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Cuculiformes 02 Pt. 02


Chapter 7

Brooke opened her eyes and stared up at the dark ceiling. It was space morning, though obviously there was no glowing sun to light up the room and remind anyone of the time of the day. Her body felt drained, though her mind was active and in a mischievous mood. Her hand was already between her legs, finding her mound still sticky from the delicious dream she had just woken up from, but which was already fast fading from memory.

The only fragment remaining was being bent over a carryall on the planet, someone slapping a short tune on her bare ass before…before…it slipped away from her and she was left blank trying to think of what might have happened next.

Her fingers slipped inside, trying to tempt the dream back, but as much as her clit buzzed, and her imagination ran, she couldn’t quite fasten onto something that she could surrender to. In frustration she gave up and accepted she’d have to go to work instead. Sitting up, she slid her legs to the bedside and sat there idly staring down at her dark bush of hair.

“Brooke, lights, low,” she instructed the AI, watching the dark patch brighten into blonde, some of it matted down with glistening wetness. What was happening to her? She went blank, trying to summon the energy to get up. Her stomach twinged with a sharp bite. “Not again,” she sighed. Food, she needed food to settle it down. And she just didn’t have the will to shower. She grabbed a pair of dark panties and a long black shirt and put them on, but as she bent to put her long pants on, her stomach flared in a sharp burst that stood her up straight trying to ease it.

“Ok, maybe not today then,” she patted her unsettled tummy, throwing the pants onto the bed, and headed off to start her morning routine.


She ambled down the corridor into the mess hall. Maybe she should just go back to bed, call in sick, pull an extra shift later to catch up. But she couldn’t do that, she had to soldier on and get it done. She plodded over to the auto menu and idly flicked through screens of breakfast options. What did she want? Really, what was it she wanted? She flicked the screen and let it roll quickly through options. She needed a good fucking, that’s what she needed. She flicked it again into another scroll. Definitely doggy style, she needed it from behind.

She pulled herself back to the now with a shake of her head. What was she thinking?

“Brooke, autochef, latte, caramel, extra strong, extra creamy, end.” She didn’t even punch it in, she barely had the will to even say the words. With a shuffle she went to the rack of serving trays, finding only the bottom shelves still stocked. Oh great, she’d have to bend over. She put her hands on the middle shelf and eased herself over until she was bent over, her stomach immediately breaking into a sharp pain.

“Oh,” she moaned, unable to straighten up without the pain returning. She hunched there a minute, unwilling to move and bring the pain back, and just as unwilling to find the energy to even move. The autochef hummed peacefully making her drink, and obviously some other order, as she could smell the strengthening aroma of mint. Which was just as well, as it seemed to be clearing some of the fog from her mind.

“What should I have for breakfast?” asked a voice behind her.

She knew that voice. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw Rolley leaning on the doorway, towel draped over his bare shoulder, eyes looking up and down her legs. How long had he been standing there, taking in the view? She should have put her long pants on, she chastised herself. But that didn’t stop her bending over further, reaching to the very bottom shelf, fussing over the top serving tray down there.

She stood back up, cuddling the tray to her chest. “Just after one of these,” she smiled, her own eyes drifting up and down his body. “Oh, you’ll want one too, won’t you?” She slid hers onto a nearby bench and then doubled over to fuss in the bottom shelf again. “One of these must be clean,” she said, juggling them around.

“I know what I want for breakfast,” he said.

She wiggled her hips. She knew what he wanted, and she was happy to tease him about it, thankful that her long shirt wasn’t that long and the hem had risen enough to show her ass off. In fact, there was enough of her on show for him to… and then it came back in a rush. The hands that were tapping out a tune in her dreams were black. Her body tingled with the realization.

“What shall I serve you?”

“I feel like something hot, tender and moist. Have you got something like that on your menu?”

She giggled. Going any further was probably going just a little too far with this. She stood up and skipped across to him, offering up the tray. Their laughing eyes locked, their grins beaming at each other.

“Oh, I feel I don’t have time to whip up something that quickly. I’m just in and out on my way to work.” Her eyes drifted down below his waist to his tented boxers.

