Food is a luxury only some can afford. It’s far too expensive, you’re lucky if you can just walking around buying it whenever you want. Staying above board with how you get what you want is a privilege for the rich. At least, that’s what Gabriela told herself as she hustled through a crowded New York City street. She was getting hungry, an inconvenience she had to deal with daily. Peering through arms and torsos, avoiding the bumps of brief cases and handbags, she spotted a break in the crowds around a corner. Slipping out of the fray and into an alley, she scouted the less crowded street for easy pickings. A poorly lit bodega caught her eye. She was no stranger to grabbing a quick bite and avoiding the payment, and this dingy spot seemed to her practiced eye to be easy work. She strolled in, the bells above the door jingling lightly as the door opened and closed. Avoiding eye contact with the man behind the counter, she began to peruse the shelves. A small loaf of bread could fit in her backpack without anyone noticing. Maybe some eggs too, and a couple of instant noodle cups. With enough food to sustain her for a day or two, she turned toward the front of the store to leave. The man behind the counter barely noticed her as she weaved between the few isles between her and freedom.
She was about to leave when a pound cake by the door caught her eye. She’d been good, she thought, only taking the essentials this time. What could go wrong with a little treat… Without thinking any further she grabbed at it, sliding it up her shirt. The black cotton shirt was cropped above her bellybutton but it was tight, perfect for holding items on the low and keeping her hands free.
As she reached for the door her stomach dropped as she realized she pushed the inattentive store owner too far. He saw her grab at the cake and was at the door before she was.
She shuddered as he loomed above her, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl set firmly into his rough features. His dark eyes seemed to bore through Gabriela, and she got sinking feeling that her usual feminine charm routine wouldn’t get her out of trouble this time. Despite the doubts she tried anyway.
“Excuse me sir, I was just looking around, I don’t want any trouble” Gabriela delivered the line in her softest voice, wagging her hips back and forth and twirling her jet black hair around her finger, trying to distract the man.
“Too late little lady, and don’t go thinking I don’t know what’s in that backpack. It was a whole lot flatter when you came in. Give it all back.”
Against her better judgement, Gabriela hesitated taking off her pack. Something about this man had her rooted in place. His forearms, thick and corded from long days unloading food crates, almost seemed to cast a spell on her. She felt an odd tingle as she looked this ardahan escort man up and down, a tingle she wasn’t familiar with. Attraction, she wondered? No, he was older than her, at least in his mid thirties. Fear? No, she’d been in tighter spots before and got out just fine. Maybe it was something in between…
“Last chance, give back what you tried to take from me or you’ll have to deal with the consequences.” His gravelly voice was quiet, but carried the same authority as if he were yelling in Gabriela’s face.
“What are you going to do, call the police on this hardened criminal?” Gabriela teased, changing her strategy now.
“I’m not involving them in this. I’m barely scraping by and you’re taking from me without paying. We’re dealing with this between us, and that’s your final warning.” His arms dropped to his side and he a took a step towards her.
“We’ll if there’s no need for cops then I guess I’ll just be on my wa…OOF!” Gabriela’s attempted exit was cut short as the man’s heavy fist slammed into her stomach. Her knees buckled and she headed for the floor, gasping for air. Before she knew what was happening she was on her feet again, yanked up by her backpack. Another blow landed with a hollow thud, catching her just below her sternum. The shockwave of pain rippled out from her core through her limbs, bringing with it a rush of a adrenaline that heightened all sensation. Gabriela was acutely aware of the cold floor as she fell again, clutching her midsection on the ground.
The man chuckled above her. The sound was devoid of humor, filled instead with anticipation for something he seemed to know was coming.
“You should’ve gotten the picture by now. I can’t allow anyone thinking they can steal from me.”
Gabriela rose to her knees and looked up at the man defiantly. The initial pain in her belly had faded, and the dull ache that remained throbbed in time with a new pulse between her legs.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she said, openly challenging the shopkeeper. “I’m no thief, and frankly I don’t appreciate you call…” a calloused hand cracked across her cheek, ending the little speech she had thought up.
“You just keep running your mouth, don’t you?” The man asked, not giving Gabriela any chance to recover from the blow.
“I bet we can find a better use for that mouth than lying to me,” he said with an evil smirk.
He reached over and flicked the lock to the bodega, closing the door and ending any possibility of escape.
Still on her knees, Gabriela watched as the man undid the zipper on his jeans and reached inside. “I gave you a chance to return what you took. Now I’m going to take it back. While I’m at it, I’ll take you too.”
Any thoughts Gabriela had of fighting back began to melt away as the ardeşen escort shopkeeper’s member unfolded from his pants. It hardened as she watched, swelling up to twice the length of his thick hand, nearly grazing her nose as it twitched.
