Alicia Connor glided into the glass and steel building on her six-inch heels wearing a deep red bodycon dress. Although Alicia is what one would refer to as a “meaty gal” that did not stop her from wearing clothing that was form fitting. Today, the scarlet colored dress made her toasted brown skin glow and showcased her voluptuous bosom. Her head held high; she breezed past the building security team with a wave of her wrist. Once in the elevator, she took her compact from the small bright orange wristlet on her left wrist. She checked her mouth to ensure there was no cream left from this morning’s activities. She smiled into the small mirror, thinking about Jason and Calvin. The elevator doors slid open as she shut the mirror. She looked at the expansive office before stepping out of the elevator onto the plush teal, white, and tangerine carpet. The skylight above let in enough natural sunlight to brighten the space, but not enough to heat the space to an unbearable temperature or increase the electricity bill. Alicia walked towards the two workstations set in the middle of the office space. With her office double doors open, she could supervise both executive assistants. Their placement also added some assurance to any parishioners that came to Alicia’s office of counseling or spiritual guidance. Standing a foot away from the workstations, she spoke to both ladies.
“Good morning! This is indeed another glorious day the Lord has let us take a breath in.”
Both ladies replied with “Amen.” Alicia gave them the full wattage of her smile. She turned to Andrea. “Andrea, I will be ready for my morning snack in about two hours. Please ensure everything is prepared as I like. I am sure you do not want a repeat of what happened the last time.”
Andrea lowered her beautiful cornflower blue eyes and whispered a meek, “Yes, ma’am.”
Alicia did not let her get off so easily. “I did not hear you, Andrea. Please speak up.”
Andrea cleared her throat and spoke loud and clear, “Yes, ma’am!”
Alicia dipped her chin in agreement. She turned to the auburn-haired, hazel eyed Mariela. Mariela was new; she has been working for Alicia for about three months at this point. It was time for her 90 day review. Alicia made a mental note to get that completed today.
“Mariela, when Andrea is preparing and serving my morning snack, you will work with Tomika. She will come in to provide you with some training specifically towards the duties Pastor Calvin needs assistance.”
Mariela gave a bright smile to Alicia and stated, “Thank you, ma’am. I am excited to be of help where I can.”
“Of course.” Alicia responded. Then she stated to both ladies, “Karen Winsome will come for a meeting in the next 30 minutes. Please call me before you show her into the office.”
Both ladies responded with, “Yes, ma’am.” Alicia turned and walked into her office.
Alicia Connor Bahçelievler travesti was the co-lead pastor of Christ United Movement church. The church had amassed a large following and was considered a mega church in their area. As the church grew, the Connor family televised their services. Then when Calvin came along to join the family, Alicia let him be the face of the church’s internet presence. Calvin started a YouTube channel for the church. He also assisted the church in developing their own media center and was currently the director. The Wednesday evening Bible Study classes, Sunday worship services, and other activities at the church were on television, radio, and the Internet. The best part was that the Christ United Movement and the Connor family controlled all of it. Alicia wanted Mariela and a male parishioner to do a podcast. Alicia knew Calvin wanted to be the male partner to Mariela, but the church needed someone that was younger than Calvin. Not that Calvin was “old” at 36, but he was married with two kids. Mariela was 20 years old, single, and looking for someone to settle down with. She would pull in the male and female demographics of the 20 somethings. With her solid social media presence that had only increased since she began posting about her work with the church, she needed someone with the same star power. Calvin was not the one.
Alicia sat behind her polished dark wood desk. She leaned back into the softness of her leather office chair. She let out a sigh. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Alicia knew her husband and stepson would never have come this far without her. When she met Jason Connor, he was preaching in some two-bit revival in central Florida. She cleaned him and his criminal record up and look at him now. Jason Connor was a well-known in this area. People reached out to him for advice on everything. She made him that. She was the reason his parishioners were dedicated and loyal. Jason Connor had stepped out of the world of scandal and into the lap of luxury. As for Calvin, he would still be scraping up change to purchase meth or crack or whatever it was he was trying to smoke up. And that whore of a wife of his would still be turning tricks on the street. They knew Alicia made them the upstanding citizens they presented to the world. They tried to get rid of her twice, but each time they came crawling back, begging her to give them the glory and adoration they needed from strangers. They learned their lessons the hard way. While she waited on her PC to load up, she buzzed Andrea. “Please bring me tea and water. Thank you.” Andrea came in with her tray of drinks as Alicia was working on responding to emails. After Andrea had sat the drinks in their proper places on her desk, Alicia ordered, “Close the door.” Andrea’s eyes went large, and she hesitated before following the directive. She stood before Alicia on Bahçelievler travestileri the other side of the desk after locking the door. Alicia stood up from her chair, then walked around to the desk to stand to the left of Andrea.
“Pull up your skirt and bend over the desk.”
Andrea hesitantly did as she was told. Alicia stood behind her, watching and waiting. Andrea put her hands and forearms flat on the glossy desk with her head down.
