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Diving head first


This is a long one as I couldn’t find a way of splitting it down. I’m taking a break from the historical-themed stories and going for a bit of fun. There are some scenes with drug and alcohol misuse. All characters are fictitious and over eighteen.


Chapter 1: Chris

I worked at the local sports centre during the weekends throughout my last year of high school. My duties mainly involved being a lifeguard and It was an easy gig.

Working there gave me a free membership to the on-site gym. When I left junior high I was a skinny, nerdy kid. But come leaving for college I had put on twenty pounds of muscle. Even though I was still a nerd I found it easier to get with girls in college. It didn’t hurt that I was studying to be a sports physiotherapist and masseuse. It was easy to chat with the girls on the college sports teams.

During my summer between college semesters, I went back to work at the sports centre. A new perk was watching the local dive club. I had a thing for athletic girls, swimmers, divers and gymnasts in particular. Something about the way their bodies looked in those tight customs did something to me. When the dive team was in session, it was hard to concentrate on scanning the whole pool. I had to adjust my shorts on more than one occasion.

One girl in particular drew most of my attention. Erin Hartwell, a cute little pocket rocket of a springboard diver. Shoulder-length blonde hair, light blue eyes and a gorgeous body. Every time she pulled herself out of the water, dripping wet I nearly died. We had gone to high school together, but we ran in different circles. I had a few classes with her but she didn’t know I existed. She was one of my first crushes and I’d had many dreams about her.

Recently I noticed that she occasionally looked over to me. Usually when she was getting out of the pool. I always looked away when she did, worried she would catch me staring. She started swimming closer to where I sat and then exited the pool right in front of me. She smiled when she saw me watching and returned it in kind.

After one particularly long diving session, I was called to my manager’s office. I was surprised to see Erin’s mom joining us.

“Chris. Thanks for coming, please take a seat. This is Mrs Hartwell and we have something we need to discuss,” my manager said.

I instantly worried that she had caught me staring at her daughter. Was I about to get reprimanded?

“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Mrs Hartwell’s daughter is one of the star divers of the dive club. She has a very important competition coming up and Mrs Hartwell…Well, I’ll let you..” my manager said indicating to Mrs Hartwell.

She was a friendly-looking woman in her late forties. She shared her daughter’s hair colour and eyes and had an impressive figure. I guessed she also had been an athlete in her youth.

“Chris. Can I call you Chris?” she asked with a smile.

“Great. Well, Erin has got nationals coming up in California. It’s a really big deal. If she can get on the national team she can get picked for the Olympics next year,” she said animatedly.

I felt relief that this seemed to have nothing to do with reprimand.

“The only problem is we need a physio. Mr Clark is the dive team’s physio but isn’t able to come with us. We don’t have the funds to hire a professional. Steve said you might be able to help,” she said looking over to my manager.

“I told them you’re studying sports physiotherapy at UCLA,” Steve said.

“But I have work. I’m sorry I don’t understand what you’re asking,” I said confused.

“Don’t worry about work we have arranged with the dive club. They will cover your duties and you will still get paid as normal,” Steve said reassuringly.

“What I need to know Chris, is would you be willing to accompany us to the nationals and be Erin’s physio?” Mrs Hartwell asked.

“It would be a great experience for your college course,” Steve said.

“But I’m not qualified or licensed,” I stammered before Mrs Hartwell cut me off.

“Don’t worry about that. We will sign a waiver, there’s no problem with that. You’re our only hope. It’s either you or no physio at all. Please say you’ll help,” She said pleading a little.

I thought for a moment. It was true It would be a good experience and if I was getting paid then I wasn’t losing anything. I had only just left California and wasn’t looking forward to travelling that far again so soon.

“When do we start?” I said.


Chapter 2: Erin

I noticed the cute lifeguard was checking me out again. I swear I knew him from somewhere, but couldn’t remember where. Perhaps we hooked up at a party once? I’m sure I would have remembered that though. I very really got enough downtime to socialise. I walked to the edge of the ten-meter board and composed myself.

Taking a deep breath I jumped backwards, into a triple pike, holding my straight legs and porno 64 close to my body. The air rushed passed me as I hurtled towards the water. At the last second, I straightened out and plunged head-first. I felt the spray kick up and knew It had been a poor entry.

