Leaving the bathroom, fresh from her shower, Laura entered the bedroom. Andrew looked up from his laptop and watched her. She paused as she passed the long mirror just inside the door, before looking down at the freshly denuded area between her legs. She had to admit that Mason was right, it did look good. Slipping her hand down she confirmed that it felt good too.
“What do you think?” She asked turning to face the bed.
“I like it. You should have done it before. Was that one of his orders too?”
“Sort of, but I think you’ll be the one to reap the benefits.”
“Your backside’s still marked. Does it hurt?”
“No, actually. Not at all.” She made her way back to the mirror and turned to look over her shoulder. She slid her hands over her buttocks and massaged the soft flesh. Faint bruising remained the only physical evidence of her ordeal but her memories would last much longer. The initial pain had soon subsided leaving a hot prickly sensation which, she had to admit, she’d found quite pleasant.
“We’ve had a few more moves.” He showed her the board. As always it meant nothing to her.
“And what’s the outcome, are you winning?”
“Too early to tell but we’re doing all right. Lost another pawn though. That’s two you have to find now.” He looked at her as he passed the news, ready to judge the reaction.
“It doesn’t matter. We have a secret weapon to use against him, ‘Super Abbie’. She’s going to help me find out who might have the pieces.”
“Abbie knows about this?”
“There wasn’t much option. I think she first suspected something unusual when she heard me screaming my head off as some thug whacked my backside.”
“I see what you mean,” he said, laughing, “so it’ll be the four of us then on Team Laura.”
“What do you mean?”
“Me, you, Alice and Abbie. Working together to win the game.”
“You have to win it on the board, you can leave the rest to us women.”
“I don’t think so. I’m going to make sure that you see this through and return the pieces. Graham called me today after he’d spoken to you. By the way, I think he was impressed with your handling of this mornings little incident. Anyway I got the impression that he really wants you to succeed with all this and implied that I should play a part in making sure that you do.”
“What? What do you mean, your my husband. You’re supposed to be here to help me not him.”
“I know that, and I am here to help you, of course I am, but it might not always seem like it.”
“Like how, for example?”
“Well the obvious one is, say things get on top of you and in the heat of the moment you want to quit. What should I do? Support you and let you give away your shares or force you to carry on and let you thank me later?” There was no answer to that. Of course she would want him to make her carry on. “I don’t have a role in this beyond trying to win the game on the board and supporting you in the game off the board.”
“Are you saying that you’re happy for me to be treated like I was this morning? Do you know how humiliating it was being spanked by a stranger and how embarrassing it was facing Abbie afterwards?”
“I’m not saying I’m happy about it. I’m just saying that there don’t seem to be many options at the moment apart from playing along. And we’ve been together long enough now for me to know that your objections to being treated like that were probably not one hundred percent genuine. Am I right? Wasn’t there just a hint of a fantasy fulfilled?”
“Of course not. Don’t be so stupid.” She sounded genuine enough but still felt the flush in her neck and cheeks.
Andrew tried to reassure her. “Not knowing how this will pan out is scary, I know that. But what are you scared of most, being forced to do things or having your secret exposed and admitting that you enjoyed it?”
Lying awake in bed while sleep eluded her Laura mulled over their conversation and what Andrew had said. Of course he was privy to her secret thoughts as she was to his. He knew of her inclination for the unusual things in life. What her friends regarded as the normal elements of a relationship didn’t seem quite enough to her even if she couldn’t quite put her finger on that elusive missing part. Would he now use those secrets against her and share them with Weston?
She couldn’t let herself believe that Andrew would divulge her secret thoughts–he loved her. He wasn’t an uncaring person; he didn’t only act in his own self interest. Surely he would see this as a shared challenge and guide them through the uncertain times with what was best for her at the forefront of his mind. But wasn’t that the danger? Now they were aware of how Weston and his colleagues conducted themselves toward women, might he match their needs to hers? What he thought was best may be too much for her. Would she be brave enough to see this through and live up to his expectations?
She wanted to play her part in the game, however wacky it may be. In the end she would get her reward, she would make sure of that. She knew how vulnerable babaeski escort she was and it frightened her and there was no doubt that she was in for a rocky ride. Even so, the fear and anticipation combined to generate that familiar tightening in her throat and suggestive itch between her legs.
