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Coach Miller Ch. 07


Thank you incredimeters for all you have done to help me edit my stories.

+++++Warning++++++ This story contains some very light bondage and mother/daughter incest.

Thank you for reading my stories. This is the seventh chapter in the sequence, so I hope that means that you have read and enjoyed the previous chapters. If you have not read the previous chapters, I am including a very brief summary but I strongly suggest you read the previous chapters as I will not be spending a lot of time with character descriptions and you may not get many of the running jokes in the series.

Chapter 1 summary: Ashley Haze, captain of the cheer squad, has confessed to Coach Lacy Miller that she loves her and Ashley spends the night.

Chapter 2 summary: Ashley learns about savoring sex and how to have fun with toys and role playing.

Chapter 3 summary: Ashley gets her naval pierced, a tattoo and seduces the tattoo artist who used to be Coach Miller’s girlfriend.

Chapter 4 summary: Ashley settles down into her new relationship with Lacy (Coach Miller) and Mo.

Chapter 5 summary: At art class Ashley discovers that her mother is the nude model and a nudist. After class Ashley, Lacy and Mo have sex in Mo’s office. Lacy forgets to lock the door and Ashley’s Mom catches them.

Chapter 6 summary: Ashley stands up to her mom. Mom jumps Mo. Ashley starts to face the fact that she may love her mom physically. Lacy discovers that Ashley is a science nerd and they have Star Trek themed sex.


I awoke as I had so many mornings to the sound of Lacy’s heavy breathing (snoring). I made a mental note to get an extra bottle of flonase nasal spray and keep it in my hand bag. Maybe I would get one for my night stand too. Her snoring is way better than it was when we first met but she still snores. I was thinking about having her see a doctor about getting a c-pap breathing machine but was not sure if I could talk her into that.

I looked at my alarm clock on the night stand and saw that it was almost nine o’clock. I lifted Lacy’s arm off of me and pulled my pillow down to take my place. She smacked her lips a couple of times but didn’t wake up. She always looks so innocent when she’s asleep.

I slipped away and tiptoed across the room. I slowly opened the door and looked back at the bed. Lacy was still out. I walked into the hallway and closed the door behind me. I turned the knob slowly and waited for the click. Then counted to 15 before I moved down the hall and down the stairs. My first stop was the guest bathroom. I really needed to pee and see how bad my hair was. Bladder empty and hair not up in a tribute to the 80’s band Flock of Seagulls, I walked into the living room.

I heard voice coming from the kitchen so I naturally headed that way. Our kitchen is open concept. There is a stove set into one side of a square shaped center island with bar style seating on the three sides opposite the stove. The refrigerator is against one wall and the sink is directly opposite the stove.

I peeked through the swinging door that led from the formal dining room into the kitchen and saw Mo standing at the stove wearing an apron and flipping bacon. I could not see my mom but could hear her and Mo talking animatedly. They were discussing a new style of body paint that Mo wanted to try on Mom that would give the illusion of her having clothes on when she was in fact naked.

I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. Mom was sitting on one of the bar stools still completely naked. My heart rate increased by about five beats per minute. I had to get this under control, I thought. She’s, my mom. I was not supposed to be this turned on by seeing her naked. Of course, I was not supposed to be dating two women at once either so there you go.

I tried to sneak in unnoticed but of course that didn’t work. They both spotted me about ten seconds after I entered the room. “Bonjour, Ashley,” they said as if they had practiced it several times.

Like an idiot I just smiled and waved. I made it all the way over to the refrigerator before Mo asked, “Comment ca va? “(How are you?)”

“Ca va bien. Et toi?” (I am doing well. And you?) I asked.

We continued in French, Mo and Mom having to slowing down to a snail’s pace so I could keep up. (I will be translating the conversation into English for the benefit of my readers.) I poured myself a glass of orange juice and nearly choked when I looked over and discovered that Mo was only wearing an apron and nothing else. I forgot how lovely her ass was. I Just stared at it longingly. “Don’t worry my little flower,” Mo’s voice broke the spell. Then she wiggled her ass for my benefit and with a smile chided me, “my ass missed you too.”

Mom giggled like a school girl at Mo’s joke. Mo poured pancake batter onto the griddle. I walked back to the other side of the island knowing full well that I was only Moments away Bornova travesti from dropping to my knees and kissing Mo’s ass right then and there. A wave of jealousy hit me. Especially, when I noted a couple of new hickys that were definitely not from me. I sat in my usual place. Mom leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

“What was that for?” I asked my heart rate jumping another ten beats per-second.

