The first day back after the party had been interesting. Sebastian from office security asked to see my pass.
“Good morning, sir,” he greeted with his usual big smile.
“Good morning, my friend. How are you?”
“I’m good, and you?”
“I’m doing okay.”
“It’s good to see you. If you have any trouble you call me. Here’s my card with my mobile number.”
“Thank you.”
“I can still see a little of your other self is still there.”
“I think everyone is expecting me to arrive in a skirt and heels.”
“I’m sure you would look amazing, but I guess you need time. You have a good day.”
Things had returned to some form of normality. Days passed. I continued to embrace my recently revealed femininity. I had secretly worn tights to the office beneath my trousers on one particularly cold day. Aurora and Katrina had become good friends. Katrina had met a new friend named Sofia, but was taking the relationship slow. As a couple Aurora and I had received invites to dinner.
At Aurora’s Halloween party I had been awarded a prize of a week away. We had agreed on a cottage in the Lake District. Aurora wanted to drive and so had chosen to hire a Mercedes SUV. We had packed clothes and ‘special equipment’ on the Friday evening.
Saturday morning I had showered, shaved, performed my ablutions, added my breast forms with a black bra to match my panties. Aurora handed me lace topped sheer stockings with a black satin slip. She gave me one of my plain blouses, trousers and flat boots.
“No make up for now. Don’t be sad, you’ll soon be fully Chloe again,” she reassured me.
We loaded the car boot and rear seats with our luggage. We locked the apartments. We listened to music and chatted. I navigated while Aurora drove.
“There’s a bag behind my seat, please grab it,” instructed Aurora after 10 minutes.
I retrieved it finding T bar shoes with three inch heels.
“Change your shoes!” she commanded.
I obeyed, replacing the flat boots with the heels.
Twenty minutes later, she interrupted our discussion of the news with another instruction.
“Make up time! Your make up bag is beneath your seat.”
I had never tried to apply make up in a moving vehicle before. This was a new challenge. I checked myself in my mirror. I was beginning to look more like ‘me’. After another thirty minutes we stopped at a service area off the motorway.
“There’s a rucksack behind your seat. Go into the services, change your blouse, check your make up then buy us coffee. You have twenty minutes.”
I stepped out of the car, grabbed the rucksack and my small handbag. I truly didn’t believe that Aurora would abandon me, but she would probably administer a ‘punishment’ if I exceeded the time limit. I located the ladies toilets, locked myself in a cubicle. I removed my fleece jacket, unbuttoned the mid blue blouse replacing it with a similar colour blue satin blouse. I folded the blouse I had removed returning it to the bag. I slipped the jacket back on. I left the cubicle, washed my hands, checked my make up, and adjusted my hair. I queued, ordered coffee, paid, and quickly made my way back to the car.
“Phew,” I exclaimed handing Aurora her coffee.
“Ten seconds to spare, I’m so disappointed. I had hoped the queue was longer,” teased Aurora with a laugh.
We drank the coffee. We set off again. An hour later we pulled into another services.
“Now what?” I asked.
“Similar to before, but this time change the trousers for the skirt. Remember twenty minutes.”
“I suppose you want more coffee?”
“Nope, chocolate please!” she demanded with a laugh.
I laughed and set off. It took longer as I had to unbuckle the shoes, remove the trousers, put on the black mini skirt, then re-buckle the shoes in a very small space. I folded the trousers storing them in the bag. I left the cubicle, washed my hands, spritzed some perfume to my neck and left the facilities. I could feel the air against my exposed legs.
I grabbed two chocolate bars, a bag of jelly babies and some mints. I hurried back to the car.
“Four minutes over time,” reported Aurora.
“It is hard changing in such a small cubicle,” I complained.
“So, are you happy now to be back in a skirt?”
“Yes, Mistress Aurora, thank you for allowing me to change my clothes.”
We set off driving for longer until we stopped for lunch. We ate burgers with fries before continuing the journey. We stopped twice more for breaks before arriving at the destination. It was a cute little cottage several miles from the nearby village. It had a high fence around the back of the property, which was in turn was surrounded by the woods.
“I knew I should have brought cakes for grannie,” I declared as Aurora parked the car on the driveway.
We unlocked the front door. We explored the cottage. Aurora had discovered it on line.
“Let’s empty the car, then make some tea.”
