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Empty Nesters – Tara and Sam Ch. 02


The next few chapters are about the realization of Tara and Sam’s fantasies.

As with most of my work, it started to become longer than I intended. I’m “wordy”, sue me.

Anyway, I decided to break this into separate chapters as there was just so much activity to cover!

As a reader myself, I appreciate long works that have breaks in them, and that’s what I am going for here.

All of these chapters are intended to be read in order, but if you don’t want to read the whole thing, that’s fine too. I tried to write these chapters so that they could be read as stand alone stories.

Enjoy, and don’t forget to vote or hesitate to comment. unless of course you are just being rude because you have a problem with the subject matter.


Tara and Sam had hustled to get ready for their grandson’s birthday party. Their earlier romp had put Tara way behind schedule.

Neither of them mentioned anything about the intensity of their passion. And of course, neither of them brought up the fantasies that had led them to such heights. But neither could forget them either.

It didn’t help that Heather had stopped over an hour before the party started to lend Tara a hand getting ready, as she often did for events like that.

Heather was the beautiful, blonde neighbor who had been the object of their fantasies as they fucked themselves silly just a little bit earlier.

She was single, and a few years younger than Tara and Sam, and she had made a confession to Tara the day before that had totally changed Tara’s view of their friendship, and flustered her completely.

Heather was wearing a flirty dress, without a bra of course. It was white with a floral pattern, which mostly disguised her lack of a bra. But when seen from a certain angle, her nipples were very obvious.

The dress was also rather snug, showing off her flat belly and the flare of her hips, not to mention her perfectly rounded ass. Tara didn’t see any hint of panty lines, but she tried her best not to look too much.

Sam couldn’t help but notice that Tara was suddenly flustered as soon as Heather arrived. And that just fed his imagination. He couldn’t get the image of his wife simulating pussy eating from his mind.

Heather had been surprised to find Tara behind schedule with her party preparations. She ribbed her neighbors with innuendos as to what they were doing to make them late.

“You’re always so well prepared for everything Tara, you must have really been distracted with something to be this far behind.” She said. “Were you two having some naughty fun?”

Tara blushed and stuttered an excuse about doing laundry. She was obviously lying, and Heather was not about to let it slide. “So were you doing laundry? Or making laundry by getting your sheets all smutty?” She asked with a laugh.

When Tara tried to deny that, Heather leaned into Sam and put her arm around him, saying, “Nobody would ever blame you ya know. Because with a hunk like this running around, I think my sheets would need washed every day!” She ran her eyes up and down Sam’s body and added, “Hell, probably a couple times a day! How about it stud?”

Now it was Sam’s turn to blush beat red. He remembered the things that he’d imagined as he ate out and fucked his wife just an hour prior.

He felt Heather’s firm, womanly body up against his, and felt his cock start to rise back to life in his pants. He wondered what to do with his hands, so he stuffed them in his pockets, to the amusement of Heather and Tara.

Tara watched the exchange between Heather and Sam with a mix of humor over Sam’s discomfort, curiosity about the potential for making Heather’s statements come true, and something else.

Something she soon realized was jealousy, jealousy that it was her husband that Heather was flirting with, and not her!

The thought didn’t surprise her as much as it would have a few days ago, before she made up her mind to follow through with Heather’s barely disguised suggestions, following her confession.

Heather had enjoyed the reactions she got from both sides of the couple. But knew that it was the wrong time to pursue the vibes she was getting from both husband and wife.

She glanced at the clock and said “Oh fuck! Look at the time, we’d better get moving!” She released Sam, after pausing to give his ass a squeeze and tell him, “Sorry Sam. We have work to do.”

Tara also looked at the clock and jumped into action, mentally pushing away her lusty thoughts. She asked Heather to check the boiled potatoes, to see if they were done yet, as she bent to get a colander from a lower cabinet.

When she stood, she realized that both Heather and Sam had watched her ass as she bent over. The idea thrilled her, and she tried to hide her blushing face from them, but reflected that maybe she had picked out the right pair of shorts to wear with her high healed sandals after all.

She reflected that her plan to masturbate and get over her feelings for Heather had failed miserably, and admitted to herself Konya travesti that she wanted her sexy neighbor more than ever.

But she knew Heather was right, they had a party to prepare for. She had Heather making potato salad, Sam bringing out extra folding chairs, and Tara got out the cake she’d baked and began to decorate it.