She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her instinctively. Oh, who am I kidding, I wanted her. I didn’t care that she was my mom. I wanted her bad. Truth was, I wanted them both. Right here. Right now. Let the pancakes burn.

Thank goodness Mom let go or I swear I would have pounced on her and fucked her right there on the floor. “Because I love you,” she answered.

Mo flipped two pancakes onto a plate that already held some scrambled eggs and two strips of bacon and put it in front of Mom. “Ashley are you OK?”

“Yes,” I let out an exaggerated yawn, “just not awake,” I fibbed.

“OK.” Mo didn’t sound convinced, “I have decided that your mother has the right idea and so from now on, if I don’t have to, I will not be wearing clothes either.”

Mom took my hand and asked a little nervous, “You said it was OK for me to not wear clothes at home and since Mo and you have already been intimate, I figured you would be fine with her going naked too?”

“That’s what I said.” I gave Mom two thumbs up not only to show my support for her idea but also to make sure that she didn’t try to hug me again. “If it makes you and Mo feel better than I am totally fine with it. Besides think of all the laundry soap and electricity we will save.”

“I mean when guests are here, I will have to wear clothes but the rest of the time we’d like to be nude.” She grabbed my shoulder, “You don’t think Lacy will mind, do you?”

“If I know Lacy,” said Mo, putting a plate of pancakes, bacon and eggs in front of me, “she won’t mind.”

“She didn’t seem to mind last night.” My Mom commented a little tenser than before, “but that could have been her just being polite.”

“She wasn’t being polite Catherine.” Mo patted her new lover’s hand, “I’m not sure she knows how too.”

“Mo,” Mom and I said in unison. Then Mom added, “She seemed very polite to me last night.”

“I’ll bet.” Mo said more than a little jealousy creeping in her voice.

The image of Mom and Lacy kissing in the shower filled my head. Think unsexy thought. Think unsexy thoughts, I kept repeating to myself in my head.

“Ashley.” Mo brought me back from my daydream.

They were both looking at me a little worried, “huh.”

“Now it’s you who are being impolite,” My Mom chastised me, “Mo asked if you wanted syrup.”

“Yes please.” I shook my head like a wet dog, “I’m so sorry Mo. I am trying to follow but I have to admit I am getting a little lost.”

“Maybe it’s the French.” My Mom took a sip of coffee. “Let’s switch back to English for now.”

“I’m not sure that’s it,” Mo said under her breath, knowing full well the real reason I was so distracted was my naked mother sitting less than six feet away from me.

“You’re doing great sweet heart,” Mom praised me. “You can’t expect to become fluent over-night. I mean it took me almost three months before I was even passable.”

I winced. I knew my mom was tried to encourage me. Little did she know how much she was hurting my cause.

As the final shot to my heart she asked, “How long has Mo been teaching you?”

My mouth was full of pancake so Mo informed her, “eight months.”

“Oh.” My mother looked surprised. And not a good kind of surprised. She smiled apprehensively, “Well, we will just have to get you more practice. Over exposure is the key to mastering a language.”

I remembered Lacy had said the same thing about it also being the key to how she was going to get me desensitized to my reservation regarding incest. Maybe they were both right. I turned and took a long look at Mom. She was still my mom but now she was more. She was so beautiful. I felt a tingling between my legs. Then the scene changed and it was like in the movies. Music began to play; someone had turned on a wind machine to Mom’s left and she began to glow.

“Ashley.” My Mom blushed, “you’re staring.”

“Sorry,” I said thinking fast, “But if exposure is the key, shouldn’t we keep speaking in French?”

Both Mo and Mom cringed at that idea.

“Oh, come on,” I pointed my fork at Mo, “You said I was getting better.”

“I lied.” Mo admitted.

“Don’t worry sweat heart,” Mom took my hand sending an electric jolt directly to my lady parts, “I’m sure with practice,” Mom looked at Mo who was shaking her head no, “a lot of practice.” Mo’s pantomimed hanging herself, “we will have you speaking…” Mom hedged, “passible French before you know it.”

“So, what you’re saying is that I’m hopeless,” I lamented.

Mo nodded yes. Mom nodded no and I buried my face in my hands.

Thankfully I was Bornova travestileri spared more embarrassment by Lacy’s booming voice. “Tu triches coquina. (You cheating hussy).”

Mom and I winced. Mo simply smiled.

Lacy walked in wearing her usual attire, a pair of yoga pants and a grey sports bra.

