had a long lie-in, only getting up at midday. Margaret and I were OK, but Sally had a bad hangover. She didn’t look well.
While we were eating brunch, Sally declared, while her hand was over her heart, as if she was making a promise to herself, “I’m never going to drink ever again.”
Then, to our amusement, and her embarrassment, she vomited onto the kitchen floor!
Sally went back to bed, and I cleaned it up. When I’d finished there was a cup of coffee waiting for me. Margaret had made it, as well as one for herself.
“We had a good time yesterday.”
She agreed with me, and then she said, “Some more than others.”
“Yes, Sally did, but now she’s suffering.”
“I meant both of you when you were in the bedroom.”
I winced. Now that I was sober, I’d come to realise that our antics of last night had got out of hand. We shouldn’t have done it.
“Sorry, we were a bit noisy.”
That made her laugh, and it was a while before she’d finished.
“OK, I’ll admit it. We were loud, excessively loud, outrageously loud …”
I had more to say, but she interrupted me with, “That’s ankara travesti enough!”
However, I knew that she wasn’t annoyed with me, because she was smiling while she’d said it. Then suddenly, the smile was gone. I could see sadness in her eyes. When her bottom lip started to tremble, I reached out and held her hand. The smile was back, but it was forced.
“I know about the difficulty you and Peter are having. Is there anything I can do to help?”
She shook her head.
“I’m always here for you.”
She squeezed my hand, and then she said, “Thanks. I’ll make us another coffee.”
It was done with her usual efficiency, so it didn’t take long. After handing it to me she sat down. This time when she smiled it was genuine. I was pleased to see that her little ‘wobble’ was over.
“I’ve been thinking, There is something you can do for me. It’s what you did to my Daughter last night.”
And to avoid any confusion over what it was she was referring to, she said more.
“I want you to fuck me!”
I stared at her open-mouthed.
Of course, I wanted to fuck her, but should I actually do it? I’d always thought that, given the opportunity, I’d grasp it with both hands.
But I was wrong. My head was spinning. I just didn’t know how to respond to her more than generous offer.
“Say something.”
I took a deep breath, and then I said, “I can’t do it.”
I thought that she was going to cry, but then her face changed. To my surprise, I realised that she was angry with me.
While wagging a finger in my direction, as if I was a naughty boy, she said, “I know you want to. I’ve seen the way you undress me with your eyes. And don’t think I haven’t seen you staring at my big tits.”
I didn’t deny it, how could I? All of it was true.
“And what we’ve been doing recently has gone beyond flirting.”
That was more her than me.
“Yes, but you always start it.”
That got a haughty laugh from her.
“But you never stop me.”
That was because it was always enjoyable. No, it was more than that. It was exciting.
“What about Sally?”
Asking me for sex was betraying her Daughter. Mentioning her name was to make her feel guilty, and that would end this difficult conversation. But it hadn’t made her feel guilty, instead her response to it was a defiant look, and some dismissive words.
“Ignorance is bliss.”
“And if she was to find out, what then?”
“She won’t,” and then she added, “If she did, then it wouldn’t be the end of the world.”
I gave her a wry smile. It was OK her saying that, because Sally would put all the blame on me. Her world wouldn’t end, but mine definitely would!
“Nothing you can say will make me change my mind.”
That took the wind out of her sails. All her defiance had evaporated. However, there was still some fight left in her, because she ended the conversation with, “You’re such a bastard.”
She then stormed out of the kitchen.
Sally was back down again at three o’clock and looking a lot better.
“Where’s my Mother?”
“She’s gone home.”
“I thought she would have stayed until I’d got up.”
It was a good job that she hadn’t. Sally would have only needed to take one look at her to realise that something had happened. And if she was to ask what was troubling her, I was worried that my Mother-in-law might actually tell her!
The following weekend she was back again. Arriving Friday night and staying until Sunday. I was dreading it, convinced that she would make my life a misery. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. From the moment she set foot in the house she was all sweetness and light. Not even a hint of any animosity towards me. And Saturday morning, while we had breakfast together, we were even flirting again. Initiated by me.
“You’ve lost some weight.”
“I have, just a couple of pounds. I’m surprised that you noticed. Peter hasn’t.”
“That’s because, as you know, I’m always undressing you with my eyes.”
That made her laugh. And she was now looking mischievous. I’d started it, but she was going to take it to the next level.
“This will make it easier for you.”
She’d briefly opened her dressing gown. That had given me the opportunity to look at her in just her bra and panties. But not for as long as I would have liked.
While giving her my best cheeky grin, I said, “That’s not fair, you were too quick for me. You should do it again.”
“I could, but I’d rather do this.”
She hadn’t just opened her dressing gown, she’d taken it off!
While looking her up and down, noticing everything about her, I told myself that this was just a bit of harmless fun. But really, I knew that it wasn’t. The sensible thing to do was to stop now before it got out of hand. Then I had to smile, because that had already happened.
Her underwear was small, bikini size. Made for exciting a lover rather than for comfort. And it was having that effect on me. I was now breathing more rapidly, and my cock was fully erect. Her impressive nipples, that looked as if they were about to burst through her bra, were making my mouth water.
“I can see that you like my bra, but what about my panties?”
I shrugged my shoulders, to indicate indifference towards them. She then laughed, because she knew that wasn’t true.
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