“Spread your legs.”
Andrea complied. She tried to keep from shaking, but she couldn’t stop the nervousness she was feeling. Although she had not been working for the Movement as long as others, she was learning Alicia’s habits. The consequences of her last mistake flashed through her mind.
“I see we learned from our last meeting,” Alicia stated as she continued to stand behind Andrea. “I’m glad to see that. Pull down your skirt and go back to work.”
Andrea did as instructed and hurried out of the office. She let out a sigh of relief that she had passed Alicia’s inspection.
Alicia sipped on her water and tea while she answered emails, proofed Jason’s Sunday sermon, and wrote out duties she needed Mariela and Andrea to take care of this week. When she looked at the time on her PC, she noticed she had been working for about an hour and a half. Where the hell was Karen? Alicia pushed the button on her phone to buzz Andrea.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Andrea, I thought I told you to notify me when Karen Winsome arrived?”
“Yes, ma’am you did. However, she has not arrived. Parking has not received her vehicle either, Mrs. Connor.”
Alicia thought for a moment, then responded, “Thank you, Andrea.”
Alicia retrieved her cellphone from inside of her side desk drawer. No distractions while working. She found Karen’s name and had the number dialed. The voice mail recording came on after the second ring. Alicia left her a terse message. After hanging up the phone, Alicia messaged Tomika to come to train Mariela. It was time for Alicia’s morning snack.
Alicia’s office was enormous; she liked to have a lot of space. Her office led to the smaller conference room in this part of the office. Instead of a conference table, she used a dining room table that could have the middle leaves removed. It was a smooth, worn oak oval shaped dining table that could feed about six people comfortably. She had found it at a flea market but told guests it was a family heirloom. This helped with the overly intimate feel Alicia wanted to cultivate when she held meetings in this smaller conference room.
Andrea cared little for the table. Depending on Alicia’s mood, the table was a place of pain or pleasure. Last week, it served as the beginning of her punishment. Today, it was once again a place of pleasure. She bit her lip as she felt Alicia slid her fingers into her slickness. She arched her travesti Bahçelievler back when Alicia returned to sucking her greedy clit. All she could do was moan behind the gag in her mouth. Apparently, she was still on punishment; Alicia had Andr’a’s strapped arms and legs down to the table legs underneath. There was some slack, but not enough for her to touch Alicia.
Andrea looked down her body to Alicia’s dark head at her pussy. She tried to move her hips, but Alicia held her down with one arm thrown across Andrea’s midsection. Alicia looked up at Andrea.
“Such a wet tasty pussy you have here, Andrea. It’s so slick I can already enter three fingers inside you. Maybe today you will feel what it’s like to be fisted. Would you like that angel? Do you want me to shove my fist into your wet pussy?”
Andrea could only moan. Alicia continued to stroke her fingers in and out of Andrea’s bald snatch. She really had to get Andrea out of the habit of getting Brazilian waxes; she wanted to see if the carpet matched the golden tresses of Andrea’s head.
“No more Brazilians Andrea. I want to see your pussy hairy and natural.” She watched as Andrea raised her head and shook her head in the affirmative. Alicia smiled big. She stopped stroking Andrea’s slick pussy. She held up her hand, covered in Andrea’s juices. She walked to the side of Andrea’s head and removed the gag. Before Andrea could speak a word, Alicia shoved her hand into Andrea’s mouth. She watched as the pink lips stretched over her brown skin. With her other hand, she gently swept back an errant blonde curl. She paused for a moment to stare at the color contrast in their skin tones. Although Andrea was not pale, she was not as deeply tanned as Mariela. Alicia watched as Andrea licked her hand and tried to suck each individual finger. Alicia removed her hand from the reach of Andrea’s mouth to pluck at her light pink nipples. They stood out long and erect. Alicia envied Andrea’s long, erect nipples. They could stay erect for hours with little stimulation while Alicia’s needed constant nipple stimulation for short-term erection. She slanted her mouth across Andrea’s. She slid her tongue into Andrea’s mouth and felt Andrea’s tongue slip into hers. Alicia continued to pluck at Andrea’s nipples as Andrea moaned into her mouth. Alicia ended the kiss by standing up. She reached back and stroked Andrea’s still wet pussy.
“Andrea, what happened to that single pastor that interviewed here a few months ago? The one you were supposed to give a tour to after the interview concluded?”
“I fucked him in one of the student apartments.” Alicia turned her head to the side to hide the smile. Alicia removed her hand from Andrea’s pussy.
“I want you to tell me every detail while I eat your pussy. If you cum before the end of the story, you will be punished again. Do you understand?”
Andrea let out a small sound of distress, then she answered, “Yes, ma’am.” Alicia moved to her seat that was in front of Andrea’s pussy. She gently pulled Andrea’s pussy lips apart to gaze at the sweet pinkness of her engorged clit and her pulsating vaginal opening.
“You may begin now,” Alicia stated and then lowered her head to begin her morning snack.
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