We relocated our luggage to the cottage. The main room had an old style open fireplace, with a small kitchen Levent travesti diner through a wide arch giving it almost an open plan format. There were two doors: one was a storage area, the other a downstairs toilet.
We took our cases upstairs to the main bedroom. The upper floor also had a second bedroom and a bathroom. I explored the bathroom. I found a well laid out format: it had both a bath and large shower cubicle suitable for two people. I opened the door to the second bedroom finding a dungeon room.
“Oh, you found it all already,” complained Aurora.
“It has a dungeon!” I giggled.
“Yes, it’s called bed, breakfast and dungeon. I thought it would be fun.”
“Yes, this is exciting,” I agreed.
I saw a four poster type bed, but with a series of suspended straps, a separate padded bench, dog type cage and timbers on one wall with lots of metal rings to attach restraints to. There was a collection of cuffs, collars, hoods, masks as well as paddles, floggers and straps.
“I was thinking we would have dinner in the village. I booked a table at the restaurant. I thought we would dress up a little,” proposed Aurora.
“Yes, that sounds like fun.”
We quickly made up the bed with the sheets, pillows and duvet cover that we had brought with us. Aurora made a quick change into a black satin dress with heeled knee high stiletto boots. I changed into a dark red velvet dress with black suede knee high stiletto boots. We drove back to the village, found the restaurant which was attached to the side of the pub. We ate a lovely meal. We drove back to our hideaway.
“I don’t know about you, but how about we just sleep tonight, we have five days and nights for playtime,” I suggested.
“Sounds good, but I am not so tired that I can’t punish you for being late back to the car.”
“Oh, what’s my punishment?”
“I want sex, I want you to please me, in that way that only you can. Please come upstairs and undress me.”
I removed her boots and dress between kisses, running my hands over her beautiful body. She lay back on the bed. I removed my boots, crawling between her legs, I kissed and nibbled from her ankles upwards. I then focused my efforts on her pussy. I sucked, licked and nuzzled. She squeezed my head between her thighs while holding me in place with both hands. I love to hear her little cry as she climaxes.
“You are so good at doing that,” she panted.
“I really like doing that,” I replied.
“You want me to return the favour?”
“No, I want to sleep.”
We completed our undressing sliding naked between the satin sheets.
Sunday morning I woke to hear water running: Aurora was in the shower. She returned to the bedroom wrapped in a bathsheet. I took my turn in the shower. I returned to the bedroom.
“How would you like to spend the day as baby Chloe?” she asked.
“I’d really like that.”
“I need you to dress me, then I will dress you.”
She retrieved one of the smaller cases. She handed me the clothing she wanted to wear. I helped guide her lovely legs into a black latex cat suit, pulled it up her body until it encased her. There were small cut outs for the crotch and breasts. It was high necked, I sealed her in with a zip that ran from the base of her spine to the neck. I found her favourite panties with the two dildos. I drew them up her legs until they were nearly in position. I added some lube gently sliding them into place. Aurora sighed with pleasure as they filled her. A black corset came next. I pulled the laces as tight as I could before tying them off.
“I love it when you do that,” she declared before kissing me hard and long.
The outfit was completed with high heeled boots and a wide collar. I polished her body and legs until she shined.
“Time to dress you,” she declared opening another case. I recognised some of the items inside.
“I asked Stephanie if I could borrow some things,” explained Aurora.
“I remember that dress,” I replied having flashbacks to when I first wore it.
It was my first meeting with fairy godmother, my first dress and my first cross dressing experience.
“Are you ready to be my little girl?”
“Yes, Mistress Aurora.”
I still had my breast forms in place, but otherwise I was naked. She gently manipulated my boy bits into my chastity cage. I heard the little click of the lock. It would be the first of many. I shivered with delight. She had a new putt plug that was a little longer than before. I bent over allowing her to insert it. I felt nice and full.
“This has the benefit of a remote control vibrator,” she revealed.
A padded soft nappy was pushed under my bottom, the tapes were secured at my waist. White plastic pants were popped into place. I loved that sound of crinkly plastic and the tightness. Pink soft silky opaque stockings with lace tops were slid over my smooth legs. The frilly, lacy, pink, nappy cover was guided up my legs. I could feel the elastic form firmly around my thighs and waist.
“Now, Levent travestileri I know you didn’t have this last time, but do you want a corset?”