Their daughter Sarah soon showed up with the grandkids, Devin and Cara, not long after. Sam was delegated to put the little ones to work blowing up balloons and hanging ribbons, allowing the women to finish preparations.

This helped take Sam’s mind off of the hot sex and surprising things that Tara did earlier that day, not to mention Heather’s flirting. But only temporarily, every time he heard their voices from the next room, he was instantly reminded of his fantasy.

Tara couldn’t forget either. Not with the object of her fantasies working alongside her. Heather always seemed to be so close to her while they worked together preparing the meal, although she seemed to show some restraint in her normally forward behavior.

Tara reasoned that it was Sarah’s presence that held Heather at bay. But Heather still managed to find subtle ways to initiate a little body contact when Sarah wasn’t looking.

Once, when Heather was making potato salad and Tara was next to her at the island, Sarah was at the stove making sloppy Joes, with her back turned, Heather suddenly needed the salt and pepper, so she leaned across Tara to grab the spices and pushed her breast against Tara’s arm. She gave Tara an intense look, and a completely insincere apology.

Another time Heather needed a bowl from the cupboard below the counter Tara was working at. She bent to retrieve it and paused with her face inches from Tara’s crotch. This time there was no apology, just a naughty grin as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

Soon more guests arrived, mostly Devin’s friends from kindergarten and their mothers. And as they did, Sam had more and more children blowing up balloons.

He also had more help supervising them, but all the extra help consisted of young women his daughter’s age. All with physical attributes that caught Sam’s eye, which did nothing to keep his mind off his libido.

Eventually everything was ready and everyone gathered in the dining room. The food was served, everyone ate, and then the birthday candles were lit on the cake, the song was sung and the candles blown out with great fanfare.

After everyone had cake and ice cream, the gifts were given and the children played with the new toys while the adults started to clean up.

Eventually the guests started to filter out, and it was time to pack up Devin’s new toys for the trip home. Cara was already asleep, and Tara and Sam helped to load the kids and all their stuff into Sarah’s car.

When Sarah and her kids were gone, Tara and Sam returned to the house to find all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher with the machine running. Tara also noticed that most of the other kitchen cleanup was done, but Heather was nowhere in sight.

Tara had been nervous about being with her again, without a house full of noisy children and gabbing young women. But she found herself disappointed that Heather was gone and wondered why she’d left.

Sam started to break down the extra table and chairs, and Tara jumped in to help. Other than mentioning Heather’s absence, and the help she’d been, nothing else was said about her.

When that work was done, Tara broke out the vacuum cleaner, and was about to turn it on when they heard Heather return. “Hey you guys, come here!” She yelled from the kitchen.

Sam and Tara looked at each other and shrugged, before going out to see what was up. They found Heather at the counter with two bottles of wine in front of her, pulling three glasses from a cabinet.

“Time to relax you two.” Heather said. “I found this really nice wine last week and wanted to share it with you both.” She found the opener and proceeded to open the first bottle.

Tara picked up the other bottle and read the label, “Oh, this is from that new local winery. We’ve been meaning to check it out.” She said, showing Sam the bottle.

“Yeah,” Sam said as Heather handed them each a glass, “I read about this place. Thanks for sharing it with us Heather.”

“My pleasure.” Heather answered. Then she added with a gleam in her eyes, “As a matter of fact, that leads me to our first toast, she raised her glass and waited for Tara and Sam to raise theirs before continuing, “Here’s to sharing life’s pleasures!”

As Tara clicked her glass to Heather’s, the two women locked eyes, and Tara felt her heart rate increase as she repeated the toast, “To sharing life’s pleasures.”

Sam watched the exchange, his own heart picking up speed. The way the two women looked at each other seemed very meaningful, and the way Tara’s voice seemed to have dropped an octave, left him speechless.

Finally Heather broke her gaze with Tara, and still holding her glass aloft, Konya travestileri said, “Sam?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. To sharing life’s pleasures!” He stuttered. He had a brief vision of Tara lapping her own cum from between her fingers. That, along with the way Tara and Heather looked at each other had him wondering if something was already going on between the two.

He clicked his glass to Heather’s, meeting her eyes. Heather had a look that was almost challenging.

