Prospect weren’t so good just yet. Hunter had only entered the unfamiliar singles bar a few minutes ago and made a lap to check the joint out before making his way to the bar, feeling a bit disappointed at the slim pickings. He figured he’d grab a drink and check if maybe he missed someone, but since the bartender had people to serve first he again checked out the immediate area before noticing the door swing open. In walked a blonde woman in a short red cocktail dress. She looked pretty carefree with her hair down, medium heels on her feet, bare legs and lips painted red. Her figure was slim, making the tight dress fit nicely. Specifically, she had breasts that were somewhere in the B cup range, fairly narrow hips and, while Hunter couldn’t see it yet, she had a compact yet pleasant ass. She wasn’t what most guys go for these days. You definitely wouldn’t describe her with misspelled words, but her looks actually checked every one of Hunter’s boxes.
“Hey buddy, what’ll it be?”
The question startled him. Hunter took his eyes off the woman near the door and addressed the bartender who interrupted his thoughts.
“Ohh, hey, sorry,” Hunter began, “I’m gonna have a beer, whatever’s on tap is fine, and if you could do me a favor, throw whatever that pretty blonde over there orders on my tab?” He motioned toward the door with his credit card before handing it to the barman.
“No problem,” the bartender replied. “I assume you want her to know it was you?”
“That’d be kind of you, yeah,” Hunter answered. He took his beer as the bartender handed it over then grabbed the free stool to his right. He did his best not to stare but noted with pleasure that the blonde who’d caught his eye pretty quickly stepped up to the bar and a few moments later the bartender took her order. Hunter watched with curiosity as the barman splashed several types of alcohol into a shaker along with fruit juice and ice. A moment later he was pouring a not quite orange liquid into a martini glass. When the woman attempted to pay the barman held his hand and politely refused before nodding his head in Hunter’s direction and saying a few words.
The blonde woman made her way to the other side of the bar and claimed the seat next to Hunter’s. “It would be rude of me not to thank you for my drink,” she said, her gaze straight ahead instead of looking Hunter’s way.
“You’re quite welcome, miss,” Hunter replied, a little confused by her mannerisms. “You can enjoy that in peace if you want to,” he continued, “but I sure would appreciate a conversation if you would.”
“So that’s how it is?” the puzzling blonde replied, her expression still unreadable. “I suppose fair is fair,” she laughed, extending her hand toward the man, “I’m Alexis, by the way.”
“Hunter, nice to meet you,” the man answered, relieved, taking her hand in his and offering her curled fingers a kiss.
“Forwardness and manners? Lucky me,” Alexis laughed.
Hunter gave a chuckle before leading the two of them to an unoccupied table in one of the quieter corners of the bar. After pulling out her stool and allowing her to take a seat he planted himself on the one across from her. “It’s probably a silly question to ask,” He started, getting the conversation going immediately, “but what brings you to a singles bar tonight?”
Alexis took a sip of her colorful drink before answering. “Seconds,” was her monosyllabic response.
“Excuse me, what?”
“I’m here for seconds. Putting it out there right out of the gate. I’m here for my second dick of the night. Figured I’d save us both the time if that was a problem. So… is it?”
“Not in the slightest,” Hunter responded before taking a long pull of his beer.
“Good to hear, so… you wanna do small talk, or..?”
“I think the ice has been broken. Are you always this forward?” he asked.
“Not usually, but I caught a bit of a vibe from you,” Alexis offered.
“Oh?” Hunter was visibly curious at this point.
She nodded, putting the ball back in his court.
“Well, I’m going to go out on a limb here and ask you if you’d mind sharing the details of your, uh… first course.”
“Not at all, what do you want to know?” Alexis asked, a grin spreading across her face. She was clearly down with the direction of the conversation.
“Was it any good?” Hunter asked, a smile of his own curling his lips.
“I’ve had better, but it was at least an 8 on the common scale.”
“Yikes, looks like I’d better bring my A game,” Hunter laughed
“Assuming I let you step up to the plate,” she returned with a smile.
“The confident man assumes you will. Care to share the details of your earlier dicking?”
“Sounds like you’re turned on by the idea of it,” Alexis suggested as a light blush colored her pleasant features.
“So what if I am?” Hunter inquired with mock defiance.