He struggled Halkalı travesti for something to say, so she filled in the empty space. “You’re really fit, I should get a workout in some time, instead of all my research.”

The autochef dinged that her latte was ready, enticing her back to the bench. Lifting the cup with both hands, she took a sip of the heavenly brew.

“I’ll give you a workout anytime, Brooke. And you can help me out with some research.”

She walked out past him, their eyes locked again while she grinned wickedly. “I wonder what research that might be?”

“When you go black, you’ll never go back,” he mumbled to himself, watching the hem of her shirt dance with every exaggerated step she took down the corridor and out of sight. What he failed to notice was her blush at hearing him, or the extra sway she put on show in reply.

Walking around the corner out of sight, she felt good, really good. Her stomach had settled down, there was a bounce in her step, and a big, stupid grin on her face from Rolley’s flirting. What a great way to start a day.


The silence of Brooke’s dark quarters was broken by a determined grunt. She was laying naked on her bed, thighs open, lost in half dreams of her body being ravaged more expertly than she had ever experienced. Julian was hunched tightly against her mound, revelling in the heated contact on his loins, his ovipositor linked straight into her womb. With a grunt he pumped another shot of hormonal gel into her ripe body.

Night after night he’d returned to her bed, feeding his children and recharging his mimic hormones, until finally neither were necessary. He could taste the change in her body. She had taken over their care, his three children now hers to sustain as they grew. And they were growing quickly, her body perfectly tuned to give them all they needed.

He grunted again, gelling down the third egg so they were all recharged for another day. His hormones were already saturating her bloodstream, but the overdose would make sure her body had no respite from the overpowering signals she was pregnant, and the developing children were her primary focus.

He listened to her heartbeat, and felt the electricity racing through her. He enjoyed the way she responded to being bred, she was so full of energy and heat and welcome. And when he climbed off, and squirmed his tongue deep inside her body, she rewarded him with her sweetness and cream, a nectar unlike any he’d ever had, and utterly irresistible.

Finished with his nightly ritual, he gave one last, longing glance between her outstretched legs and jumped down from the bed. It was time to bring a new breeder into his harem.


Brooke revelled in the feel of the cool water on her feet, contrasting against the warmth of the air blowing through her loose hair. Sunlight flooded around her, shimmering across the surface of the rippled lake. The air carried the heavy scent of bright flowers growing along the water’s edge next to her, reminding her of her morning coffee. Behind her, her clothes lay in a pile. She was like the primeval woman, the first of her kind into this new world, watching over a pristine, peaceful world.

Footsteps splashed quietly into the water next to her, she felt the playful nuzzling of a hand on her cheek. She looked up at Rolley standing next to her, proud and masculine, smiling lovingly down at her. She reached up and touched his hard cock, sliding her fingertips along it. This was what she wanted.

Leaning back on her hands, she thrust her chest out, showing off she was a woman worth noticing. His eyes wandered over her stiff nipples, and opened wide in awe as her thighs fell open to show she was ready for him. He knelt between her welcoming legs, his hand pumping his cock in preparation as he leant over her body, teasing it over her clit before he slipped it down into her wet depths.

He melted down onto her body, her legs wrapping around his hips, trapping him until she was done. Her hands wrapped around him, gripping his ass and gently pulling him into her with each thrust. They made love on the edge of the water, the place where life began. Together the two of them would populate this new world.

With a determined grunt he came, giving her the gift of life she was seeking. Just the thought of it brought her first orgasm on, his second grunt sending her body further into an orgasmic shiver. When he topped it with a third, and his cum boiled deep inside like a flooding tide, she lost her mind and surrendered completely to the electricity energizing her nerves.

Chapter 8

Brooke woke up to the delicious smell of a salted caramel brûlée that was making her mouth water in expectation, but looking sideways her bedside table was empty of any tasty treats, as was the rest of her quarters. She put her hands on her rumbling tummy and promised it that she would load one up in the auto cooker for breakfast. Or maybe she Halkalı travestileri shouldn’t, she looked down over her rounded body and half decided that maybe she should be cutting back on food for a while.