I swam over to the side and pulled myself out, enjoying the look on the cute lifeguard’s face. At first, I had done it once just to tease him, but now I couldn’t help it. I enjoyed getting a rush from knowing he was checking me out. Once or twice I thought about slipping him my number. I had often used him for inspiration in the showers to get myself off. I always dived better afterwards.

After my session, I went to get changed and saw Mom following Steve to his office. I rolled my eyes thinking she was probably going to fuck him again. We were broke and she had been funding my training with sexual favours. I remembered catching her at it when I was sixteen, it had taken a long time to get over.

Mom loved me unconditionally and wanted to support me in my Olympic dream. When I found out what she had to do, I flatly refused to train and wanted to get a job. But she begged me not to, saying she actually kind of liked doing it. She explained she wasn’t getting any action since Dad left. It had taken a long time for me to come round but I had.

After I got dressed I went to the car and was surprised to see Mom already there. Usually, she would be detained a little longer than that. Perhaps Steve hadn’t been able to control himself this time.

“Good news, I found a physio,” Mom said with excitement.

I couldn’t believe she had managed to find a replacement for Mr Clark. I was relieved that the old pervy man wouldn’t be coming with along. He creeped me the fuck out and always was a bit too thorough. Whoever this new guy was, I hoped he was a lot younger and hopefully hot. I always felt better getting a rub down from a hot guy.

“That’s great who?” I asked as I did up my seatbelt.

“A guy called Chris. He’s a student at UCLA studying physiotherapy. The best part is Steve is going to continue paying him. We just need to cover his expenses.” she said beaming.

I couldn’t deny that was a great deal but I worried about this guy’s experience level. A good physio could make all the difference over the long week of competition.

“So is he flying out to meet us then?” I asked.

We were driving the two-day journey to LA. It wasn’t exactly the cheapest option but it was our only option under the circumstances.

“Erm no. He’s riding with us,” Mom said not looking at me.

“How’s he meant to do that with Sarah coming too? There won’t be space in the car,” I said confused.

Sarah was my younger sister and had just graduated high school a year after me. We were very different. She was a little shorter, with a fuller figure. I got jealous once when a boyfriend couldn’t stop staring at her big tits. She was a brunette whereas I was blonde. Her skin was beautifully tanned and I was kinda pale. I was always more outgoing and gregarious. She was more free-spirited but insular. We had got on well though. As well as sisters of a similar age could.

She was going to UCLA this September. It was decided to kill two birds with one stone and move her stuff early. This meant the car would be packed with her stuff. Which was why I didn’t see how this new physio would fit in.


Chapter 3: Chris

I pulled up the drive outside the Hartwell’s house on time. I was planning to leave my car here so it would look like their house wasn’t empty.

Their car was packed full to the brim with stuff. It looked like mine had as I travelled to UCLA last year.

“Chris! Right on time,” Mrs Hartwell said. Pushing her soft tits into me as she hugged me.

“No problem Mrs Hartwell,” I said awkwardly returning the embrace.

“Oh call me Gloria. Now it’s going to be a bit of a squeeze but we will make it work,” she said taking my bag and forcing it into the trunk.

Erin came outside and stopped in her tracks when she saw me. She wore a small crop top and a pair of thin cotton shorts.

“Hi, I’m Chris,” I said holding out my hand.

But Erin just stood and stared at me.

“The physio,” I said, feeling awkward and dropping my hand.

“Oh, sorry I’m Erin. You’re the lifeguard right?” She said regaining her composure and waving awkwardly.

“Er, yeah part time. I’m actually training to be a physiotherapist at UCLA,” I said, Conscious not to stare at her fabulous body.

“Oh cool that’s where I’m going,” said another girl behind Erin.

She was also an absolute knockout. Long chestnut hair, brown eyes and an hourglass figure. Her ass was insane and barely contained in tight yoga shorts. Her big natural tits looked hot squashed in her tight top.

“My sister Sarah,” Erin said a little annoyed at being interrupted.

“Hi. This must be all your stuff then,” I said with a nod to the packed car.

“Yeah Türkçe altyazılı porno I know I won’t need most of it, but you never know. You must get this a lot. But you’re real cute,” Sarah said boldly as she had a good look at me.

“That’s quite enough of that Sarah. Right I’ll drive the first leg, Sarah you sit up front with me,” Gloria said to her youngest with a knowing look.