When he turned his head to clink his glass to Tara’s, her look was quite different. Tara was flushed, and her face conveyed something akin to fear, but it was obvious she was very aroused.

Tara took a big drink from her glass. She was nervous, and tried to bring the conversation back from the seductive tension she felt. “MMm, this is very good Heather!” She took another gulp.

Heather smiled, “Yes, I like it a lot. I just wish the bottles were bigger!” She joked. Having poured three glasses from the first bottle, it was empty, and she proceeded to open the second one.

Sam watched his wife watch Heather, and take another drink of her wine. Tara was not much of a drinker, and she seemed to be trying to calm herself down. He could feel a definite tension in her.

He tried the wine himself, just to add to the conversation. “Wow, yeah, this is very good! The article I read about this winery said they have bands on Saturdays. We should all go sometime.”

“That would be fun!” Heather said. “That would be one of life’s pleasures that the three of us could enjoy together.” She poured a little more wine into Tara’s glass, before adding a little more to Sam’s.

As she did, she looked at him with her meaningful gaze and added, “But it’s certainly not the only thing we could all enjoy together.”

Tara watched the look pass between her sexy neighbor and her husband, and encouraged by her first glass of wine, and a need to be a part of whatever was going on, she asked, “Heather, are you trying to seduce my husband” She had tried to sound teasing and playful, but she came across as lusty.

Heather turned back to Tara and placed her hand gently on her face, just as she had the day before when Tara smelled pussy on her fingers. She smiled patiently and said softly, “Oh sweetie, don’t you get it yet? I’m trying to seduce both of you!”

Tara froze in place. There it was, all the cards were on the table. And Tara was suddenly terrified, yet so turned on her breasts rose and fell with her heavy breathing.

Sam was also stunned by the revelation. He watched his wife and knew the signs, she was very aroused. He couldn’t help but just watch and see where this was going.

Finally, without breaking eye contact with Tara, Heather asked, “Sam, would you mind if I kissed your beautiful wife?”

“Uh, uhm, I,” He stuttered again, he wanted to say that it was up to Tara, but he knew she wanted it, even if it hadn’t been for her display earlier in the day, he could see it in her face. Finally he said simply, “No, I wouldn’t mind at all.”

Heather’s smile grew, and she leaned down to bring her face closer to the shorter Tara’s mouth. “I’ve wanted to do this for soo long.” She whispered, her voice was husky with passion.

She moved in and Sam watched his wife close her eyes and open her mouth to accept the kiss. His cock throbbed when he saw the two beautiful women make contact, tentatively at first. Heather was giving Tara a chance to make sure she wanted this.

After only a second, Tara responded with a moan and brought her hand to Heather’s neck and deepened the kiss. Sam could tell that both women were adding their tongues to the kiss.

“Holy fuck.” Sam mumbled as he watched his wife sucking face with his beautiful neighbor. He ran his hand up and down the length of his shaft through his shorts as the kiss grew more passionate.

Heather eventually broke the kiss and looked deeply into Tara’s eyes, “I always knew you’d be a great kisser.” She said with a smile, then added, “But we don’t want to forget Sam, do we?”

Tara’s eyes flicked to her husband, but only momentarily, as if she was afraid to lose her connection with Heather “No.” She whispered softly.

Heather reached an arm around Sam’s waist and pulling him close asked, “Are you sure? Most men love seeing their wife kiss another woman, but not all women can handle seeing their husband kiss another woman.”

Tara wondered briefly how much experience Heather had with this sort of thing exactly. But she knew she wanted to see it, she wanted to see Sam kiss Heather, and so much more.

“Kiss him Heather.” She said, just as quietly, but with much more passion and determination than her previous answer.

Heather moved her body against Sam and asked, “So what do you say stud? Want to kiss me too?”

By way of an answer, Sam ran his fingers through Heather’s long blonde hair, and wrapped his other hand around Heather’s waist. He paused and looked at his wife. He needed to be sure she was okay with Travesti konya him kissing their sexy neighbor.

Tara was watching with wide, excited eyes, and in response to Sam’s unspoken question, Tara nodded, telling him, “Go ahead Sam, kiss her.”

After a brief but meaningful look between the couple, Sam turned his attention back to Heather and pulled her in to kiss her, deeply.

There was nothing tentative about their first kiss as there had been with Tara, it was hot and heavy from the start.