Laura called Abbie into her office, her obvious excitement getting the better of her.
“Abbie, look at this,” she said passing her a formal looking document. “The jewellery people loved the proposals, we’ve got the contract.”
“Wow, well done you.” She scanned down the sheet. “Oh my god! They’re going to pay that much? I assume I’ll be in line for a huge Christmas bonus due to my enduring moral support.”
“Of course not but I might reconsider my decision to fire you instead.”
“Oh thank you Ma’am. My lazy husband and seven kids will be so grateful. We could even upgrade to a bigger slum.”
“They want a full presentation with all the details. What have we got on in the short term?” Abbie rushed back to her desk, returning shortly with her tablet. A couple of quick taps produced the calendar.
“There’s nothing pressing that you couldn’t pass to one of the others. You’ll want to handle the Hampton’s thing yourself, that’s in four weeks.”
“Brilliant. Can you get back to Simpson’s then and set that up for about three weeks time. If there’s a problem go for slightly longer rather than any less, we need time to get this just right.”
“Will do. Anything else?”
“Yes, can you go and see Shaun Cooper to check what he’s working on, we’ll need him on this.”
“Oh, do I have to?”
Laura tried to reassure her. “Yes, go on. He’s all right, he’s just a bit of a geek, that’s all.”
“He looks at me funny, gives me the creeps. I don’t know why you took him on.”
“Yes you do, because he’s the best geek around. Now off you go and none of your chat up lines, you know office romances always get complicated.”
“You’re so gross.” As she reached the door Laura called after her.
“And by the way, I’m meeting Alice for lunch, fancy joining us?”
“Sorry, I would have loved to but I can’t today, I’m taking my mum to have an eye check, thanks anyway.” Abbie picked up the notepad from her desk before returning to Laura.
“Despite the shameful way you treat me I’ve been doing some research into this pawn you have to find.”
“It’s two now. Andrew lost another one last night.”
“Bloody hell. Does he know what he’s doing?”
“He seems pretty confident, says it’s normal to loose bits in any game.”
“Oh well, It’s not my arse on the line. Anyway it’s really hard when there’s nothing to go on and no idea where to look. All I’ve come up with so far are these.” Laura took the pad and read through Abbie’s notes. “There’s an old fashioned pawn shop in Southwark who use the phrase ‘Searching for Pawn?’ in their advertising. That’s their number, might be worth a call. The next one,” she pointed it out with her pencil, “might be more what you’re looking for. There’s a sex shop in a place called Pawn Lane. The address and number are there. And the last one–I love this–didn’t know there was such a thing. There’s a pub along the river called The White Pawn. And get this, the last Thursday of the month they have an amateur striptease night. The winner gets a prize.”
“You’re kidding!” Laura doubted it to be true.
“Nope. The details are there have a look for yourself. Just think, you might be able to pop down there, get your kit off, better than anybody else of course, and win a pawn.” Laura slowly shook her head from side to side, unconvinced that these things actually happened.
“Worth a try,” Abbie said, “but I’ll carry on looking just in case you don’t win.”
“You’re loving this aren’t you?”
“Not at all it’s just retribution for sending me to the geek cave. If I’m not back in fifteen minutes you’d better come looking for me.”
Two trendy slate platters arrived at their table, both piled high with club sandwich, fashionably fat chips and avocado salad. They loved the place. The small café was tucked away in a side street off the tourist routes but handy for them both to walk from their offices.
Half the tables were occupied, mainly by office workers in suits, some tapping away on their laptops, taking advantage of the free wifi,. The waiter soon returned carrying their usual: two large coffee’s. That was another aspect of the place which influenced their decision to return: there was no need to study the menu they just ordered their favourite.
After catching up with each others news Alice got round to what she was dying to ask.
“So how’s the chess going?”
“He’s lost two pawns now, which apparently is normal, and says he’s in a good position on the board.”
“And have you got anywhere with finding out where they are, or who’s got them?”
“Not really but Abbie’s been looking for ‘lines of enquiry’ as the police put it and come up with these.” She dug deep into bafra escort her bag for the notes. “A sex shop, a pawn shop and an amateur striptease night at a pub, all with ‘pawn’ connections.”