“So, I guess I gotta satisfy that curiosity of yours,” Alexis replied with a lopsided grin. “It started out pretty standard. Bit of groping, bit of necking, elbistan escort bit of foreplay. After a few I dropped to my knees and pulled out his monster. It was a nice one. About eight inches long and fairly thick.”
“Wow,” Hunter exclaimed, “you sure do paint a pretty picture.”
“Thanks. I thought I’d start at 10 and try to turn it up from there,” Alexis smirked. “Anyway… I give his cock a vigorous polishing for a good five, maybe ten minutes. Then I slide my way back up his body laying kisses where I feel like before planting a wet cock flavored one right on his lips. He seems undeterred, giving it right back before picking up with the groping again. Before I know it he’s pulled out one of my tits and started sucking my nip. I feel his free hand slip under my dress. He moves my panties aside and with no ceremony whatsoever just shoves two fingers straight into my box.”
“No fucking way!” Hunter roared as Alexis’s tale continued pulling him in.
“God’s honest truth. Anyway… I really love sucking cock when a guy’s got a nice one like he did, meaning I was already pretty wet so his fingers slid right in. He starts frigging me hard, thumb on my clit and everything, all while trying to suck my poor nipple right off my tit. Ohh and by then his other hand found my ass, giving it a nice squeeze or two. I appreciate that, ya know. A spirited ass grabbing.”
“As any healthy young woman should.”
“So with how he’s going at me so furiously I’m afraid he’s gonna be a one pump chump and it’ll all be over too soon, but not at all. After revving me up with his fingers he tosses me on the bed and proceeds to rail me for a good twenty minutes and three orgasms before dumping what felt like a quart of jizz in me.”
“Hold the phone a second here,” Hunter protested, “you mean to tell me you let some random hookup just go raw and fill you up?”
“I never said he was just some random hookup, but yeah, I sure did. You believe me, don’t you?” Alexis purred, raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe,” Hunter responded excitedly. “Follow up question… did you have a chance to, how shall I put this delicately, freshen up, or..?”
“Or am I sitting here talking to you with a cunt fulla spunk?” Alexis grinned.
“That’s a way to put it, yeah.”
“Cunt fulla spunk,” Alexis declared proudly. “Is THAT going to be a problem?”
“Not in the slightest,” Hunter responded for the second time of their short conversation, becoming progressively more turned on by the increasingly sexy woman seated opposite him.
“Sounds to me like you’re downright excited to hear it,” Alexis accused, the smile never leaving her shiny red lips.
“And if I am?” Hunter countered, showing how little shame he felt in the admission.
“So tell me, Hunter, how does it make you feel to know I’m sitting here talking to you with a pussy full of some stranger’s cum?”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Alexis asked, her own excitement playing across her face.
“If you think I’m saying that I want to shove my face between your thighs and lick that filthy box of yours clean, then yes, I’m saying exactly what you think I’m saying, Alexis.”
“I’ve got a spot around the corner. Shall we?” Alexis inquired as she polished off what was left of her drink.
“That easy?” Hunter quipped before finishing off his own drink.
“This pie’s been in the oven long enough, hon,” Alexis insisted, “If someone doesn’t enjoy it soon I’m afraid it’ll be no good to anyone.”
“Gimme a second to cash out then lead the way, remarkably bold woman I barely know,” Hunter chuckled. “What’s your name again?”
Alexis gave a light punch to his shoulder before following him to the bar. A moment later Hunter had his tab paid and Alexis lead him out of the bar and into the cool night air. Just as she promised they turned a single corner before they were making their way into an average looking apartment complex.
“You do this often?” Alexis inquired as she led Hunter down a short hall before unlocking an apartment door and pushing her way inside.
“If by ‘this’ you mean offer cleaning services to any promiscuous stranger who’ll have me then the answer is every chance I get, but not nearly often enough.”
“Yeah, that,” Alexis laughed before flipping on a light. “So, how do you want to do this, anyway?”
“Does this work for you?” Hunter asked as he pushed Alexis back a few feet till her ass hit the back of the sofa dividing the kitchen from the living room area. Once her body stopped Hunter deftly kicked her feet apart before kneeling in front of her. With her heels on it put her at basically the perfect height for Hunter as he reached beneath her short red dress and rucked the rear of the skirt up to her waist before pushing her firmly back into the sofa, pinning the dress between it and her ass. It was at this point Hunter caught his first glimpse of her panties and he was not disappointed. The fabric was thin, mint green and so elvankent escort sodden with cum as to be completely transparent and literally cemented to her pussy lips.