“Oh, yes, please lace me tightly.”
This was followed by a sleeveless petticoat with lots of frills around the very short skirt section. Then the dress- it was the mass of pink satin, lace, frills ribbons and bows that I fondly remembered. There were shiny silver buttons that would close the back. It was lowered over my head, my arms guided into the puff sleeves. A row of so many buttons along my spine were secured. A two inch wide soft pink leather collar was buckled around my neck. It was reassuringly taut around my neck, but not too tight. She showed me a small padlock, I felt it as it slipped through the two small silver loops at the back of the dress.
She secured my hands into pink leather mittens. I wore pink frilly topped socks. Flat little Mary Jane shoes also in pink were buckled to my feet.
“I will change these when we go down stairs,” she promised.
A harness was buckled around my torso. Aurora brushed my hair puting my hair into two bunches with matching pink ribbons. I was stood in front of the mirror to admire my transformation.
“Very pretty. You are very pretty Chloe. Come down stairs.”
I followed her down stairs and was led by the hand to the kitchen where I saw a highchair waiting for me. I hoisted myself up. I sat down feeling my plug push deeper inside. My harness was clipped in place. The table top was secured to prevent me from falling out. My little flat shoes were removed replaced with the pink ballet ankle boots that I loved so much. They had an extreme eight inch heel that forced my feet into an en-pointe position. They were pulled tight with matching pink ribbon laces. A wide strap was buckled in place around each ankle. She then clipped my wrists to either side of the table top further immobilising me.
“Better?” she asked.
“I feel much better, I love being restrained, thank you. Thank you Mistress Aurora.”
“I love you calling me that.”
I could only sit and watch as she prepared porridge and a pot of tea. I was reduced to being an observer as my shiny latex clad girlfriend moved around the kitchen. Her heels clicking against the tiles.
She placed a pink bowl on my table top. She held a small pink spoon. With my restraints I had no way of feeding myself. Aurora tied a pink plastic bib around my neck.
“It’s time to feed my pretty Chloe.”
I watched as she lifted the spoon towards my face. I accepted the warm porridge.
“Is it too hot?”
“No, nor to cold, it’s just right for the three bears,” I said.
“Well you had better eat it all up before Goldilocks gets here.”
After the porridge she presented me with a baby bottle.
“Tea time,” she announced pushing the teat into my waiting mouth.
She was true to her word it was lovely warm tea, but I would have preferred the coffee that she drank from a mug. Once breakfast was finished she opened the patio doors and went outside. I felt the cool draft on my nylon encased legs. She returned shortly with an oversize pushchair.
“I think Chloe needs some fresh air. You can have a little sleep.”
“I’m not tired,” I complained.
“Just a little sleep. Can you walk to the pushchair?”
“Yes, I think so.”
The wrist restraints were unclipped, the table top removed, my harness released. I slipped down until my feet were on the floor, with Aurora’s assistance I tottered the few steps in my ballet heels before lowering myself into the pushchair. The chair part was snug with nice padding. My harness was clipped in place. I wiggled to make myself comfortable. My feet were lifted onto a small platform. They were strapped in place. My wrists were then secured. The sleeping bag part was zipped up at each side. It felt nice and snug.
“It’s okay, but I don’t want to sleep,” I pouted.
She pulled a satin bonnet over my head tying it with a ribbon. Then she pushed a penis shaped dummy into my mouth. She tied it in place with another length of ribbon behind my neck.
“Suck on this like a good girl.”
I was then pushed outside along the patio, down the path parking it facing away from the house.
“Now you watch the birdies, while I watch you,” she said clipping a small babycam onto the frame.
I could no longer see her, I couldn’t see the house, I was restrained and outside. I was being abandoned outside dressed as baby Chloe in bondage. I was so excited. I felt the plug begin to vibrate. I submitted. I may have snoozed, or I entered my headspace, or maybe I was just at peace, but I orgasmed several times. Clearly time had passed as Aurora checked on me.
“Hello, my pretty, do you need a botty change? Would you like some lunch?”
My unintelligible response made Aurora laugh. She wheeled me back to the house, removing the gag and bonnet.
“Did you have a nice time in the garden?”
“It was okay,” I allowed pulling Travesti levent a face.
She kissed me. I couldn’t maintain my play sad face anymore.
“Do you need changing?”
“No, I’ve been a good girl, but I would like a drink please.”