Her left leg was resting over a knotted roll of blankets, her right over her spare pillow, her thighs open wide like she was in some old world gynaecology chair. Her fingers began lightly grazing down through her dark blonde hair and over her clit, bringing a low moan from her lips. She settled back into the pillow, closing her eyes and dreaming of something bigger and thicker than her fingers ruffling its way into her body. She rolled her hips as her fingers slid in, imagining they were Rolley’s dark fingers hunting their way to her secret spot.

Her body shivered as she teased it, her legs opening wider in welcome to her imaginary dark lover. She let him work her body until she finally found release, her senses overloaded with the smell of her own girl cum.

Over her sweet breakfast she tried to resolve how she could cum imagining Rolley fucking her instead of her husband, so she stayed a little longer in the mess hall and concentrated on imagining her husband trying to bring her to the same powerful orgasm.

The chair opposite her scraped back, breaking her train of thought. In it sat a fat, young, blonde woman that she didn’t really know, but had seen around the ship from time to time.

“Misty,” she said, offering her hand once she noticed Brooke’s look of confusion, “And you’re Brooke. Sorry for interrupting your thoughts, you seemed like you were light years away in a very special place, but I had to ask what you had for breakfast. I’ve had this wicked craving for something lately, and it’s been driving me crazy. Whatever you had was exactly it.”

Brooke’s face lit up. “You too? Wow, what’s the odds both of us have the same craving for a brûlée.”

“A what? I never even seen one before, but that smell just hit all the big, red buttons on my taste buds. I just had to ask.” They both sat grinning at each other.

“Here, I’ll show you what to code in the autochef, I’d kill for another.”

Together they went through the options and sub flavors, selecting two different ones just to try out the varieties. While the machine went through it’s work, the two stood together and got to know each other better. Even though they worked in different fields of research, they found they had enough in common to connect on a professional level, and the younger blonde was quickly awed by Brooke’s level of experience and sharp observations.

With the final ding of the autochef, they sat opposite each other with their prized treasures, intoxicated by the aromas. Both of their eyes sparkled at each other with impish grins as they took their first tastes. Brooke’s was richer and more creamy, with a subtle undercurrent that reminded her of, of…

“Oh,” she gasped in shocked surprise. It was the smell of her own girl cum from this morning when Rolley’s fingers had rocked her world. “Oh,” she gasped again, realizing her mind had drifted in those couple seconds to imagining a black cock plunging it’s way inside her body instead of the fingers.

“It is good, isn’t it?” agreed Misty, assuming Brooke’s sounds of orgasmic enjoyment were related to the brûlée and not sex.

“Yes, yes,” agreed Brooke, quickly covering. She dunked a finger in the warm mix, “Have a taste.”

Misty’s lips enveloped Brooke’s offered finger, lapping the creamy mixture away with a determined rasp and suck, sending arcs of lightning down Brooke’s arm, spiralling her already awakened sexual impulses into overdrive. Their smiling eyes locked for a very long second while Misty’s tongue gave one last, long, searching lick along Brooke’s finger before she released it from her lips.

“Here, try this,” said Misty, scooping her own mixture up on a finger. “Not as sweet, but I am loving it so much.”

Brooke leant forward and accepted the finger into her mouth, her tongue quickly working its magic on the tip like she did with her husband’s…

“Oh,” Brooke gasped again.

Misty’s eyes were like searchlights as she was nodding enthusiastically. “It’s so delish, I can’t get enough.”

They settled into their dessert, both focused on the sensations of the food, sharing spoonfuls with each other until it was all gone and their fingers had cleansed the serving bowls of any remaining traces.

“Thanks so much, I’ll be ordering more of this,” said Misty, getting up to go. “Better get into my work before anyone notices I’m running late.” Brooke smiled up at her with a happy glow, breaking her thoughts that had initially centred on sucking her husband’s cock instead of Misty’s finger, but which were now somehow focused on kneeling before Rolley, his fingers wrapped through her hair, while she worked her tongue on him.