The pulsing underneath her short skirt grew stronger the longer she stared the cock in front of her face. Before she could collect herself a strong hand had a fistful of her hair, grabbing control of her head and sliding her lips over the glistening tip of his cock. The man took a deep, slow breath as he entered her mouth. He pulled and pushed her head back and forth, pleasuring himself on her soft, wet tongue.
Gabriela looked up at the man, locking eyes with him while he continued to use her. Her arms were unrestrained, yet she made no movement to resist. Between the rhythmic impact of the cock at the back of her throat and the firm grip on her head, she felt all remaining control of the situation slip away.
Pushing now, the man slid his tip further than Gabriela thought was possible. It slid down her throat as her face was pushed into his groin. He held her there for a moment, savoring the tightness, and the growing desperation in her eyes. She started to gag, saliva and precum sputtering and dripping down onto her chest.
He jerked her head back off of him and let Gabriela catch her breath. She stood up slowly, glancing at the door.
“Oh, no you don’t!” She heard the man’s voice and felt his fist again, the skin of his knuckles slapping against her bare belly. This punch was low, and it lit up her groin with a wave of forceful sensation as soon as it connected. A surprising noise escaped her as he pressed further into her abdomen. Was it simply the air leaving her lungs on impact, or was there pleasure in it too?
Once she was allowed, Gabriela wiped the dripping salvia from her chin, raising her hands above her head.
“Please, I don’t think I can take any more!” Gabriela pleaded weakly. Her performance was unconvincing. The shopkeeper stepped up and took advantage of her vulnerable posture.
Two more blows thudded rapidly into her stomach, doubling her over again. Not wanting to hit the ground, she spun and grabbed onto the counter. She felt her skirt rise, and with a jolt her panties were ripped from her slender legs.
“You’re not too sharp, are you? I think you need a little more education on the consequence of your actions.” Came the deep voice from behind her. His condescending tone would usually have triggered an angry response, but Gabriela was not in a position to argue. The cool air against her exposed pussy quickly changed to heat as the shopkeeper’s head pressed against her entrance. Only when he slid inside her with very minimal resistance did she realize how wet her punishment had arnavutköy escort made her. He pushed past her opening and filled her, stretching her to her limit. A large hand cracked down on her ass cheek. She yelped as the sharp pain caused her to tighten involuntarily.
“You like that?” The man asked with a bit of surprise. “You’re being punished, you’re not supposed to like it.” Gabriela remained silent.
The sound of another smack filled the bodega, louder this time. And another, then another. Until the sting on her ass was permanent, and Gabriela was shuddering under the hammering blows of the man’s cock inside her and the spanking she was receiving. She felt a drip down the inside of her thigh, and waited for the man to finish. He did not finish however, continuing to pound her and grab at her body. She soon realized it wasn’t him dripping down her leg, it was her own pleasure. She let the warm drips continue to grow in size and frequency until it was a full stream, a scream escaping her mouth as she squirted on the man’s relentless cock. Her orgasm only served to encourage him further. He grabbed her hips, his massive hands reaching almost all the way around her waist. Lifting her feet off the ground, he angled Gabriela so her face was pressed against the counter and her hips were higher than her head. Completely helpless now, there was nothing she could do but take stroke after stroke from a cock that seems to harden at her hopeless situation. Her pussy was splayed open for him to see, each thrust coming downwards into her body. He was hitting something deep within her, one spot then another, in and out, cancelling out her thoughts and leaving her drooling on the counter. Wave after wave of embarrassing, dirty pleasure racked her body as she was forced to take a punishment she couldn’t seem to get enough of.
Finally, the pounding relented. Gabriela was in a haze of sensation, throbbing and stinging in all the right places. The shopkeeper lifted her and placed her down on the countertop fully, moving her like a rag doll. She felt weightless in his arms. He spun her so that her head was between his legs. Lying down now, looking up at the underside of his shaft, Gabriela felt a firm grip around her neck. She could still breathe, but she was held in place. No hope of moving until the man was done with her. He smacked her cheek again, knocking her mouth open. In her post-orgasm stupor she left her mouth hanging open, tongue lolling to one side, ready to receive. The hand on her neck tightened and the man grunted loudly, spraying onto her waiting face. He let go of her neck, letting her take a deep breath and regain her senses. Her body spasmed with receding waves of ecstasy as the man’s cum spilled down her face. From somewhere seemingly far off in the distance, she heard a towel flop on the counter, and a click as the door unlocked.
“Clean yourself up” came the deep voice through her fog. “And don’t think about coming back here any time soon, or you’ll have to pay double what you did this time”. Gabriela heard the words, but she knew she had a bad habit of breaking the rules.
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