She extracted me from the chair and helped me to the floor. She returned with the baby bottle. I was helped onto the sofa where I lay my head across her lap permitting her to bottle feed me. It was only water, but I was thirsty and quickly it was gone.
“Are you hungry?”
I nodded.
“Come with me.”
I crawled to the kitchen and took my place back in the high chair. I was restrained once more. The same pink bowl was placed before me, this time with vegetable soup. Aurora was clearly enjoying having complete control over me. The warm and tasty soup was spooned into my waiting mouth. I drank another warm bottle of tea, before being released to crawl back to the lounge.
“I want cartoons,” I demanded.
“That’s not how we ask for things is it?”
“I want cartoons,” I repeated with a giggle.
I was lifted onto the sofa and across her legs. She spanked me hard on my padded bottom, but also firmly on my exposed thighs.
“I’m sorry,” I finally relented.
“I think you need a time out back in the pushchair.”
I was soon back in the cocoon of the sleeping bag, bound in lovely bondage. The dummy was back in my mouth. I was parked in a similar spot, but at a slightly different angle giving me a different view. I watched squirrels playing in the nearby tree and birds as they visited the garden. The plug deep inside me performed several more symphonies with my prostrate. Aurora came to retrieve me as it was starting to rain. We spent the remainder of the day snuggled on the sofa talking.
“What’s for dinner?” I asked hearing my tummy grumble.
“Well I am having steak, sauté potatoes and a glass of wine. You are having chicken and vegetable soup.”
“That’s not fair,” I complained.
“May be tomorrow if you’re good, you can have something different.”
I stuck my tongue out.
“You want the dummy?”
“No,” I replied sulking.
“You need changing?”
“Do you need a drink?”
“Well aren’t you a pretty sulky little sissy.”
“Yes,” I laughed.
She was true to her word. I was secured back in the highchair while she fed me chicken and vegetable soup from the pink bowl. I had another bottle of warm tea. She let me sit and watch as she ate her steak. She cleaned everything away before releasing me.
“Let’s go upstairs. I will undress you. We can have a shower together, then an early night.”
“Yes, please. I will need to use the toilet soon.”
She made me crawl up the stairs into the bedroom where I collapsed feigning exhaustion. She removed the little locks that kept me her prisoner then slowly undressed me. I stretched having been kept bound for most of the day. I was finally unlocked. I had a much needed bathroom break.
We slipped into short satin nightdresses. We kissed and cuddled. Our hands explored each other. I played with Aurora using my fingers delivering a surprise orgasm. We had sex with Aurora on top before falling into a contented sleep. I spooned my beautiful Aurora and enjoyed her unique scent.
Monday morning arrived. We had a light breakfast. We chatted as we drank our coffee. We fed each other croissants and jam. I licked traces of the sticky apricot conserve from her lips and nose. We laughed together.
“I was thinking that you might like to wear the maid dress and look after me?” Aurora suggested.
“I love the maid dress. You want to be the baby and be locked outside?”
“I want to be your pet, lock me in the kennel,” she replied a little embarrassed.
“No judgements, remember? I would love you to be my pet. “
“I didn’t really like the pet suit so I have written it down what I would like in this black envelope.”
“Okay, you know I love an envelope.”
I read the details. I nodded.
“May I dress you first?” asked Aurora.
My breast forms were still in place. Aurora locked me into my chastity cage.
“So you don’t play without me.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
I leaned over allowing the butt plug to be pushed into place. A black satin corset was wrapped around my middle, the front was secured, I was directed to turn allowing the laces to be tightened. Soft silky stockings soon sheathed my legs and clipped to the corset. Black satin panties with white lace trimming hid my cage. This was followed by my special white petticoat. It was satin lined with a net topping which would force any skirt horizontally. My black and white maid satin dress followed. My feet were guided into high heeled shoes. A white satin apron with white lace trim attached to a wide white patent leather belt was locked around my waist. The small silver heart shaped padlocks secured the cuffs that were locked to my ankles, wrists and above my elbows. I was collared.
“I will gag you later,” she promised kissing me.
“Thank you mistress,” I replied as I performed my curtsy.
“Please make me your pet,” she requested handing me her outfit.
It was my turn to be dominant. I laid the items on the floor.
“Are you ready to submit?” I asked.
“Yes Mistress Chloe.”
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