“Like what you see, Hunter?” Alexis purred, breaking her silence. He glanced up at her and gave a slight nod before answering in the most direct way possible by taking a firm hold of Alexis’s hips and mashing his face into her clammy wet panties. His lips pressed firmly to her cunt through the flimsy green material Hunter began to gently suck and lick as he inhaled deeply through his nose, reveling in the scent of Alexis’s well fucked pussy. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Alexis hissed as Hunter expertly pleasured her folds through the barely there panties.
“Your filthy cunt is delicious,” Hunter declared as he pulled away from Alexis’s crotch, a thin filament of semen momentarily connecting his lips and hers till the tenuous string popped. “It’s been far too long since I’ve tasted a well used woman.” Proving his desire Hunter dove between Alexis’s thighs once more and resumed lapping at the mint colored panties still covering her sopping pussy. The horny cunt licker was so consumed with the lewd act he was performing on the previously fucked woman standing over him that it was only then that the full flavor of her well fucked hole was truly reaching him. Intellectually speaking he knew the taste was awful, but his rational mind wasn’t in control just now. His raw desire was driving his every move at the moment and that desire absolutely reveled in his foul deed. The pungent muskiness was overpowering, but mixed in was somehow both a sweet and very strongly sour aftertaste. It truly was vile and the consistency would not be described as at all pleasant, being simultaneously sticky and watery with some irregular thickness as well. Hunter guessed that the watery aspect was Alexis’s contribution while the thick portions were her mystery lover’s. It really didn’t matter to him which was which. He greedily sucked all of the fuck slop he could from her panties, delighting in its nasty flavor.
“Ohhh wow, I really didn’t expect you to be enjoying it this much,” Alexis exclaimed as she stood in awe over the eager man between her legs ministering to her pussy. “Is there anything I can possibly do to make this better for you, Hunter?”
He’d barely been listening, but when he heard his name Hunter paused mid lick and looked up at the woman the delectably foul cunt he’d been feasting upon belonged to. Having captured Hunter’s attention Alexis repeated her question.
“Feed it to me,” Hunter requested before sprawling back on the floor in front of her.
“Oh my god, you so love this,” Alexis gushed as she stepped off of the back of the couch and placed her feet on either side of Hunter’s head. Her cute red dress flopped back down once it was no longer pinned between her and the couch, so in that sensual way all women seem to have, Alexis grasped the hem and in one fluid motion lifted the dress up and off of her, tossing it towards the couch and instantly forgetting its existence. Hunter noted that the bra she wore matched her panties and held her medium breasts high and proud. While they were nice they weren’t what he was currently interested in so he dropped his gaze back to Alexis’s crotch just as she began to speak. “I can absolutely feed it to you,” Alexis promised as she eagerly rolled her panties to mid thigh then slowly started squatting down over the horny man on the floor before her. As her messy cunt neared Hunter admired the sight of her dark and matted pubes. He was fairly sure Alexis was a natural blonde, but with the state of her bush right now he couldn’t quite be certain. Suddenly Hunter was pulled from that line of thinking as Alexis dropped her pussy right down on his lips. The instant contact was made Hunter grunted excitedly as he opened wide and began snaking his tongue into Alexis’s gooey cunt while simultaneously reaching up and hooking his hands over her thighs, pulling her pussy even more firmly against his hungry mouth.
The flimsy mint green panties finally out of the way Hunter’s senses were once again assaulted by the tang of Alexis’s completely unfiltered essence. Well, hers and that of whoever it was who provided the copious cream still filling her every crevice. Without those panties in the way that cream filling her up was sliding inexorably from her to Hunter. With so much cum flooding his mouth the sweetness he tasted before was all but gone. The muskiness was still there, but the sour aftertaste suddenly became the strongest flavor he was experiencing. It didn’t taste very good at all, but again, Hunter the person wasn’t there to taste it.
Hunter the cleaner of the foulest of cunts was, though, and to him it was the most enticing of desserts he could possibly imagine. And with his tongue he was doing his level best to scoop every delicious gob of it from Alexis’s pussy, swallowing after every few licks. To her credit, Alexis was grinding herself pretty emek escort hard on Hunter’s face, doing her best to assist in transferring all that nasty cum to him. And boy was she enjoying herself. She’d started moaning every few moments and her breath was coming in ragged gasps. She was determined to ride Hunter’s face to an orgasm and she honestly didn’t care at that point if she smothered him in the process.