His balls must be so big she imagined, because she was greedily sucking down never ending waves of Travesti halkalı cum that he kept shooting into her mouth. She felt like she was in heaven until the interruption.

She gave Misty a little wave away, and then stared at the empty serving bowl. The smell of girl cum was thick around her, and then she realized it was coming from her. She sat for a while and focused on micro bugs and water, and kept herself distracted with mundane things until her body settled down.

Chapter 9

“Communal Room 3” the sign said, and tacked helpfully underneath it a length of paper with “Jeffries pulpit” neatly written on it in thick black marker.

All rooms had helpful description name plates, which had been informally named over time as each earned their own reputation and backstory. It was easier to remember that, than Communal 3, for new people. This room was where they often did training and catch ups over current research on their latest samples, relating to the bio research in this part of the ship. This wing was where Brooke worked and where she was about to give her latest updates, which was enough to interest José to come and see her in person, whatever the lecture was actually about.

He sat among the other twenty or so people bustling their chairs around and chatting while Brooke stood back to them sorting material and the desk computer ready for the session.

“Ok, ok. Everyone settle down,” she said, looking over her shoulder at the gathering, her blonde hair tied in a long ponytail bounced across her shoulder.

He was disappointed she was wearing shapeless attire: an overly long military green T-shirt that could have doubled as a short nightie and covered her ass; and a pair of the shapeless, black, long pants she almost always wore that hid any clues of her body underneath anyway. Disappointed, he thought this might be a short session before he had to head off for “important” duties.

The crowd around him quietened and sat, all eyes focusing on her. Rolley sat down at the front, watching her intently. There was something about that look that said there was some serious connection going on between them. About an eighty percent chance they were fucking, he mused to himself, thinking he knew that look of lust on Rolley’s face. And if they weren’t fucking yet, he was putting in the hard yards to crack her thighs open wide. And why not, she was hot, he’d nail her himself if he could.

He was torn inside between being jealous that someone else was making her squeal through the night, or cheering on the hulking, dumbass black man who was cum dumping the hot, married babe he had his own eyes on. Well, if someone else was, no reason he couldn’t try and wrangle his own worm into her.

Maybe watching these two interact wasn’t going to make this so dull after all?

The three display screens flared on with research notes and a couple pictures, while she dimmed the lights to bring all focus to the front.

“Ok, well, we’re here to talk about the research I’ve been doing into the ambient liquids planetside. Not the most exciting topic, I’m sure, but there are some good signs the atmosphere can support long term human life with a little processing and balancing, so we’re onto a good thing.”

She clicked a button, and the left hand screen lit up with a simple title “Liquids for life” with the report’s name, date, and the corporation as the author. A bold red Draft was written across the background. Brooke’s name was missing, as all reports written by the ship’s crew had their names omitted, they were all nameless and expendable. Once the report reached the outside scientific community it would have some figurehead scientist’s name as the author.

The centre screen lit up with chemical charts, molecule structures, and flow diagrams, while the right hand screen showed a couple pictures of small lagoons they had encountered in their localised explorations.

“The added benefit this planet has is the free water,” she said, pointing to one of the chemical charts. “As you can see from the molecule chains, the free liquids are very basic in structure, without any obvious carcinogens, and the bio mass in the liquids is completely harmless to us. So…”

And she spun around and gestured with her hand’s out as though about to make a point. Whatever it was she said, José had no idea. His eyes went wide and the blood rushed to his face in embarrassed surprise. From behind, her shapeless attire was entirely that, but from the front, the green shirt was stretched a little taut across her belly and her breasts.

It reminded him of those old mother goddess figures that were all belly and breast, and topping off her breasts were two very prominent nipples poking through. He’d never seen her without a bra before, and now her seemingly dead flat pancake breasts were swelling under the material like they’d filled out a size or two. Her belly had a definite swell to it, like she’d been eating too much lately, which seemed to make her love handles disappear into more of a barrel belly.

Suddenly the lecture became very interesting, and it wasn’t whatever it was she was saying. He looked around and noticed there were many eyes focused on her prominent nipples, and the room was dead quiet except for her talking.

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