Tara heard Heather hum with pleasure as Sam kissed her. She watched as Heather wrapped her arms around Sam’s waist and pulled him close, until they were grinding their bodies together.

Thinking about what Heather had said about some women not being able to handle seeing their husband kiss another woman, Tara knew instantly that she was not one of those women. She was thrilled to see her husband kissing Heather, and wanted Heather to know it.

She stepped in close to the pair and wrapped her arms around them both, pushing her body against them as they pushed against each other.

Heather broke her kiss with Sam and smiled at Tara. She moved her arm to include Tara in her embrace with Sam, and he wrapped an arm around his wife as well. “I take it that you are okay with him kissing me, huh?” Heather asked.

“Definitely! Sam is a great kisser.” Tara replied. She reached up to find Sam’s hand on Heather’s shoulder and pulled it down until it was on her ass. “And I want to see him do more than just kiss you.” Tara told Heather with a husky voice.

“I like the sound of that!” Heather replied with a wide smile, adding, “I want to do more than just kiss you too Tara.”

Sam felt Heather’s ass and grasped it firmly, squeezing it as he’d imagined doing so many times. He watched Heather kiss his wife again, and heard them both moan into each other’s mouth.

Sam went to move his hand to the other cheek, and found Tara’s hand, and it thrilled him. He ran his hand down Heather’s leg until he found the hem of her dress. Bringing his hand back up her leg, under the light fabric. He enjoyed the taut muscles of her thigh, and then her bare ass.

Tara felt the fabric of Heather’s dress bunch up against her hand and knew that Sam was feeling bare flesh, she wanted to feel that too, and moved her hand under the dress as well. She couldn’t help but be amazed by how firm Heather’s ass was, and kneaded it in her hand as her and Heather’s tongues wrangled.

Soon Tara felt Heather’s hand move to her own ass, as the woman shifted position to place her leg between Tara’s. Tara spread her stance and pushed herself against Heather’s muscular leg, encouraged by the hand on her ass.

Heather ended the kiss and Tara opened her eyes to see Sam kissing Heather’s neck. She knew how good that felt, and when Heather’s eyes fluttered shut and she moaned, Tara understood.

Heather’s eyes opened again and she pushed her leg more firmly between Tara’s as she asked, “Do you know what ‘tribbing’ is Tara?”

Tara had to take a deep breath, the pressure against her pussy was so intense. “No.” She gasped.

“You will honey, before we’re done, you will.” Heather told her as she applied more pressure to Tara’s ass, pulling her crotch more firmly into her shapely leg.

Heather turned her attention back to Sam, as Tara wondered what new things she was going to learn from her sexy neighbor.

Tara noticed that Sam had both hands on Heather now, one groping her ass, and the other on one of her tits. Tara brought her other hand to Heather’s other tit, awed by how firm it was, like the rest of her body.

“You always have your shirt off when you mow the lawn Sam, showing off your manly body. Why do you have one on now?” Heather asked teasingly. Sam answered, “I don’t know Heather. I guess it’s because you haven’t taken it off me yet.”

Heather smiled and said, “I guess I better take it off then.” As she released Tara’s ass and began to pull Sam’s shirt up his body. He paused his groping to raise his arms and allow her to pull his shirt off.

Tara decided that if people were going to start shedding clothes, then it was time to see Heather’s body too. She stepped behind her and immediately missed the pressure to her pussy. But she started to work the zipper down the back of Heather’s dress, kissing her bare back as she went.

Tara felt Heather shiver as she kissed her way down her spine, and smiled to herself. She looked up and saw Sam’s hands wrap around Heather to find that the zipper was already being worked on. He wasted no time pulling the dress off Heather’s shoulders and down.

Tara knew that her husband was on Heather’s tits immediately, as she heard her sharp intake of breath. She finished with the zipper and worked the dress down over Heather’s hips and ass.

As Tara got Heather’s dress around her ankles, she heard the distinct sound of Sam’s zipper coming down too. And as she helped Heather step out of the dress, she saw Sam’s shorts pool around his own ankles from between Heather’s legs.

She knelt on the floor and continued to caress and kiss Heather’s freshly exposed legs and ass. She gazed at Heather’s perfect complexion, her overall tan, and the muscled legs, she wanted to touch, and kiss, and lick every inch of her.

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