“And that leaves us where?” asked Erin with her arms folded across her bare waist.

“In the back of course. I know it’s a squeeze but we can swap over regularly. You don’t mind if she sits on your lap do you, Chris.” Gloria asked me with raised eyebrows.

What the hell could I say to that? So I just shook my head.

“See? Now come on we need to get going,” she said as she got into the driving seat.

I sat behind Sarah in the cramped back seat. Her stuff was piled all around blocking me from the driver’s view.

“Why doesn’t Chris swap with Sarah?” Erin asked as she looked at my lap.

I regretted wearing thin shorts. However, I had not expected to have someone sitting in my lap the whole way.

“What and have you two bicker the whole way? No, thank you. Now come on we’re going to hit traffic,” Gloria said, starting the car.

Erin eyed me nervously and I wasn’t sure what to do. I offered, what I hoped, was a reassuring smile and she blushed a little as she sat on my lap. Her soft warm ass squashed into my cock as she got comfortable. I willed it to stay soft, not wanting to freak her out. She clicked in the seat belt and sat awkwardly upright. It looked like she was trying to avoid as much contact with me as possible.

As the journey wore on I could sense she was uncomfortable the way she was sitting. She held onto her sister’s headrest and I could see she was tense. My hands were at my sides and I concentrated on not letting my cock get hard. After a while, Erin gave up and had to lean back into me.

“Sorry. I couldn’t sit like that much longer,” she whispered as she settled into my chest.

“Not a problem,” I said jumping a little as her hands rested on mine.

“Sorry,” I mumbled as Erin let out a giggle.

“This is stupid isn’t it?” She said relaxing a little.

Her apple perfume drove me crazy as she pulled her blonde hair to the side and out of my face. Her head rested back on my shoulder as she placed her arms on her thighs.

“Where do I know you from? I don’t mean the pool. Before that.” she asked after a while.

“Erm, we went to school together,” I replied trying desperately to stop my cock getting hard.

The feel of her soft warm body on top of mine was making it very difficult. Our clothes were very thin and I wished I had worn jeans instead. My cock grew slowly and Erin didn’t seem to notice as it nestled between her cheeks.

“Oh. Did we share any classes?” asked Erin.

“Yeah, a few,” I said through gritted teeth as my cock continued to swell.

“Strange I don’t remember you, were you friends with…” Erin stopped talking.

My heart stopped as I worried she had finally felt my hardening cock against her soft ass.

“Is that?” she asked quietly

“I’m so sorry, I can’t help it,” I whispered red with embarrassment.

Erin sat still for a while and didn’t speak and I thought I would die from embarrassment.

“Is that because of me?” She whispered as my hard cock nestled between her warm cheeks.

“Well yeah,” I said feeling hot under the collar.

“Oh. I thought guys couldn’t control it sometimes,” Erin said in a whisper.

Shit, why didn’t I say that? It would have at least meant I wasn’t a fucking perv.

I felt her ass moving slightly, rubbing against my lap in slow steady circles.

“I’ve seen you watching me when I dive,” Erin whispered.

“Do you like watching me?” she asked.

“Yes,” I whispered as her ass rubbed along my hard shaft.

“Do you like it when I climb out of the pool? All dripping wet,” she said emphasizing the last three words.

“You like to tease me don’t you,” I said playing her game.

I tested her reaction by brushing my fingers down her soft outer thighs.

“I do not. You just can’t help perving on me,” Erin said with a smile as she ground her rear into my cock.

“Right. Rest stop everyone,” Gloria said as she pulled off the freeway.

Erin stopped moving as we both tried to compose ourselves. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. But was desperate to get back into the car, and see what else would occur. We filled the car up and used the gas station’s facilities. On the way back to the car I admired Erin’s ass. She walked in front of me and it wiggled with each step.

“You ok to drive the next leg, Chris?” Gloria asked as she chucked me the keys.

I managed to catch them as I tore my eyes away from Erin’s ass.

“Er yeah no worries, Mrs Hartwell,” I said feeling a little disappointed.

“Call me Gloria, and where do you think you’re going, young lady?” she asked Sarah, sex izle who was walking back to the passenger side.

“What?” asked Sarah flicking on her phone.

“You’re riding in the back with me. It’s your sister’s turn up front,” Gloria said waving her youngest over.

“Mom! That’s not fair,” said Sarah petulantly but did as she was told.