“Let’s have a look,” Alice said, giggling. Laura handed her the notes which she slowly read. Her expression turned from humorous to thoughtful as she read. “And what did they say?”
“I haven’t done anything about it yet. She only gave them to me late this morning.”
“Well come on then, get your finger out girl. The sooner you get this sorted the better.” With that Alice took the phone from her bag and dialled the number of the sex shop. Holding it to her ear she waited for the call to be answered before passing the phone to Laura. A rapid shake of her head and a silently mouthed ‘no’ told Alice she didn’t want to take the call. A stern look and the phone thrust toward her convinced her that she had little choice.
“Hello, can I help you?” The female voice sounded quite young, not the sleazy old man voice she had expected.
“Er… yes, I mean, I don’t know.”
“There’s no need to be shy about anything madam we’re used to dealing with all sorts of inquiry’s.”
“I’m sure you are, yes. Look, I was just wondering whether you had an order waiting for me.”
“We don’t do orders from the shop madam but there is a separate department who deal with the online stuff. I can put you through to them if you like.”
“I don’t think that will be necessary.”
“What exactly is it you’re after?”
“It may sound odd but it’s a pawn.”
“Madam it doesn’t sound odd, this is an adult store we’ve got loads of the stuff.” Alice, listening in to the conversation gave a smirk.
“No not P.O.R.N, P.A.W.N as in chess. I thought somebody may have left one there for me. My name’s Miller, Laura Miller.”
“Well Mrs Miller, I can assure you that we only have the other sort and there are no orders awaiting delivery.”
“OK then I must have got it wrong, but thanks for your help anyway.”
“No problem Mrs Miller but if you do want anything in the future you get back to us, ask for Sandy.”
“I will yes, Thanks, Bye.” After pushing ‘End call’ she passed the phone back to Alice. “I think we can safely cross that one off the list. God, that was awkward.”
“It would have been more awkward if she had it. You’d have had to go there and ask for it.”
“That wouldn’t bother me, as long as I got the thing back. Besides I’m sure you would have gone with me. We could be the pervy sisters. Lets finish this, then you can call the Pawn Brokers, we’ll see if you’re any better.”
After finishing their meal Alice made the call.
“Hello, is that the pawn shop?”
“It is indeed, how can I help you?” The very well spoken male voice asked.
“Well, it may sound odd but I’m looking for a pawn.”
“Is this a joke, ‘a wind up’ I think they call it these days?”
“No really, I am looking for a pawn.”
“Lady, fish shops sell fish and bookshops sell books but pawn shops don’t sell pawns.”
“I know that. I’m after a proper pawn, the chess sort.”
“Why didn’t you say, we have a couple of chess sets somewhere.”
“No, I don’t want a whole set. Has anybody brought in just a single pawn?”
“Of course not, why on earth would anybody do that?”
“I don’t think you have what I’m looking for. Thank you very much for you’re time.” Alice said, and ended the call before having to give any more of an explanation.
“I don’t know which was better,” Laura said, “mine thought I was a pervert, yours thought you were an idiot. Have you got to rush back or do you want another coffee?”
“Oh go on, let’s have another. I don’t want to miss you calling the strip joint. And if you get through don’t forget to ask where you get those little tassels for your nips.”
“There’s no need. If you’re not working that night I’ll borrow yours.”
With two fresh coffees before them they studied Abbie’s notes. After looking at the website they had all the basic information.
“The only thing it doesn’t say” Laura said, “is what the prize is. I’ll ring and ask.” After their two practice runs she felt a lot more confident. Finding it difficult to hear as the place was filling up with office workers she went outside. She returned a few minutes later to an Alice eager to hear the news.
“Come on then, what did they say?”
“Not a lot. He was very vague.”
“Oh, that’s not very helpful.”
“No it’s not really,” Laura said, “but it fits in though. Ever since this started nothing has been clear. Nobody gives a straight answer to anything and he was no different. I suppose that’s quite encouraging really. If it was as simple as ‘the best stripper wins’, he’d have told me what the prize was, but he didn’t.”
“What did he say then?”
“He said, ‘we try to make the prize pertinent to the winner’, when I pushed him some more he started talking round in circles again, just like Weston does. I mean why would you answer like that if it was all legit?”