“Bonjour Lacy, en anglaise s’il vous plait. (Good morning, Lacy. In English if you please).” Mo asked as she poured more batter onto a skillet and added some chopped bananas.

“I thought we were letting Ashley practice?” Lacy asked looking confused as she kissed me on the lips and sat down on the stool to my right. She then stole my bacon. She took a bite and pointed what was left of the piece of bacon at Mo. “You see Ashley, this is what always caused us to break up. Lack of com-mun-i-cation.” Lacy accentuated each syllable.

I had watched this particular scene play out a hundred times and it was nice to have a little normalcy back in my life.

Lacy smiled her playful grin. Mo smiled right back, “We always break up because you think Audrey Hepburn can act.”

“That’s it…” Lacy got up.

“Woe you two.” My Mom and I said in unison. I gave my mom a are you sure want to join this merry band look.

“Let’s see what Catherine thinks,” said Lacy popping the last of MY bacon into her mouth. She then walked over to the other side of Mom and asked, “what do you think of Audrey Hepburn?”

We all stared at Mom and I swear I heard a cricket chirp. “She can’t sing or act.”

“Merci,” Mo interrupted her.

“But who cares? She’s gorgeous,” Mom finished and received a kiss on the lips from Lacy and a dirty look from Mo.

Mom looked a little flustered from the kiss. I couldn’t blame her. Lacy’s kisses have that effect.

“Thank you, Catherine,” said Lacy returning to her seat looking very smug. “Speaking of

gorgeous people, how did you two sleep last night?”

The compliment was not lost on Mo or Mom and both beamed at Lacy. How does she do that? I thought as I rolled my eyes and looked heavenward. Mo set a plate of banana pancakes, bacon and eggs in front of Lacy. “I for one slept better than I have in a long time.” My Mom admitted to the room at large, “I never realized how much I miss having someone in bed with me.”

“Mo is the best in bed,” Lacy said.

I slapped Lacy’s knee.

Mom coughed.

“What? She is. The way she just spoons right up to you.” Lacy said in a dreamy tone locking eyes with Mo who was already melting faster than the butter on my pancakes. “She’s like a living, breathing body pillow.”

“Oh goodness yes, she is.” My Mom said a little too loud. Then looked at Mo, “You are.”

“I’m more than happy to be your body pillow,” said Mo leaning in so she could be nose to nose with Mom. Lacy pantomimed gagging herself. They looked like they were about to start kissing again. The jealousy hit me times two. I wanted both of them to be kissing me, not each other.

I need a distraction and I need it fast. I pulled out my phone and looked for a picture of Yeoman Rand from Star Trek the Original Series in a pink night gown. “Hey Mom, how is the old sewing machine doing?”

“Fine.” Answered my mom pulling away from Mo.

Yes, I did a mental fist pump because my plan had worked.

Mom looked at me and asked, “Why?”

“I was wondering if you think you could make me something like this,” I showed her the picture.

Mom took my phone, “I can, but I won’t need a sewing machine to make this.”

Mo took my phone and looked at the image. She thought it over in her head and said “Do you want it exactly like this?”

“Yes,” Lacy answered for me after catching a glimpse of blonde hair and pink nightgown.

Mom and Mo shared a knowing glance. Mo said, “I could do that in a few hours and you would will look etonnante (amazing).”

I blushed. Mom took back my phone and looked at the picture again, “Now if all clothes were like this, I think I could stand wearing them a whole lot more.

“I could make you one in green.” Mo suggested.

Mom smiled and nodded yes.

“Maybe I will make a few for all of us. They look very comfortable,” Then Mo looked at Lacy, “I assume you want yours to be purple Lacy, and that you can get Ashley a wig.”

Lacy was looking at her phone, “Please and thank you and maybe a blue one.” Lacy finished typing. Her phone dinged, “The etsy person says, depending on her head size it will take around two weeks to make Ashley a wig and then shipping will be a week. Can you have the nightgown done by then?”

Lacy then turned to my mom, “Catherine, do you have a tape measure handy?”

Lacy grabbed a couple of paper towels from the roll and put them around my head. Mom produced a tape measure from the junk drawer and handed it to Lacy. Lacy folded the towels where one end met the other then she laid it flat and measured the distance. She entered the data into her phone and hit send.

Mo stared at my mom’s ass as she Travesti bornnova walked by and I got off my stool so I could too. Then Mo smiled at me, before looking over at Lacy. “With all that time do you want me to make her one or two of those little red uniforms too?”