Chapter 4: Erin

I felt so embarrassed as I walked to the passenger seat. What had gotten into me? I couldn’t believe I had done that, I had never done anything like that before. Chris was cute and I had enjoyed flirting with him in the pool but that was just a bit of fun.

Grinding my ass into his lap like that was so slutty and so unlike me. When I first felt his cock get hard I was shocked. It should have freaked me out but I enjoyed it.

Hearing it was all because of me and not just a reflex, made me feel so hot. I don’t know why I said the things I did, I just got lost in the moment. As we pulled back onto the freeway I tried to be absorbed in my phone. Chris didn’t try to make conversation as we sat in silence for the first hour.

“Will you sit still Sarah!” Gloria shouted in frustration.

“I can’t get comfy,” retorted Sarah as I felt her pull on the back of my seat.

“How the hell did you guys last two hours back here,” she said as her head popped over my shoulder.

My face went red as I glanced at Chris and saw him smirk. Sarah eventually moved back and got comfortable on Mom’s lap. Chris was in charge of the radio and had picked a local country music station. I had my bare feet up on the dash and tried to sleep.

“Baby, lock the door and turn the lights down low.

And put some music on that’s soft and slow.

Baby, we ain’t got no place to go

I hope you understand,” sang Chris in a deep baritone voice.

It sent shivers through my body and I nearly dropped my phone. It didn’t help that Josh Turner’s equally bassy tones vibrated from the speaker near my hip.

Chris continued to sing, unaware of the effect he was having on my body. I bit my lip, trying to keep my eyes closed as I pretended to sleep. But my body continued to react to his deep voice. It sent vibrations through my seat and between my legs. It was amazing how turned on it made me feel.

I was thankful when the song finished but that didn’t stop Chris. Every song for the next half-hour was accompanied by his deep, throbbing voice.

“You’re not a good pretend sleeper,” Chris said later.

“What?” I asked pretending to have just woken up.

“Your breathing didn’t change and I could see you squinting at me,” Chris said looking over and smirking.

“Why are you so interested in what I’m doing,” I said with a pout.

“I’ve found you interesting for years,” Chris said with a yawn, not thinking what he was saying.

“Why don’t I remember you from school?” I asked.

I’m sure I would have remembered a guy like him. I always took note of the hottest guys at school and Chris would have been right up there.

“We didn’t run in the same circles, I was into Anime, Gundam and DnD. You were into…” he trailed off looking back to the road.

“Yes? I was into what?” I asked raising my eyebrows at his presumption.

Chris chuckled to himself.

“What,” I said smiling and jabbing him in the ribs.

“Nothing. I just had a funny thought,” Chris said.

“Come on tell me,” I said placing my hand on his arm. He looked at me and shrugged.

“You were into jocks, cocks and fuzzy socks,” he said with a chuckle.

“I was not,” I said thumping him on the arm.

We talked for the rest of the journey. I surprised him with the revelation that I was a gamer girl. He told me about his time at college and how he wished he had spoken to me more at high school. I enjoyed getting to know Chris and quickly felt the embarrassment leave me.

Why shouldn’t I flirt with him a bit? We’re both single, both adults. We pulled over for the last stop before the final leg of today’s drive. It was a two-day drive to LA and we were making good time.

“I’ll take this shift, honey,” Mom said when I offered to drive.

My heart fluttered with the opportunity to sit on Chris’s lap again.

“Hey, when do I get a turn to sit on his lap?” Sarah said as she saw me slide into the back with Chris.

Mom wasn’t there to hear her and I tried to resist teasing her.

“It’s not as good as your dirty mind thinks,” I said unable to help myself.

“We’ll see. Tomorrow I’m getting both turns,” my sister said with a pout.

“Hang on. I might prefer your Mom instead,” Chris said joking with her. This earned him a little elbow in the ribs from me.

“Prefer me for what?” asked Mom as she got into the driver’s seat.

“Driving. Chris doesn’t think Sarah would be good behind the wheel,” I said quickly.

I wouldn’t put it passed Mom to take Chris up on the offer even If he had meant it as a joke.


Chapter 5: Chris

As we pulled back onto the freeway Erin settled on my lap. I felt my cock harden instantly as she innocently wiggled her ass. She did it under the guise of getting comfortable. I didn’t say anything as my cock nestled between her cheeks.

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