“Hmm. bağcılar escort Sounds like you need to practice your routine.” A beaming smile spread across Alice’s face. “You know, this could be the start of a whole new career for you. I can see it now, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, for one night only we present to you, Leggy Laura’.”
“You know what? I can’t imagine getting through life without your undying support.”
As the afternoon wore on Laura found it more and more difficult to concentrate on her work. Finding the pieces was going to prove more difficult than she had initially anticipated, especially if nobody would provide her with straight answers to her questions. She decided to call Andrew and seek his advice.
They talked over their options and, as she feared, their joint decision was for her to call Weston. If Andrew called it may be regarded as weakness on her part. If Weston’s response still left them struggling for direction he would then make an attempt himself.
Weston answered his phone on the second ring. “Hello Laura. Oh dear, he hasn’t upset you again has he?”
“Has who upset me?”
“The Colonel, Alistair. Said he had some business out your way this week and would call in on you. You know, see if you were doing any better with observing the rules.”
“I haven’t seen him, no. When did he say he was coming?”
“He didn’t. Just that it might be convenient this week. Is that a problem?”
“No, of course not, why should it be?” Weston felt sure he detected a defensive note in her words but also a hint of pride in the last remark, ‘Why should it be’. And indeed he was correct. She had conformed to their rules. The area between her legs was always kept smooth, completely free of new growth and never covered with underwear.
“Oh that’s good. I’m sure he’d be sorry to have to enforce the rules, he likes you.”
“That’s not what my backside thinks.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. Last time he was only advising you of the rules. He really wouldn’t like it if you broke them on purpose. That backside of yours would really know about it then.”
Not that she actually needed to but Laura made a mental note to make sure that she was groomed and dressed in the correct manner at all times–just in case. As a matter of fact she quite liked having to conform to their bizarre rules. She liked having the secret, kept from those around her as she went about her daily routines.
“Anyway,” Weston continued, “if he hasn’t been yet, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing those sultry tones on such a mundane afternoon?”
Before making the call she had felt uncomfortable, asking for help from anybody never sat well with her. But if she was going to narrow her search, asking for his guidance seemed to be the only option. Appealing to him for that guidance would hurt her pride but trying to somehow disguise the request would be easily uncovered and that would damage her self esteem. No, she would have to be upfront with him and accept the expected scoffing.
“I’m calling because of a problem with locating your pawns.”
“You mean your pawns. They’ll only be mine again when you return them.” She could see he was going to do it again: talk in circles and give her no answers.
“Okay then, my pawns. Whoever they belong to doesn’t matter does it, if neither of us has them.”
“I see your point. Have you tried looking for them?”
“Of course I’ve bloo-” She broke off her sentence once she realised he was playing with her, trying to get her annoyed. “Yes I have looked,” she said calmly, “in three places so far. Do you really expect me to take part in an amateur strip show just to get one of those pawns?” She heard Weston laugh out loud.
“Laura, Laura, where did you come up with that? That’s priceless.”
“It all fits. We’ve found it all out.”
“What ‘fits’? And what did you find out?” Was he just testing her or trying to bluff her?
“The pubs called The White Pawn and the winner of the contest gets a prize that’s ‘pertinent to the winner’. Are you telling me that’s coincidence and not what I’m looking for?”
“Oh Laura, I’m ashamed to say that I’m tempted to string you along then book my seat in the front row. Much as I’d enjoy the show my conscience wouldn’t allow it.” The news proved to be a double edged sword. Laura’s relief at not having to go through with the strip was offset by the disappointment of seeing the last of her options disappear.
“But that means I’m left with nothing, nowhere to look.”
“Perhaps you’re looking too far away. Have you tried closer to home?”
“What do you mean, ‘closer to home’?”
“I don’t mean anything. All I’m saying is that when people, like the police for example, do searches they start from a certain point and then widen the search. It sounds as though you may have started too wide.”
“You mean somebody I know has the pawns?”
“I don’t know. I’m just saying that it might be worth looking into.”
“Well it’s not Andrew so it’s somebody at work right?”
“Worth considering.”
“Who then?” she asked impatiently.
“Who do you think?”
“I don’t know.” She enunciated each word. “I can hardly just go around and ask them one by one can I?”
“I doubt that they’d just hand it over anyway.” He said. “They’d probably want something for it.”
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