“Can you?” Lacy and I asked together.

“I can,” Mo knew she had Lacy right where she wanted her. “What’s in it for me?”

“Money?” Lacy proposed.

“Got that,” Mo declined.

“Sex,” Lacy offered.

“Got that too.” Mo looked at each of us in turn.

“Then what?” Lacy asked getting a little desperate.

“You know what I want.” Mo said locking eyes with Lacy.

I swear I heard the theme to Jeopardy play in my head.

“Fine,” Lacy gave up, “you can hang your Doors posters in the office.”

Mo removed the oven mitt from her hand and they shook. Mo then did a little happy dance. We all watch her. It was hot.

“But only the ones with Jim Morrison on them,” Lacy stipulated.

“Agreed,” Mo said closing the deal.

I was on an emotional rollercoaster of desire.

“Are they always like this?” my mom asked.

I was done so I had gotten up already. I patted my mom on the back as I walked by on my way to the sink, “pretty much,” I said putting my plate in the sink, “you get used to it.”

As I came back around the island to sit back down, I saw Mom was trying to scratch her back. She has a patch of dry skin that always gives her problems just below her left scapula. I stopped and scratch it for her. The electricity started to build in my fingertips as I touched her nude back and a simple scratch turned into a full out back rub. My mind went blank. All I could think about was how smooth and soft her skin was and how I loved to feel it under my fingers.

I moved up to her neck and started to rub it. She moved her head this way and that giving me better angle which I took full advantage of. I moved up behind her and caught a whiff of her hair. She used a conditioner that smelled like strawberries. I leaned in and inhaled. “Oh, Ashley that was just what I needed, thanks baby girl.”

I’m not sure If I moved too far around or she leaned too far back but instead of kissing me on the cheek we kissed on the lips. My brain did a factory data reset. Her lips were so soft and I almost put my tongue into her mouth. I literally went weak in the knees. Thank goodness I was so close to the counter. I grabbed it for support, and somehow made it back to my stool. “No problem,” I said, my voice hitching a little.

Lacy gave me a Groucho Marx signature double eyebrow raise and an impish grin. I slapped her on the knee under the counter were no one could see.

The others finished and my mom, always the practical one, decide to acknowledge the elephant in the room. “So, what do we do now?”

Lacy looked up from her phone and said, “Looks like there is a sale on fabric at JoAnn’s so I figured Mo and I could run over there and she could get started on our nighties.”

“I’m not starting on anything until you help me hang those posters,” Mo responded.

“You don’t trust me?” Lacy asked in mock shock.

“Not an inch farther than I can throw you…” Mo started to say and then I cut her off.

“That was not what Mom meant and you know it.” I gave both them a reprimanding look.

They both looked contrite. I looked at Mom and smiled, “It will be so nice to have you join our group.” I looked at both Mo and Lacy in turn “I will finally, have another adult to talk to.”

My Mom’s face changed to one of bewilderment. “I’m sorry. Now I’m confused.” Mom turned to Mo and said “I thought you were leaving them and staying with me.”

Lacy, Mo and I all started talking at once. “What…No No No…That not what I thought at all…good riddance.”

Finally, Lacy did what any coach would do in this situation, she let out and ear-splitting whistle that drowned out everyone else.

“OK, now one at a time.” Lacy said like she was talking to a seventh-grade gym class.

“I’m sorry Catherine if I left you with the impression that I was planning to leave Lacy or Ashley.” Mo took Mom’s hand, “I care for you very much, but I love Ashley, and even though I don’t know why I also love Lacy and I really don’t want to give them up.”

“I for one also don’t know why Mo puts up with me,” said Lacy, “I really don’t know why Ashley puts up with me, but I know I would miss them both very much if they ever stopped being with me.”

“Well, we have to figure something out,” my mom said more than a little exasperated. “Unfortunately, we can’t have our cake and eat it too.”

The trio looked crest fallen. I sat there expressionless. “Why not.”

Mom still looked confused. Mo looked wary and Lacy looked hopeful. “Because…”

I clamped my hand over my mom’s mouth before she had a chance to go on. My Mom looked more than a little shocked by my actions, “I swear Mom if you say, society I will scream.”

I let her go and returned to my stool. Mom opened her mouth and then closed it. Obviously, that was what she was about to say.

“Look, I don’t have all the answers. I mean I am totally winging this. What I do know is that I love all of you very much and quite frankly I do not think I could stand to not be with any of you,” I said.

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