Down between Alexis’s legs Hunter was still licking and lapping at her steadily less and less tainted pussy. That the foul piquancy he so desired was nearly exhausted didn’t bother him all that much. What he was able to enjoy was out of this world and this was still his second favorite part of the job, he thought to himself, as Alexis’s moans and gasps grew in frequency and intensity. He was about to say thank you for the delicious snack in the best way possible: by giving a nice warm fuzzy orgasm to the beautiful woman who’d squatted over him and fed it to him.
“Ohh fuck, baby,” Alexis squealed as she rode Hunter’s face towards bliss. “I’m almost there.” She kept up a steady rhythm as she flexed her thighs this way and that, rubbing her pussy over just about every inch of Hunter’s face. What she was really trying to do was catch her slit on his nose and rub her clit to the orgasm she so desired. Having been in exactly this position before, many times, in fact, Hunter caught on soon enough and made the necessary movement to make that happen. Once she found the spot Alexis’s vocalizations took on a different sound entirely, being less moans or sighs and instead turning to a near constant guttural groan from deep within her throat. With his nose now buried in Alexis’s twat and bumping her clit to and fro with every movement either of them made, Hunter’s previously busy tongue took a very short break before he started giving the wrinkled knot of her anus some moist and gentle licks all around. That simple change caused Alexis’s breathing to spike further still and after no more than seven wipes of his tongue across her tightly puckered rear Alexis’s orgasm came crashing down upon her.
Ordinarily Hunter would keep lapping away at any butthole his tongue could reach as the woman kneeling on his face rode out the waves of pleasure, but that’s not how Alexis’s orgasm went. She started shaking at first and at the same time her previously ignored urethra opened up and she began squirting all over Hunter’s face, the liquid going literally everywhere because she clearly had almost no control over her shaking. With all the cunts he’d eaten in the past this was a first for Hunter and took him completely by surprise. Luckily for him, Alexis’s gushing didn’t last very long and maybe ten seconds into her orgasm she collapsed forward off of Hunter’s face, rolled to her right and went into convulsions. Hunter wasn’t with it immediately, but once he pulled himself off the ground and caught sight of Alexis twitching on the floor he grew quite concerned. A moment later a long low moan escaped the woman’s lips and Hunter watched in amazement as her cunt started pulsing in time with her twitching body. Then the most incredible thing he’d ever witnessed occurred. Alexis’s pussy began releasing a steady flow of foamy white, well, not quite fluid, but something, that’s for sure. Discharge, he supposed would be the technically correct term for it.
A moment later Alexis finally stopped twitching, but the steady flow from her pussy actually increased. Curiosity getting the better of him Hunter dove between her legs and once again started lapping at her pussy. This was like nothing else he’d ever come across. The flow was finally starting to subside, but it tasted to him just like sweet cream. There was a tanginess, too, but it wasn’t anything like what he’d tasted earlier. This is the dessert, he though to himself as he began licking up every remnant of Alexis’s foamy discharge.
“Ohh fuck, it happened again, didn’t it?” Alexis gasped as she slowly came back to the real world.
“Is this a common thing?” Hunter asked. “It’s fascinating!”
N, no…” Alexis replied her breath still short from her exertion. “This is the third, no fourth time ever. Ohh and uhh, it was nice of you to clean me up.”
“You didn’t expect any different out of me?”
“I suppose not,” she laughed, Hunter joining in. “So, uhh, thanks for an incredible orgasm.”
“My pleasure,” Hunter replied. “And thank you for the pie. Well, both of them, I suppose.”
“I still can’t get over the fact that you enjoy that so much,” Alexis added. “I mean, I’ve swallowed cum before and well, it’s not even an acquired taste for me. I have to force myself every time.”
“I know it makes no damned sense. It makes none to me, either,” Hunter agreed. “I swear, it tastes just as nasty for me as it does for you, but the taboo of the act puts me in this headspace where the revulsion just lights up every pleasure center in my brain.”
“Yeah, I won’t understand it, that’s for sure,” Alexis replied. “Ohh, uhh… I hope it’s OK if I don’t return the favor here. Those foamy cums take it all, ohh fuck,” she gasped once more, “they really wipe me out.”
“Understood,” Hunter responded, “speaking of… whatever the hell that was that gushed out of you is literal candy. Dee-lish!”
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